tv Hannity FOX News August 27, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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we have our podcast from the kitchen table. it was just a bit of nerves. i didn't divorce sean live on the air. so sorry sean and the kids. that's it for us tonight. i'm rachel campos duffy in for laura ingraham. tune in tomorrow and sunday morning for my regular gig on fox and friends weekendlier e 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. eastern. thanks for watching this speciare stilll edition of the m angle got built this next. well, happy friday.ell, everybody. we made it barely. adjus do not adjust your televisionid screen. gregg did not get more ridiculously good looking tone
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. >> it's really me, pete hegseth, and i know it's hard to believe, but tonight i'm the he believe, but tonight i'm the on the show. >> we've got my buddy will cain here. ive it i'll give it up. i do give it up. i'll give it up. ou hav i don't usually comment on men's looks, but you know, you got two thirds of fox and friends weekend tonight. rachel campos duffy said she'dnd s rather give birth againh agai and spend anothen r minutet tim with us. that would be ten. that's right. cat tim and kelly mceneaney are here to night. at now pe the fourth best looking person on the show. oh, and also michael . so let's get to it as school sct starts again. so doe, sos the battle does . ts >> that's because our educem
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system beyond the look out. the the left is not stopping. they'll not be happy until school's just a bunch of illiterate unix sliding down a stripper pole yelling america's racist. those are castrated. unexcited. had to look it up. the language is hidden. the unions are dominant, the tactics are shifting. and your kids, you know, this are the target. we thought the war over school had reached its peak with coveted critical race.d un the remember that crt and yourea zoome classroogem put the mask on .over schoo haven't heard that il n a whilr becan't heard that il n a whilr progressed the way that locusre. progress progress through count a cornfield in fairfax county, virginia. teachers are being trained to transition children's agendas without parentalgender approval yep, your kids is no one's business except the teacher. that's according to documents obtained by the washington
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examiner. now that's that's accordi the newspaper, ng the long suffering saint who gives gutfeld annual examte . it say annual rate. ined info on >> the training reportedly contained info on promotin g equity in schools and how to respond to students who want to be called by a new name. it's not will . it's jill wilhemina get it right. w wilhemina will do as well. don or they want to use pronouns that don't correspond to their biological . again, they're being trained to do this by teachers withoutout alth although they did give a headsso up to the girls middle school,sl middle school basketball coach . the new starting point guard pot is now six two and has a beard . jill is going to be really good . so i leftist who know better than mis you in their mindsr your children are nochilt yours.
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now, actually , come to think of it, that would have saved you a lot in diapers truly. >> and remember, virginia is aw red state where a gopelecte governor was elected td too figt theirnor was elected td too figt but even then, the liberals and their well-heeled cronies in the teachers unions will they don't give a damn they plowright over parents turning kids into collateral damage along the way. >> they may as well hirethe te paul pelosi to drive the school bus. they why not?ve a why not? damw righ t makes as much sense. >> same thing. cayley's happening the freeer state of florida where gov.eadig rhonda santos is leading the charge to pue t parentcharse back in charge. you'll recall. yeah, right. yoah, right. >> you recall the ongoing court battle there where parents are suing their school district over their daughter's blindest on gender transformation, again perpetrated at the hands of the school behind the back of mom and dad.
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and it's something i personally worry a lot about. hands >> i've got something like's s worry a lot about.hing like's s i've got something like 21 kids that i'm aware of. twenty one kids that i'm aware of. but why ar e they allt wh like greg ? i don't know what happenedppened there. that is a creepy photo. but it's not just, hey, we get the bangs right. it'sthat is a cr just k through. liberals are making sure indoctrination will continue well beyond the halls of high school colleges acrossg the country are refusing to hire candidates who just aren't enough. th their idea of diversity are professors who like both karlan marx and lenin, got to like t them both.o li >> they've got tkeo prove they'e committed to progressive policies and sign so called diversity pledges and inclusiond statements. pledgeents. >> listen, those of us who areon committed to diversity and equity are hoping to slowly change the cultureg y change environment by having more conversations on these topics, by hiringconver more people committed, we have increased the number of women in the number of people fromnum
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underrepresented represented backgrounds who have been hired frombackgroue we began usingred the diversity statements. >> tonya is the one that wants to choose your future teachers. >> basically, if a teacher choo candidate has the audacity to, say he she they values merit above all else when grading students, they have no chance of gettinggettin hired. so the person starts early like that time i drank coffee and a wheatgrass smoothie. well, remembers that morning vividly. add to that biden's desperate cash for vote scheme of student loan forgiveness so called and no one knows how to but no one knows how to forgive that be and forget. like a man who can't remember as of st. membero can't remember as no ww more young people will beo incentivized to get a worthless college degree from a worthless college, knowing the debts will all be wiped out. now that is a sweet deal anda wl you get to pay off their debttoo and all the debt offf a your neighbor kids who majored in transll thed of nonbinary bi gender studies of the middle
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ages. is such a there is such a thing i'm sure goere is such a thing i'm sure go look who are now woke beyond repair. little known fact i too got my college debt erased back when starting in only fans page was not an option. go on. >> just wasn't an option. a very rich uncle paid for my undergraduate and graduate degrees magically erasing all of my debt. all i had to do was be willing to get shot at in countries. thank you uncle sam. i did army rotc for college which paid for tuition in exchange for eight years of military service. then after a combat tour in iraq, i used my gi bill money to get a graduate degreet at ine one federal loan forgiveness the old fashioned way put on some camouflage. m. but after earning that harvarday degree i did wheel knows this. o
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wantee i did wheel knows this. o yeah. how are you doing this?ness t arhee yo o u burning? d send it back. are you going to send it back ?? i got it right over to. i have an nfl over to. >> pete: is your mom going to be mad?ur i very mad . i don't think my wife's going to like this either. harvard university. let's e let's do that.harvar oh, my gosh. i think we with a critical eye, you're having a harder time than your mom. i think we finish it offi th by saying return to sender. so far , no response. . no, i'm waiting. i'm waiting. the point is we have to stop propping up so-called elite colleges as the gatekeeper ofs credibility. i mean, hunter biden has yale, a degree from yale, for going goodness sakes, stop funding them and stop going to them because if not, it's only toture get worse for future generations. diversity pledge is critical race theory, secret
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gender transformations, never ending abbreviations that no one knows what the they mean. it's all part of the plan, bute lost all part of the plan, bute . case i n point, what's happening n in nashville, tennessee, where after backlash from parents insn elite private all girls schooliv is pausing its plan for now to allow biological boys who identify as girls fromding attending the all girls school. what in the world could go wrong? and i have to ask, what if a biological girl at thatl at ta same school decided to identify as a boy? shouldn't they then get kicked out? i'm sure they wouldn't be because well, diversity. it's all nonsense. so parents, as your kids go back to school, remember, they're yours and yours alone. created in god's image, not the government's image. and like the good parents we are let's give that education racket a permanent timeout followed by .
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let's welcome tonight's. yes, she's like a functioning cell in joe biden's brain, always outnumbered former white house press secretary kayleigh mckinney. parents a and he may look like miley theye cyrus kind of does. right. but that's okay because unlike her, he's actually good at something. founder of the loftus party, .com michael , and he's such cen a texan. joe to. remember him and lovee the co-host of fox and friendsher he weekend, will cain. mber him. and it's and it's just to easy to shoot party so hard. her designated driver, paul pelosi, fox news contributor katzir, great to see you all.
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it's fun to be king of late night for one night. to be kinge thank you to greg for giving m o the shot. well, you know what makes thoseo stories alr u knl interesting?oa nashville, tennessee, texateresh virginia. not oregon, not washington, no,t massachusetts. ththese are states where we thought we were rolling this back . >> is this kind of thing inely. texas? ou point absolutely. it is literally, as you point o. out everywhere there's going to be pockets of appropriately named resistanceriately and its reaching its well past. we have reached terminal velocity. we've reached absurdity and we'd like to make the slippery argument. how do you get more untethered from reality than a gender binary? it doesn't get any more .he so i think at this point students should lean into the absurdity. of course, we've talked aboutd e trans racial what about transrmn intellect? we've ret? i identify as valedictorian once you're untethered from reality, there's nothing they can do to bring you back . where could we go with that right. loan it >> trends, anything..lect? that?ends, anything..lect? >> the idea that we're invading,
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the privac ty of middle schooles and asking them about the most intimate aspects of their lives when they have no idea to even think about how to think about it or talk about and inintimate some cases elementary school. whme cases elementary school. elem florida detail that you didn'tu say but is important is the trat parents didn't find out abouiot their daughter's transition orst alleged transition until two suicide attempts in the school bathroomhool. s in that's when they thought to tell the parents. and that's in clay county, florida. arorida. ,a conservative area of the state. same thing i in n california. go over there. there's a similar lawsuit by a parent. and the bottom line is these teachers think they are parents. i have news fo ere's a r i am six ,for yo almost seven months pregnant. seven r, my husb the teacher. my husband and i are raisingg t this little boy, not the teacher. thewe are the ones who will be teaching this child about gender identification, about sexuality, not a kindergarten teacher. i'm thankful we have a governor in florida who did this, but i'll tell you, they need to
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wake up because virginia, look at what happened there. you pointed that out. florida this week, thison, abou tuesday. twenty five of the thirty school board members thatt ron desantisity, teacher aovernt one because you were woken up,nd you woke in a very big sleepinga giant and her name's mommakend r bear. and we're coming out and we're about to die. i hopeame' so. i hope your michael. i remember a time when if i saw. [cremember a time when if i saw. store as a kid, i'd be like,i wl wait, i thought you lived at the school.t >> yeah,you lived at i didn't kt a real life. i mean, let alone talk about alo them bringing up personall issues or personal sexuality. what happened to we're assault. justhappened to we're assault. going to teach you how to do two plus two. >> i don't knoi don't knw. and it's really odd. and when did all of this becomem legal?e legal?e it's like since when canr a stranger even if it's your kid's teacher, talk toin them about and stuff like you-, did this in a wal-mart, you. would be arrested. but how if there's a: bun overh projector worksheet, right?acro
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oh, the across the nation s will be so glad. hey, look at that that tell me worksheet and get back to me. tell me what what you you think.orrible. it's all horrible people that we need to get back to some some old fashioned sensibilitiefashiones in this c. i do remember and it's a wonderful life. when jimmy stewart found outou his kid went home without her coat buttoned up and he was ready to throw her hand . col he's like zoozoo came home. she's got a cold. u imagin he didn't have her work go . could you imagine jimmy stewart finally kind of calmedat: he c right?ri you're trying toyo get my son to cotter's waita off. there's going to be roedad. of! you're be a >>u're be a the decades we've just we've you got me can' >> yeah. you can't get over the jimmy stewart. by tart. it's a great impression. by the wayi'.m not ev i'm the try cat collegeis, tuition. you know, you've been althisl oi this idea that we're going to we're going to relieve kids of debt. how does thaow ds thatt not juse the colleges say we're just going to raise our prices then
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? >> oh, a so we're not talking about anymore. that, that was all my talking points. all right. you talknew to the topic. petey no, no, - you're a parent and your kid. [lu're a parent and your kid. mother these days. so he was looking into this topic was like children, children, none that i know of. what if they didn't catch what they did? yeah, look, okay. yes, it's absurd. i think the government just needs to that that they're involved in education at all because we keep having all of these arguments about what's right for the kids and thereoun really is no collectiveel: wh the kids there, every kiatd is going to have an individualne need. guments every family is going to wanabt different things for their family. and ifly is no you're a family thatent th and they them academy go ahead. li. but they shouldn't have every school be like that. so i just thinthe k the governms should be not involved and give parents more choices, all but rw the choices with their own
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kids. >> but right now t governme the government is completely involved. i would say intimately. yeah, it's one might say yeah, yeah. jimmy stewart objects and but yeah. and student loan cancelation, it's actually stealing. >> s absolutely stealing.immy stewt steali's a transfer all right.of m before we go , by the way, that i know you're going to be happy about this, greg is back on monday. come on . you know you are. i am. i i watch. i am. he's got a great line, a buckp,c sexton, mollie hemingway, julik banderas and jim brewer all here. up next, shouldn'tnderas and jie the right to know more about why they snooped in melania's and today rising prices are everywhere at nutrisystem. we believe this shouldn't stop you from losing weight and living healthier. that's why for a limited time, we're dropping our prices back to january 2019 on our most popular program, uniquely
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the vapors following a judge's order, the justice department has released the redacted affidavit used to justify the warrant for the fbi's raidr on mar a lago. and you know thadepartt ordement from judge jeanine because itca didn't yell at anybodyuse it. y. we love you, judge. michael lofu we love you. but like a michael loftus comedy show, it left everyonemoe wishing there was more to it. oh, i thought that was going tos go the other way. but few highlights, if you cbut here are a few highlights3 if you can call it8 page that of the thirty eight pages in the document. twenty or so we're either significantly or fullyicantly redacted. for all we know, this could be cats' record for reform school. >> it gets worse. it's all redacted. the fbi said it had probable cause to believe that additional records containing classified information, including national defense information, would be found at president trump's mar a lago home beyond what he had
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previously turned over to the national archives and records administration, which apparently he now works for. school. agents reviewed one hundred ands eighty four classified documents and severa all rd. l contained trump's handwritten notes. meanwhile, on friday, when asked about it by reporters, joe biden said he'd let the justice department decide whether national security could have been compromised at mar a lago. then he finished his pint ofng o chunky monkey and fell asleep. the nationaly and fell asleep. kelly , the latest on this i mean, this is this camrds e i. memean, this is this camrds e i. we were we knew it wouldreporter be heavily redacted. it is . what else do bident the ju we k? yeah, it came in duringy. the noon hour. i open the documen fell asleet and it looks like when my daughter took a sharpie to my brand white cabinet that was just put up and made it all black would because that b is whatgame dur the document was not heavilyed t redacted. you point out the statistiche document and it tookthere. becs 65e % redacted. and we have an attorney generalt ,merrick garlanded, who said to us the opening line when hethe gave thaopent much anticipateddh
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speech where he was going tot let us in to why he did tra the raid or atns least give us some transparency. his first opening words weres i will maintain speaking through court documents and court filings, wha ond court filings, wha your court filings looked like, a five year ol td scribbled on them and you somehow seem tog be speaking through a torrent of leaks toh "the washington post". edented,a this is unprecedented. onis is unprecedented. and what is also unprecedented or perhaps there is precedent, a the russia gate hoax is the leaks. you speak through courtve every filings, but yet youon havee do everyone within the doj and fbi constantlyi constant reminding u and leaking. l i want to know ingf you're as nt to know ingf you're looking for that leaker as hardd as you're looking forlookin the supreme court guy,g fo the dobbs opinion, because it de dobbs opinion, because it doesn't appearobbs you are lookh for either or the guys who put the pipe bombs in on january six in front of the rnpuc, dnc, who we still haven't haven't found. well, are we having a fight? stll, are we having a fight? are weill reallhaveuny havingd for paper here?r we paper that we knew was there remir that we knew was there the second impeachment over the phone call. it's like we couldn't get hime o overne here. w weerne here. w so now we've got this phonere call and we need to go .
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i mean, is this really give us>i our records back ?s to it appears to be in the theand affidavitht focuses much more on classified materials in the searchthe sear itself sugget might. which brings us back to a point that i've made ii t seems to mae buat i've made ii t seems to mae people lose their mind. but when forme former presidenti richard nixon said ifot the president does it, it's not against the law was actually correct when it applies to classified documentso .le he was talking about a whole host of things. clas of things. classifiedsi documents, the president is the law. it is an administrative function of keeping information tight underneath the president, underneath theth the president, and that will be litigated, by the way, in the supremet forh court if this thing is truly lit vetted. if bungt to is tr the point of 65% redacted out, what do you ask for when you can'tyo read something? you're asking for trust. and i can't separate this from, quite honestly , joe rogan podcast where mark zuckerberg r just said that the fbi came to w facebook and said, hey, we needm to suppress things are about to they're called russian disinformation and thasinformate
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right before the biden story. ti in essence, although i didn't name that specificdn'tor that sy specifically the fbi said, hey, we nee p swing d you to help sws election and now i'm supposed to in all the sixty th in all the sixty simply fill it with trust for>>p the fbi, that is anet underreported story. the fact that that meeting happened and they were all done and they complied in real time, does this ketanji i get asked, is this going to change anybody's opinion of trump? i mean, they're going after him. whatever rationale or predicate they have for it. does this actually hurt his standing among his supporterstei or others?m er >> no, ration i'm getting the vibe that no, based on everything that everyone said so far , of course it's not. and i think that in a lot of people's minds they see that this is hardly the first time. obviously this is the biggest deal . this was unprecedented. and but this is not the first time that people have said thi is they got him. of course it's and i even hav ne friends who ai not trump supporters who are very liberalis hardl, who no ma,
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what happens with this, they're kind of like, i'm going to antd of like, i'm going to and see if they actually get them because i've heard they're all we're going to get him so many times i think that if you add to that what will brought up, there are legitimate reasonsnot tr to dis heartimate reasonsnot tr to dis with this whatsoever.mate rea noth this whatsoever.mate rea especially when so much of it's i pecially when so much of it's redacted. ly don't. >> i really don't. absolutely. o senotes on se the handwritten notes on some of thosei wa documentnts. t? oh, i want to see everything right. and i tell you what, whathe they redacted was like. the real reaso n for the surge was he's going to run in 2020, t four.'s yeah, that's the real reason ofah, that's the real reason for all of us . it's the fbi is laughably bad. i mean, it's horrible. aid mar- it's it'a-s a little terrifying. s ifmidd youa little terrifying. raid mar a lago in the middle of the night we find a house full of patriots. you know, it's it's completely so what they oh there was twenty four top secret things. i guess he should have wiped them like with a cloth. yeah. maybe he kept them in a bathroom server that would
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have been better and giving them to huma aberdeen so she could share them with her boyfriend and have him bring them out. it's completely like this. >> they're just trying to make? him not run. so th they just want tero bake in this negative connotation. whenever you hear trump oh, it's rush gate. it's this. it's that.e was maybs a really scary place for the country. and yeah, the fbe hem in ai is biden's personal. remember when they were trying to convincim print ompletele us i didn't even know they were going to do it. biden's person. is there any way he didn'tng too know? i mean, to tha us t point realsr quick that you would be thee t most incompetent president or quf president history?dent or well, that sounds about yes. yes all adds up now.>> pete: all right.ll adds up now. >>l right.ll adds up now. up next, the latest california e scheme ban cars that run on gas every 30 seconds. >> a home burglary happens in
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and afghanistan wars and a managing partner with the napoli's kalinich law firm. have you were a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and been diagnosed with liver disease, a compromised immune system, a thyroid disease or kidney cancer? your illness may be the result of exposure to contaminated drinking water at a military base caused by pigface, a toxic chemical used for fire-fighting and fire suppression. at these bases, lawsuits are now being filed against the manufacturers this fall. and my firm nappily skutnik is taking the lead in this litigation. if you are a loved one , lived or worked at a military base and have been diagnosed with a serious disease caused by fires, you may have a claim against the manufacturers who contaminated the base's drinking water. veterans need to be protected. and as a veteran myself, i am committed to protecting your rights. please call for more information and thank you for your service. pete: w will gas carils survive after
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twenty thirty five ? meet the climate fools banning fossil fuels barely say it. regulators in california have moved to ban the production of gas powered vehicles after the year twenty thirty five , a move designed to curb emissions and make carjackers . ords. i i just s i just stole a priustole policyo world requires all new vehicles in the state to run on electricity. this could lead to widespreadwhc brownouts, which they'll have to claim is racist. would >> no gas cars would still be legal to drive and buy. bu at the sale of any new modele after twenty thirty five wouldr. be outlawed in the state ofth california. in theory,eory, al in theory, an theory, the plan would cuts theory, the plan would cuts those coming froosm eric swalwel
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and of course, federal approvall is required for california's policy to take effec icalifot. and considering the bush administration's stellar record so far , i'm sure they'll green light this gem faster than you can say corn pop. >> as for america's automakers, it remains to be seen if this will spur innovation or harm's l the industry. one thing all californians can look forwardord to is it's hardern or h for paul pelosi to smash intaroa them. ving a or maybe it's not. we were just talking about michael loftus. these prisons are silent yet. so i got to add sound to these electric cars. i got to be able to hear him going, yeah, they are like they're silent but deadly. i try he has to had hey, listen, you need to be a little careful with these. >> eric swalwell missions jokese to a .dd sound well, for a gutoy that hos tthet a four hour morning showhem and eats continuousl they're syl throughout the show, your attitude ought to be there. >> but for the the gracese o ers
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go up. nots s ts cont, but when eric swalwell, that was the best day.: but wh when you was when eric swalwell ,that wa days the best. day. ng yeah. the eric>> k swalwell news cycle.ate er the ic news cycle. new was it twenty four hours likee. it should have been? it's ha still though i think it's still the cycle of the show. >> zero emissions. well in the grand scheme, right. we're talking about cars that we're talking about cars for now. >> is this a good goal? i mean, do you like the goal for california? actually , i don't even like it for no and i don't even like you for california. like, you got to think how does this trickle down? how does this domino fall?een. the does this domino fall?een. in california. twenty thirty five people wantwe to buy fossil fuelt cars fhis ak and it's going to continue the exodus from california, my home state of texask, how do it's going to continue to be ipe look up and i see california license plates. upcense plates. driving cars with those
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california license plates. move. yes, gotten out. but the domino is going to affect us all. they sure are. >> does anyone here own an electric vehicle? no chance. would you bother transitioning. you're transitioning. fossil fg what would tha t be ?t the domino's going to effect us all. no. and also eve>>n in california, 12% of the light duty vehicle sales last year, only 12 percent were electric vehicles. so not that many people in california or own electric vehicles and one thing that'sly% not clear to m we about thisny l whole thing is where aree they going twn electo get the eo power them? yeah, because there are struggling with the current demand for energy on their power grid right now. so how are they going to do this? where's it going to come from? it's going to come from current sources of gas that existing consider this clear emissions actually go down at all. not china and india. you know, here's the troubling part. clearly a lot of states follow california is a pact between california and a dozen other states who will now soon take
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these very same measures. >> that'whole s a great point.t so i mean, i learned this my environmental law professor at harvard was very liberal. so fitting with your degrees. yes. yes. but there was this extolled out this well, praise carve out for california where believe it or not, all forty nine states got to follow the clean air act. but california, they get this special status with a halo around them and you can choose to follow california or the federal government. it's really peculiar. seventeen attorneys general across the country have sued saying you can't say california can do something and not allow us to go rogue. so we'll see where that happens. but in the meantime, california, instead of lookingoi at the mom, the dang to d, a te driving the car, why don't youwt look at your celebs there in g o hollywoomed who are taking 17 minute flights like steven spielberg? why do you loodia. the k to them?dia. poin a whole lot more and one 17 minute flighironmentalt then i c an entire year or my husband could do driving his big ford truck. it'salad this a hey law around h
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so walad this a hey law around h you're a baller. that's right. hat happhe meantis someday we sn someday. an e india a will soon be following suit. flight >> no, you'll never hear about them. >>hael: somethe the biggest carn emitters, the most garbage in the ocean. and it's all china, india. you don't talk about them? no. the real problem is , is california. it's horrible. but i love this idea. i love it.y. >> i a it.y. i want them to save allfrom t electric cars by tomorrow because it's tough love fohem,re californiami, you do. save all it's going t eo have tocause get really bad before it getsit betternia. and so, yeah, when they're when their energy prices go through the roof, when you can't even when you can't even charge your car because the grid is down, it's going to be fantastic. and then for all the criminals, you just get an old gas guzzler and just outrun the charge of some all the cops are in their prius is it ain't over
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though. >> on that note, coming up, bouncers will kick you out if you're caught checking her out . are you ready for a fresh new bath or shower? well, now is the best time with 50 percent off installation and no interest and no payments for one year. hi , i'm christina and it's time to flip your old worn out bath or shower with jacuzzi baths remodel. today everyone knows the jacuzzi brand. they're the most trusted name in water for over sixty years. but did you know they can install a gorgeous bath or shower that feels incredible and as little as one day it's no stress and no mess with a lifetime warranty. now let's talk beauty. you deserve to start and end your day in a beautiful space that feels great and it's custom designed just for you. so call or go online now to see the christina preferred designs like canyon farm in urban. now that's a total bathroom
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three touchdown plus classic if you look too long in one direction you might be faced with an ejection. yeah, staring is a social blunder in the land down under club seventy seven nightclub in sydney, australia named after the number of women will cain once made out with one night club. laub. staring without explicit verbaln consent fromed the person you se want to stare at. >> i hope you're consenting right now. now it doesn't take an experte t to realize that the lockingworka eyes across the room move mighst not work as well. ist work as well.
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i would like to stare at you. >> is that cool? are we done all right now? we're good. >> that couldn't be creepier unless you were wearing a trench coat and named jeffrey toobin. and sure, this might work in australia. i mean, they do box kangaroos after all, down under. ralia. i ter all, down under. ralia. but in america bars are madeaftl for socializing. takewn under. from me.der. it's where i met my fourth, fifth and seventh wives. >> anyway, at the club, safety officers wearing pink >> we'll be there to enforce the stari on notkin. a but the owners also warned that a failure to to hear to thosepoi policies might even result inin a call to the policeto t. e according to the telegraph, the british paper, not the 19th1 century messaging device.e the bar does want people to interact with strangers. it just requires that any engag engagement musemt beginre
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with verbal consent. for more , let'st' go live outside the bar to our new australian correspondent, boomerang baby boom. >> what's the latest going on tonight? i've set out to answer the question who's really hurting if you stay while you're flirting that we've got some nightclub hours right now. excuse me, miss. did this one eyed bloke get you both kicked out with that? he's so right. and you don't care that he's staring. absolutely not. whatever you so he said you care to comment. >> g to comment. okay, so you don't know this mit guy. he coulds be wia serial killer ou i don't care. whatever he's high. whatever . look at hi so hot. go . seria roy, gool d on you then. oh well i guess the only rule here is be hot. we shouldn't be a problem for you. might come back to you. well done. well done.
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that as far as the i think the unofficial nightclub correspondent of the gutfeld show, i don't go to the club he's . y rulego to the club he be you just a told me a story as ae waiting to come out here about k not getting into a i >> oh yeah. >> pg timeete: y. yo out here about not getting into a club >> k i'm married now, so there'at: ot me there you i go to bars but not like straight i would imagine staring nobody in a bar staring at me so fairat point. so that probably makes you feela more comfortable not just staring mate. you make you uncomfortablekeyou or clubs i guess. but i don't really like. es, hag yes. a like having a creepy dudes crke having a creepy dudes it but i guess i've just had had bigger problems than i'm trying to think like you know, like i am a really good looking. so obviously. but i mean, i'm so just so intellectual that i don't let it bother me that much about
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what's in here, not what's i got you. i got you. st so ingot you. st so well, this is the only tacticbor many men have is the m day petew the stare down. >> yeah,nly the look look agai. eyes, eyes. what if you don't have it? you're basically unarm how long do we have this segment? because i haveba a lotsica of as these all of those have nothing more creepy than me staring directly at you for a long period time would be me going up and going. do you we have mind if i stare >> yeah, that is really creepy.p and what about the poor guy.y i as i think well acted in our piece there.t abou what about the guy is like walli or something, you know. has i or something, you know. eye, can'kind of can't help ity this is the way he looks and in some police officer says quit q staring is like i didn't stare. now he has sta anhe has eighty eight claim know thisn is a lie he might even claim. yes, by the way, why is an island of of former ex consantst australia the one that wants to like now run everybody's lifegu they all want to be the prison guard is now over to offensive m
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to me as a woman. like if someone's staring at me that's going to bother me soucho much. >> you need to calu need tl thes like i can handle h yes,an michael , have you evervu been allowed inside a nightclub ?nightclub? no. >> m ichael: no, one time, though, id get naked and i got on a wrecking ball and swung through. that was the miley cyrus. i see that. but did you stare at anyone? of course. listen, this role really it does only affect ugly people right? so like like like all the harassment laws. it's only if it's someone like you're an and i'm completely disappointed in australia as well. like they're losing their street cred, like we've lost our cowboy street cred as americans in australia. they should be getting crazy drinking whiskey and staring right at you. and then here's the thing. so if i if i'm caught staring at someone and then they report me and someone gets to go ,
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hey, you just deny it was you. and as they're looking at you accuse them of staring through. yeah, right. you devil stare all ridiculous. and i guess they're also going to outlaw there's something on your shirt and then you flick them in the nose. they're going they might going to outlaw wigs. there's no fun in australia, no more .right? mike , you are bringing like that shirt, though. yes. you shake that trying to you're doing well. i'm transitioning to cowboy. ing whm transitioning to cowboy. ing well so well played.d staring right t here's the thing.staring right t if i'm caught staring at someones and they report me, can't you just deny it was you and as haley, is any of this normal? no, no. michael: double sta this is a good question. and i guess they'll outlaw there's something on y i have so much in the twenty sh ,this isn't starbucks.iate that. em tran play >> michael loftus[lau, your theory is not going to work on howu sin you're going to handle u your staring accusation becaus pae work ing accusation becaus i will tell yoonu this is nowri
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part of the policy. we adopt a policy ofcu alwaysata believing the report inse the case of harassment l e case of harassment alwayswill always believe the su accuser and not the accused.ocen and this isn'td due processah and i'll leave it at that.t noby but nobody ever believesoftus. michael , i believe that you have to decision due to your point, michael , just switch roles.ill: t that sounds like just becomeo r the accuser on someone else.oune >> that sounds t likhee the australian equivalent of bee all women.lian equivalent of bee yes. it's probably going to be women accusing men . everybody goes to clubs to make sure they're not looked at. yeah, that's exactly what you didn't know why you were going to a court? yeah, i up next, paul pelosi this the fourth one of the show paul pelosi got in a wreck and you can own that car for a big fat check attention. military personnel, families and civilians who were stationed or worked at camp lejeune from 1953 to nineteen eighty seven , if you were a loved one , lives served
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or worked at camp lejeune, call the victims justice group. now you may be entitled to significant compensation. the u.s. senate recently passed a bill that will allow servicemen and women, their family members and civilian workers who lived or worked on the base at camp lejeune for at least 30 days to seek justice for injuries caused by toxic water. if you were a loved one , suffered injuries associated with the toxic water found at camp lejeune, including , kidney or liver cancer. multiple myeloma, non hodgkin's lymphoma, parkinson's disease, adult leukemia, or aplastic anemia. call the victims justice group. now our attorneys will fight to get you the compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering. military personnel, their families and civilian workers who served, lived or worked at camp lejeune from worked at camp lejeune from august 1953 to december. hi nineteen eighty seven may be eligible for compensation. don't wait. don't wait. call our helpline now. be a lot of orders to fill hi , i'm wolfgang puck. my i started my online storeanho wolfgang puck home. i knew there would be a lot ofso n orders to fill and i wanted
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is now listed up for auction f with damages to the sides>> and undercarriage. >> what do you think? yep. eighty two years old. yup. drunk driving, one hundred seventy thousand dollars. porche there's a lot there. yes. your future, my friend., do you? >>ah, my life ends in ten days and that might be one that's right. what would you buy it?houg no, no, jesse watters might though. he' well, he can afford it. you know, he's been he's been on the paul pelosi dui beat. buy so i'm sure he might buy it.s pe wrap it seawaters prime all ohnh man.e street >> the street serious if he's not thinking about already. he is now. yes.a grea it's a great, great idea. novelty. what do you think? no, i don't t no, i don't think anybody's going buy this thing.s no it's not it's not like james dean spider, this is paul pelosi's car . you're going to spend a fortune getting the side the passenger
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seat fumigated because it's right. it smells like nancy. it's like you know, it's from the end in tears, you know, the only way i'm buying it is if their stock tips in the glove box daltrey's kaili. what do you think? i belongs in a junkyard or it should be donated to the victim who i hope got like a multi multimillion dollar payout. i hope we get details of that.d so there was an disclosure about junkyard our victim. yeah. and when nancy was asked, you went it's a sure first yeah. a then you throw in the crazy heyh works like on its own. crazy i don't know where i'm going. ice creaworks m. i'm all right. don't go down it again. g i'll try again. >> don't go away. we'll be right back . for her. you won't face me.
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thanks to kayleigh mcenany. take off this cocaine pattie's i audiof course a studio audience fox shandling's next on behalf of greg duchow. i love you. thank you. hello everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro, along with richard fowler, pete marteth, martha maccallum, tatem. it's five o'clock in new york city and this is the five the president who ran on unity hitting the campaign a trail with some vicious smearsga against republicans. biden taking aim again at his favorite punching bags. maga republicans in a preview of the kind ofwe rhetoric
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