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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 29, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> steve: in florida this weekts actually, they are. we are out of time, sarah, so wonderful to have you and youyo got to synergize tonight. that is great.soon we will see you soon. don't forget to set your dvr so you never miss a show, and we will see you next time on "the next revolution" when it will be televised. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> todd: we begin your week with a fox news alert purity federal judge says she is inclined to approve president trump's master to oversee the documents seized from his florida home. you are watching "fox & friends first" on monday morning. i'm todd piro. >> i'm ashley strohmier in four carley shimkus. the search is broad but we know fbi agents took the former presidents passports from his estate. republicans say the department as abuse their authority, listen. >> this is what liberals want. they don't want the american
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people to be in charge of the government with elected representatives in charge of congress and the president. they want this permanent bureaucracy and a permanent bureaucracy of national archives and top breaches of fbi and the department of justice. donald trump refused to play along. that is why they been going after him six years. it's not just about donald trump either. it's about the democrats using law enforcement and the other tools of the administrative state to harass and persecute their opponents. >> jackie ibanez with the latest on the case, jackie. >> federal judge issuing a notice of preliminary intent over the event to appoint a third party attorney to review the documents seized from former president trump's mar-a-lago home. order of the justice department to provide and pursue a more detailed list of what was taken and that is due tomorrow. the hearing is scheduled for wednesday. this is a small victory from the trump team who has been pushing
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for the appointment with a master last week. president trump reiterates he feels the timing of the rate ofg "the doj and fbi are practicing election interference at the highest and most dishonest level our country has ever seen before, both in the midterms in 2024 presidential election." in missouri senator roy blunt who sits on intelligence committee accuses the biden administration to use smoke and mirrors to the failures of the white house. >> what i wondered about is i could go on for almost two years and less than 100 days before the election, suddenly we are talking about this rather than the economy or inflation or even for student loan program. >> it is important to note when and if a special master is elected, they will only redo gnomic review documents seized and not all handed over to the national archives earlier this year which were highlighted in
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the redacted affidavit in which the doj claims they found highly classified records. some of the department argued would prove damaging to foreign relations and sources if they have fallen into the wrong hands. a hearing is set for thursday over whether a third party should be named to review trump's records for any potentially privileged information, back to you. >> todd: jackie ibanez, back to you and let's bring in a court congressional candidate cory mills who was former dod advisor under president trump. to donald trump's point on the timing of all of this, you know less than three months before the midterm if the risk was so great and urgent, why did it take the fbi so many months to do what they ultimately did? that referral was in february, cory. >> it goes back to the previous correspondence and weaponization on the targeting of the present around the midterms. we know we have seen pfizer in russian collusion and
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hillary clinton email. we know about hunter biden laptop. those were anything of national security of priority or even confidential, sensitive and illegal activity. so what we see here is a dark day in american history where president is utilizing bureaucracy and the department of justice and the fbi to persecute a former president and tried to intimidate, trying to harass, before the midterm. but it is a sleight of hand. it is nothing but to draw attention on russian collusion wise and tried to go on with the agenda like they are doing right now with student loan bailout executive order. not even a congressional signoff or legislation but actually abuse of the executive order. it is all a political prosecution and something the ccp and not america. >> ashley: cory, it if we get that special master is the judge signaled, it is a huge possibility. do you think we will get the answers we want and need?
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>> wealth comic that is the funny thing. we have asked for transparency in the redacted version of what they were trying to say is transparency with the affidavit. we know merrick garland and joe biden and the rest of the doj will not give the americans transparency we have asked for, even president trump has asked this not be redacted but give the american people what they want to see. this is witch hunting against president trump and the conservative targeting that is going on the left. >> todd: on those lines, cinder lindsey graham with an absolutely dire prediction, take a listen. >> most republicans, including the leaves when it comes to trump, there is no law. it is all about getting him here or there was a double standard when it comes to trump. what happened with hunter biden is that the fbi went in a measure of the story and the story didn't break before 2020 election. and whistle-blowers telling senator grassley that they were told to slow down and back off on hunter biden.
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and i will say this, if there is a prosecution of donald trump for mishandling classified information after the clinton debacle, which you presided over and did a hell of a job. there will be rights in the streets. >> todd: that call for riots or coal about riots, do you agree with senator graham on that? >> no, i don't wish for riots or heat or reflash. what i'm looking is transparency for the american people and for the of political persecution of president donald jade trump. and the fbi. in other departments underneath the biden administration against conservative spear that is something every american -- this is not a left or right issue or republican or democrat issue but we should all look to our government as a means to serve us, not to try to persecute and target us. >> ashley: cory, speaking of not a republican or democrat
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issue, more democrats are speaking out against president biden's massive student loan forgiveness plan. of course, that will cost taxpayers $500 million. this is what ohio democrat tim ryan had to say. take a listen. >> i think a targeted approach right now really does send the wrong message. there is a lot of people making $30,000 a year, $40,000 a year and they need help right now which is why i propose eight tax cut that will affect everybody. >> ashley: cory i want your thoughts on these democrats and just like the democrat you just heard especially going against what biden wants. >> i think that tim ryan is smart enough to realize if you are attacking joe biden. and whether he should referee election they should avoid these answers. they continued to stop from doing rallies with the current
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president. they stop with the ideas to try to tailor to gnomic or hitch the trailer to the back of a joe biden failed policy. so he is correct in doing this, tim ryan but it is political purposes and that what he believes in what he saying. >> todd: is this how swing dems have to play in less than three months at this point? >> that is exactly right. you will see a lot of democrats that don't want to be caught on the trail with joe biden and things like $500 billion bailout. these are the same people in the lock and step when it comes to voting with the left or voting with nancy pelosi in the house, et cetera. we have seen this time and time again. it is political rhetoric and up kamala harris as its politics. >> ashley: of course, a democratic congressional candidate in your state of florida. she actually refused to say if she would campaign with president biden, which is something we have heard a lot of pure lipstick you listen. >> president biden's approval
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rating is hovering close to 40% and would you like to see him come down to the campaign with you? >> listen i know i have my own campaign to win. and we will get lots of help from lots of people. >> ashley: i feel this is on repeat from a lot of democrats, is simply not answering the question. but do you think they think by distancing themselves from biden and really not saying anything means they think that they may not win if he comes down especially with his approval rating being so low? >> well, i think they are worried about his political approval rating and the graphs if they were to be on the trail with him here they are trying to play politics to their benefit. it is one of those things if you are in support of your party you are in support of your nominee or president and you should not be a shame to shot away. they know the failed policies and public political let political witch hunts is not a winning formula. and that is why we will read
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wave come november. >> todd: i was not to say he was going for riots. it is monday morning for me too. cory mills, thank you so much and we appreciate your time. thank you. ron johnson railing against the fbi for alleged efforts to support the hunter biden laptop story. the republican say president biden would not be sitting in the oval office of his sons scandals had been properly brought to light ahead of the election. >> had the american public known the corruption of the biden family, hunter biden, joe biden would not be president. all these disasters and the biden administration and democratic governments would not happen but for the fbi's partisanship and suppression of the hunter biden laptop. again, they had it in december 2019 and did nothing with it. >> todd: johnson's remarks come on the heels of mark zuckerberg's admission in facebook limited the reporting on hunter biden's laptop after a
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warning from the fbi about russian propaganda. congressman james comer would likely leave the oversight committee if republicans retake the house this november. he says the biden family will be held accountable. listen. >> we have information from the banks, but the biden administration has blocked republicans from having access to suspicious activity reports under trump, obama and george w. bush. any member can request from treasury pure it's what we will do in january if we become the majority, we will ask the ceos of the five different banks to come before the house oversight committee and tell us exactly why they filed though suspicious activity reports and then again we will make progress and hopefully take steps to hold the biden family for all the pedaling they've been doing for years. >> todd: congressman course at the fbi knew about hunter's influence peddling over a decade and continue to turn a blind eye. >> ashley: a suspected gunman after shooting a safeway
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grocery store last night in bend, oregon. the police say the first shots were fired in a store parking lot and then stored inside, shooting and killing two victims and other shoppers running for their lives. the police got there and they were still hearing shots being fired, but they soon discover the suspected gunman dead. meanwhile, arizona police poring over a massive crime scene after two phoenix police officers are shot. including the gunman dead following a shooting near interstate 17. >> once again two police officers have been shot. thankfully those two officers are recovering and are talking so they are in good spirits. this is a massive crime scene, which is why we are not taking any questions because they were still a lot of work to do. >> ashley: the police did revealed there was a an exchange of gunfire between the police did not see how the gunman died. of course we will keep you updated on this story as it develops throughout the morning.
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and our nation's capital where a rookie on the washington commanders is stable after shot. >> todd: 23-year-old wounded in a robbery peddling a football team starting running back. alexandria hoff joins us live from washington with the details, alexandria. >> ashley, todd mccormick the team said brian robinson was the victim of attempted robbery or carjacking yesterday. commanders head coach visited robinson in the hospital before tweeting, "easy and good spirits and want to thank everyone for their kind words, prayers, support." a third round draft pick robinson was expected to play a major role in offense but the reports he had been named the starting went back before the shooting. the team says robinson's injuries are not life-threatening. the nfl network reported he was struck twice and the lower body and hospital is in stable condition. the police are looking for to suspect who fled the scene. a firearm was also recovered. a shooting comes days after
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another brazen robbery attempt a shooting right here at the nation's capital. the resident stood her ground after having a gun pulled on her. her initial reaction during the gunman to shoot her after he told her to hand over her car keys. she is speaking out after the traumatic confrontation, listen. >> gone are the days of having older neighbors on the porch all day and watched and waited you on when you came home from work. in some ways trying to figure out how to preserve intergenerational neighborhood is so valuable. we've lost so much with massive displacement. so i think having more people around that know each other and support each other is really helpful. >> clearly she was on the injured and no arrests have been made in that attempt to carjacking, ashley, todd. >> todd: i don't know if i would be able to do that. that was impressive. nypd searching for the man behind senseless robbery and a man caught on camera $250 from a
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victim in a wheelchair. the suspect reaches into the victim's pocket for a wad of cash they get to a fight before the robber runs off of the money. staten island up 23% robberies according to the nypd data. i don't know if you are robbing people in a wheelchair, that is a sign is going downhill and fast. republicans demanding an apology after an insult from president biden. >> i respect conservative republicans. i don't respect the maga republicans. the maga republicans don't just threaten our security, they are a threat to our democracy. >> todd: but democrats are giving biden a pass. we will explain next. >> ashley: serving those who serve business owners dedicating their work to supporting our service members and first responders. we are talking to them next along with gordon chang, congressman brad wenstrup and
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winsome sears and kicking off "fox & friends first." ♪ ♪
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[ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. >> todd: new hampshire
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governor calling out president biden for his comments at dnc event last week where biden suggest a republicans back rub subscribe to precious believes. >> he called half of america semi precious because he is trying to stir up controversy. he's trying to stir up antirepublican sentiment right before the election. it is horribly inappropriate. it is insulting, and people should be consulted and he should apologize. >> todd: in the meantime dnc chair jimmy harrison criticizing their remarks and adding fuel to the fire. it is not about embracing it but calling it what it is. and what we see right now is a full frontal attack by the extreme maga republicans in this country. >> todd: harrison said the dnc would fully back the president when i asked if biden should run for president. >> ashley: patriotism, two tennessee businesses lending a hand to first responders with
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families open ears activities and of course delicious snacks. joining me live, and john brady, owner of the patriot popcorn company. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having us. >> ashley: i'm so excited to talk to you guys. abigail, why did you open your business? >> to serve friends and fam families, quality coffee. and popcorn and decided to join alliance with them. and to serve veterans who come home and have been fighting for us. >> ashley: john, talk to us how you came up with this concept of patriot popcorn. >> absolutely, my brother and i since we were kids, very long story short, in 2019, we always talked about doing a popcorn stand so let's do it so we put our money where her mouth was
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and started the mission. in a great product. >> ashley: obviously, i can only imagine who wouldn't like coffee and popcorn, but it is more than the food, john. you actually connect people, veterans, first responde rs. tell us about that and how you get the connection going. >> absolutely. [indistinct] looking for assistance in any way. i do work with him through the organizations that i work with. and so, they are always [indistinct] who we offer and what we can do for them for them. >> ashley: right, who actually said if they come into your store, they don't want to talk about things but they will say
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hey, i like horse packing. they will try to connect somebody with horseback riding and try to make them feel special. abigail, what has the response in the community been? >> it has been awesome. i have seen everyone, veterans [indistinct] that are humble. >> ashley: making their store their home. that is great, especially like the veteran's first responders who put their lives on the line and who fought for the country. that is amazing as we are doing that. but in fact, your customers, are they all first responders and veterans for just regular people who want to stop by and also lend support? john. >> i look at it like this, the aspect if they have a son, daughter, husband or anybody that they know that is active duty, if i do wrong by them i do
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wrong with -- [indistinct] and that they understand who we are and what they are about. >> ashley: abigail, what does being american mean to you? obviously some big things. >> freedom. it means freedom. and i'm honored to be an american. >> ashley: john, i will go back to you. you are former military. >> yes, ma'am. be an american means freedoms -- [indistinct] there's a great perspective around the world. >> ashley: guys, it is great what you are doing for the community, the veterans, first responders and everyone
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who needs a helping hand. thank you for being there for them. abigail myers, john, thank you for being here this morning. >> you too, see you. >> ashley: aaron rodgers addressing the covid controversy started last year. by the store quarterback said he intensely misled the media on his vaccination status. >> todd: i guess that is that thing in 2022, just got the green light by one school district. one outrage mother is at the school board stopping this from happening and joins us next. ♪ ♪
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's speed to new york city is reportedly struggling to house the thousands of migrants bus standby taxes as hotel
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arrangements fall through. according to "the new york post," the city has abandoned initial plan to operate intake with 600 room shelter at the rogue hotel. eric adam said finding shelter is difficult with homelessness in the city with influx of migrants. city hall has refused to say how much it plans to spend on housing but analysis by "the new york post" said it could surpass $300 million. mayor eric adams begging for help as texas lieutenant governor dan patrick joined "fox & friends weekend" yesterday. >> they should feel the pain across the country texas and law enforcement are feeling. so maybe they can call their president and can call equatorial may work us and say, secure the border. >> ashley: the continued politicized patient of new seeking asylum by governor abbott and others in texas is both embarrassing and discussing. we are just asking for washington, d.c.,'s assistance in dealing with the
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cool, political games being played by heartless politicians like the governor of texas. the sanctuary city has seen more than 700,000 asylum-seekers arriving in manhattan according to the mayor's office. compare that to 2 million and border patrol encountered this fiscal year alone, todd. >> todd: pennsylvania school district are outraged after school officials decide to allow a satanic temple to host a back-to-school event. she has two children in that school district, ashley lynn crider. when you first heard about this, did your question with her after school satan club was actually real in the first place because i sure did. >> yeah, i did. it was unbelievable to hear it. >> todd: i mean, this is just what? let's get your election but what was your daughter's reaction? >> she is not happy about it and other things that are happening
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in the school, that this is just one more thing to add that is not necessary. i mean, she was more concerned at the fact that there are students barking and howling in the hallways. now, they will have a satan club? i mean, i hope people are aware that these people are not even in our community. >> todd: interesting. >> they are not in our community, but they want to do this in our school district. they need to go to their own school district, like, at the board meeting they could not even talk because they were not members of this community. i mean, so they are trying to come into a community where they don't even have the student. they don't reside here. there was students that were protesting out at the school
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silently, holding signs up. i mean, the kids are not okay with this at all. >> todd: i don't want to get too far off topic, but why are kids barking and howling in the hallways? >> because the school district cannot get a grip on what is happening. the bullying, the kids doing whatever they want, i mean, it is outrageous to have a dysfunctional school district. but then, you work going to add a satan club and the mascot is the devil? >> todd: unbelievable. to be clear, these kids are not identifying as dogs and cats but just acting like idiots. as for the kids themselves, was there any demand for a club like this? and after school satan club? >> no. there were students at the
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meeting holding signs that said, satan" with a circle with a line through it. i mean, it is disturbing. you can't let bible study happen at school, but you are going to consider a satanic club. >> todd: there is a great line from one of your people who is joining you on this crusade appear they already took god out of the schools but now trying to let satan in. what happened when you spoke up about this ashley? >> actually, i'm going to be honest, they cut my mike off. they shut my mike off. it was -- they don't address anything at those meetings. they are just here to listen to everybody. so nothing is ever addressed.
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i mean, the people that were there for the santana club, like i said, they couldn't talk during that meeting because they are not in the community. and that is how it works, here are anyways foreign the northern county school district. if you are not part of the community, you cannot speak. so they couldn't even defend themselves even if they wanted to that meeting. spoon interesting. the cofounder of this satanic temple is defending the course, listen. >> we are not teaching children about satanism here they are just going to know this is top . with our presence, people can see that good people can have different perspectives, some time on the same mythology but not mean any harm. >> todd: here is what else he had to say, we don't decry or begrudge anyone but it does become a problem, a serious problem when you allow a
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back-to-school prayer thing but don't allow any other religious representation. basically two things, they want to balance out prayer clubs and they are not trying to indoctrinate kids. what is your response? >> that is not true. because if they do a bible study, the church has two paid to bus the students off of school grounds. and then they bring the students back. like, that is not being held at school. you know, we send their kids to school to get an education. anything beyond that is home life for your community. you know, it doesn't matter what any child believes or their family believes. this is public school. we send our children to school to get an education, not for all this other stuff meant for outside of school. sp>> todd: as a public school district the use of facilities
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must be permanent without discrimination. you cannot and do not arbitrarily pick and choose which organizations may or may not use our facilities. if we allow one organization, must allow all organizations in approving any request the school district does not endorse activity of outside organization that rents are facilities nor are these entities permitted to use the school district name or logo. but i want to follow up with something you said and it might broke up, if this were a bible study, would they allow it? >> no because they had bible study now at northern. but the churches have to bus the students off of the premises. so bible school is not on the school grounds. so try to double standard themselves and cover themselves up because it is not the same. the students that want to do bible study have to be taken off school grounds during school
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time. and then they are bused back. >> todd: i am dumbfounded by all of this. please, keep us posted as to the crusade and what happens with all of this because i'm stunned that there is a club like this in the first place. ashley lynn crider, thank you for telling us about it. fascinating. >> thank you. >> todd: from one ashley to another. >> ashley: interns with mtv mas, the actor beaming in the hologram as the networks new gender inclusive name for the award. this was his first appearance on tv since the amber heard defamation trial. >> you know what, i needed the work. i wanted you guys to know i'm available for birthdays, weddings, quakes, anything you need to. >> ashley: and using her moment in the spotlight to rant about politics. >> your vote means everything to
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me. it means everything to making a change in this country. so remember when you are voting for your favorite artist, vote to change some of these laws that are oppressing us. >> ashley: taylor swift winning video of the year, her recorded song "all too well." the biggest surprise with the album being released in october. >> todd: i am old. nfl quarterback aaron rodgers misled the media about his vaccination status. he detailed the pandemic plan on the joe rogan experience podcast. >> we are doing this witch hunt where they were asking every single player, are you vaccinated? and i came to the conclusion that i would say i have been immunized. that is when [bleep] hit because now i am a liar. >> todd: rogers said thanks to homeopathic medicine and they never followed up. a media firestorm in the middle of the season when tested
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positive for covid because he showed up to press conferences without wearing a mask. ray mcelroy with a wild season by winning the tour championship at east lake in atlanta. >> and in the extraordinary pga tour season, it is roy mcelroy with his extraordinary talent. >> todd: railing from a six stroke deficit to world number one, scotty chef filled with 30-foot birdie putt on the 15 whole before saving par and bouncing off of the pen, boy, it is better to be lucky. taking on $18 million as his prize and passing tiger woods for the most in pga tour history. they have that live golf going on and roy mcelroy at the center of the controversy. what a wild time. it is typically pretty peaceful. >> ashley: $18 million, what
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to do with it. >> todd: american warships sailing through the taiwan strait for the first time since nancy pelosi's high-profile visit there. but peers are growing that china's influence could be quickly expanding. gordon chang said the u.s. needs to stand up to beijing. he explains how next. >> ashley: we are all watching history being made early this morning, the rockets will blast off in a couple of hours kickstarting america's return to the moon. we have it for you here. stick around.
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♪ ♪ >> joe biden has had a rose-colored view of the chinese communists going back to his early state as united states senators in the 1970s as recently as a couple of years ago on the campaign trail purity was anchored chinese communists are not bad people and they can be our friends and partners and that they are not really competition for us. in reality, they are may be the most severe threat we have ever faced, even more so than soviet russia and the cold war. >> ashley: so chinese morning the troops may be on high alert and thwart provocation any time the united states sails to warships through the taiwan strait for the first time since house speaker nancy pelosi's visit to taiwan. >> u.s. navy standing by the mu
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saying it demonstrates the united states coming to a free and open specific. at the gate stone institute an collapse of china joins us now, gordon chang good on us and we did what we had to do but should biden do more to send a signal to china that they are not in charge of the international waters? >> absolutely. you know the united states has had one consistent foreign policy from the founding of our republic, todd. it has been the defense of global comments. we need to do more of this because the taiwan strait where sailing took place and south china sea and east china sea and the yellow sea. they say the sovereign chinese water. the united states need to sail, fly, operate wherever international law allows them and show the chinese into more of it. >> todd: , >> ashley: i want to go back to what we heard senator tom cotton say at the beginning of this with president biden saying this that
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china was our friend and becomig partners. cotton said china is a bigger threat than russia. what do you make of that statement? >> the senator is obviously correct. china poses a much more grave danger to the united states than the soviet union did. after all, china we don't know where the coronavirus came from, but we know the chinese leaders deliberately released it beyond their borders once it got out of chinese society. that is what 1,044,000 americans who have been killed by disease, which should have never come to our shores. we know the chinese are behind the fentanyl gangs that kills 100,000 americans each year. all of these deaths are murderers, and the united states doesn't seem to really care under joe biden. the president of the united states has had wide, seven conversations now with xi jinping as president. he's never raised the issue of covid-19 origins. he doesn't talk about fentanyl.
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this is really an aggregation of highest constitutional obligation which is defending the american people from foreign attack. >> todd: and beyond that appear there actually seems to be some bipartisan consensus that china is the bad guy here appear the biden administration is absolutely silent on this. in the meantime coast guard governor oliver henry denied entry into the solomon islands raising concerns of course about china's growing influence there. explain to us, gordon, why this is such a big deal. >> this is a big deal because the solomon islands has a prime minister who wants to take it from a democracy to basically a totalitarian state with china's backing. he doesn't really care so the solomon islands will be the next zimbabwe because the prime minister is acting just like robert mugabe. attorneys taking over the pacific. if china gets away with the solomon islands, than the rest
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of the pacific will pretty much become a red sea. and just to give you an example, and cure a boss, the next-door neighbor to hawaii, china looks like it will take on airstrip and basically put hawai at risk. so, this has been neglectful u.s. policy for decades. it has been misguided. we need to have -- we defend afghanistan and we defend all these places around the world, but our next-door neighbors are are turning communists. >> ashley: gordon, you talked about putting hawaii at risk but what is military precedents in the solomon islands with the standpoint with the rest of the world and what does that future look like? >> that is a direct threat to australia because the solomon islands are close to there. this is the side of the canal famous 1943 world war ii battle. we are basically the beginning of america's offense against the japanese empire on americans who
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died there. mindy sherman the deputy secretary of state went there a couple of weeks ago for the commemoration of that, and the prime minister refused to show up. so basically, if we lose the solomon islands, even though the solomon quite far from the u.s., we could very well lose the pacific in short order. that is what is at stake here. >> todd: you mentioned the leader of the solomon islands, the prime minister basically saying look, this is about roads, bridges, ward gnomic wars, airports and not to build a military base but to me that seems they were being awfully nn it comes to china ultimately trying to do and that is why we have gordon chang to explain what they are trying to do. cory, thank you. >> thanks todd and ashley. >> todd: and the space center, prepping for the artemis one test flight leader and will launch an unmanned spacecraft
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interspace no later eight: 33 eastern time. the goal is to complete a full lunar orbit. >> todd: it would travel a distance 280,000 miles before crashing down pacific ocean 14 days later. that is october 10th. people lining up for days for a glimpse of the rocket blasting into space. nasa, ashley, listen to this this is important. a return astronauts to the moon on the third artemis mentioned by 2025 or 2026. any interest in doing it? >> ashley: oh, my gosh, it was a lot to get me on an airplane a couple of years ago so i'm out. >> todd: that is a pass. me too, got too much stuff to do. >> ashley: exactly. stop and watch this. i have a 6-year-old girl who fights off a kidnapper tried to abduct her right in front of her own home. that little girl and parents will join us live. walk us through the terrifying encounter and share a warning for families everywhere. >> absolutely chilling, blue
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states jumping on board, to ban a sale of new gas powered cars. but glenn youngkin refusing to follow the lead. when winsome sears will be here to park it down, "fox & friends first" on monday. don't go anywhere.
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>> todd: president biden student debt forgiveness plan, some saying it sends the wrong message to hard-working people. it is worth over a trillion bucks. ashley, it keeps going higher and higher, you're watching "fox and friends first" on monday morning. i'm todd piro. >> ashley: i'm ashley strohmier. it is called


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