tv Outnumbered FOX News August 29, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and kick off the new year right! ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. it's monday and this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany and joining me today, rachel campos-duffy, tammy bruce, mollie hemingway, and todd piro. new accusations and explosive charges are flying over the biden border crisis. yes, the board is still on fire. today at least three more buses filled with migrants from texas just pulled in right here into
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new york city. so far, texas has sent more than 1800 illegal immigrants to new york on over 35 buses. that sanctuary city is now struggling to find housing for them. meanwhile, the war of words heats up between texas governor abbott and new york city mayor adams. adams' team is slamming texas for using wristbands with bar codes, which adams and others in new york are saying are used to track the illegal immigrants, but the texas governor is saying not so. in fact, he is ripping it as fearmongering. a guest on msnbc's ratcheting things up even more, calling those who support bussing migrants -- guess what they picked? they called it racist, just like segregationists. watch this. i speak of the conservative estimate is about $80,000 per bus trip, but we know that racists don't mind paying this money. we saw this with our parents and grandparents' generations when schools were forced to integrate and they refused, so they would ship african americans to other
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states to attend college because they didn't want to integrate schools in south carolina or georgia or virginia. so racists are willing to pay the money and they don't care if taxpayers pay the brent. >> kayleigh: todd, you'd think they would come up with something new, but "racist" is always the word. >> todd: going back to the playbook. how's it racist to take sanctuary cities up on their offer to be sanctuary cities? and was it racist when, oh, i don't know, joe biden flew people from the border to westchester? westchester, as you all know, is like 20 minutes away. it's not that far away. what's the difference? i don't see the difference. >> kayleigh: there isn't a difference. rachel, and other false allegation they are leveling is at the texas governor is forcing people to sign ndas. they say migrants boarding these buses are not signing these nda's. here's what they are signing. we have a picture of the farm, you can see it. the only form we are told they are signing reads, "i, filling your name, agreed to be transported by the state of
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texas or its designated agency officials to locations out of texas such as d.c. or new york. i agree to hold the state of texas or its officials harmless of all liability," in the form goes on. the point i'm making, this is a voluntary choice they are making. nobody's being forced onto a b bus. >> rachel: no, and they've interviewed the migrants themselves. and they've said, "thanks for the ride, i want to go to new york, my family as they are." and the bracelets, i have seen no one in the biden administration ever complain about the way the cartels are tracking people and turning them into indentured servants paid by the way, if you cross the border, those who did make the payment and are done with the payments, you see piles of them all over the floor. as far as the paperwork, the thing that is interesting to me is i have to fill out more paperwork to get onto an airplane with my identification. many of these whistle-blowers who have come out from the airports and border patrol are saying people are getting onto airplanes that you and i are all
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paying for with no proper i.d. even this paper bothers me. to be honest. only because it says this person will tell us his name. it doesn't prove to me that that person is who they say they are. we know we have an identification problem with people who come over the border because they are not coming legally, and the legal way to, is the way we know who you are, why you are here, and everything else we should know in order for our own national security. >> kayleigh: you make a really good point about the wristbands. tammy, the wristbands are apparently just wristbands used in natural disasters. texas had used them in other states have adopted them. but you make a good point that there are wristbands we should be talking about. senator cruz identified on the border, they are around the arms of children, of helpless people, adults who cross the border who are victims of human trafficking, and they color-code the wristbands based on how much you pay. those are the wristbands the left should be focused on if they have an ounce of
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compassion. >> what this reveals to us is that the left knows this. they have picked up on these things and they have chosen to attack americans in the process. american leadership. but we have all known this has been the case. this has been discussed, and they have willfully ignored it. it's not like they were confused or didn't know. i think what's also fascinating here, this really does interfere with the ability of groups like the aclu to sue on behalf of groups of color. they get a great deal of its money, of course, when their fees are paid when they win, which is why they see the small towns, little places, about various violations, et cetera. that's how a lot of money is made, of course. so this really interferes with the left agenda in general, to make money and to use the court systems in this framework. so it was a genius move but also, to your point, todd, this slaying of people overnight, secretly, in the middle of the night, you want to talk about abusive to people, actually not knowing where they were going, put on an airplane by the
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federal government when the countries they are fleeing, that alone is traumatic when you are being taken somewhere and you don't know where you're going to land. this is an entirely different dynamic. but what they don't want discussed is this brings to light what is happening at the border. of course, kayleigh, if you didn't know it was closed, this ruins the narrative. they want that conversation. they don't want what we have brought up, what we have discussed as concerned americans, and so far, so good for the left. >> kayleigh: of course they don't want to talk about that. mollie, i wanted to say this for you because you're in d.c. all the time, and new york. here's the description on the forums of the places you can go. i found interesting. the forum i mentioned that the "washington examiner" got. "washington is the capital of the united states and its where they are more immediately able to help the needs of immigrants who have entered the country. new york city is designated as a century city by the city council and providing shelter and food to those who have entered the country." in essence, this is your own
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words, libd , so live by them. >> we are talking about small numbers of people. new york has -- washington, d.c., is livid about similar numbers of people. we are talking about millions of border crossings in a year that texas has to absorb completely. if they are not absorbing it completely, or other states, yes, they are being flown to the middle of the country, and everyone has been totally fine with these things. nobody has thought about how that puts a burden on people for public health, for public schools, for what's happening in various communities. all of the sudden when it hits new york and d.c. coming out the crisis? if they really have a problem with it, they should care about the fact that we have a functional border, in the southern portion of our country, and this is something that tens of millions of americans are concerned about. steel and i know new york adams
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parties until 2:00 a.m., i've read in "the new york post, maybe he should focus on this. he wants to create a midtown shelter that was supposed to start at 13 days ago. here we are. no shelter at the moment, supposed he is 5,000 hotel rooms, dhs admitted they have yet to select and rent any of these periods are dhs, mayor adams, new york, where are you? >> todd: if you remember back to 9/11, i am struck by how quickly the city mobilized lb tohelp people go through the wot thing this country has gone through, instantaneously. you've had 13 days to do with this. to my earlier point, you've touted yourself as a century city. if you're going to do that, i don't know, maybe have the sanctuary in place to handle these individuals. yet, we are almost at two weeks and this guy is partying and getting upset when you call him out for said party. the fact of the matter is you have incompetence running the city, incompetence has been running the city for years now.
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nothing is improving even though we thought mayor adams was going to come in and clean everything up, whether it's crime, the situation. this city is a disaster, and if somebody took time and talk about a solution, maybe these individuals would have the intake center that was promised weeks ago. steel and i have seen some spanish thing which interviews with some of the people have come over, and some of them have been put in shelters and they are like, "this is dangerous. this is really dangerous. i'd rather sleep on the streets." actually, chastising the mayor saying that not only are you not doing a good job of welcoming us, we were brought here, but by the way, we feel bad for american citizens who are hitting hard times that they have to go to these very dangerous shelters or sleep on the street. so these migrants are coming over really dissatisfied with the way new york city is being run. >> tammy: one other element is that there have been some rooms apparently in times square at a particular hotel for these migrants, in the midst of a hotel where there are tourists,
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but they are segregated. talk about segregation, to one floor. but it's not like they are relegated to the stairs. i mean, this is remarkable, and of course they want tourists to come back. it is a "clusterfark." that's reminiscent of the few things. >> kayleigh: right. take an inward look, democrats. as president biden steps up his attacks on former president trump and his supporters after comparing them to fascists. yep, that's next. ♪ ♪ with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhh... here, i'll take that! yay!!! ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar enter powered by protein challenge for a chance to win big!
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a swipe at trump supporters during an event in maryland billed as a unity rally. he used even darker language earlier in the day at a fund-raiser that has drawn severe criticism. here's what the president said. "what we are seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme maga philosophy. it's not just trump, it's the entire philosophy that underpins that data going to say something, it's like semi fascism." tripling down over the weekend, tweeting this. "in this moment, those who love this country, democrats, independents, and mainstream republicans, must be stronger and more determined to save america. the maga republicans are committed to destroying america." the head of the dnc excuse the divisive rhetoric. >> the one thing that president biden has been has always been consistent. he has always been somebody who does what my grandfather used to do, which is speak it plain. say it plain to the american
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people. what we see right now is a full frontal attack by these extreme maga republicans in this country. >> so, mr. chairman, you embrace it -- mr. chairman, you embrace the rhetoric of semi fascism to describe the republican party? >> it's not about the embracing, it's calling what it is what it is. >> kayleigh: mollie, that the head of the democratic national committee on a sunday show saying they have a message of hatred as a message. >> mollie: there is an accuracy to that, as well. i agree with him in part that joe biden has been consistent. he's always had this underlying part of his personality that is basically just a jerk. he fights with people, he yells at them, we remember how he said that republicans wanted to keep black people in chains when mitt romney was running for office. and the more that he experiences some of his own decline with his mental faculties, the more that just jerkiness comes out. this is more hateful than the worst thing donald trump every side, and it's being said about
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tens of millions of republicans. he turned to walk it back and say it's only about trump supporters, but that's another way to say republicans. they support their previous presidents, including the most recent president, and this is incredibly dangerous. dangerous rhetoric that nobody who purports to lead a country should be saying against half the country. >> kayleigh: i think you are right about the message of consistent hatred. we saw the message, if you are not vaccinated, you will pay, and the vaccinated have a right to be angry at the unvaccinated, et cetera. the segregationist comments he made about republicans. and that's at least melon wow one moment where he was consistent with his message of hatred. it will take a look at that moment. >> history, faith, and reason, show the way. the way of unity. we can see each other not as adversaries, but as neighbors. we can treat each other with dignity and respect. for without unity, there is no peace. only bitterness and fury. >> let me tell you about this
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ultra maga agenda. i never expected the ultra maga republicans who seem to control the republican party now to have been able to control the republican party. i never anticipated that happening. >> the maga republicans don't just threaten our personal rights of economic security. they are a threat to our very democracy. >> trump and the extreme maga republicans have made their choice to go backwards, full of anger, violence, hate, and division. we have chosen a different path. forward. >> tammy: they have chosen a different path forward to empty shelves, forward to no money, forward to inflation, forward to world chaos, forward to her possible nuclear war, to hugging and getting into bed with iran, forward to american lives declining, forward to a former nonexistent border. they have adjusted themselves. during the campaign it was nice
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and lovey and "we are going to be g the good guys," there was a shift. they are choosing to do this, and this isn't just because it's natural organic talk. ultra maga backfired because he did become the maga king. now it is the maga republicans. they think this is going to work. they have probably paid money for this kind of rhetoric, how to move the american people. but what it also tells you as they have learned nothing over the last two years. they like what it is that's happening now. these are painful transitions that they are enjoying, and they're not going to stop. normal people think, "boy, i screwed that up. i better do it differently next time." during the anniversary of afghanistan and all these things, the supply chain hasn't changed. there is still no baby formula. this is what they choose to do? my goodness, do we have a choice in november. >> kayleigh: rachel, i want to play sound bite from
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karine jean-pierre. if i would have been asked a question about this semi fascist or mark, i think there is an easy landing spot for the white house to say the president was clear on where he stood. however, that was at a campaign function, at a fund-raiser, and at the white house podium. let's leave it to him to say what he says. she didn't choose to do that. she instead -- [laughter] she instead made a "semi fascism" the policy of the white house. take a listen. >> what we are seeing from republicans and what we have seen from republicans these past several years is that they are attacking our democracy. it's being done by this element, this maga element of the republican party. that is what we are trying to prevent. that's what you heard from the president. >> but the president said last night was, when it comes to maga republicans, when it comes to the extreme ultra wing of republicans, they are attacking democracy. they are using threats of violence. they are taking away voting
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rights. and he called it what it is. that's what he did. he called it what it is, and what many would argue that historians would agree with us. >> rachel: civil ultra mega republicans, extremists, radicals. they've called us and parents to go to school board meetings domestic terrorists, insurrectionist, racists. these insults have a purpose. the purpose is to be able to justify weaponizing our system, our justice system, against republicans. and it's not just what happened to donald trump at the raid and everything they've done against him the last four years. conservatives are very smart. those who protested blm and antifa, what happened to them after they did what they did, and what happened to the protesters who protested what they saw as election funny business on january 6th? they see the difference. i'll tell you, for in five
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americans after what happened with mark zuckerberg believe that the election would have been different. i think this is a white house that is very scared about what the implications are, of what mark zuckerberg told about the fbi. >> kayleigh: i think you're exactly right on that. there was an interesting poll in june, it was a little bit of an outlier, but it showed 32% of people's top issue is political division, even outpacing the economy. i don't think biden's competence level allows him to rectify the baby formula crisis or inflation. that aside, one thing he can confidently do is be a unifier and maybe speak to that one issue that is on the mind of voters. >> todd: to your point, i think that was an outlier, because all the other polls show it's the economy. if you are the democrats right now, what policies do you have to show the american people with the midterms approaching? i know they like to pretend that they tout their policies, that they passed. let's face it, those policies are going to cripple the financial futures of our children. so what do they do?
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they call republicans fascist, they say republicans are destroying democracy, when in reality, fascist, they say republicans who is kicking parents out of school were meetings? i believe that the democrats, and other republicans. >> kayleigh: "the great unifies." an alarming video now being shown, high school students warning teenagers not to call the police about racist attacks because police apparently escalate violence." >> if the victim hasn't asked you to call the police, do not. i repeat, do not call thepe policerf. way about my dog. we were feeding her dry, triangle shaped ingredients long as the yellow brick road. we didn't know how bad it was for her until we actually got the good food. we got her the farmer's dog sent in the mail. it was all fresh,
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taking anti-police sentiment to a whole new level. a new video shown to denver south students shows them -- tells them not to call police if they see a racist or trans-phobic attack. watch this. >> armed police presence often escalates rather than reducing the risk of violence, so if the victim hasn't asked you to call the police, do not. i repeat, do not call the po police. >> all right, todd. telling children not to trust or tell the police seems like a dangerous thing to do. >> todd: it's the latest example of problems coming from the school, because you have these administrators who are there to teach our kids english, math, reading, writing. they are there to indoctrinate them into a woke ideology. the thing i love about this, this came from the bernard center for research on women. in case you don't know, that's an elite northeast scho school e
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up of people telling people of scarlet racism is. >> this is typical. we have seen this before. they come up with some crt or some training video for teachers that is actually racist or gives bad advice for kids or is inappropriate for kids and then they say, "we didn't mean this." isn't this what parents are so worried about with public schools? >> there is so much stuff happening in public schools and only when it comes to light do you have some school districts they maybe that went too far. this is really dangerous and false to tell children that police are something that only add to problems in a community. it is so elitist, to your point, todd, in many communities the police operate not just to take care of crime but also as community workers to tell them not to be there really harms those communities. all these policies that the democrats have been pushing in terms of hating on the police have led to huge upticks in violence and crime, murders, the murder rate in portland is something like three times what
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it was a couple years ago. and it might seem cute and fun to tell things to kid like this, but it's dangerous and there people who need help who won't get it because of hateful things like this. >> one of the beautiful things about children is they are generally color-blind. it's what makes them so beautiful. talk to me about the morality of introducing this kind of division into kids at these very formative ages. >> kayleigh: it's insidious. you have seen critical race theory at the youngest ages of the school system, telling people to dislike and to hate other people based on the color their skin. you are oppressed or you are an oppressor, so antithetical to justice and fairness in the lady should be thinking, to your point, the innocence of children. i do want to point out that in denver this is part of an anti-police seem we have seen out of the denver public school system. back in 2020, they voted to remove school resource officers, and these are essentially police officers. they have been there for 22
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years, they do a lot of good work. i was talking to police in tennessee telling me the school resource officers have become like dads to people who come from fatherless homes. they do so much good, breaking up fights, being there as a father figure, and one of the guys in denver, a patrol officer, taylor williams, told a local paper that they think it's shameful, you don't realize how many knives, guns, and drugs the school resource officers have taken away. they are a deterrent of school violence and this anti-police sentiment. like you said, it's backfiring the well-being of children. >> one of the reasons we love you, we love you because we love you, but we love you because somebody who used to work with liberal activists, you understand why. what is this about? >> this is what is shocking and disturbing. the kids involved in this, they are from, let's say, my generation. the parents understand that we've heard this rhetoric before. to demonize the police, or at least give people who are
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batterers of the bad guys the benefit of the doubt. and that makes problems worse, like the mystic violence. for a very long time, forever, "that's a family's business, it's none of our business. if you call the police come it'll get worse." or the battery would say, "if you call the police, i'll hurt you or us next time." so the laws were changed. if nobody wanted to press charges, as a community we needed to stop the silence, so it was our business. when you tell young people of color, transgenders, "you don't matter as much, your injury, your treatment you are receiving is that you have to put up to that because demonizing the police is more important." and of course the abusers, the bullies, well, they realize, "i can do whatever i want," and that's what we see in the cities. "this is okay, then." these are also young people -- our laws are about sending a message about what is appropriate and moral. when you say you can do this and get away with it, of course it will be done even more.
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>> it's an excellent point. coming up, another week, and other hypocritical celebrity exposed. harrison ford is the latest a list or publishing to push eco-activism while still using private jets. we will talk about that next. ♪ ♪ we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. they said it couldn't be done. because the big drug companies have billions of dollars and an army of lobbyists. but aarp has never run from a tough fight.
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>> it's hard to read the headlines. floods, famines, plagues, and tell your children everything is all right. it's not all right. damn it, it's not all right. >> that was actor harrison ford preaching at a climate conference just last year, but now the indiana jones star is getting called out for his carbon footprint. his private jet has made at least eight trips in the last two months alone. just last week, prince harry was
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spotted arriving for a private jet flight that he was taking to a one-day polo match. the jet sat idling on the tarmac for more than 30 minutes while the prince waited for his staff to bring his bag of polo deer in a gas guzzling suv. what a climate warrior harry is. they are just the latest on a growing list of celebrity climate hypocrites. rachel, harrison ford apparently has a jet that has emitted more carbon in the environment in less than two months and an than average american brings a two years, and an average citizen burns and nine. >> rachel: they know there's not a climate crisis and that all the things they are doing right now to impoverished people isn't going to change anything with the weather. you can't control it. it is just so infuriating, because people are suffering. 20 million people are behind on their utility bills. because utilities are now 50% higher than they were last year.
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in europe they are facing this terrible crazy winter, 80% costs are up. so they -- semiuseful idiots and believe the stuff and it's like their new religion, and for government workers, i think some of them are doing it for control, but others like harrison ford, it's part of virtue signaling in a way for them to feel a little less guilty about being super rich. >> kayleigh: i feel that's the case with prince harry. i found this amusing, in the daily mail i read that he says 99% of his travel is by commercial flight. is anyone seen him on a commercial flight ever? [laughter] >> i think it maybe a combination of why people are doing this. individuals like prince harry and actors like harrison ford, all these other people, they genuinely believe that something is happening, and it's the narcissism. they believe everything that's happening is happening because of us as opposed to mother nature and god and all those other things.
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but if they're going to continue to do what they do, because they are important, and that is if they can stop a million people from being able to pay for their utility bills, and having to use a fred flintstone car instead of a real one, than they've helped save the planet. they still need to fly, they still need their suv, but they are the important ones to make sure that every other little puny rube doesn't get to do it. and that's because they don't matter. we see this in so many ways. they are hypocrites, for this is about hierarchy, the power they have. why there are two standards, they are above the rule of law. it's class. so they know they being hypocritical but what they really think is that they are more important than the rest of us and that is what's important. there is a truth that, until they start acting like they think it's a serious problem, no one else really needs to. >> kayleigh: where is their skin in the game? if the world is ending in five years or whatever they say --
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>> todd: maybe they're going to mars. ladies, this is a difficult topic for me. >> kayleigh: is that? seems difficult. >> todd: not because i'm an eco-warrior, but because i dress up as indiana jones every year for halloween, mostly because i'm cheap and i already have the parts. you just need a bunch of khakis and shoes. all joking aside, i don't care if these guys fly. you are indiana jones. if your steven spielberg, you've made millions. buy year jet. have at it. fly all over the world. you've earned it. just don't lecture us on emissions. to your point, it's just one of the many areas where they take something and delete themselves -- i made a new word, they elite themselves over the rest of us, and it's sickening. >> kayleigh: i love your indiana jones enthusiasm. you missed this but he was swinging from a fake vine going into the last break. >> todd: do you want to see? [laughter] >> during the pandemic we saw this on airplanes.
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all of us cattle had to wear the masks, and then all the people who flew private, there was no covid on private planes. nancy pelosi goes to some fund-raiser and the servants have to wear masks, but not her. it's the leaders in. >> and gavin newsom at the football game. >> it's horrible in these ways but it's a threat to the republic when it gets to the standards of justice we have, that you can do anything you want if you are the fbi or hillary clinton or hunter biden but you can't if you vote republican. this is something that can actually threaten the entire future of the republic. >> kayleigh: that's exactly right. equal justice. coming up, "euphoria" star sydney sweeney forced to defend her mother's 60th birthday party after the woke mob claim that partygoers looked a little too maga. what's wrong with that? ♪ ♪
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how this will play out in the midterm elections. and the mother and father of the fallen marine sergeant, taylor hoover, killed in the kabul airport blast one year ago, will be joining us live. join us as america reports, top of the hour. see you then. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "outnumbered." cancel culture seems to be eyeing the start of "euphoria," sydney sweeney, over the soda she posted. they are from her mom's hoedown-theme 60th with a party. the woke mob is slimming the actress because a guest wore a "blue lives matter" shirt and others were maga-style caps at the party, but these hats actually read "make 60 great again." sweeney responded to the controversy saying, "you guys, this is wild.
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an innocent salivation for my mom's milestone 60th birthday has turned into an absurd political statement, which was not the intention. please stop making assumptions. much love to everyone and happy birthday, mom." but her response said that, unless she forced her parents to vote for biden at gunpoint, they could no longer watch her show. another tweet reads, "your family is obviously far right based," and another hater tweeted, "you family is wearing maga and blue lives matter shirts. they are racist." so this has a lot to do with the hat. when jussie smollett did his hoax he had to involve the maga hat. a lot have said they didn't want their kids were a maga hat and somehow get attacked. >> tammy: throughout history we know the left loves symbols, or you can find the people you don't like and make sure you can collect them when you don't like them and they need to be collected, and that people know who to bash and they know what
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the symbol is. that is a way to simply inculcate everyone into fear, and then you've got some individuals who, it is a religion. they decide they got to act on this, and if you stray at all from what we deem is appro appropriate, you will be canceled or you'll be attacked. her response was decent. let's hope in another day she doesn't come back with something from a struggle session about how she needs to learn more. these are bullies. the left understands bullies, they done campaigns to end bullying, and here they are in a volcano of bullies. they need to start standing up and saying enough is enough. >> rachel: she's 24 is old come up for two anis. you have to believe her team is in a tizzy for what it means for this opportunity to get this emmy award. also they are very intent on culture. they understand the power of culture. you can see even in the response
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that she's a little nervous. >> rightly so, the left is very intolerant of different viewpoints. i keep thinking back to that barack obama's speech where he came out on the national stage and talked about red america and blue america, that it would be so unifying. since the beginning of his presidency to where we are now, we have -- you never see people trying to cancel people because of a slight political disagreement from the right. it's always from the left. hollywood does view itself as one of those places where the left completely controls, they don't want a possible opening here. and the rest of the country, people look at these pictures and say, "this looks like a fun party and a place i could have a good time." and people in the real world understand that this extremism we are seeing from the left is something that is very corrosive to the country. >> no one has taken more arrows for liking the message of maga more than you. speak to me about that intolerance. i actually think it is the myth
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of liberal tolerance. >> kayleigh: i'm so glad you asked it that way, because he made me think of some of the people i have met in the maga movement. what this showed is that there were people in cowboy hats, they were at a bar and line dancing, and someone try to vilify this group of people. i have been to 100 plus rallies, and many of them were before i became press secretary. many of them were as campaign press secretary, meaning i was out in the crowd. i had a woman run up to my pregnant belly of the time with my first child and has about seven months pregnant and put her hands on my belly and say, "i'm praying for your child." these are the people who make up this movement. that wonderful, beautiful, good people. instead of looking at someone because they have a cowboy hat on and a red hat you might not like, try talking to them and asking questions. you might find you have more income and than you think. >> it's a bit of conservative cultural appropriation and we don't seem to mind that as a conservative, but it brings up an interesting point to me. i have wondered, todd, if the
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viciousness and all the trolls going after this girl and trying to shut her down and vilify her, are they just jealous that no one has ever had a biden-themed party? that there are no biden hats out there? that no one wants to be associated with that campaign? >> todd: definitely, there is no biden-themed party. but he think they are jealous of her. she's had a meteoric rise, she's excellent at what she does, a lot of people love her, and i think one comment has this all together. if somebody was wearing a red hat that said "make democrats great again," they would use that as racist. that's insane. i know in 2017 we had a party at my shore house -- my parents', i don't own a sure house. but it said "make seafood festival great again." i've got to be honest, most of the people there were democrats, we had a lot of minorities and a lot of gays, and the only ones marginalized where the fish because we eat them and they
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were great. [laughter] >> shaming people for wanting to be associated with them, otherizing them, and if you dehumanize people you could do anything to them. it's a very dangerous environment. great discussion. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ ♪ [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. [ kimberly ] i feel so much better. i feel energized to go outside and play with my daughter. i can ate anything. like, i don't have to worry. clearchoice changed my life. it's the all-new subway series menu!
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near st. petersburg, the cop asked her to do a field sobriety test, and she said you sound like my ballet coach. that's not the way you talk to an officer. >> and also people should not drink and drive, people can be killed that way. i think she failed to understand the number one way to get out of a dui is married to the speaker of the house. >> oh! >> and the other way is by holding on to a car like paul pelosi did. >> listen, i just think about the cops, i mean, they caught her, they probably saved someone's life that night, and so all these people say defund the police, they do this kind of work, they take stupid people like this off the streets so they don't kill people. >> if they were wondering if she was inebriated, the dance confirmed she was. >> the dance confirmed it.
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>> maybe the first time for the dancing. >> who knows about the dancing, not to be a buzz kill but reported this lady has been arrested before for dui. so to our point, you know, you got to get people like this off the road. people could die. but if we want to end on a fun note, remember "seinfeld" when elaine was dancing, words of the great kramer, that ain't dancing. >> and why does she still have a ballet coach, she was 39, anyone catch her age, still taking ballet, let's not combine that with alcohol and driving, tammy. very serious and important, call the police officers and walk the straight line. >> the benefit of this it has gone viral, perhaps her family will take more severe action to try to get her help. >> and if any one needs help with drinking problems, reach out now is a good time to do it. >> i think this summer has been a summer in learning, you know.
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>> all throughout covid, like paul pelosi, rent a car or call uber. >> and if anyone needs help with their dancing, call me. >> thanks to everyone, here is "america reports." >> john: i need your number, todd, if i'm going to call. fox news alert, department of justice telling a federal judge in florida it has already completed its review of documents seized from former president trump's mar-a-lago home. >> sandra: the judge signalled support to appoint a neutral party, a special master. is it too late for a third party review? andy and jonathan are here, we'll get their take moments away. >> john: fox news alert to kick off "america reports" as we dance our way into the last week of the official summer season. $1 trillion, wha
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