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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 2, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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bruce exclusively on foxely on nation. n alsofo read my columx n at amoc us . that's akmu can al us and you cd me at tammy bruce dot locals .com where i have a tammy ami and they would love to see you over there as well. in the meantime, you stay y rigt here because your favorite, raymond arroyo is in tonight, sitting there for you, filling in for ingram .laura ingraham, the combo, of course, is amazing. but tonight, raymond is all yours. >> i'm all solo. thank you so much, tammy. tammy incredible insight. ue t and we are going to take it from there and continue to look at thilooks bizarre speech from president biden. >> i'm raymond arroyo. this i'm ra is a speciala edition of the ingrams angle from new york city tonight. m you heard the president's opening salvo and the campaign season that his party will embrace as they move intoet the campaign pitch. essentially, biden is casting himselingf as the savior ofll dr the nation soul.
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>> with all due respect, if we needed a pope, we'd hold a conclave. >> but biden waxed pseudoal spiritual throughout his sermon address, the dark of charlottesville, of covid, of gun violence in his direction. charlottesville, covid, gun violence, insurrection. we can see the light.. light is now visible light thatl will guide us forward. i ran for president because i believe we're in a battle for the soul of this nation. the president claims that thists is a battle for the soul ofle the nation. or thebut you can't save the sol by killing the body. re bid and that's what, by aneny objective measure, biden's policies have done.g crime is skyrocketing all over the country. inflation's atthe coun a 40 yea. the border is wide open,de and this administration hasthei encouraged migrants to risklint their lives to enter the country. >>er illegally. all that does is strengthenan the cartels and human traffickers. the nation's report card dropped today showing that nine year olt y showind studente sinking in math and reading,g wiping out a decade ofess.
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progress. our children are more at risk from drugsr e at, violence and b curriculum than ever before. alrel of that can be traced to biden's policies. how is any of that helpingica's america's soul? the pastor in chiefsoor conveniently a ignored those facts, sticking to his old time religion. >> there's no question thatno the republican party today is dominated, driven, intimidated by donald trump and the magar republicans, and that is a threat to this country. >> but beyond all the spirituala gobbledygook, biden is really engaged in a partisan smear and smash operation. this is about framin ig himself as the white and republicans as dragons. it's cynical. it's sad.ns. and it's a total repudiation of his earlier pledges of unity and civility. >> my whole soul in this bringing america together,
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uniting our people, uniting our nation. we can see each other not as adversaries, but as neighbors. >> butrs. >> i look at those you disagree with as neighbors when extreme terrorist fits them so well. >> tonight, the president declared warl? tonight on a whole group of citizens. >> so i want to say this plain c and simple. there is no place forlitica political violence in america, period. i will not stand by and watch. i will not. the will of the american people be overturned by wild conspiracyamerican theorieses and baseless evidence. re claims of fraud. fraud i will not stand by and watch elections in this country stolen by people who simply refuse to accept that they lost . > okay, okay. raymo: ok but if the qualification for of being an enemy of the state is questioning elections orce engaging in violence, i know who did it better because concession means to acknowledge in action is right, true or proper.
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>> i cannot concede that you can run the best campaign. campi yognu can even become the nomine and you can have the election stolen from you on antaylor illegitimate president . >> i!n my mind, folks, look, i absolutely agree with ron. . >> no matter where you sit on the political spectrum today, any fair minded person ve can see moncb violence and election sour grapes are hardly confined to one party. and if we do it day by day, political violence comparison. january 6th was one horrific day of violence. >> just an afternoon, the blm antifa riots that burnednd destr
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and destroyed cities, causing one to two c billion dollarsan worth of damage and injuring more than two thousand officers. moren 2,000 ofthat went on for i >> but this is not just aboutt the president branding his political opponents as violents extremists, terrorists like those overzealous puritanspurgeh vold, he seeks to purgeun the unclean from the land by labeling a group ofg a americans as extremistgrs. stigt the government is free te,o investigate and prosecute them at a later date. ca >> this is an american tragedy and a failure of leadership.oppt rather than win over his opponents, the decision has been made to demonize a and simply remove them. and ifnd sy the president is so determined to save the soul ofof the nation, it's hard to see how placing abortion at the center of your redemptio yon plan works. >> maga forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an america where there is no right to choose, no
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right to privacy, no right to contraception, now, biden could credibly play the slightly confused>> raymo grandfather or the garrulous irishman spinning blarne grandy, but to try to tae on the role of the spiritual reformer of the nation whileo advocating abortion with no restrictions. when your own child is anld embarrassing, degenerate spectacle of drug useener and debaucath, the role mightyod be beyond his reach and to challenge beyond his powers. >> joining me now is congressman jim jordan, ranking member of the house judiciary committee. mollie hemingway, editor house ju ingway, chief of the federalist and foxt news contributor and mollet, monica crowley, former assistant secretary ofcr the treasuryetary and host of the monica crowley podcast. >> thank you all for being here. congressmacongren, i'll startyo. with you. the president said maga forces are determinesident e to take td country backward. how should republicans respond ? >> has the soul of the nation now been saved that the speech is over? over
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>> no, i actually think raymond, he came across as a sad, angry, kind of bitter old man here, kind look like, it l the lighting and all sort of like darth vader, it seemed to me. the past four days he has called half calle the countrd y fascistsemist. and extremists. and the country really wants the realthe counblem problems o. they want done address likeou pi the like you pointed out intn your statement, in your innerbor monologue, we went from a secure border to no border. so we went from safe streets to record crime. we went from stable pricesrecor a forty one year high inflation rate, and we went from two dollar gas to five dollar gashs. all in eighteen months. i think the nation wouldon woulg of like those addressed versusca being called extremistascist and fascists and have the government now target your freedoms and liberties adke we have seen from the biden administration justice department. >> now, monica, you worked iticn the trump white house. so, you know, optics, if you were going to like in your political opponents toay maybe employing a backdrop that looks like it could have come0s
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out of nineteen forties germany and in this opening was noto. the way to go . >> my fellow americans, please, if you have a seat, you i speak to you tonight from sacred ground in america. >> monica, can you remember an example of a prime time address by a president so lacednd div with ugly and divisive political rhetoric and a backdrop that looked likisee. well, first of all, yeah, the the imagery there was almostalms satanic with that blood red lighting and the two marinest ba behind them, it was just. insane. look, this was a garbage speec h by a garbage president .rbage pn and the fact he gavet an this disgusting, dangerous speech atn independence hall is a sacrilege. hece deliberately used two phrases. he talked about extremismm because of the association with terrorists and terrorism. on withtsand he also spoke aboui forces as if seventy five million americans
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are part of some subterfuge. guerrilla grou of p. t but he deliberately used that kind of language because he is making no secret of his intention of turning halfintent the country into enemies of the state. and the purpose of that is so that they can leverage the power of the state against us . this is an incredibly dangerous moment for the country. ever county dictator throughout history has employed this kind of language with that kind offo backdrop. and for most americans, i thinkt they're really starting to seewh what is actually happening here, which is thaly happet theh dangerous threat we face is that our own government has now been fully weaponized against us to the point wheree not only aremo the most fearsome agencies of the of the country turned against us from the doj ,fbi and irs, but alsofbi, irs the president, the united states , who is supposed to effectively represent us al and instead has turned to all of his forces and fire upon the country.
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>> molly, then biden went on to claim that it is the rightn grie who is engaged in grievance and culture wars. e th watch. we're going to make the twentyr first century another americantl century because the world needs us to. that's where we need to focus our energy. not in the past, not on divisive culture wars, not. on the politics of grievance, but on the future we can build together. >> but molly, who started theset culture wars oveurr school curricula and abortion and how is returning abortion to the states destroying>> i k democracy? you know, i keepeeking thinkingl making all these allusions to the summer of violence that we saw in 2020 where cities were destroyed with arson, where dozens of people werwhe killed,i where thousands of cops were injured, where so much destruction happened. and president trump gave a speech at mount rushmore where hemore whe did condemnalsa political violence and also
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praised our country and spoke about the higher good that we all should aspire to. and the corporate media called that speech dark and divisive. and divithis speech is easily tt disgraceful speech from a president in recent decades. it is horrible how he is issuing a call to war against every single american who didn't vote for him or doesn't support him. thand that's a lot of peoplegs e because his approval ratings are horrible and parhorriblet yu the reason why is because,e, as you note, democrat policiescv are very corrosive to the bodye politic, the culture war wherewa they are attacking people for recognizing biological reality or for lying about whathave a the dobbs decision does, which enables people to have a say in whether to protect women and children from from what ween experience frod under the abortp regime previously. this is just it're darkeally and dangerous time. and it's at a time when violence has been committed recently against churches, churc republican offices, maternal
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care centers, supreme court, sur justices who've been nearly assassinated. he didn't condemn any of that. ' and it'ser very dangerous.>> ray >> no selective outrage., congressmanon jordan, here's wht biden thinks about. seventy four million americans.t >> listen, i want your reaction, maggie . >> pblicans do not respect the constitution. >> they do not believent i bidei the rule of law.on >> they do not recognize ree will of the people. >> they refuse to accept the results of a free election now. now, congressman, he constantly tried to invoke president trump and magar republicans, but whether president trump is in the picture or not, one gets the feeling they would be branded gets in the same way with the same language right now.on and monica, molly arica e bothae right. they are trying to weaponizes. the government against half the population, against any republican , any conservative, anyone who voted for president trump. and we see that it's so bad had that we have had 14 . i've talked about this
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14 whistleblowers come to our office as fbi agents come o to us as whistleblowers talking about this whole narrative tofiw treat everyone and label everyoneas as an extremist who simply opposes the radical policies opposes of the left anf the democrat party. as molly said, thi.s is a dangerous and frightening time. the countr the country, though, sees it. i've it out across the country helping candidates. the people i talked to,pe they seeople i for what it is .re goi they're very and i think they're going to show up in a big way on november 8th and say enough of this, we've got to put this in check and put republicans back in control. monica , a new quinnipiac pollpiac p shows that a majority of democrats and republicans both agree the nation's democracy is in danger. e thof collapse. 67% of americans agreeee with with that. that 69% of both republicans and democrats also agree. monica, isn't thatll actually proof that bidene coun is dividing the country? because obviously they thinktrou democrac y is falling for
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different reasons, republicans and democrats. and it's not about unity. >> yeah, exactly right. when you see the split alongs ao those lines and you see the numbers almost identicals ad for republicans and democrats and even independents, it tells you that they're viewing the divisions in the country as extremelys in the problematir the future of america, but for very different reasons. r diffthis speech tonight was ln of projection every thing that president biden accused donald trump and conservatives and theh america first movement of, they themselves are guilty of every single thing that he accused our side of doing. he and the democrats are guilty of and i think most americansd now see that. and i do think this is a precarious moment because we're at a real tipping point here. and i think a lot of the people he accused of being enemies of the state today really feeldi like this is the hill to die. on the other side is at war with the constitution,
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free market economics, economic freedom, individual liberty. and we're out here trying to pre preserve all of those things c for the children and grandchildren of this country. d granand the other side is lity at war.any republ and the republican who is running for office needs to understand that and campaign on that for future. t to molly, i want to get to youou before i run out of time. i want to get your reaction tots the media's response to this speech. >> listen, there was thoseamerin moments of the american dream, right where he reminded the country of what does actually make america great and what we can do from here >> jt. >> there was hope, just gav as lincoln gave the house divided speech. >> here is a time when president biden has chosen molly. onur take on this. apparently, a group of t historians met with biden and convinced him that he was like fdr and lincoln, fdrr before the war and lincoln during the war. your your tak take one on is trying e biden as a wartime president .>> i think it's ver i ty difficulth
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defend anything in this speech. and anyone who does it is having to work really hard to do it. you donite not unite the countrh by going to war against half the country. you don't unitu doe a countryico by weaponizes the department of justice to take out an ty and al political opponents. i mean, it is just sheer gaslighting what we're going through with the amount of executive authority that beingyd held by by joe biden and how he's abusing that, whether it'sn through the loan scheme that he's using to buy votes, weap weaponization of the department of justice or any of the other policy issues that he's goin through. and it's to to it'ts just yout' wonder you wonder how muchan more can happen and thatparently corporate media will defend. but apparently we see tonight that they're willing to defend and expose anything. >> molly mondsympathize with you.: mo, i sympathize with you. i think everyone i think everybody's at a loss for words. how do you eve ln puost this fiction in in context?e it i because it's so at oddslity with reality before this panel. i thank you all for being herena tonight on this important
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tonight speech revealed thatd the democrats had no midterm message given their record. >> nowno they'll stakempaign their entire campaign around the divisive idea thatd ids are a threat to democracy. tonight, we have three gop senate candidates waiting to respond. j.d. vance, herschel walker, mehmet oz will rebut by inrschel moments the military mission in afghanistan will conclude on august 31st. i don't believe among any of our most senior military advisers that any of them thought it was going to go well. with these people need help unless it takes the same job working for again, for those who are going to kill your whole family. it is no time the taliban will kill me.
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we ended up with about 12 people that we put together of the special operations community. >> we knew the clock was ticking. >> the taliban knows the streets. they have been positioning for this exact moment. the white house was waving behind our own citizens and our wartime allies. somebody has to step up. are you going to be the person that's going to raise your hand to go ? do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep and i'll sleep? support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer. so you can wake up refreshed. >> i used to wake up a couple of times a night and now a qnol . i sleep straight through the night and wake up refreshed. finally, something that works. thanks qnol. i recommend you try channel five and one sleep support to help you get to sleep. you need use offer code twenty five a sleep to save 25%
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duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. four, three again. that's eight hundred eight four eight one two four three . too much of what's happening in our country today. is not normal. donald trump and the major the g republicans represent an extremisam that threatens the very foundations of our republic. e next s think about what the next step from there is that really of ou threatens the foundation of our republic. >> joining me now is j.d. vance ,ohio's republican candidate for us senate. >> j.d., thank you for being with us. seventy four million americans apparentlylion ame are extremis. >> now, how is that a winning strategy? campaign strategy for bidenfo and the democrats? >> well, i don't think it's at l a winning strategy at all because it ignoresl the fact that joe biden has effectively been in a position of 3 leadership for 30 years in this
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country. and what has happened inhappened 30 years?, we basically haven't won a war. we have ha hd rising suicide rates. lity we have rising mortality ratesee such as the life expectancy. we'v the country has come down. we've lost a long term battle against the chinese and dubaith is actually taking us in the wrong direction and fighting back . and given all that, you wouldm expect them maybe to take respo some responsibilitnsy for the fact that the country is not doing well and instead he's decided that the enemy is not him, not the people himee who have made bad decisionops, t but the patriotic americans who are frustrated enough aboutr the countriotiabout thy that tho work to change it. >> and i just can't imagine anything more divisive and more dangerous coming from a president who , if he said d anythingur, during this campaign it's that he wouldtr uniteg at the country. this is not uniting at all. he's declaring war effectively on half of the country, not just donald trump. i understand he doesn't like donald trump, but on donald trump's voters. and i can't imagine a president ever doing that in american history. >>t in this reaction to biden's speech from cnn.
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welln,, i was doubled over when i heard >> he almost seemed to. sor t patri be reclaiming patriotism. often you hear republicansot th argue that they are the pro america party, right. the democrats are not patriotic enough. but what was more pro usa than s this m speech? >> reclaiming patriotism? whats happened to it? joe biden's party were saying waving american flag ss were racist not so long ago.racist >> n yes, you just look at w the backdrop of this. i mean, it looks likase it guy s designed by a guy who was intentionally trying to create ridiculous evil propagandao crea imagery. imag it's not reclaiming patriotismer to declare war on behalf of your citizens. joe biden is the president of a shared american nation. and he basically looked atrica the camera and said, half ofu a you are evil people. half of yobau are bad people. that's not that's a recipe for divisionattk and for attack. and look, at the end of the day, the country hasco a seriouuntrs problems that sers
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problems because of the decisions that joe biden has made over the last coupleldc of years, he could accepeptme some responsibility and promise. a new direction. instead, hine decidestd to attae the people who are rightfullyany angry about his failed lea leadership. we've godership. wet to fight back against this. and i'd say if people wantto t o help us fight back , j.d., anscombe, support our candidates running, because that's the only thing that'so pd going to provide a check to what we saw tonight. >> j.d., i want to play what your democratic opponent, tim ryan , had to say about his party today. >> watch. don't advertise. you're a democrat. is that because there's an implicit recognition? it's a liability? well, i mean, the democratic brand, as we know and you and ir have talked about this forng tim a long time, is is not good.e,na and a lot of these places and i tell people, look, i'm an american, jd , i have pnd 20 seconds left. >> how do you think he feels tonight about being a democrat? wellg a demo, i think he probabr even worse, but maybe he shoulde stop voting 100% with joe biden and nancy pelosi and actually fight back .
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that's exactly what we'r si a tryingndght back to do, which id we've got to send thesede democrats, especially in the senate racesmocrats especi,e november. >> and joe, your neck and neckad with ryan. so we'll kee neckp our eye on that race. thank you for being here.ace. ded now to georgia, where another democrat is distancing himself from joe bidenmong. when asked this week if he wanted biden to come campaign for him, incumbent senator raphael warnock said, frankly, i'm not focused on who i'm campaigning with , but who i'm campaigning for. for well, the people he saysth he's campaigning for seem to be supporting my next guest, republican candidate for senatse herschel walker, who leads warnock by two points to a brand new amerson poll. >> thank you for being here. if biden and his messaging about the soul of america is so popular, why are candidates like we're not running from? them? >> how do georgians receive this? do you think? how do gwell, isn't it conveniet senator warner, who's from
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the same cloth, will continue to want to divide this d countr just the same as joe biden? and they believe that thiscountr country is such a race is bady peoplewhere th we have in this , whereas i believe that we're not a race, is bad people. got good people here and we have our problems that we cane o solve those problems together. odso you're trying to distance himself right now when you voted with him, 90% percent at a time, which means we're going to have an open border, whichg i meanmsels you're going to put men and women sports . senator one out, voted toan men and women sports that he voted for higher taxes. so doesn't senator .o not really as right now.warnock' so he's trying to distancedist himself now because you justancm want to get your vote .if you so you're trying to entice youaw to give him a vote. are vote for him again,ing. we're going to get the same old thing. that's why the people of georgia are looking for someone new like herschel walker. and i encourage you guys, go toh teamel .com is tablas, take the people's seat by and put herschel walker and then seemond senator warner called you out on the campaign trail this week. >> watch my opponent said that
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he would debate me anywhere, any time. and then i accepted t three debates and i'm still stiw waiting on him to agree to t debate herschel. >> rs that true? as he accepted three debates? >> and why haven't you accepted any? well, i haven't accepted the debate in his hometown,d and that's what i want everyone to know. in hissenator warner is a liare he's lied tod me. and you se e that they put almost 15 million dollars n a raceme i is virtually tied on my head. i want to hear ahead by two points in to support me,ints. because right now, senator , one , i do not want to debate, not ask for a debate in town in front of an audience so everyone can see the contrast that he voted. and i think abous. t this. he voted to put men in women's sports . he voted for a woman to kill v a baby. he voted forotor highe a womr ts on the herschelle. >> are you going? so you are committing tonight to a debate with or not, senator one on october the 14th in savannah, georgia.
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i'm committed to a debate and i don't want to on a tweet a dayuo ,i said, wakese up, get ready, put your shoes on and meet men o in savannah on october the 14the for debate that will be televised statewide. and he's still not decided. he ought to do it. >> yeah, okay. well, we're not it's into your court. we want toth see this debate.el hershel herschel walker, thankal you for being here. ker,democrat senate candidate john fetterman is stilljohn refusing to debate ahead of the midterm elections, citing his own health as the reason. well, last night he did hise di first tv interview since suffering a stroke days before the pennsylvania primary. >> his challenger, dr. mehmetz, oz, is here to react next. hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know
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be eligible for significant financial compensation. call camp lejeune victims to discuss your case. now leaking underground tanks contaminated the drinking water with benzene and other highly carcinogenic chemicals up to 280 times acceptable levels in some instances. there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer and other serious health conditions. it is critical to take action and call camp lejeune victims. now, if you wish someone you know spent time at camp lejeune before 1988 and you developed any of these cancers or injuries to determine your eligibility for financial compensation. now, if you don't win, you pay nothing called 840 zero nine three three one. that's eight hundred four zero nine three three one five . >> welcome back to the anger mangalam raymond arroyo. we tol d her last night how johnw john fetterman is running away from f
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a debate with my next guest, dr. oz, ahead of november's senate election in pennsylvania. this after claiming earlier this year that candidates need to debate. well, now he's blaming his. health after a stroke here suffered days before the primary.e >> when askepry. whend how pennsylvanians could be assured that he'd be able to represent them if heto represe e reacted by trashing dr. oz. they're trying to not focus on the condition of their campaigns right now. an d when they want to get into abh a serious conversation and really talk about havingthat a debate, i'd be happy to boat engage in that. but right now, the fact thatve e they have chose me to have a deeply unserious campaign to just ridicule somebody that is just recovering from a stroke, i'll bet that makes much more sense in closed captioning.e >> joining me now is dr. mehmeto ozsed. , pennsylvania's gop candidate for us senate. .octor . what's your reaction.p. ca to.
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letterman's comments? were you not ioun seriou nots i conversation with the letterman campaign about the debate of course, his response is tragic. >> i'm a doctor . completely the i understand completely the challenges of recoveringi' from a stroke. i've offered to help fig figuret a way for john fetterman to participate in a debate soe in a people can hear him defend his d far left radical positions. i've also offered the possibility that the real issue, he doesn't want to actually come on a debate stage. he didn't want to do it in his primary. he was sorn t forced to didn't o very well. he's now declined twdio ofdn the five debates hostede by major media organizations that i've accepted by the way,aa he has not accepted any questions on his campaign stops, which he's only doneoff. three and i've done one hundred and eighty . he also went te 18o the hamptono for a fundraiser, wenton re msnbc, as you just showed, refused to answer basic yes or no question about a debate. i think he's avoidingg responsibility for his radical statements. he's out of touch with mainstream pennsylvania values ainstrea, by the way. from he's getting a ton of money kno pouring in from the coasts from people don't knoerouw how danges
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he is .t that g if you're worried about that, go to dr. oz dotcom's supportcai my campaign. we're going to win now a ire gon november. but we've got to have the ability to define who he is . dr. oz. he has tried to label you as aa carpetbagger. i mean, if you listen to these ads, you're practically frankie valli. you're you're a jersey boy forever and ever. if you listen to those ads, f how do you escape that label? >> people in pennsylvania don'tr care where you're from. they care what you stand fore fh by the way, i live i grew up just south of philadelphia.philh i went to medical school in philly. went to me, i've got plenty of roots here. the issue for john fettermane f he to talkn't wantjo about the real challenges that pennsylvanians face. i'll give you an example. helvania's wants to at least ond of all prisoners, no life sentences, legalize all drugs. i mean, what's he thinking? homicides have increased 60% here in philadelphia since he took office. people in pennsylvaniaoffi , one solutions they want someone is going to fix the problems that they're struggling with at joe kitchethy are theirn table n to do that. john pediment doesn't want to talk about those topics. fett. oz, as you just mentioned, fetterman says it's high time
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to legalize marijuana. listen. >> listen. the war on drugs needs to stopcs and we need to legalize weed across this country. rythen you add in the revenue, d then you add in the jobs forth our farmers, for our veterans and just the freedom of it. cris idea that we have allowed a plan to be illegal and criminalized in this country is absurd. n is marchin>> rg a labor day parade with joe leden and asking him to arrilize marijuana before he arrives. now, veterans also launchingves. a largfette scale pardoning project for people with nonviolent marijuanlea coni criminal convictions in pennsylvania. dr. oz, firsnsylvania.t, what'sg your reaction to this legalization and this pardoning project ? >> and why is he only marching with joe biden? do youjo thinke ? ? well, i didn't join in joe biden, the two other eventsh he had in pennsylvania. mysten, my issue is thate hd ae wants to legalize all drugs, even supports heroin injection sites. and we have the largest opent oa
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air drug market in the countryhe here in philadelphia is destroying this city.e fetterman is out of touch out with what's going on in pennsylvania. th what'he's completely missing the target. pennsylvanians need help. and the things that they're struggling with right now, and that includes cost ofving living crime and the openpe border with fentanyl that's: i d on ting our young ones. t now, dr. oz i do need to get you on the record here. just two years ago, you said that weed was an under used tool and that it was safer than alcohol. >> what changed?o, oh, no. i a i'm supportive of medical marijuana. i think with the doctor'sment involvement, especially for seniors who have end of life issues suffering from pain, i think it's a safer solution than, for example, narcotics ine many cases.rcotic but it hass. t o be studied and we under have to understand ititions and therefore physicians should be involved. t want to give marijuana to every young person ino strugg america struggling with getting through their day. we alreadya pr have a problemm with getting folks mobilized to enter the workforcwiths mobiliep >> i think that's a slippery. doctor , i need to talk to you also about the polls.lls >>ar polls are tightening here.g it's only up to four in one oftt
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the most recent polls i sawpoll. that is a big plummet for him. why do you think these polls are tightening? so does it have something to do with his conditionha and asl, a medical professional, is the health that ferrymen finds himself in today disqualifying raymond? >> i don't know about his health because he hasn't told the true story, the transparentt story that's required aroundhat his health.t st but peopleor in pennsylvania are getting frustrated that he refuses to engage me in talkin c about the real challenges wehaat face, the topics that i know everyone is struggling with in g their homes as they watch thisel for thight now.d and he's being held accountablae for that. that's why the polls have c closed. i r campaigns pump and well, we've gotten all the right topics.n i'm more interested in making the lives of pennsylvanians better every single day to fix the problems. that's whae day,t doctors do.. and again, dr. oz .com, if youop want to help me, doctor , i wasr after that report showing how school age children fell behind because of covid covid
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lockdown's. >> the white house is trying to rewrite history about schoolte e closures. were >> watch.a we were in a place where, it sho again, schools were not open. it shows you how mismanaged the pandemic was and how the impact of that mismanagement had on the on kids progress and academicng. well-being. thi>> rs white housee cdc and the cdc workedwo with thee. teachers unions to keep close schools closed. your reaction to that? >> the white house weaponizes science. and when you mixwh politicite he science and politics and medicine, you get politics. that's all that's left,politi m they literally pushed us to close schools to offerd offe mandates. here in philadelphia, we havndas mask mandates again for children in school and p and preschoolers have to wearwe them all year round. there's no medical defense forae that. that. and yet they're willing to do it because the teachers unions desire it. i understand the benefitt unders and more importantly, i appreciate the damage that's done by putting a mask on a child, not letting them seemasko the world and see the mouthsn f
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people talking to them p because they don't learn as well. no, it's an outrag e. you see the horrible scoring ine that nation's report card todaye . dr. mehmet oz, i thank you forbn being here. while the judge hearing formereu president trump's special master request didn't rule outright today, she completely eviscerated the biden doj in court.lega our legal eagles are here next to respond. respond. to hear this. and a special announcement. cem. >> don't move. i will bless those who bless you here in israel and across the former soviet union, there are thousands of destitute elderly who are alone and in need of basic food. they desperately need your help . >> ramsey is halakhah survivor . she keep saying my refrigerator is empty.
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of l help, even if it was their need urgent. righchns and jt now. fort a yondu can give a gift of life of twenty five dollars. the international fellowship of christians and will bring comfort and food to rosia and thousands of others. promesa, i have had such a hard life and to see the smile you can save a life. just like ramsey.ristia i'm partnering with internationn fellowship of christians and . this trusted ministry is givingh christians like me a way telo tangibly bless jewish people url who are in need around the world. a life saving twenty five dollar gift helped send a volunteer respons on urgy needed survival food. bachs. with your response, their pain and suffering will continue for
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less than one dollar a day. you can say i will bless and comfort the jewish people. i will save a life today.itual e wherever in the worldorphan the jewish people ofs. the greatest need. the greatest need. our spiritual mandate is t feed the hungry and to here for the widows and orphans orphan that please call or go online now and say i will bless his people. >> israel, my husband was a marine and our family lived at camp bloom during the eighties. while i was there, i suffered a miscarriage and my husband has since died of cancer. now we're learning that the whole time we were on the base, the water was contaminated. we use that water for everything, for cooking, for drinking. we bathe dimmit. >> how can this happen? sadly, stories like these are all too common. this water was dangerous for years, nearly three decades.
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but now congress has passed the cap as you injustice. and finally, there's some financial relief. victims can now get the justice they deserve. if you are exposed to the toxic water at camp lejeune, and have since suffered any of these serious health problems, call white hart legal. right now, you and your family may be entitled to substantial compensation. >> if you lived or worked at camp lejeune and suffered any serious health problems, call 1-800- four six one seven 900. that's 1-800- four six one seventy 900. here puts america's news in focus. nationwide and there zerolable
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obligation calls today. >> or visit>> rao breaking tonight, we're awaiting a federal judge's ruling itin on trump's request for a special master to review the documents seized during that mar a lago raid.ra judge alleenid cannon at today's hearing said she will issuesue a written ruling in due course. at times, she seemed skeptical of the government's argument, asking what is the harm of appointing a special master? so much so that even the mediaei had to admit thasat they likely will be disappointed with her eventual ruling. >> she seems inclined to grant for president trump's requestl a for a special master third party to review some of the documents the justicends. department has in its hands. jud >> the judge at indicated that she was inclined to improveo ap
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the i still wouldn't be surpriseov request.d i if she went ahead and did itand only because she clearly views this as an unprecedenteds it a. situation. e no>> rw is david shewn, former lead counsel for president trump's second impeachment, and armitt dylan, civil rights attorney and founder of the dillane law group. founder ofgharmee fodr bein david . it seemsil liklon.e the judge is leaning toward appointing the special master somebody to review these documents, but the doj is still dead set against it. if they really think they have such a strong case, why fightst something like this?fi >> and does this special mastero daenmethingd does matter at thi? >> very good questions. you're absolutely right. good q. it should be a it should be a no brainer toa sc appoint a special master in this case. i wish the trump team had moved forward earlier because now there is an argumentthere' about mootness because the doj saysbes they've already reviewed the documents. ethe the courts and the justicea department even have recognized the problem. rtment tcognize thwith using a r team like they've done so far ,n even though that's beenl part standard practice, because there's still part of the same o justice department ju. ey put
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in fact, after the fourthni circuit criticized this, you put in a speciat toh this s unit to deal with this. but let me tell you something, why i believe it's political completely the political weaponization of this process. it should be a no brainepolitich you care about the confidence of the american public in an important process like this. of theanyou put it in a special, you agree with it, then you move forward. but what hasu move for been como on yet is on the 30th of august, an amicus brief is filed by a group of so-called former government employees arguin by sog against a special master who was behind the brief, norm eisen. en. norm eisen was in the obaman th administration. he's beee ob n the trump hater par excellence for the past few pas years. he wrote atw treat is that trump a treatis should be impeached and convicted and sentencedat on and on and on . trump it'ste a political processd. and that's a real telltale sign of it there. >> i mean, they seized thirty three items of evidence ,but most of the boxes from mar a lago and of those boxes, one hundred documents weree marked classified.ssified. >> where does executive privilege stand, given the fact that the judge dismissed dojdism
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claimsisse the president had noe because the documents weren't his? >> that was their argument. their awell, look, this is obvy a situation. e de there's a dispute betweenump ha the two sides as to whether president trump have d the right to possess those documents, whether executive privilege applied, whetherecutive the dor had been declassified, whether or not they were declassified, her he had a right to have them under the presidential records act and the timing of turninin theg over these documeo the national archives, which under statute caarchivn take. a significant amount of time. and so instead of dealing with that dispute, head on , the united states department of justice and fbi chose to manufacture a dispute, i think mislead the original magistrate judge about the nature of that dispute and then go inute and simply just run roughshoand over over not justt th the executive privilege argument, but also attorney-client privilege. i saw no mention of workwo product privilegrk proe. n a president trump is in a number of different lawsuits. i represent him in some civilffn lawsuits and there are a number of different privileges that can and should apply
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here. in a and so, like david said, it is a no brainer that in a circumstance like this and in my opinion, in all circumstances, it dto rifpropriate for the unite states department of justice employees to rifle through these papersle without regard fo privilege, without regard for the president's claims and rights. thif there is if they have good cause to have these materials, o then they should be willing to wait and have a neutral arbiter ,decide that and then have judg. that litigated in front of a federal judge. so the fact that they did itly n this way really demonstrates their desperation to the political motives underlying this entire raid. >> david , the departmenliticas. justice is citing in their response, probable cause for instruction, obstruction, rather, of justice. what did the trump team misrepresent what was in these files? and might they be in some jeopardy here? you'll remember on may 11th,andy there was the grand jurythey subpoena. d what dthey said, what do you n the files? the trump people said, we reviewed the files. there's nothinviewed theg here.s the fbi crashes in and finds it
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might. this is all a bit of a setup. >> and b, is the trump legalb, team in any trouble?trump le gai believe there's a greatherei deal more to this issue thans has come out so far . >> i can say this, evan corcoran, one of the lawyers involvedo be m, was hired to ben local council. in another case, fine lawyerthes fine person. as honest as the day is long,e her i don't believe for a secondse that he would have been a part of any misrepresentation to the government and i'm going tow say this, as i've said before, i do not believe and i know him very well now that donald trump would have in any way intentionally, knowingly or willfully had control of't b documents that he didn't believe he was entitleelieve eno control over or did anythingng wrong. that, frankly. com >> so there's a lot more to this story to come out. i mean, where do you think this goes from here? i mean, let's say the judgee appoints this special master tos review materials. what makes us think doj hasn'tad already passed all of thisg to e along to the investigators? invethe other cases?ses? >> great question.ion. so i looks to me after this, to
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our spirited hearing that the judge is likely to ordermast a special master. she's already indicated that she's going to unseashe's alingl the detailed inventory of the materials. now, what happens next is theg judge also indicated today in p the hearing, according to press, tharet is there, that she is not going to stand in the way of the intelligence officials doing their damage assessment. so that's kind of a compromise with the government position. ae and to the people who are arguing that this is moot, i because it is too late, i disagree with that. i think that w a new review can. absolutely remedy the situation. here>> raymond, david harmeet, u for being here.eck in w we'll check in with you in the days ahead. up next,head a big announcement about something new happeningan on the ingram angle. >> and i have a bighere. announcement. stay right there. you don't want miss this . hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis
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>> raymond: earlier this week we went on the road to detroit and i spent time after markhl
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bewahlberg and others for a big charity event.y giving some golf tips and i don't golf. here it gos a snip of the proceedings. >> tell me what this congregation means to f >> it started from a local call to greece. >> we wanted to give effect to kids with similar situations. >> raymond: your father was the golf coach at florida. >> yes, he was. >> what di d he teach you? >> he taught me the mentald he aspect. >> i would only do this for you, okay? the tip? tennis.p >> raymond: what is the one or two things i need to be mindful of? >> hitting the ball. >> raymond: hitting the ball, don't do that! don't do that! okay, you will see muce ofh morf my interviewterv with mark wahlg tomorrow night 10:00 p.m. eastern. and i also talked to kevin
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dillon, boxing grades sugar ray leonard. you will not want to miss this don'd my wonderful golf.ur order my book the wise men who found christmas gets releasedma" october 11th and will make astma wonderful christmas gift for children in your life. that is it forch us tonight raymond auroral in la laura ingraham and the special edition of "the ingraham angle." greg gutfeld is next. ♪ ♪ >> todd: joe biden is all-out attack on maga is hitting a boiling point. he promises you in a deep but the so-called fight for the soul of the nation is more of a tirade against him for the country and presumably all of you watching this morning. you are watching "fox & friends first" on a friday morning, i'm todd todd piro. ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. two americans clear and agree with democrats or an extremist


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