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tv   America Reports  FOX News  September 2, 2022 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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and that means christmas is almost here, right, guys? all right. thanks, everyone. here is "america reports." >> sandra: as we await a judge's ruling to determine the next steps after the mar-a-lago raid, but releasing never before seen records of exactly what the fbi took from former president trump's home. the inventory of seized items list some things we already knew such as documents marked classified or top secret, but new from today's release, we are now learning of dozens of empty folders marked classified without any documents actually inside. that's raising a whole set of new questions as we await the judge's next move in this case which could come at any moment now. attorney general bill barr joining us with reaction to all of it. but first this. >> john: fox news alert to kick off "america reports" on this
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friday. president biden wasting no time bragging about the august jobs report. even as americans still feel the squeeze of inflation. the president's show of optimism about the economy very different tone than he struck last night. i'm john roberts in washington, hello again, sandra. >> sandra: and we have you there, john. good to be here ahead of the long weekend. president biden's speech in primetime, everyone is talking about it, it turned so political at times that critics say it was more like a campaign event. the president attacking supporters of former president trump accusing them of being a threat to the american way of life, and just moments ago, our own peter doocy pressed president biden himself after that speech on his divisive message. we'll play it out here, it's about a minute long. >> mr. president, do you consider all trump supporters to be a threat to the country? >> no, everyone, come on. come on, guys.
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i don't consider any trump supporter to be a threat to the country. i do think anyone who calls for the use of violence and building violence when it's used, refuses to acknowledge when an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which the rules you count votes, that is a threat to democracy. democracy. everything we stand for. everything we stand for rests on the platform of democracy. when people voted for donald trump and support him now, they were not voting for attacking the capitol. they were not voting for overruling an election, they were voting for a philosophy he put forward, so i am not talking about anything other than it is inappropriate, and it's not only happening here, but other parts of the world where there's a failure to recognize that
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violence whenever it's used for purposes, failure to condemn the attempt to manipulate electoral outcomes, failure to acknowledge when elections were won or lost. >> sandra: so that was president biden reacting to peter doocy's question a moment ago, blaming the media once again for what is happening and the divisive nature in the country. how is the white house reacting to this latest report, alex? >> well, the president in that clip you just saw there, he was wrapping up a discussion he was having on the american rescue plan where despite hardships that are continuing for americans, the president actually said in opposition to what he said last night, he feels now things are moving in the right direction. >> bottom line is jobs are up, wages are up, people are back to work, and we are seeing some signs that inflation may be, may be, i'm not going to
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overpromise, may be beginning to ease. >> according to the labor department and the jobs report released this morning, unemployment up .2% last month compared with july. latest at 3.7%. and additional 300,000 jobs, and professional and business services, trade and transportation, education, and health services also saw a boost there as well. but hourly wages are unchanged at 5.2%, meaning any wage gains overall were wiped out by the cpi inflation rate of 8.5%. in a statement, the republican national committee chair wrote as long as they waste taxpayers dollars on the radical policies, families will continue to struggle to afford everything from gas to school supplies to groceries. hiring and wage growth slowing, this could be signalling something good to the federal reserve when it comes to any kind of rate hike that we are expecting.
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we are expecting to still see that but the question now is will they see the latest jobs number and could it be closer to half a percentage or more in line with what has been anticipated, three-quarters of a percentage? >> sandra: also, big reaction when karl rove joins us a few moments from now. his reaction and also reaction to president biden's speech last night. >> john: we are looking forward to that coming up in the next two hours. another fox news alert, this one as the justice department releases a more detailed inventory of items seized during the fbi search of mar-a-lago. reads like an itemized receipt, clothing, books, magazines. dozens of folders marked classified but nothing inside them. bill barr will join us. we begin with mark meredith. what else are we learning from what was removed from mar-a-lago?
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>> john, seems every day, if not every hour we learn new about what the government found at the estate. today no exception, following a judge's ruling, the justice department a more detailed inventory of what was removed. some we knew, multiple documents with secret and confidential markings, and also some without marking, articles of clothing, books, newspapers, press articles, empty folders labelled return to staff secretary or military aide. court reports show lawyers spent months going back and forth as the national archives was trying to recover the materials from the trump presidency. earlier the lawyers swore classified materials were no longer kept at the estate and trump is claiming he declassified the materials even before leaving office. meantime, we are waiting to see when the judge will make a decision on whether a special master or third party should review the material the
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government seized. there was a hearing yesterday she appeared to be open from the idea but asking prosecutors what harm could be done with this. they argue with trump out of office 18 months he would have no right to the documents in the first place and if the special master is apointed, the investigation into the former president may be delayed. trump has been keeping a fairly low profile, yes he speaks out on social media, but other since the search of mar-a-lago we have not seen big events. that changes tomorrow night, a political rally in scranton, pennsylvania. john. >> john: mark meredith for us in washington. thank you. >> sandra: former attorney general bill barr. thank you for joining us, author of "one damn thing after another." a lot happening here and a lot for the american people to take in. questions unanswered. where do you stand on the former president's request obviously for a special master to independently review this case and what happened, looking back at a serious raid of a former
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president's home. >> well, i think the whole idea of a special master is a bit of a red herring. the only documents that have been taken it seems to me that there's a legitimate concern about keeping away from the government and insulating the government from would be documents relating to his private lawyer communications, him as an individual and his outside lawyers. if there is stuff like that, fine, identify it. does not appear to be much of it. i'm not sure you need a special master to identify it. what people are missing, all the other documents taken, even if they claim to be executive privilege, either belong to the government because they are government records, even if they are classified, even if they are subject to executive privilege, they still belong to the government and go to the archives. and any other documents that were seized, like news clippings and other things in the boxes containing the classified
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information, those were seizeable under the warrant because they show the conditions under which the classified information was being held. so i think it's a red herring. i think it would, you know, at this stage, since they have already gone through the documents, i think it's a waste of time. >> john: attorney general barr, we have seen the famous photo of all the top secret/sci materials on president trump's office at mar-a-lago. he claims he had a standing order to declassify anything he took out of the white house we left in january 2021. is there any legitimate reason for those materials to be in the former president's possession? >> no. i can't think of a legitimate reason why they should have been -- could be taken out of the government, away from the government if they are classified. i frankly am skeptical of the claim that i declassified everything. you know, because frankly, i think it's highly improbable, and second, if in fact he sort
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of stood over scores of boxes, not really knowing what was in them and said i hereby declassify everything in here, that would be such an abuse and -- that shows such recklessness it's almost worse than taking the documents. >> to that point, though, there are some questions over the timeline, and there are some who fall in the camp looking at the unprecedented nature of a raid of a former president's home perhaps there was more room for the authorities to obtain these materials without raiding the president's home while he was not even there. do you think this type of -- this raid was avoidable? do you think a second subpoena, for example, could have been issued? >> well, i think -- whether the raid was reasonable under the circumstances, whether there is in fact a case to be made and whether or not is a matter of prudential judgment depend on
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two questions. the character of those top secret documents and secret documents, how sensitive were they, and second, how raw is the evidence of deceit and obstruction. do they have really good evidence from people who were involved. >> sandra: what do you think the answer is? >> i think for them to have taken things to the current point they probably have pretty good evidence. but that's speculation and until we see that it's hard to say. let me just say, i think the driver on this from the beginning was, you know, loads of classified information sitting in mar-a-lago. people say this was unprecedented, well it's also unprecedented for a president to take all this classified information and put them in a country club, ok. and how long is the government going to try to get that back. they jaw bone for a year, they were deceived on the voluntary actions taken, they then went and got a subpoena, they were deceived on that, they feel, and
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the facts are starting to show that they were being jerked around and so how long, you know, how long do they wait? >> john: to the control room, call for number 2 and 3 here, write about in the new book "one damn thing after another" released earlier this year, you write that one of the pathologies of our age is that people "have come to think that simply because circumstances suggest wrongdoing, some set of people should go to prison for a crime. not all conduct is criminal. the current tendency to con flat the foolish with the legally culpable causes more harm than good." so in your estimation, what president trump did here, does it constitute foolishness or illegally culpable. do you think there could be a prosecution here? >> ok, it is clearly foolish what happened, and in explicable. but beyond that, they may well be able to make a case out here,
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but then there's an additional question. given the fact it's a former president, given the state of the nation, and given the fact the government has gotten its documents back, does it really make sense to bring a case as a matter of prudential judgment. and that's a question i think will turn on how clear the evidence of obstruction or deceit is. if they clearly have the president moving stuff around and hiding stuff in his desk and telling people to -- they may be inclined to bring the case. and there are differences of opinion whether that makes sense. but we really have to know the facts to see, to make a judgment about that. i hope it doesn't happen. >> sandra: all right. there could be some developments on all of this in just the next couple of hours, we'll be watching for all of that. the former attorney general, bill barr, thank you very much for joining us on the program today. appreciate it. illegally crossing the u.s.
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border is becoming deadlier than ever. that's according to funeral homes in south texas. how officials there are handling the surge in migrant deaths. >> john: we mentioned president biden taking a victory lap on the latest job report. but concerned the 11.2 million unfilled jobs in the month of july. what is the state of the economy at this moment? karl rove is here to react on that, he's coming up next. >> job growth, inflation is extremely strong and wages are not coming up, that's the problem. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, robert. and it's never too early to learn you could save with america's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but it's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie?
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>> john: number of people dying to cross the southern border has never been higher.
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heat stroke, drowning or very sick. some funeral homes along the border warn that they cannot take any more bodies because they don't have any more space. matt is live in eagle pass, texas. so how dire is the situation becoming there in terms of people dying and trying to take care of the bodies? >> well, john, it's not entirely clear because u.s. border patrol has stopped posting the number of migrant deaths on their website and we have inquired and have not gotten a clear answer. but sources say so far, 600 plus migrant deaths along the border, up from 270 in 2020. and migrants are dying, either on their dangerous journey here or sadly survived that trek and then die crossing the rio grande river or our own southern deserts. fox news talked with three funeral homes along the southern border, they agree they are
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overwhelmed with migrant bodies. in webb county put out a notice saying they cannot receive any more migrants from funeral homes. and one director in laredo, texas tells us the smaller border towns don't have the proper refrigeration to handle bodies. his went up 75%. >> we are tired, medical examiner is up over 100% capacity, funeral homes are tired, there is no storage for these cases. here i am, i see it day in and day out. too many people dying. >> here in eagle pass, the fire chief says each week they are dealing with an average of about two drowning, and just this week, one-on-one from a migrant from venezuela, he was an eyewitness to migrants dying on their journey to u.s., losing limbs. he says they cross through
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jungles, dangerous rivers and have to deal with wild animals. >> there was really a lot of risk, we saw a lot of dead people that were left behind. people that were suffering, dying. >> and a funeral home director tells us it's very time consuming to send bodies back to the country of their origin, they are not all being laid to rest here, john. >> john: matt, thank you in eagle pass. >> sandra: the white house celebrating the latest jobs report out today with 315 jobs added in august, in line with expectations, but well below the previous month's total. unemployment rate, 3.7%. new numbers as layoffs sweep the country. more and more are announcing plans to cut jobs as labor costs continue to rise. karl rove, great to have you here on a friday before the long weekend. we appreciate it, although it's a big news day and any numbers
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on the economy, we are digging through to determine where things are. we know you have more americans living paycheck to paycheck, 11.2 million job openings, two straight quarters of contraction in the economy, a recession, what do the jobs numbers tell you, karl. >> well, there's something in it for everybody, the white house, the biden white house gets a robust jobs number, 315,000. federal reserve gets a jobs number that is less than july, sort of showing that the economy at least from a jobs picture is slowing down, not running at a white hot phase, and employers get an increase in the labor force. there are more people now looking for work than were looking for work in the previous month. >> sandra: that's a good thing. >> that's a good thing. but just remember this. august is a weird month, one of the months out of the year in which they are generally very significant adjustments later
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on, and that's because august is a month where people go back to school, and as a result, weird things happen in august that have to be taken a looking at later on and we are going to have that happen i suspect on this jobs number. my friend larry lindsey, i served with in the white house pointed out an interesting fact. 442,000 net new jobs. now, they are offset by, and brought down to 315,000, but 363,000 were occupied by people age 16 to 19. in essence, teenagers. they represent 3.6% of the total workforce but they represented 82% of the new people who were hired last month. so, something weird is going on there, and how that's going to all play out, it's going to take a month or two to sort through the data. but something weird happens in august because of the
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transitional moment, and this month is a significant number of the new jobs filled last month were filled by teenagers. >> john: a lot of people are buying the classic chicken sandwich at chic-fil-a. one of the reasons for that. >> there we go. >> john: so karine jean-pierre, earlier this week, said look, the jobs market is cooling down and we like that. listen here. >> we've talked about how we anticipate a cooling, right, for the job numbers to not be at the high job growth that we have seen these past several months. that is something we have talked about many times, and any time you ask me about what we expect for jobs numbers. we always talk about, we expect a cooling, especially as we are in a transition for a stable and steady growth. >> john: a cooling as we are in a transition to stable and steady growth. cooling is one thing, karl, what's the danger that they
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overshoot, and not only do we not see the creation of new jobs, but see unemployment ticking up. >> this all goes back to an issue. inflation. we have rising inflation, the economy is overheated, we have too much money chasing too few goods, and we want the inflation to stop because it's attacks on everybody. it's attacks on, particularly hard on working families and on people, on the lower end of the scale because their pay raises are not keeping up with the prices that they are paying when they go to get food at the grocery or gasoline or clothes for the kids to go back to school in. so, what the administration is hoping is the federal reserve, trying to ratchet the economy growth, the job growth back, and ring that inflation out of the system by raising interest rates, that we have what's called a soft landing. now, the problem is economists can talk about a soft landing, but soft landings very rarely work. so we have the problem today of very high inflation, 1.2%, or
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excuse me, 1.4% when joe biden was inaugurated president, not too long ago, and it's over 8% now. so, something -- you know, all this spending with the american rescue plan and the build, you know, inflation reduction act, now we are going to dump between 500 billion and a trillion dollars on to the inflation fires by the student debt cancellation. the fed is trying to deal with that by raising interest rates which slows down the economy, reduces the job market 500,000 in june, to 300 some odd thousand in august, the economy is complex and to think a smart person in the west wing of the who us can control this and make everything happen without disaster, they are kidding themselves. look at the stock market. the stock market is down, what, 5% in about a week, i mean -- that's a sign of what we are going to have to go through in order to ring the inflation out
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that this administration injected into the system by its growth spending. >> sandra: the dow seems to have turned negative. there are some concerns, uncertainty out there, dow is down 212 points. i think you could have gone back to the moment the white house could not tell us exactly how much the inflation reduction act would bring down inflation, you can start there. >> 0, 0. >> sandra: final thought on the president's speech last night. >> overly partisan, over the top, weirdly put together, and for god sake, stop abusing the office of the president. here was a partisan campaign speech delivered in front of independence hall, fine, go do that, about you do not have the u.s. marines behind you in order to give it the patina of an official event. this was an over the top speech which basically said everybody who voted for donald trump is out to destroy democracy, and the election deniers are found
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on the democratic side, a lot of democrats object today two presidential elections i'm familiar with. what happened to them, two are committee chairs in the house of representatives and another one is the third ranking democrat in the house of representatives, james clyburn. i guess you can be an election denier on the democratic side and rise up, but the republican side, by god, you are a threat to democracy. >> john: and we have all that video tape, too, karl, maybe we sh you had pull it out. love your backdrop there in colorado. >> there we go, colorado. >> sandra: great to have you today. have a great weekend. our nation's top rivals are joining forces, china and russia, as tension since the u.s. hits levels not seen since the cold war. jennifer griffin is live in washington for us. hello, jennifer. >> hi, sandra. china and russia, the second and
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third biggest militaries have joined forces in eastern russia, and the sea of japan. 50,000 troops, 5,000 pieces of military equipment, including more than 140 aircraft and 60 warships will be used for the 22 war games began thursday. the head of the russian military is personally overseeing t drills, even though the russian military finds its self stretched in china. robert daley says the last time russia hosted the exercises in 2018, they were six times larger than this week. he said besides the smaller sign, russia and china is sending a message to the u.s. >> russia does not want to be a poor younger brother in a partnership with china and china doesn't want to have the albatross of all of putin's
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adventure hung around its neck in every instance. but no cost, or low cost unity, we will see unity. >> beijing has stopped short of sending weapons to moscow, running low on smart bombs as the invasion of ukraine drags on. but some more positive remarks about the invasion since a series of u.s. congressional visits to taiwan, including the recent visit by house speaker nancy pelosi. >> the russians are getting symbolic value of having the chinese run interference for them, try to embrace some of russia's talking points. where it really matters for russia's war, they are badly disappointed. >> russia hopes the collective treaty organization will serve as a counter balance to nato. sandra. >> sandra: jennifer griffin live from d.c., thank you very much. >> donald trump and the maga
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republicans represent an ex extreme, republican party dominated, driven and intimidating by donald trump and the maga republicans. and that is a threat to this country. maga republicans do not respect the constitution. they do not believe in the rule of law, they do not recognize the will of the people. maga forces are determined to take this country backwards. maga republicans have made their choice. they embrace anger, they thrive on chaos, they live not in the light of truth, but in the shadow of lies. maga republicans look at america and see carnage and darkness and despair. they spread fear and lies. lies told for profit and power. >> john: president biden delivering a dark campaign-like speech last night, claiming
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former president trump and his supporters pose a threat from the american way of life, this from a president who promised to be uniter in chief, but the midterms days away, settled on a different strategy, one designed to divide the nation. david bossy, deputy campaign manager for the 2016 trump campaign and co-author of "trump america first." what happened to the inaugural address and biden's claim to be the uniter in chief? >> looked like uncle joe became satanic joe. whoever came up with it at the white house, the red backdrop needs to be fired. this was unbelievable, one of the most mean-spirited, divisive speeches by an american president in our history. it was shocking to see the hate and vitrile. dividing americans, and really dehumanizing, that's the word i want to focus on, he talked
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about an desire segment of the american people. 75 million people voted for donald trump. win, lose, have the debate, but you called 75 million americans semi fascist. this is not something that an american leader does. it's something you saw in dictators in preworld war ii. >> john: he will say i did not call them all semi fascist, a slice of them i called that. >> i don't buy it. he wants to distract. part of his great distraction campaign. last night was a campaign event, it was not a white house speech, it was not a presidential address. it was a political speech, and let's take it for what it is. republicans across the country ought not be caught and be distracted by it. joe biden does not want our candidates, our incumbents, challengers to be talking about the high violent crime rates, to be talking about open borders,
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all the crises are man-made crisis and that man's jam is joe biden and that's what we need to stay focused on. >> john: last night's speech did seem to be devoid of policy descriptions, but is that, rather than about joe biden, is that an effective strategy for him? >> first of all, they have to distract. that's their tactic, which is why my clarion call to republicans is stay focused talking about joe biden and his disastrous policies over the last near 20 months. he owns this record that is terrible for the american people. they are paying for it every single day at the gas pump, at the grocery store, their kids being, you know, tormented in school, grades and test scores destroyed, crt in the schools. biden administration is playing to their base because they have to turn it out. that's what this -- that's what the student loan issue was about, just this past week, we
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have one issue after another where biden and his administration are playing to their base because they are scared of what's going to happen this november. >> john: when you look at his support among young people, 18 to 24 young people, he's down in the low double digits, he's got to do something to turn it around. and also said this last night, listen. >> so i want to say this plain and simple. there is no place for political violence in america, period, none, ever. >> john: i heard that and thought maybe he wants to tell that to everybody tearing up american cities in 2020 and 2021, because there was no pushback against that, and in fact, many democratic organizations were baling those people out of jail. >> absolutely and it still happens. violent crime epidemic that has gripped every american city large or small since the biden administration has come in, is because of the defund the police
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movement, the cashless bail movement that these prosecutors, that the left really has embraced. when the criminals are out of jail, out -- before the victims are out of the hospital, that's a problem. >> john: i want to put something on the screen, make a turn to the midterms in terms of the republican, this is tracking over the months, preference for congress and you can see at one point republicans looked like they were headed for an almost 2010-like landslide victory. more and more toward where we are right now, the numbers are closer together. i'm wondering why you think that is. >> first of all, the dog days of summer, you know, have been upon us, and you see -- you can't be up every single day. so, politics is about ebb and flow. the last 60 days don't make the next 60 days. so focused on the policies of joe biden and the policies we need to take over. let me give you a fact. on election day of 2020, the
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generic ballot was d plus seven. we picked up, republicans picked up 14 seats. today right now, it is an r plus one. eight point swing. so we picked up 14 seats when it's a d plus seven, we are in good shape to win back the house. how big that majority is, no one knows until election day. but if we stay focused, focused on joe biden and his radical socialist agenda and trying to make the american people understand it's about joe biden and not the past, we are going to win big in november. >> john: our power rankings still have you taking control by a smaller margin than a couple weeks ago. we'll see, the better part of six weeks to go here. david, great to see you again. >> good to see you, sir. >> sandra: top boss of one of the most powerful teachers' unions is praising returning to the classroom. but critics say she's trying to
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rewrite history as we have data on how much staying home set students back. >> john: hundreds of national guardsmen are answering call for help as a major american city faces a water disaster. not just filthy floodwater, many faucets are also running dry. we are there coming up next.
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so you can... astepro and go. ♪ keep it comin' love ♪ ♪ keep it comin' love ♪ ♪ don't stop it now, don't stop it no ♪ ♪ don't stop it now, don't stop ♪ ♪ keep it comin' ♪ it's back america. applebee's all you can eat boneless wings. just $12.99. >> sandra: a new dating site aimed at conservatives, called the right stuff, promises to be a nonwoke alternative for conservatives looking to date someone who shares their values. the app was created by former white house trump staffers and the backing of peter thiele, founder of paypal. the app is free with plans for paid premium features but you need an invitation to sign up. something tells me you won't
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have to beg for one, but i guess for those looking for, those that share the same beliefs, this could be their place. >> john: the online dating thing to some people seems suspect, but i don't know how many i have met that say i finally met the love of my life online, through a dating app. >> sandra: whatever works. >> john: there you go, isn't love a beautiful thing. the head of fema is set to visit jackson, mississippi to assess the situation, as a water crisis in the city. some have gone without days. they are making progress but much remains to be done. charles watson is live in jackson. how are the new water distribution sites working out there? >> well, john, they seem to be working out pretty well today. what you are seeing behind me, 1 of 7 new water distribution
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sites that have opened to ease the demand we have seen at some of the sites, and you can see over here things seem to be running smoothly at jackson smithwell stadium. this and six other sites are manned by national guard servicemen, 600 from across the state, and they are giving folks two cases of water, hand sanitizer, and moving the cars along to keep the operation going and what's amazing, we have been here a few days now, and it's amazing to see how many people have been affected by this jackson water crisis. you know, you run into folks who say they can't do the most basic things like brush their teeth, take a shower or flush toilets. we have spoken to folks who say they have had to scramble to find childcare, the jackson public schools are affected by
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the water crisis and parents still need to go to work. we spoke to a daycare owner also a jackson public school teacher, she says she's had to turn away money and families for days because she did not have water to safely care for young children. she's back open now but only because she saw how tough of a predicament the family she serves were in. >> we are still dealing with inconsistent water pressure, so right now we are just, you know, trying to accommodate our parents. it's been kind of a tug of war in a sense, trying to provide that service and still provide a safe environment for the children that we care for. >> and she tells me at this point she's numb to the situation. at this point, there is still no timeline in terms of when the water here in jackson will get
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back to normal. we do know new water pump has been installed at the city's ailing water treatment plant but there are still issues in terms of water pressure and water chemistry, but again, john, folks do have the water distribution sites to go to. we were just told by some of the national guardsmen out here that they, as of today at this point, they have gone through 35 pallets of water, 20,000 cars and could serve 10,000 more, john. >> john: they could use that there, it's not like it's cool but they cannot get that water treatment up fast enough. charles, thank you. >> sandra: the white house under fire for appearing to collude with facebook executives to censor what they deemed misinformation. concerning attempt to stop free speech. >> john: mayor lightfoot
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blasting greg abbott for bussing migrants to the city. but shouldn't she be concerned about the crisis in her city. >> governor abbott's racist and xenophobic, migrants have experienced to find a safe place. some days, it felt like asthma was holding me back. but asthma has taken enough.
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>> we know that at least 45 officials, government officials have been identified as directly communicating with big tech, facebook. a senior official at facebook directly communicating with the surgeon general of the united states saying hey, what can we do, and a week later coming back and saying we did that, what else can we do? >> sandra: new evidence appearing to show collusion between the white house and big tech to restrict free speech online. direct coordination between high ranking officials there with the biden administration and major social media companies in an effort to police this speech on their platforms. the emails coming to light as a new lawsuit claims a wide range of federal agencies were secretly communicating with social media platforms to
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suppress private speech they have disagreed with. joe concha is a social media specialist with the hill and fox news contributor. and collusion to suppress what they saw and deemed as misinformation. >> we have heard a lot of that word over the last five years, the true collusion to your point, when the u.s. government works with social media companies and desired narrative, and with hunter biden and squashing others that may not be putting the democratic party in the best light. we even saw, white official requesting the removal of a parity anthony fauci account, cdc also requested monthly meeting with facebook to plan debunking meetings, ironic when you consider a few weeks ago, rochelle walensky, head of the cdc, said they made drastic
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errors during the pandemic. and then you pull up the hood a bit, facebook communication director in regards to policy, andy stone, his resume, worked for democratic super pac, worked for a senator, and he is deciding policy and fact checking. it's a revolving door and it's out in the open. >> sandra: you just can't make this stuff up. and then the censorship concerns and allegations, are surfacing the same day google is ramming up the campaign, reasonable people can disagree on desirable outcomes and impossible to make nuanced decisions at every scale of the web so we invest in developing and improving the tools, processes and teams at that help us elevate trustworthy information and moderate content
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across our services. in other words, joe -- >> napa valley is quite democratic, right. and most people that work for the companies are young. so what do you think they are going to deem what is truth and what is not truth in these situations. in other words, more speech is better than no speech and google, they have a google play store and not allowing truth social on it, that's trump's social media platform. put it out there and let people decide. now that elon musk is not going to buy twitter, most likely, they are all going to do the same thing going into the 2024 election than they did in the 2020 election. >> sandra: serious consequences can result, and accountability if it backs it up. >> section 230 we heard was going to go away, and now that democrats control congress, they are never going to strip it, and whether it's google, twitter, facebook, why would you break up
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the companies or prevent them from doing what they have been doing if they have been helping you to this point, sandra. >> sandra: i'm kind of laughing, i think you referenced napa valley rather than silicon valley. >> did i say napa valley? >> it's on the brain, it's friday. anybody that heard it is probably getting a chuckle. you asked me, are you going to screw up before the segment, probably, it's the friday before labor day. >> sandra: perfect, thank you. >> silicon valley, i'll let myself out. >> john: sounds like joe started the weekend early, you know what i mean. from biden's big speech slamming maga republicans, to the china potential crimes against humanity, nikki haley is ready to sound off.
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and schools, and tammy bruce reacts to lawlessness in chicago as "america reports" rolls into a brand-new hour. stay with us.
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>> sandra: new at 2:00, is the united nations finally beginning to face reality in china after months of mysterious delays, a new report calling out possible crimes against humanity and condemning the persecution of religious minorities. >> john: will the bombshell report change anything for the international body that has been infamously ineffective, or the woke american corporations who have turned a blind eye. >> sandra: nikki haley will be joining us in a moment. welcome back as "america reports" rolls into hour two, i'm sandra smith in new york. great to be with you. >> john: great to be with you this h


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