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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  September 2, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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i'm inclined to draft and not touch till week six. i don't have those problems. >> the punishment is a big tattoo. >> i'll love that. see you tomorrow morning. rachel, will and i here in this studio. 6:00 a.m. don't miss it. tucker is next. >> well, good evening. well to a special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." everybody is focused on the mid-terms for good reason. bigger elections have already happened. these were local races that you probably haven't heard about because nobody pays attention. last week the republican party flipped five majority left districts in florida.
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miami-dade, duval, martin and clay countys. miami-dade is one of the biggest school districts in the entire country. it has more than 300,000 students in it. this change has major implications for the education in the future of millions of young people. it's not just happening in florida. a texas school board that flipped to the republican party earlier this year is already working to change things. they voted to ban race, hatred and gender cult ideologies in schools. let's say you're a republican running for congress. you might be wonder how did these republicans win at the local level. it's not just because it's a red wave year. actually it's not a red wave year so far despite what you may have heard. in other races so far, special elections, republicans have been underperforming amazingly. for example in a special election last week, pat ryan won in new york. in a red wave year, you would have thought the opposite year
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would happen, this is a tight district. this district went to joe biden by eight points. that's not a huge margin. democrats won anyway despite joe biden's approval numbers have dropped. democratic candidates across the country have been outperforming joe biden's 2020 numbers in three other house special elections. elections in nebraska, minnesota and the 23rd district of new york. so why is the question? how could this be happening? the democratic party has a simply explanation. abortion. democratic voters are mad about roe v. wade being appealed and they're voting in big numbers. there's evidence that the republican party may be at fault by alienating its own voters. not getting them to the polls. ryan has done a lot of work on this. he runs the 1776 project pact.
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he supported the school board candidates. he wrote that the republicans are underperforming this year because turnout in rural counties is about 30% of what it was in 2018, the mid-term that year. cities and suburbs, democratic strong holds, had doubled that level of turnout. so why are republicans winning in school board races in floor and losing in other races they should be win something the answer might lie with the candidates and what they're talking about. for example, in february, mark mulinaro, the guy that should have won in new york, told the county office building to illuminate the building in red and blue. those are not the county colors. they're ukraine's colors. as if his voters care. that's the message that his executive director of duchess county new york sent to voters. poughkeepsie stands with ukraine. right. everybody is sympathetic to
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ukraine, but is that the main issue? it's a joke. the same candidate sent fund-raising e-mails calling for more aggression against russia. biden is weak on putin, he wrote. right. so just sounding like lindsey graham work? our voters are racist but ukraine's boarders are not. >> the question is can we do more and should we do more. the answer is yes to both. as to my friends in the pentagon, you told all of us that this war would last three or four days. that kyiv would fall. that, you know, the country would be overwhelmed by the russian military. they're wrong. so quite frankly, i trust president zelensky's judgment about what would help him in real time more than anybody else on the planet right now.
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>> tucker: okay. just to be clear to republican candidates, that was lindsey graham, your job is to make fun of lindsey graham and to disavow him. your job is not to emulate lindsey graham and steal his talking points. if you do emulate lindsey graham and steal his talking points, you will lose. the losing candidates did just that. so compare what they were saying to what, for example, joe kent was saying in washington state when he won his primary there as a challenger. watch this. >> if any of these representatives feel so passionately about how we have to save the ukrainians about provide aid and continue to push this escalation, they need to go back to their districts and tell their constituents what they're asking them to do and what the ramifications potentially could be. why do foreign nations always come first. we do we secure their borders and not our own. >> tucker: exactly. nothing against the ukrainians. everyone feels sorry for them.
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but americans have a right to feel sad about what's going on in their country and expect their politicians to work on fixing it. so if more republicans in november say what you just heard joe kent say, they will win. if they talk about issues that people care about in this country, issues relevant to their lives, they will win. that's how they won the school board seats in florida. they weren't talking about ukraine. they talked about the issues that matter. family, safety, happiness, the right of parents to decide what their kids learn in school. that message wins. obviously. that's why glenn youngkin became governor of virginia. >> we're going to embrace our parents, not ignore them. we're going to press forward with a curriculum that includes listening to parents input, a curriculum that allows our children to run as fast as they can, teaching them how to think and enabling their dreams to soar.
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friends, we're going to re-establish excellence in our schools. >> tucker: that was glenn youngkin's message. you're a parent. schools exist for your children. they're your children. they don't belong to the teacher's union. we're going to listen to you. terry mcauliffe was running against glenn youngkin. he had the advantage of a lot of money. here's his message. i don't think parents should be telling schools what they can teach. oh! turns out most people disagree and he was destroyed. his political career hit the brick wall it long deserved. so turns out the republicans that focus on the things that matter, families, protecting families will win. along with the 1776 project, ron desantis is one of the biggest supporters of the school board candidates. this week desantis signed a law banning teachers to talk about sex with your kindergarteners. it's creepy and should be illegal. desantis also fired a prosecutor
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that refused to enforce the law. >> the prosecutor, state attorney for this judicial cir circuit, andrew warren has put himself publicly above the law. in june of 2021, he signed a letter saying that he would not enforce any prohibitions on sex change operations for minors. most recently after the dobbs decision was rendered by the u.s. supreme court, he signed a letter saying he would not enforce any laws relating to protecting the right to life in the state of florida. mind you, we've had prohibition on third trimester abortions for a long time. when you make yourself above the law, you have violated your duty, neglected your duty and displaying a lack of competence to perform those duties. today we're suspending state attorney andrew warren effectively immediately. >> tucker: so enforce the law.
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that's a winning message, too. it's about ending the lawlessness that makes it impossible for americans to live in their own cities. blake masters caught on to that message. that's how he won in arizona. >> we can never amnesty any illegal alien, period. if your first interaction with our country is to break immigration laws, you will never get amnesty, you will never become a united states citizen. that's a line in the sand. we won't cross it. we have to stop incentivizing illegal immigration. if you're not deporting port, you don't have security. >> tucker: what is wrong with that? how can you ignore the own laws that your representatives pass? it's chaos and lawlessness.
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now they're calling for gun confiscation. guns from law-abiding citizens that would make you as reliant on possible or police forces that are underfunded. how underfunded? have you checked the response times in your city recently? in new orleans, the police response time is over two hours. long enough for you to get killed. the city is talking about cancelling mardi gras because they have no cops. in seattle, the city council just reported average and median response times up in every present when compared to the last four years of data. okay. in austin texas, the most response times are dramatically slower. it's a huge problem. and puts self-protection on the individual. you have to protect your own family. it's always been your right. now it's your obligation. are republicans recognizing
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this? here's john cornyn calling for gun confiscation so you can't protect yourself when the cops don't show up. >> i don't want us to pass a bill for the purpose of checking a box. i want to make sure that we do something useful. something that is capable of becoming a law. something that will have the potential to save lives. i'm happy to report as a result of the hard work of a number of senators in this chamber that we have made some serious progress. so soon, very soon, not soon enough for me, but very soon, we will see the text of bipartisan legislation that will help keep our children and our communities safer. >> tucker: it won't save a single child. he knows that. it will take firearms away from the law-abiding while they
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remain in the hands of the law breaking. it will make the country more dangerous. that's a republican united states senator who is not up for election but will be punished for what he did. the point is the republican party in washington seems to have missed all of this. look at the elections takes place already this year, the clearest possible sign, the possible that run the republican party stop talking about ukraine, stop taking people's guns away and start talking about things that they care about. the economy, education, family, safety, justice, following the law, our border. those are the things that matter. if you don't acknowledge that, you'll loose. jason whitlock is the host of fearless. he joins us duet. this is a species of every other story we talk about. a huge disconnect with the people that make the decisions and the people that live up there. the republican party seems like they want to lose. >> tucker, i'm in agreement with you. look, the issue is very clear to
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me. what everybody should be leaning in to. what world are we leaving our kids? that's what will motivate people to go to the polls. are we properly educating our kids? are we allowing people with gender dysphoria to groom our kids in to their gender dysphoria? are we providing a safe environment for our kids and adults to live freely and have the opportunity that you and i had growing up as young people? are we protecting our borders so that the kids that have a right and are american citizens have the best opportunity to achieve their american dream? that's what motivates people to vote. we, the republican party, are making a mistake. i think they're leaning too heavily if we can discredit joe biden. joe biden is not the problem. the democratic party is the problem. it's a cult that is trying to
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destroy america, trying to remove all of its biblical values, trying to groom our kids and trying to fundamentally throw out this constitution that served me, serves you, served them. they have sold us out and people need to stand on what world are we leaving these kids and if we look, we're not doing a great job. we should be embarrassed. we're leaving them a world that sun like anything that we've ever seen here in america. i don't have kids, tucker. my motivation, though, is my childhood was so phenomenal and i was poor, i was poor, but my childhood was so phenomenal that i want to leave that world to other kids. we're not. >> tucker: yeah that is absolutely true. i think you make a wise point about biden. nobody supports biden. everybody knows biden doesn't really exist. but if you're hoping you get
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elected because he's incompetent, that's not how it works. >> the democratic party has been so aggressive with trying to smear the republican party. every republican is a racist. why aren't we defining the democratic party as a satanic cult because it is. >> tucker: i'm with you 100%. i am. i think that's true. jason whitlock, great to see you. thank you for that. sums it up. >> thank you. >> tucker: so here's the question that we should all be thinking about deeply. a lot of people don't think the last election was on the level. so what does happen when huge groups of voters start to believe their votes don't matter? we went to iowa recently and gave a speech thinking about that very issue. that's straight ahead.
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- [narrator] the future. the way you see it is said to depend on where you sit. at x-chair, we think it also gets down to how you sit,
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which is why our technology is lightyears ahead. x-chair has done it again with our groundbreaking elemax technology, providing hours of infinite comfort no matter where in the world you're sitting by synthesizing the universe's elements, bringing hot, cold, and touch into one extraordinary seating experience. our mission is to help you discover that every work day can happen with body and mind in an out-of-this-world place of comfort and productivity. x-chair is charting a new course, helping workers everywhere find comfort as their work worlds zoom back and forth. even though your work reality may continue to shift, we've got our eye on the future of work so you can focus on the present. at x-chair, we're gazing ahead. and from where we sit, the future still feels good. x-chair works for you. save up to $600 on a new x-tech plus a free x-hmt now.
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to get volatile. here's part of it. >> what happens when people think their votes don't matter? well, i mean, we saw it happen. january 6th. they get so frustrated. i'm going to go to their door step. over time, it gets worse than that. if you want to keep your political system stable. >> john: you have to pay attention to what people want. you have to pay attention to their deepest concerns, not their peripheral idealogical concerns. are we doing enough for trans swimmers? can we prevent putin from taking crimea? what are we doing about climate change? those are all important things, i guess. but they're not more important than your actual concerns. too often republican voters -- this is the rule on the left -- shouldn't be the rule on the republican party -- they allow
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their politicians to say i know you want that. let me tell you what you really want. no -- no, let me tell you what i want. since you're my representative. [applause] that means you represent. so the way i judge it and when i'm putting a show together in the morning and at night, banging out the script, i try to pay attention to the markers, the real markers of societal health. those are the basics. the farther you get away from the basics, the more mislead you are, the further from the target you are. what the basics? there's one basic. how are the children. you're happy as your happiest child. how are you children doing? are they thriving? do they list in a country that lets them drive? will you dynoing you're decendents will be as happy and
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secure as you have been? is there a more important question than that? no, there's not. anybody that says that there is, again, is other so diluted that that person shouldn't have power or they're lying to you, period. so that should be the single-minded focus of any political party, particularly the republican party because there's no option. the other party -- you see this happen in politics never more so than now. the parties, of course, pivot against each other. it's childish but it's real. a political party making a case against having children. making a case for devoting your life for a multinational corporation. when people say abortion is the most important right that we have, i ask myself, what are you really saying? think about it for a second.
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i am a pro lifer to be completely clear. a fervent one. but what are they really saying? so conservatives i think very often begin with the debate over whether this is a life and whether abortion is ending a life. it's not a debate. everybody knows that it is. i'm the people screaming i'm proud of my abortion. if you feel so good about it, you wouldn't be so brittle and loud, would you? i'm happy about my marriage. i'm not putting it on a sign and yelling it. i'm happy with my marriage! suggests i'm not as happy as i claim to be. i'm proud of my abortion. no you're not. you're sad about it. it's sad. we can debate what limits should be put on it but we need to take three steps back and ask what are they really saying? what are they promising to the american population? what they're of course saying and what citi bank and nike,
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dick's sporting goods and these huge companieses that are promoting abortion by paying employees to have abortions, what are they really saying? they're saying it's more important to serve us than to have a family. you'll be happier as you rise within our company than you would be if you had your own chi chi children. now, i never hear any republican push back. i can't imagine a more grotesque lie. children are the most enduring source of joy -- this is not an idealogical point. it is true. [applause] even when they do wrong, as they do. by the way, it's never the parent's fault. father of four. my kids are great.
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no, they do go wrong. sometimes tragedies occur with your own children. it doesn't detract from the unchangeable fact that children are the main source of joy and meaning in the human life, period. period. so anyone that tells you no, what you really want, what you really want, mrs. 28-year-old citi bank employee is to move up to assistant vice president in charge of international bonds. really? really? is someone from the h.r. department going to hold my hand in hospice 40 years from now? is the company going to love me unconditionally? no. it's a lie. it's a lie. and in telling that lie, they are stripping young americans of the promise of the only thing that matters. which is having a family. >> tucker: hate to admit this because it's so shameful but
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this country has the highest rate of single parenthood in the world. that doesn't bother the people that run the country. the biggest corporations of america have taken a major step to make that problem even worse. we'll tell you what they're doing next.
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>> welcome to fox news live. i'm bill melugin here in los angeles. iran's navy seized two american drones in the red sea before letting them go as iranian warships approach. the sailors were seen cam minuting them before tossing them overboard. this is the second such incident in recent days. plus, a fast-moving wild fair forces thousands of people from their homes in three northern california towns.
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fire officials say the fire that began at a lumber mill has already destroyed several homes and there are injuries. there's several wild fires borning here in southern california as a heat wave pushes temperatures above triple digits. i'm bill melugin. back to "tucker carlson tonight." >> tucker: welcome back to a special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." some companies are now making it harder for their employees, for americans, to raise kids. according to data from researchers, the percentage of companies offering paid maternity leave dropped to 35% this year. that's down from 53% two years ago. the "wall street journal" reports that big companies like disney are the ones making the cuts. are you surprised? at the same time, these companies are offering to pay employees thousands of dollars if they will only get the
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abortion. okay. so companies are encouraging abortion. why is that? rebecca heinrichs is with the hudston institution and joins us today. thanks for coming on. why would disney or any other big publicly-held company want its female employees to have abortions? >> it's better for the business. better for the business. there's a political and cultural demand that they're perceiving. not only did companies like disney, amazon, kroger come out and say they're going to now offer abortion coverage in the healthcare that they offer, they're also going to pay for travel for employees that want abortions that are in red states that have more restrictive, more humane, abortion regimes post roe. they're going to pay for travel to leave that state to access an abortion. so they can find this money in the couch cushions but they can't find enough money to make
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sure that they have flexible care, more paid maternity for new mothers that are having babies or more time at home with their new children who they have now through adoption. >> it's good for their bottom line, for people to have abortions but think they there's this demand signal from political leaders and the culture that they're willing to advertise they're offering these abortion services >> tucker: it's evil. what they're saying to their employees, we don't care about you at all. we don't care if you have a personal life, to have children that will take care of you in old age. we care about your labor. we will pay for it. does anybody say anything about that? >> well, obviously it's inhumane, barbaric. i study geo politics. not just how the united states can continue to compete with authoritarian countries but what makes the united states great and worth defending?
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what is the american dream? is the american dream taking a woman, six to eight weeks postpartum, putting her in an ugly cubical so she can make more money for the ceos while their nursing child is in the care of somebody else? that's not the american dream that is a soviet national aim. it's an american nightmare, tucker. >> tucker: the shift from big companies from being kind of roughly pro america, politically neutral is openly evil has changed everything, i think. appreciate your keeping track of it. thanks, rebecca. good to see you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: it's hard to believe in but pugh found the united states has the world's highest rate of children living in single parent households. nearly a 1/4 of all kids live with one single parent. worldwide, that would be 7% of children living with one parent. it's unnatural. it doesn't work. that's why nobody wants it.
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it's being pushed by your leaders. when are we going to acknowledge the link of fatherlessness and the total collapse of everything else and what are we going to do about it. >> jesse: ned ryan is here. this is a few fact in social science that is beyond dispute. if you don't have a father in the home, everything is likely to go wrong. why are geniuses pretending it's not true in charge of our federal agencies? >> you can argue there's a systematic approach as black lives matters pointed out to destroyed the western family and destroy american society and remove the father as the figure and put in the state as the authority figure. i have to go back in this situation and say this is a self-governing republic and individuals would govern themselves and lead to more freedom. part and parcel of that is a
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strong father figure leading the family unit and promoting self-government. if you remove those barriers of solve governing, you're actively encouraging chaos. one of the basic human desires is for peace and order. if individuals and families won't govern themselves, you're having the state to insert itself into that chaos to provide some semblance of order. with that comes more authoritarianism. if we want a society that wants to solve problems -- look at the fatherless situation where without a father, it's four times more likely to have more drug use, alcohol use, poverty, 70% in juvenile detention centers come from fatherless homes. 90% of school shooters come from fatherless homes. if we want to fix this problem, we have to is a society and government that respects human life and respects the premise of traditional marriage of a man and a woman and has policies that encourage and strengthen
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the traditional family unit. >> so we don't need to destroy the patriechy you mean? one thing that matters is beauty. got created nature. that's the measure of all beauty. so we pointed that out in iowa. it's one of the most important things. we'll show you a clip straight ahead. - [narrator] the future. the way you see it is said to depend on where you sit. at x-chair, we think it also gets down to how you sit, which is why our technology is lightyears ahead. x-chair has done it again
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with our groundbreaking elemax technology, providing hours of infinite comfort no matter where in the world you're sitting by synthesizing the universe's elements, bringing hot, cold, and touch into one extraordinary seating experience. our mission is to help you discover that every work day can happen with body and mind in an out-of-this-world place of comfort and productivity. x-chair is charting a new course, helping workers everywhere find comfort as their work worlds zoom back and forth. even though your work reality may continue to shift, we've got our eye on the future of work so you can focus on the present. at x-chair, we're gazing ahead. and from where we sit, the future still feels good. x-chair works for you. save up to $600 on a new x-tech plus a free x-hmt now. hi, i'm angela. i've lost 58 pounds with golo and i've kept it off. i suffer from autoimmune hypothyroid and i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it simply wasn't.
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after my car accident, wondnder whahatmy c cas. so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered?
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call the barnes firm now to find out. yoyou ght t beurprpris want a permanent solution to homelessness? call the barnes firm now to find out. you won't get it with prop 27. it was written and funded by out-of-state corporations to permanently maximize profits, not homeless funding. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations permanently. only pennies on the dollar for the homeless permanently. and with loopholes, the homeless get even less permanently. prop 27. they didn't write it for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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when that car hit my motorcycle, they wrote it for themselves. insurance wasn't fair. so i called the barnes firm, it was the best call i could've made. call the barnes firm now, and find out what your case could be worth. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million >> tucker: one thing you almost never hear anybody in authority talking about is the one thing that every person needs in order to be happy. the one thing that uplifts the human spirit more than anything. most beauty comes from nature. if an idea is bad, it produces ugly things. with that in mind, you should be concerned that american architecture post war is some of the ugliest in the world. the leaders seem to go out of their way to uglyfy things
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rather than beautify. nobody says anything about this. missing the most of course thing of all. kind of strange. we spoke at length about this in iowa. here's a part of it. >> can you children grow up in a country pretty much like the one you grew up in. it's not like always being 1985, although personally i think that was a good year. but can you give that to your decendents? do you have decendents? if life expectancy rates fall, testerone levels fall, sperm levels fall, all of which have, by margins that are up precedented and nobody notices? wait a second. people are not having kids. find a clearer measure of societal health. if you feel confident in your
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society, you have pups. of course. they should start there. here's the second thing they should do. nobody will ever do this, but i think this every day. they should care about beauty. i don't think i've ever heard a politician mention beauty. i think about it constantly. i think about it in a couple levels. first, i think about it on a political level. i'm hardly a bible scholar, but of course, how do you judge a tree? by its fruits. that's right. you don't judge it by what the arborist told you. you wait to see what it produces. those are pears. it's an apple tree. i guess they guessed wrong. so the way i judge ideas is by their fruit. not just their idealogical fruit, the physical tangible observable fruit. the things that they make. so everything that we see around us is the product of ideas of ideologies. that's where everything starts.
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in the beginning, that is the world. starts with a word. always. here's how we know in the ideology is a good one. noble ideologies produce beautiful results. they produce beauty. poisonous ideologies produce ugliness. super simple. there's a reason that the architecture in bulgaria in 1975 was hideous. because sophia in 1975 was controlled by the soviet union. so yet architecture was horrifying. so was architecture under mao. they knocked down everything worth having and replaced it with concrete boxes. why? because those boxes sent a clear message, that is you are worth nothing. there's no beauty for you. why is beauty so important? why did tyrants destroy it? they destroy it because beauty
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reminds you that the most important things are eternal. they're unchanging. beauty is recognizable across cultures, across centuries. you can go to a place, the culture unfamiliar with and you see something beautiful, you cog nice it. why? because beauty has balance and grace. you know it instantly. a beautiful face in this culture is similar to a beautiful face in that culture. a building, a same thing. it has balance. why? it's derived from nature, god's creation. the closer we are to god's creation, the straighter the path. the better the path. so i look at the country. i travel it. all 50 states. as i said, i've been everywhere. i did it for so long. i noticed that virtually everything built after 1945,
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less attractive, less pleasing, less human centered than everything built before. i don't know what towns you live in. the prettiest buildings are built in 1920. that's true. front porches, steel roof. the closer you get to the current moment, the more everything looks like a dollar store. the republican party somehow found itself in this position where they feel like they have to defend the aesthetics of the dollar store. it's free enterprise. it's not. it's an atrocity that destroys god's creation, that oppresses us with its ugliness. that is true. nobody wants to say it because like i don't know. some libertarian think tank was paid to tell you that the dollar store is attractive. i don't think it is, actually. i don't think it is. their model, the people in charge, have this -- if i were to pick their idea of beauty, it's like a dollar store next to multifamily low income housing,
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stray painted with inintelligent slogans. that's their thing of beauty. like a female impersonator screaming at you. no. beauty is nature. so you can tell me whatever you want about your commitment to the environment. but if you're destroying it with wind turbines, i'm sorry. a lot of peep make money from them. it's true. really? you're not for nature. the republican party should be for nature. not just in its aesthetics but in its human relationships. people are born wanting certain things. i have four dogs. i see this on display. they all sleep on the bed. four dogs, four children. the one thing that i get a lot of is watching genetics at work. and i know that people and dogs behave most of the time out of
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impulses that they were born with, that they may not fully understand but do not change. period. that is true of all people. okay? all people. so politicians that don't take that into account are not serving you. at all. so if i were advising a politician, the first thing i'd do, american is not an idea. everybody says america is an idea. please. it's not an idea. it's a place. i love there. i don't live in an idea. i get out of bed and there's a ground underneath me. there's like soil. and trees. >> tucker: feels like every six months a secret community in the basement of some building somewhere comes up with a new fad that you're required to follow, absolutely required. blm, the vax, ukraine. one thing you know about every
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one of these fads is that republican leaders fall for all of them. why? we answer that question straight ahead.
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>> tucker: first it was blm because george floyd was murdered. shut up. he was preventive covered vaccine which you must take a bustier against science. then ukraine whose borders are sacrosanct while yours are racist. all conversations about whether you are with the latest fad or not. are you in the outgroup or not. a lot of it originates in twitter bios and then for reasons that have never been clear the leaders of the republican party which should be pushing back against this insanity, go along with it. why is this happening?
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who is convincing republican leaders they need to go along? we ask that question. >> we have these in circulation. democratic party and their main instrument of control, the american news media. you see them at work on a cyclical basis. every six months there will be a new mandatory fact. you are required to buy into. if you wonder what it is, look at people's twitter bios. whether it's he/him. vaxxed and boosted. or ukrainian flexible spread it's like whatever the new required belief is. it emerges out of nowhere. usually out of zero actual evidence. because it can't be defended, it's imposed so if you want to know whether there's a real argument in support what they are telling you to believe, ask yourself, are they asking your telling me? if they are telling you, you have the answer, no. there's no real argument that can bring you into that position
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rationally. if they bothered to treat you as an adult. they tell you you must believe that. so the way i think about it is which of the politicians who fall for it? let me give you the example before ukraine. by the way, i'm not -- the way they frame this prevents rational debate. it's like if you have questions or if you have a more measured view of it, then you're automatically four square on the other side which i'm not. i am hardly for putin's inversion of ukraine. that's insane. first of all, i'm an american. i am a nationalist. as i think all americans ought to be. it's one of the reasons i admire israel so much. israel thinks of the people who run israel think about their job which is to secure the future of the country they run. i admire that. i wish we had leaders like that. we don't.
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we could go on forever, as you may guess but we are out of time for tonight. we'll be back. every day at 8:00 p.m. the show that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. have the best night with the ones you love. see you soon. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hi, everyone here welcome to this special edition of "hannity." i am tammy bruce in for sean. tonight joe biden is making it clear unity is no longer a priority. middle-class conservatives are his enemy, as he surrenders his agenda to the extreme left because last night joe biden ramble through what was one of the most divisive, dismal, and destructive speeches in modern american history. basically accusing his political foes o


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