tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News September 3, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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4th, new orleans at the orpheum be theater. forming ther i'll be performing there too. mcheck a chance, check thee to out, get ticketsge on ticketmaster duqu. >> awesome. all right. ticket that does it for me.>> oh alls fo, thanks to julie bed. you.shepherd, jean-claude taris ,our studio audience. fox is tonight with evil. e exc. kevin clark. it's not time.>>grea great. that felt that i love yot u america. hello, everyone. i'm jessica tarla. along with judge jeanine pirro, joey jones, kayleigh mcenany and greg gutfeld .jessica tarloe pirro, joey jones, it's five o'clock in new york city and this is the five . >> president biden giving presiden a fiery address to the nation, saying the real threat to democracy comes from maga. >> republicans donald trumpald m and the major republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundationsvd
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of our republic maiga. republicans do not respectmaga t the constitution or magar republicans, extreme magar republicans. magarythe constitution republice magg ideology maiga republicans. imagi republicans maga forces. are determined to take this country backwards. are determins country backward the magor republicans believethb that for them to succeedlicafo everyoner has to fail magor republicans look at america and see carnage and darkness and despair. >> the white house saysthe ad the address was nodrtis not political and critics are blasting the president over the tone, calling it dark. and divisive. and it wasn't just the wordsre some noting the blood red backdrop and the optics of having two marines flanking the president. republicans have been tearing into biden's speech the strange. and wildly inappropriate setting, the unusual , weird red lighting. most worrisome, having marines standing behind him in whichnest he's engaging in political attacks on seventy fouranbehindg in million americn assault on the soul of america, spea the political speech.
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>> it wak politics a divisive h >> and that's not presidential, a very cynical attempt to have our heads with stupid. jessicaa he always halws a way with worda and some in the media, though,th are praising biden's address. >> that speech was exact why wat president biden ran for president in the first place. n rathey finally got it right. >> you know, literally stay. you know, literally stay single minded right now. biden laid out the democratic platform into the midterms and into twenty , twenty four . >> it's an important speech. remember, lincoln gave a speecht in nineteen sixty. and what do we what happens? we have the civi we hr. e we havwhe folks who rejectasic p the basic premise. what was more prremiseo usa thas speech. and i think this is exactlyin what his what democratic voters wanted to hear. voter so biden has bees wantedn tryino clarify the controversy over his remarks. mr. president , do you consider all trump supporters to be a supporters to threat to the country? no. no, everyone e i don't consider anyt
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trum cp. i do any more for system changing the way in which the voters that is a threat to democracy. >> so, greg,>> i wanca: sot to o you first about trviously, the president was trying to thread the needle here to make sure that we aryie differentiating between maga republicans and the bulk ofeen r epthe republican, obviously.>> e >> really? question w well, he said it like 50 times.e he did. e did it because you no, couldn't find a montage. he pretend he didn't.e don't.sie yes. >> that's not proving your point, though. what he di greg: ys no provd was he took took an amorphous group of people innno, which he cannot name decidesis a that it's a huge threat. >> and the n changes his minda small and says it's a small threat. and then he says, but it's then still a threat.. >> so come join me. don't joi and if you don't join me,n me you're a ., u are
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the first thing you've got to understand about this is you've got to have fun with thinderstad s. hilari this is hilarious.ou you can' t be like the media.e medi you can't be like the democrats. a andwhen every time donald trup spoke or was at a rally orir the inauguration is their hair was on fire. right. ha wasthey and trump supporters. be attacked. >> this is what the medi thisa wants you to do right now.oe bid >>en this is what joe biden wans you to do right now. do right n. he he they're trying to goad you into an emotional state for violence. that's what they actually want. >> this was the funniest one off the funniest. it was >> it was put on by south park. jokes, right? is darth vader in depends. they tried to project some kind of darkness on the republican party, but itness actually projected party bu backwards. right. projecte it looks like a dystopian movide trailer in which the deadeing py president is being played by a hologram. the whole vibe was hilariously creepy. >> it was it. you can't get mad at this, butna you have to compare to what's going on around in o the world. china and russia are launching
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joint war games and joehing is launching a war on us. right. and if it magor, republicans rep are the biggesubt threat toaybew our country, maybe we shouldn't be sending seven fifty billion ,70 billion dollars to ukraine to fight russia. maybe you should maybcarpet bombing churches and country clubs and golf courses b, golf clubses, because that's probably where the mad republicans are. i mean, imaginnde if this speecf was about if you took it out of it and you put china, you put russia. zing >> it would have been an amazing foreign policy, wartime speech . ize people he would have galvanized people to fight the greates gt enemy .r and then you realize, no, waite, he's talking about americans, a. americans that he claims he can mind read , but he cannot but cannot identify. he cannot decide if it is larg identify. e he cannot decide if it's or s large or small. but you better joit you betternh are a threat to democracy. we're all americans, he says, we are all americans except you and you and yo except you. >> and you. and you.u and you.and yogo it's got to laugh at this.
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probrobably one of the funniest presidential moments in history.ably onethe funn presidential moments sorry i didn't answersorry, i dd your question. so at leer do so at least we hae to answer. but i'll picast yok on somethin pick o up on something.t yo you were talking about it.u you know, a president declaring wawar onr on his own people. and i went back and i looked atk old speeches of president trump's and his fourth of july speech in 2020 was all abouourth of t defeating d the radical left right, calling out a group of peopll left.e, an amorphous group, i would say,an because i get calledy, i >> greg:cal deal and. right. that's not that it's not blm amorphous. you can see it that. but you can see people who are. trying to thwart democracy. he named very specific things that they're doing. but anyway, kaili, to thataythat poipoint, is how is this a departure from divisiveness that we've never seen before? it's a huge departure. look, my former boss was a counterpuncher. there's no doubt about that. you look at what he said, you attack him, he attacks you. g if you go back and look at hisot attacks, almost all of them, ninety nine point nine percent ost al 100%.
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were against a person who has attacked him. we're against a politician. t we're not against a group of people. the white house did not se peot seon a campaign to attack half the country. i did not stand at the podium and say, you, joe biden, build back america people we hate youe . i didn't do that. karine jean-pierre stands at the podium nearly daily and talks about the mago republicans. this is a sustained campaign from the chief of staff, pressas secretary, president against half the country. you don't believe me? the country. you don't leav he said that the republican party is dominated and rivenandv by donald trump in the mago republicans. what does dominated mean trump?? it means taking over. halfeans more than half. and then today h.e comes, tries to clean it up. i don't consider any trumpo supporters a threat to the country.i consider trump supporters for really.the well, you said that last night, mr split personality, because i watched it, by the wayight, ao room full of mega republicans who all heard very clearly what you thoughoft of us and the rest of the country. okay, so i do have a memory long enough for when donaldry lu trump did attack full groups like calling for a shut down the muslim travel ban, for instance, his original comments
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about mexicae muslim tn when no, you know, there were a non muslim majority countriesjoritys and there it was about a terrora threat anyway. >>s wo would love to get your thoughts on the speech. you know t, i would like to agre with greg and say that this was a joke, but i can't make a joket out of thi ms. this is a man who was dividinghi his nation and galvanizingpeople people on the left to hateft people on the righ to t. it was divisive. it was was divisive,s ominous, it was a bl there was a blood-red background. he stood in darkd claiming that he stands for light with military behind him. he demonized half of americansiw . and i don't care what he saysha today.he he said yesterday, donal say today. d trump in the magar, republicans at seventy four million of americanepublica that he's suppe be representing threaten their very wayen their of life. baloney. you don't have a right to say mt
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you , mr. president . you took an oath ttooko represet all of us .all and just because people have pe a different opinion aboutha a different opinion about right to rights to life, abortion law and order are secure border. you can't just say you're disgusting.t say, "you are disgusting a ndyou're a semi fascist. and ergo, i'm going to you,u don't you don't representout what's great about america. you compare us to the likes ofnd hitler and mussolini, and then you try to ginen y uoup the ames to say that we are less than human and deserving of the same result, ultimately, thatthey they are. what makes joe biden think are e speaks for the soul of america? what makes him think in think ie the middle of this political diatribe that that he middf this political diatribe that he speaks for the ru speaks for the rullee of law or the constitution alone? hillary clinton said constitutil trump was anle illegitimate president putin by the russianst . >> stacey abrams said that that election was stolen from her eln from alone now. >> yeah, okay., bu but but but what we've got i is look, politics is one thing.
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i get it. i ran for office five times. people call me names. i probably call them names.. i probably called them names. t goes. but you don't demonize hardworking americans who simply want to survive amerd and want to hear about inflateap gas prices and crime. they don't want to hear abouttoa this nonsense.r t this nonsense. if he is if he's drawing a line saying we're good at you are bad quit d you, joey, are we doomed? >> certainly at the table weat are better then we're not. we need to stay as clear as i'm. not going to speak to the pundits right now and speak to regular speak americans, all with all due respect to thosale of us at the table, folks that go to work everyork ever day an anher things to care about thaan whether or not this was a political speech. because that was the debate on tv today. thank you, republican politicians, fo speech, rday an making the talking point todayda rather not. that was a political speech. why don' why dont we talk aboute said? he said, either you supportwills the green new deal oupr your racist. either you support sexualizing kids in school with trannew deas reading our or you're a bigot. e how do you support what
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the democrats did do in democrats dihe legally, whicht was to venture into the gray area ois af how to collect voter your anti-democratic? so if you support the georgi yol the georgia bill that made elections much lthatmore standardized, got a l more people to come out, douo yu support that or your or you actually know what democracy is ? and then he said in joe biden's best words. , either you vote for joe biden or you ain'tou a patriot. ain't a patriot. that's what he said. that's what he said to every t single american out there. and let me say something.let me yeah, president trump did lookgp at the media, a class of americans, and say you that the name of the people, joe biden, looked into the camera and told a clas s of americans that the people are that people the people, the people who turn wrenchesar,e who go to work every day,le the people whose collarsge will never be white because the grease tha never b t gets on them, s who the maga r that's who the maga republicans are. you don't get to say it. bill kristol, adam kinzinger and their dozens of followers are mainstream republicans to excuse yourself out of ers are demonizing half the couc that's not how this works. so whoever the frank luntz
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style pollster that told the democrats that this ultrae y maga like one thousand is the way to go , keep it up, please.. please keep it keep it up, because you'rell see going to see in november how americans feel about it. ans feel a>> jessiwell, i thinke peopa microcosm of the different perspectives thata people have as well as the t marines go in the background. >> this mike lindell thahe marii mike lindell, that's their job, their ceremonial guard, they a the president, even when he's acting like a jack backs up.h the >> sprt wao. : coming u all right. coming up next, a new lawsuit accuses big tech of colluding with the white house to censorse american's using godfreys to get . i need you to do me a favor and don't come back .
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more emails between top biden officials and big tech titanss n after getting their handsbig ten on docks that shed a light on their cozy relationship. they say the evidenccozyy american, regardless of your political stripe, that the government is actually censoring and silencing americans. ced silencing we've got is what we've always suspected, caleigh, and that is that the white house, the bidenwh administration is colluding with bigite house biden tech fk and twitter and basically telling them what they shoulds o suppress and not suppress. the question is , does the white house have that
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right? >> no, of course they don't.whio and inuse haveght? fact, it's ly illegal what they're doing because you can't suppress first amendment speechand it i t a citizen when you are se said the united states federal government, even via a subsidiary. that disinformation board that happ't happen appears tooard, tt happened in practice.yo when you have forty five federal officials who engaged in this, according to the attorneys general, 11 agencies. that's a big operation. we knew this. we jen psaki told us on july 15th that flagging problematic facebook posts and the spread of disinformation was spread of this information was a a priorities. . they admitted this out c but what is striking to me, because we knew this wasausewe e happening, happeni the federalng government is the third partiese who willingly engagern. when you had a facebookal official email the surgeon general and say, i know our teams met today to betterodt understand the scope of what the white house expecto s from us . remember that guy,whit brian stelter? it reminds me of when he said to jen psaki, how can weto be better? this is social media. what do you expect us big do yo media?u how can we be better sensinga h a trend? it is essentially privateartner sector partnering with thewi democrat party.
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>> ryan , how are you doing?. you know, one of the thingsine:e that is so disturbing is that jen psaki, as kayleigh just kaye said, openly admitted flagging what they considered problematic posts, which is basically the biden administration being a censorship enterprise, a violation, as candy says,viol the first >> where do they get off doing s the e did thisthey g? th they don't have muchhey don't he objectivity to them. they're not trying to hide i tobjectiv becaustoe they believe it'st is righteous. it's wholly it's the truth, right. in their minds. righte ous, holy,we didn't get to decid was or wasn't good for our bodies. they did so so they would have flagged a post about mast early on if they had had this type of coordination, one early on ,yben maybe if they had been in charge for the first year of covid, they they would have flagged post said mask only work if you're trying not to spread it. but doesn't really help you latr catch and get. then six months later, if shefac comes out and says something to that effect, they would havesudt been stepping all over themselves. have they had d this capabilityh th and been in the white house for of t the first year of this pandemic? and sos emic. things change as o
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information comes out. they have to accepmevet some of the guidance early on , even if it was well intended, was ill advised and to think thatand th they were squashing peopleey who went out and did their own research, found their own answers and just put it out there and say that you didn't have you don't have the right to do that i rign a countrhty, e the first amendment. but they're not going to try tat tr hide it because they don't care becausy e they think they'ree rs righteous in doing this. doing they believe in their power this anmore than our rights. r >> you know, the theknow the disinformation board that they floated and then they saw that america wasn't goin board s accept it is really in effect, although they don't have it out there openly with what's her name singing mary poppins. oppi. but they basically have a disinformation board. dothey bas have di you think that's t constitutional, jessica?t >> i'm not surhise the courts , i guess, will play it out if it- ever gets taken there. lawy and it a lawyer i don't want to pretend to be one. >>abyou know, about the first amendment, i'm . yes, i do know about the firstd. amendment and i know that there are concerns the company would
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take to make sure that they are protecting people are on there, especially when it comes to something like medical information. i will say, joey, that actually the reality was, according to facebook, thatity a the trump administration wasg to coordinating with them when it wi first c >> so this was something thatovd wasn't just democrats maybecrat didn't know it was my desk.>> k: okay, well, it was there was a kairouan of it. earlier that said no, actually , but anyway, i want to say so.yway, so i was pregnant during the pandemic and one of the main pieces of m disinformation that was going around was that if you gotain pc vaccinated while you were pregnant, that you were had higher likelihood of miscarriage. carrying that's obviously something that's incredibly scary. and i ended up getting vaccinated utter i wasd pregnant. my doctor assured me that it was fine, but making sure thatem information like that is not isn getting out there is a worthy and i'm not for censorship.nsor. i careful looking at these lookg kinds of things because there
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are people who are getting badnt information over social medihat a hav and whether it's thate they would have cared aboutidens biden's laptop, i care about that a lot les s than the people who are getting bad information rmation aboutes that could help medicines that can help save our save their lives or could pass s immunity on to their growing babies, which is what happened nity ontto my was born with ants ancause i got vaccinated while i was pregnant.tidies because it vaccinated. >> judge jeanine: greg, how greg, how about the fact that some of the stuff that they were telling us during the pandemic turned out to to be absolutely notpported, not true, not accurate. and all of a sudden they wantuec to saycu to us , well, we still we still need to be in charge of what you doat y and don'touo shouldn't have been between youn and your doctor . and if anyone goes to the internet, to figure this stuff out, well, that's that's a risk that they take. i think that's the big point>> e is , is that everybody, ini a way, deserves a mulligan. when you have a pandemic once every hundred years, there'sopll going to be people that are going to be initially be rightig and then wrong. and then that's goinht and tg t. change. >> i am pro disinformation because one man'son disinformation is another person's fact. >> right? is anothera censor never says te
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a censor. soey just say they're concerne d about your health.y us and so they use medicale information now as kind ofme as their weaponry to start curtailing information. rmatione >> so disinformation has now become the new hate speech right. and they use health as a shield, almost like they how here iake everything now is a health problem. so now like language can be a health problem. the language that you use could the language that you use couldt be hurtful.wh and that is the health problem.l they could say that inequality y or lack of equity is a health problem. so you have to be very careful that they're playing this game. >> it's all about controlling the megaphone. >> we've learned that the leftsl sees social media as an extension of media med, a platfe where they can manipulate the spigot, turn on the propagand theya, turn it off,it off and they always feel like they're entitled to it because going back to the block, block they see that the other side is evil and therefore should therefor sat have the same rights they do. because everything that i'm going to sayme rights theyhy going to be disinformation.matin right. know there are people that, rig? disagree with you, jessica.there about that. and a >> a lot of people did not
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get vaccinated. and yonot getu can't argue and l be very polite to you about it.t you you can't say like, you know what? you should have got thatha information. the solutiont informatio to misinformation is always more information, not less. >> i want tos more and i think e this is true of a lot of kind of hot topic political debatesiy ,especially when you talkhave ay about an issue like abortion. i've always felt this way. nos felt one is right or wrong necessarily. it's about what legalotecti legalities are and protections are. i never told a woman, yoon i neveu ought to get vaccinated right now. that is your body. your choice about that. absolutely. choice but i don't think that bad information should be allowed to circulate about miscarriagesu that were not happening.lariages i don't know how you i don'tpola know how you how do you police that really well. how do you saddam for that information? i get it. if somebody says, you know, perfec it's perfectly legal to set fire to things, that's bad information. coulaybe set fir get charged for telling a child you can light a fire. >> okay, that's a crime.a that is objective as a society. we have said these laws have to
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be followed. you violate them, then you violated the social contract. i there's a part of the storya paf that's buried, though, because social media companies now are almost i n place. we're like, oh, but it was the fbi, it was the administration, social and a companies are the ones that created this bubble that we live in that we only get a certain type of informationths because they believe that's what we want. wt and it keeps us addicted toand d to opening this phone. opening his phone and so that their own they have to acknowledge their own sins in this befor anc and punted over to anyan administration on censoring. they are censoring befores befo the administration even has a chance to. >> yeah. admip next, america's never ending travel nightmare is about to ruin your laborruiny day.ou and the biden administration is totally clueless on how ton x fix it.. the i think i mean, your mom's back on travel first to chase with chase freedom unlimited, our 5% on our cabin. you cas our 5% on our cabin. you cas >> hello, cash. doesn't hurt our b. breakthrough
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flying season was bad, you better buckle up. the labor day weekend, nearly w 13 million of you are expected to fly from anee us airport. tht that's a big jump from lastlast year. and boy, is it going to be a bos pain in the you know what?e yo so far today, more than three thousand flights are delaye d and nearly one hundred and fifty are canceled. so what's mayor pete going toed. do about so wha all this travel chaos? not much, apparently, but transportation secretary travel launched a website to see how how airlines treat you when they cancel your flight. aiou when thhe's also got some o provide some food and hotel vouchers, but overall, nothing to fix. the actual problem delayed and canceled flights. >> judge, why do you think allcd these flights are being delayedd and canceled? >> well, first o f all, a lot of judge people are flyin jg out. yeah.g a lot of pilots are not flyingkw and i just want you to know how happy i am the people to judge the case, because people, the judge and the department ofs transportation is making sure that the rules are followed.
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and he is expanding the rights of passengers. and if they delay you, you they get a meal oyor ten bucks, which will buy you a drink only not a meal. and then he saysoption he's contemplating options to write new rules. he has this als to write thel iy to you, you have to go to the department of transportation websiteyo. your fligh if your flight is delayed or itf you're waiting on the tarmac, you should get like get $30 three hundred bucks or something like that. is, and yohat it is and it goes you go check on the dashboardhe each airline, because the airlines owe you money.ney. don't just say, you know, my airline got canceled. u kn you may be able to get money.ed. they're canceling flights knowing that they'll justhout pc the next flight. yeah, it's not fun. i built a way too much because i would like to be home more ,oe but i work in new york . that i >> livs e in georgia.i pa that's the price i pay. i don't mind it.y and i i like flying on delta. the pilots get it.i li yoke fu want to get something fm delta? i don't. . downtown is just trying to >> joey: i'm tryin jessica, when we look at my repeat, not one airline's
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been fined so far .u look a and there is an opportunity to do that. the way the rulesy to do and regulations. o it was hard for even me toess kd understand. but i guess kind of by law o,loy they should offer you a cash on cash voucher back , but what can mayorffering flights. what can they do?what what should he do or what cant a he do? n hewell, it seems like there iw has to be two part it one doing something about whatof the airlines are doing and they got tons of bailout money also. you're right.ney also i this is the question we're so asking about what's going on in schools, what's going on with the airlines, you know, millions and millions, you knowd and billions dollars spend it properly and make sure that youe have people understand the pilot trainingnd it programo takes longer than it's not like just hiring someone off the street, buliket as you werei explaining to the screener, they should have been prepared nthe greefor this because this s something that's been brewing for a few years. and then obviously during washing bthe pandemic kind of t a higher octane there.higher oct so you have to make sureane thad people are taken care of, give them the cash vouchers, make sure they get meals, hotels. i mean, that's one ofpeople the biggest problems that people get stranded in a city gt where they don't live and then
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they have to go rent a hotel room for the night, which is not it is not cheap. cheap. so needs to be on both sides of that. >> well, jessica didn't fully answer my problem here. but kayleigh, i want to ask a you, when we talk about why this is happening, i live ing an beltsville. that's why i'm so nice toice to my neighbors. all the people that work on the planes and fly airplanes live there south of the airport where i'm at. this problem has been brewingn g for a while. one of the things that happened was airlines took money under the auspices of not layinge ausc anybode y off, but then to retir they incentivized their pilots to retire so they could get them offed so they their payroll. but they still get money they didn't have to pay back .n so should theshavee airlines haa to pay some of that moneyppp mo back ? >> yeah, i mean, it's a greanete point. tir they tried to have their cake ck and eat it, too, and that cakee happened to be taxpayerrs dollars. and here we are.. fifty four billion dollars later. but don't worry. i mean, to the judge's point, big bag, buta gege on the case. big, bad c voodoo judge. he made a dashboard for us thisa weekend. what do you think, dashboard?
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yo dashbo interactived.boar website? k my flights delayed. ctt's go on the bridge dashboard. normally you can't printive webd a dashboard. this is the dashboard. it's literally a chart, a poster board thaappeared normt print would create that has all of airline the airlines listed with checks and with xs as to whether they offer refunds, offer meals. this is a dashboar offd. has da this is like five people ishnizo pete's office who put together something so we coulo put tod he a long weekend. i hope you're enjoying your time, pete, because pe you ag the rest oyourf us are looking t your dashboard and getting no answers. your- board goes all the way down the supply chain. it goes down to labor. sup i mean, we don't have enough people an airport to taket the bags off the planes after 10:00 p.m.. yes. sit there and wait forto take te three hours. there are people that own? p little businesses that supply parts to these airplanes. eopl when something's mechanical. gr if you put it on the ground for six months, it's going to break just sitting there instead ofer flying. so now you have a backlog ofof all of this. you haacklog on thisn is a big . of it. you know, apparently the government is making sure the buy a hotel room and give you a meal. >> i mean, mor i think there's more the government can do.g: it i don't know. kno i mean, look, i'm going to havwe to defend the biden administration here becausloeusi
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i feel like we could find a segment on this topic from two years ago. on thifive years ago, eight yeas and it will sound exactly the same whenever you do travell segments in high peak periods. it's all about cancelations. it's all about complaints. and why? because nothinat theg ever chanh it's notin really just a lack oe preparation. it's a lac lack of innovation ie the airline industry. imagine if computation the computerstry. chip industry progressed like the airline industry. this phone would weigh four ton tons to do the exact same things that i wanted to. our computers would be walls our coand wall wires. es. >> that's because somehow th the computer industraty const is constantly innovating, always tripling its computerania power, what, every three years or some crazy thing we need to start looking at airline travel and with a with a with a newtrtr brain. e >> there needs to be some new thinking about this. would you do? well, i think that we know that plants can smaller planes can go faster. maybe they start go fast making more smaller planes.
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>> maybe we start having these taxicabs, these drones that can now just, i think, releasingdr the pressure of the long haul hu flights with shorter flights might work. but whatl fl do i know? >> so i'm an english major.? more connection, more or just tarim? >> gre no, i don't know. i mean, more direct flightsrect between little things and thendh electric bikes for everyone.intr >> thereic bikes for everyone. r well, i'd need three wheels on my bike. wi listen, if you're sitting at home, read the fineti print. those airlines owe yount more than they're giving you. >> coming up don't go anywhere.xt, don' the fastest go t is out here where. cornfields and wheat farmers, i've same miles and mils of back roafter a longle towns. >> on monday, we won't leavefort >> on monday, we won't leavefort them there.d! it's nice to unwind after it's nice to unwind after a long week of telling peopleur. how liberty mutual customize your car insurance. your car insurance. you pay for what you nee natural only pay for what you
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need. >> it is every day, every family day. what is your favorite? i'm going to go with josh. yes, i'm sorry. what i was talking about the types of sugar. >> come on . you know, i love all i lost 138 pound >> he has a reallys sweet kid, though. though. did you just fist bump? hi , my name's steve.ay throughi and eight pounds on golo and i kept it off so the othedor. i actually just feel like you're muscling your way through it. through it. the reason why i like golo is plain and simple. it was easy. i didn't have to get my teeth and do a diet was a lifestylet y change and you make the changee. and it stays. gold has changed my life in so, many's i sleep better. b i sleep better. b i eat better. >> took my shirt off in the first time in twenty five years at let's go the dog. >> although it's smarter, it's better. it will change your life forever. >> hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's
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>> we, like the actual world, come to my holiday season. >> are you kidding? yeah, there's messi and renaldo. yeah, but that's my time. to shine. i mean, i'm not supposed to compete with that. you know what? get blitzen on the phone. i got to get back there right now. >> i gotta go . i got to go . and mckinney fauci. oh, great detail. i want you to call. don't do this. another option. do we have i'm not going to let anything. no one can ever know the truth of some bad news. the cleaning lady, all new episodes, monday, september 19th on fox and watch season one . any time. chileno, thirroul, late. thanks for letting george . >> all right. welcome back. time for the fastest first up,
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it's like something out of a dystopian movie, an energyl bi company locking colorado residents out of their smart thermostat as temperatures rose to ninety degrees this week. 90e grthey're blaming it on an enery emergency. but in fairness, i itt only affected customers who choose to be a part ofonly p a program that offers money in exchange for giving up control of their thermostat toin saveave energy. >> greg, why would you choosee to be a part of it? lesson for best the joys of delayed gratification, human nature is you take the immediateke t benefit for the for the foher id ther the delayedia benefit. >> so it's like they offered him a hundred bucks, they said, and then an we might turn off your thermostat and you're like, i got a hundred buckurs. well this is what happened.likem it's like me saying to you, i'll give you one hundred bucks today.e you $100 today next month i'm going to comext h kick you in the pants. you're like sure, whatever . yoi that's this is you've got toeve. tharn. >> so it's on them. judge and yeat it governments we controls the answer to the energy problems. right? i want them controlling my thermostat. yeah, really. e it's the whole idea is so big brother to me. we're going to controlge jeani
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your energy, your thermostat, wd you're coming into my house. you're going to tell me or lo how high or how low i can puty? my energy. i mean, really, the whol e thingeall is offensive to be . one hundred bucks.g no, hundred that's what you have to opt in. you pay the hundred bucks, you the suck say yes, that's the sucker. >> is the person controlling it. anything in my . you want them monitoring whatdot i get. i'm not. no, i know they pay me just sohs don't pay whatever . >> i don't pay anybody. okay, you're good. it seems dangerous that you lose the ability to override the system completely. i don't know whae tht coulde sy go wrong, but it feelsstemmplett any time. something could go wrong, especially when you have these high temperatures liked go wrong something lights on fire or whatever . and you just the idea of not omet having controlhing over your hou .r house from i understand the money incentive. and to a lot of people id, $100e is good amount of money.$100 you're going to go out to yonner, take your family out, whatever it is .mily out but it seems for . t is. >> gary.leigh: the a yeah. the case against alexa thermostat. yeah. here's the deal. this is domestic terrorism, attack on democracy. at.
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nothing would turn me intoe in thermostat off od of guys. i would be ripping thermostat off the wall. i'd be losing it.. you my house needs to stay at 70nice cool no warmer than seventy degrees. >> those oes.f us who enjoy heat may love this san. and finally,ov there's anothersr reason to give up on big tech. . your phone's light is making you look old. apparently blue light from screens is causing wrinkles, blg and other detrimental effects on your cells and neurons.htreed another new study, jessica and i believe it, though i can't really be good for you muchmuch we're staring at a variety. thing >>s. i thought i bought those glasses of blue light blue eyeg. you know, they don't d glasses. i mean, they don't do anything for me other than allegedly protect me. buther thadlyt with a phone, ife on the phone, the lights there,t they can't stop that. >> i'm speeding up your face.our face yeah, this side of my face judga is worse. i don't.e of i don' i don't, joey. i mean, like, you don't havejoey any wrinkles. well, look, again, if you read this study, one of the things it says is it'sy, one damaging sensory neurons, like kind of making you dumber. dumb.
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i didn't need a study to tellee me thid s thing makes me dumberl well, it may be blue eyed or maybe it's just the content i'm absorbing through it. >> maybe that's what i may>> kae get a wrinkle like tomorrow, becausigh: ie i the sun reportsw screen time. yo >> it's like you want a nineu thousand eighty seven . i'm like, how's this is a brilliant, brilliant strategy. brilliant, the only way to get women to stop using the phone is to tell them itot gives them wrinkles.r. a sexist would say, well, just get more botox. e do you have a girl? botox? you are not right now suing again and again. all right, fan friday. >> up next about me playing pool, i read white and we love our way. hail to black on the candidate. you know, hello, i'm mike lindell. and due to your incredible support, the original my slippers are almost completely sold out as a special thank you. i am launching my brand new all season slippers slides
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>> i do. you can call. >> yeah, it's fanmail friday. that's the theme.hat is the thee the split second one of my favorite game shows from the 70s.t first question from frenchie. se and fiwhat's been up to? are >> what are you always avoidingg doing? e it's too hard. >> kaylie, what are you doing? because it's hard not having desserts while pregnant. o hardi get like 15 cookies a dy yeah, i try not to think that's avoiding. that's doing.s doin >>u flunk that question.g.
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all right, jessica, what do yout what are you avoiding? >> to doing. >> chopping off cleaning.>> jes oh, that's the it's horrible. ng.and then also i look at i the pile and i know how much it's going to cost more .going c >> it's crazy.reg: it is it's always more . a and they deliver ilwt. yeah. so that feels okay.t so but the drop off, i can't it'sf. it's an ugly fight where i wear dirty clothes every day. yeah. clothes everyday. >> greg: there you i thought i smelled something. avoihat i avoid doing because it's too hard. rd i do, i do lots of things.t want i do. but i don' tt want to cleank th the dog's dishes. i havedo dishes three . them, right.ri but i do them.ght? yeah that's goodi .do and that's the end of that. yeah. jelly look, they like to go . oh that's funny. >> joeythat is funny. it's funny. >> i think you want a serious answer. that's cool. yeah. anything that requires planning ahead. like i've got a bunch of flights i need to book right now.have a bch of flights i need
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then i have to go on a calendar and figure this out and it's but i read everything. but you know what i hate most shaving. i hate shaving, but i alwayste . appeared. >> yeah, i do it i , budo it i doe a terrible job of like ted cruz when i just don't like toike to shave. >> there's something weird about it. run it ape.ther. it wit >> blade across your face makes me sick to my stomach.h i got stung by a scorpion this week. what was your worst? the bug byg interaction and eatg one doesn't count. interaction an joey. d >> you must add a bug issue. yeah, yeah. i was digging in one of those forgot which called those concrete tubes that go into our driveway when i was littlerb driveway, i was digging and looking fo kids dig and dig and i was looking for something, i guess, and i saw something bitey my belly and there wa my belly to look down. there was a worm down there. and to this day, i swear, it had two heads on really. ng tha and it just t i'm telling you right now, anything that scares a little toe in the water jugs,i i remember i was inen texas andi remember getting bitten o by something. n the ai cod when i was on the airplanere coming home, there was likemingk this red line coming up my leg. so as soon as i got off
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the airplane and went to the emergency room and they kept me in the hospital for a while monitoring it becaus em kept mee they and what they said wasnous a poisonous spider or something, they didn't want it going up my heart. >> ssp theyo that's a real story in your heart forever.or yeah. just destroyedy. my i've had gos luck generally. siveyeah. i go >> but i got to be one, so it wasn't great. well, that's good. . as long as you're not allergicou to the doctor cayle, this is a. i thought this question would be better. no, i mean, we havi thoue the rs in florida right.e have the gigli.roache >> oh yeah.da, righ i didn't make mine once, but up here they have house centipedes which are nasty little. oh yes. gros es which as. : yes! >> gross. both of them bad. how centipedes worse. one time i crash>> kay on this s couch in florida. >> judge jeanine it?ell asleep and i wake up and it looked like the pillows are moving, but they're all what do they call chiggers? >> no, chiggers. t wa is that what they're calledy we worse. and it was like much like they were all moving in. i didn't have my contacts in
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the back of your head. you the bit the pillows were moving. no, that yes. p they were movingillowse . ne: no they >> you tell me you mean a bugwee was moving the pillow. s. e so manyo many bug didn't look like they were working in tandem. yes, it had both. h when you were high . no, i was young. i was i was. [laughwas. it was, yes.te levitating more .r] >> okay, this isn't just great. these aren't just shipman's. they're promises, promises ofu. all shapes and sizes, each with a time and a place they've been promised to be a promise everything to old dominion because it means everything to you. get the music. the nfl back on fox. oh, we've got dbo and the trey landseer kicking off in the midwest against the bears.
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in america's game of the week. we've got the reigning mvp primed for another season for the pac touchdown and ready to take on . kirk and the vikings are looking to set the tone. now, the nfl is back september eleventh was the home of the super bowl. fifty seven . dr. conrad murray was convicted of killing michael jackson. but that's not the real story. who really killed michael jackson? doctors like arnold klein, who regularly plied patients with opioids. >> people died in some way. it was part of it. give me a i will always love michael . there's a lot of folks to blame that have never had a reckoning . >> tmz investigates who really killed michael jackson this tuesday on fox. >> every minute counts in a poisoned emergency. that's why poison health is standing by 24 hours a day, seven days a week in over 100 to help you figure out what
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to do and where you need to go . and if you just have a question that's okay to save time in a poisoned emergency, save poisoned help as a contact in your phone today, visit boys and help that hrc dot gov to learn more or call your local poison center at 1-800- 222 one , two, two, two. one , two, two, two. >> in times of war, peacee! - of course.
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♪you may say i'm a dreamer ♪but i'm not the only one ♪i hope some day you'll join us♪ ♪and the world will live as one♪ time for "one more thing." >> all right, first thing. quick programming note on saturday night. monday at 5:00 p.m., we have got a back-to-school special that's airing on those days. it's a fun filled show. so don't miss the back-to-school special and now it's time for jeanine's judgment. ♪ >> judge jeanine: okay. so, here we go. a woman orders a $300 steak
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anniversary dinner. sparks debate over who should pay. she is out on her second anniversary with her boyfriend and accidently ordered the $300 steak. you all have to answer the question. celebrating the relationship milestone. he suggest she orders a wag go sirloin to which she agreed. however, she unintentionally ordered steak costing the bill over 400 bucks. her bill $300. one day laugh back and laugh about it story go viral. some say she should have paid at least half. others say too because too sad her boyfriend was supposed to pay. some say she should have paid. what do you say, jessica? >> jessica: it's too much for a steak but i think he should have paid. whatever arrangement they have is fine. but i don't think, you know, it's an anniversary get married you will get them back later. >> judge jeanine: worst part of this was she said she didn't even like the steak. >> joey: be a man and also eat
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half of that. >> he comforted her when she cried. good boyfriend. keeper. >> judge jeanine: what do you say, greg? >> greg: i don't care. >> judge jeanine: second anniversary and she spends 300 bucks. >> greg: i don't care. >> judge jeanine: here is the bottom line. depends on what their prior history is and he paid. it was shaking very upset about it that's what you get. >> greg: one minute left. >> judge jeanine: go ahead. >> greg: tonight's show. this is how it's done julie banderas, jim shepard. kat, tyrus. 11:00 p.m. check out this bear. it's starving, starving, smart an will that. look at him. he figures out what to do. tests his physical acrobatic skill and is able to climb and then he realizes what else he can do? just pulls it down, right? pulls it down. come on, buddy. you can do it. there he goes.
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now is he going to do it this way. this is pretty riveting. >> one of my favorite people julie banderas has a beautiful book out she is not woke. give julie banderas' book. >> jessica: sorry, joey. amazin ♪ ♪ o say can you see ♪ ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ ♪ what so proudly we hailed♪ ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪
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