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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 5, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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deal breaker, you don't like the person. >> charles: thank you both very much, and thank you all for joining us, we hope you enjoy the rest of your long weekend. you can catch me on fox business weekdays at 2:00 p.m. on making money. and it has been real, real top to hang in there. we will get through it together. you know i have your back. good night. "the five" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. i am dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, jesse wattere s. ♪ ♪ it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." happy labor day weekend, everyone.ek "the five" celebrated by going back to school. we have a fuenfiven show ahead including her face off in a trivia challenge to see who was paying the closest attention ing the e classroom. not jesse. a back-to-school eat edition of supermarket showdown.s
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in awin brand-new segment "the five" show and tell will or we will reveal our ultimate brown bag luncheess from her school days.erveal you do not want to miss that. plus we want to answer yourch ooschool themed fan mail questions. but first billions of students are headed back to the classroom and we will give you some tipst onfi how to succeed, but to gets in the mood let's take a trip cladown memory lane with our sl .hotos oh, wow. edi will go first. i di d not know -- that his senior year. .>> judge jeanine: that is you?i >> if you think inflation is how you should see dana's hair. >> dana: this brush haircut! google is amazing. >>he i look like the toughest gl in >> dana: apparently the most populathr high school winner. >> true story, i peeked in life at the age of 17.
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>> jimmy: class chatterbox, class clown, stuff like that. >> dana: and obviously most likely to succeed. and here's the judge. catholic school, that is so you. >> judge jeanine: it's that catholic schoo cceel uniform. >> dana: i love it, so cute. and harold destined for e you in thefice, ar government club?r >> harold: was a good time, o like being on the footballff te. >> dana: how about this luscious mane of hair in the t day. >> jimmy: why do you have so many pictureghtes of me? >> dana: i like that you bacalways have the head tilt. h >> jimmyav: very chain forward, but that is like the fridge. from the water friendly for average. >> jesse: scrub a few off the
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internet, the one in the middle bottom does not look like i was. sober. >> jimmy: there are dueling looks, some are buttoned up and organizeik in others where your head is thrown back looks like you are putting on a rock down. if you look at mine and between two haircuts, i have like a flock of seagulls part going on, and was clearly going through a phase. jesse has pretty good consistency. >> dana: what were you like inhe high school? >> jesse: i went to two highgu llschools, worse at the first oe and better in the second one in my own mind. >> dana:s what you mean? >> judge jeaninewo: why two?high >> jesse: we move from philly to new york when i was a junior. they had to give me an adva advantage. >> dana: girls want to know what you were like i ownn high school. >> harold: i was nerdy. that'sto why it was in the government club and i knew that i wanted to be in politics and
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try to be around dosing, but some of my best friends in life are high schood tol classmates.d so formative years. >> jesse: look at the line in therdye head. >> harold: it was a part, not one of my better here >> dana: what were you like? >> judge jeanine: i was in a rush to get out, i did high school in three years but f was like i have to get out of here. and there was a student, just a student. >> dana: where you will one w everyone thao school you did not have to study? >> judge jeanine: i studied a lot, i read a lot all the elemenhoolt things. i skied. >> harold: we talked about you skiing in college. >> judge jeanine: oh, yeah. >> jimmy: i love thatto headband, it's very "karate kid." >> dana: what were you like?
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>> jimmy: i was very fun like i am here. i don't bring a lot of intellect, so alwayslk overcompensating with a lot of positive energy.ed i'm like a dog with a job. people rubbed my stomach and threw me tennis balls. it>> works. >> jesse: someone is always on your lap. sch>> judge jeanine: hey now. >> jimmy: look at the passion,e and wearing a shirt from structure, do you remember that? 1994 and i have my division had on, the blue dragons. and i was wearing a structure shirt. understanding if you arehe 270-pound guy, you should not -- i was a big dude. >> jesse: she was sitting on her lawearp because were sano. a >> dana: since i am leading atu blocrek i should not have to cal for other photos on myself. that was college graduation.
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that was not quite school obviously.e to if you go back just one, do youu see that in the background, you see that little brown line onat the gras'ss was actually a balae beam that my dad made for me. >> judge jeanine: were you always a student?s >> dana: it was a good student, math was hard for me, but actually i think for that my instruction in the for them his grade was not great and i got back and better after that. of that was when you saw my college roommate andrea who is amazing and a mom now an empty nester as of last week. a >> judge jeanine: let's talk about the balance >> dana: theer t-shirt is university of denver gymnastics team shirt. obviously pigtails wery e key. >> jimmy: the difference between your physique and my physique and youi'r physique, judge, i'm looking at the grill
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in. the background. >> dana: that's a dog, that'sa jaco. back left, and i was on elm street.e "nightmare on elm streeton" in denver, colorado. i was on the speech team in high school and student council, yes. >> jesse: any extracurricular. >> jimmy: the speech and political team, me and jesse were on ecstasy. [laughter] >> dana:po okay,li that was a fn trip down memory lane. i don't know why they put on my niece's face there, but let's giveat our next school tips for studentsmory. i will go first, we each get three tips t. i love this name, but i came up the ones i had before number one as i will suggest thatee you choose one social media outlet to use and delete all the other seones. so you might choose twitter or instagram or facebook or whatever they and people are
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using now, snapchat, whatever it is.or maybe not, but i think that it would be better for your brain, your career and your life if you only stuck to one.n second one is don't take pills from anyone unless it's your doctor, because one pill can kill and these pills are everywhere and they are being disguised as adderall as xanax, things like that. don't do it. and i wish i would've completely focused on class when yohereu as class and the last study and you will do afterwards.i >> jesse: thoswie are very, verr good tips. minor dressed well, no structurl shirts. y buout if you just dress cleanly and don't show off, don't wear like a tie and a jacket to school. you don't want to get beat up. but just make sure they fit. beeenl organized. this is important for my yoscattered brain. organization is critical, if you
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are organized and not losing things and stuff and papers all over the place, that's ae lot of help. have ae nice relationship with your. teacher. not the kind of relationship you're thinking of, friendly respectful relationship with your teacher, because when you get to know your teacher and she or he gets to know you, you might get a littlet th home coog when the grade iofs on the edgey >> dana: that is great advice all ofou, it. >> harold: i should've put working is yours. dana, years or life tip spread whatever age is weakening we shouldut listen to that. be respectful and kind to yourdi teachers, your fellow students.n your coaches. two, do your homework, and three try not to be offended if somebody offers a different point of view, unsettling, as long as it's offered in good faith. in school today, campus all across the country, college and
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high school, everyone is afraid of ideas and a good debate. that's what school is about an education, higher education should be about. >> dana: judge, what you got? >> judge jeanine: i am reading the questions, because every buddy is talking about tips they are giving the students now. reai thought it was what was it like when you are in school? on how to be a successful, stand out. paradise to bn e the smartest kid in class! the next thing i said i was in [lthe front row. always raise your hand. this is what i did, dance her way into the classroom. and then i said create your own fashion. where things that arane unique. that's apparently what i did. >> jimmy: most of my tips are social tips on how to survive and get ahead, so i told come
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out with a positive energy. there is an incentivize grievance, everybody is angry about something, people really appreciate a good time guy and take good time guide to every group in high school, most limi' to one group of friends, but you should b e friends with the jocks on the burnouts and the nerds and everybody else. in this day and age it's probably the smokers. they had a song called smokingry boand the boys room, now it's vaping. be friends with everybody anatdf that does not work, save up and get a car. you talks about zero to hot won hanging out withends leo, how my guys you know in high school got like an 87 cutlass sierra and had 1,000 friends. >> remember the floats? >> dana: you cannot get advice like this anywhere else, so much more t o come on the next school and tellncluding show what the ultimate brown bag lunches paid but first we aree squaring off in a back-to-school trivia challenge. find out who will be the
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classroom champion next on "the five." ♪ ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, let safelite come to you. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: my customer enjoys time with her family. so when her windshield got a crack... she scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to her house... ...replaced the windshield... and installed new wipers. that's service on her time. >> grandkid: here you go! >> tech: wow, thank you! >> customer and grandkids: bye! >> tech: bye! don't wait, schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to "the five," time for thewi back-to-school trivia challenge. testing our mind on things we should've learned in elementary school. i'm the host b and i will playus along, but i do not know the answers. are yot u ready to do this? i feel good about this.ab anoud i am out like a 100-pointq deficit.fici i like a 90-1 underdog right now. first question. the interior angles of a a
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triangle. the interior angles of a triangle always sum up to 1 s degree? isum it 90? 360? 180?inte the interior angles of a triangle. jesse is going, i need the right answer? they always sum up to 1 degree? >> jesse: at them altogether? everyone is going with c? i'm going with c! >> jimmy: he is going with cs for copy and he is correct! question number two, tied at 1-1-1-1, which planet is furthest from the is it a neptune, b uranus, which
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planet in the solar system is furthest from the sun, is it son neptune, saturn, or uranus? and dana is remembering some type of nursery rhyme. i am sticking with a, and it is a! >> dana: my very educated mother just served us nine pizza pies. >> harold: i was googling. >> judge jeanine: i will go first. in >> jimmy: in what year did thomas edison invented the light bulb? 1891?ig ht1879? or 1865 west to mark the champ, i know this one. >> harold: i will go b since you all went b? >> jimmy: and it is 1879! look at that! >> judge jeanine: did you kno that? why? >> dana: the end of the civil war.
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>> judge jeanine: may be if they had that in the theater it would be c different! b >> harold: is that what you fferwant to tell the kids? >> jimmy: can we just acknowledge that jesse's answerw were about a year late.s 1865 since ware answered. what is eight times 12? is it 802, 98, 96. this should be timed. oh, she is wrong! 96! it is c. dana behind the point. he really wants us to beat you.i good news is i won money inyo vegas, bad news is i wilu,l getd fired from the network.f what country is both an island ans.d a continent? heat wave, anything, i am actually going c on this one.
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it is australia, is that correct? it is. >> judge jeanine: harold was wrong. >> jimmy: everything i know abouw abt history i read off a u at the outback. you know when you are waiting for her to come. not even kidding. who wrote the american classicor "of mice and men?" it is b all the way across the board. john steinbeck, there yo u go. bonus point, didn't he also writes "to the grapes of wrath?" which of the following was not one of the original 13 colonies? vermont, delaware, pennsylvania? i am going to go a vermont withy my solidarity. and boom, bang, powell, what is the periodic symbol for what iron? what iymbos the periodic symbolr
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iron? if you guess b, you are right! , come on down! you are the fastest! >> judge jeanine: are we getting any prizes? >> jimmy: how many americansin have walked on the moon? this is the bonus question you need to get right! i you can go to your whiteboard and write an answer. >> judge jeanine: have walked on the moon or just flown by it? >> jimmy: just so everybody knows it is me, jesse, and the judge that are tied. thisyou are welcome to play, but prize jue eligible. how many men have walked on the moon? i'm torn, but i know it because i have a n advantage. >> harold: did you walk on the moon? >> jimmy: i believe my correct answer just so we are on thek on same page, actually believe it is high and i will tell you why i believe this.
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because it is 12 jimmy for the win, this is a big deal. in the interest of full>> disclosure, this is why, i do havewent an advantage. my. wife from ohio home of neil armstrong and at the spaceohio museum you find out space fun pack s where they sell dippin' dots ice cream in the future which has been the ice cream in f the future for 40 years now, the point is i won and i'm so excited. >> jesse: you seem over prepared. >> judge jeanine: what did you win? >> jimmyyo: i won and all expenses paid visit toick- chick-fil-a on the sunday of my choice. the back-to-school e edition ofi supermarket showdown is next on "the five." ♪ ♪ supermarket showdown next. ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus.
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unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. being a veteran, the transition from the military into civilian life causes a lot of stress. i ate a lot for stress. golo and release has helped me with managing that stress and allowing me to focus on losing weight. for anyone struggling with weight and stress-related weight gain, i recommend golo to you. this is a real thing. this is not a hoax. you follow the plan, you'll lose weight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i am bret baier from fox news
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in washington, "the five" continues just a moment. but the special break, spending his labor day after going after the vote. he has a speech in suburban pennsylvania after one earlier in milwaukee. this is the traditional start of the fall campaign season and the president spent time again today going after what he called maga republicans. former president trump has won a legal victory. a federal judge has approved the appointment of the third-party arbiter to observe the documents taken from the home last month. to the justice department had contended the special master was not necessary. officials in california say that chance of power outages is increasing with the return of severe heat. energy demand is expected to outpace supply later today. tuesday could be a record-setting day for electricity demand in the state. i will be back at 6:00 p.m. eastern for a live "special report." we send you back to "the five." ♪ ♪ in
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: welcome back, everybody! a brand-new back-to-school edition of supermarket showdown! ♪ ♪ we are duking it out over the prices of some of our favorite school supplies. whoever guesses without goinfavs over, again, without going over is these winner. and as always, i don't know the answers in advance. not as always, but for this show not as always. trapper keeper, judge, would you like to showcase that for us? okay, so you have a trapper keeper here. sealable with a zipper and plastic dividers on the inside where you can hold your social studies notes, chemistry, that's a three-ring binder that is american titanium, only the best for us. s tihow much is the price of the trapper keeper?r >> judge jeanine: writkee it down? >> jimmy: a fancy one like that?
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i am going 30 american. >> jesse: american greenbacks. and the answer is $10.87. who has that?? >> dana: $10.99. >> judge jeanine: $24? >> jesse: he had 30! you showcased it i thought it was pricey. >> dana: are trapper keepers did not have the cover on the t outside. so ira kee added $10. >> jimmy: harold knows a lot about binders because he hangs out with karine jean-pierre. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: you want tode keep goingrs, keep talking. >> jesse: 72 pack of pencils. >> judge jeanine: there are 12. >> jesse: we multiple 12 times. you get 72? according to my latestns calculations.
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judge, there are multiple cases. >> judge jeanine: for all of them. 72 pencils. >> jesse: that's what i did! i these are all close. this is going to be tight. the answer is $23! pencils! inflation. wh>>o was closer? you are closest.>> >> dana: you two are tied. >> judge jeanine: we are that is crazy. >> jessext, : we are both doing better-than-expected. it's a black pencil case, canca fit pencils or what other contraband you might have at school or make up in case you want to attract attention for the teachers. it's not a waste jamming. who calls it a waste jamming?st a waste jamming customer pencil
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case. just a pencil case. >> jimmy: i blew this one, it's wearable. i thought it was nice. >> jesse: rings in at $4.88. did i get that one? judge! dana won. >> dana: i win, because he went over. >> jesse: for coming back after that disaster is performance last time.di then nexsat up we have a three pack of erasers, look at these. what do they call these ino th england? >> dana:ey rubbers. >> jesse: they call thembers rubbers, to make a mistake, which i never do. once i wrote something down, that was it. at three pack of erasers, what do we think, guys? >> jimmy: i'm going to dollars and $0.88 for the
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>> jesse's: it is $1.44! i mean, guys, think about it. it is just rubber. notebook is next. would you like to display the notebook. it is a spiral notebook. >> dana: you know what, it is wide ruled. i hate wide ruled. >> jesse: does that affect the price? >> dana: i think ik itt does. >> judge jeanine: maybe kids need it wide ruled. >> jesse: i'm going to $6. >> jimmy: really? i'm going $1.88. >> jesse: all right, the notebook $3.36. dana perino! in the lead because this is our last -- okay, dana and i are tied going into the last one.ed we have a texas insurance calculator.he
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>> jimmyse: i remember these, they were expensive when we were kids, but most boys this age got ths e calculator and type the numbers in upside down and wrote dirty words.wr it was like a big deal. >> dana: don't look at mine, i won't look at yours. >> jesse: i'm going with the big 6-0. ?ou're going low is that like $1? $20! $20! >> jimmy: we all went over!an >> jesse: danaa wins! you did it. >> judge jeanine: dana, you are a school shopper. >> dana: i love it so much. you got to get the pencil case. i like to the box. the pencil case. in the kranz. in the little --
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>> jesse: my calculator was $100 in high school. i don't know how they went down. >> jimmy: i still can't get this to turn on, 30 year'ts lat. >> jesse: we will do show and tell with our favorite brown bag lunches from our student days.ll and trust me, you don't want to miss it when the "back-to-school special" returns. like any family, the auburns all have... individual priorities. some like strategic diversification. some like a little comfort, to balance out the risk. others want immediate gratification... and long-term gratification,too. they have their own interests, but at the end of the day there's nothing like being... a gold-owner. visit to see why gold is everyone's asset.
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in three seconds, janice will win a speedboat. bingo! i'm moving to the lake... gotta sell the house... ooh! that's a lot of work. ooh! don't worry. skip the hassels and sell directly to opendoor. bingo! when life's doors open,
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we'll handle the house. on this addition, we are doing show and tell go back to cafeteria this with brown bag lunches. share our dream much back in the day including mania, snack and >> harold: on thisdr back-to-school edition of "the five," our ultimate brown bag lunches. each are during lunch from back in a day right here inside this bag holding a main meal, snack, and a drink. and i will kick it off. i love grape soda as a kid. so to really beat anything, i want to make sure that they get the grape soda. i love the great soda. i love french fries and i love
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the chicken sandwich. the pride she can. which churches and jack portals when i was a kid. places.wonythmaket thap.h fr so a fried chicken sandwich and grape soda. >> it's a fried chicken san sandwich. >> jesse: where did they get from? got>> harold: i don't know whee they got it from. you got good things in there. [laughter] 's before you're not supposed to commit to your lunch until you see what other kids at the tably have. >> dana: you might want to h me, because a slice of pizza, if you pizza the night before, you take the slice of pizza. so if anybody wants to swap, in the bag. we have? we have e thin mints, like remember t girl scout cookies. but what i found today in the snack basket with the other ones i love, nutterd to butter.
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and i love a coca-cola. this was my favorite thing, my mom used to send mcolae a note d she wrote it in shorthand, because she took dictation, she could take dictation, and thisk is what this one says, anybodye no?. >> judge jeanine: eat your y lunch.ou >> dana: this says have a great day. in>> shorthand. anybody want my pizza? >> jimmy: we will see if they came through. the judges next. jeanine: okay, so went to a catholic school, and this isn't like my favorite, but this is what i had. i alwaysli had milk. okay, and i always had my mommi would make an omelette and shelk would put the omelette and aom container and thenel the bread s separate. now somebody put cheese in there. we did not get cheese.
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>> jimmy: it looks horrible. >> judge jeanine: but that's what we made, because we do not eat meat, and my mom did not want me eating peanut butter and jelly. and i had my favorite which was scooter pie. they are chocolate, these are a moon pies or something. i don't know. but they had like them are small inside with the wafer and there is a fork and knife. so back then they do not care. >> jesse: she is in the market! [laughter] >> jimmy: i am up and this has been my go-to from first grade on. when i was old enough on.h anind had always doritos. >> dana: did you get that variety pack? >> jimmy: i would. they would also serve as the cheese on my bologna sandwich, bologna with doritos, that's where this happens. i know nobody likes to show off but this is the baller i was,
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ladies. he s had frills bologna. it would come in that package with just a white label. it did not even have a brand or a name, it was just --he that's my mom's note, work b harder. he put the chips on top of the sandwich, but hold on, for a drink, i am in my third t trimester,op i drink about seveh capri sons a day.. i just want to highlight one thing, plastic straw, nobody wants to drink capri sun through a paper straw, make sure you hold out for the plastic straw, and this was the closer, the chocolate chip cookie. there is something about about, because they are so crispy, but they can't gtho bad, because thy were never good. s kind of'sgoway tale, but they make a butter crunch version, these were gold. you could trade the us for anything except maybe a cold omelette. a [laughter]ma >> jesse: don't forget the wonder bread. i don't know why i have sam pellegrino. and never drink that at school.
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i think this is kind of what i wanted for lunch today. macadamia nuts. never had those when i was a kid, but i wanted them today, yes? >> dana: did you not understand the assignment? >> jesse: did not understand the assignment come this looks ?like a lobster roll. >> dana: you brought fish into througe building? >> jesse: you can smell that. from mom, have a great day, make a new friend, and listen to your teachers, i don't want to see you on the bad bench.a so if you were -- if you misbehaved in high school you got sent to the bench ands. you sat there in front of the principal's office like this. and my mom having to work at my school, so she would be walking senby them would see me on the bench. and then i i would cry. that's it. m going to eat my lobster roll now. you know worke, dana. do you want to trade?
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>> harold: m think we should all give the judge a little something. e fries? som >> judge jeanine: no, i want [lto macadamia nuts. >> harold: up next we will answer some fan mail questions with our special edition of "the five" returns. "the five" returns. ♪ ♪ incredible - meatballs, fresh mozzarella and pepperon- oh, the meatball's out! i thought he never fumbles. the new subway series. what's your pick? you might take something for your heart... your joints... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory.
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prevagen. healthier brain. better life. research shows that people remember ads with young people having a good time. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's a pool party. look what i brought! liberty mutual! they customize your home insurance... so you only pay for what you need! ♪young people having a good time with insurance.♪ ♪young people.♪ ♪good times.♪ ♪insurance!♪ only pay for what you need. ♪liberty liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ i typed in grandma's name and birth year... and there she was, working at the five and dime. my dad's been wondering about his childhood address for 70 years... and i found it in five minutes. ...that little leaf helped me learn all the names from the old neighborhood... it felt like a treasure hunt. the 1950 census adds vivid new detail to your family story.
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and it's available now on ancestry. the insurance company enwasn't fair.ity y ca i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. llll theararnes rmrm now the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son, ♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s fillion ♪ i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: welcome back, time to answer your back-to-school fan mail questions from social media. all right, guys. first question is from mark g. i will start with you, jamie. >> jimmy: oh, man. >> judge jeanine: no, lady. s were you ever sent teno the principal office and why? >> jimmy: i was a little bit ofit a problem kid growing up ce which by the way -- 's one shock!r] >> jimmy: we were sent to theac principal'les office because weu sehad taken a fire extinguisher and were soaking people with it, someone would look around thfirw corner. >> judge jeanine: duringith it school? >> jimmy: during recreational
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period. >> judge jeanine: that is called assault, and what was the punishment!te >> jimmyr]: detention and one day of in-school suspension, nowadays you can look at your i phone, but it was where we will look at books. >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: no. unless it was to help do something for the school, like dr. larson. >> jimmy: she's wearing a wip wire. >> judge jeanine: jesse, you were on that bench. >> jesse: in elementary school and a middle school my[lau dad s the principal, so i would have to see him, which was really awkward. i washen in high school set several times fothr fightin. >> judge jeanine: who did you fight with? >> jesse: does it even matter? >> judge jeanine: yes! >> jesse: you want me to name names? ryan mahoney! i think i was hitting him in the back with rubber bands and then he hit me, i did not hit them
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back. turn the other cheek it's quicker. a >> judge jeanine: in the catholic school, right. harold. >> harold: at recess i was told never to go off the playground and i did. to the woods, because i wanted to see what was in the woods.>>o you know, i remember to this day the only thing that was there was a bunch of rappers, the candy now and now leaders, it was a bunch of wrappers. >> jesse: not like hip hip-hop wrappers, judge. >> harold: my principal was a dear friend and my family, and she used, she said this is going to hurt me more than seven times.. and it was a wooden paddle, 1977. double trio, formative time, because i never got sent to the principal's office again. >> jesse: i don't think you are allowed to do that anymore.
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>> harold: then my parents at the same at home. >> jimmy: just like that someone was sneaking into the woods to eat now and leaders. >> harold: is at wow, that's what people do i n the woods. >> judge jeanine: wes will talh abouint that later, anyway, up next, we have an instagram question from fox weather. >> sthey ask, what are you most looking forward to in the fall. soayer our friends over at fox weather have given us a forecast for a plans with their future view feature on the app. if that helps us prepare for the weather during our favorite events up to nearly a year in advance. i will go first, this fall i'm most looking forward to visiting okinupstate new york to see allf the beautiful leaves changing color for the season. and itav looks like there will e light rain showers and it will be 51 degrees in mid-october. but i love it. i love going upstate in the
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pool. >> dana: i would love to seeking that. >> judge jeanine: what are you looking most forward to? >> harold: i love college football. go blue, next saturday we play hawaii. it's an 8:00 game. [laughter] >> jesse: is that homecoming week too? >> harold: and the game is not till 8:00 p.m., but light rain,t daytime high ourf 77, low of 55, and should advantage, because i don't think -- >> dana: why did you get hawaii? >> jimmy: me you and jesse will be favored over hawaii! >> jesse: going on a gator hunt in texas in september, so golf area and i don't -- what's the weather going to be like?gh do we know?
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>> dana: sunrise at 7:30. >> jimmy: that is hot for a gator hunt. >> dana: i love jersey shore and in the summer, and the fall they call that local summer, because that's when all of the tourist leave in the local stick around, but fox weather is notso really hookingin me up. they say light rain average daytime temps only 73 degrees. i don't know, fox weather, help a sister out! >> jimmy: shameless self plug, mostly looking forward tllo goig to iowa, headlining for thebe bridgeviewca center. life stand comedn y event.le there'avs been some news about people running onto the stage anx d hitting comics, this is nancy world, you don't get toav touch the animals of houston in the front row.erda the forecast is going to be nice. partly sunny, daytime temperatures of 68 degrees. nighttime of 40 degrees. you won't feel iiowat because oe two drink minimum. >> judge jeanine: all right, everybody, stay right there.
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"one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, let safelite come to you. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: my customer enjoys time with her family. so when her windshield got a crack... she scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to her house... ...replaced the windshield... and installed new wipers. that's service on her time. >> grandkid: here you go! >> tech: wow, thank you! >> customer and grandkids: bye! >> tech: bye! don't wait, schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for one more thing. i want to wish this lady a very special birthday. her name is emily. ak ta billy. thi she was born in elizabeth, new jersey on november 5th, she turns 105. congratulations to her. she says her secret to long lifa ysis wine with dinner and bailes irish cream every night. so that is good for all of us who wanted to hear that news.ea congratulations to you, billy. >> jesse: the twins ellie and sophie are starting the sixthe dated grade this year. good luck to them. remember my advice, be organized be nice to the teachers and dress nicely.
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also, let's sit in the front row. >> judge jeanine: i was going t add that sit right up front. there is a group of superintendents and principals who decided that since school is starting that they put togethero a kindol of schoolhouse rock. theyr are called theus e superintendents of rock plus. take aar listen. it up, baby. ♪ la la la la la la ♪ they perform covers of classic rock everywhere from local ball games to professional conferences. above all, they love seeing the look on the students' faces when they start jamming out. >> dana: that's pretty fun, harold? >> harold: marcus the new falcons quarterback helping out before suiting up home game. decided to give 150 backpacks to young kids. a lot of these kids probably wouldn't be able to afford this stuff. congrats to him.
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>> jimmy: love the falcons but they will blow the lead theygh give these kids. what color subject folder you should bring to class. if you find yourself fighting over which color to put on your subject. >> ainsley: i would say science is green. that's it for us on this special edition of "the five." t thanks for joiningha us, see you back here next time. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. happy alicia. president biden ripping into maga republicans in his words in two political stops characterizing political opponents as full of, quote: anger, violence, hate and division. will california's power grid hold up as more intense heat grips the region? more warnings tonight about power usage from that state. and a busy and often uncomfortable labor day holiday weekend for travelers. we will have a live report. >> bret: but, first, breaking tonight former president trump


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