tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News September 6, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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you hate him, but you're going to know who he is . who is joe rogan streaming now on fox nation? unfortunately, that is all lef the time we have left thising. evening. as always, thank you foras beint with us and thank you for making this show possible. plear so youour dv never miss an episode ofre hannity. have a great night. ati'm laura ingraham and welcoma to this special labor day edition of the anger angle. now, a lot has happened over the past few months from the raid of a former president's home to the current president , lowering our standard of living to, of course, america. first candidates showing democrats what they're going rst cand tod toni be up against ingh november. w and tonight, we're going tilo take a look back through the eyes of my angles. we begin the show with sabotaging america. that is the focus of tonight'sa. first angle.
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the man has trouble with names,f but not the name ts of people. he may be met once or twice,le. right? that would be understandable. weg about the names of prominent political figures, including his own cabinet. >> i want to thank the former cl general. i keep calling him general. my , my the guy who runs that outfit over there. i remember i got in trouble when we were running against whw the senator who is a mormon governor . okayas, i took him on .d i tookm >> i want to thank that fellow down under. ank you thank you very much about our national security adviser, joe biden contact with his counterparts throughout the world and our alliesr as ass the general excuse me, i keee p calling them in general. >> it's so inspiring, isn't it? and today, as the supply of baby formula reached new lows, the president reached for more names. >>w how are youlows, going to over? reacd moreto secretary? mr . secretary, i'm going to have you speak now and yourarksa
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remarks, and then we're goinndg to hand it over to the to my now, given the public outcry over how they've handledw the baby formula shortage. well, hhs secretary basara wasd probably thrilled that biden couldn't remember his name en could again. >> i think it is whether or not there was a this could have've e been moved quicker. >> well,en moved i don't think e anticipated the impact of the shutdown of one facility in the abbott facility because he is just telling you thatth they understood it would have a very big impact.ay, bu >> they did, but i didn't. : tht now, that''ss reassuring.ea now, the onlssury semiin compett person they had in the administration at this point, i have to conclude, wase jen psaki. and she's gone. his people just keep missing the obvious.
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remember his dhs secretary, all one america still refuses to refer to the border as a crisis. he says ther crie are challenges and he doesn't know basic facts. when asked general mark milleyi and defense secretary lloyd austin missed the dangers of evacuatingth thousands in afghanistan and treasury secretary janet yellen missed a minor thing. you may have heard about it. it's called inflation.inflation. >> i think i was wrong i think i was wrong then about the path that inflation would take. there have been unanticipated and large shocks to the economy that i didn't at the time didn't fully understand. >> laua >> and look, the public isn't stupid.s no they know zero accountabilityeys when they see biden's cabinet members shouldn't have more jobt security than, say, a collegea basketball coach .. if a coach, all he does is lose that. he blamedoess others. he's canned. right. and everyone from yorkist amily should have been let go long
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ago. poansenad, the fact that you're getting poorer, that america is getting weakeroi ,that's just part of the necessary transition. you may not be able to fill your tank, but you should be filled with pride over allism the first that this administration has deliveredins the first female coast guard commandant, there's more work to be done to ensure the coast h guard and all the branches ofgur our armed forces reflect the full strength and diversity, including at the highesullncludingt levels or our leadership. we need to see more women at the highest levels of command, s the coast guard and across servy service in the armedt forces. >> lau what happened?d ju justst hiring the best. are?ver they are. but biden's puppeteer's don't care about objective standards or merit ey. or do we really think thate ha mayor pete hadd the background to run the department of transportation or that ex governor jennifer granholm was qualified somehow to run the energy department? or that the new press secretary was the most talented
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communicator that biden could have had in that role? now, she doesn't necessarilyr answer questions. she just readsquestion what peot in a briefing book, okay, soe tw there are two graphs behind men . basically, what they show t is more supplies being soldompae on the market.d ea compared to a year ago and the lack of seriousness in the biden white house evenuse ex extends now tote the u.s. marine corps. forgetmarine cor being the fiere fighting force over landants y and sea. the pentagon wants you touo know that the marines main priority right now is celebrating pride e month. even the bullets are rainbowleta colored. re rainbi'm sure president gee y scared tonight. heare, vertud tonighe, signaling january six hearings. it's all the democrats areit capabl's all e of. nothing they've done has actually helped the average american who'stually really struggling right now.>> >> i i mis miss the three dollas by three fifty , you know, butin i don't know who's in charge ofc this, but it's pretty absurd. >> one hundred forty dollars to.
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fill up my . >> and it's crazy. i think folks just want to return to what they consider the normal. like the normal ofy 2019. we had a roaring economy, cheap energy and no new buy,t now they have chaosthey h and crime and declining standards of living led byavlesy a man who the press relentlessly and dishonestly promoted as the great unifier. >> normalcy that seems tot se reallyem be a big part of the pitch that joe biden is somebody who will allow the country to return to normalcy. >> biden, by inclinationy., the compromiser is someone who wants normalcy. >> also return to a functioning government. the biden team is trying to restore trust more broadly. >> trust bribery. well, that's bee>>n shattered, hasn't it? across the board, americansican want solutions and seriouss wa m . ans themiden's team give celebrities and stunts. >> this speech. mr. president , welcome to thehs
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white house. >> come, e on up for this important month here in america. a lot oft our asian american friends have been subject to racial discrimination, hate peol only hides when good people talk about it. and say how bad it is , it goes down. >> so thank how about how badt o it is when democrats entire plan depends on getting you to lower your expectations or be happy with less or lose pride in your history. your hi stor chip away at i our constitution. now, that's bad. >> i didn't really think it was possible for an administration conne both incompetent and conniving, but they somehow managed it, mouthing all these. platitudes about diversity and identity, using stupid phrases like putin's price hikes and ultra mega. it's all just smoke and mirrors ,a distraction from their ongoing sabotage of americgaa. >> and that's the angle twistedr priorities. that'ss.
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the focus of tonight'sioriti anglese. n tell >> a you can tell a lot aboutrsn so yrson, but by what he or she prioritizes in life. so your kids arer ki on a soccec tournament, cancel that golf outing happening the same day ac not the same with politicians and activists when the word is hittingtiwhen e the fan and the country did jump in to solve the problem, or do you blow it off and work on pet projects that don't help solve anything? well, that's what's happening right now here in the united t states . we jushe united t learned that l sales are falling as inflationin ofs americans their spending money, extra spending money, if they had any. today' s rates rate hike by the fed was the highest since ninety four . that's going to smash in th the housing market and the rate hike too little, too late,e as peter schiff said last night. wad sure enough, w enoe knew ths was going to happen. homebuilder sentiment dropped to its lowest level in two years. s lowes that was during the pandemic. and then the producer price index, which measures wholesale prices, rose in may by nine
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hh nt nine percent, whic is double the april increase. isso democrats answer to all ths just meaningless in order toey e appear as though they're doing something. the bush administratio dthebiden is badmouthing the very industry his administration decidey ind to go to war with in a time of global crisis.isis >> oil companies should be doing everything they can toc expand capacitany and lower cosh at the pump. instead, they armpe charging ins record profits at the expense of american families. a presiden expenset biden is pug a spotlight on this and calling an oil refiners to invest thosee records, those record profits to, thos increase capacity. >> reading with kyp. >> well, all i can say to that is those darn capitalis by biden's letter. he sent this letter out and ordered the oil producers to produce more oil, basically for less money. oh, that's realistic. oil he put the brakes on oil production. he destroyed
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our energy independence. then he rails against the oil and gas industry for not produ producing more oil whenci the democrats aren'te throwing sand in the fan and the actual o policy making side of things, they and their supporters keep busy pursuing a totally idiotic woke agenda.0 so whebuckn you spend one hundred twenty bucks, as i did today, to fill my tank, well, are you going tohat th be relieved to know that thereer will be more general neutral, neutral bathrooms on capitol hill? >> yeah, and laser focused on supply chain problems. the president will also expand access to sex change procedure s and puberty blockers nationwide. all right. and withs everything going south fast, they had to pauseev everything to celebraterythie the democrats holiest month of the year. >> bride is back at the white house on day one . day one . this has been the most his pro quality administration in history, led by guys like peteto
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. i think we have more lgbtqav people than any administration or every administration combined. >> all that'll lower the price , at the pump. great. and if you're worried about china and you think our foreign policy is in tatters, the statet department's answer to thatl sue will surely scares you. sean penlyn, hello to the world. >> i'm ambassador jenna o abercrombie winstanley. the u.s. department of state'sna first chief diversity and inclusion officer. i'm delighted to welcome youdelo the state department's newest twitter account at state department eia. >> how exciting. hill, and meanwhile, on the hill, democrats are so desperate to hold onto power, they're tryingo to scare you away from voting republican because guess what? all those minorities running and winning. mill , they're actually closet racists who have the i word on their minr i wordd. . they would impeach president biden as quicklyly
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as possible. it would also embolden republicans and the far right and white nationalise fat acrost the country to begin to o beliee that it is their time. this is a group that has been radicalized by the great and m replacement myths and many other things and have beenan pushinthg for violenceng and pushing for even civil war. >> thank god new yorkers have: a man of his searing intellect representing the people in these troubled economic times. enting tbut congressman berman t taking a lesson as an aide from the highest paid racial huckster around the intellectual force. after all, behine around, thd ts embrace of the systemic racism myth, a man whose sole goal is to cash in on poorly writtenl books for adults and kids.wa the plots always the same. rote america's a rotten, hatefulful place with an awful history and everything. >> and everyone is racist. the unfortunate truth is we live in a society, all sorts of
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racial inequityracial and disparities, all sorts of i ideas, attaching goodnes alls oc badness to particular skin colors. we have tool be teachinge have t our children a differento en waf thinking, a way of being, youwol know, in the world. >> the sad truth is that the democrats have been out of steam for years. they're nor years.t interested o raising your standard of livinge or keeping the streets safer. sr making sure the pu or making sure the public schools are competitive with their global counterparts. ari understand any of that. all they're capable of is decline division and hate. just look at the freak still showing up at the homes of supreme court justices. sticeslook at the attacks on crs pregnancy centers and the relative silence from electedec officials, left wing criminalste have the tacit approval of the party. a democrat partyde party t thatp currently on life support. these arore people with twistedp priorities and no real plans toe help the country. hard they're going toat pretend, of course, they're hard at work on things like fighting climate
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change or fighting institutional racism or corporate greed. but in the end, it's all just a pathetic power grab. ic powbut in less than five mon, the voters will be doing a power grab of their own. >> and that's the angle. coming up, a political realignment is underway. shis going tongl examine how republicans can turn the next 20 years t intowi a golden age for america. a golden age for america. >> t stao mey with us. i would see tea menopausalou co with smart sound helps reducet e your background noise. your background noise. bring that sense oo ce come through loud and clear. madam portal, the smart video calling device that makes work from home work for you knew . >> i visit dry eye drops made with hydrating polymers, moisturizing hyaluronic acid and revitalizing tray allows to reduce dryness, discomfort and strain. >> i visit. we see a better way.
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protect yourself and your family at pest world dog, >> lau the bigger tent. f >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. . okay, here's my message to you. if you read one article this i week about our political parties, it should be this piece just published by axios titled the great realignment. mg now, the gist is that republicans are becoming more populist while democrats are becoming more elitist.and ie and if these trends continue, et the party of biden and pelosi is destined for historic losses. in the next few election cycles and not just in traditionally red states, by the way, shifts in the demographics of the tea party supporters taking placey u before our eyes are arguablyppor the biggest political story of our time. the big picture.
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republicans are becoming more working class and a little more multiraciala . social democrats are becoming more elite and a little more white, huh? now, remember this movement of minorities toward the gop began in earnest under donald trump. he grew republican support among blac 2016d hispanic voters in 2016 and built on those gains in 2020. in fact, he closed the gapd cl among hispanic voters by 17s by1 points, according to pew7 analysis. hispanics especially seem to like trump's no nonsense approach and his pro small business policies. his tone-busines and his languae toward illegals and support for building the border wall didn't seem to bother him much.uch. >> i'm a former chief of on ar n border town . hisphispanic, proud to be hispanic. and i'm 100% behind donald trump. i am an american graduateudent student here ahet the university of texas, rio grande valley,d and i wholeheartedly believe that mr. donald trump will make
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americ >>great again. i was born in tijuana, mexico. i am voting for donald trump tor be the next president of the united states .ere >>sident of th now, for their p, democrats incorrectly assumeeirt that the more their party moved toward big government socialism,wards bi the more mins that attract. mino a huge miscalculation. now, more from this axioculasti analysisth. ocrats the data show that democrats are statistically tiedg hispan with republicans among hispanics on the generic th. rding tol ballot according to the new york times sienna college poll out this week, democrats held a forty seven point edge with hispanics during the twenty eighteen midterms. that is s.a staggering collapse. we already know biden's biden's approval with approval with hispanics today t is in the toilet. only thirty two percent.t nowncc approve of his job performance, according to a recentcoto "new york times". sienna a college poll. in tow does this all translate
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in the november midterms? wes follrocrats hope retaining power rest ons nonwhite voters remaining a reliable part of the party'sp' coalition, democrats theory ofmt the case collapses. if republicans make evenepublica incremental gains with those. voters, even small inroads wit with hispanic voters could tip a number of democratic held swing seatmocratics to the gop,f course. for years, the republican elites her thepublicane devotedo the bush-cheney worldview, they thought they could justat e steamroll their opposition within the gop, regardless o fthei how bad things got their answer to losing in two thousand eight and then again in 2012 was just more of the same. ed ae for the last 15 months, i've talked about the need to dump. get immigration reform done. >> i have made it abundantly clear that i believe we neede ne immigration reform for a nation of immigrantedigrations. the this is not the time to abandon something that makes us special
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and unique. >>. so they thought that i nominate jeb in 2016 who wouldhr beat hillary and all would be well would all turn returned to the old dayds. rejected so they were stunned whenr bu the voters rejected another 20. in 2016 turns out that more immigration, endless wars and more bad trade deals, well, they just weren't hugely popular. shocke badr. ed now, we tried to tell them thath middle class workersatlass and families wor were just fed , but the republican elites refused to listen. well, now, axios has confirmed again that we populous wereous, correct and the gop establishment, they were wrong. we actually grew the party. mat we made it a big tent. they shrunk it. it. many of the candidates that are rising now, they got into politics because of trump. o now, by contrast, you have totr consider the problems on the lefwet. ua the squad and their supporters claim that they were going to fight for the working people. a they're going to stand up toto big business and oppose foolish
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wars. but they didn't keep thoset they promises, did they ? bu instead of instead of working with us to build be fair a a society that would be fairer and more prosperous for the average personaver, the american left has allied hal themselves with the bidens. the cheney's and the bushes and the whole rest of's the globalist establishment that created so many of the disasters we're dealing with now. working clas with s people know thatthe left the left is not the answer anymore, only the populistthe ae building a movement that bigen tent that actually will stand for the little guy. whi so while the left talks about resisting the plutocrats, utocrs they're actually doing nothing. we're actually doing the heavyln lifting just as disney or the chamber of commerce orhene liz cheney, for that matter.ter. we're not just resist doing, we're winning. >> butwh when's the last time yu see or ellen ohmar or ayanna pressley accomplished anything for the working class?cl the facts ofas the last few yead
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leave no doubt that our policies work fo that ourwh the average american while the establishment policies don't look at how well we were doing just a few years ago under trump. look at how poorly we're doing now. so this struggle between our populist movement on one side and theovement establishm along with its leftist allies on the other, it's the great political debate of our time. but if the establishment wins, the future of america will be b bleak. emore inflation, more recessions ,more wars, more crime, more poverty. that's what they have in minthdn for us .for us that's what their policies are doing right now. and that's what their policies are going to continue to do.t always works out that way.but iw but if we win, the next y twenty years can be a new golden age with peace and prosperity broadly enjoyed across demographic lines, we can end these stupid wars. we can put americans back to work.
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we can havwee more productiv cae poverty and higher wages. a political realignment is underwa.y. >> and with patience, and optimism, we're going to keep building this freedom w movement. and when we prevail, get ready a for america's new golden age. >> and that's the angle. >> word salad's awkward laughter and an allergicestionsb reaction to questions about the border now about whom canhee i be talking here? all right. up next, my angle on the woman who is frighteningly just a heartbeat away from the presidency. stay there. >> military mission in afghanistan will conclude on august 31st. i don't believe among any of our most senior military advisers that any of them thought it was going to go well. >> these people need help, but let's do what it takes. they said you are working for
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the hunt for those. we are going to kill your whole family. there is no time for the taliban to kill me. we ended up with about twelve people that we put together of the special operations community. we knew the clock was ticking. the taliban knows the streets. they have been positioning for this exact moment. the white house was leaving behind our own citizens and our wartime allies. somebody has to step up. are you going to be the person that's going to raise your hand to go ? hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system. thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to
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with benzene and other highly carcinogenic chemicals, up to 208 times acceptable levels. in some instances, there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer and other serious health conditions. it is critical to take action and call camp lejeune victims. now, if you wish someone you know spent time at camp lejeune before 1988 and you developed any of these cancers or injuries to determine your eligibility for financial compensation. now, if you don't win, you pay nothing called 840 zero nine three three one five . that's eight hundred point zero nine three three one five . the first family continues to show the legacy beyond me. i'll do anything to protect this family. my family's all secrets and lies. what did you do there? the above my ticket years ago
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. just watch mvrner series premieres this sunday on fox. >> i'm dr. conrad murray was convicted of killing michael jackson, but that's not the real story. >> who really killed michael jackson's doctors? arnold klein, who regularly plied patients with opioids. >> people died in some way or was part of it. give me a minute. i will always love michael . there's a lot of folks to blame that have never had a reckoning . >> tmz investigates who really killed michael jackson tomorrow on fox. welcome to fox news live. i'm jack habbaniya. in new york . with midterm elections a mere nine weeks away, president biden faces a very busy travel agenda aimed to sway undecided voters. mr. biden visited the battleground states of wisconsin and pennsylvania yesterday. speaking with labor union members, he addressed what he calls the dignity of american workers. the unofficial start of formal
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labor. a traditionally kicks off potential crunch time, with campaign scrambling to excite voters ahead of november 8th. >> and a leadership change causing a ripple across the pond. this morning, british foreign secretary liz truss has been named england's next prime minister, the nation's third woman to hold that title. truss replaces boris johnson, who was forced to step down amid a series of scandals. the formal handover will happen later today after truss and johnson meet with queen elizabeth . i'm jackie ibanez is now back to the "ingraham angle"ye special. >> for all of your headlines, log on to fox news .com, how do you solve a problem like kamala? >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. biden's covid diagnosis, as mild as it may be , is stillg a triggering event for the d.c. establishment. d.c.t if something happens to the president? and kamala harris hatos to step in?in? well, this scenario is aterrif terrifying prospecyit for anyone
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who's followed her performance over the past few years. past fewnow, in an administratif punch lines, she's in a class by herself. last sunday, durinshe mag a podt interview where she managed to make the democrats holy grail of abortion sound ever more callous, if that's possible, watch. watcerica,w, listen, women getting pregnant every day inanh america. and this is a realisa issuereae need to ace t with a sense of p. haste about what is at play,>> l what is at stakeau.ere's >> there's a baby at play. just to clarify now, at least she didn't do the trademark not hyena cackle at the end of that, but she was saying savingd all that for today.s and in indianapolis, where she was nervously avoiding any opportunity for q&a with the press. >> so in terms of the format,ete we'll let the press in. the representative will say a few words, introduce me, i'll say a few words, and then we will bid the press goodbye. and we will get into the nitty gritty of it all. >>
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why is that funny? what wasn't funny was her infamous exchange with the presanges in poland last march. she was sent there to easterns europe, i assume, to reassure our allies over ukraine. bun ukt the only one reassured by her performance was vladimir putin is the united states willing to make a specific allocation for ukrainian refugees? a friend in need is a friend in . this is just another in a long from of cringeworthy utterances from our vp. even wheeven wn they use paid cd actors to push some massive om initiativee nasa, the kids coult help save her bad acting. >> i >> i just love the idea of exploring the unknown. t figu and then there's otherre things that we just haven't figured out or discovered to think about so much that's out there that we stile still l have to l. i love going to literally see
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the craters on the moon with your own eyes. with your own eyes. i'm telling you, it is going to be unbelievable. >> those kid. >> ls should have beenle for n paid double for not laughing there. they obviously couldn' t riskst putti just putting her with regular kids in an informal setting. witbecause lord knows what sho. say. this is how she defended teaching kindergartners about and gender identity in public schools. >>indergartner we're going to sp against a law that says, don't sat a y , basically restricting kindergarten through third grade teachers in florida toe fl able to love openly and foacorh what they believe is important for people to understand what that teacher should be able to love openly . >> and i think that i thought reading, spelling, arithmetic, that was what five , six andseve seven year olds were supposed to be learning. i don't know.pose i'm totall bey out of it.democr now,at for the democrats, having a woman as utterly incompetent
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harris as vice president is fraught with political peril and , of course, for the country, it's a national security nightmare. nal secunow, if harris has to ts as commander in chief, marinate in that for a moment.g to china is going to take taiwaniwn in about 30 minutes. now, the most important minut security issue facing americesa on the home front, of course,. is our open border and thee pu white house put her in charge of it. and in june, twenty ,ndly twenty one , a friendly the reporter asked her a simple question about the issue. >> do you have any plans to visit the border? >> i'm here in guatemala today.t at some point, you know, we are going to the border. we'vine beeng to t to the borden so this whole this whole thiswev whole thing about the border, we've e been to the border.>> >> we've been to the border.t you haven't been to the border. and i haven't been to europe. >> and i if any one answer effectively ended heral political career, i would say that should be it.ul d say thus, they work hard to lt
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her to carefully choreographed events. >> every american, no matter their income, should be able to afford high speed internet. right now,right no the cost of t is fully covered for millions of americans. call eight seven seven threell eight four two five seven five . or i-2f you have access, go to get internet dot gov. >> come on , this isn't fair.goh this whole monologue is not fair. she got the number right. okay, but joe would have struggled with that. there are thoughtruggled, i sho, a few lonely fans of harris out there, historian jeffrey frankoe ,a new york times column her contends that more people would appreciate her. many talents if only the white house gave her more to do. there's little evidence thattheo the biden white house feels much of the urgency felt by general eisenhower to enhance the role and preparedness of the personi who might inherit the presidency at any moment. >>e a historian wrote that comparing kamala to richard
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nixon. yeah, just like just like ike and nixon. if nixon was actually known to on sound like a total bubblehead cumulous lips move and words come out and she manages to sayi absolutely nothingng. >> when we discuss this issuee and when we contemplate what it unans, understand that it could have a profound impact on just about everyone in our country who has any association or interest or concern about these various issues. >>is now, the white house budget shrinking kamala's portfolio because they don't n like herint personally. they are doing it because she's terrible. he ishe's relegated to safe appearances or interviews with those groundbreakingat gla journalists that glamour the skim and somethingmo called refinery29 that was on her portfolio. >> today, though, also ask
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yourself this. if democrat insiders thought vice president harrisiders ts it future of the party, whyy, would she be burning staff? the current rate?burnin she's burning it on socialg ocia media. they call mel this the exodus. here's the list and counting. ls now, theset aren'ant minor figs . these people are her seniorle staff. now, national review put itw nai plainly, if you're a kamalona harris fan who feels like i she's being snubbed, ignored, shunted aside or underutilizedin ,it'ots not the gop or fox news. this f is all on biden or atat least biden senior staff. lookt the se, they don't like h. they don't respect her. they know she's a drag already drag down president . now, of course, we all whyre in biden selected her in the first place, though there are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow. i would pick a woman tprent o by vice president . >> so how do you solveen a problem like kamala? well, there's no easy answer, but i can assure you that the senior democrats in town are spending a lot of timen wracking their brains about whate spen to do.
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that's for biden himself having kamala a heartbeat away from the presidency may actually have been an ingeniouas move. >> governor desantis has gove a theory. rnortis has she's like the bestt insurance in twenty fifth amendment insurance. anyone couldanyone c, because ad as biden is , even though heen o can barely read the teleprompterug , and as muchleprom as people disapprove of them,pt nobody wants harriust to ps. d h >>at and that's the angle. coming up, what democrats really want for america.erica. plus, i'm going to revealthe the defining question ofnegot a the next few years cominteg up.? hey, i just got a text from my sister. >> you remember rick , her -m. neighbor? sure. he's the seventy six year old guy who still runs marathons, right. right. >> sadly >> what you mean just like that? >> wow. >> wow. so have the we need life insurance
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and go to valve disease day dog to learn more . the post americans.. >> that's the focus of>> laura tonight's angle, the nine hourt' raid at mar a lago, ansion o the perpetual expansion of the surveillance state on bogus groundeance stas. p the long pandemic lockdown's that harmed children, close businesses , and churches, even the endless revamping ofen emergencdlesy covid powers, the destruction of historical markers and statues, the use of big tech as proxies, sensors for the current regime. al all of it points to one ugly, inescapablee conclusionugly i. n by our government is being runcadr by a cadre of powerful post
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american forces. our current political leadership acts as though our constitution and the freedoms protected by thatht constitution are nor longer valid. va forl always be a reason them to ignore our constitution these days, like systemic sy, they'll talk climater covi change or another covid variant, maybe gun violencey 6t. january six , and they won't explicitlyey want say it, at lt yet. but they don't want us to liveso under our constitution. m that leaveakins the primary decision making to the people of the 50 states , nor that they want the designation ame american citizen to really have any special meaning at all for any of us .yg at allso we'll retain any rights r privileges for being american citizens. sancfor g americanbecause if thn the sanctity of us citizenshipo. ,they would enforce would the border. they wouldn't leave it ope not r millions to enter and just stay here. but if the constitutio. n isn't what protects america, what will our shared determination
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to defend the rules based international order? this is about the futured of the liberal world order, and wen have to stand firm. >> of course, there's no such thing as the liberal or rules based international order. they're all flapping their gums about because as we saw during covid, when the what hits the fan? fan, in their ownanybod self-interest. remember when germanmber whey bd the export of medical equipment during colvert? i remember tha t. uch for the rules- so, so mucbah for the rules basd international order. and , of course, china, russia,e they're never going to agree to this nonsense.s nonsense anyway or if they anyway. or if they did agree to some set of rules that just say, okay, yeah, we agree, thend we'd go on and cheat because this is how the real worldd work works, whether we're talking climate change or globalcl internet taxation,imate or tra the path that the post americans want to take us down ,it's going to ensure that we have less freedom, less prosperity and less independence for all indepen amr
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now, the real power in this soros approved style fantasy land will belong to things like the wto, the un, the eu commission, on human rights,thel the world economic forum, and the real decision will be left to nameless, faceless committees and commissions.d and then those decisions will be carried out by the lackeys that operate here. people like mark milley, mark m anthony fauci, merrick garland, and of course, theseil mer post americans have the benefit of an entire academic system thatom advances this narrative from pretty much kindergartner's upe . and since we have almost nomost true independent press corpsame, left in america, they're not going to investigatet go or exp. any of this. instead, they either cheer or play defense for the regime. so they're not going to inquire as to why 80 , seven thousandw r
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new irs agents, why they're needed in america right now. >> instead, they just oh, about biden's great week. >> this has been a i mean, joe biden has been a hell of a run. he has gotten a lot done. i mean, incredible. biden h >> what joe biden has done demonstrated competency. they can run a contrast message of competency and we get stuff done versus crazy really caps off a pretty stunning two yearse . orn' president joe biden's first two years inyears in office. hd >> biden has had a long list ofw legislative wins during his first two years in office. >> they pretend to care about norms and procedures and they warned about how trump's behavior led americans to question our entir e democratic system. ed's always teetering on the edge, yet they call it conspiracy. ge horrible.s th when anyone questions the propriety of a nine raid of the home of biden's possible 2020 four opponent, the justice
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department is returning to its historical position as a law enforcement agency above politics trying to do the right thing.. >> merrick garland is the most careful, judicious to a fault. >> some would say, you know, attorney general in this case, watch the base call for protests or chaos or dissent or disrespect for the fbi. is a is a new horror and a new low. but i think the reaction last24u 24 hours has been disgusting. >> well, but the disgusting truth is that they don't reallyr believe that trump should be protected by the rights enumerated in this constitution. e rights umeratedbecause they have one sf standards and rules for hillary clinton. s anand hunter biden. and then they have another set of rules for trump in any of his supporters or people who work for him. >> and thi for hims is why if ys really press them, these elitist snobs would preferuld tt americans were forced to live under policies made incons consultationulta with the eu.
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and other countries if they hadr their druthersot, they'd have a central committee. maybe it would be in brusselselk or helsinkii, and that would determine how much beef you should eatld, how much ac youlld should be allowed to use, how fa thow far r you should bed to drive and and what kind of car . >> even the language that you're allowed to use orwe opinions you're allowed to express onlined to whether you should be able to own a firearm of any kind. >> and of course, they always use clever language, don't langu they ? on't theabout their mission andr goals. >> reinventing democracygoal toh the challenges of the 21st centuralf thy may sound like a i order, but this is the missionn. of our generation. populism is trying to to destroy the democratic institutionshe as courts and the rule of law, but also as a free press and so on . d >> if we want to have o democracy, which means dealing with climate change first, most
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in elected office won't be so brazen as to say what they really believe that it's time to leave behind our old ideas of these quaint oldour ol notions of productivity a and merit of the american dream.we beliehat all behind. becaus leave that all behind because now it's about lowering your expectations and they're going to use orwellian languageg to make this trenduage. and eve >> xitian, as they like to call it, seem wonderful and even noble. dou >> there's no doubt we expect growth to be slower last years than last year. but that's consistent with the transition to a stable, steady growth. we are in a transition. we t had this strong economic growth, a transition into gr and steady growth, transitioning to more steady, sustainable growth. >> lau qu the defining question of the next few years will be the following. will america remain anwh independent countren ameriy andh the federal government is subject to and constrainee tr by traditional restrictions of our constitution? ord by the t will we basically e
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second class subjects in a global order where the key decisions are made by people that no american ever vote d forhink a ?bo it after >> when you think about it,13 after 13 long years, our populist movement has finally beguinallyn to unify mor republicans behind the traditions of american behid independence and our constitutional republic. but meanwhile, the democratse t are never trampas. they've kind of formed their own alliance in supporte a of this liberal international o order. we have our voters and we havees our enthusiasm and we have policiess that actually have worked for over two hundredyear. years. they have their bureaucrats, ras they're big tech plutocrats and their media apparatchiks, along with policies that are leaving us poorer and weaker. ma >> many americans, i thinke we're naive to think that the left wing extremists would settle down when statues o f down robert e. lee were taken down. d and with trump out oonalf offic they thought that things would
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return to normal. the normal course of things. but the angle warned you thatar all that was jusyot the beginnig and that their plans go far beyond sabotaging trump in 2020 four. this has always been about sabotaging an entirebeen abo nan our way of life. lif >> so will the post americans win. well, that's up to? you. how h and how hardar work between nowd and twenty twenty four . >> and that's the angl 2024.e. >> my final reflection on this labor day when we return. new delenda oletta, explore, discover an endless variety of hot and cold creative recipes thanks to the innovative cold foam technology new oletta explore hot cold sector dylan explore hot cold sector dylan espresso made righ t. frame.
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meet daughters playtimane. meet daughters playtimane. thankfully, metacarpal autovice pans and zooms to keep one frame and the meeting on track. meet a portal. the smart video calling device that makes work. >> come home work for you. hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to
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andignity. and now more than ever, we need workers. that is part of the american ethiethic. thank you for joining us on this special edition of "the ingraham angle" peer that is it for us tonight. wdon't forget, this weekend anh every weekend great times with your friends and families. it goes by fast. remember it is america now and forever and greg gutfeld takes it all from here. ♪ ♪ >> t>> carley: a fox news alert major development in the disappearance of tennessee billionaire heiress, please continuing a body at a crime scene with an investigation. family and loved ones waiting to find out if those remains belong to missing mother of two following her violent abduction last monday. you were watching "fox & friends first" on this tuesday morning i am carley shimkus. >> todd: todd piro and still refusing to cooperate with the police but one of the family members is going public saying
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