tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News September 6, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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so with that in mind, it's the worth remembering that one hundred years ago, memphis a boom was one of the richest, best organized cities in the country. >> it ha hadd a booming economy. >> it had beautiful municipalhan parks, a lot of them more than a hundred. it had one of the most modern te sanitation systems in worle take something w for granted now. but when yellow fever was real, no one took it for granted. memphis was such a bigwas th deal that in fact, was the mis the informal capital of an entire american region. >> the mississippi deltanot an,t not anymore. in fact, by last year, i f b you went to memphis, it was hard to believe that any of that had ever been true at any point. because by that point and nowa memphis had become a husk and a highly threatening one in 2020si one , according to federal, statistics, memphis, tennessee, was the most dangerous city in the united states . talast year.w much it recorded a total of three hundred and forty two murders. no?w, how many is that?wice well, by comparison, san antonio, texas, which hasr than more than twice the population, recorded fewer than half as many murders. so by anmey measure at all, fali memphis was absolutelyng falling
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apart. >> but lives of fletcher decided to make a life there a anyway. >> after graduating from college, fletcher moved back to memphi lifyways. both sides of the family had lived there for more than a hundred years. 10e married a man she'd met inda church. he grew up there, too, and they. prekindergarten oys. gi she began teaching prekindergarten at a local girl school. here's. a video that she madecovi for her students at the beginning of the covid lockdown's. seconds it's only fifteen seconds long, but you can tell immediately what sortellt personalized flett was. >> hey, girls, miss fletcher,r i miss all of you so much. i'm just at home with my kids missing. you guys wishing we were back at st. mary's. bu yot i wanted to touch base but i and say, hey, hey, girls, mrs. fletcher, i miss you so much. so every year their wedding anniversary was of fletcher's husband, wrote her a love note on instagram. on >> reading them now will maketa you cry, but you can see why hgu felt that way, her warmth
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and her decency shine through. meanwhile, memphis, seven miles across the city, lived a ma called clutha absent likewise of fletcher. epstein also grep inw up in the city of memphis, but heferet could not have s been a more different sort of person. judging from his long public record close, the albiston devoted his life to preying on people weaker than he was. mn austin was a predator. he was an evil man at a young age. eppstein was arrested for among many, many other things, stealing aggravated assault weapons charges, carjackeapons g and . in 2000, he was convicted of kidnapping a local attorney at gunpoint downtown and forcing him into the trunk of hisa ma car . crimes like that are common in memphis. last year, the city reported more than a hundred kidnapings. >> but like mostkidnap lifelong criminals, cleophus austin was never fully punished for what he did. he was released years before way the end of his prison sentence. nor was hehi in any way since reform. l by his experience behind bars, epstein was well known in his apartment complex as of last week for his aggression
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and his perversity. he terrified his neighbors, bute no one from any partig of the justice system seems to have intervened early. >> las t friday morning, as fletcher and clutha epstein met for the first and last time as her husband and two youngt children slept at home whiled la fletcher went for an early morning run through her neighborhood to abstain, followed home. stalking her even move from a black suv. a b >>lack according to the indictmt ,as fletcher jogged by , epstein leapt out, beat her bloody, smashed her cell phone,g then dragged her into hised vehicle. his vehicwithin an hour, realit fletcher was dead. she'd been sexually assaultedte and murdered. police arrested absents soond after baseabstond on surveillane video, but he refused to say what had happened to lisa fletcher. etcher sso her family waited in, but he didn't care. >> he never spoke.a yesterday, authorities finally found lysa fletcher's body. she'd been thrown like garbage behind an abandoned building in a cd part of town . the whole story could not be more shocking or
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more horrible. but here's what may be the scariest part. e didn'tsome people didn't seems particularly shocked or horrified by it. in the hours after eliza fletcher's disappearance, biden voters and social medisociala so dismiss the crime on racial grounds. >> why are we paying so muchmis attention to kidnapping of annt attractive, privileged white woman that's racist? >>todnappingf an others seem toe fletcher for the atrocity committed against her. t why was she jogging at that hour anyway in memphis? come on n., the point they're making was clear . everyone knows the rules. if fletcher violated those rules, you can't go outside a certain hours. ein certain places in america,ts obviously. and if you do, iff you violate the rules, you run the risk of being and murdered.ped an adat's how things work in this country. so adapt, acceptcc it,ept, a mo. to some extent for beingwhether honest. all of us feel that way,we whether articulated or not. >> we know what the rules we know what we can and cannoteo do in modern america. nothing is ever spelled out. nothing can be spelled out at ae risk of punishment. cititveryone knows wha
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the parameters are. o cities like memphis or baltimore or detroit or montgomery or gary, indiana, or wilmington, delaware, or a dozen dozen other formerlyingn prosperous, orderly little cities across the country were destroyed forever. d foreveby the rioting that accd our last progressive social revolution. cialmore than 50 years ago.ed politicized criminals started breaking things, torching buildings, stealing and immediately witu decent job jusset left. they pulled their kids out of a school, soldnd a house or not,ve didn't matter. and they split for somewhere n else. and mostly they have neverot cor back . that is true, not simply in memphis, but in places all over the country. >> so it seems a little weirdne to a lot of people.t could and someone like lisa fletcher, someone who could live anywhere voluntariloves by moves back toh place like memphis, not tohis. some suburb of memphis, but tobt a city of memphis.ei that seems weird trdo people, bl it's not weird. it's not odd at all when you think about it. why is it fluctuates an memphis? she grew up there and she hadri a right to come back .
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this was her country to just as it's your country to anricani american citizen should be able to live or walk anywhere in america without being orseline murdered for it, period.lization >> that is the baseline calle requirement for civilization is called order. but increasingly, that is note what we have. e places what we have is a country wethea just can't go . some places you're not wantedpt there and it's too dangerous for you to go . de by default, s unde but we should never accept thirs under any circumstances. e it i tos accept something is to concede that it is more or less normal. once we acknowledge something as normal, whether it's children being castrated in the name of trans rights or women being murdered by should have been in prison but weren't because equity, once we accept that is normal. we are stuck with it forever. it is the new status. >> it will never change except to get worse. >> the good people who lived inp memphis a century ago would never believpee what has happend to the city they built. they would weep if they saw itf
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. the experience ofever b every american before longt pu until our entire countrya will be memphis. if we don't put a stop to this insanity right now with as much force as is required. so joe biden gave the mostt of threatening presidential speech in american history last week. he spoke in front of a blood red backdrop, flanked by us marines, and he delivered, if you take a step back , the blueprint for the rest of his administration, criminalized dissent, effec dt. o tran ifsf we ban the opposition and use the federal agencies to transfor partym america into a e party state, it's called authoritarianism. here's what biden said in his speech. the white house advertisede as non-pay. >> political watch this.d th donald trump in the maigae republican's represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. the republican party today
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is dominated, driven and intimidated by donald trump and the magor republicans. magathat is thea threat to this country. magor republicans do notublicanr respect the constitutionesen. oo >> they do not believe in o the rule of law. they do not recognize the will of the people. they refuse to f accepretection the results of a free election.r they promote authoritarian leaders and they fanth the flams of political violence that are a threat to our personalof rights, to the pursuit ofstice, justic te, to the rule of law, o the very soul of this country. it's enough to make your headin spin. donald trump. has been banned from speaking in public. he has bee an censored at the behest of the democratic party. he can n go ono longer go on sol media or electronicn sq town square. uarehe's been totally erased. and yet, joe biden says trump and his supporters promote authoritarian leaders.
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and he said this at exactly the moment that he is sending billions of dollars to ukrainein and its authoritarian leaders every month. authoritarian. oh, that just scratches the surface over the past year,n and a half, the government ofp i ukraine has jailed its ban top political rival. it banned opposition parties and it has outlawed independent media. oh, but that's not authoritarian. . what's authoritariand jo is disagreeing with joe biden. do that. and joe biden will stand in wer front of the military he controls and declare that you were an enemy of the state. so watching the fanatical support of the white house for the actual authoritariansn se who run ukraine, you can sortter of see the template here. bue. it of course, as is always true, when joe biden speaks, you can't hold him entirelyly dd responsible, because nott anly did he nowrt writite the words, he's not aware that he spoke spoke them just the otr day. he saich, hed after givingconsir the speech, will requoting. e i don't consider any trump supporter a threat to the country that was on friday . our media seem ty disao ignore c to be very disappointed if
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they heard it because they listened exactly to b the wordids biden spoke and they love them. watch president biden give a really strong speech and i loved it. i , i believe everything he said. >> iest was.s an urgent wartime address. e and something else that really stuck out to me is that he almost seemed to sort be reclaiming patriotism. >> if you looku ulookp fascismg all dictionary, you're going to find all of those things. so i'm really not sure what t the republicans are all upset about, other than the fact that it wasit was n aimed. knock >> obviously, republicans, i think, are the biggest threatd to democracyon. rate ex we don't separate right wing extremists and republican party anymore. hillare republy told the truth e said she said that there were deplorable people intrum the republican party supporting donald trump and he was exciting. citing racism an >> a lot of racism, misogyny and bigotry. the republicans who like always calling us fascist. if you're not a fascist,scist. he's not about you . >> so lighten up.
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oh, so if you're innocent,ou'r you have nothing to hidee. >> don't worry.'s ama it's amazingzi how soviet the whole thing is . joe biden calls forr political purges and law enforcement crackdowns on his political opponents and state media cheed statr him on in a sh about the threats torepubl our republicic, joe biden doesnt mention anything but domestic threats. he doesn't doesn't mention china a single time. he did mention the border or o oppohion or crime. he only mentioned people who oppose him politically. himand once again, like the obedient little servants they are, our media cheer him on . you have to wonder about their views on authoritarianism. >> obviously, they're for it. in fact,r they're one of theseh journalists wrote the speech. that would be jon meachamjohn wrote for many years at newsweeklies. and now is america's most banal historian. writrently, he had a hand in writing the speech last week ant he also redecorated the ovalden' office at joe biden's request. he is now our propagandizes reds
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chief. and it's not hard to see what inspired him to write that speech on thursday. meacham admires autocratsspee who soundsch their politicale opponents. earlier this year, meacham went u on television to compare the president ofkraine ukraine,o zelenskyy to winston churchillnh and the men who stormeds of the beaches of normandy. we want to prepare you now for u a torrent of cliches, because those are the only chunks of language jon meacham is capable of usinge pr. it may now that you're prepared. s here ientit is quote, it may soi sentimental, but it has the virtue of being true. right. so a t the same time, zelenskyyd this winston churchill figure was criminalizing dissent ine his country.televisi he shut down three televisionon stations as his spokesma station those media have become one of r the tools of war against ukraine. ecso they are blocked in order o protect national security. oh, so those tv stations areor x sort of like donald trump ord to fox news. we need to silence them in order to preserve our democracy, democracy. demoly one sid only one side geo speak. >> so it really is democracy circa nineteen seventy two. bulgaria.
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it's a democratic republic, meaning the people who live there 100%y whatsoever. hard t the party decides it's hard to leave. any of this is happening, but it is . and on thursday, joe biden speechwriter made it explicit t >> so where's the pushback to this? no president's ever given a speech like this. so you wonder, where are those. pious defenders of our norms? joe biden announces that we need a one party state and he says it flanked by active dutyae us marines and nobody says a word. >> where was mark milley? isn' mt a great defender ofr of democracy. where were the changes? dee who'sone els upholding our sacred system of government? >> where are they nodding along, too embarrassed toalways speak? now is the time to speak. w they're alwayselcomes show welcm on this show. always.eae they're always invited here. jackson hinkley's the in the meantime, we turn to jackson hinkley's, the host of. the deibert jackson hinkelom inon youtube, joins us now. >> jackson, thanks so much for coming on . so there's something really o
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look, i understood people are partisan on tv. there's a lot of pressur youe ta take your side side.le but for biden to get up there and say the single biggest threat to our country is anyoneh who opposes me in the coming midterm elections and the media to not along makes you thinke cs we've crossed some kind of line. we have crossed the line, tucker, and it's so interesting that anyone in the media today would be saying that they liked what joe biden said in that speech because it was a dictator inspired speech. no dict only that, but it seems like a lot of the practices and the actions that adminis thn administration is employing in ale united states right no werw that were reflected in that speech are very closely alignede with what the dictators alinsky is doing in ukraine. joe biden is plunginjoe bide plo a fascist state and hetaki is taking cues frongm what zelenskyy is doing in ukraine dis-nnufacture this dystopia state in this dystopian realit in america and there's no real
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surprise for me there, because at the end of the day, vladimir zelenskyy, the president of ukraine, and joe biden are controlled by the same exact people. they're controlled by individuals like george soros and controlled by people like klaus schwab atd the world economicand forum. t and they're going to do whatever they want, you know, to put quite simply, zelenskyy is using the intelligence communitsimplyy in ukraine and e lovihugs in ukraine to silence freedom loving ukrainians. joe biden in the united states , though, he can't remember what he had for breakfast this morning or who his wife w is . his handlers and his cronies are prepping the cia, the fbid r and to the irs. ry o and now a ministry of truth to attack freedom loving americans. >> maybe someone should have on the in the opposition party the one he's callingg effe effectively illegal, should have paused before fundingga thn insanity in ukraine, which is tanking our economy.d makinga mockery of making a mockery of democracy. before signing off on it
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and just putting ukrainian flag lapel pins on and nodding dutifully to joe what why didn't anyone do that? you'd think that they do that. >> but so many of theseservet individuals in washington, dc, the neoconservatives, the rhinos, hinos anand the ente democratic party are beholden to the militar y industrial complex. and that is extremely out of line with what average americans need right now. we don'tn dr havine clean drinkg water in jackson, mississippi, t yet. we're sitting seven billion dollars over to ukraine, a country that i'm sure most of these congresspeopleev couldn't even point to on a map.ucker, it's insane.ou the white house this week, tucker , i'm sure you saw came out and said that anyone t who doesn't hold an opiniohen reflected by the majority ofme the american public is extreme and therefore an extremist. well, what doewhat ds thatoe mae joe biden? only thirty eight percent o americans, if you believe the polls and what they tell aml us , if you believe they're that high . only thirty eight percent ofan americans agree with joe biden. y thby the white house's own him
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definition. >> that makes him an extremist . yeah, and so much for minority rights also. i meano mu, i thought you were allowed to disagree. this really is quite, quitweerel a moment. we're living through. >> jackson, thanks so much. hinl thank you e,. so what we've been seeing for weeks turns out to>> tuc be absolutely, conclusively, provably true. the fbi hiely trd damagingue intelligence on hunter and joe biden's business dealings busin including information first unveiled on this show a couple of years ago. now, no and we know for certain that's straight ahead. a a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance. >> john , i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, in only a few minutes, selectquote found john a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only 29 dollars a month and his wife and a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty one dollars a month. go to select cocom now and get
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d be at your house seven grand a week for life and now at pch. >> .com a few weeks before the last presidential election.n in 2020, a man called tonys belinski held in. that j in that press conference, hetl provided evidence that joe biden was directly involved and benefiting from his son'ss overseas influencing peddling operation. we spoke to by belinski fopedaln hour on this show. s he demonstrated that joe bidenoe stood to gain at least 10% of the proceeds from a deal with the chinese state ownede ne energy company. well, tonight, the newis yorktig post is reporting that fbiober agents spoke to belinski for several hours in october after his press conferenceerence a, at called timothy tebow was assigned to handle these claims . sources tell the new york post
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that tebow, who's been accused by fbi whistleblowers of sabotaging hunter bide investigation, did in factct, sabotage the hunter biden investigation by burying twenty bubble. pinsky's allegation. >> miranda devine broke thi the story and many others at the new york post were happy to have her on night. miranda, thanks so much forain f coming on . so y explain, if you would, the story that you wrote. thanks, tucker. well, what we found now that's>k new is that tony belinski was interviewed for five and a half hours by the fbi. eleven days before the twenty hs twenty election. d gave he gave them chapter and versepr on joe biden's involvement ins o his son , hunter, and hilvsn brother jim . biden's influencnd broe peddlind scheme. anfund the world, tens o millions of dollars came into biden's family coffers, including from china. now, joe biden was involved and tony belinsky told the fbi that he had met with the former. vice president twice.
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now, we also know that tony belinski handed over the contents of three of his phones and the he met with fouru fbi agents and then he was told that timothy tebow, who's nowlt been made famous by senator chuck grassley, is somebody who ran interference in allrfern the hunterce biden material thar the fbi had before the election. and he, timothy tebow, wasma assigned as point man and tonywr belinski, his lawyer, calledalle tebow and said, what'ssured hi happening next? and tebow assured him that hp he would keep him up to date with the next stage in the investigation. and that there was an investigation going on into on, amazingnks bombshell whistleblower, whistleblower allegationins. abh and he wasav told that he would probably have to come back for a follow up interview, but hew n never heard from them again. and it seems that bubble phones and his testimony just went
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into the same black hole thater biden's laptop went into when the fbi took possession of that in december. 2019. and the fact is thatthe fa bob belinski has nothing to dod with the laptop other than he could corroborate a lot of the material on the laptop because he was keyed into a lota of these emails that that wee lp reported on from the laptop. and so he's a very credible witness. way there's no way you could smear him as an agent of the kremlin. he's a former naval officer, much decorated, and he had a security clearance, top secret for the nsa and for the department of energy. so this is someone who should have been a star witness before the grand jury. now being convened in delaware to investigate various anlegations about hunter biden. he's never been subpoenaed. he's never appeared at the grand jury. ap they have just forgotten aboutpe him. how can that be ?
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>> i mean, it's so obvious that they're suppressing the investigation. look, tucker, i mean, it is the duty of the fbi just on national security grounds. to have investigated what tony belinski, a very serious man, tn was telling them about the one e of the candidates, the president in the twenty twenty election. they they had anad a a duty to investigate whether or notor not joe biden was compromise jf by china because ofe mi the millions of dollars his family took inllio. that's right.l acto and he is r.a serious man.usineu that's right. he's not a political he's a business guy and a patriot . i'm ready to, thank you so much.your >>tuyour reporting tonight. >> thanks, chuck.that t ithe was just we can go to the state of california, gavin newsom. it's reporte proportedd, governd that everybody is going to be required to have an electrice vehicle. so more gas engines coming really soon because california ,something called renewables. >> and this is the future.
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>> how's that going to work? well, just a few hours ago, california's grid operator delivered some stunning news. it issued an upgraded level two emergency alert. >> grid operators telling californians to, quote, be ready for potential rotatingd power outages. th blackouts are expected tonight in our biggest state. the governor of california, gavin newsom, just released a video telling residents to do their part to protect the energy grid. these triple digit temperatures throughout much of our state are leadintg, not surprisingly,o to record demand on the energy grid. peveryone has to do their part to help step up for just a few more days. and today and tomorrow afternoon, after four p.m. in particular at four p.m., please porn your thermostat up to seventy eight degrees or higher and avoid, to the extent possible, using any really large appliances. oh, so you run this state intoke the ground, make it look likesft guinea bissau or ricioh stated h
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is now our most dysfunctional state. n newsyou did that, gavin newso, you in the one party political machine in your state, but it's the residents fault. >> ddoo your parn't ust, don't i your appliances. >> this is insane. s insanewell, and happy news. you could hear the glass shattering countless glass ceilings just all crumbling into dust when krien jean-pierre became the president's chief. >> publiusinto, she's a deeply impressive person and we haveecm the tape to show just how how impressive she is . >>im be righprest back .sil be hi , i'm mike huckabee. former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep.
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the international fellowship of christians and is inside ofis o ukraine, providing emergency food and suppliewis to tens of thousands of people. but the food crisis is growing for jewish familiesy pe and especially for the elderly. oplei am shocked how many eldery people came here. they are afraid and they realize that there arency supp more people than boxes. your gift of only forty five dollars will help, provided emergency supplies, medicine and a food box filled with all of the necessities needed for the elderly remaining in ukraine. please call. go online now. the people of ukraine are caught in the crosshairs of war. >> many of these precious people are holocaust survivors,e elderly who are sick and dying . they have no food and we must they have no food and we must reach them now. the world is in a war again.
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before it is too late. doctorial then the world is in a war again. i am alone.ld. t i'm afraid ohef the bombs. me, i'm scared. i am old. st $45 w there is no food. just forty five dollars will help russian emergency food box filled with food, medicine and supplies for medicine and supplies for ukrainian in urgent need. i will not starve. i need a hero. >> please don't delay luridness . i will not starve. thank you . will people. we can be the hope to the jewish people for suffering in ukraine. >> your help is desperately needed. >> now get the music. the nfl is back on fox. we've got dbo and the trillanes kicking off in the midwest against the bears in america's game of the week. we've got a waiting mvp primed
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for another season for the pack touchdown and ready to take on kirk and the vikings who are looking to set the tone in the nfl is back sunday on fox, the home of super fifty seven . >> my husband, my son, you could take him anywhere. why do you think marco took luca? >> he knows something's going on with this guy you work for. you could be free if i might cooperate with the fbi and i will keep you safe. it's more complicated than that. let's settle this. >> you'll never see your son again. i'm not going to let anything happen to my son. i see bad news. the cleaning lady season premiere monday, september 19th. on fox. >> among the many things wrong now required to believe there are so many, it's hard to keep track. >> but one o onef the main ones is the ukrainian government is running a vibrant democracy that's a model for our country. nothing the ukrainian
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government does is bad, and there's absolutely no for working for the ukrainianb pe government. >> well, the problem is thatop a dumb people kind ondf believe this. and then that leads to embarrassing moments. as jon stewart found the hard way recently, fox is trace. gallagher has a story for us . >> hey, tucker.fascis turns out the journey from fascism to heroism nowhs. only takes a few months before the russian invasion of ukraine. several media outlets, las including the u.s. government's own voice of america, were happy to lash oukraine'st ukrais azoff battalion for embracing eb ism. now the u.s. appears to be embracing the azoff battaliosmn at the happiest plah on earth, no less.. here's the deal. def during the defense department's annual war games at disney jorld in orlando, liberal comedian jon stewart reportedly awarded ea horoho luska,r ofof a member of the ukraine's aiza force, the , quote, heart of the team award for his inspiration, his shining , hisle, and , of course humor. we're told he happily acceptedwe leftaward with a sleeve over
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his left arm, a left arm that has previously been photographed with a tattoo. we should note the azoff battalion member picked up his award with many people, including jon stewart, chanting ihor ihor. meantime, ukrainian president vladimir zelenskyy remotely rang the opening bellnn at the new york stock exchange today. it wasn't just symbolic. mind use the. r alinsky was also pitching hiswod country looking for money in other words, asking investors to support the nation's projects. googlegoogle and microsoft have already invested. of course, they the great trace gallagher, thanks so much for that. >> you bet. jon stewart giving awards to at disney world. >> the world just really gonen w crazy. one person is definitely notart crazy, is incredibly brilliant. givingdisneyreally a model for f us would be karine jean-pierrees . she's the president's new glass ceiling breaking publicisthe new y and because we're easily amused, we pay very closent attention to our briefings
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every day. ion towas onheand today was onet in today's briefing. >> karine jean-pierre mistooka a russian gas pipeline for herpe favorite department store. >> watch this.been what we see russians doing and we've been very clear about this is that they're using energy. they're weaponizes energy. and it's choosing to to one ofen the things that has been out there, the shut down the pipeline of nordstrvm,f nort one nordstrvm, one next to dillard's, too, and sears three . and the whol 2 ande aging mall community of eastern european natural gas pipelines, karine jean-pierre was thator wr better or worse than friday'sn performance on friday? >>fr in case you were busyatin celebrating labor day, you youd saw her brag that joe biden, greatest president of all time, has created no fear. then get a pen. ten thousand million new jobs. watch us . created >> we have created nearlyearly
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ten thousand million jobs sinceh president biden took office, which is the fastest job growth in history. hereb iso you're asking me, whs the success here? >> it is stressing where'st is the success? jobs. he created ten thousand million new jobs. she's not a math genius .dg soin we're not a judging onythre anything. but, you know, she to do have to do the numbers. ten thousand million is teillion billion. o we did the math just quick back of the envelope stuff. and that would mean that joe biden, according to his publicist, karine jean-pierre, has created thirty jobs per person in this country. a that's everymeri american man, woman, child to spirit,n sexu a gender pansexual, whatever . >> every person who lives in this country got thirty new jobs per person thanks to joe biden. we're going to be busy, but we're also grateful. trano as we pointed out many times, if you live in this country, you know, transica.
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gender activists are just flat out targeting kids in america. inindoctrinating kids, workingso out some bizarre fantasy with kids. let's just be completely honest about it. stay away fromst our kids, okayr but they're not. and in some cases castrating chem chemically and physically . so we decided to do a documentary on it and we have it's an investigation into the people doing this toin our children. itto the is immoral. chil it should be illegal.. we don't know why it is . and we fervently hope it will be a two part special. it's called transgressiv callee the cult of confusion.s on we think it's one of the best we've done. both will be'v available on thursday, this thursday on fox nation. >> so the democratic party only exists by leveraging race amd race hate among groups of americanons, uniting but dividing. >> that's the whole scheme, of. course. a brand new film is exposing what's going on .an we'll show you a clip from it and talk the man behind it next. >> hi , this is mike huckabee.
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>> the problem with california is there's zero diversity at all in politics. one party runs.cs it has and o for decades. they've run it completely into the ground. so larry elder, who has been ing the media in california for decades, decided he was goinge e to run because he could dodia a better job. but the media indecide californm immediately decided, larry elder, if he's going toocpart challenge the democratic partyyh ,must be a white supremacist, despite the fact he doesn't look like your classic w whitete supremacist. oft that's what they always do. divimedia follows the direction of the democratic party and divides people along racials lines for political benefit, even when in the case of larry a elder, it makes no sense atlarr all. they do it anyway, and it'sder a maill kind of works. >> so larry elder has had a lot of time to think about this. and he made a movie on it'slook called uncle tom , tooin.s have and it looks into why leftistss have adopted the strategy of dividing us along class lines. that was the old template, butme dividing along racial lines, a more destructive des approach, that's for sure. >> here's a clip as image bears of god , we understand rightwro.
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from wrong. s thes what happens is these ideologies come along and they desire to have different outcomes. s.what did marx hate? he hated god . this is a war against god . today.f yo if you ask the average person,w do you know what socialism do you know what communism is ? they do not know. the film is now out on uncle tom .com. larry elder is the executive producer of the film and we're happy to have them joining us now. >> larry, thanks so much for coming on . so to what extent was this film. informed by your experience running for governor ins this california? >> well, it was also informed by the experience that people like herman cainke, who were treated as a white supremacist, liked the fact herma that they'e black.
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and the reason the director, justin malone and i dodesp thes. films, tucker, is to refute this shorthand narrative that the black experience in america was blacks emancipated, wandered along aimlessly inth favor in the face of severe alog obstacles. and then along cam ce the civiel rights movement and martinacks v luther king. and even though blacks gotvoting voting rights and other rights ,blacks are still mired and do daily battle in a country that is systemically racist. e ma and , of course, it's nonsense.u after slavery, the majority ofld black people , of course, could not read or write withinld a relatively short period of time. anthey could. 1940, and in nineteen fort 8y 87% blaf live below the federally defined level of poverty. twenty years later, that number. had had fallen to 47%, a forty point drop in twenty years. tory the greatest twenty year period of economic expansion for manyks in american history. why reliance on family in many instances, a black kid wasmothea more likely to be born to a mother and father married to a each other than a white kid.ches a reliance on american values.
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look at speeches by frederick douglass, replete with references to america lete witn j values, reliance on judeo-christian principles,h and a belief in and entrepreneurship. nineteen or one , booker t washington write bcalleds a br called up from slavery. this is a man who was born a talks about working hard, learning a skill of value to the community. and if you do that, nothinatg ae all can stop you .k fast forward we have a movement called black lives matter, where the co-founders are self-described trained marxist marxistsd, of course, was an atheist who hated private property, did not believe ine pr entrepreneurship, and on black lives matter website, the ver they attack the nuclear intec family. so the very things that made ma blacksde go forward despite horrendous obstacles, despite the , despite lynchings,ume despite all these kinds ofandlyh things, still enable black people to go forward. black l they are all now under attack by movements like black lives >>tu. >> when you put it that way, i have no idea. sen it makes i have no idea whatlarr i think it was true.>> i t i think it's racism.s system i think it's systemic racism.
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all right. great to see you tonight. congrats on the movie. >>tuk you . >> appreciate it. so charles haywood had a longd e and very successful business career and he kind retired thinn and started reading a lot and then writing reviews ofply the books for amazonanis. g bo and then he started thinkingn en more deeply.ti and then he turned his hobby, reviewing books intorepolitica e political philosophy, which we found really interesting. it'sd foundational ism and isre focused on moving politics to a future past, huh? >> it was interesting. so we spoke to charles haywooden at great length about it for m hour because we wanted to learn more . >> we thought you would want to. as well. here's part of the conversatione . so foundational ism is what i like to call the politics of future past, which is the subhead of the of the website. and by that i mean that foundational ism isn't meant to be an ideology as i am. i'm not coming up.- i' well, i'm not karl marx that i have discovered new loss of
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history that i'm in. set le. the idea of foundational ism is to a set of principles that will allow a return to human flourishing, but is notn thinalgic. that is one of the things that people on the right fall into very easily is nostalgia. into iyes, it used to be so goon twenty five or 1995 or nineteen twenty five . >> ir f only w1995e could go bak that, it, i mean this is a basic principle of human life that you can't go back if ford o some reason people fall into this all the time, that we need to go back and we need him just watching the clock back and thik partially or wholly to wo is some earlier time. so wha wt i think we should do is we should adopt principles that have been proveoughn throuh time. the wisdom of the pastutur implemented in a future state is the basic principle of foundation. wisdom is thattionallism is thac individualism or emancipation of people fromcipation unchoseno is bad. that is , people shouldn't the be allowed to choose whatever it is that they want to in their life. the there should be a very s
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high role in society for stigmao .u that is , you shouldn't do that. we look down on you because you choose a career over family that society should, in fact, de have coerced te o some degree people to choose the right roles. and by the same token, f a manas who fails in hissponsibi responsibilities to provide fori his family to defend his family, that person shoulde be socially shamed. we have kind ohamed.f been toldn our whole lives that stigma b is somehow bad, that all the stigma, the goal of a society should be to remove stigma. that guy's really interesting, much more interesting than our public intellectuals like jon meacham, who speak entirely in banalities. that guy is not at all full conversation. tucker carlson, today. car on fox nation. na so we just learned that one of the biggest actresses inn hollywood is having very personal thoughts about this show lathavingl e does it make you uncomfortable? it made us uncomfortable, but
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>> we can only speculate. trace gallagher hae.s the detais for us , though, tonight. yeahust so y, and you see, you e the total dichotomy. this, tucker, it's important to know that while jennifer lawrence sees you in her head at night, you know the nightmares when she sleeps . she's likely not watchingy not you now, but her parentswa are probably watching you because they're fans. and as jennifer notes ins. the october issue of vogue, the twenty sixteen election has caused tension among herer kentucky family. quoting here, i just worked sokt hard in the last five years to forgive my dad and my familyy da and try to understand it'satio different. the information they're getting is different. n their life is different. i'm sorry. i'm just unleashing, but i can't f with peopleh who aren't political anymore. arnow, as for her, tucker carlsf tonight, mair's, they likely stem from a twenty seventeentonh segment where you joked that she had trump derangement syndrome. and we'rd "trumpe several medias said that she blamed trump forot a series of 2017 hurricanes. now, remember this? she was taken, she says,
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grossly out of context, grossly . really. con i mean, shortltey aftextr she sd trump would be the end of the world and that trump was-- r a jar of mayonnaise. sae went on to say in a twenty sixteen interview with a british television station thata the election was, quote, startling and quotinlevisiong h you know, you're watching these- hurricanes now and it's really moth not to feel mother nature's rage and wrath and kind of makes one ask ragerr or wrath at home. exactly. in 2017, it would likely have been trump and the deplorable. but today it would be trump and the semi fascists were the rage and wrath is directed . it's just a guess, but it's g a good one . >> amazing. so it's this. she says she has nightmares about us . that's what they're calling it now. nightmares. yeah. all right. we're flatteres nightmares about d. >> i think it's the glasses in either either case. trace gallagher r, appreciatetio your hard hitting reporting on that subject.n >> thank you .subject.
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can't help it if can help if they dream about you . >> we're out of time. unfortunately. tomorrow night, we will take a closer look, a very close look at the senate racery clo unfolding in pennsylvania. the democrat ise the senaten th, john fetterman, is clearly not well at all. we're not being mean, just sincere. >> we'll show you the tape. plus, investigatio tn into fentanyl coming to this country through mexico from china. >> who's being arrested for anyone? chat's tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m.. in the meantime, here's sean t hannity. omorrow night,thanks, tucker. t >> what do you think about the hunger games? you and jennifer lawrence?e th >> i like the idea. she's dreaming about me, you i know that that would be must see tv for sure. all right, tucker, thank you . thank you .. and welcome to hannity. all right. tonighome tonnity.t, we are only three days away from the all important midterm elections. there are dozens of very close ,very critical races. nothing you should take forthe t granted. but the stakes could notak be higher. and straightgher ahead, we're gt to lay out exactly what is atke
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