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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 7, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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but hopefully it all works out. and it's like come on, butterball, we have a day. all right, that's that's going to do it here for us. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ 2 hello, everyone, i am dana perino, greg gutfeld, and we are joining you here with jesse wats on the crew. >> the head of the nation's second-largest teachers union firing back at critics. blasting the role of school
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closures and the educational progress of schoolchildren. blaming the previous a administration, no teacher i know enjoys it with private learning. twenty in a classroom, 20 at home, former president donald trump ranted and raved as they put the safety measures in place to get this done. the former education secretary is not taking the attack lightly. >> randy should own up to the mistakes that they made in the way that they have harmed kids and harm families across the country, yet all she is doing is blaming everybody else. this is not about teachers, this is about she and all of her allies that continue to control everything with the democratic
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party 99% of contributions going directly to democrats do their bidding. they have especially failed the kids and they are supposed to be observant to. >> only 42% say that they are completely or somewhat satisfied and that is down nearly 10 points since just 2019. and then we have more from the union and the cdc. >> so what does it tell us? well, it tells us that the unions wanted the schools closed. and we don't have to just look at that, we can look at the
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concept that includes we are all for opening up and so i asked someone to look up the lawsuits in this country where they were trying to open up, and they said there were some lawsuits saying some lawsuits want the schools closed. and i said, well, let me think. i wonder who is pushing, who is suing. the teachers unions. so there is no question about it. they can rewrite history all
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they want, but the truth is that our kids have suffered tremendously and they have had the money to get the schools ready in the schools are not ready and kids are going to lose going forward on a global scale and after the first few months of covid-19, this is too serious of an issue to blame the other guy. >> and also to your point about the money, 87% of the $122 quintillion, american taxpayers were generous, we need these resources 2 it's like the first time that the government hasn't been like a, something is up. [laughter] it's my memory.
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[laughter] >> 15 days, slowing the spread in april, all the schools are out until the summer break. red states, blue states, that's how it went down, the president said that we needed to start reopening schools and he was killed in the press. the democrats said it's dangerous, you are going to kill the children. and in the fall, mostly red states opened up, almost all, and i remember that de santis got hammered for that. a lot of the biggest state cool districts, they were all remote and he got hit for i think the sacramento school district and he was sending his kids to private school in class and then joe biden gets inaugurated and they have underhanded move with
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the union, they said you know, we need vaccines if we are going to open up and as they did so, they still did not open up and it was not until the very end of spring semester that almost all the blue state school districts began opening up. so he can't say that. it's like, you are right. it is totally backwards. >> i was going to bring up glenn as a warning to democrats, but you almost had upsets as well and when you did look at the exit polls, everything in different things that were bothering them the most. >> i remember when public education was a part of this, working with the most effective liberal senator, teddy kennedy, passing the no child left behind act. i was in congress at the time. it was one of those moments
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where in some ways you are trying to figure out ways to help these kids, trying to drag down standards and standings around the world, the urban areas where you have a heavier concentration of kids and that is a problem. we have now gotten away from the bipartisanship, but as the one, maybe she can just wave a wand, which i don't believe that she can. and you know, donald trump, when he was in office they talked about i didn't want to tell the country this thing was so bad because i didn't want to bring the economy to a halt. i sense where he is coming from. i get a sense of where these and others were coming from as they wanted to go to remote schooling because they were kids living his parents and grandparents, those that have morbidities and
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pre-existing conditions the kids brought the virus home. so giving them the benefit of the doubt. i hope that we have learned a lot about what we did right and wrong. and i think the two different takeaways is not everybody's going to go to college. we have this debate, this thing i didn't agree with, we were on the same page about, student loan forgiveness, preparing kids and others where they can be trained to do the things that the country can help with. also some will face challenges because we need those that can bring services into the schools that frankly my two kids who are so blessed, they are and were mostly blessed, they had this apparatus infrastructure and i hope that we get to this as well
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as we get to the serious things that the kids are facing. >> i think also it's a school of choice. and also 50,000 students didn't even return to school in los angeles. >> do you have thoughts? >> i have many thoughts. you know, the judge was talking about it, the reframing of law and order and education. >> oh, wow. >> we have a contrast here between an imaginary war and a real war. we are creating on one side the psychological conflict and yet we go outside, everybody is happy and fine. meanwhile there is a real battle going on. the battle involves kids. when you have lockdowns, drag
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shows, all of a sudden they're just showing up everywhere, we have the pronoun police, suddenly lecturing on race, we are no longer having an emphasis on reading and writing but on the racism of the school names. so there is an actual real practical fact-based conflict going on here, which is an opportunity for the republicans to reclaim their right as the parents party. saying we are not going to call you domestic terrorists. we are not going to champion gender confusion or call kids irrevocably racist. take a page out of the handbook of fear by joe biden. scare parents with facts. this is going to be very much a broad statement. i remember watching the protests after donald trump one and i saw
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it and it was a lot of single women, not a lot of men. and the men were not exquisite specimens. i saw a lot of young and angry females and the democratic party has become the party of young and angry and single women and a placing abortion before babies. abortion on demand. that is not a party for family. that is a psychosis. if you think you can abort a child up to the day of birth, that is insane. so i think the republican party should focus this, it is right there, it's being a battle, and do it. reclaim, don't get framed. >> insane in the membrane. [laughter] >> coming up next, california
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getting rocked by blackouts. then joe biden sees this as an energy model for the country coming up right after this. ♪ ♪ ♪
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age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health.
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>> so tell us about making the sacrificed. >> you know, the early morning hours, particularly the next day or so, run your air conditioning earlier the. close your windows, close your blinds. today and tomorrow afternoon, please turn your thermostat up. >> and this is the state that the joe biden and administrations as a leader and these policies. >> i love the fact that california is bold about energy
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policy, a leader indicator for the rest of the country, part of the boldness has shaped our willingness and the federal government to move further and faster. >> okay, i'm going to start with you. the energy secretary is so proud of california. >> what we are seeing is that we have to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels >> it's going to take a shorter time for us to graduate.
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>> so i don't know where governor newsom was, it wasn't the greatest luck in the world and it was hot out there and you think about what we celebrate today, you know, steve jobs was as big of a thinker, and an entrepreneur, he was criticized and you had identified it before a few days ago, madam cj walker was a self-made millionaire and i think about president trump, i think about joe biden, also kennedy as well. i would like to be about big minded people, then i would shortsighted people when it comes to big challenges. and we need all of the above energy strategy.
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>> what you have to have is a transition. >> california is literally in a bad state. and it's the climate change activists that get us into hysteria. forty years, 50 years, imagine that. and it might actually, the constant hyperbole, it would've been on your side. so cynical, then alienated by these people that were constantly fear mongering. and then i saw that the fear mongering was becoming like a cash cow as well, you can see
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all these specials, what everybody was talking about if you want to get a good magazine portrait or interview, talking about the environment, suddenly everybody was talking about climate. because it was good for their pocketbook. it has taken decades for nuclear power to cut back and then there are cycle brats like greta thunbur, young people, like how dear you, how dare you. >> when california passed a law talking about not buying gas powered cars being loud after 2035, they say, they are trying
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to wean their way out of that. >> they decided to do what california did, it's part of the way that the democrats were figuring out a way to get a federal law going. and then we will be on there as well. it's clever when electric cars are going from what they are today to 100%, with no new electricity. when we are at energy capacity. in addition, passing $300 billion of aid to the green energy companies. then they put a very effective democratic operative and charged for that money with john podesta. you know, this would be solyndra
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3.0. end i am all for big ideas. trust me. i don't know that you will get one from here in the meantime, about to have a dark and cold winter because they had terrible policies that have led them to this moment. geopolitical crisis on our hand. doing even more to help them, but it's great but we have not kept up with the infrastructure. would you rather bite liquid natural gas in the united states? obviously, this is a huge problem, california has a warning for all of us. >> just as it was said, california has also talked about a lot of gas powered plants. they are making it worse for themselves. what is right on the edge right now, it does not even have the number of electric cars that will be there. >> it is a fragile grid.
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>> a well-balanced ability to fuel my body. i need greens, fruits, proteins. >> 100% green is a fat and they are burning kerosene. they are burning diesel and that includes 300,000 square miles, but it only powers 140,000 homes. the natural gas plant powers 16 million. meanwhile, it is incinerating
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burners. ac bugs, they fly to the solar panels and they burst into flames. it is also killing the tortoise population. and i thought that they loved tortoises. but they dumped this one on the indian burial ground. it's not a good idea. >> don't do anything on indian burial grounds. >> coming up next. hillary clinton is back. he's backing up the republican attacks on maga. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ riders! let your queries be known. yeah, hi. instead of letting passengers wrap their arms around us, could we put little handles on our jackets? -denied. -can you imagine? i want a new nickname. can you guys start calling me snake? no, bryan. -denied. -how about we all get quotes to see if we can save with america's
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number one motorcycle insurer? approved. cool! hey, if bryan's not gonna be snake, can i be snake? -all: no.
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>> now having some thoughts this job. >> i thought it was a strong and necessary speech, i would not second-guess any of the language, fascism is a very big word, i know that, so is socialism, the republicans talk about people being socialist. we need to be careful with our language and my most fervent hope is that they will reconstitute the republican party to where it used to be and not the party of donald trump, which i think is very dangerous to the country. >> i will say this, she makes all of them look more attractive. >> definitely. >> please do. you are spitting out some of
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this. >> i was like okay, you know, it's interesting, because she is echoing this after joe biden's speech, they want this. and it's interesting because when he wanted the bill to pass, he called republicans to get it done. the secretary helped it. so they are on day number seven of trying to explain who they are talking about and so if you are explaining like that, they never mentioned actual people, they just like to say hey, groups of people. and this is like her baby. it's like she started this and so no wonder she likes it. >> oh, yes. i was thinking about this thing being provocative, all of a sudden we have americans calling other americans fascists. we are not calling the chinese, the north koreans or iranians or
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who they would be. but the truth is they are teaching children to hate themselves and americans to hate americans and it's not about foreign enemies. the whole thing is wacky and it is intended to divide. >> you know, i think that i have been one and onto campaign to get elected, you have to govern
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they have not been able to effectively govern. and look, she has every right to do, i hope she continues to be a voice. and i imagine that that probably makes joe biden feel better about 2024, i was happy to see she didn't think that republicans were fascists. she serves with the lawns that she hopes who she can work with going forward. >> i'm always happy when she shows up in the news, it guarantees what is going on. planning a big kind of in-depth
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investigation. >> and he has to have someone here to say how they are in a genocidal regime. having friends in high places. former first lady, secretary of state, if they get any heat over the slave manufacturing, done deal, that is how it works. i just feel bad for chelsea. go on a show with your mother and the mother does all the talking. it's like shut up, let me talk. i mean, seriously. sitting right there.
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>> getting a new story from a women's magazine. or a men's magazine and you will never guess what she's talking about. ♪ ♪ ♪
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happen. and so many people in this country are talking about it. and they hate wom other people. that's what they say. sometimes believing that i live in a country that would never let that happen. but if she ever wants to be president, the checks and balances system, bedrock of constitution blocking the radical idea. and so this is, she seems sad. is this a cry for help? >> i think that she whines a lot. and she says i don't know that i'll be alive in september, well, guess what, none of us know that. [laughter] like you go out there. i find it uninspiring and boring. and i also feel like she doesn't
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have a gq cover before. i actually think the democrats get held back by people like this because she's pulling them to the left. >> i think that harold would agree that we like women, we like women of color. as michelle obama announced she's running for president, landslide. what is she talking about? >> well, first of all, she is a debbie downer. she says i don't want to tell young people that it's not possible it what is not possible. and then they say they don't hate women, they hate stupid women. and you think that you are going
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to die in september. stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop being a downer. and then she said that men suffer from patriarchy. get out of the dumpster, be happy. >> so you are right. and she just gave the speech and she's like you can become president i am going to die. i mean, what is that. and the person that is literally come up figuratively sound like this. and talking about going through
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a political maturing process. it sounds like she might be stalled right now. if you are serious about wanting to be president. and they talk about not rejecting me personally because i won't agree with that. you have to persuade us. not bash us in the process. and unfortunately she to talk about this. >> it is september.
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>> i don't have her phone number or i would call her. and she went and did a men's magazine and that is a huge violation. there should no longer be men's or women's magazines. why are we having this bifurcation, it's dictated by men who created that magazine, that's got to go. but she represents the squad and i think every party has a contingent to another cont contingent. including that this is part of it and that parties have different slivers of ideology as well as intensity. there is one thing it is how media and entertainment and tech companies treat them, the progressives, they don't see them as extremists but brave radicals. and that is part of it.
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and the reason why she is on that cover and you never see a republican or conservative, it is a class distinction, they think that people who are republicans are a lower class and so that means if you're progressive you are allowed to get into this for the velvet ropes of society. but that society, it is irrelevant now. they don't have an audience. the audience have moved on to more interesting things and i think that it is an interesting sign of things to come. >> we have more coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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this man smashed two of his rackets at the court, and were you looking forward to seeing the sky? >> no, and if i was the sponsor for him, i would cut him. i think if you're going to be that unsportsmanlike, he's a great tennis player, but i really need to know why is it an insult to say that it's an absolute pelican. [laughter] >> you know, that guy is a baby. and i agree with dana 100%. i mean, he is a jerk. >> have you ever thrown your racket like that after match. >> he has excellent form and
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finally somebody does something that i'm interested in. every time that one of my jokes didn't land, that would be like my jokes not landing at all. >> francis had more, now the second, a study revealing what all women already believe to be true. men are happy in relationships where they think that they are the funny one. >> yes, emma is funnier than i am. i am comfortable enough to admit that. i'm pretty funny and that makes her really funny. >> if a woman makes her feel that he is funny, it's a happier marriage.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: time now for one more thing. by the way i don't have ifb. keep me honest.
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>> judge jeanine: louisiana basketball coach breaks the longest record for the longest hoop shot ever. his name is joshua walker. officially broke the world record for the longest basketball shot ever. he made the shot from 113 feet and 6 inches away from the hoop. farthest basketball hook shot, farthest basketball bounce shot and the farthest basketball shot made backwards. >> nice shot. >> jesse: fox nation hosting annual patriot awards on november 17th at the hard rock live. beautiful hollywood, florida come see a live taping of "the five." book signings, photo op.s and much, much more. "jesse watters primetime" will be doing our show down there as well. tickets on sale fox award. twins had first day of school yesterday. there is their first cute first day of school photo. as we were saying in the commercial break both of them could beat up greg. tonight on "jesse watters primetime," we have senator ted
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cruz, kayleigh mcenany, not a senator and senator rand paul 7:00. >> dana: could be a senator if she wanted to. >> greg: one day unless aoc has anything to say about it. by the way, i guess i'm not doing my show at fox nation awards. >> dana: i think you are. >> greg: mine wasn't on there. >> dana: i think you are. >> greg: gutfeld 11:00 p.m. emily compagno, tyrus great show. greg's perfect house guest tips. if you are going to have a bear over, make sure the bear knows how to open and close a door. check out this fellow. i have never seen a bear this conscientious. usually when i have bears over they just come in. wiping his paws and then he is going to close the door. >> dana: excuse me. >> greg: isn't that nice in the most adorable thing after he closed the door he ate the person. it's adorable. so adorable the person was screaming for her life but eaten. >> jesse: going to show that?
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>> greg: that's for tomorrow. >> dana: harold ford jr.? >> harold: sending wishes for poe the baltimore mascot. season ending injury on the fields. ravens coach harbaugh left unquote drumstick during a mascot vs. youth football team game. although he fell to the ground he was quickly tended to by trainers and carted off the field we are hoe hoping for poe's speedy recovery. >> jesse: do they have a backup? >> harold: they didn't say. if he goes to pittsburgh like that when they play the steelers he will have another injury. >> greg: must have got winged. >> dana: we talk a lot about sexism and patriarchy. look what this guy did at the washington nationals game. stealing a ball from a girl who was about to catch it. grown man reaches over. >> greg: he didn't even notice her. >> harold: he didn't give it back? >> dana: didn't give it back. the team is going to give them a token of their appreciation and make sure that they get a ball.
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>> jesse: how do you know -- how was that inequality? like that's equality at its best. he said i'm taking that ball. i don't care if you are a woman. that's equality. >> judge jeanine: he caught it first. >> greg: exactly. >> judge jeanine: that's the end of it. [laughter] >> dana: that's it for us. "special report" is up next. bret, i can't hear you but hello. >> bret: i don't have anything to say anyway. thanks, dana. ♪ good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier, breaking tonight, a new twist on the immigration crisis and inspector general's report stating that the biden administration may have risked national security by not fulfilling its promise to fully vet afghan individuals allowed to come into the u.s. after the american military withdrawal from their country. the homeland security department is disputing the conclusions of that ig report. white house correspondent peter doocy reports tonight live from the north lawn. good evening


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