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tv   Hannity  FOX News  September 7, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> tucker: the lady from great britain's smoking. [laughs] if only that wasn't an anti-vice propaganda poster. that was the actual new health minister. amazing. we are out of time. we are going to be on "fox and friends" early tomorrow to debut our new documentary. we hope you watch it and we'll see you tomorrow. sean hannity takes over right now. >> sean: thank you as always. we begin tonight with a fox news alert. be aware. a suspect picture right there according to police has been on a shooting rampage in memphis, tennessee. believed to have streamed much of it live on social media. police are saying that the suspect is still at large and urging residents to stay indoors. we will continue to monitor the situation and bring you any updates throughout the night. tonight in 62 days you will decide the balance of power in
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congress. we now have a critical opportunity to check the radical biden administration and get america back on the right track and stop this radical agenda of joe biden and the new green deal socialist brigade, if you will. coming up tonight, wisconsin senator ron johnson will join us. the georgia senate candidate who is leading the polls in georgia, herschel walker is now surging. he'll be here. these are two very critical races in the election cycle. also a new from former comedian turn democratic cycle activist kathy griffin, as you see there, she apparently is gearing up for a civil war if republicans win the election. first we do begin with a warning from the state of california. once the epicenter from the american dream. beautiful natural resources, beautiful landscapes, incredible weather. freethinking entrepreneurs. the land of ronald reagan.
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it's been utterly ruined by democrats who live there and there democratic elected officials. they have literally run the state into the ground and now are chasing people away. americans are now fleeing that state in droves. a number of very serious issues. the lawlessness, the crime, violent crime, high taxes suffocating regulation. each of the last two years california has witnessed the population decline. this is the first time that has ever happened in over 170 years. tonight we are going to focus on one of the most pressing issues in the golden state that is their massive energy crisis going on right now today. this week from the comfort of his own very well air-conditioned home, he's even wearing long sleeves and everything. far left socialist governor gavin newsom donned a warm fleece jacket demanding that other californians turn
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down their thermostats, turn their lights off. my favorite part is you must refrain from charging your electric vehicle the cost you $20,000 more than a gas powered vehicle because the state's power grid is totally collapsing. from a state that just ban the sale of gas powered cars by 2035. meanwhile, the democratic hack eric swalwell echo the governor's desperate pleas tweeting "it's time to rally, california. we all need to do our part to help avoid power outages this week. before 4:00 p.m., prequel your home. i'm sure that will last all through the night. after 4:00 p.m., avoid the use of major appliances. i don't know. maybe kukla fried egg outside. maybe the cement. who knows. turn your thermostat to 78 or higher. let's keep the lights on,
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california. you can't make this up. this energy rationing and the forthcoming potential blackout-brownout is the direct result of the states climate hysteria. lawmakers have already shut down 75% of the states nuclear power plants. what do you expect? they are of mending a plan to phase out all oil and gas production by 2045. they've already banned fracking. they banned gas powered lawn mowers. they banned gas powered leaf blowers. of course they pumped billions and billions of wasted dollars to inefficient solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric dams in areas facing long-term droughts. it's turned out to be an unmitigated disaster. the result, the state with the most natural resources in the country is now relying on other state and the country of mexico to support their very own power grid that they are still short on power of. by the way, importing more than
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30% of the energy needs and that's still not enough. by the way, despite all these measures, the states. he still overwhelmingly com comprised of natural gas. europe exported its energy needs to russia. they are importing it from russia. putin just shut down the nord stream ! pipeline. households saw august bills jump an average 185% compared with one year earlier. come winter, this insane spike is expected to get so much worse, european families are spending 20 or 30% of their entire income on monthly heating bills alone. depending on foreign countries, huge price increases, energy rationing, rolling blackouts, brownouts, no air conditioning, no heat, electric cars do not
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even allowed to plug-in. those expensive electric vehicles are powered by fossil fuels. that is the european model. this is the california model. this is the future that democrats want for you. but don't take my word for it. just listen to biden's energy secretary. >> california is in the lead, it can show the rest of the nation how it's done. >> wow. when asked if biden agrees with this energy secretary, karine jean-pierre was unable to answer the question. take a look. >> last friday the energy secretary said of green technology in california that that state was in the lead in showing the rest of the nation how it's done. the state is currently bracing for blackouts. they set ambitious goals. there governor is asking folks not to charge their electric vehicles. does t the president agree california is an example for the
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rest of the country? >> i haven't seen the specific statements. i would like to see it in fuller context. not going to comment on something i haven't seen in f full. >> sean: green energy and climate alarmism, that's the centerpiece of biden's are horrific agenda and the energy grid in california is imploding. some residents have been pictured allegedly changing their teslas and charging them with gas powered generators. that's my favorite picture. you have an electric vehicle but you're using a gas powered generator to charge it up. white house press secretary can't be bothered to familiarize herself with the issue and you may have noticed democrats don't really care about the quality of your life. it's pretty obvious that they hate you, especially if you have or have ever supported donald trump so now they want to take your individual power. they want you to transition or accept their transition even though they don't have the
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technology. green energy renewables that they keep saying were going to become energy dependent on is not available. so they're going to follow the failed european style socialist health scape where you owe nothing, control nothing, and simply live to exist while a ruling class is making every decision for you. then were going to take all the power and we are going to make countries like russia, iran, venezuela, saudi arabia, opec nations rich again. this obsession with green energy is really also about socialism and its affront on all things socialism because if they really cared about the environment we would be producing all of our oil, all of our gas, all of our call right here at home. guess what. we would do it faster, cheaper, cleaner. importing on massive ships from the middle east or venezuela or russia or china or iran, well, why would we want to make the
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iranian mullahs rich again? causes harm to the environment and makes hostile regimes filthy rich. we should become energy dominant and help our european allies out, and we become filthy rich. maybe not even have to pay taxes. if the left actually cared about the environment, they would be honest about the environmental impact of electric cars. charge by our own power grid, by fossil fuels that rely on batteries comprised of rare earth minerals and materials mind with heavy diesel equipment in foreign countries, home to a few if any environmental regulations. they don't tell you that part. if biden cared about the environment, he wouldn't be draining america's strategic petroleum reserves. now at 37 year low. how did we get to a 37 year low? he gave 1 million barrels of oil he sold to the chinese. not sure why. mostly it was used as a ploy to temporarily lower gas prices,
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artificially lower gas prices, just before the election, to make you think gas prices were going down on the market was becoming more stable. that's a ploy that is beyond sinister because it's dangerous to our national security. democrats are not being honest, as usual. their policies will not make your life any better in any way. this is not speculation. we are in real time after decades of one-party democratic rule in places like california, like new york, like baltimore, like philadelphia. like chicago. the standard of living always goes down. through nearly two years of joe biden, well, guess what. a every american is paying more for gas to fill up their cars. paying more to heat and cool their homes. paying more for every item they buy at every store they go to. it's getting worse every day. anyway here now with the very latest on the dire power situation in california, our
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very own trace gallagher. trace. blackouts, brownouts, turn off your air conditioner after 4:00 p.m. don't charge your car after 4:00 p.m. how do you get the electric vehicle to drive if you can't plug it in? >> especially when there might be 20 million of them someday. you know, you go back and remember pacific gas & electric spent half of time trying to keep the power grid up and running without the power lines coming down and starting wildfires. during this record california heat wave the grid has remained in emergency energy territory teetering between levels two and three. that by the way is the most severe and it means big time potential for what the state calls power curtailment. sean, you and i would know them better ask blackouts or rolling power outages. of course the theory behind turning power off on a rolling basis is to make sure the entire grade doesn't fail, leaving millions in the dark in dangerous heat for days on end. on top of the heat wave, there's a few other problems with california's already failing grid system.
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hydropower is down because water levels are down. solar power is up which helps during the day but the state doesn't have enough battery power to store solar, so it's use it or lose it. that's why most of the time and especially at night, the grade is powered by good old-fashioned fossil fuels. look at the forecast. it's going to be a long week. >> sean: all right, thank you. here with more is the author of "here's the deal." number one "new york times" best seller, kellyanne conway. along with the post of the larry elder cheryl, larry elder. former white house chief of staff mark meadows. kellyanne, larry's state of california. not blaming larry. he should have been elected. this problem will be solved, let's put it that way. they have all the natural resources. they are chasing people out of the state for the first time in 170 years. they are telling you cool your
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home up to 4:00 p.m. and then put the easy up to 78. okay. you're going to be sweaty in your own bedroom and you will be able to sleep. public enemy's fan. how does that work with electric vehicles? >> i'm coming to you from california. the people here are abuzz about the mandates. >> sean: you are in california. kellyanne may pop out of the screen. if the lights go out, we know why. >> will know why. let's stop picking on working people. they have to pay for the harvard educated doctors lawyers and business people and other being told to make it home from a hard day's work at 4:00 p.m. they are ready to open their fridge, cook dinner for the kids, fire up the air-conditioner. they can't touch any of that. don't open your fridge. don't air-conditioner house and don't cook for your family. don't do the laundry. it makes absolutely no sense but listen i think newsom 2024, his platform is starting to take
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shape. open border in southern california. the streets of san francisco where he was mayor before he was lieutenant governor and governor littered with needles and feces, homeless encampments. ships and containers in the pacific waiting to unload. it's beyond hypocrisy. the face of this democratic party starts right here in california. kamala harris, nancy pelosi, gavin newsom. those liar big mouths shift and swaswalwell. in addition to being hipper critical and hurting around people, gavin newsom can't get . he took the kids out of the schools for almost two years. he made them sit behind a computer and everybody's kitchens. pretend screen time is school time. now you have kids leaving schools early or canceling classes now in places like san diego, denver, philly, all
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across in different places in california because they don't have air-conditioning. do you know congress passed billions of dollars in covid relief to make sure there is proper ventilation, air conditioning. these kids are out of school again. now you know why gavin newsom's in-laws moved to florida, voted for ron desantis, gave money to ron desantis are registered republicans. it started in the newsom household. >> sean: that's true. larry, it's your estate so pete buttigieg has headed. they have said they want energy independence with renewables they want americans to think about buying a $20,000 extra cost electric vehicle power by explain to me why it's okay to import oil from the iranians because they want to do this deal. or the venezuelans are biggest audis and kiss the ass of the
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crown prince. why is it okay to get energy from them enough produce it domestically? nobody's been able to answer the question for me. >> i consider that to be a rhetorical question. you know the answer. it's not okay. remember when jean-pierre was asked whether or not joe biden even owned in ev, she danced around it. it's clear that the commander in chief who wants everybody to go green doesn't even owned in ev. i'm in california and it's even worse. some people, not everybody, got texts from the state urging people not to watch television during peak hours at either play cards or to write a book. i kid you not. only 1.9% of all the 30 million vehicles in california are e evs. shortly after this mandate that would ban all new sales of gasoline powered cars effective 2035, they said don't plug in your ev during peak hours.
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imagine when there are 20 million or 30 million evs in california. it wouldn't matter if california went to zero emissions. it wouldn't matter if the united states went to zero emissions or canada or germany. it wouldn't have any effect at all on the planet because of the co2 spilled out by china and by india. building coal power plants every single day. the whole thing is absurd. it's a scam the likes of which i've never seen before. >> sean: mark meadows, donald trump did something i think one of his greatest accomplishment as president, he got us to energy independence for the first time in 75 years. he left office. america was a net exporter of energy. i would like to return to that and even taken a step further and become the single most energy dominant country in the world and i would like to provide all the energy needs of all of our western european allies and i think that would make america rich again.
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lower everybody's tax base and everybody would prosper and it would create how many millions of high paying career jobs in the energy sector. >> it would make america great again. congress israel certain that they need to do investigations. perhaps they need to do an investigation on how we went from energy dominance to energy beggars in two years. listen. this reminds me of the jimmy carter days. if you remember his energy speech. he said you just have to get used to it. we just have to go this way. it really is about them doubling down on the policy, destroying our resources, jacking up the prices, and then suggesting that you're the problem. they didn't even look in the mirror. maybe the question is is, i wonder if there's been a call made to the french laundry restaurant that allowed governor newsom to not wear a
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mask to say you need to set it up to 70 degrees on your thermostat. perhaps all these travel that we are all thinking, governor newsom going to challenge joe biden. he is looking for a state where he can cool off. >> sean: well said. kellyanne, or friend at trafalgar came out with the poll. 56.8% of respondents watched that speech in philly with the deep dark red erie background although if you wash on cnn it . they changed the color. anyway. 56.8% said it was a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and they said it was designed to incite conflict among americans. as far as the economy goes, a majority of americans according to gallup. 56% again now say price increases are causing financial hardship for their households. two-thirds of americans are now
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living paycheck to paycheck and more than a third of working families cannot afford simple basic needs after they cut out everything they could possibly cut out. now the question is how did we go from a prosperous economy to this mess in 19 months? >> i thought cnn's pink hue was a lovely gender reveal. i just didn't understand it. i've got to tell you in focus groups and in polling, what they're saying is they are scared. fear and frustration out there. you know it started out with gas and groceries but now it's the rent, mortgage, car payments, tuition, student loan payment. everyday life is becoming increasingly unaffordable under joe biden and kamala harris. he's taking away our border, economic security and public safety, physical security. he didn't erase any of that by castigating and denigrating half of the country.
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we are going to attack issues. he's going to attack individuals. everyone grandmother was right. big minds talk about big issues in big challenges. small minds talk about other people mess with joe biden is doing. and never seen so many try to engage voters by enraging them, alienating them. it's okay to work because his numbers are still underwater. people still don't have the warmth for him, cm as inspiring as a leader, passionate, met with the plan, has the vision and the acuity to get the job done. he knows when the republicans take the house and jim jordan gets the gavel, his son hunter biden will be the first investigated. i guarantee you that the country will be for that because that guy flew around on government taxpayer-funded aircraft shaking down governments and people and other companies. he had no energy experience. his father has no energy. it's a big hot mess. >> sean: the question, larry,
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how does this impact the midterms? >> well, i think it's going to affect the midterms. top two issues are crime and inflation and then use or when gas prices. people are very good inquiry. this top-down stuff, at least in the last speech, he didn't refer to americans sma fascists the way he did a few days earlier. what's the definition of fas fascism? it allows you to own the means of production but tells you how to run the peer document california. they set up a board that will establish with the wages are for fast food workers. imagine that. a board telling you what your readers not to be. a minimum of $22 a month. fascism is when you are allowed to run your business the government tells you how to run it. outrageous. >> sean: marks, will this be a driving issue? will these be driving issues during the election? do you see republicans, do you see a wave that many are predicting? i had to make those protections
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myself. >> i hate to make the predictions for what you look at are the following poll numbers that joe biden. look at the rate they are not learning from those following poll numbers. they are just continuing to double down, trickle down on all their failed policies. even when you go to pennsylvania and you talk to the pennsylvania voters, they know what honest and true is. it wasn't coming from the lips of our commander in chief. that currently occupies 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> sean: mark, larry, kellyanne, thank you. coming up, our two-tiered system of justice is alive and well following the rate of mar-a-lago. senator ron johnson weighs in. also we have breaking news at this hour. memphis police are urging residents to stay indoors as a a man is allegedly on a shooting spree. live streaming a big part of it. trace gallagher has the latest straight ahead.
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i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing teeth, struggling with pain, with dental disease. clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. [ kimberly ] i feel so much better. i feel energized to go outside and play with my daughter. i can ate anything. like, i don't have to worry. clearchoice changed my life.
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>> sean: breaking news tonight out of memphis where authorities say a man is on a violent shooting spray even broadcasting the shootings live on social media. here with the very latest, trace gallagher. trace, what do we have? >> we are not going to show you the video but the suspect is wanted for multiple shootings including in south memphis where at least one person was killed. just down the road another man was shot and killed at a gas station. yet another woman, we are being told, has been injured. we do not know exactly where she was shot. the university of memphis and the area sent out alerts saying a government could be nearby. at first police thought he was driving a blue infinity. now it appears that he has apparently carjacked a woman and
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they are looking for a gray toyota with a red dealer tag on the window. police are certain of one thing. they are certain he's armed, he's dangerous, he's intent on targeting more people. apparently they know exactly who he is because as you said, sean, the suspect appears to be updating police live on facebook. in fact, he's 19 years old and is apparently telling officers he has already shot five people. they have not confirmed that number. he is sending live video even one where he appears to walk into an auto parts store, aim a gun at a man, then pull the trigger and flee. police are telling all memphis residents to stay inside unless you absolutely have to go out, especially if you happen to be in the south memphis area right now. you are looking at who they believe is the suspect, armed and dangerous. we are monitoring traffic and local reports. we will get back to you as the
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breaking news updates. >> sean: trace, thank you for that report. we wish the people of memphis well. hillary clinton couldn't help but chime in the on the fbi's rate of mar-a-lago telling that hard-hitting news show on abc "the view" that no one is above the law. really can't make this up. take a look. >> no one is above the law. the rule of law in a demo democracy... [applause] has to be our standard. but we should not rush to judgment. we should take it seriously. we should be concerned about it. and we should follow the facts and the evidence. >> sean: the woman that had top secret classified information on the 30,000 emails she saved and of course the woman the deleted 33,000 emails with bleach bit and broke up devices with hammers. really. we are going to get lectures from her? anyway she had all the information on her private
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servers. it is now out trying to what rewrite history about all of it? lie about all of it? one standard for hillary, one standard for biden, one standard for hunter and joe and democrats have one standard for everybody else. that is the dual justice system that is shredding her constitution, politicizing our fbi, weaponizing or doj. when the fbi did raid mar-a-lago last month, let's see, they took what donald trump's private medical records. attorney-client privilege records, estimated to be over 500 pages. they took his tax records. they took us passports. they pretty much took everything. the warrant was that broad. they could and did take anything they wanted. this is the problem with broad sweeping warrants like we told you from the beginning. it was always a fishing expedition. the media mob could care less about the rule of law and continue to make a mockery out of a two-tier justice system as long as it's the other guys
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being put in jail. for example, an "l.a. times" column is mocking melania trump for feeling violated after the fda rated her wardrobe and rifled through her and her son baron's. here the reaction, wisconsin senator ron johnson is with us. senator. we have confirmed on this show that there are over 20 fbi whistle-blowers. you know of many of them. we now know the fbi has been politicized. it seems like the doj has been weaponized. my question to you is there are reports out there these whistle-blowers believe that director wray has lost control of the bureau. are you hearing that? >> not specifically that. i first have to comment on what's happening in memphis. it is horrific. my thoughts and prayers going to folks they are. you mentioned the two-tier justice system. i'm calling it three-tiered. you have the one system that treats hillary clinton and hunter biden with kid gloves.
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you have the one for most other americans. then you have the weaponization of not only the federal law enforcement, the justice department, federal agencies like the irs, like osha. they come after the democrats' political opponents. that's very corrosive to our democracy. we are seeing it play out time and time again. we are hearing from whistle-blowers. god bless them for coming forward. people with integrity and the agencies that want their agencies restored. to have the credibility, integrity. they are going forward and they are starting to talk about what they're saying. that's the only way we're going to restore integrity. understand the truth. >> sean: they got a reminder from the attorney general they are not allowed to talk to elected officials, senators, congressmen and women. is that your understanding? it sounds an awful lot like intimidation to me. what are your thoughts?
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>> i don't understand how the attorney general could issue that. people who work for the federal government have the right to come forward to congress and be afforded whistle-blower protection. i am calling on people not just in the fbi, not just the department of justice. if you are concerned about what is happening in your agency, the politicization of it. being weaponized against american citizens. come talk to us. we will afford you the whistle-blower protection. that's the only way we're going to restore confidence in these agencies. we need to expose the truth and that's pretty much my mission. >> sean: senator, i have been watching your campaign and according to some estimates there about $50 million already spent on negative ads attacking you. a lot of that money coming from outside of wisconsin. one of the big lies they are telling us that you want to cut back on social security benefits and medicare benefits. it's not true. i want to give you a chance to
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respond and what do you know about your opponent, barns, that america would need to know whether the people of wisconsin need to know? >> first of all, that's probably the biggest of many lives. think of it for a moment. what elected official would ever propose cutting or ending social security. it's absurd on its face. i want to save social security. what wisconsinites needs to know about mandela barnes is he's a radical leftist. he's a guy who thinks the founding of america was awful. he thinks national parks are racist. what's racist about old faithful? he supports all of the radical policies of the biden administration and is causing so much pain for wisconsinites. 40 year high inflation, rising gas prices, crime, the open border flooding our states with deadly drugs and killing our substance. he supports all those things but he is in hiding, sean. he will not answer questions from the press. he wants to pull the wool over
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wisconsinites' eyes while he's lying, sneering, lying about me, smearing about me, assassinating my character. that's all he has. he can't defend democrat policies and he can't defend his past positions on these issues. >> sean: same issue going on in states like georgia. her will talk to herschel walker. states like pennsylvania with dr. ross. this guy, fetterman, he's campaign for a whopping 20 minutes the entire general election. your race is important. we will continue to monitor and we thank you for being with us. straight ahead, herschel walker surging in the georgia senate race. raphael warnock, all of a sudden he wants to debate herschel. herschel joins us on the very latest out of georgia. straight ahead. the newday 100 loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value,
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>> sean: we are nine weeks away from the midterm races and key senate matchups are beginning to take shape. rob lukens nor on the rise. that includes in georgia, herschel walker, this race is neck and neck. the last two pools have herschel up over raphael warnock and the senate may be decided by the state of georgia. incumbent senator raphael warnock has agreed to finally debate herschel walker. an offer in savannah that was made. that will happen in october. here's the latest ad from the walker campaign laying out just what is at stake in the great state of georgia. take a look. >> absolutely agree as racist. it's a redux of jim crow. in a suit and tie. >> america has a long history of systemic racism. >> you ain't black. >> america has a pre-existing
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condition called racism. >> senator warnock believes america is a bad country full of racist people. i believe we are a great country full of generous people. warnock wants to divide us. i want to bring us together. i'm herschel walker. i approve this message. >> sean: i guess the polls are bringing out the senate candidates for the democrats because it pennsylvania tonight, john fetterman is now agreed to debate dr. mehmet oz. will the phony spoiled socialist trust fund brat in a hoodie, is he going to follow through? from both states, debates need to take place before a single vote is even cast. that's only fair for voters. here now is georgia senate candidate herschel rocker. before i get to one change in the dynamics, raphael warnock supports court packing, and into cash bail. he was involved in the youth camp kid abuse scandal. didn't want the police to interview the people involved.
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he has praised louis farrakhan, reverend jeremiah right, he's compared the police to thugs and gangsters. he wants a grid of fossil fuels. he wants crt in our schools. he is said that the opioid crisis is only an issue because it's impacting people that are white and suburban. the guy also by the way has a problem neglecting his children and failing to pay child care expenses. his ex-wife claimed he ran over her in a domestic dispute. i can keep going on. how is this race even close? the monitoring of media in georgia seems to have been negative against you but now your message seems to be penetrating with recent polls. what happened? >> the reason why, sean, is i am getting out and meeting the people. i am talking to the people and the people are speaking. they have spent over $50 million against me. but the race still tight.
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i'm up by 1. the reason why is people want a change in washington. senator warnock is a cut from the cloth for joe biden and what i mean by that is he believes in higher taxes, he believe in open waters. he voted to put men in women's sports. that's not what georgia people want. they want someone who can trust where they can trust herschel walker. no matter what, he's not going to talk anything, the media's not going to say anything positive about me i've done a lot of positive things. he's done a lot of negative things. let's not talk about that. let's talk about his record as a senator. as a senator, he hasn't done a good job and its timers would also take that seat fighting for the people. that seat belongs to the people georgia. >> sean: what percentage of the time does raphael warnock vote with chuck schumer and with joe biden? >> it is 96% of the time. 96% of the time. he don't even want to campaign with joe biden now. he's trying to distance himself
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from it. but he can't. he can't distance himself. because he's just, like i say come he's cut from the same cloth as joe biden. i call him a wolf in sheep's clothing. he pretends he tries to help you but all the time he's continuing to hurt you. you've seen that the people who are hurting from the economy. people here are hurting from the crime. but yet he's profited while he has been in office. if anyone is going to hurt us. >> sean: people. speak of the people who put you in office. >> sean: he doubled his income. double the income as a politician. >> he's only been in washington for a little bit. now his income has gone up. now you say. he wants to debate me. he still have a couple things. he says if you do this, if you do that. why won't he just show up on october 14 for a fair and equitable debate? it's about the people. to the people can see the contrast between the two of us. they're going to continue to
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raise money. >> sean: i want to know -- single vote is cast with early voting. >> i can tell you the reason why. it's like a game for them. they've been raising money. that's my tell people to go to and let's raise this money so we can get into a debate because all they want to do is put negative ads out there because they can't win on the issues. they can't win on the issues and now they see that the polls are changing, they are being told by their people, you've got to debate. you've got to debate. i am telling him to put his big man pants on, show up in savannah, georgia, october 14. that's debate. people can view the contrast between the two of us. >> sean: the only problem is with these late debates, a lot of people will have voted by then. that to me is a problem. i think debates should take place before a single vote is cast. but i will be watching. we're looking for to it. congratulations on your recent polling surging. this could be the race that
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decides the balance of power in the senate. herschel, we wish you the best. coming up, trace gallagher with an update on the manhunt in memphis. the shooting suspect still at large. also kathy griffin just managed to hit a new low. he thought that was impossible, you won't believe what she did this time. pete hegseth, pam bondi react shed ahead as we continue. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger.
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>> sean: we have more breaking developments in memphis has police are searching for an armed suspect in a shootings. he is currently in a gray toyota. with an arkansas license plate. trace gallagher has the latest. trace, this is ongoing. what's going on?
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>> this is apparently being live streamed. the suspect is apparently giving that live stream on facebook. these are updates. apparently each time he shoot somebody. police now know who he is. they identify him as 19-year-old ezequiel kelly. it's unclear they know where he is. they know who he is, not clear if you know where he is. you can see the police presence. apparently the suspect carjacked a woman in a gray toyota and has been on a killing spree of her since. he is wanted for multiple shootings across the city. south memphis where one person was killed and just down the road another and was also shot and killed at a gas station and yet another woman has been injured in that area. the 19-year-old is apparently telling officers he has already shot five people total. we don't know if that number is accurate, including the fact that he is sending the live video. we are not showing you the live video but apparently he walked
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into an auto parts store, empty gun at a man and pulled the trigger. police are telling all memphis residents to stay inside much you have to go out. >> sean: our prayers with the people of memphis. thanks again, trace. far left hollywood units like kathy griffin this more left-wing hate. tweeting "if you don't want to civil war, vote for democrats in november. if you do want the civil war, vote republican. remember this threat is coming from the same woman that once held up that bloodied severed head of president trump hear, hear with reaction, "fox & friends" we can call most pete hegseth along with former florida attorney general pam bondi. pam, i don't even know what to say about it. i don't know if the conservative did it. accused of inciting violence. the double standard we've all gotten so used to. >> that's right. sean, this washed up do list at best actress who is a want to be still, she can't help herself.
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conservatives, we believe in the rule of law. we believe that our constitution is the bedrock of our whole founding fathers, our process, our democracy. she could care less about any of that. she is going right along with the progressive agenda. what do the democrats, the progressives want to do? they want to attack justice kavanaugh. they called the supreme court illegitimate. if they don't rule in their favor. they are the ones that go after republicans like maxine waters telling everyone took a mouth chuckle after all of us in our homes and everything we do. they are also the ones that say they're going to move out of the country if they lose the election. hopefully they'll keep saying that they'll be gone in 2024. it's ridiculous. she has no credibility. we would get totally abused as conservatives we said or did anything like that but we wouldn't. >> sean: pete hegseth, your take?
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>> this is extortion for purposes of political violence. we saw this in 2020. if trump wins, your cities will burn. we shouldn't take her seriously. she is as you said, the woman who held up the head of what she hoped to be an assassinated president. if you took it seriously you'd say hold on. civil war against people who believe the first amendment is actually important? the second amendment is a real right. i don't know. we shouldn't have unreasonable search and seizure of a former president. the amendments are important. rights endowed by our creator. we believe in borders on law and order. this is not something we should take seriously but some on the left do. it's indicative of where their ideology is at this point. vote with us or violence is coming. >> sean: 62 days, america will have an opportunity to get the ship on the right course. let's hope they do. all right, pete pete, thank you. pam, thank you. new crepe corrector lotion
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>> sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left for this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. you make this show possible. we can't thank you enough. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "hannity." don't forget the news. any time. fox in the meantime for the latest on the methods let you not your heart be troubled. laura is next. see you tomorrow night. >> laura: i am laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. we start with another fox news alert. 24 hours after the mother of two, liza fletcher was found dead after being abducted while on an early morning jog, and a week after a mother and her 1-year-old child were abducted from a target parking lot, in the same city of memphis, crazed killers on the loose tonight there. police say this man, 19-year-old ezequiel kelly has allegedly been recording himself indiscriminately shootin