tv The Five FOX News September 8, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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upon word of her tragic death. a double rainbow over buckingham palace. they say it is quite unusual. this day, it was quite hopeful. queen elizabeth ii, dead at age 96. ♪ ♪ hello, everyone. i'm dana along with others. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. fox news alert, queen elizabeth ii has died ending the longest rule in great britain's history. the 96-year-old monarch passing away peacefully this afternoon surrounded by the royal family rushing to be business her bedside at her country estate in the scottish highlands.
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crowds gathering outside buckingham palace all day to mourn the loss of their beloved icon. prince charles is now the king of england, the king consort with the official title of king charles iii. charles calling his mother's death a moment of great sadness for him and the royal family. newly installed british prime minister liz truss met with the queen two days ago m addressing the nation. >> it is a day of great loss but queen elizabeth ii leaves a great legacy. today the crown passes as it has done for more than 1,000 years to our new monarch, our new head of state, his majesty king charles iii. we usher in a new era in the magnificent history of our great country. exactly as her majesty would have wished. by saying the words, god save
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the king. >> the news breaking this morning, judge, around 8:00 when her doctors issue add statement saying we're concerned for her health and the britt haves a way of understating things and that set off every to know this could be it and unfortunately it was. the like what the prime minister said, a great legacy. >> she did have a great legacy. she's the only queen i've ever known and most of the people in the last 70 years have known anyway and as a american, i looked at her as someone that was incredibly strong. when you think about all the years that she was the queen, she had a front row seat to history. she was the queen when winston churchhill was prime minister and during world war ii, she was a driver and mechanic and part of the women's auxiliary and se was a tough woman and women try to balance work and workplace
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and home in the '60s and '70s and she was a young woman, a queen at 24, a mother, a wife, running a country and she did it all with such elegance, such calm, such finesse. she was so stoic and then you think about her with people with ronald reagan, riding horses with ronald reagan and margaret thatcher and another tough woman just as the queen was. she was to me the essence of balance. she's gone through so much in the last few years and yet she remained stoic and kind and apparently a very giving woman, and she is really a -- someone that we can all model ourselves after in terms of her ability to deal with stress and be the woman who can run a house and a country. >> in fact, when you mention margaret thatcher, it makes me think that margaret thatcher and queen elizabeth were the two
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most powerful women in the world. her first official assignment is to take the nation through the funeral process. >> absolutely. something incredibly special for prime minister truss to get that opportunity and can't help think that it was 48 hours later that the queen wanted to be there and it was important to be there and stand with the next prime minister and a female prime minister and welcome her into that role and her duties are largely ceremonial there as with the prime minister. i lived in london for six years and there for the royal wedding when will and kate got married, which was -- you couldn't help but get into it. that's the thing. whatever you think about monarchy and we can have conversations about history of colonialism and all of that, it's special. the place that these royals hold in the hearts of the people in the uk and across the commonwealth is not something to be being apart of it and
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having the opportunity to sit there and kind of see all the bunting come out and the excitement to catch a glimpse of them. i know everyone is sharing all the incredible stories from her life, but i have to say i -- any time that video is circulated of what she did on september 12 where she had them play the star spangled banner after september 11 here, it's just -- you can't help but cry at these kinds of gestures bringing 600 years of tradition to uphold the special relationship that the u.s. and uk has. she really ushered in the monarchy into a more modern era and did it so seamlessly from how she dressed to how she treated people. the way she is with her grand kids, certainly after diana died and with her a great grandchildren, much respect. >> angwill kelly wrote a -- angela kelly wrote a book about the queen and the planning of all the outfits and jesse i know
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thought all day about his outfit and what to wear. the girls have gone on long enough so your turn. >> i don't have as deep a thousands as the girls but we have a special relationship with the british historically and many people are watching and don't really care as much as other americans or other people in the commonwealth, but this is why it's important. many people from great britain came from the united states to columbia lonize it and went to -- colonize it and i understand that and what she represented was more than the monarchy. it was the british empire and at that time. it was the greatest empire in the entire world has ever seen and the united states came and rescued the british from world war ii from the germans and told them to get rid of their colonies and they've lost a lot of power.
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we still have this special relationship with great britain and when a monarch diced like this, americans see the relationship through the eyes of her relationship with our presidents. every president the comes into office they go and they go to london and meet the queen. if you ask the presidents, probably might be one of the most special if not the most special moments of their presidency. she represents more than a prime minister and we don't have people like that anymore and gives you the chills to think about it and rises above politics and republicans and democrats, you admire this woman. if there's a war, controversy, social injustice, she has this graceful way of rising above it and just doing what's best for her people and doing what's best for the world.
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that's something very significant. we don't have people like that anymore and that's the reason people should pay attention to this because we're in a new era now whether we like it or not. >> richard, yeah, there's something about tradition that people tend to like; right. i know you're -- >> i'm a big pro tradition, very protradition. i was struck when you said that doctors were very concerned about her health. she's 96. yeah. >> but they never say that. >> yeah, but she's 96. they were concerned about her health every day. jimmy carter, 97. there you go. she clearly lived a unique life. it's one thing to be a queen, but it's another thing to live to be practically 100. think about that combination. that's like winning the lottery. not only were you royalty, but for a century you were royalty. i would be happy living to be 100 or being the royalty but to get both is incredible. think about it, what killed her? have you thought about that? was it old age or the fact that they stopped her from drinking
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her martinis. this is what i will never understand -- >> did they do that? >> yes! when people get older, they did this with my mother, people get older and say maybe it'll save you a month. she couldn't drink her martinis anymore. that doesn't make you live longer, it makes you think you're living longer because it feels that way. meanwhile she can't drink while dealing with me meghan markle ad that would drive anybody to drink and she can't drink. it would be have been nicer if they let her have her nightly stipple. that was terrible. she had a nonequally charmed life and challenging life at that and looking forward to the new monarchy and is it a woke monarchy? >> lot of climate change. >> a lot of climate change will happen. >> should we all have a martini on behalf of her tonight. >> yeah, pour one out for our homie. >> anybody else have final thoughts? >> the people on tv talking about her personally, one thing i thought was fascinating was
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that they said she had like a funny side, a happy side, and she did that paddington bear skit where she's having tea with paddington bear and at one point she jumped out of a helicopter at like 75 or something. she did something with daniel craig for -- >> for the olympics. >> yeah, she wasn't afraid to mix it up. all the stoicism we saw. by the way, she put the pedal to the metal. i hear she drove like a bat out of hell. >> that's the story with the saudi crown prince and was visiting and women can't drive and she got into the driver's seat and shocked because she was wizzing around and he's -- hiswhizzing around and he's goig through his translator to ask her to slow down. slow down. she didn't slow down one bit. >> it would be interesting to read some of her dires about the time during the -- diaries during the time in the cold war
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and allies trying to find a way to break communism and i was nervous to meet her in 2008 and deputy chief of staff pushed me forward to meet the queen and had a chance to sigh hi to her. >> what is the protocol? >> there's a list a mile long of things you should or shouldn't do. >> just lunge forward. >> what did you do? >> some people had to cur curtey and it was a 45 seconds conversation and president bush brought her a electric vehicle golf cart thing and had the union jack on it. >> that wasn't good as obama's president. all of his speeches on his cd to listen to.
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>> on an i pod. >> you had to bash a democrat. we were having a moment. >> i thought it was a great gift. something i would give to the queen. >> it's amazing how conspicuously silent he's been since her passing. that's an investigative report for your show. >> before that, we have more with the five up next. -b♪ >> welcome back.
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on facebook. surprise surprise the perp no stranger to law enforcement. court records show a slew of chargings in 2020 and he was sentenced to three years in prison but released after serving 11 months in jail. even the democratic mayor thinks the lack sentence is to blame. listen. >> if he served his full three year sentence, he'd still be in prison today and four of our fellow citizens would still be alive. >> the charge he was in for, judge, it was an attempted murder charge, wasn't it? >> yeah, and they reduced to aggravated assault. the sentence was three years. he came out after 11 months. you see, tennessee just three months go past the truth and sentencing law. i found this out when i was first a judge. i would sentence someone to x number of years and they'd be eligible for parole and i'd get
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the request saying i just sentenced that guy. there's no truth in sentencing in most states in this country, there's a benefit given for good time, whatever the hell that means like if you don't stab or shiv your neighbor and attempted murder down to aggravated assault and we're taking plea bargains like crazy because they don't want to try cases and like the sucker punch in new york was an attempted murder and now down to misdemeanor and misdemeanor the most he'll serve is a year and he won't serve that. now what we've got to understand is the criminal justice system is not just broken from the offenders being released as soon as they're arrested but it's broken because of plea bargains, because of parole, probation. when someone is put on probation, they're in touch with their probation officer, i've got news for you. what they do is if they're lucky, they call up the probation officer loses them and
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doesn't file a file of probation. the whole system is broken and the only question is how long will it take for the pendulum to swing back where it needs to be and that is where there's consequences and let me say, i'm sorry, just got to say one more thing, the memphis case, the eliza fletcher case, the teacher kidnapped and murdered. this guy cleotha whatever. he should never be out. the public needs to understand, there's some people that do not deserve to live where law-abiding people live. because they have exhibited so much violence, so much disregard for the life of other people that they don't -- they shouldn't be with us. we did it with pedophiles in new york. i fought for the law in new york so that if you got a pedophile that served his time, all right, then you say, wait a minute, they're pedophiles. they're going to come out and reoffend. there's a law in new york which allows them to put them into a
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secured hospital where they can't get out because they are so obsessed, they're only going to molest more children. we need to do that with these reoffenders. >> this is a mass shooting. you don't really hear the same level of left wing or media outrage for this, do you, greg? >> you can't because the dems are busy creating a idea of civil war. there's violent crime released by violent criminals and basically politicians and political leaders are playing russian roulette with the public and they're dropping these bullets into society and it might hit you, who knows. we don't -- the thing about this, we don't have to gin up a fantasy war. you don't need hyperbole when a woman gets pushed in front of a subway. that tr trumps trumpee es and tt
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trumps january 6 and there was a machete tee attack in new york city. i repeat, machete attack in nyc and repeat attack by a repeat offender who was released after a machete attack and she was only 20. my question is, and it's like the judges, when do you start charging d as and judges with the crimes that the people they release commit because you got to tie the consequences to their decisions. >> yeah, we know the judge who was involved, we know the da who was involved. you don't plea down an attempted murder one to 11 months. dana. >> there was a election earlier this summer in that county for da and more conservative person lost the race. i don't know all the particulars of that because it's interesting when you have local crimes like this one, something like what happened yesterday and past three days.
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days in memphis would have made national news 20 years ago but now it's so front and center and what's it like if you're living in memphis. harold ford jr. is from memphis and i was talking to him last night and he said my city is broken and grieving and gripped with violence. clay travis was nearly breaking down in tears discussing the city's violent crime wave and one thing if you take back to the political policy process, the republicans are about to come out with a new, for lack of a better word, contract with america, that's september 19. kevin mccarthy will release that and i read a bit about it yesterday and one of the first tenants is restoring national safety for law-abiding citizens and that should be job number one. >> it would be great if republicans can join with democrats and both be tough on crime. >> absolutely. that was something that mayor mike bloomburg was famous for and created the consortium of
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mayors and talked about gun violence and how to keep the cities safe. what's been interesting to track and i've said this a few times over the last year where you see this dichotomy between what the das are saying and mayors are saying or police chiefs are saying and when they're getting internal pressure from people or from the same party, i wonder if things start to shift. i do think that having this clear line between like what the mayor -- the democratic mayor laid out there, this decision was made to let him out at 11 months and these people are dead because of that or with what happened in new york with sucker punch guy with kathy hochul had to get up there and fix what the bronx da had done. >> she didn't fix it? it. >> she put him back in jail on a parole violation. there was a clear line. it's not we should be locking everyone up and senator cotton tweeted there's an underincarceration problem. i don't think the people think that. >> i do. >> i definitely do but that's just me.
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>> okay. so it is just you. >> and me. >> it's not. the only people democrats want to lock up are republicans. >> that's not true. >> yes, it is. all they prosecute is trump supporters and trump people. >> amen. >> look what the da here is doing and always going after trump guys. maybe if they stop going after trump people that can go after the real criminals. >> we have to leave it there they said in my ear. >> okay. up next barack obama making a big comeback just in time for midterm season. ♪
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it comes just a day after obama made his heroic return to the white house to unveil his official white house portrait. the liberal media gushing like little school children. >> as the nation's first and only black president and first lady, the obamas said those will tell a story and reminder that everyone has a place in this country, david. >> powerful day. >> obstructing cerumen the screen, it was a warm event -- on the screen, it was a warm seventh event and nostalgia and it was packed and i haven't seen it that packed in a long time. >> former president trump did not invite obama. this moment particularly po poignant for the first black president and first lady. >> can we see that portrait of former president obama and i
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find this striking. can we see it there. what's missing? his background. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. i think we can send -- we should end this segment right now. i need to go to the bathroom. >> like wipe my skype room giving him a zero. that was a terrible joke. >> i love it, the delayed horror. >> i get it, it could have been something sassier. >> it's never that easy with greg. >> he's kenyan, whatever. >> yep. >> you didn't say it. >> no, he made me say it. just whatever. requisite, liberal, fan girling. i was really so pleased to see them back in the white house yesterday. it was -- what? you can larra laugh about it. he means a lot to the party. the portraits were gorgeous and
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they were funny and sweet and michelle was the one conveying the heavier message in all of it about the threats we're facing today and you could have put me in the montage. >> looks like they're your royalty. >> you'd like king obama. >> isn't that what he already was? >> yeah, maybe where he was from. we'll be right back. judge, i think he's going to speak about -- isn't he also going to talk about extreme maga republicans? is it wise to pile in on this -- >> think think it's a winning message and they've got to do something because they can't talk about what they did. when i was listening to the reporters, it was a powerful day and biggest celebration we've seen in the east room. it was exciting. what was so powerful? they had a painting. i get it. they're happy to see them. i'm happy to see a president that can complete a sentence. really, i was happy to see him
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back too. >> yeah, that's true. jesse, do you -- there's two camps here. is there a broman ce between o and joe or a feud? does joe remember him? >> that's a good question. >> i find it weird to talk about guy's relationships. there's no broman ce, they just work together. >> that's like you and me. >> actually, that's a bromance. bush, cheyney, pence, trump. no bromance but the democrats always romanticize things. it's like they have lunch dates and make friendship bracelets. women always do it. go out for drinks with your are friend, greg, guy friend, and come back and your life will be like, what do you guys talk about? i don't know. how is he? he's fine, i guess. what you'd guys do? we watched the game.
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isn't that cute. >> you brought this back to the a block who was talking about royalty and who wasn't. >> yeah. >> we were like sitting here going like what do we say? you guys were like, all in. it was like you could have talked -- we could have done three hours on it. >> we did our assignment. >> yes. >> that's true, you did do your assignment. we should blame megan, our producer. >> yeah, blame her for sure. >> do you think -- do you think he helps the democrats get out to vote? >> i was astonished by the obama news. i thought that everything was turning around for the democrats and thought everything was great. i thought they're passing all those legislation and gas prices are ticking down and inflation is ticking down. why do they need obama? arguably you could say if you're the biden team, they've had many more legislative accomplishments than obama did and he had 60 senators. believe me, in the feud, those
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playing out behind the scenes if you see the private text messages, the biden people were picking up on that and lording it over the obama people quietly. >> oh, interest. >> spicey. >> uh-huh. >> maybe not. i don't know. intrigued. palace intrigued. i just learn that had. up next, liberal intolerance getting worse on campus as conservatives say they're too afraid to speak their minds. ♪
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conservative speakers from campus according to a new poll. it's no surprise when this is how libs have acted in the past. >> yale has a policy of freedom of speech. [inaudible]. >> and worse yet, 42% of conservative students feel like they can't even express their opinions freely. only a small fraction of lib rams say the same. all right. jesse, what about the fact that you've got 63% of students fear reputational damage if they actually say what they think in college. i mean, when you think about it, college is supposed to be where you go to learn and express. >> yeah, when i was in college
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in the late 90s, i didn't talk politics at all. we didn't have lightning rod speakers, they bring in some boring poet to the library. no one even showed up or cared. the only thing that broke through when i was a school was lewinsky and that was just funny. then the 2000 election and i remembered i was for bush and my buddy was for gore and bush won and i rubbed it in his face and we went outs for drinks. there was no vitriol. there's no politicizing things and now you walk around with a certain outfit or haircut or gender and you're oppressing someone. you can't be a conservative and you're a fascist now. the secret is all conservatives in college all they want to talk about is policy. we just want to talk about policy. don't talk about taxes or the border or trade. crime. we want to talk about that . they just want to put us in
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prison. that's the difference. >> we're back to that. >> you do. >> dana, thinking about berkeley that was the start of free speech and the college that's worse for free speech in the country is columbia. >> i believe that. >> in new york city. >> greg went to berkeley and he can speak to that. i don't remember ever having -- either thinking t -- i was a conservative or liberal when in college. i hear when you give a speech and take questions from the audience, there's a lot of times you'll get a question from somebody saying my daughter is really concerned, she's o at a school and feels like she has to keep to herself and can't express herself. it's sad and i find myself without good advice. partly it's that it's unfamiliar to me. i'm also afraid to give the wrong advice if i say just express yourself. who cares. it doesn't matter. that's not necessarily, i don't know if that's the best advice because i'm not living in that world where you could end up
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either canceled, friendless, or else. then i think it leads to more self-sorting so you'll try to find a place where where are the conservatives going to college or where are they deciding to work and you get even further segregation, that isn't good either. >> that isn't good, greg, since you went to berkeley, what do intriago to tell us? how do you feel about your old school? >> first, i'd like to make a sweeping generalization, something i learned from jesse, did you notice how physically un-attractive angry protesting students are and is it a chicken or egg thing? they're so angry because they're un-attractive or does anger change your physicality because they believe that the esthetics of beauty is a patriarchy structure and self-fulfilling prophesy and never have a happy life if they live in that world. >> i thought a lot about it. >> when you do lots of peerings of your body or die your hair --
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piercing of your body and die your hair and deform your body, you want to deform your body and face. >> i feel people lost track of what that beauty is truth and in truth is beauty and go down this bad direction. there's a flip in american culture to speak about the berkeley thing. the right is the party of free speech and the left is the sensor. they make joe mccarthy sound like abby hoffmann. joe wasn't trying to sensor people and chasing communist and in this case, you can't have a debate anymore because they claim you cannot debate a side that is dangerous and harmful. they're not eligible for debate. they canceled a conference because republicans were there and don't oppose viewpoints and it's hate speech or disinformation. >> jessica, it seems like the
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younger generation now is accustomed to which one and it's danger in certain environments and a lot goes back to poor civics education and not enough emphasis on the rules of the road and speaking about the first amendment and what real life will look like and it's a strange job for a liberal that i sit around with conservatives every day and talk about issues and not saying you have to go and do that. some of the most interesting relationships that i've had throughout my life is people with a differing viewpoint and if he can be else is the same and i want it to be the same how much we love barack obama and the queen but other things, you want to have divergence of opinion and a bit of friction there and also you won't get behind sided by the way when an election doesn't go your way if you've spent time talking to somebody who thinks differently than you. i mean, night of the 2016
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election, i was not happy, but i wasn't completely stunned that something like that could happen. >> friction is a little fun, isn't it? >> you're sick. >> it can be. what you said about ugly people was awful. [inaudible]. >> in beauty there is truth. >> i love ugly people. i'm one of them. >> amc protested and got fake arrested. she's not ugly. >> that's true. thanks a lot. up next, shannon bream taking over as the new anchor on fox news sunday and she's here next. ♪
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when a truck hit my car, ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou ♪ >> she's living the bream. shannon bream ready to rock america being the first woman to rom the sunday fox news. it debuts this sunday and first guest lineup is senator tim scott and former baseball star andy pettit. shannon joining us now to tell us all about it. congratulations. >> thanks, jessica. great to see you. we're in talks with the white house as well to decide who's
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going to be the other side of that conversation of course. much of the show is up in the air this afternoon as we're all dealing with breaking news, but we'll have a heavy focus on 9/11 and the queen and her legacy and remembering the moments when she was so supportive of the u.s. including on 9/11 that goes down as one of the most brutal days in our history. the queen stepped up to be a great ally. >> shannon, we are all so excited for you. we all love you and we're thrilled that you're taking the helm as the first woman to do this by the way also. >> thank you, judge. >> greg is laughing. what do you say to young women. >> i'm grateful to the women trailblazers before me and so many that really fought in this
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business so that when i got there, there was all kinds of opportunity for me so outwork everyone else, outhustle everyone else and you'll be ready when the doors open. >> awesome advice. jesse. >> sounds like you're really going to be an aggressive booker because that's what you have to do on sunday, that's what i've heard. how aggressive will you be? will you be showing up at john pedustas house knocking on his door? what are the ground rules, shannon? >> one of my favorite things is super old school because i'm an old lady at heart. i love handwritten notes so i've done that to a number of justices, attorney general, merrick garland and i've confirmed they've been received. i just like it being an old school polite way to reach out and be apart of the story and your voice is important in the conversation. here's my phone number and call me and write a handwritten note back and maybe a pigeon can deliver it. >> how do you train your body from being live at midnight to getting up early and how does
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your dog biscuit feel about it all? >> i'm flipping my switch to be dana prino morning woman and you're great at capitalizing on the morning hours. >> terrible at night. >> that is true. i know that to be a fact. when i went to get biscuit for her walk at 6:30 instead of 9:30 a.m., she was like what's going on. she's very supportive. >> greg. >> well, congratulations, to evil shannon bream. glad i had a role in this promotion. with a promotion like this, you get a lot of perks. you get more demands and i was remembering how your predecessor chris wallace had a mini fridge that kept his toupee cool before the taping and do you have any similar demands or anything you need to do the show on sunday? >> i prefer my toupee at room temperature so the mini fridge is not a situation for me but it'll be about m m&ms and i'llt
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nongreen colors too. >> congratulations, shannon. we'll all be watching on sunday. >> see you sunday. >> one more thing is up next. ♪ . . 've been everywhere ♪ ♪ ♪ subway's drafting 12 new subs for the all-new subway series menu the new monster has juicy steak and crispy bacon. but what about the new boss? it looks so good it makes me hangry! settle down there, big guy the new subway series. what's your pick?
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♪ ♪ >> dana: time for "one more thing," greg. >> greg: i am going to prey moat my show great show 11:00 p.m. emily compagno in for kat timpf who is still on her honeymoon. >> jesse: didn't she get married a while ago? >> covid. charles hurt hair and a beard. corey deangelis behind school choice thing. and tyrus. >> jessica: cancel him. >> dana: i woke up this morning to check my iphone and first thing i saw was my memory of the day and this happened a year ago
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today you might remember this if you watch "the five." >> dana: you have something new coming yeah, and now the audience knows. [laughter] >> jessica: so i'm pregnant. [laughter] >> greg: nicely done. >> dana: the video of jesse absolutely crying with laughter. i still cringe when i think about that. in my defense jessica was six and a half months pregnant at this time. >> jessica: heavier no one ever said you look enormous. there she is. she is gorgeous. >> jessica: nine months. >> dana: happy anniversary. awkward moment with jessica indeed. >> jesse: yesterday we showed the guy smashing tennis racket. look at this shot at the u.s. open. back. [comeers] jess winner, cross court. nice drop shot. not good enough. i can't pronounce the guy's name. >> greg: doesn't matter.
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>> jesse: actually carlos. great shot, carlos. tonight on "jesse watters primetime" johnny hit the beach to ask people how they felt about biden calling them fascist. >> joe biden also called trump voters fascists. >> i guess i'm a fascist. >> watch out joe biden we have a fascist on the beach. >> no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. >> jesse: that's johnny on the beach. >> dana: judge? >> judge jeanine: not unusual to see a boat being towed in traffic. what is unusual is what people in australia saw last week that's the guy in a motorized wheelchair pulling a boat in traffic. unfortunately, it's illegal to paul motor -- to pull a boat in traffic in a motorized scooter. and the driver is currently being sought by local police. >> come on, guys. >> we in america applaud his spirit of innovation. >> good job indeed. jessica? >> unlikely pair played a game
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of fetch together after a seal noticed a job being chased by owner. isn't that adorable? the next toss at the california beach where the video was captured. the land puppy and ocean puppy raced for the ball in stiff competition. >> the dog got the better of the seal this time around. i'm sure he will be there for a rematch. >> dana: that's a great one. that's coming through with a good video. >> dana: more on that tomorrow. that's it for us, everyone. "special report" is up next. hey, bret. >> bret: hey, dana. thank you. >> dana: you bet. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. breaking tonight, you are looking live at the british embassy in washington. president biden just made an unscheduled stop there with the first lady to sign the condolence book there. there you see the ambassador karen pierce, the british ambassador to the u.s. again, that's at the u.k. embassy. the british embassy here in washington. the world, obviously, is are racketing to the death of queen elizabeth ii. the british monarch died
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