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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  September 8, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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♪ ♪ >> bret: condolences and tributes around the world for coming days. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. >> jesse: thank you, bret. ♪ >> jesse: fox news alert, queen elizabeth ii died peacefully in her castle in scotland this afternoon at the age of 96. before her passing she was visited by friend and family who traveled far and wide to say their last goodbyes. and in a fitting tribute, a double rainbow hung over buckingham palace as mourners gathered outside to honor her life. her son charles will now succeed her and become king. elizabeth led the british monarchy for 70 years. the longest run of any king or queen in british history.
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though her public schedule was greatly reduced in recent months, she met with new prime minister liz truss just two days ago. but sadly her passing is the closing chapter of a now by gone era. her reign is the connective tissue between generations, presidents and prime ministers came and went. the queen elizabeth stayed constant always managing to stay above the political fray. she was the first thrust into the public eye during world war ii while still a princess. though just a child, she didn't flee the country as nazi planes blitzed london and she saw the devastation of those attacks firsthand. those horrors clearly affected her and forged her commitment to a life of service. >> i declare before you all with my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and to the service of our great imperial family. >> jesse: speaking of that imperial family, the queen
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helped accelerate diesel ration ever the british empire. during the 1960s and 70s 20 countries gained independence from britain as a plan transition to self-government. lots of lefties on twitter crying today about the horrors of colonization, yes, there were some horrors, it's important to remember the positive and stabilizing effects that the british empire left on the world. english institutions, such as common law, property rights, along with banking and trade practices led to incredible economic growth in the cyclones that continue to this very day. not to mention great improvements in health and education. america, of course, is a former british colony and as such we have a unique connection to england and the royal family. we have a long shared history of britain. we have very similar values and carry ourselves with a very similar sense of purpose. as queen, elizabeth cultivated that special relationship between britain and america.
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elizabeth's reign lasted 14 american presidents from harry truman all the way to joe biden. and she met with all of them aside from lbj. she had a great relationship with richard nixon. so much so that tricky dick was openly scheming to set his daughter trisha up with prince charles. she visited gerald ford at the white house to mark the 200 year anniversary of the american revolution. they cut a rug quite nicely. she was, perhaps, closest with ronald reagan. they bonded over their love of horseback riding and worked closely as cold war allies. >> unhappily, subsequent events have continued to put our values and our ideals to the test. we have seen continued war, terrorism, and human oppression in too many quarters of the globe. we are challenged to restrain and reduce the destructive power
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of nuclear weapons. yet, we must maintain our strength in the face of the enormous military buildup of our adversaries. >> jesse: reagan even invited the queen to visit him in san francisco where she had a little fun at the president's expense. >> i knew before we came that we had exported many of our traditions to the united states. but i had not realized before that weather was one of them. by far the most important idea which we share is our belief in freedom. we are deeply grateful for the unstenting contribution of the united states to the maintenance of the western alliance. >> jesse: bush 41 and wife barbara welcomed the queen to the white house for a state dinner in 1991 and then took her to a baseball game at baltimore's camden yards. she continued that special relationship with bush 43, visiting with each other multiple times.
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>> mr. president, whether i should start this toast saying when i was here in 1776. [laughter] [applause] >> over our six days in the united states, we have much enjoyed the chance to dwell on the history of the relationship between our two countries. as well as celebrating its present strength and vitality. >> and when america came under attack from radical islamic terrorism, she showed her undying support for our country with this very thoughtful gesture after 9/11. >> we are told that at the request of the queen the guard band played the star-spangled banner. let's listen. ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ >> jesse: obama said that the
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queen was one of his favorite people. but he also gave her an ipod with his speeches on them. interesting choice of gifts. but, their special relationship did bring us this fun and little awkward moment. >> to her majesty, the queen. to the vitality of the special relationship between our peoples and in the words of shakespeare, to this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this england, to the queen. >> jesse: did not nail the toast. joe biden famously said the queen reminded him of his mother, which i guess is a compliment. he visited the british embassy in washington this afternoon to sign her condolence book. but few presidents enjoyed their trip to buckingham palace more than trump who fell in love with the pomp and circumstance. and there are some people who say that the queen never had a
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better time. >> there are those that say they have never seen the queen have a better time, a more animated time. we had a period where we were talking solid straight, i didn't even know who the other people at the table were. i never spoke to them. we just had a great time. >> jesse: and leave it to donald trump best sum up what the queen meant to america in england. >> from the second world war to today, her majesty has stood as a constant symbol of these priceless traditions. she has embodied the spirit of dignity, duty, and patriotism that beats proudly in every british heart. on behalf of all americans, i offer a toast to the eternal friendship of our people, the vitality of our nations, and to the long cherished and truly remarkable reign of her majesty,
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the queen. >> jesse: turn to karl rove former deputy chief of staff for george w. bush and was with the former president when he met with the queen. so, karl, tell us what that was like behind the scenes with the queen. >> well, president bush was the second american president to be invited by a british monarch to stay at buckingham palace. and in november of 2003, he went there for almost a week. and she was a wonderful host. and more importantly, she was a remarkable leader. for seven decades, the symbol of the united congress dom and an important advocate of western values at the heart of the united states. she was a wonderful hostess. better than any hotel room i ever had. my room was located right next to the center room which the balcony is where the royal family appears.
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when they go out and wave at the are they center room. i did participate in creating almost an international dispute between the united states a andiated britain unintentional faux pas. they sent over diplomatic official from the embassy to say okay we are going to have a departure ceremony and the president and first lady will go first and then the five aides who are in buckingham palace with the president. you are going to walk across a short stage. you will say the following words to the queen and her consort. she will pro-offer you a gift, a memento. you say thank you, mum. and walk on by. remember, there are 100 cameras and don't make a scene. the morning when i got up to get dressed, my valet, felipe steinkamp offered, you know, had laid out my clothes. somewhere between the dryer and
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buckingham palace one of my balled up stocks made good escape i only had one sock. this was going to be a problem because it was visible that i only had one sock. i attempted they gave us a military aid major duckworth chad and he said well i would be happy to give you my socks take off my boots and give you my socks but they are white and that would create a problem. i ran downstairs. you saw the queen walking up the stairs they are called the georgian stairs. i'm running down them. yeah, that he was my foot right there. my naked foot. and i went to the president's apartment and said to his valet sam, who traveled with him. can i borrow a pair of the president's socks he said i just sent the president's luggage to the plane 15 minutes ago. i went back upstairs to the center room. we had 10 minutes to go before the departure ceremony. i thought about not going to the ceremony and major duckworth chad said you have got to go. at that moment in walked glep stein worth with a giant tray with a giant launch on behalf of
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the majesty the queen the commonwealth and we -- it is our privilege to prepare you with a pair of the royal socks. and underneath the launch was a pair of socks, and five minutes later i'm walking out of buckingham palace, thank you, queen, wonderful socks. >> jesse: socks were under the claunch. >> this was a remarkable person. if you are merely in her presence, you understood ther is serenity, the power, the love of her country, the love of the special relationship that great britain has with the united states and what a remarkable figure of stability she was for not only her kingdom but for our entire relationship in the western world. >> jesse: thank you for your beautiful words and your very entertaining story. karl rove, always on the precipice of causing an international incident. >> exactly. >> jesse: let's turn it over to editor for daily charlie langston who can report
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on where the united kingdom goes from here. so what do we see now going forward? >> what we're going to see for the next 10 days is a very specific set of processes that will begin tomorrow when charles officially ascends to the throne. now, charles became king charles iii as soon as his mother died; however, he will officially ascend in a more ceremonial manner tomorrow. he will then embark on a tour of the four different areas of the u.k., wales, scotland northern ireland. while all of this is going on. queen elizabeth's the second's body will be transported by train first to edinboro where it will lie in rest at hollywood house for one day it. will then be transported back to london. it will rest in the throne room at buckingham palace before it is transported to westminster where it will lie in state for
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several days before the funeral funeral will take place 10 days after the queen's passing. we can expect before then to see lots of different rehearsals, many different setups, we have already seen scenes of incredible mourning and outpouring of sympathy from members of the public crowds of thousands gathered outside of all of the palaces really are a testament of the incredible amount of emotion and grief that has taken over the u.k. right now. >> jesse: going to be tough for everybody in the family especially with all the internal drama they have a stiff upper lip as the british do and pull together and make it through. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> jesse: next, a democrat politician is arrested for murdering a reporter.
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>> jesse: growing up we had big dreams some reached for the stars and said they would be an astronaut and even president one day. others wanted to join the police force and be a firefighter inspired by the men and women who put their lives on the line for them every day. some of us wanted to play professional football but early on we realized we didn't have the athletic ability. so some of us decided to be journalists. it's not the easiest job but it beats digging ditches. but during the trump years, if you tuned in to cnn or msnbc, you would think journalists were risking their lives. >> he threatens the safety of journalists? >> well, certainly journalists are having a tough time at his rallies. >> the president throughout fake news and enemy of the people at
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the beginning to taunt and troll us and that has essentially got out of control some of those reporters feel it's okay it lash out at us in ways that i think put us in danger. >> of course donald trump would kill reporters if he could get away with it. >> jesse: of course. trump called jim acosta show boat and the media acted like jim was wounded in battle. they said trump declared war on the media. the first amendment was under attack because the white house intern touched jim acosta's microphone, remember? >> if i may. >> mr. president, if i may. >> if i may ask one other question. >> that's enough, that's enough. that's enough. >> mr. president i was going to ask. >> that's enough. >> pardon me, ma'am. >> mr. president. >> that's enough. let's go. >> question i may ask or the russia investigation. are you concerned that you may have. >> i'm not concerned about anything. you may russian investigation because it's a hoax. that's enough. put down the mic. >> mr. president. are you worried about indictments coming down in this investigation. >> jesse: jim acosta almost died
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that day and we will all remember where we were when that happened. did trump ever lay a hand on a reporter? no. this actuallies the closest trump ever came to killing someone in the media. >> okay, question? yeah. go ahead. >> sure. >> she is shocked that i picked her. in a state of shock. >> i'm not thinking. >> that's okay. i know you are not thinking. you never do. >> i'm sorry? >> no, go ahead. >> jesse: but a journalist was actually found brutally murdered. no one even talks about it. on saturday morning, a reporter from the las vegas review journal, 69-year-old jeff germane was found dead outlines of his home. he was left to rot in the scorching las vegas heat with multiple knife wounds inside him. who could have done something so heinous? at the time police released surveillance footage of who they believed was the suspect. a man dressed like a woman wearing an oversized sun hat and carrying a giant duffle bag near the scene of the crime. he was also seen fleeing away in
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a maroon colored g.m.c. from the start, this all seemed premeditated. if it wasn't, why else would the person be dressed in costume? and it gets interesting when you learn the journalist who was killed was investigating serious allegations of political corruption. the guy he was reporting on was a county public administrator named robert tell les. germane the reporter was digging deep into corruption and scandal swirling around the democrat's office. he exposed mismanagement in the workplace and financial shenanigans in may germane broke this story that telles was having an affair. he released tid vo of telles and employee in the back seat of a car together. the reporter also exposed telles as a bully and psychopath. the democrat ran his office like a sick little kingdom. here he is denying all of it. watch.
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>> it's not true. it's unreal the lengths that they are going. to say they don't have any qualms trying to ruin my personal life, to get -- to win this race. >> jesse: not too long after this bombshells this democrat official lost his re-election. and he blamed the loss on the reporter. for months, the democrat railed against him on social media accusing him of writing hit pieces and lying about him. the angry tweets were a little much. telles appeared obsessed. sources close to the story tell "primetime" that the dead reporter's investigation was zeroing in on kickbacks that the democrat was allegedly taking. so, telles was exposed and about to lose everything. his wife had left him and probably looking at an indictment. and he blamed this investigative journalist for all of it. it all got even more suspicious when police found out telles had
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the exact same car that was caught on camera the morning of the murder. atelles was caught cleaning that very car a few days after. reporters quickly caught on to all of this and they confronted him at his home. here it is. >> can you comment? >> murder? did you do this? >> why did police tow away your vehicle? >> do you have a comment? >> jesse: a little interesting he was wearing a hazmat suit, maybe that was just a fashion statement or he just got back from a clean-up job. but it got even more serious yesterday after police searched his home and found a cut up sun hat just like the one in the surveillance footage. then they found cut-up shoes with bloodstains all over them. at this point there is more evidence against him than o.j. las vegas ph.d. sent in their tackle team last night to arrest
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the democrat. bringing him out in a stretcher after police say he had self-inflicted wounds. police today came tout to announce they were charging democrat rob telles with the murder of journalist jeb german. >> i'm here to arrest the arrest of had 5-year-old robert telles. he was booked in to clark county detention center last night on the charge of open murder. this is a terrible and jarring homicide, one that has deeply impacted las vegas. >> jesse: this is very serious. a democrat politician looks like he murdered a journalist in cold blood just because the journalist did his job. he took his first amendment rights and his life with a knife. isn't this what the media warned us would happen? didn't they tell that's journalists were under attack? then why of a sudden when a journalist gets slashed to death by a politician who didn't like the coverage, the media can't find any place for this story?
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have you seen this story anywhere? cnn has barely touched it and they didn't even mention the accused killer is a democrat. same with the "new york times" short little story, no mention that he is a democrat. you will never hear about it again a democrat just murdered a journalist. does the media only care that the saudis do it? jamal khashoggi got hacked up and we heard about it for years and he wasn't even an american journalist. now an american politician stabs an american journalist to death in las vegas and the media doesn't talk about it because the politician is a democrat. lieutenant randy sutton is a retired detective and was with the las vegas metropolitan police department for 24 years. so what's the latest on this breaking story? >> well, jesse, this brutal and tragic murder of jeff german i
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liken this to a line of duty death. what jeff german was doing was his job. he was a true real deal investigative journalist. i knew him personally. and he was the real deal journalist. he was doing what a journalist is supposed to do, jesse, tell the truth about holding politicians accountable for their actions. and for that, he lost his life in a very tragic and brutal way. and there is no doubt in my mind that this is a premeditated murder. and if you ask me, i think the death penalty will be on the table here with this brutal tragic death. and my condolences go to the family of jeff it's to the to be premeditation because he had the costume. you don't go out and put a costume together like this guy has got the hat. he has got the outfit and i mean, it's not -- it's not an emotional murder, is it? >> no.
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well, you know, this has the motivations are as old as time here. you have lust and you have power and you have revenge one of the key components was the videotape that showed him getting out of backseat of his car with one of his female employees and when confronted he said he was having a meeting with her. and this was a very powerful -- very powerful moment that was edges posed bye bye -- this was just part of the incredible mismanagement mismanaged to the part, clark county coroner to take over the office and try and relieve the people that were working there of the pressure of working for this mad man who, of course, his democratic primary
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to his assistant in the office who ran because of his absolute incompetence and mismanagement e was losing everything. he didn't take any accountability for himself, of course. he is putting it all on jeff and as a result jeff lost his life doing what his duty was which was exposing this democratic politician and exposing him for what he was. >> jesse: are you surprised we haven't heard more about this in the mainstream media? i know it's getting a lot of play out in vegas. but you are not seeing the kind of massive coverage that you would expect when an american investigative journalist was knifed to death by a politician that he was covering. >> it is incredible, jesse. it is incredible how -- when a
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democratic politician commits a crime or misconduct, it's almost like it's -- it's shoved away in a closet somewhere. and the mainstream media, which is always screaming for accountability from law enforcement, doesn't care about the accountability of politicians. and that's why we see the incredible corruption and incompetence of democratic politicians across the united states leading to other people's death and serious bodily injury because of the policies they put in place. and now you have what is the most dramatic -- the most dramatic thing that could possibly happen in life that is a brutal, brutal murder of an innocent person who is simply doing his job as a journalist, exposes a democratic journalist, dies brutally at the hand of this democratic journalist and
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it's -- it's on page 3 and paragraph that big. >> jesse: yeah. >> it's disgusting. >> jesse: it truly is. we will be covering this story aggressively as it continues to unfold and our hearts go out of to the german family. we love investigative journalism we don't care where, left, right, doesn't matter. we like it. and this should have never happened. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: joe biden called all republicans fascists but do they even know what that means? >> what is fascism? >> um, -- some days, it felt like asthma was holding me back. but asthma has taken enough. so i go triple... with trelegy. with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler,... it's the only once-daily treatment for adults that takes triple action against asthma symptoms. trelegy helps make breathing easier,... improves lung function,... and lasts for 24 hours.
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♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief from over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens, day after day. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. live claritin clear. >> jesse: a mass shooter in memphis killed four people yesterday and injured three others. 19-year-old ezekiel kelly went on a shooting spree that took place across 8 different crime scenes. the mass shooting took 24 hours. kelly killed the victims in a
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store in their car in a driveway. you name it. and the guy live streamed it on facebook. watch. >> this is for real. my momma -- you think i'm playing. this is so real. [gunfire] >> jesse: and kelly has been arrested and he smiled like a sociopath when he was cuffed in the car. and he smiled in his mugshot, too. this is an evil killer that should have been behind bars. he racked up a slew of charges as auto juvenile and then in 2020 he was charged with attempted first degree murder and reckless endangerment and using a firearm with intent to commit a dangerous felony. but he cut a sweetheart plea deal of course. the district attorney at the time amy wire rich and the judge glen wright signed off on a soft plea deal that let this guy walk around and murder four people. one of the victims in last night's shooting was 17-year-old
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cortreia wright. her dad is begging for the end of the violence by baby just turned 17, please, please, please stop the violence. >> jesse: lenient judges and prosecutors are responsible for this. even the memphis mayor is blaming corruption in our judicial system. watch. >> i'm tired of our police officers arresting the same people over and over and over and those people committing violent acts. the problem is not the memphis police department because they are arresting them. the problem is this judicial system that will not punish. that is our problem. >> jesse: clay travis the outquick founder in clay travis and buck sexton co-host. you could take that soundbite from that mayor that the police are arresting the seam people but the crooked judicial system keeps letting them out.
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that applies to every city in the country, new york, l.a., san francisco. it's the same thing everywhere. when is it going to stop? >> it's got to stop and it's got to stop right now. jesse, and i have got a couple of stats for you. memphis last year had 346 murders. the year before 325. to put that into context for you, jesse, the all-time murder high in memphis, tennessee prior to that was 230. >> jesse: wow. >> so we are talking about a massive increase in the past couple of years. and the guy that you just referenced should have still been in prison. he only served 11 months. he was charged with attempted first degree murder and this, jesse, also ties in with what happened earlier in memphis in the last week eliza fletcher, 34-year-old mom is out for an early morning jog because it's so hot here. she has got two young kids. she is a kindergarten teacher.
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a guy pulls over, kidnaps and murders her. and people are fed up with this. we know what the answer is, jesse. i get fired up because i'm from nashville, tennessee. memphis is just down the road from me. and there are so many fabulous people who live in that city. and they are being failed by their leaders, by their judges, by their das. we got to put these violent felons behind bars and we have to keep them there. those four people that were shot yesterday and are dead should now be alive because that killer should have been behind bars and eliza fletcher should be alive, too. because her killer got out early as well. there is a memorial jog. i don't know how many people even know this for eliza fletcher. women all over the country have been terrified by what happened to her because one of the greatests for whether your city is safe or not, jesse is whether women feel like they can be out on the streets jogging, whether
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they feel like they can be out on the streets walking around safely. and almost every city in america right now is failing that basic test. it's an outrage. and we have to fix it now. >> jesse: it's the randomness that's so terrifying. >> yes. >> you can be out with your stroller. on a jog. walking onto the subway here in manhattan and like anything goes. anything goes. >> that's right. >> jesse: let's just say, clay, you are a judge or you are a prosecutor and a guy comes in. he has got a mile long rap sheet and this is an attempted murder one with a gun. that means he shot someone and the person lived. he tried to kill them but thankfully a doctor saved them. and he is out a little bit later. >> 11 months. >> jesse: what the hell is that? >> 11 months. he only got a three-year sentence and he only served 11 months for this. everyone knew this guy was bad news. look, we know the one thing joe biden may have gotten right in
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his entire political career, jesse, was the 1994 crime bill. we know what works. put violent criminals behind bars, keep them there. and higher more police. it's like we don't even know what happened. you live in new york city now. you remember when it was unsafe to be in central park. it's unsafe everywhere now. we solved it in the 1990s. we are have got to do it again. we can't continue. >> jesse: it can't keep happening. it's disgusting. clay, thank you very much. >> appreciate it, jesse. >> jesse: joe biden gave hillary's hatchet man nearly a trillion dollars. what do you think he is going to do with it? and johnny hits the beach to find out what people think of joe biden's ultra maga talking point. ♪
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>> the vine growing on the democratic party for three decades. last we heard from him it was kind of awkward. >> it's been a long night and it's been a long campaign.
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but i could say we can wait a little longer, can't we? [cheers] >> we are still counting votes and every vote should count. >> jesse: podesta is like a stage five clinger when it comes to democratic presidents. you can't get rid of the guy. the man has a nose for money and power. this time he struck gold biden just tapped podesta climate czar not the john kerry type czar a different one. the thing is he doesn't know a thing about the climate. is he a political operative. just because he wears a north face jacket doesn't make him an environmental expert. what does the gig get him? he gets to play around with $370 billion, billion. john podesta who knows as much about the environment as greta thunberg is going to be in charge of handing out half a trillion bucks. why is he in charge of this? well, you do dirty jobs for democrats you know how to wash the money. this would be like handing steve
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bannon $400 billion to restore the second amendment. you think the left would buy that? what makes the appointment even slicker is podesta's ties to china. and his crooked brother tony, a lobbyist, makes millions working with beijing. do we really think podesta is going to plant trees with the money? no, this is the biggest slush fund we have seen ever seen in american politics. they will use your money to buy elections, pay back donors and stuff their own pockets. and when the money is finally out the door, the climate is going to be just the same. the only thing differently maybe your energy bill is going to be higher and there is going to be a windmill on every beach. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden calls trump voters fascists and yesterday hillary clinton doubled down. so how do people at the beach feel about this? we sent johnny to rock away to find out.
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♪ >> what is the biggest threat to america? >> inflation is a big problem right now. >> drugs. >> economy. >> excuse me? >> huh? >> terrorism,. >> donald trump. >> she is crazy. >> biden. >> together. one nation under. >> under god. >> individual. >> i think it's indivisible. >> whatever. >> joe biden says the biggest threat to america is maga republicans. >> the republicans are just people. >> i am batman. >> one day he says them and then he is apologizing. like he doesn't know what he is doing. >> obviously there is a threat in the lower beings that all comes from the top. >> what is a maga republican? [laughter] >> oh, yikes. >> someone who supports trump. >> it's a true american. ♪ that i'm proud to be an american >> joe biden also called trump voters fascists. >> i guess i'm a fascist. >> watch out, joe biden. we got a fascist on the beach. >> no no no no no no no no no no no. >> what is fascism?
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>> what is fascist? >> fascism is a very big word. >> why is joe biden angry all of the time? >> there is a lot going on behind the scenes like controlling him so it's not his own ideas. >> he is miserable. >> the guy don't even remember if when he wiped his ass last. >> what what what? >> he is always screaming and yelling. it's sad to see. >> you have to put your feelings and your emotions aside, right? that's why they don't want a girl sometimes. >> he might be more emotional than hillary. >> what difference at this point does it make? ♪ >> why did joe biden raid donald trump's home? >> that was ridiculous that even happened. >> this is ridiculous. >> they don't want him to run in 2024. >> if it were the other way around i'm sure we would find things in his house, too. >> like hunter's laptop? >> exactly what's he doing. >> where is hunter? >> probably partying. >> we are going streaking! >> he is probably smoking crack somewhere.
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>> in russia? >> he might be in russia. >> he does a lot of foreign deals. >> i'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. >> is that the vice president? >> who is the vice president? >> you got me good. >> who was obama's haven't? >> it was a female? >> no. >> light skin. >> he is in the white house right now. >> and working with joe biden? >> no, he is joe biden. >> you just told me something new. >> everybody is entitled to be an idiot. ♪ >> what do you want to tell jesse watters. >> who is jesse watters? >> is he a fox news host. >> i'm watters, and this is my world. >> don't go anywhere, i'm reading your text messages next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: a little anxious about something, i don't know about you. but probably you agree with me on this. there is a game on tonight.
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of the first football game of the nfl season. i don't know how to watch it. they tell me it's on amazon prime. i said what is that? is that what is amazon prime? the girl goes, do you have apple tv? i don't know. i know what an apple computer is. what is apple tv? reducing amazon prime is the app where i go and watch movies sometimes? is that it, is it that simple? okay, make it simple, okay? i like cable, just keep cable. we have texts, ray of stow, ohio, may we all embrace our own beliefs with the same dignity and grace as queen elizabeth. hear, hear. the media has been talking about the murder, hoping what happens in vegas stays in vegas. well said. angie from las vegas, i live in vegas, and some reporter at that news conference asked the police cheap to leave if the murder was
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trump's fault. accused him of media hate and thought that's why this guy stabbed him. i need will have my producers take a tape of that and bring you tomorrow. jeremy from reno, nevada, whoever signs off on the release of these criminals should be responsible for them. charge that person with manslaughter and they inevitably kill again. yes, the judges and the das are on the hook for a lot of these guys getting out and killing. christine from connecticut, when are judges going to be responsible for leading the violent criminals go? there used to be a guy back in the day, he was pretty good-looking and would run around and then go confronted judges with a microphone at their homes or their offices and ask them why they gave says and that put the fear of god and some of these judges and a button things up and stopped giving such soft sentences, if we could only find someone like that today. carl from ft. myers, john podesta gets half a trillion dollars for the environment, that's a lot of
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paper straws, it's printing that money. cheryl from cape coral, florida, your segments featuring scantily clad women so more than once are not necessary at all and do not make your show better in any way. i can't stop johnny from doing what he does. it's johnny's world and we are all just living in it. that's all for tonight. tucker is next. i am watters, and this is "my world." ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," queen elizabeth ii die tonight, the queen at age 96. the longest serving monarch and british history, born in one world and died in another. it's not easy to maintain your dignity while living in the public eye, most of us could not pull it off or an afternoon. queen elizabeth did it for more than 70 years. i want to ask you all, she wrote


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