tv Hannity FOX News September 9, 2022 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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still do to continue to move forward. >> she's moving forward and continuing to move forward ask with our endorsement. kamala harris 2024 for democratic nominee. we're on her side. have a great weekend with the one you love. see you monday. >> >> sean: welcome to handoutty. we'll out line a far left plan to bollish law and order and empower violent criminals just when you thought it couldn't get
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worse. the economy is in a recession at a 40 year high and gas prices more than doubled and supply chain is a disaster and housing market in a huge tail spin and violent crime on the rise in small towns and big cities all across the country and california, they can't keep the lights on. meanwhile broad europe at war and china threateddenning to blow us up and reunify with our ally taiwan and afghanistan is once again a safe haven for the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11. now naturally according to joe biden and his fellow democrats, maga republicans are the greatest threat to america. that's their primary campaign message. take a look. >> we have a enough republicans to get it past but the truth is
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there's a lot more republicans taking credit for the bill than we voted for. we're building this new bridge here and we're all for it. we'll have an internet. i love him, man. they ain't got no shame. no shame. republicans have awakened a powerful thing in this nation. women. no, i'm not joking. i'm not joking. >> sean: they've got no shame. this coming from the guy that used his own crack addicted son as a bagman basically. a guy who cheated his way through law school and imagine plagiarized his way through the senate and lied about being a civil rights activist and worked with segregationist and stop integration of the public schools and didn't want them to become racial jungles, his words. he checked his watch several times during the ceremony for
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the 13 fallen u.s. service members that were killed because of his botched withdrawal in afghanistan. joe biden has no shame. joe biden has no class, no honor, no dignity, no morals. i don't think he has any clue what day it is, and now he has a barely functioning brain. hillary clinton meanwhile is just desperate for attention. doses anybody really care what she has to say? yesterday she declared that certain republicans have got to be purged much like a disease. she actually said it. take a look. >> for reasons that are really hard to fully understand, there is major political parties who support it and they support and seemingly at odds with democracy at the best thing that could happen for the country and frankly for what's left of the republican party.
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it's to defeat as many candidates they have running now at all levels, national, state, and local and fors them to purge their party of the disease that has spread. >> sean: purge deplorable and redeemable and religion and smelly trump wal-mart shoppers or in this case maga republicans and hillary echoing joe biden wants to purge maga republicans and let's be clear, almost no one on earth actually likes or respects hillary clinton and she's never goon be president. but her remarks perfectly encapsulate what is the democratic party's midterm message. they want you to turn a behind eye to all the violent crime, the failing schools, all the economic suffering of their insane covid policies, their climate cultism, and just focus
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on hating maga republicans and in other words focus on hating half the country and they're in the process of renaming now federal lands with words that don't offend them. 650 renamings apparently. now, don't let them gaslight you. we need this country back on track. that is what is at stake in 60 short days. we'll have more of my monologue in a minute but former chief of staff ryan previs and charlie hurt. ryan, let's get your reaction. this is all they have and nothing positive they can run on and not a single thing. now the question is, will this strategy of slander, smear, besmudgerment and character assassination, will that work? >> it's not going to work at all because i do think that the american people see that our economy is in the tank and gas is up and border is not secure but this is what they've got and they've decided that since they have nothing, they've got
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ridicule and as zelensky, i've been following this thing since obama. alinski said ridicule is man's best weapon and that's what they're doing. they're targeting people, they're polarizing people, they're personalizing it, and they're going after republicans with these insane attacks and when you talk about fascism, put aside the fascism of joe biden through executive order shutting keystone pipeline, shutting down the market and doing all the things he's done. when you talk about purging a party of disease, that sounds like fascist language to me. you have these candidates out there and talk about fascism, mandela barnes in washington running against ron johnson talking about releasing 50% of the state's prisoners. fetterman, your buddy in pennsylvania, sean, is talking
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about releasing 30% of the state's prisoners. it doesn't get anymore wild than that. and finally when joe biden comes to wisconsin and pennsylvania, s as nuts as that platform sounds, those two candidates didn't want to go by joe biden because he's unpopular and the economy is in the tank and people know it. >> sean: charlie, if this election becomes about record high inflation, record high gas prices, record high prices for everything you buy and every store you go to, if it becomes about law and order and safety and security, if it's about education of our kids, if it's about all of these things and not about the attacks and name calling and demonization of any conservative or republican, i say republicans win if that's what they run on. now the question s which side will win the narrative? >> yeah, i think you're exactly
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right about that and that's exactly why you have democrats maligning and insunlight half of the country -- insulting half of the country every time they talk and of course there's nothing in the world that's more fascist than having a president calling half of the people he works for fascist or semi-fascist. or having the former first lady talk about how our voters in this country her political opponents that don't support her are somehow a disease in the country. this is really sick language and this kind of effort to de-humanize people is what fascists do. the only fascists here are hillary clinton and joe biden but you're exactly right. they have absolutely nothing to run on. they control every lever of power in washington. both chambers of congress and the white house. they can run the tables and do whatever they want and what they have done so far has been to destroy the country and you've
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gone through all of the important things whether it's skyrocketing crime, gas prices, inflation, open border, misery around the world, terrorism taking a new route in places like afghanistan. so they have nothing else to run on. but i think you're exactly right. sean. these things, people, it's not just conservatives and republicans who want their families to be safe or want to be able to afford gasoline. democrat voters want that too. and as long as republicans remain laser focused on that and talk about the ideas that we ald that donald trump talked about, then republicans are going to walk away with this thing in two years and republicans are going to walk away even bigger or next month. they're going to walk away with it and even bigger in two years. >> sean: so, ryan, you had great success at rnc chair. what do you tell people running for the house, running for the senate? my understanding is next week
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that kevin mccarthy will lay out his version of a contract with america commitments to america, i like that idea. i like the idea that every candidate signs their name and makes a pledge to do certain things before they run. i would like the senate candidates to do the same. what do republicans need to do to keep the focus where it belongs? >> well, i agree with you too . i think number one, you got to tell people what you're for and a contract with america or a new contract is whatever you're going to call it is brilliant number one and number two, can't let the candidates like mandela barnes and fetterman get away as portraying themselves as something they're not. they're on tv every minute telling people they're mainstream while at the same time they're talking about releasing prisoners and talking about defunding the police and they're on the record talking about cashless bail that people who commit violent crimes should not have to pay a cash bail in order to get out of prison.
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this is what their record is. republicans have to be relentless in what they're for and pointing out what their opponent is for and tell their own story about their own lives and own families and their own squsacrifices and all that toger is important and focus on the grouped game and grass roots. got to focus on absentee ballot, request forms, targeting people, turning out voters and obviously like lincoln said have more ballots in the box than the other guy. >> sean: do you feel the republican party has that technology and compared to compete with the democrats on that level in terms of getting out the vote? >> i do, sean, and i think we've also learn add lesson about voting and election integrity and not waiting unstill after the election to do something about it. i think that's one of the things that's changed overs last couple of years. >> sean: charlie, we'll give you the last word. >> yeah, the most important thing they have to focus on
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personal security, crime, and the economy and the border. if republicans focus on those three things and hit these people as hard as they can about the fact that they have been for open boarders, no bail, lawlessness, they've sported the riots for two years as long as republicans stay on that, i think they'll have a good day in november. >> sean: all right, charlie. thank you. ryan, thank you. also tonight, memphis, tennessee, they are still reeling after a week of unthinkable violence. remember the kindergarten teacher murdered by a career criminal in cold blood. she was only out for a jog. four others murdered after mass shooting from another career criminal and now few fears after two young men film themselves threatening to kill white people in the city at random. violent felons let out of jail because of what, liberal prosecutors and judges and lawmakers are reeking havoc on communities across the country and media mob don't seem to
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care. prime time shows on fake news cnn, msn and dnc totally ignoring the breaking news about the mass shooting that took place in memphis. why is that? because it wasn't a maga republican pulling the trigger? similarly they ignored the story out of nevada and an elected democrat murdered a journalist who's investigating him and abc, cbs, nbc, msn, dnc all failed to mention the murder suspect was a democratic official. would they ignore it if it was a maga republican? why bother if it's not a maga republican. the media mob is so dedicated to attacking conservatives protecting democrats that they are turning a behind eye to a deadly problem in americans with small towns and big cities and as we speak, violent criminals are now roaming free all over the country thanks to the far left policies and by the way, in
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the state of illinois, it is about to get even worse. you couldn't think possible. take a look. >> as of january 1, 2023, the following things will go into effect and people need to be aware. it abolishes cash bail for almost every offense. but this includes kidnapping and armed robbery and aggravated du and i recollects public official and aggravated feuding and alluding and offenders released on electronic monitoring and they could almost drive to arkalaska before we can look for them. denies victims constitutional rights and keep this in mind, businesses and homeowners, officers will no longer be able to remove trespassers from your residence or your businesses. >> sean: is that not madness? ask yourself, do you think law and order is a good idea because
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every democrat running in this upcoming election supports some version of that type of policy. they also support illegal immigration, sanctuary cities and states, that isen 'til the illegal immigrants show up in their cities. in 2019, one washington dc city council woman tweeted "the district is a sanctuary city. that means our law enforcement does not cooperate with ice as a council member i have called for an abolition of ice and wrote dc laws to establish a permanent immigrant legal services fund. but after the latest bus load of migrants from texas, courtesy of governor abbott, the council woman is now singing a much different tune. pretty interesting. take a look. >> it's been said but it's worth reiterating that the governors of texas and arizona have created this crisis and the federal government has not stepped up to assist the district of columbia so we along
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with our regional partners will do what we've always done. we'll rise to the occasion and we've learned from border towns like el paso and brownsville and in many ways governors of texas and arizona have turned us into a border town. >> sean: chicago mayor lori lightweight was panic stricken when buses showed up into the city and sent to suburbs and migrants bussed to chicago and dc over 1.1 million migrants have entered the state of texas alone this year. never mind last year. more former florida attorney general pam bondi, fox news contributor, tammy bruce and pam, i'll start with you as a federal prosecutor. you heard the mayor committing any violent crime, kidnapping,
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second degree murder and no bail laws and police can't do their job. how is that going to end? you don't need to be a fortune teller to figure it out. >> yeah, you don't have to be a prosecutor or cop to figure it out. it'll end in much more violence and, sean, when i was a prosecutor and make our communities safe and the socialists and support your tough sheriffs like chad we have in florida in my condition. you have to -- county and support the great law enforcement elsewhere and support tough prosecutors and get rid of the bad ones and you have to vote them out of office and these mayors and state reps
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who want to create these crazy laws for cashless bail and after 48 hours you still can't violate someone on house arrest. it's absurd and we're going to see so much more violence and we see it's working great in the red states where we have law and order. texas, florida, all the red states where we want to protect our citizens and keep people safe and it's just not happening and it breaks my heart really for the people of this country who have to live in the other states. >> sean: tammy, we haven't talked about it in awhile but decades ago, you were more left and less conservative than you are today. this new modern democratic party of this movement, defund dismantle, no bail laws and this radicalism taking over the democratic party. do you recognize any of this from the time you maybe had some agreement with democrats. >> not really. this is very interesting here and like a lot of my work was
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about domestic violence and that work relied on having relationships with police departments, changing laws so batters could be arrested even if the victim did not want to press charges. it was about working with the justice system to make sure that the bad guys, the people beating up women, the people committing the crimes actually weren't going to be held to account and that really fostered good relationships within the work that i was doing with -- and there's universal agreement and it was not a feminist issue and it was a humanist issue and what we relied on was a justice system and police departments and sheriff departments that understood this and that they were on our side. it is women and families when we see these mass shootings, when we see the dynamic of what goes on, if women are out at the grocery store, women are jogs, women are with their families ad
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when there is a local arena shooter if you will. those women and those children are equally at risk and we see it at the border and children that are being used to when they've destroyed the relationship between community and the police and what we're seeing here is the result of what it tells young people especially is that not only are there no reper suggestions but the people -- repercussions but the people in the community don't care about their own lives and even the bad guys now that police matter and people that care about the future rely on them. if you're d denigrating the pole like the cities and blue states do and that shows that crime is okay and in fact maybe the people who are saying defund the police, maybe it's because they want to be hurt and this is what we've got to stop now because that is a lie and only
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conservatives, concerned democrats and independence and members of the community have got to step up and know you're being lied to that this is partisan. we know that it does not work and it makes lives worse because we have example after examine million in the blue cities. >> sean: it's unbelievable. all the law-abiding tax paying hard working americans now can't walk down the street and it's gotten bad in many parts of the country. pam bondi, thank you. some are trashing the late queen elizabeth ii and incredible low lives you probably wouldn't ♪believe, straight ahead.
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>> sean: welcome to fox news live, i'm in los angeles. king charles holding first meeting on friday and would be queen elizabeth's final engagement tuesday appointing liz truss as prime minister. truss praised the queen during the special session of parliament calling her the "nation's greatest diplomat". normal business in parliament is paused for ten days. generating wind gusts of up to 100 miles per hour and that's not good news for fire fighters working hard battling the fair view fire east of los angeles even more difficult. the storm could trigger flash floods but forecasters are helpful and could also put an end to a ten day heat wave. i'm christina coleman, now back to hannity. >> sean: so, today king charles iii gave his first
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address to the uk as monarch following the passing of queen elizabeth stressing the need for unity thanking the british people for love, support, and vowing to rule with loyalty. sadly the unhinge woke left can't help themselves and using the queen's death to launch baseless smear campaigns against the entire royal family including this tweet from a professor at carnegie melon. i heard that a thieving giant empire is dying and may her pain be excruciating and twitter took the tweet down and the professor doubled down on this posting saying if anyone expects me to express anything but disdain for the monarch who supervised a government that sponsored the genocide that massacred and displaced half my family, well, you can keep wishing across a star. the mob and the media, they're
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using the queen's death to spew even more hate against the royal family. take a look. >> you played a clip of her in cape town in 1947 in south africa. that's the year that par tide took effect in south africa and british colonialism ushered in and she had presided over it and had a terrible effect on much of the world and people revolt from it. it's something -- there's a weakness in the american character that yearns for that era of hereditary privilege we escaped from it. >> there's an understanding of how much money the royal family made from slavery, they're involvement in clonallism and calls for reparations. >> if you really think about what the monarchy was built on, it was built on the backs of black and brown people.
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she wore a crown with pillaged stones from india and africa. >> sean: here with reaction author and fox news contributor douglas murray with us and fox news contributor and the guy that needs his own media show here on fox. joe concha. by the way, he will be cohosting the big saturday show this weekend right here on fox, which i'm glad to see. joe, let's start with you. even in death, a woman that served 70 years, the longest reigning monarch, she took the throne at the age of 25. what is it specifically that brings out all of this hatred of the left towards her? >> no class and no shame. i think the start, shawn, and look at queen elizabeth and took to the throne when harry .s true truman was president and she's only carried herself a class and
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dignity and you read those tweets that were completely vile and almost to the year 2020, sean, when the same carnegie mellen freaked out and he was named a senior fellow at university and something like almost 300 faculty and staff signed an open letter pleading with the university to rescind the appointment and now after one of the professors tweeted what she did about queen elizabeth ii not long after she passed away and same faculty and staff members are silent and university doesn't appear to reprimand this person in any way and the washington post in the obituary of the first lady. nancy reagan had an un-denial knack for controversy and extravagant spending habit during a time of huge unemployment and this is a
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freaking obituary. no class or shame and even moments after somebody revered passed away at the age of 96. >> sean: may her pain be excruciating and there's people i don't particularly like on this earth. i can't imagine ever, ever saying something like that upon the death of anybody. where does that come from? >> sean: i mean, it shows nothing except the extraordinary ignorance and evil of these people. the ignorance of what you've just read out from various nonentities. they know nothing about colonialism and the late queen's work. if the queen resided over this, is wasn't a genocide dallas cowboys empire and there'd be no
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one alive if it was a generalcidal empire and why would all of the heads of the commonwealth countries have all been in mourning in the last 24 hours. what we see here is very vile, evil-type of person who's very ignorant and lux lux enjoys ther ignorance and the life of service and dignity that queen elizabeth had and demonstrated. she was an extraordinary monarch, extraordinary woman. a great mother, grandmother, mother to the nation. somebody who had a store of wisdom and knowledge and dee sen seizure disorders and service including sacrifice of a kind that many people still admire but too few people still have. we live in an age where everybody moans and thinks about about them and throw out the ignorant opinions and have no idea of what it is like to actually serve your country and to do what the queen said she
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would do as a girl and give her whole life to the service of others. that's what we should remember and i hope these chattering figures never detract from the life of service of the late queen. >> sean: no class. period, end of sentence. at all whatsoever. anyway, thank you very much. douglas, joe, great to have you. coming up, democrats running for the senate could not be anymore radical. it's only 60 days from the midterms and their positions on key issues are downright scary and we'll tell you everything, every position that they're taking, what they are so you are an informed voter come november.
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ever, democrats are running the most extreme, the most far left, the most radford dallas cowboys candidates of any election cycle i've ever covered and by the way, in key swing states like pennsylvania, georgia, wisconsin. far left candidates doubling down on pro crime open boarders, green new deal, socialism agenda. for example in wisconsin mandela barnes wants to release half oturu prisoners across the state of wisconsin. he wants to give illegal immigrants dri driver's licensed in state tuition and abolish the filibuster and let prisoners vote. down in georgia, rafael warnock has a history of extreme radicalism and attacking the police as thugs and even worse and comparing to thugs and gangsters and crt in schools and kind words of the like of fidel castro and praises anti-seek
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stority seminis and -- anti-race and he wants to pack the courts and the great state of pennsylvania, well, phony, spoiled, never had a job, trust fund brat in a hoody and tattoos. john fetterman never had a job in his life and wants to legalize drug dens, supports amnesty and reduce pennsylvania's prison population by at least a third and wants to eliminate and put a moratorium on fracking and faze it out and doesn't support american independence and continues to suffer following a stroke back in may and won't answer a question about his single health and dr. oz is making it clear debates need to take place before any votes are cast, and that needs to happen in all of these states. joining us now is dr. oz along with former south carolina governor nicky haley joining dr.
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nicky, start with you. all these extreme positions and john fetterman has campaigned a whopping 20 minutes in total since the primary. this is the it. voting begins in ten days and how do people in the commonwealth of pennsylvania vote when the guy hasn't answered one question on all of these radical positions. >> well, thanks, sean. first of all, it's total arrogance on the part of fetterman. he thinks he doesn't have to show up or answer questions. but this, if this guy gets elected, this should send a chill up every person's spine, not just in pennsylvania but across the country. the idea that he wants to go and take away law enforcement's ability to defend themselves or defend communities, this is a guy who said sanctuary cities make us all safer not less safer. this is a guy that wants to take away life sentences for murders and release a third of prisoners and i'll tell you, dr. oz and i
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did a couple of different events, the energy for him is great because they're so scared of what fetterman will do but we need everybody in the country to pay attention to this pennsylvania race. this guy makes the left look conservative compared to where he is. it would be a disaster. >> sean: he's to the left of bernie sanders and he endorsed bernie sanders. dr. oz, i mean, you have not had an opportunity to hear him answer a single question. he's talking about a debate in, what, mid october, late october. by that time, probably half the vote will be in in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. that by any measure is not fair to the people of pennsylvania. how come that's being allowed to happen? >> sean, he hasn't offered a debate and beheld at a time and in a place with tv station and hosts and we don't want the details and all i know is i've agreed to six specific debates
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three this month, three next month for the reason you stated and the early folks can also get some informs about where i stand and democracy lives on asking questions of each other and i will do whatever i can to serve the people of pennsylvania when john fetterman agrees to zero debates and shows that i speak and doesn't have interest of the hearts of voters and dodging the debates and can't defend the far left radical vision and put facts on what happens when you have those radical positions and where i am in philadelphia and highest homicide rate we've ever had and number three as a in fentanyl deaths because of position on the border. if you're worried about this, go to and support my campaign. he's getting money because the liberals in california and new york don't know how radical he is. i can't imagine with good conscious they'd support him. they want the 51st seat. they're trying to get a place holder. >> the people in new york and
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california probably would. that's the problem and where the money is coming from. >> sean: he wants to eliminate fracking and energy independence. that's an $81 billion industry in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. that would destroy the economy of pennsylvania. he's never answered a single question, dr. oz. why is it the media are allowing this guy to get away with this? why are they not insisting on answers? >> they're being duplicities and manufacturing a candidate and and they want for their readership to adore and the people of pennsylvania are too smart and get back to the root issue of this and nicky haley and i are campaigning yesterday and talking about the fact we're both the kids of immigrants and believe as do most viewers on
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the american dream, if you work hard and represent each other and serve each other, the country makes you a american. while john fetterman never had that life experience and doesn't respect the american dream and says these bizarre things and i say, folks, if you don't want someone like john fetterman in there, go to my website and it'll destroy the nation. >> sean: governor, there's a dirty bought and paid for russian disinformation russian dossier fed to the media and none was true and reported it as gospel truth and then it was used as a weapon to apply for fiza warns and got 20 and none were true. weeks before the election a laptop comes out from hunter biden that implicates joe biden repeatedly and the media in one void says that's likely russian disinformation. well, turns out it was all true. the impact of the media on all of these races is very real.
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how is it that he's given a free pass election? >> i've said for too long, sean. republicans are too nice. because all they do is whine and plain and don't get out and fight. i was helping dr. oz go against fetterman. these are dangerous individuals if they walk the halls of the senate, we'll have much bigger problems than anything the squad could ever give us so if we really want to see change, we need to go to dr. oz's website, give him money. we need to get our people out to vote and make a change in the senate. we can do this. we got to keep the faith. >> sean: all right, governor, glad you're out there with dr. oz. we've got to smoke this guy out. the people of pennsylvania, whether you agree with me or disagree with me, you deserve answers to these very radical positions. thank you both for being with us. up next, our two tiered system
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want a permanent solution to homelessness? you won't get it with prop 27. it was written and funded by out-of-state corporations to permanently maximize profits, not homeless funding. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations permanently. only pennies on the dollar for the homeless permanently. and with loopholes, the homeless get even less permanently. prop 27. they didn't write it for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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>> sean: now just like we've been telling you, the two tiered system of justice in this country is now undermining faith in our most important institutions. now, this dual justice system is shredding our constitution and we have a politicized fb and i recollects doj that's weaponnized. earlier today donald trump's suit against hillary clinton over the hoax was dismissed with the judge claiming the 45th president wasn't seeking redress for any legal harm all based on hillary clinton's
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bought and paid for dirty misinformation russian dossier and meanwhile today was the deadline for the trump team and biden doj to submit their list of potential candidates to serve as an independent special master to review the documents that were seized at mar-a-lago. he had to break it all down. fox news legal analyst greg jarrett and alina habba. alina, i'll start with you. hillary clinton took this dossier and never verified it and fed it to the media and lied about donald trump and the media ran with it and then the fbi use it had, applied for fiza applications four times, says on the top of the application verified and it was unverifiable and they all got away with it. why isn't she being held accountable for what she did? >> because when you have a clinton judge as we did here, judge middle brooks that i asked recuse himself and he said he didn't need and would be
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impartial and proceeds to write a 65 page scathing order where he basically ignored every factitial basis, which was backed up by indictments, by investigations, the mueller report, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera not to mention durham and all the testimony we heard there, we get dismissed and he says this is not the proper place for recourse for donald trump. he has no legal ramifications. what is the proper place for him? the fbi won't help when you can do anything of justice. blatantly lie to the fbi and sussman gets acquitted and where do you get is that recourse? >> sean: greg, you wrote two number one best selling books about this topic and two people held accountable and the top people involved in this big lie, they never got held accountable. and hillary, you know, she just
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now mocks the idea that she herself had top secret and classified e-mails on her servers and just acts like it never happened. >> yeah, the same time she's now hawking hats that say butt her r e-mails and laughing at everyone and how she got away thanks to her husband, loretta lynch and james comey. when a citizen bring as case against a federal government and employees and federal judges frown upon those things and it appears to me here that this judge in florida want to be both judge and jury and wanted to be the trier of the fact here and he simply states and declares that trump hasn't stated a claim urn the law. he has and there's a plethora of
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corruption and abuse of power by the fbi and employees working in concert with hillary clinton and her accolades. law lesser much warrants and spying on the trump campaign using knowingly a phony bo suspended ands information in the steel dossier and launching criminal investigations of the president and knowing full well there was no predicate everyday to begin with. so i think there's going to be a different opinion by the eleventh circuit court of afeel by review and may well decide to re-instate the case because i do think there's valid causes of action. >> sean: alina, what are other avenues of remedy you might have in >> i have to share with you a story that i have not shared with anybody. the recourse that i have at this point is obviously to appeal this to the eleventh circuit as
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gregg said but when i brought this case and we were assigned this judge and went through the recusal process ask went through reinhart dealing with the boxes and the former president looked at me and told he, you know what, alina, you're not going to win. you can't win and do this case and i said no. we have to fight. it's not right what happened. he was right. it's a sad day for me personally because i fought him on it and should have listened but i don't want to lose hope in our system, i don't. i'm deciding whether we're going to appeal it but i got to tell you, sean, it's hard when you're looking at what's happening in this justice system. >> sean: america better start paying attention. we don't have equal justice or application of our laws and if we allow it to continue, it's only going to get worse. these people are now more elmore boldened than ever.dq alina thank you,ua gregg jarret, thank you.the more hannity straight
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evening. as always, thank you for being with us and making the show possible. site or dvr sehgal never ever ever miss an episode of hannah d . you can get news anytime at or let not your heart be troubled, "th ingraham angle", laura ingraham is at next. ♪ >> sean: thank you for joining us for this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. tucker carlson, oblate. he is going to be here. he is going to reveal what is this simple biggest change and the way americans may have to start living. first, fake versus real, that i the focus of tonight's angle. i decided on friday night it's time to simplify for everybody out there.
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