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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 9, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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with us and making the show possible. site or dvr sehgal never ever ever miss an episode of hannah d . you can get news anytime at or let not your heart be troubled, "th ingraham angle", laura ingraham is at next. ♪ >> sean: thank you for joining us for this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. tucker carlson, oblate. he is going to be here. he is going to reveal what is this simple biggest change and the way americans may have to start living. first, fake versus real, that i the focus of tonight's angle. i decided on friday night it's time to simplify for everybody out there. the democrats are catering, you
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but they want everybody to believe the opposite is true as we approach the midterm straigh for the past month, all we've heard about if joe's suppose it midterm momentum, that he's turned the corner after a rocky summer. of course the opposite is actually true. reuter says biden's approval rating had a pathetic 39 percent . even so they spend it to attack trump somehow. you see how it works, right. democrats have zero compliments to point to end all they have are these lame attempts at messaging their failures. by every measure, things are getting worse in america. but do joe's goons, that just means they have to throw more dirt into the wind hoping you won't see through the haze. the angle, don't worry is here to help you differentiate the real issues facing america from the fake ones the left is raising. first, republicans are
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antidemocracy. >> the new republicans are. they are extreme. that democracy is really estate spirit. >> it's insurrection, this mop that came to attack our democracy. they overhauled their voting system after 2000. they make big changes even afte 2020. they have reasons to actually trust the system in florida, an last time i checked, they count the votes on election night great what a novel concept. >> you can look at any number o different metrics for it right wing extremism is on the rise. there is no question. extremism is on the rise in thi country. it imposes a very real national
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security threat. >> this is a cultural nationalism. it is rising in america. >> false, there is not a single person at the white house, at the dnc, and at the washington post who actually believes that if republicans win in 2020 to and 2024, we will no longer hav elections. it is fascism time and the united states. extremism runs amok for eight i you believe any of that, you ar just a sucker. what about the next fake. that somehow conservative policies are anti- women. >> republicans have been so scary in what they're talking about prey taking away women's rights to vote and women's rights to choose pricking heat women's rights in general are under attack throughout the united states. >> attacks on women's fundamental rights from elected in congress pricking a false, really? women are going to be locked in
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the kitchen wearing aprons. do you think i would be for tha movement? i don't even cook well enough t do that. democrat strongholds, women can't even go out jogging without wearing about being assaulted. how our story that the democrat have caused good for women? some of that is good for living alone. >> the fact is strong women are on the rise throughout the republican party including minority women. there is newly elected by a florist, also in texas there is monica de la cruz, and kathy garcia. in indiana, is vying for a hous seat, a phenomenal candidate
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running to unseat spreadsheet i down just eight points from the latest average, she should be the next governor. the left doesn't consider any o those women, certainly believe in populism or american first policies. there is the ultimate fate. that republicans are racist at heart. >> another vicious smear with zero evidence. if there is racism on the rise and the united states, it is found in liberal policies that disproportionately harm minorities. a bank of an org found inflatio shock of 2021 disproportionatel affected african-americans african-americans hispanic and
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latino community. it's not just the economy, democrats are ignoring the nightmarish problems facing americans which of course the left-wing policies themselves created. mike how government run schools are failing our kids. tilford lockdowns have led to plummeting test scores. of washington, d.c. covid vax mandate is going to prevent about 40 percent of black students from even entering the classroom when they start enforcing the mandate. it's disgusting. >> yes i do to dress up sometimes, but it's that username where this is the only one that actually does make sense.
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>> your public schools are in shambles. they treat parents is the enemies and far left activist i the brave heroes trying to thwart the parents. let me make a prediction, withi the decade, there will be a hug exodus of christian families from public schools. it's just going to happen. another real issue versus other fake scum of the young pigs who are now feeling empowered by democrat policies to go on racist rampages and killing sprees. >> no bacon, no faking. [bleep] >> laura: then will were to copycats to kill a white old lady while grandkids are in the
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car. with the message of, the crime and do no time for it is it any shock that crime is out of control united states? a dangerous shortage of police officers across america, and no of course, crime is creeping into the suburbs. one of the outside of washington , dc. witnesses say gun and hammer wielding suspects waltzed into jewelry store, smashed glass cases and ran out of jewelry. these match and grabs have become an epidemic across the nation.
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>> the democrats are actually making eupora by the day. so if your wages are lower now than they were a year ago, because of the cost of living has gone upward you may be working more than one job to pa the bills and inflation is eating away at your money, at your bottom line. just this week a gala pill revealed a majority of american say inflation is causing them personal hardship. the democrats don't care. of course they never want you t focus on the issue of the biden foreign policy collapse. we are pouring billions of dollars in the ukraine. do i even need to remind you about what happened in afghanistan? of course not.
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we have zero china chatterjee, nothing i can see. democrats are putting us on pas his subservience. instead of as taking charge, or begging them to talk to as. can keep my is that president x will recognize the benefits of getting both of us moving in th same direction. there is no bigger threat. then the climate crisis. >> begging president xi. for choice isn't about choosing or anti- in november, but it's about truth or fiction, real or fake. common sense, or woke fantasies. democrats are guilty of almost every malevolent act that they attribute to so every time the
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left tries to turn their conversation to droning on abou and some in new jersey, maybe they tried to get it to focus o something controversial, link masters and arizona posted year ago. just understand what the democrats are doing. >> distraction. >> either your lives are going to get better by electing republicans, or your lives will continue to get worse by keepin democrats in charge. look no further into how california is doing. they had a chance to recall gavin newsom the governor, but they didn't. now, it is blackouts, crime, an more sanctuary policies for illegals. and don't forget, getting rid o gas powered cars. good luck getting to your two jobs in electric car that you can charge because of rolling
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blackouts. they went fair debate every time . so all of their left with is th politics and demonization. they leave their ridging to relentlessly enforce the narrative of their choosing. we, we can appeal to people on the real issues and eventually reels stomps fake. >> more than pump past elections . this is really about common sense and felt left out a rejection of it. you agree? >> the thing is, there is an norma's disconnect of those in washington and those on the ground. in kentucky, we lost 40 people to severe flooding recently.
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hundreds of homes we're lost. i was just out there, not one person said can you please send more money to ukraine. they said how come we are a ric competent country and having trouble digging our ditches, repairing our roads, another 13 billion after they send this 13 billion, we will send over $50 billion to ukraine and people in eastern kentucky our saying how come we can't repair our bridges, how can we can't repair our roads. i find nobody in kentucky sayin please send more of our money overseas. you've got democrats please sen more money to ukraine. i'm not hearing it at home at all. >> you talk about that disconnect, senator. today, biden with one of his so-called accomplishments.
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>> they are making the javelin missile, that we are supplying to ukraine. senator, how does the productio of the javelin missiles for ukraine help americans? >> i've never really been big o looking at arms programs as job programs. i think that our weapons are uniquely either taxpayer, even the private organizations. they should be something, let's give more weapons to create job by getting involved in overseas. we don't really have the money to do this. we are $30 trillion in the hall hole, and its inflationary. around kentucky and around the u.s. is my gas cost so much we can go on vacation this year. the groceries cost so much bright i'm a senior citizen, my check is getting thinner and thinner. i can't afford to do the things i want to do because of inflation.
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they all instinctively know thi is from the massive debts, the massive borrowing, and the huge covid lockdowns and author states that were foisted upon u by democrats, by biden, by the democrat congress. there is a huge wave building. i think they're still a a huge wave of discontent and people are going to want to throw the people out two because of this inflation. you've got your own race in tennessee, but you've got a healthy lead. >> i'm i can. >> i got you. >> fighting hard in kentucky an things are narrowing across the u.s. we are fighting hard to let
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people know they have a different kind of republican. i kind of republican that also says you know what, i'm going t give money back to the treasure for my office. and not going to spend all the money they give me. my office has given back over $5 million to the treasury. >> that is awesome. i'm going to tweet out your new ad which i just saw, which is fantastic great i don't know wh made that ad for you, but everybody's going to be curious so they will have to go to my twitter twitter to see it. >> are own tucker carlson is next. that for a cleaner future if it's part of a suicide pact rat plus inside his new fox the cul of confusion.
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>> laura: the global elite future vision is known is the great reset rate it started las week just days after california announced that it was going to ban gas powered cars by 2035 ramping it up quickly by the way . the state told residents they needed to start making sacrifices first up, don't charge her electric car because
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it's going to overload the grid. as if that wasn't enough. >> close the blinds and prequel your home, make sure that that thermostat is at 78 degrees. it's going to feel cool beyond words. walked in the 78 degrees and felt like i needed a jacket. >> litt see that video. this as part of a larger and fa more alarming trend because in colorado last week about a 22,000 people were blocked from using their own thermostats, energy customers received messages saying their temperatures we're blocked because of an energy emergency and they couldn't override what they were being set at. the company threatened to do it all over again we've had a hot summer this summer in we're going to see more opportunities for these programs to be used. it is happening across the pond as well. >> we see the global scarcity o
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energy, so what ever we do, one thing is for sure, we have to save electricity. but we have to estimate fit in smart way. >> she is going over fauci ther with flattening the curve. >> this is what happens when yo rely on other countries as your main and gas. their citizens may freeze this winter. then there's the fertilizer issue. all organic in terms of farming. in the netherlands, they are facing the same sorts of issues over in order to cut emission. it sparked massive protests ove
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the summer by dutch farmers and earlier this week, it led to th agriculture minister abruptly resigning. when biden, jennifer granholm and co. say we are transitionin to a cleaner future, what they're really saying is they have added america's name to a growing global suicide pact rat joining me now is tucker carlso host of tucker carlson tonight and tucker carlson originals on fox nation. the cult of confusion is available now for a tucker, we're going. >> you're next series and just moment. these aren't isolated incidents. it's easy to report on them and such for this is happening in colorado, in britain, in france but this is global consensus building that we have to lower everybody's contention in the standard of living.
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you don't have civilization without it. civilizations grow and they contract and without it. they get control of the energy. to someone, that person controls . so energy is controlled, we've had the energy for so long we were energy independent about 1 minutes ago. people don't understand how pressing this is and how close we are to being under cleat complete and total control. it's to limit how far people could travel, maybe someday batteries will be longer mileag bands and so forth, but right now for most electric cars, you can travel 250-350 miles on one full charge. that limits how far people can
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go. that in and of itself is a limitation on the freedom of movement which frankly weren't guaranteed in our founding documents fraid not anymore apparently brett. >> it's an attack on the individual economy. you can only be denied access i california. the grid doesn't work now. know, changing outs, making illegal day gasoline engine the signal biggest change and the way americans will live in our lifetimes. there is no bigger change than this. by the way, electric vehicles are terrible for the environmen fraid i'm not talking about carbon emissions by the amount of mining required to get electric vehicles far outstrips what you need to be a big chevy tahoe. it's only about control. it's called transgressive, the
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cult of confusion. and want to show everybody as sneak peak. >> they because they make empty promises to wounded people. >> it makes you cooler. >> it's harder and smarter than everyone else. >> the promise is very straightforward. all your problems can be solved by changing her body. this is particularly appealing to last teenagers in the evangelist spreading back are o tik tok. >> girls go online and they watch these videos now on tik tok, they are well produced and fun to watch there is promise that if you just start a course everything is going to get a lo better. your anxiety will get under control. your depression, you're going t feel great, and these girls our in a lot of real plaint pain an looking for a solution. >> tucker, this is an issue you and i as parents in americans share some level of passion in deep concern about.
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what did you learn new way and you are making this? >> that children across the country are being sexually mutilated and that none of us are saying anything about it because we're so intimidated by the aggression in the lunacy of the advocates of this in the entire american media and unfortunately every institution into american life has been bullied into shutting up as children aren't mutilated. it's beyond belief it's actuall happening. i think anyone running for office or holding office has moral to punish people who are doing it. no doctor should be allowed to do this ever. in those doctors should be charmed for the crimes they are committing. when you look at what is happening, it just take a look at that. there is no defending it.
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>> they go for this transformative surgeries. you pointed this out. the level of suicide post puberty, ears into their quote transition, that doesn't get discussed at all. at all. cake it none of the details get discussed. a lot of it we couldn't put on television because they are too horrifying. it is increased thousands of percent in the last two years, no. this is the product of a sustained propaganda campaign o social media to lure children into this and then to sterilize and sexually mutilated them. why are we pointing out this? >> i want to thank you for doin this. i want everyone to be sure to catch this series called transgressive, the cult of confusion. tucker come up most importantly thank you for staying up with us . we appreciate it. >> i'm honored to be here.
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>> i don't want to make it out like you go to bed at 9:00 o'clock every night, but it's a little late. and you're at least 42 now. great to see you. >> absolutely, take care. >> what a surprise, somehow biden fumbled his condolences over the queen's death, plus tw gutsy women whine about what as holding them back. raymond arroyo is here with alls the details in friday follies dnext. son tc: mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. song: a1c down with rybelsus® anncr vo: in a clinical study, once-daily rybelsus® significantly lowered a1c better than the leading branded pill. anncr vo: rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. anncr vo: don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. anncr vo: stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction.
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>> former president terms legal team and the justice department submitted nominees for especial to review documents removed fro mar-a-lago. last month the fbi seized 1100 documents. earlier this week, they granted the trump request for a third-party attorney with an independently. president biden will be traveling to the uk to attend
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queen elizabeth's funeral. they declined they details on the trip, but speaking to reporters before heading to ohi earlier today the president confirmed he is going, but revealed that he has not spoken to king charles just yet. back with "the ingraham angle", log on to >> laura: is it really friday? that means it's time for friday follies. for that we turn to raymond arroyo. idem is really trying to, he tried to drum up excitement before these midterms, right? >> the president is literally becoming the harold hill of politics. he warns of random trouble, and
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then he starts rattling off a string of incoherent phrases. veins bursting and the neck, democracy under threat, trump, trump, trump. >> president biden: stood up with her mother with two kid with type two diabetes. i mean it--the last time, the last guy was there? care over his name. democrats, independents in mainstream markup lukens have t be stronger, more determent and more committed to saving the american democracy. you just have to vote. we have to vote. you have to organize, mobilize, get out the vote. >> if harold hill was like you have trouble my friend, rubble trouble in river city, it would just buy beet like harold hill.
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that weird angry turn after he does those really bad jokes. when he said he was that guy before me? i mean it's believable that he forgot the name actually. i don't think that is joke work for. >> when you a 40 to percent approval rating, if got to do what you got to do and that is what biden is doing. his visit to the british embass to express his condolences on the passing of the queen create its own visual commentary about a crumbling empire. this is what it looks like. he looks less vigorous than the queen did in her finely weeks fraid he finally got down to business. >> president biden: can i read the message? >> if you would like to serve. >> he takes a card out. could not write in condolence. he is literally copping the
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message from his scheduled. for stage directions card that he carries with him. you will see it in the close-up. of never seen anything like this . you can write just god bless on the passing, but he can't remember that. he pulls cart out. >> what's perfect is when he continued to ask am i able to write in the book great i was going to correct his grammar, but that is a legitimate question. is he able to write it for the answer is no, without the guardedly spirit he could not without the prompting of the car . the most telling moment was thi one. keep your eyes on the visiting first lady. we were so delighted we got to meet her.
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>> he asked permission for ever movement. can i write the message, can i walk over here? i love how jill kinda pats him on the back like an old pony yo got to take out the pastor. time to go eat your weeds. >> i think when she heard he wa about to reference a joke, and think she was worried of where that joke was going to take the conversation. like that time i sniffed her hair. you don't know what he is about to say perigee's like let's go. let's move onto the shuffleboar courts. here we go come out the door. one political figure at not being stage-managed by anyone i hillary clinton who is everywhere this week extolling the virtues of gutsy women. >> i think a gutsy woman is determined. she makes the most of her own life, but also to try to watch
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whatever skills, talents, that she has. to bring others along. >> she's made a new movie about gutsy women. megan is the stallion in amy schumer were included. that gutsy women that she met, mother teresa, queen elizabeth not included among the gutsy women. at don't know where they got these people or what the criteria was, but i don't also and who made these two that gutsy women. >> while, she said also that it was gutsy, she described it as gutsy that she learned that tango and i believe learn to make some special soup. that is the angled definition angle definition of gutsy conduct. >> then on the view, she gets only referenced the raid on mar-a-lago. >> no one is above the law, and the rule of law has to be our
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standard fare at. >> except when it comes to hillary clinton. her recent tweets trying to tal away those 33,000 e-mails, a 2018 doj inspector found 193 of those e-mails we're classified as confidential or top-secret i worse, the fbi said gained access to the info via those e-mails so she should be carefu about lecturing people about protecting democracy. >> i only have one answer for your very sharp comments about the former first lady. what difference does it make? finally, a big gq puff piece on aoc drop this week great it was kind of like reading celebrity mag from the 50s, someone is a prime mover of legislation on
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capitol hill, she rules the fac that misogyny and patriarchy ar holding back her presidential ambitions. >> that must be it. my favorite quote is the one i will show you this picture because this accompanies it. she looks like a latino wonder woman in the middle of this gq spread, but she says it's reall important for people to feel their elected officials give a [bleep] about them, not from on high, but from the same level, meanwhile she's perched on high on the capitol steps. you can't make this up. >> she looked gorgeous in those photos. it seems like she's on a glide past to netflix or paramount plus or one of the streaming services. >> look out, another goddess on the rise. >> raymond, thank you. awesome to see you, have a grea weekend. the one movie hollywood has bee too afraid to make.
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he is here to tell us next abou my son, hunter. stay here.
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got shady business dealings, i mean, hunter biden's life is basically perfect for a hollywood movie except unlike hunter, tinseltown is never
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going to touch it. my next guest, did. here is an exclusive clip from breitbart's my son hunter. >> telling joe biden the ukrain energy company. at the same time, dp joe's appointment to president obama in the ukraine. the obvious next question is where's hunter? >> okay, may be it didn't happe exactly like this. but it's not metaphorically speaking. >> hunter never went to the ukraine. very don't let that full you. kick it like my dad says, we never discussed. my words as a biden. >> joining me, director of my son hunter, robert, it is great to see you. >> great to see you, laura.
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>> this made me laugh and cry kind of at the same time. i or we do believe that this is authentic, or borderline authentic? how much artistic license do yo use in this film? >> the artistic license is in the lighting and the cinematography, the shots and the satire, some of the other elements, but this script was pretty well researched. he had the laptop, he had beautiful things which we're hunter brightens own autobiography, and the screen writer from the unreported stor society, i've done a lot of research and when i got the fil to direct. as the film says, this is not a true story, except for all the facts. we use a lot of their own words a lot of their own situations, but it's traumatized in a different way and has a
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satirical aspect to it. to get you filmed i know parts of the movie in serbia, and while you were there, you had some fairly interesting visitors ? what can you tell us? >> we filmed it all in serbia because i needed the location, ukraine, bucharest, they chines communist party. plus the château hermoso, while we were there, it was interesting. when i got there, in the beginning as getting of september and october the staff at the hotel came up and they were big fans of films i've don over the years and they said seat. and they said no, hunter biden. >> they said he was here in thi hotel? i said what was he doing in belgrade? was he doing an art gallery opening or was there some kind of deal going on? and then, well we're shooting.
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a gentleman shows up who is the part of the unreported story society. in northern irish guy and he tells me, we have documentary film crews here. they are doing a documentary. they want to ask questions and may be be on the sets. i said tell them i don't want anybody on this at. i don't want them to use the footage for something else. will have them sign something and those should be okay. i was suspicious of that, they came on and spoke to the actors. we finished the movie, this is probably in february. t calls me up and he said you were right about those guys you had the feeling about them. they were hunter biden's lawyer. he bailed out $2 billion to hunter, so what their motivatio as i have no idea.
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but they showed up on the site under the auspices of being a documentary film crew. >> they were worried. they were worried about the film . why else would they go, not tha you're not fun to hang out with but i don't know if that's all they wanted. the media of course, we could t predicted this, but they are portraying your hunter biden film rolling stone called it wildly boring. it was deep state white ring griff. in the guardian that wrote that the right wing is for fringe lunatics. it looks like you got your excellence from all of those sources, robert. >> we are number 93 on all of the films. it is going crazy on the internet, the film is a tremendous performances by lawrence fox in english actor. an absolutely brilliant performance.
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>> roberts, i think people don' realize that when left-wing publications criticize a film like this, it just sends independents and conservatives to watch the film. they don't seem to get that. every time they criticize, i just can't wait to watch the whole thing. my son hunter is available now. robert, we will see you soon. >> thank you so much, for havin me on. >> laura: we always knew that kamala was spacey. she took it to a whole new level . we will explain in the last bite .
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♪ >> i just build on the. happy friday, america. how is your civil war going? i know it's crazy out there. i nearly got hit by a cannonball


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