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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  September 9, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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and that's the kind of change you notice. talk to your eczema specialist about dupixent, a breakthrough eczema treatment. >> greg: were out of time, "fox news @ night" with kevin corke is up next, i love you america. ♪ ♪ >> kevin: welcome to "fox news @ night," i'm kevin corke in washington. ♪ ♪ breaking tonight, shock waves felt across the pond as king charles iii brings up prince harry and his wife meghan markle in his very first address as monarch. we will get a unique perspective on what it all means later in the broadcast. in chicago mayor lori lightfoot
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taking heat for relocating migrants to a hotel in the burbs. our panel debates if they are living up to the title. a few weeks before we turn back the clocks, "fox news @ night" investigates how congress is trying to reclaim its time and make daylight savings permanent. we begin tonight with the oldest royal in british history to be named monarch, king charles iii to. senior foreign affairs correspondent amy kellogg reporting on his first address as sovereign, she joins us live from london. >> the brits continue to come to terms with the fact that we've reached the end of the elizabethan era and we are now witnessing the carolinian age -- carolinian from the latin which means charles.
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king charles iii made it clear he is grieving deeply the loss of his darling mama which he referred to were in his first speech as king to the nation. he needs to get down to business quickly as we saw today as the new head of state. we saw him taking those reigns, he and his queen consort camilla were greeted fondly by crowds as they arrived at buckingham palace. it's been a long road for her from her marriage in 2005 winning her way into people's hearts after the legacy of princess diana. the new king had her her first meeting with britain's first prime minister. the weekly meetings they're going to have our traditionally safe spaces for both parties as each of their jobs is lonely on some level inasmuch as it is said to be lonely at the top. those audiences are said to be the perfect venue for confiding and unloading. late in the day when
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king charles iii address the nation reasserting his late mother's vow of service. >> as the queen herself did with such unswerving devotion, i too now solemnly pledge myself throughout the remaining time god grants me to uphold the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation. and wherever you may live in the united kingdom, or in the realms and territories across the wo world. whatever may be your background or beliefs. i shall endeavor to serve you with loyalty, respect, and love as i have throughout my life. >> king charles also conferred the title prince and princess of wales on william and kate saying he's confident they will continue to inspire the national conversation bringing the marginal to the center ground and he expressed his love for
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harry and meghan. as we wait for the funeral data to be set, tributes continue to flow from the british and beyond as people continue to realize what they are going to miss. a woman, a monarch is so dignified and yet not distant and finally, french president emmanuel macron said to the british "to you, she was your queen. to us, and to the rest of the world, she was the queen." and i think that says an awful lot. >> kevin: wonderful reporting with deep perspective, thank you as always and we appreciate t that. let's go in depth tonight on the big picture impact of what the queen's passing means to the future of the royals and what to make of the ascension of charles the third. we bring in fox news royal contributor duncan markham. want to say on behalf of all the
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staff here, i know you can sense probably from the american perspective the love and admiration and affection for the queen as she passes at the age of 96. >> good evening, good morning, thank you. this is something that hasn't happened, the change of a monarch in britain hasn't happened since 1952. we are now in uncharted territories and a nice summing up by a reporter insofar as this is history turning on the tv in britain. rinse charles' speech, the biggest test -- a guy who has waited 70 years to get his first job and his first speech.
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a lot of pressure but i think the sense in britain is, for the hour, i think there's quite a feeling almost a strange one in britain. people are excited, very upset about this queen who has been part of our lives for generations and yet here we have a king who has suddenly started to show everyone i'm out of the shadows, i'm here and we are in this together. very mixed feelings at the moment. >> kevin: i want to get your perspective on the speech today. i felt like that's a tough one to give, a tough one to prepare for, and yet from my vantage point, i think he nailed it. i think he hit to all fields and struck the right tone in particular by broadening the message to include even harry and meghan, i thought that was a brilliant stroke. what do you think? >> i couldn't agree with you more and that's pretty much how everyone i spoke to saw it.
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we know one of king charles' first challenge is now is going to be to try to bring harry and meghan in a bit from the cold. he's got a memoir coming out, that's less thinking charles needs in the first few weeks and months of him becoming king. that was an olive branch. thought it was quite interesting. there's a lot of people a king can mention on his first day. he has stayed very specific, he obviously paid tribute to his mother and then he effectively sent the message william, i love you, but also harry as well. this was an olive branch and exitit's a sign as people will e seeing it as the start of a new era and in that era anything can happen. harry and meghan could well come in from the cold.
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very mixed emotions and a very powerful speech with an awful lot of very important messages. >> kevin: 30 seconds left. i want to read something from npr today and get your perspective on it. they were talking about king charles iii taking the crown and yet how he may decide to focus his reign. as king charles iii begins his reign as britain's new monarch focus turns on how he may use his position as head of state to promote causes that he has been passionate about for decades. the environment, climate change in particular as well as other philanthropic efforts while charles has been careful not to tread too publicly, he does have a history of wading into politics something over which some british officials have voiced concern that he may be more willing to do as king. in about 20 seconds left, your take on what npr had to say about that. >> king charles has been telling us for years when he becomes king he's not going to metal. he's going to keep his mouth
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shut and not try to put pressure on politicians. the early signs are good but even king charles can see it was a day where he needed to reassure everybody that now he has got the top job, he's 100% focused on that and will cut back on his charity work to focus entirely on what his mother has brought him up 73 years to prepare for. this is the start of something king charles has been waiting for for many, many years and we are off. >> kevin: i think you are right about that it goes without saying that the queen i'm sure before her passing impressed upon charles, the importance of taking the mantle and leaving some of the past opinions to the past. thank you very much, we appreciate you spending time with us tonight on fox news at night. breaking tonight, the justice
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department and former president trump's legal team have filed a court document containing their special master recommendations and not surprisingly the two sides are far apart on exactly who should be appointed as the third-party arbiter. exactly what that individual should be able to reveal. both parties say they will advise judge eileen cannon about their perspective positions and the other party will have their say on it. we will learn more about that coming up on monday. meantime a federal judge in florida has dismissed president trump's lawsuit against former secretary of state hillary clinton and former top fbi officials rejecting the former president's claims that the defendants and others acted in concert to concoct the russia investigation which as you know shadows much of his administration. the judge is a man by the name of donald middlebrooks, he was appointed by bill clinton and didn't recuse himself. he said the suit contains
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glaring structural deficiencies and characterizations of events are implausible. trumps attorneys say they will appeal the dismissal. supreme court justice neil gorsuch says a report stemming from an internal supreme court investigation into the leak of that draft opinion of the high-profile dobbs case will be released "soon." correspondent christina coleman has details for us tonight in los angeles. >> as for an update on the investigation to this matter, just as neil gorsuch said we are looking forward to the report i hope soon, it is terribly important to identify who leaked the draft opinion. he made the comments at a judicial conference in colorado springs yesterday. chief justice john roberts also spoke at this event tonight though he did not mention a leak or the courts landmark decision to overturn roe v. wade. on may 2nd, political published in the leak of justice samuel alito's draft opinion suggesting the court would make
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this decision and it was followed almost immediately by protests nationwide including in front of the homes of some supreme court justices. justice roberts released a statement a day after that leak was published, to the extent this betrayal of the competence of the court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations it will not succeed. the work of the court will not be affected in any way. many democrats seem more concerned about the possibility of roe v. wade roe v. wade getting overturn to them the fact that a draft opinion was leaked. >> if the report is accurate to the would be an abomination. one of the worst ever in modern history. >> republicans were condemning the draft leak itself. >> i got to say, this leak at the court is the most egregious breach of trust in the history
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of our nation. and it is the culmination of a multiyear campaign by senate democrats to delegitimize and politicize the court. >> at this point it's unclear exactly when the justices will get an update on the investigation into the leak draft opinion or if that update will be made public. >> kevin: inquiring minds want to know. meantime to the windy city of chicago, that's where a suburban mayor in chicagoland is calling out lori lightfoot tonight over touting the city of chicago as a sanctuary city and at the very same time relocating migrants bus to the city to a hotel in the suburbs without so much as a tiny bit of advance warning to local officials. >> mayor lori lightfoot says chicago is a sanctuary city but the mayor 17 miles from the windy city is questioning why
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illegal immigrants bused in from the southern border ended up in his town without warning. mayor gary grasso said he was caught off guard when more than 64 migrants were relocated to a hotel in his town. he says he first heard about the group which is expected to stay for 30 days when residents started calling and emailing about them. he said i'm glad the american dream is still alive for a lot of people as it was for my grandparents when they came here, but unhappy that nobody from the city, from the state called and told me or my village administrator or any elected officials this was happening. the illinois department of human services confirmed many of the 300 migrants who came to chicago last week got temporary shelter in urban and suburban hotels. as expected texas governor greg abbott will bus more migrants to chicago in the coming weeks. illinois congressman dick durbin called the move inhumane. >> i want to make two things perfectly clear.
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our immigration system is broken in this country. we have set it over and over again, it is the truth. i don't know the circumstances in texas. but to dump them in communities where they have no contacts whatsoever it is cruel and inhumane. >> meanwhile a d.c. council member blame to the border state governors for the crisis in the nation's capital saying they created the crisis. she said d.c. which is another proclaimed a sanctuary city, systems were not set up to serve the migrants that continued to arrive in the city from the southern states. under 10,000 migrants have been bused from texas to the three sanctuary cities. meanwhile the del rio, texas, area dump to ground zero for the crisis has seen more than 49,000 migrant encounters just in july alone which is more than a population of dell rio a hole. app it says his invitation for officials to come visit the border still stands to show them
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how the failures of the biden administration is overwhelming their states. >> kevin: incredible story indeed. we will see you again in just a few minutes. let's take a deeper dive now into the expanding reach of the crisis on our southern border and talk a little politics while we're at it with tonight's panel under the friday night tv lights. democratic strategist ree maxwell and tax strategies vp erin perrine. this is a story that i think is really jumping off the page politically and i think i can share this with confidence, it's one of those situations where if you're a democrat you have to be careful how you frame it because a lot of democratic voters do want to make sure the border is secure and it sounds good in theory but when it hits close to home that's something democratic politicians have to be aware of. >> i agree with you but i also agree with the fact that there has to be a better pathway to
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legalization in this country. it is not at the hands of the local government to deal with the broken immigration system. we have to figure out how as governors and members of congress, how can we deal with this immigration system we currently have? when we get immigrants that come across the border we should be bussing them out to another state and leaving them to be the problem of someone else. some of these local officials are correct's. we cannot bus them out somewhere else and have local governments deal with it. >> kevin: before i bring you into the conversation i want to follow-up, why not? they say they are sanctuary cities, they want to welcome those who are coming to this country many of them lawfully, many of them not lawfully, they say they are sanctuary cities, why not bus them? >> why would the governor of
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texas bus migrants to new york, what is the purpose? deal with the issue in texas, deal with them in texas instead of bussing them like new york, handle it within your own territory. >> kevin: that's the idea if new york says it's a sanctuary city, would that mean then that they welcome people who are seeking sanctuary and if they need transportation to get to a place where they say they are seeking people -- people who are seeking sanctuary, why not? >> it goes back to what i said before, we have to figure out a way to deal with our broken immigration system. it needs to get to a point where it is no longer broken and needs to be a better and easier pathway for people who cross the border. >> kevin: i think a lot of people would agree to that, i think the idea behind having a more structured system certainly one that's better enforced seems to be a win across the board for most americans. let me share this as i bring you into the conversation there are democrats out there particularly some who are running in tight
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races that aren't exactly distancing themselves from their party but they are saying not everything we stand for lately seems to be working. listen to tim ryan i think you will like this. it's an interesting sound bite and i will get your reaction on the other side. >> i am a proud democrat but my party is not right on everything and we need leaders right now as we move forward who are willing to take on their own party. >> you dodged the question of whether the president should run in 24. >> i think a new generation of leadership is needed on think that's anything different than what the president has set himself. >> kevin: i am sure she would love the diving on that but let me get involved in the conversation, your reaction on what tim ryan has said and as an aside he's saying may be some fresh blood might be a good thing for the top of the party, what say you? >> tim ryan is not fresh blood and he's not a bucking the democrat establishment when he votes with the joe biden 100% of the time.
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his mouth is writing checks the reality will not cash for him. you see this from democrats they don't want to stand on stage with joe biden because his approvals are underwater and the majority of americans believe this country is headed in the wrong direction with biden and democrats at the helm. you will see swing states, purple states where democrats want to try to pretend they aren't cozy with joe biden but look at their voting record and they stand very closely with the president or they are more extreme with him. to go back to the immigration point in bringing people further into the interior, democrats and the left are now enraged by this saying how dare you send them to new york and chicago but they were very silent on the midnight flight under biden's dhs to cities like wilkes-barre, pennsylvania. when the biden administration was doing it, democrats sat silent. now republicans are doing it and it's pushing the issue further to democrats themselves now they are upset. that's another political hypocrisy and it's staring us right in the face.
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>> kevin: this is one of those arguments i think will play out forcefully as the midterms show up. there are people who are suggesting very strongly that the democrats have a great deal of momentum and republicans maybe they had a little more strength when gas prices were super high, they are still high relatively speaking but that may be shipping just a bit, we will have to continue the conversation. coming up, a dramatic rescue stirred up by a tropical storm, you won't want to miss this. plus a baby hippo with a much bigger sister and she's on the run. today's best viral videos coming your way next.
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every search you make, every click you take,
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every move you make, every step you take, i'll be watching you. the internet doesn't have to be duckduckgo is a free all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. ♪ ♪ >> kevin: 26 minutes after the
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hour, we welcome you back to "fox news @ night." in the virgin islands a dramatic rescue caught on camera as the coast guard lifts a person who was stranded, a spear fisherman to safety after he had an unfortunate meeting with some rocks surrounded by churning sees stirred up -- by them hurricane earl the man was in a dire need of help and as they always do the coast guard stepped up from a helicopter no less, well done, we love that. this video out of the great state of arizona capturing the moment leading up to and during a dust storm. appearing to turn red with in the minutes of the storms approach approach can you believe that? a family can be seen taking cover in a shopping mall parking lot. traffic was blocked. football games were halted, visibility dropped, look at those pictures.
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wind gusts up to 70 miles per hour. >> oh, my goodness! oh, my goodness. >> kevin: oh, my goodness, that's the sound of a roof collapsing captured on video by the guy who owned that commercial property. record-breaking rain in rhode island causing heavy leaks and eventually collapse the roof. i've seen a roof take on a lot of water but i've never seen one crash in. this is a proposal gone wrong. what would you do if you had your toddler, supposed to help you out with the proposal -- you got to the ring, they are on a peer, they drop it right through the planks and into the ocean. thankfully the groom actually dove in after the ring and got it back pretty quickly, cost him -- the toddler did the very
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best the toddler could do. the ring was kissed by the fishes and the mermaids. in case you're wondering, she said yes. we have to revisit while we have a moment shouldn't we do that? fritz is the baby hippo born a month ago, he's already terrorizing his big sister fiona chasing her around their cincinnati zoo enclosure under the close watch of mom. fiona making a great escape from the water as fritz seems to be surprised when he eventually bumps into mom. that his kid brother's for you. if you have a need viral videos you are dying to get on "fox news @ night" hit us up on social media. ♪ ♪ time to bring back ashley strohmier and talk about something that we all experienced a lot of lately. staffing shortages, stores, restaurants, airports, apparently you found one
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customer taking matters into her own hands and for that she has gone viral. >> it did to go viral. we have all seen it, signs of doors and businesses saying help wanted edits getting really bad since the pandemic. i saw one at the gas station when i was filling up, this customer got so frustrated at chipotle over the slow service she literally jumped over the counter and started taking orders herself in a completely different uniform. she works at a car wash. it was her car wash uniform she did this in and as of thursday the video got more than 2,125,000 views but the kicker was no one seemed to be fazed by any of it they went along with it giving their orders to her. apparently she worked at chipotle in the past which is how she knew how to work that register. people were asking online how did she get into the register? apparently someone said they left their badge on the
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register, it was a complete mess over there in florida at this chipotle. that tiktok comments were out of control. one person said i worked at chipotle for five years and it doesn't surprise me. another said the manager on duty probably got fired for this but back in may chipotle raised its hourly minimum wage to $15 to try to get more workers into the buildings but it also added referral bonuses. they are trying but nothing was seeming to really work at this florida chain. i don't know how i would've reacted to, i'm one of those asked for permission instead of forgiveness type of girls would you have jumped over the counter like that? >> kevin: that is me 100% to. you're from missouri, i'm from missouri, i get at. i don't think that would happen in columbia or marshall or fayette but what happened there in florida, i could see that happening. >> i feel like anything can happen in florida quite
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honestly. i know a lot of people to that mobile ordering but i've waited for a long, long time because so many people do the mobile order and with that help the situation? i don't think it would have. >> kevin: i'm going to pitch this one to our boss see if we can't get that customer -- i want to ask her what were you thinking at the time? thank you so much we will see you again in just a few minutes. coming up on the show a symbolic gesture from a community mourning the death of a memphis mom. mom. see what hundreds of people showed up for a woman that most didn't know. first a look at your weekend weather forecast from fox weather. >> and meteorologist nick kosir and here is your saturday forecast. is definitely going to states augie here across the southeast a powerful cold front moving
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across the nation's midsection but it does look like k is going to have the biggest impact in california where we could see a lot of wind and rain. download the f fox weather app r stream fox whether from your favorite connected tv device, i'll see you there.
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[acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout]
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[acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] the hour, hundred the event together through salt >> eliza fletcher was murdered after
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being abducted after an early morning run near the university of memphis last week. >> we are here today to run in honor of eliza. [applause] >> let's go! >> hundreds of runners on the road showing solidarity and support for a woman who many didn't know and who didn't come home last friday morning when she set off for her early morning run. >> also to show women in this city have a right to run at 4:00 in the morning or 10:00 at night or anytime of the day. >> runners from cities around the region and in other cities around the u.s. ran to remember the 34-year-old mother of two and kindergarten teacher who was found dead monday after an abandoned home in memphis. >> i know we are stronger together and i know none of us are alone and what it does we
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are grieving this morning. >> as the investigation into her murder moves forward the unthinkable and sudden task of making funeral arrangements has been underway for her loved ones. her husband and father were spotted at a funeral home in memphis this week announcing that her funeral will be held saturday. she will be remembered in her obituary is a passion to member and a light to all who knew her, 38-year-old cleo for henderson a man accused of her kidnapping and murder was in court thursday, public defender asking the judge for a gag order while criticizing the memphis police chief for calling her client a dangerous predator. the judge ordered henderson back to court september 19th, he continues to be held without bond. >> kevin: we appreciate that. breaking tonight we are learning that the memphis murder suspect is now facing new charges unrelated to the abduction of
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eliza fletcher including kidnapping and rape, we will bring you more details as they become available. ♪ ♪ this sunday marks 21 years since the 9/11 terror attacks on america. and acacian compelling millions of americans to reflect on the solemn anniversary and the wide ranging impact of that terrible day 21 years later. let's expound more on that theme tonight with deputy director for concerned veterans for america, john burns. right out of the gate i want to ask you where were you on 9/11 and what was your memory of that day? >> glad to be on, it's a solemn day, solemn remembrance. i was attending school uptown
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from ground zero, heard the news very early during the class at the world trade center's had been struck. raced down to the armory that morning and prepared for what was a 12 day deployment down at ground zero working nights. i got my first look at sometime around 11:00 or 12:00 the night of september 11th. it was a horrific site staring at that hole in the ground, that war zone in my hometown. >> kevin: i was living in southport connecticut trying to drive into the city, the westside highway was shut off. just a devastating day. i want to share this for the folks at home, this is something that i think your thoughts on something i think a lot of people will really appreciate. you said this "i got my first look at ground zero that night, it was horrific. of a war zone in my hometown, i ended up spending two weeks there securing the site by night
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directing traffic and catching a few winks by day. over the years i came to feel extraordinarily lucky. i knew what to do and where to go that day. i had a mission and the purpose. i couldn't wait to talk to you because i think that's how so many americans have felt but they've been unable to express it. can you talk about what doing that does for you and how it helps other people? >> that is exactly how i felt that day. if i had not had the national guard i would have struggled to find a way to contribute and i'm sure i would've come up with something. my wife why didn't know at that time she was a new yorker she ended up making sandwiches and coming down to lower manhattan area and handing them out during the day. we all found ways. americans came together and found ways to contribute. i was so lucky to be able to do that, i served in the marine corps and served in the army national guard, service is
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a huge component of who i am. it's why ten years ago i joined the team for concerned veterans for america. since the attack on september 11th 20 years ago our country has faced a set of hurdles and barriers with the taliban and al qaeda in afghanistan, with the greater middle east, with our foreign policy and we have solved some of those problems but along the way we have created more problems. we have had 20 years of war that have created a situation where we have a new cohort of veterans who need mental and physical health care. we need to bring the va into the 21st century in order to do that. like i felt on september 11th being part of concerned veterans for america i feel like i'm part of a team that is still contributing to america, still contributed to our betterment as a community, as a nation as a whole. >> kevin: you really are doing god's work and i think there are a lot of women and men around the country who really do want to make a difference and they don't know how. so when they hear about veterans
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groups like yours it really does help inspire them and i just want you to know on behalf of all of us who suffered during that day and the 20 plus years since we appreciate all you do and all you will continue to do moving forward to. thank you for your time tonight, we appreciate it. >> it's good to talk to you and your audience, have a good night. >> kevin: 's daylight savings really worth it? you do this all the time, do you like it or are you sick of it? "fox news @ night" investigates next. ♪ ♪ ♪ any way you want it ♪ ♪ that's the way you need it ♪ it's back america. applebee's all you can eat boneless wings. just $12.99. i occasionally get bladder leaks. i tried always discreet underwear. it absorbs an entire glass of water. it fit like a glove. it just felt like real underwear.
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every search you make, every click you take, every move you make, every step you take, i'll be watching you. the internet doesn't have to be duckduckgo is a free all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. every search you make, every click you take, every move you make, every step you take,
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i'll be watching you. the internet doesn't have to be duckduckgo is a free all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. ♪ ♪ >> kevin: welcome back. the house of representatives has not yet voted to align with the senate on a plan to do away with daylight savings time. permanently. shouldn't they? congressional correspondent chad pergram shows us where things stand on this timely issue. >> it is said that time is fleeting but congress determines just how fleeting it is, regardless they keep the time here at the u.s. naval observatory. the constitution grants congress the power to fix the standard of weights and measures, that's why
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congress approved the first version of daylight saving time during world war i. at even lengthen daylight saving time in 2005. no one likes toggling the clocks twice a year. >> i think the majority of the american people's preferences to stop the back and forth changing. speak of the senate unanimously approving a bill to spring forward and permanently parked the country on daylight saving time. >> is their objection? without objection so order to. >> but the bill is installed in the house or perhaps the house already passed the bill. this is why time is relative. >> of all the things that we can observe and measure in the universe, the one we know the least about intrinsically is time. >> the u.s. naval observatory in washington is where the government establishes time. >> this is kind of where time happens. it depends on who you talk to.
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>> at the tone eastern daylight time 14 hours 30 minutes. >> the master clock fields millions of calls so people can hear the time, computers and mobile phones ping the clock to tell you the time. >> u.s. naval observatory master clock. >> everything that happens is now. >> now is already in the past a few seconds ago. recording this now so you can watch it in the future. >> but that future is already in the past. >> regardless, we are out of time. all that work for you? >> good take. thanks, guys. have a good night. >> but we are not really done. time depends on where you are. that's why a telescope is essentially a time machine. >> we are looking back in time
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at things that happened. >> we see the moon as it was one and a half seconds ago. we see the sun as it was 8 minutes ago. we see pluto as it was five hours ago. >> location is key to understanding time. >> when you look at einstein's special theory of relativity, it's a very interesting subject. the time that a clock ticks for a person here is going to be perhaps quite different from what time it ticks at somewhere else. >> time dilates in interstellar space, slows down near black holes, yet seemingly accelerates here on earth. >> time passes too fast when you're at the beach. >> surely there is a measure of time everyone can agree on like what constitutes a second which takes about ten seconds to define. >> it's 9,192,631,770 hyper fine
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oscillations of the balance electron in cesium 133. >> the layperson might night i didn't know what that means but we all know precisely what that means, the clock is ticking, even congress can't do anything about that. everything that happens is now but that now is already in the past just a few seconds ago. we are recording this now so you can watch it in the future. but that future is already in the past. regardless, we are out of time. at the u.s. naval observatory, chad pergram, fox news. >> kevin: can always count on chad for something creative and before we say good night tonight a bit of good news. a group of volunteers in round rock, texas, paying their respects to the nation's heroes who lost their lives in the september 11th attacks 21 years
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ago this coming sunday. volunteers placing american flags of the new veterans memorial in old settlers park to remember the thousands of lives lost that day. people of all ages. veterans, kids, students, city council members all getting together 132 rows of american flags we salute them. that's going to do it for the show tonight i'm kevin corke, show tonight i'm kevin corke, we'll see yoyou next time. aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our client's portfolios for their long-term goals. (f to position our clients portfoliosis don't sel for their goals. do yl investments's bes to generate high commissionst a) to generate high commissionst a) for you ? right. no, wen yo don'tur sel cl commik products. products. we're a fiduciare mo act in our client's best interest. >> so when do you make more money? >> only when your clients make more money. yep, we do better when our clients do better at fisher investments were clearly different. >> hello, i'm mike lindell and my employees and i want to thank each and every one of
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