tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News September 9, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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standard for life after forty except no substitutions. find ageless male at wal-mart in vitamin. >> each year, americans over pay on car insurance by over twenty one billion dollars. so i went to the zebra instantly gives you quotes from top providers. you can save as much as nine hundred. thi see what you can save. compare. insurance rates are free at my and good evening and welcome to tucker carlsonon said happy friday, way back in the summer of 2016, a phenomenon appeared in several political polls thatticl nobody in the american media could explain. donald trump seememp seemed d tn be performing exceptionally well among hispanic voters inare florida. it was bizarre, sorye kn bizarrp everyone knew it could be happening. it was scientifically impossible. if there's one thing that evergy
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reporter in america understood, it was that donald trump hated hispanics. the devil hates holy water. some believed trump was planning a national ban on picante sauce. that's how deep and implacable his hatred was. >> and yet, according to what journalists refer to as the data, actual hispanics seem to like donald trump. cognitivitive dis-e dissonance e term that describes what happened next. >> how could the no show something that couldn't be happening? so the miami herald looked intoa it and their conclusion was fairly straightforward. hispanic voters in floridae were harol mentally ill and also evil. as one miami herald columnist cn put it, quote, donald trump's cuban-american followers suffer from cuban supremo fol ussin sur syndrome. it's an old nationalem ailment d the soul. so that was a diagnosis,se something called cuban supremacy syndrome, a seriouried but previously unknown medical condition like adhd or long covid. . someone had better call a doctor. this could be fatal. but beforebe medic a medicalter establishment could intervene to save hispanic voters from themselves save hispanic, this d like the virus. it was first from florida, then
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to texas and then acrosst wa the country by twenty twenty .en it was endemic in the presidential election that year. donaldted to bui trump, the guy who wanted to build a wall, became the first republican in history to win zapata county, texas. zapata county, texas, is approximately 94% hispanic 94%. ,t and he won for the democraticit9 party. this was4% an emergency madee we worse by the fact that there were no cubans in zapata county, texas. >> pretty much all mexican-american. >> so cuban supremacy syndromeo could not be the cause of it. and that's what a man called eduardo gamarra came to the rescue. now, chamorros is a blue eyed college professor from florida who is somehow convinced news organizations that he is heor is the world'sld's and authorita on what recently arrived. he hoor people from central america really think he had a new diagnosis. gomorra nbgac newsmara reportedk found a , quote, casual link between misinformation and disinfo formation and hown e spanish speakers have voted innt recent elections. >> of course, it was obvious
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putin did it, just like putinn caused inflation and monkey pox and that war in europe, according to professor gomorra ,hispanic voters were just toogn stupid to realize what washa going on .d no idea they they had no idea they were being fooled. they're just too dumb torats, th democrats. tionexplanation made perfect se, of course, and they bought it. >> a survey last month froma intelligence found that more than half of cnn and msnbc viewers now believe the , quote, dissis ben information is compelling hispanic voters to vote republican. >> here's nbc quote, news. new it's a phenomenon that's havingn real world effects in florida. 40 flori% of cuban-americans saa they don't believe president joe biden was legitilegitimately elected. latinos spend more time on social media thanra their non hispanic white counterparts, it's a problem that's notat going going away. but it's not just happening in florida. in texas, democratic strategists are sounding the alarm about a wave
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of misinformation aimed at latinos heading into 2022. >> did you hear that democratic strategists are sounding the alarm that latinos spend so much time staringd glassy eyed at their phones that they now have questions fix with the fairness of the last election, how to fix this. obviously, need a lot more censorship to keep this ale disinformation away from allergn those gullible latinos. someone get mark zuckerberthg on the phone immediately. >> it's hilarious.ious the bad news about the democratic party, obviously, is that it has become authoritarian. the good news is it remainsis at ridiculous. these are people who believe horitheir owtariann improbablete propaganda. that's not the real explanation. n prso what is the answer? why exactly are hispanic voters moving to the right?ew they definitely are. the latest fox news pollings 72f shows that 72% of hispanic voters are not satisfied with the directionthe the democrats are takingta the united states . why? whtes. that?y is that? what problem do latino voters
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have with the democratic party? >> well, the answer might be as obvious as it seems. they just don't like what we've got now. it is entirely possible. vo like all normal people, hispanic voters have come toe despise the entitled urbano depe liberals who run everything. and why wouldn't they despisee? >> and those people are absurd.g not a single word they utter is sincere ever. >> and everything they touch tu turns to filth. we can give you countless examples of this, but we're going to pull one from today's news. washington, d.c. council d membr brian nado has long promised to love and protect illegal aliense in washington, d.c. and thanks to her and many her local i government, the district of columbia is now a , quote, sanctuary city. that'sey how much they lovel als illegal aliens. reinado, especially, she lovesia them.l >> and yet the moment actualup illegal aliens showed up in washington, d.c., sent by the governor of texas, brian nado, became completely hysterical about it. >> watch this.ster watch been said, but it's worts reiterating that the governors of texas texas and arizona have
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created this crisis and in many ways, the governors of texas bordarizona have turned us into a border town .into a they've turned us into a bordern town . really? why is that bad?h what's wrong with border towns? were you jus tt tellinownsg us s underdo, how great border towns are, so much diversity, so mucho strengthut. but as it turns out in thisu, probably won't shock you ,ny brian . tido didn't mean any of it branded who doesn't want illegal aliens in her neighborhood any more than the overwhelmingly hispanic voters of sopot county. e ovanictexas, want them in ther so would that make brown an disu idiot?stin well, a disgusting littleni hypocrite. you knew that already a lot ofva hispanic voters are learning ite now. so there's that the basicpulsiv repulsivenesendemocrats of. democratic party leaders, by the way, nearly all of whom o are openly hostile to ame the historic christianity of latin america, that a lot of immigrants still believericans s but then there's also crime crimes. the big one , it seems likel ly moryime in that more than any other issue, crime, the increase in crime int the united states is moving
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hispanic voters to the right. they see, as we all see, liberals aggressively encouraging crime. crime destroysthe their neighborhoods. the e destroys the lives of the weakest. and these voters, like all voters, watch nancy pelosi called call ms 13 children of god at the same moment that msnbc, ms 13 rather members are hacking salvadoran immigrants to death with machetes. remember when pelosi said that herehet is where all god's children, there's a spark of divinity in every person on earth. and so when the president of thi the united states is aboutese an undocumented immigrants, these aren't people. these are animals. you have to wonder, does you you have to wonder, does heo not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every perso person? doesn' so they watch someone who clearly doesn't actually believe in god , invoked god repeatedly to deo defend something that's
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completely indefensible. just a year before pelosi'elosis heartfelt tribute to ms 13 and ms 13 gang members stabbed a man outside washington more than a hundred times and then beheaded him and ripped out his heartof wdim' that was a child of god . no, trump was right.n that wasan an animal. n' hispanic voters can see thato ya most of them did not go to yalei law school, tor their great credit, just days ago, a man jos called josé rafael solano vendetta beheaded a mothern on the street in silicon valley . g children watchedaso as he murdered her. who wawas this man? >> we reached out to san mateo county sheriff's office officialn mates to learn more an him. we asked, was he here in g the country legally? and here's the respons,e we got. quote, i'm sorry, i'm not able to share that information. wh informay is that? a high c while weha can guess why? because, of course, there's a very high chance that this man was in the country illegally illegally and not by accident. democrats have a suspended bord6 enforcement to win the love of hispanic voters. what they apparently did not dot realize because they're not super bright is that hispanit vr voters don't want finae l lunatic's their neighborhoods either. >> they're not into beheading
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people who knew. >> and there's one other factohr that may be moving this large and centrally important group of voters to the right, people whose families have immigrated from the third world, maybe more sensitive than most to the importance ofst the rule of law. o >> the rule of law is the one thing that america has always had that the rest ofer i the world has not. el.t's why people come her and most immigrants consider it important. still, liberals do not consider it important. they're workinprotecti the lg t. equal protection under the law v is disappearing at every levelse of american life. liberals apply an obvious double standard and that doublse standard is based on race that be matters of education m and employment, obviously, but also matters of law w enforcemet and criminal justice. liberalsenforcjustice. put up wn behavior from some people that they would never accept in other people. that is the definition of unfairness. but you see itf unfair every sif day. >> remember the arrest of that dominican budig owner inyork who new york , the guy who was violently assaulted by a man b those girlfriend tried to
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rob the store. the bodega owner tried toro defend himself and he stabbed ed stabacker as most peopl would. >> authorities inrged new york charged that man with murder and sent him to jail. and everyone could tell this was a double standard. double standard an elderly blaca owner have been arrested for stabbing and dominican attacker? obviou ack -- no ons not no one said it everyone saw it and everyone understood the unfairness of that, including hispanic voters. why wouls. why wod they like it if unfai they wanted to live in a deeplye unfair society? stayethey would have stayed in the countries their ancestors came from. it'sthey came here because it'ts a fair society. that's the main appeal o afn l n america, not a robust economy. but the fact that we're all equal under the law. that's the one thing otherdon'te countries don't have. >> and we do or did. . so this is double standard and everyone sees it. and it's not just the level of bodega owners. it goes to the very top ofsoutha the democratic party, to its top candidates in south carolina fors have example, dems have nominated a senate candidate, us senate calle senan
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crystal matthews. crystal matthews was caught on tape recently by james o'keefe group project veritasvea openly advocating for punishing people because they're the wrong skin colorocates f, nt exaggerating it. >> here's the tape. i don't think thatwr wong skiney white, do i ?inaudi the white let me tell you about got hurt.y whit we people are they won't respect you . she videomet that is real and yet somehow noe no one seems to have noticed. chris matthews is nothe f on the front page of the newro york times this morning. there was no justice department investigation into her. >> that's weird. and everyone knows knows it's weird, but it's hardly the only n shocking news story that's notno being covered is a news story also missing from mainstream coverageinstreamcoverage. this video from memphis ofl young criminal promising to murdemurder white people becauf their skin color to irish out of white>> the ric male fashion.
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why, old ladies, why break kids ? so tha>> tuct video is recordedn a day after the rampage, same citer rampage in the same city, memphis, committed by a felon called ezekial kelly . kel kelly , like so many peoplef who've committed murder, recently was let out ojail ef jl early. >> but no one in charge in the democratic party in memphis seem bothered by that. >> in fact, while he wasstat killing people, a statet called representative in tennessee, a democrat called antonio parkinson, complained that the real problem was police might hurt ezekiel kelly . that was his main concern quote, this is unbelievable.e. ezekiel kelly will probably eze be killed tonight at the handsrl of police. webe are losing our children, he wrote . really? that'sn" your concern? so in all three of these w stories, we've just reminded you of the bodega owner incarola new york , crystal matthews in south carolina, the anti white violence in memphi, s. no one's noticing.e biden' joe biden's dog is standing
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back and doing nothing.d al in other words, they'relowing allowing violent race hate to flourish in the united states . atat the same time, they're telling you white supremacy is the biggest threat we face. hate this is terrifying on many levels. but above all, onc e again, is an attack not on anyinciple specific ethnic group, but on ae principle that protectcts all of us . and that's the principle of equal justice under the law. ouhe uniteif you move to the und states from latin america hoping to live under might a far justice system, this might bother you . >> and a lot of people are bothered. they didn't want to live ino lie honduras. that's why they moved here. re n and yet no one in washingtonngt, on either side, the democrats were making this possible. about the republicans were still justt yammering on about criminal justice reform. seem to understand this. but you know who doesrstands isg understand the hispanic. immigrants? >> they understand it veryre well. not just in t it's not safe anywhere, anywhere, nott th just in the so-called bad neighborhoods. >> cal but in the so-called nice th neighborhoods, the ones they live in or want to lives fb this video is from sunday, wasew taken in a chicago suburbdewalki called lakeview.
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three men attack a womann e. on the sidewalk in front of her home. >> watch thiwatch ths. that? you see that? that's not some scaryat's neighborhood, a rolling upve neighborhood. that's the neighborhood you live in or you want to liv in o in.e you in. ths the neighborhood you picture when you think middle america. that's a nice leafy a nicighborho odthat an cand it's y be yourour da dat attacked on the sidewalk in front of your house. >> o that that's happening.on't pul >> and it's going to get a lot worse if we don't pull back now. but they're not pulling back . the democratic party is doubling downin in january . police in the state of illinois will be banned from removing
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trespassers from your property. the democrat controlledure pass legislature just passed thated law effectively. >> they have legalized home invasion galized ho and there will likele be many more of those becausetyt starting next year, the safety act just passed in illinois will let violent felons out of n jail with no bail, actual violent felons, people who committed crimes like second degre murder e murder and arson and kidnapping. o what will happen then?ce well, i think we know because it's been tried in other placesn like new york city, where people are regularly sho arobbe beaten and robbed in public, people who could not be heldwase behind bars because democratsey decided that was mea're worried they're worried about the criminals and not worriedo about you . and once againrestate,, to restf you siloed hispanic voters into thisspecific one specific groupr concerns are totally different from everyone else's, you're missing the thread. that's not true. ns than e, that's nohispanic voters, lie other voter, every voter ofik every race, they don't like crime and violence, but it's everywhere. these groups are often the lastd
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month people sitting outside pou thddenly scramble to get out of the way as one man pops out oftt the sunroof and another out of the passenger window. they both start shooting. and arrest is made in thishe brutal, cowardly sucker punch at the kings plaza mall, police say. twenty one year olthed james dad is facing assault charges. surveillance video fro m the 40 empty bus caught the incidentthu on august 13th. it showsg the suspect walking r to a sixty four year old victime who is sitting in that wheelchair. e with >> cops say he grabbed two locao hundred and fifty dollars from the man and got into a disputeod . some others at that location. one of them hit him with a baseball bat and another punched him in the face. t >> surveillance video caught them as they weno t up to a 28f. year old victim and her friend d . t the two were walking on the sidewalk when the duo went up to them and tried to fro grab, according to detectives, the victim's necklace from her r neck. police say the trio rolled ontse the sidewalk in the passengersry
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from the dirt bike, jumped off and forcibly removed a rolexs w. watch from the victim's wrist. : >> now, what country is this?thi >> it didn't used to be america. this is nonorganicd we. we didn't used to live like this. liberals did this. they did thiime.s on purpose.mbb they created more crime. it didn't just happen.r on and the numbers couldn't be clearer on that. offi which is tounning for say the mont office this cycle, which is toon say the month after next,n wasn't running on this is an idiot because everyone knows yoppening l colors,l just say local media in new york reported that a twenty one year old tourist was kidnaped and on a subway platform by a stranger beingy pt shocked by that. you shouldn't be . that's what happens when you stop enforcing the law. st what happens when you putosef the interests of criminals above those of citizend everyosr everyone can see what'sat happening no matter what colore' they are. democrats should notre p be surprised when they're punished for this. ffew offiters is one o the very fewce who republicans running for office who says itoo out loud. >> he's runninnag for senate int
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the state of arizona. we wish him the best. joins us tonight. the mcmaster's, thanks so much for coming on . >> so when you see these people, well, it must be putinas speaoving spanish speakers to the right. t i don't think it's a mystery ath all.t, tucker, when that's right, tucker. i when i speak to hispanic voters, in arizona, they'r thee just shocked and dismayed at what's happening. you know, i mean, they send their kids tlo school expecting them to learn reading, writing and arithmetic. tht these kids are taught to call themselves latino. and , oh, here are your gender pronouns. and they tell the little boys, hey, maybe you're not really a neno. have you thought about becoming a pnina instead? i mean, it's so absurd. and these kids, of course, go home and tell mom and dad and it doesn't go over so welldn because flash hispanic families don't want this woke garbage and don't even get me started im on illegal immigration and crime. like you said, hispaniration ans ,like all commonsensical people, want law and order. they don't. five million illegal aliens flooding here, but that's flo joe biden and senator mark kelly have delivered a wideth open border, five millioat's whn illegals.
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and so in our cities, you'vewed. got gang members attacking and police. you've got carjackings, armedthi robberies, home invasions. i mean, men . the choice that arizona voters have in november could notd get be more clear . streetsthey can vote for me ant safe streets and a secure chaos border where, hey, if you really like the crime and chaos and you want americale to look more like el salvador, ' or venezuela, mark kelly , he's your guy now and he'll patroniz>> tuce to they all thef just they're masters of patronizing voters. p voters lik particularly immigrant voters like messers. appreciate you coming on tonight. sters, mate yourgodsmack tucker so a fox news alert for you .orw a remarkable story. but apparene we don't know the full fbi parameters of it, but apparently the fbi has launched a full scale purge of supporters of donald trump. that would be joe biden's likely opponent in the comingn presidential election. and that purge has intensified significantly today. so steve bannon just said thateb yesterday alone, the fbi raideds the homes of dozens of trumps of allies.
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we want to get to the bottom of this story so that charlie cook, he was i trying to run it evwn ever since we reached out to harmeet. delaney says she's got er since andsome information onp she's managing partner of the dillon law group. armitt, thanks so much for coming. >> what is the truth? >> well, the truth is thatl repr a few days ago, a political reporter called several people and said, hey, have you heard or have you been serve d yet? the fbi is going to be serving 50 approximately search warrants and or subpoenas on trump supporters. client and then within 24 hourss, of that, two of our clients, three of our clients actually did either get search warrants or subpoenasubpoes. and these subpoenas are extremely broad. e from the capital c section of the united states department of justice'sds d.c. office, and they ask forgos broad categories of documents.en they ask for all communicationso dating from a month before the election. onths until two months after the election. and they ask for all communications regarding dozens
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of people. and the categories are alternate electors, fundraising around irregularities around the election, and also a rally r that happened beforee the january six situation at the capitol. y that so the save america rally thatt happened. and so basically most of this activityno, not all of it telli is protected by the first amendment and the united states department of justicng e telling reporters about these search warrants and subpoenas beforethf they are executed. there's no other explanation for this. and i think the reason for thiss is to instill fear into donal trump's supportersd into and toe who would challenge election irregularities right. before an upcoming election tucker. so this is really outrageous oe by the doj and it is illegal for the doj to leak this information to the media.te >> tucker, if you alone have r three personal clients who'vels been raided, then it tellsn' you the scale of it. i can't believe decent liberals are sitting back and allowingha
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this to happen. .l wrecthis will wreck the coun. and they're saying nothing about it. it's really shocking to me. let me tell you , we're going to stay on the story. thank you for that update. thank you . >> well, here's a story thatr you couldn't even make. even sou doesn't even sound real. so a democratic politician in las vegas has beenssinatin accused of assassinating a journalist who criticized him personally with a knife. unbelievable. that's next. there's a growing movement designed to confuse children about who they are. this is transgenderism. all your problems can be solved by changing your body. boys can be girls and girls can be boys. i went down this insane have thing, hijacked my brain. criticism of the transgender movement will get you canceled, kicked off social media.
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what in the world is going on ? the schools of actually recommended the kids to activist resources, initiation, recruitment by people are uncomfortable. it preys on and creates broken families. i had my son completely taken away from me. it is everywhere. the culture is out to get your child. tucker carlson. originals transgressive streaming that one fox nation sign up at fox nation .com. >> so your home is expensive and stressful. so we set out to create a better home selling experience with a network of the most successful real estate agents in america. it'll sell your home for as little as a two percent commission. the icing on the cake with the ideal agent was that we saved twelve thousand dollars in commission. we would definitely ideal agent and got the whole process was so positive for us . excellent, excellent service getting right to the point. hiring ideal agent . i wish we would have done that
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discuss your case now. eight hundred nine zero one five nine nine seven .s lity >> there is literally nothingy e reporters in washington love to talk about more than the threatt they face from the right. their lives are imperiled. d >> january six was their vietnam. they have ptsd. e .they literally say that donad trump imperiled the media. so given their deep concern fore the risk that working reporters face, it strange how quiet, they've been about this amazing itstory. last wee >> and it is last week, police saicy a democratic party politician assassinated, stabbed to deathpi personally. reporter foran assas the las ves review journal reporter was called jeff german. i'm sixt the jouy nine years ol. he worked there for decades. he was the corruption reporterra . pretty famous, actually . well, the man charged with thisb
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is clark county public t administrator. rob , tell us , police says he targeted the reporter because of his reporting on tell us his conduct in office. at the crime scene. police say they found telesis dna under german's fingernails,r along with a lot of other evidence. here's a scene setting to report from local las vegas>> t media. >> police saisy this is video or clark county public administrator robert tell us ,ag walking to what soon would turn into a homicide. tell us approach the home of hom las vegas review journal investigative reporter geoff garin, who then came outside where the two got into an altercation around 11:00 a.m. friday morning. video evidencemorn andeo evide y us leaving his home friday morning around 9:00 in this baroon suv, which they put out to the public. they say the suv was seenhborhod driving in gourmands aav neighborhood and leaving that scening the after the 11, 18 a.. killing. k they say he arriveng and arrivee around noon. they recovered shoes, tell tels us was wearing with apparent blood on them and cut up in an attempt to destroy evidence. her
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>>aw same thing with the straw we hat. they say, tell us whg.o wa s wearing amazing.he adam laxalt is from the state of nevada. is now running for senate. from there, he was the former n attorney general omaf the state. he joins us tonight to make sense of the story i don't like. so thanks a lot for coming on . what is this? thou >> we'll look, first and foremost, our thoughts and prayers go out to jeff gurman for this kind of t senseless violence against a journalist is absolutely not the america that we can ever accept. but you're right, tucker. i mean, whatsts an the democrat, there was a rhino politician that immediately somehow tried to blame donald trump for this attack. there is a reporter, a left wing reporter in a in a press conference with the sheriff of n inis serious incident that said, well, you condemn donald trump for this incident. and so just outrageous that it's the left's foot soldiers that burned down america.
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it's the left's foot soldierss that attacked a couple of thousand cops, includingting an off shooting an officer in las vegas just two years ago. these are the people that keep u inciting violence in our country. t theyand yet they want to compy change the subject from their rhetoric, from their policies that are makingnc our cities and our communities across america less safe . tha i certainly hope that thatem the voters are paying attention and that they're going to hold them accountable in november. >> well, i'm no experta poli on nevada politics, but it looks to me like you're going to win the senate race, which would be which would be a sea change. so we're certainly rooting for lax that. adam laxalt, thanks so much for coming on .al t,r comithanks. >> up next, the greatest show o on cable news, probably also the only show on cable news returns. >> final exam straight ahead. [acoustic walk with me over with you down
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from the madness and enter the crazinesfinal exs. g final exams here, the game where we find out who's been th paying the most attention tos the newsco. merica >> this week's contestant, jimmy fallon, host of fox and across america. and chat with more, editor in chief of outspoken two man who follow what happens in the world for a living happily>> ever i bro. >> and i brought lot my championship mug to intimidate chat with more. ttlea heere's been a lot of chicanery. i love my water bottle at home.n i don't i'm doing a lots, t chicanery. he wants me answers. no signature verification. onthis is a racket already a racket. susa n. . okay, gentlemen, i have high hopes for both of you .ons, not by the way, i've notth read the questions. i've neso ideation of the quests or the answers. r i'm going to be surpriseulesd as you were here, the rules.e you put your hands they' on the buzzers. i ask the questions. they're alre mull multiple choii the first person to buzz in gets to answer the question. you've t got to wait till i finish asking it and all possible answers before you buzz. nswer every correct answer gets you a point. you get it wrong, you losee a point. best of five winpos nearin love.
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you're on making room on the shelf from number two more . yeah, let's find yeah, that's number one .ational so by order, the national game coach show in billings, billmontana, here is your mandao animal question. that's all right.95 schreiber' s i . ninety five . the state of florida sawor something very unusual in labor day. a driver spotted an suving on cruising down the highway with a large animathe highway la the back of the car. what kind of animal was it?s it was it a panther? was it b , an alligator?gator, or was it c, a wild boar?wild >> family for the wind? jimmy it was an alligator all the way. so i would guess that would be my daughter to be my guest, too. guesut let's find out. roll tape, please.s too. roll tape. >> i think that's said sudden. i was like, i think it's a gator on the back at or i 95% county when they came uponsays the sight of what she said was a dead gator strapped to the back of an suv.suv. your mom. all right. tucke alr:l right. da
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you're a gator for the gator. you know that story really nothing newsworthy about that in any other state in the country. >>like, oh, my gosh, that's a gator on the back of the car in florida. they're like, oh, my god,f that's brad . look at the car. totally got that every day. occurrence. >> and i love you , florida. okay, this question bringso us question number two, brings it to detroit, where people have a newoit, the record activ. they put their legs into burlap bags and throw themselvesject. against a giant object. what is that object?at is it a adepts, whatever that is ? b , an ancient boulder or c, something called a bunji dohm? >> goi look, mister, i'm going deaf. >> slide death s all the way. okay, death slide.t clear now, just to be clear, not clear what a slide is , buthe the tape will answer the question answe. e on >> slide on belisle. it was on friday when it made
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its annual day. my back down. now it's post to go .ht bre there's noakw a song about it.nh you might break your backslide, on the time slide to break your neck on the phone. take that chart. look at that great fun. it's not over yet.g more not over you . walking only thing more dangerous walking the street ss of detroim you could see something so awesome about detroit in spite . of every love it love.uest oh yeah.ioe, okay, so question three .kamala right now, like most americans,s we've had more than enough o af kamala harris and yet at del the same time weiv can'ts get enough of kamala harris nato because she delivers everyn, tie you interfere with the nation. she claims to have never eaten witch fruit until she was in her 20s. what fruit did kamala harris not eat? until her twenties was an egg? graps? was it b , blueberries? was it c cherry dominance? it was a grace.
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look at me. i know a lot about not eating, k fruiert, tucker. it was a tree.. it was not grape. okay?. .an i know i knew this answer.e okay, let's roll the tape and see if you're >> kamala harris accused of faking yet another story about her childhood, and it's aboutd abou eating grah >> the vice president claims that she didn't eat the fruit0s until because of the unionesn' led by the times. but the story just doesn't add up to use them foria grape the grape boycott in june. nineteen eighty four, carmelo was nineteen . listen, wow. >> grapes. she said she actually decided. to eat a grape because it's we't time to get going to where we've got to go , because it's time to keep doing because. eryk we've been doing inon that timet is every day and everyone knows moment is now the moment. questi a question for is a two point question. hillarl y clinton, who still exist, just confessed that inn addition to all his manteuffel others, since her husband
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bill accidentally once left chelsea behind in a farawayawayn land when she was still a kid. unsu where exactly did the clintons unsuccessfully abandon their daughter? a theirchelsea? was it a the taj mahal? was it b , the kremlin, the kremlin in the heart of darkness. russia, or was it c,? oter times square. >> oh, that would be the kremlin, sir. chadema decisive final answer. i'm getting one . was it?ey and i again, i don't knowfully the answer where they tried again unsuccessfully. i feel to abandon chelsea. but let's find out one takeape,p please. leasi'll tell you , i hope she doesn't remember this because was c foretty traumati pistorius. we took her tor to russia, russa when we went on a state visit te when bill was president . yeah , and , you know, there's a formal goodbye. so bill and i were ushered into
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the , you know, the beast, the big limousine to head toat the airport, not knowing that we had left her behind. lk late night talk show story. sto. but you got to crash. yes, i got pulled on in here to spy on this guy. hange're at the fifth. and final question, thisalance is also a two pointer. so everythin g hangs inf the balance. everything okay? and for this question, straightl to the sourcusement ine of all t in the united states at this point, that would be karine jean-pierre. that's the president's publicist. she's yammering on about republican extremism. she says that government run the census of floridag on is encouraging political violence for saying he'd like to throw tony fauc ii into the potomac and then referred to fauci as what was it, a a little tyrant? was it be a mini dictator or c>y did run toou santurce, call him
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an elf? you buzzing early sibosado talkl about, oh, you didn't finish i r reading. we have anly early buzz. buzz a we havnde an early buzz. and that hurts the course of history to call is outrageous. so was it tyrant, dictator or elf that would see elf. elf? >> oh, i'm going to go with elf . let's find out. did run dissent just d refer for the record incorrectly to tony fauci is elf watch. she's saying that his lockdown's didn't cause any permanenunt damage to any young kids and i'm just sick of seeing him. i know h. e neede says he's going to retire. someone needs to grab that little elf and what a scam from behind shaq dethroning. the champion because tom gerner ,very controversial, but so is frazier ali. we're just we're rolling your plays, by the way. oh, is this beautiful
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tony fauci mug, which immediately makes any beverageva pouredge in. cine this tastes like vaccineue and residues, which can affect your here. this i is what you're going to't want in any as the owner of you one of these. can i give you advice? yes. don't invite jennifer lawrence out to coffee with one ofla these. she won't come for some reason. shokrio coff, i'm not going to t comment. gentlemen, thank you both. grand statioucker: gen. n plen aspirin could be hurting your stomach. could be hurting your stomach. vasalore to c three twenty five liquid filled aspirin five liquid filled aspirin capsule is clinically show the seven day study to cause fewer ulcers than immediate release. aspirin vazalore, the first liquid filled aspirin capsules. >> amazing new delonge oletta explore, discover hot and cold creative recipes thanks to the innovative cold foam technology hot cold set. >> the longest espresso made
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i'm going to need a soundtrack, ship favorites playlist, track one . are we about the title we're about to banish from this reality? it's totally die. what is it everybody in rich can't wait. i'm having a bit of trouble with your car soundtrack now. this is an obvious trap. we have to go duric morti sundays at 11:00 on adult swim when you can't watch. listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere . fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. two months until the midterms inside how americans are reall
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want a permanent solution to homelessness? you won't get it with prop 27. it was written and funded by out-of-state corporations to permanently maximize profits, not homeless funding. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations permanently. only pennies on the dollar for the homeless permanently. and with loopholes, the homeless get even less permanently. prop 27. they didn't write it for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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>> you probably know this, but u this week, bad administration. now this country is so rich we're going to see another two point six billion dollars too.? can you guess? oh, ukraine.anie where's the money really going? well, companies like raytheonu.d and lockheed, they're excited. and that's what u.s. defense contractors invited the president of ukraine. zelenskyraine,y new george washn to speak at a defense industry conference in austin. unbetexas, later this month. >> as reports the hillwhere's unbelieve. where's all this money going?s? where the weapons going? why are we doing this? doug macgregor has beenry has a frequent guest on this show, pushing back against the lies. >> that's one of the reasonsw the ukrainian government hasgait
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now targeted him by name. >> we're happyheies to have him honored to have him on tonight. doug macgregor, thank you soh, d much. zelenskyy is now going to e be hosted by the defensee it contractors. i wonder, could they make it more obvious? >> probabl oh, probably not. of course, when he meets b with them, this entire war may be over right now. things are going very, very badly, which is why ukrainians are so the list, the so-called killleas list, which has me and many reft other americans on it, is simply a reflection of thati desperation. but the larger picture is is very simply as follows.trying the ukrainians have focused, ree on trying to take, retake and hold territory. ruroying ukr haven't paid much attention to territory. they paid attention tod destroying ukrainian forces. and the last offensives down south failed miserably. .30 , 40 , 50% casualties, loss of equipment, and bear in mindms that when the equipment does show up only about 30 to 40% ofs
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it ever reaches the ukrainians.a the rest of itrs i disappears i a sea of corruption. is but this desperation is very dangerous right now. dange because they are losing oe again just south of kharkov. and there are people in washington talking about what else can we do? andand actually talk about fighting and potentially winning a limited nuclear war, which, of course,nal an is delusional. and we should have givend we up on that decades ago. but it's it's coming back in vogue. >> i mean, this is a tragedyg in for people who still live in ukraine. they're being killed in hugeo nl numbers. why not settle this war, returnc energy prices to normalro and stop the economic catastrophe we're facingph? >> well, i think the bushng to administration is now trying to figure out how they retreat from the dumb position that they've taken at this i don't think they can do that very easily to you . i you know, i think the consequences of not doing cu that at this part at this point could include the impoverishment of the west. so maybe they should. >> oh, absolutely. don
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but i don't see it happening. yeah, i don't. colonel douglas macgregor named on the kill list by the ukrainians. >> thank you for joining us tonight. so at the heart of the gender ideology movement is the denial of physical reality, objectivej. how you feel about reality, science. how you feel about yourself is all that matters and telling young people that is affecting them in profounds ways. you don't often hear about.w doe four brand new documentary for tucker carlson. originals called transgressivega the cult of confusion. here'sked into the consequences of this. >> here's a clip. the l the line betweenin fictionou and reality has never been clear in this movement. the closer you loo thek, the bloodier it gets.s on now to the rise in teens on tick tock are self diagnosing themselves with rare mental health disorders. this dissociativlves we identity disorder and borderline personality disorder. ne and i have one of her after doctors. i find it veryre difficult tome remember things about her
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cause, such as how to move, how to blink and how to speak. >> older folks will also dog just for comfort and because ite makes me happy, i have likeo thirty people living in my brain and everything i do belongs to us as a group.trappe the last nine years i feltd. lie i've been trapped. and e i feel likvee i identify as korean. everything about the cultureltur is me, is a social construct is scientifically proven. thereforven ane, anything can ba gender because we need them. both parts of our documentary up right now, it's called transgressive. the culture confusion in is streaming on fox stationn. >> check it out. this weekend you get a free account at tucker carlson .com n truevice president , as you know, is one of the true t o hageniuses ever to have ascend to that level. we her're because
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her people and the world queen elizabeth the second for the love of country saturday on the fox news channel. o >> greetings to our viewers in san francisco. au have any because they've been told by the power authority that there's not gh lekh tvenough electricity tov and instead, quote, try board games or read novels . >> by the way, here's what san francisco looks like. as of yesterday,of yeah, yeah. vote democrat, get a lot more of that. it's working, by the way, on an we want to end tonight with kamala harris, who showed up nasa to spend some time with her fellow geniuses. >> here's what happened next.ri nasa ttoday, the business of oua is for the council to report on the work that has occurred since our last meeting across these the we will today also discuss
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the work. do t yet ahead, the work we must still do to continue to move forward. forwar she's moving forward. she continuing to move forward and with our endorsement once again, we say unequivocally, kamala harris, 2020 four for democratic nominee. >> we're on her side at s.e best we can with the one you love. se'll see you monday. and welcome to hannity. this busy friday, news nine now tonight, as heartfelt tributes pour in for the late queen elizabeth woke classless democrats, they're spitting on her legacy. now, that includes one professor at carnegie mellon wishing her an excruciating death. we're going to bring the worsty. of the worst. that's coming up tonight. plus, we far will outline a newd far left plan to abolish lawent and order and empower violent criminals when just when you thought it
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