tv Hannity FOX News September 9, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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the work. do t yet ahead, the work we must still do to continue to move forward. forwar she's moving forward. she continuing to move forward and with our endorsement once again, we say unequivocally, kamala harris, 2020 four for democratic nominee. >> we're on her side at s.e best we can with the one you love. se'll see you monday. and welcome to hannity. this busy friday, news nine now tonight, as heartfelt tributes pour in for the late queen elizabeth woke classless democrats, they're spitting on her legacy. now, that includes one professor at carnegie mellon wishing her an excruciating death. we're going to bring the worsty. of the worst. that's coming up tonight. plus, we far will outline a newd far left plan to abolish lawent and order and empower violent criminals when just when you thought it couldn't
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get worse. but first, we are only 60 days away from the midterm elections and democrats have nothing zero positive to run on after two years of majority rule.n the economy is in a recession. inflation is at a 40 year high . gas prices have more thand su doubled. the supply chain is still a disaster. disthe housing market is in a e tailspin, violent crime on the rise in small townsross e and big cities all across the country. california, they can't even keep the lights on .d meanwhile,europe broad europe ip war. china is threatening to blow r us up and reunify with our ally, taiwan and afghanistan. is once again a safe haven for the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11. naturally, according to, joe biden and his fellow democrats, maga, republicans are the greatest threat toign america. that's their primary campaign a. message. >> take a look. >> we got a little help from republicans, but not a lot, butt enough to get it passed. tru thbut the truth is there areng
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a lot more republicans taking credit for the bill and actually voted for it. i see them out there now. here and we're going to build this i new bridge here. we're all for it. we'land by the way, there's a nw i road. we're going to have an internet. there's going to be all i love . a man ain't got no shame. they don't have any shame. republicans wakened a powerful force in this nation. women w o w no, i'm not joking. >> seat joking. quote they got no shame. ddicteo this coming from the guy that used his own crack addicteas ad throas a bag man, basically a guy who cheated his way through law schoolrized hi and plagiarized his way throughh the senate, a guy that liedcivii about being a civil rightsgh activist, a guy that worked with segregation to stop publi integration of our public schools. he didn'and didn'tt want them te racial. jungle's his words. a guy that checkedword his watch several times. remember that duringerem the ceremony for the thirteeonyn
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fallen us service members thatod were killed because of his w s jotched withdrawal in afghanistan, joe biden has nohao shame. joe biden has no class. he has no honor. he has no dignity. any he has no morals. i don't think there's any clue what day it is . and now he has a barely functioning brain. hillary rodham clinton, is just desperate sh for attention. does anybody really care what she has to say?certai yesterday, she declared that certain republicans have got to be purged much like a disease. >> she actually said it. >> f take a look. for reasons that are really hard to fully understand, there is one of our political maj parties, our major political parties and the people who support polit it ando they support on seemingly at odds with democracy at the best thing that could happewhn foricn the country and frankly, for what's left of the republican
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party is to defeat as many candidates that they have running now at all levels., national, state and local, and force them to purge their party of the disease that has unfortunately spread, purge, irredeemable, deplorable, bitter americans cling to god , their guns, their bibles, their religion, smellie, trump, wal-mart shoppers, or in this case, magor, and then hillary echoing joe biden now wants to purge maga republicans.o now, let's be clear, almost no one on earth actually likes orgb respects hillary clinton. and she'e s never going to be president. but her remarks perfectly encapsulatys the what is thea be democratic party's midterm message. they wan t you to turn a blind eye to all the violent crime, the failing schools, all the economic suffering of their insane covid policies, their climate, cultism and just
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onfocus on hating maga. o republicans, in other words, focus on hating halfthe the country. oh, and they're also iess ofng o the process of renaming our federal lands with words that don't offend them. 65six fifty renamingm ga is apparently now don't letyou. them gaslight you . we need this country back on sta track. that is what is at stake. in sixty short days. we'll have more of my monologue in a minute. but here with reaction, former white house chief of staffs reince priebus. fox news contributor charlie hurt writes, let's get your reactionction.l they. noth this is all they have. there's nothing positivele t they can run on , not a singleil thing. now, the question is ,l thisst will this strategy of slander, smear besmirch character assassination? besmudwill that work? because i >> i don't think it's going to work at all because i do think that the american people see that our economy is in the tankt and gas is up. and the border is not secure, bute this is what they've got. and they have decided that
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since they have nothing, been've got ridicule. >> and as a linsky, i've been following this thing for four since obama. wolinskynce his always when he wrote his rules for radicals, he said that ridicule ise is mas best weapon and that's what they're doing. they are targeting, people.ey'rs they are polarizing people., they're personalizing it.andg as with the and they're going afterat republicans with these insantace attacks. and when you talk about fascism, put asidem of the fascg of joe biden through executive order, shutting keystone the pipeline, shutting down the market, doing all the things he's done. when you talk about purging a party of disease, that soundsa like fascist language to me. candidateand you have these cas out there, you talk about fascism, mendesml barnes inwashn wisconsin running against ron johnson, is talking about runng 50% of the state's prisoners. y in fetterman, your buddy in talki pennsylvania, sean, is talking
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st about releasing 30% of the state's prisoners. an biden't get any more wild than that. and finally, when joe biden comes to wisconsin and pennsylvania, is nuts, is that platform sounds those two candidates didn't want to bd go by joe biden. you know why? becaus becausee he's unpopular. >> the economy is in the tank and people know it now. charlie, if this election becomes about record high inflation, everecord high gas prices, record high prices for everything you buy in every store you go to, if it becomes about law and order, and safety and security, if it's about education of our kids, if it's about all of these things and not about the ad hominem attacks and the name calling and the demonization of any, i conservative or republican , i say republicans win if that's what they run on . now, the question is which side? >> is going to win the narrative?
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no, i think you're exactly right about that. and i think that is exactly why you have democrats maligningf and insulting half ofthe the country every timeco they tal thek. and of course, there's nothinga in the world that'sg more fascist than havingfascist a president calling half of the people he works for, fascist or semi fascist, or having the former first lady talk about how our voters in this country, herare so political opponents who don't support her, are somehow a diseassease ine in this counto this is really sick language, this kind of effort toly dehumanize people is what fascists do. so the only fascisascistt here e hillary clinton and joe biden. but you're exactlyey hav right. they have absolutely nothing tor run on . they control every lever of th power in washington, both chambers of congress and the white house. t they could they could runhe the tables. they could do whatever they andhavewant. on and what they have done soto far has been to destroygs
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the country. it' and you've gone through all of those important things, whether, it's skyrocketing crime, gas prices, inflation,pe open bordea misery around the world, terrorism takingte a new route n in places like afghanistan. so they have nothing on. else toe run on ., people but i think you're exactly right, sean. i think, you know, these thingsc people it's not just their conservatives and republicans who want their families tolies t be safe or want to be able to afford gasoline. democratha voters want that, tos and as long as republicans remain laser a focused on that and talk about the ideas that we all as a you know, believep in and that donald trump talkedo about, then republicans are toy walk away with this thing for two years and republicans are going to walk away even bigger or next month.k away they're going to walk away sean: with and then walk away evenad bigger, i think, in two years.t all right. so you had great success as theg rnc chair. what do you tell people running for the house, running for
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the senate? my understanding is next wee k that kevin mccarthy will lay out his version of a contracti with america commitments to america. i like that idea. a everyi like the idea that evy candidate signs their name. and makes a pledge to do certain things before they run. i would like the senate candidate candidates to do the same. whated to do republicans need o to keep the focus where it belongs? belongs? well, i agree with youo >> i think no.a or one , you're going to tell new people what you're for. i think a contract with americaa orct is whto a new contract or whatever he's going to call itt is brilliant. number one . number twomber one and num, yout these candidates like mandella, barnes and fetterman, these folks get away with portraying themselves as something thatraye are not there on tv everyinstrem minute, telling people that they're mainstream wtime they' t the same time they're talking about releasing prisoners, they'rg talking about defundin the police, and they're on the record talking about cashless bai peopll, that peopln who commit violent crimes should not have to pay a cas ge.
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bail in order to get out ofis prison. this is what their record is .ae so t i think republicans have tr be relentless in what they're for, relentless on pointing out what their opponent is for, n li and then they need to tell their own story abouand t theirn lives and their own families and their own sacrifices. i think all of that togetherme a is important. last thing, you got to focusras on the ground game and the grassroots. reu got to focus on absentee ballot requestqu forms, targetig people, turning out voters. and just obviously , like tha lincoln said, you have more ballots in the box thano yo the other guy. do you feel the republicanu feey party has that technology or are they prepared to compete with the democrats on that level in terms of getting out the vote? >> i do, john . we've and i think that we've also an learned a lesson about voting and election integritystil and h waiting until after the election to do something about it. and at'si think that's one ofie, we the things that's changed over't the last couple of years. >> charlie, we'll give you the last word here. >> the most important thingurit, they have to focus on personald
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security, crime and the economy and the border. ped if republicans focusgs and on thoseop three things and hitn these people as hard as they b can about the fact that lawlessn they have been for open borders, no bail, lawlessness, they'vported te supported the rn two years.s n as long as republicans stathaty: on that, i think that they're going to have a good day in november. all right, charlie, thank you . thank you . now, also tonight, memphis, tennessee, they are stillf reeling after a week of unthinkable violence. remember the kindergartencareer teacher murdered by a career crimincriminal in cold blood ? she was only out for a jog.rderd four others were murdered after a mass shooting from another f career criminaewl. and now new fears after two kil young men filmed themselves threatening to kill white people in the city at random. fl violent felons let out of jailb because of what liberal lib prosecutors, liberal judges and lawmakers are wreaking havoc on communities all acrosso the country. the media mob, they don'cat see.
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to care. the primetime shows on fake news, cnn, msnbc, totally ignoring the breaking news about the mass shootinhe breakit took place in memphis. why is that? what is it? because it wasn't a mega republican pulling the trigger? . similarly, they all bu d ignore the horrific story out of nevada story where an elected democrat murdered a journalist who is investigating him. abc , cbs, nbc, msnbc, they allo mented to mention that the murder suspect was ignor a democratic official. what would they woulf itdf it's they ignore it if it was a major republican ? why bother if it's not a matter ofmob republican ? the media mob is so dedicatedata to attacking conservativea behi protecting democrats that t they are turning a blind eye to a deadly problem in america, ind small towns and big cities. >> and as we speak, violentr criminals are now roaming free all over the country thanks to y these far left policies. to g
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and by the way, in the state of illinois, it is about todn't thi get even worse. >> couldn't think possible. take a look. folls of january 1st, 2020 three , the following things will go into effecntot. and people need to be aware of this. it abolishes cash bail for offee almost every offense. this include s, but isn't limited to kidnapping. armed robbery. second degree murder, drug induced homicide, aggravated dui, threatening a public official and aggravated fleeing and eluding offenders released on electronic monitoring have to be in violation for 48 hours before law enforcement can act. they could almost drive t alaska before we can even looker for them. >>e it denies victims their constitutional rights. ilo and keep this in mind, businesses and homeowners officers will no longer be able to remove trespassers fromor you your resident residence or your businesses. >> is that not madness? ask yourself, do you think thatu law and order is a good idea?
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because every democrat runningsp in this upcoming electionor ts vesupports some version of that type of policy.. now, they also all supportities illegal immigration. sanctuary cities, sanctuarany states . l those illegalw up immigrants start showing up indc coeir cities in 2019 one , washington, d.c.un, city councilwoman tweeted, quote, the district is a sanctuaryh ic city. that means our law enforcementl does not cooperatemember i with as a council member, i have called for an abolition of icean and road d.c. law to establish a permanent immigrant legal services fund. but after the latest busload of, migrants from texas, courtesy of gov. abbott,inging the councilwoman is now singing a much different tune. ta pretty interesting. take a looke k. gover it's beenon said, but it's worth reiterating that the governors of texas and arizona have created this crisis and the federal government has not stepped up to assist the district of columbia
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. d so we, along with our regionalle partners, will do what we've always done, will rise to the occasion. >> we've learned from border town s like el paso and brownsville, and in manyin n ways, the governors, texas and arizona have turned us into a border town . mayor >> and chicago mayor laurie lightweight was also panic stricken after a few busloads of migrants showed up in the windy city and she decidedd to transport them out of her city and send them to subur the suburbs. now, keep in mind, around dcght thousand migrants have been bused to chicago and d.c. e warlow for one points one million migrants have entered the state of texas alone. e th year.this year, never minde year. here now with more, former f floridormer general a attorney m bondi, fox news contributor tammy bruce. ou pam, let me start with you.. as a former prosecutor, you just heard the mayor pretty much you can commit any violent crime, kidnapping, seconder and
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degree murder, no bail laws. yod police can't do their job. now, how is that going to end? f i don't think you need to be a fortune teller to figure iteah,u out. >> don't hav how ? yeah, you don't have to be a prosecutor or a cop to figure it out. it's going to end in violenc muh more violence. s you know, sean, when i was a prosecutor, nobody recognized what political party you were. it was about protecting citizens, protecting kids so they could play in the park, protecting people so they could go to work to make our communities safe . people loved the police. and these progressives and these socialists have turned our country into something so frightening and they're not stopping. soci and as we always say, that's why it's so important when you're hearing these politicians, you've got to start at your local level.r you've got to supportda in my your tough sheriffs like chad chronister, who we have inyo florida inu ha my county, you hr to support the great law enforcement elsewhere. you have to support tough ha prosecutors and get rid of the bad onesm ou. whu have to vote them out of office. and these mayors and thesent t
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state reps who want to create these crazy laws for cashless bail. one on h and after 48ou hours, you still can't violate someone on house c arrest.e it's absurd and that we'rean going to see so much in th more violence. we see it's working great in the red states where we have, ah law and order, texas, florida,ou all the red states where wep pee want to protect our citizens hai and keep people safe .ng breaksy and it's just not happening. who have and it breaks my heart really for the people of this country >> who have to live in those other states . >> you know, tammy, we haven't talked about in a while, butt yw ans ago you were more left and less conservative than you are today. this new modern democratic party, this movement, you know, defund, dismantle, nobel di cause, this radicalism that's taken over the democratic party. doic you recognize any of this from the time that maybe you had some agreement with democratsybe ha? is is very you know, not not really. an i mean, this is what's verys
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interesting here. like, a lot ofout my work wasde about domestic violence. relieand that work relied on hg relationships with police departments, changing laws so that batterers couldcharges. workrrested even if the victim did not want to press charges. it was about working with the justice system to make sure that the bad guys, the people who are beating up women, the people who are committing crimes, actually were going toat be held to account. and that really fostered goodthe relationships with withi wn the work that i was doing with and there was universals agreement. it was not a feminist issue. iss itue was a a humanist issue. and what we relied on was depar were oice system and police departments and sheriff departments that understood this and than out they were on e side because it is womenss and families. when we see these mass shootings, when we see the dynamic of what goes women m women are out at the groceryen store, women are jogging , women are with their families thatc know in the public arena.
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and when there is a local arena shooter, if you willwome, those women and those children are equally at risk. we seeit a it t the border, it's children that are being used. so when they've destroyed the relationship between community and the police and what we're seeing here is the result of what tells young people especially is that not only are there no repercussions, but the people in this community don'tt careann about their own lives because even the bad guys thate rely the police matter and that people who care about the futurethem rely on them. so if you're if you're denigrating the police, like all the the blue cities ine the blue states do, that flows over ints ano a mentality thatn crime is okay. and in fact, maybe of people po who are saying defundse the police, maybe it's because o they want to be hurt. and this is whatw becaus we've o stop now, because that is a lie and only conservatives
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concerned, democrats, dew you'rets concerned patriots, members of the community have got to steps up and know you're being lied i to, that this is partisan. we not kno worw that it does no. we it makes lives worse because weh have example after example in these blue cities. it's unbelievable. you know, alall the lal the law taxpaying, hardworking americans no aw, they can't evek walk down the street. it's gotten that bad in manyowns parts of the country. tammy, thank you . pam bondi, as always. thank you .co untry.coming up, you won't belik how some on the left are now trashing the late queeneth ii elizabeth . the second we have incredible lowlight as you probably wouldnw believe. >> straight ahead, why hide your skin if you , pexton, has your moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis under control? hi , my skin, not me.head o >> because df ito picks and tars >> because df ito picks and tars the root cause of eczema. it helps hea l your skin from within keeping you one stepand o
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meyer in new york . former president trump's legal team and the justice department submitting nominees for a special master to review documents or move from mar-a-lago. last month, the fbi seized more than eleven thousand documents. this does include one hundred classified government records. earlier this week, a judge granted trump's request for a special master, a third party attorney who can independently review those documents. >> new york governor kathy hochul declaring a state disaster emergency to help combat the growing community spread of polio. the state's first confirmed paralytic case sparking new concern. experts say more severe cases are rare, but they do urge people to get vaccinated since the rewards outweigh the risk. i'm ashleigh strohmeyer and i'm back handy for all of your headlines, log on to fox news .com. so, all right. today today, king charles , the thirdm
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gave his first address tog th the u.k. as monarch following the passing of queen elizabeth , stressing the need for unity, thanking the british people forritish their love,o re their support, and vowing to continue to rule with loyalty. sadlsadly, the un hange woke lee they cannot help themselvemss. and they're using the queen's death to launch baseless smear campaigns against the entire royal family, including this tweet from a professor at carnegie mellon. >> quote, i heard the chief monarch of a thieving, , genocidal empire is finallyg gin dying. empi may here ir pain be excruciatin. now, twittery even took the tweet down, saying it violated their terms or tookf up buost the professor then double, double down on this posting saying if anyone expects me to express anything but disdaininte for the monarch who supervisede a government that sponsored a , that massacred and displacedwel, half yo my family, well, you can keep pushing across a star.
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and , of course, the mobeven m and the media,or they're using the queen's death to spew even more hate against the royal family. >> take a look. you played a clip of her speaking in cape town in nineteen forty seven southafrica africa. that's the year apartheid took tid effect in south africa. that was something the britishd colonialism ushered in. britis h colonialism, which shed sh presided over for all these years, was haded ove a terrible effect on on much of the world, but something that people revolt from. i think it's something there's a weakness in the american n thcharacter. it still yearn ys for that era f hereditary privilege, which is the very thing that that we escaped from it is now anw much understanding of how much moneym the royal familyil may have made from slavery, their involvement in sort colonialism. calls fo and there are calls for reparations, because if you really think about what the monarchy was built on , itsf was built on the backs of black
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and brown people. she wore cro a crownwn with pil: stones from india and africa. r >> all right.eact here with reaction, authorions r and fox news contributoray douglas murray is with us , along with fox news contributoor ,the guy that needs his ownjoe o media show right here on fox.nca joe concha, by the way, he will be cohosting the big saturday show this weekendit right here on fox, which evm glad to see. joe , let's start with you.rved7 even in death, a woman that lont reigni servedng 70 years, the longest reigning monarch, she took the throne at the age of twenty five . what is it specifically that that brings out all of thiso cl hatred of the left towards her?. class and no shame, i think, to start, sean. and look, you you look at queen elizabeth that she took to the throne when harry s. truman was president of the united states and winston churchill was prime minister of grea britain. so this is how long we'retr t here. abou
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and she's only carried herself with class and dignity. but but to go back to that carnegie mellon professor where you just read those tweets, which are completely i'm old enough to remember the year 2020, sean, when t the same carnegie mellon completely freaked out over richard grenell, formerly the trumpet administration acting director , national intelligence. he was named a senior fellow a ttaff the university and something like almost 300 faculty and staf f signed an open letterof t pleading with the university to rescind the appointmenhet and nw after one of their professors tweeted what what that what she did about quee aboutn elizabeth, ehe second not long after sh passed away, these same faculty and staff members are silent and the university doesn't appear that it's going to reprimand this person in any way. so it just seems like nothing is sacred anymore. right? i mean, do you remember when nancy reagan passed away inost 2016? here wasin "the washington post" and their obituary oft the former first lady. quote, nancy reagalady.n, an undeniable knack for inviting controversy. there were her knack fo extravagant spending habits at a time oftran double digit unemployment, a chaotic relationship with their children and stepchildren that could rival a soap opera ploimt,
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unquote. this is a friggi n obituary.r sh again, namo class, no shame. even moments after somebody so revered passes away at the age of ninety six . john douglas, when you go back to may, her paine be excruciating. you know, there are people i don't particularly like on this earth. >> i can't imaginet imag ever, g saying something like that upo n a death of anybody. >> shere does that come fromt c? no, i mean, it shows nothing except the extraordinary ignorance and the extraordinary evil of these people.people. the ignorance of what you've just rea the ignorance of what you've just read out from various vs not entities they know nothing about colonialism. they clearly know nothing about the decolonization process. they know nothing about the late queen's extraordinary work with the commonwealthided o countries. ve if the queen would preside over this, what is it? again, sidel empire. unbelievable. there'd be nobody alive if itcid had been a genocidalal empire. and they smear her with a total
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lack of knowledge.l of the h if she'd been the person they're talking about, why would all the heads of all o fl the commonwealth countries have all been in mourning in the last 24 hours?e you know, what we see here is is a very vile, evil type of person who's very ignorant and luxuriates in their ignorance. and nothing, though, i think could stand in greater contrasti to that than the life ofd the li service and dignity that queend elizabeth had and demonstrated . she was an. extraordinary monarch, an extraordinary woman so great mother, grandmother, mother to the nation,edge and somebody who had a store of wisdom and knowledge and decency in service, including sacrifice of a kind si thatll many people still admire. but too few people still have. s we live in an age where out everybody moans and everyone thinks it's about them. d have idd they throw out these ignorant opinions and they have no idef whata of what it what it is like to actually serve your country. queen said she
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would do as a girl and g and do what the queen said she would do when she was a girl and to give her wholthe life to the service of others. that's what we should remember. figui hope these these chattering figures never detracs nevet from the life of service of the late queen. no class period, end ofr. sentence at all whatsoever. anyway, thank yo anyway, thank you very much, douglas . >> joe , great t up,o have you . and coming radi democrats running for the senate could not be any more radical. it'sn only 60 days from the midterms. their positions on key dow issus are downright scary. we'll tell you everything ever y are position that they're taking, what they are. so you are an informed voter come november, hi , i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy
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one thing is now more cleare ru than ever. democrats are running the most extreme, the most far left, elen the most radical candidates of any election cycle. i've ever covered . and by the way, especially inesl key swing states like pennsylvania, georgia, wisconsin, you have far left candidates doubling down boarde, on their pro crime, open borders, green new deal socialism agenda, for example, in wisconsin, mandela e barnes says that he wants totate release half the prisoners across the state of wisconsin. he wants to give illegal immigrants driver's licenses and in-state tuition. he wants to abolish the filibuster, even wants to let prisoners vote down in georgia, raphael warnock, well, he has a history of far left radicalism, repeatedly attacking the police as as thugs and even worse, comparing him to thugs and gangsters. support crt in schools offers kind words for the likes of fidel castro. praises louis farrakhan, p a virulent anti-semite, racist,
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even defending the radical hate america pastor gd america, jeremiah wright, among many a other bizarre positions. >> and he wants to packia the courts and the great state of pennsylvani, wea. well, phony, spoiled, never hadb a job, trust fund, brad in jo a hoodie and tattoos. john fetterman never had a jobea . legalife. he wants tlio what? legalized drug dens, supports amnesty, wants to reducen po pennsylvania's prison population. pula by at leasby at least a third, o eliminate put a moratorium fracking and phase it out.suppor doesn't support americanence and and energy independence. t he continues to suffero following a stroke back in may, and he won't answer a singleut h question about his health. t cla his opponent, dr. mehmet oz,ed t is making it clear debates needs to take place before any votesea are cast. and that needs to happen in all of these states . joining us now is dr. oz, along with former south carolina governor nikki haley, who is cai joining dr. oz on the campaign
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trail. nikki, why don't we star nial with you all these extreme extreme positions and john fettermarman hasn has campaignee a whopping 20 minutes in total since the since the primary. e r that's it.y.this is the it now, voting begins in 10 days. votedo the people in the commonwealth of pennsylvania vote when the guy o hasn't answered one questions. on all of these radical positions? >> well, thanks, sean.on the know, first of all, i'll tell you , it's just total arrogance on the part. r ques fetterman he thinks he doesn't have to show up. e toif this guoesn't hav answer your question. d but this if this guy gets every elected, this should send a chill up every person's spine, not just inea tha pennsylvania, but acrossy law en the country. the idea that heent' wantss tote go and take away lawlvdefend enforcement's ability to defend themselves or defend communities. this is a guy who saidies sanctuary cities make us all safer, not less safer. w thisants is a guy who wants to e away life sentences for anrders, a guy who wants to release a third of prisoners. do and i'll tell you , dr. ozim
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and i did a couple of different events.s the energy grea for him is great because they're so scared oft we what fetterman is going to do. buverybodyt we need everybody in the country to pay attention to this pennsylvania race. pebecause this guy makes the lee clook conservative compared toe where he is .t of >> it would be a disaster he toz the left of bernie sanders. he endorsed bernie sanders. dr. oz, i mean, you have noto had an opportunity to hear him answer a single question. he's talking about a debate in, what, mid-october, late october ? by that time t, probablyhe halfv the vote will be in inan the commonwealth of pennsylvania. that, by any measure, is not fair to the people of pennsylvania. >> how come that is beingd to allowed to happen? bochan? >> frankly, he hasn't actually even offered to debatee . and beh debates have teld o be helatd at a specific time, in a specific place on tv stations with hostse . we don't want any of l hese details. soi kn all i know is that i've
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agreed to six specific debates. three , this month, three nextalso month, for the reason you stated. so the early folks can also get some information about where i stand and democracyr an lives on asking questions ofater each other. i will do whatever i can t tojof serve the people ofetees pennsylvania. when john fetterman agrees to zero debates, one was supposedds to be .nter right now, as est i speak to yoe it shows he doesn't have the interests at heart of the voters and he is dodging the debates because he doesn'tbr want he cannot defend ais far left radical positions that you just articulatedion ant andt some fun facts on what happens when you have those radical positions where i am right now,s philadelphia, the highest homicide rate we have everwe'v d . we also arine number three is a state and fentanyl deaths because e of his position on the border. so i say, if you're worried about this, go to dr. oz .com. please support my campaign,nd because here's the truth. s liberaason he's gettinuppogn.g y is because the liberals in california, new york , don't yo know how radical he is .i can' >> i can't imagine they would,cu with good conscience, support him. what they want him is a fifty fi seat in the senate. but here's the they're just trying tot a ld ger placeholder.
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the people in new york andre the california probably would. that's the problem. moneand that's where the money's coming from. it's and do the people of pennsylvania, the hard working people, first of all, he wants to eliminate fracking and energy independence. that's an eighty one billion that d industry in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. estrthat would destroy the econy of pennsylvania. he's never answered a singlee ag question. dr. oz, why is it the medi tha are allowing this guy to get away with this? why are they not insistingn on answers? ties and they're being duplicitous.manufa they're manufacturincturing g a candidate, literally a hologram. this fictional person thatfo they want for the for their readership to adore. and that's what they're tryingfn to achieve, is not workingsy because the people of pennsylvania too smart for that. this >> but let mane get back toy the root issue here. nikki haley, ambassadoand i r hy and i were campaigning yesterday and talking about the fact we're both the kids of immigrants. we both believe, as do mostthe m viewers on the american dream,
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that if you work hard, respect each other, serve each other, fe then the country actually makes you an american. well, john fetterman never hadid that life experience.ys these b he doesn't respect the american dream. that's why he says these thesedi bizarre things. and that's why i say for me, if you don't want someone like john fetterman in there, go to dr. oz .com and support me,to m because this fellow and people like him will destroy sean: the nation. governor , look at the last two presidential elections. you had a dirty bought and paid for russian disinformation dossier fed to the media.e an none of it was true, but they reported it as gospel truth. then you then you go. and then it was used as a weapon to apply for fisa warrants. they got four of them and none of it was true. 20 and none then in 2020 all of a sudden,oms weeks before the election, a laptop comes out from hunter i biden that implicates joe bidene repeatedly. and yet the media in one voice says, oh, that's that's likely we russian disinformation. out it wasit turns out it was al so the impact on the media, on all of these races is very
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real. how is it that the media will give this guy with the most radical positions of any candidate i've ever seen a free pass for this election? >>ss like i have said it for to long, sean, republicans are too nice because all they do is whine, complain, and we don't get out there and fight. we have an opportunity to fight. i was today helping herschelne d walker is going against warnock. i was yesterdadon'get y at dr. t helping him go against fetterman. these are dangerous individualt. that if they walk the halls ofht the senate, we are going to have much bigger problems than real anything the squad could ever give us. so if we cha reallnge, wey wante change, we need to go to dr. ozp .com, give him money. we can we need to get our people out to vote , and we need to makeigt a change in the senate. governorwe can do this. we got to keep the faith.oz. all right, governor , i'm gladki you're out there with dr. cause we've got to we've got to smokee this guy out. the people oth mf pennsylvania, whether you agree with me or the disagree with me, you deserve answers. cato these very radicalt, o positions. thank you both for beingur t
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with us. upsystem next, our two tiered systeme la of justice. it is alive and well. we have the latest example. it involves hillary clinton. we'll check in with greg jarrett and the president's attorney . if that's president trump, alina, straight ahead, let's headquarters after hearing a plane hit the world trade center. this can't possibly be anere we action. proof i ha whd in my mind that this was an attack right away.hd day. where were you when the towersea came down? and it was the north tower coming down. vesey. coming down. vesey. i can just imploding into the building. i looked up, i said, i'm not i looked up, i said, i'm not going out. i don't want tha t apparatuser, there on the corner. west and vesey when the dusa ph cloud right here, right herewn r i was in my house.e in the soute tower came dowrsn and then tower came dowrsn and then i received a phone call from a firefighter. an a firefighter. an he said tod me, frank, it'sers
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really bad down here. i said, i know. and he goes, no, you don'tn wasc understand. understand. nobody's come homeomg home. and i had to r get off the phon, anmy brothers, that stephen wasn't coming home. he ran through the tunnel to the towers. and that's why we startethe the tunnelam to towersat repre foundation. >> all these men and women havn inspired us every time i'm here at american response monumentmea that represents the twelve horsemen that rode into afghanistan they nned on sn. n they were told, you take this mission, you're not going tohilm come home to american heroes. they never forgot what happenedo on september 11th and meetinudg them when they came home. itca just sent chills up my spie because i knew what they we'reen becau e i knew what they we'reen towers taking care of catastrophically u.s. service catastrophically u.s. service members, gold star familie well, if you're a fallen firstr responder anywhere in america and you die in the liny.e duty,e we're going to pay offm your mortgage. and if you don't have a home, and if you don't have a home, we're going to build you a home . we gotyou're j toio support ourt responders and our military. they support us . they protect and we have to
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nine nine one . >> again, that's eight hundred three two five four nine nineows one . now justt li like we've been telling you , the two tieredth system of justice in this country is now undermining faith and our most importantw, institutions. now, this still justice system is shredding our constitution. we now havredding our e politicb and at doj, that is weapons. surlier today, donald trump suit against hillary clinton over the russiitlintona hoax ths dismissed with the judge claiming that the forty five president wasn't seekingrm redress for any legal harm, all based on hillary clinton's
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bought and paid for dirty misinformation. russian dossier. t and meanwhile, today wasrud the deadline for the trump teame and the biden doj to submit ser their list of potentialve as a n candidates to serve as an independent special master to review the documents that were d seized at mar-a-lago.ow down, foxeak it all jaws legal analyst greg jarret, along with trump attorney elina hubb. >> alina, start with you. what frustrates me is hillary clinton, they took thisr verifii dossier. about donalderified it. they fed it to t the i they lied about donald trump. the media ran with it. then the fbi used it, applied for fisa applications four times, says on the top of that i application, verified it was unverifiable and they all got a away with it. >> why isn't she being held d accountable for what she did?id? >> because when you have a clinton judg because e when you have a clintn judge as he did here, judge middlebrooks, who i had asked to recuse himself but insisted that he didn't need to he wasrtn
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going to be impartial, and then he proceedd s to write a sixty r five page scathing order where he basically ignored every factual basis which was backed up by indictments, by investigationions, ths, the r report, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, not to mentiontestim durham and all the testimony we heard there, we get dismissed, noe t only do we get dismissed, he says that this is not the proper place for recourse for donald trump. for he has no legal ramifications. whatth is the proper place for him? because the fbi won't help whenn you can do anything, obstruct justice, blatantly lie to the fbi. sussman's out. he gets acquitted. where do you go? that's that's the concern.n getsfor me. where do you get that that recourse? the famous line of ray donovan . where do i go to get my good name back ? greg, you wrote to number one , best selling books nug books about thispl very topic. o nobody topple next t was held accountable.g li the top peoplee, involved in ths big lie, they never got held accountable.
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nod hillary, you know, fauci just now mocks the idea thatt sh she herself had top secret and classified emails on her servers and just acts like it never happened. >>r happened yeah. >> and the same time, she's now hawking hats that say but her emails sort of laughing at everyone and how she got awaye o with it. thankst away to her husband, loa lynch. and , of course,her husban jamet look, it'sta always an uphill battle when a citizen brings a case against a federal government and federal employees because federal judges frown upon those things. l juit appears to me here that s judge in florida wanted tojury d be both judge and jury. b he wanted to be the trier of the fact here. and he simpl ty states and hasn' declares that trump hasn't stated a cognizable claim under a law. >> well, c i thinkla he has. there is a plethora of evidencef
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of corruption and abuse of power by the fbi. abur by their employees working inncert concert with hillary clintonwi and her acolytes, lawless searchw lesser warrants and spyg on the trump campaign, using knowingly a phony, bogus information in the steele dossier. >> and launching investigations, criminal investigationsin, the presidentl of the united states knowing full well there was nos no predicate evidence to begin g with . so i think there's to be going o be a different opinion by thef e 11th circuit court of appealw a on review. re-ins they may well decide to c reinstate this case because i do thinke becaus there are vad causes of action. >> ilina, what other avenues ofr remedy that you might have? e no you know, i have to share with you a story, sean, that i have not shared with anybody ,though the recourse that i have at this point is obviously to appeal this to u the 11th circuit as as greg
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said. but when i brought this case and we were assigned this judge and we went through the recusal process, we lost five magistrath the, includingid reinhardt, who's dealings with the boxes. as we know, the formerand thd td president looked at me and he y told me, you know what, ilina?ou you're not going to win.n an you can't just get rid of it. don't do the case. and i said, no, we have to fight. it's not right. beca happene.d. you know, he was right. and and it's a sad day for meed buti personally, because i fought our him on it.yste i'should havm,e listened, but i don't want to lose hope in our system. i don't. got so, you know, i'm deciding whether we're going to appealn it. but i goyou'ret to tell you , si it's hard when you're looking at what's happening in these ine this justice system. america better start paying attention. wel don't have equal justice oi application of our laws. and if we allow it to continue,peoplea it's only going to get worse. thesree peopleelmore are now more emboldened than ever. alina, thank you . greg jarrett, thank you . >> more "hannity". straight ahead, allergy sufferers, big time means it's time to take zeisel zeisel,
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12:00 am
the time we have left this friday evening. po always, thank you for beingsa with us. thank you for making this showrv possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. you can get news any time atca fox, hannity, .com. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled.bled the ingraham angle. laura ingraham. up next, i hope you havet next a great weekend. i'm laura ingraham. >> thanks for joining us . this is the "ingraham angle" from washington. e ingraham tonight. tucker carlson, while, ob he's staying up late. are you kidding me? .yeah, he's going to be here. he's going to reveal what he th says is the single biggestway aa change in the way americans may have to start livingng. but first, fake versus real. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle. decided on all right. f i decided on friday night thatsp it's time to simplify things for everyone. you're all busy out there, for e right? thmogoing to simplify
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