tv The Five FOX News September 12, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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so glad we're doing this remotely. if you were here, i'd be a mess. thanks for you inspiration and your beautiful family. you're a lesson and moving on and trying to do some good. rob fazzio, beautiful girls, beautiful family. he's remembering ron that gave it all and sacrificed everything. >> greg: i'm greg greg with judge jeanine, harold ford. >> jeanine: jesse waters and she plays twister on a bingo card, dana perino. "the five." on the mid-terms as liberals takes biden's us versus them narrative to the next level. the media acts as if dems have the momentum going into november. a new york polling times guru is bursting their bubble saying the
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warning signs are flashing again and strong poll numbers may be a mir rage equating them to 2020 polling mixes that overstated support for joe biden. meanwhile, the biden administration is continuing their attacks on extremist republicans. >> democrats, the stakes are so high. as the president, our president made clear in philadelphia last week, the threats we face as a nation are great. threats to our freedom, threats to our very democracy. we need to seek truth about that. so today by coming together, we're re-affirming that we refuse to let extremists so-called leaders dismantle our democracy. >> greg: coming together except for those extremists. liberals taking biden's cue and
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smearing trump voters on september 11th with some guy named dean tweeting terrorists are terrorists, be bin laden's al-quaida or trump's maga. biden's dhs secretary was echoing that sentiment while at ground zero. >> the threat landscape has evolved considerably the last 20 years. we're seeing an emerging threat over the last several years of the domestic violent extremists, an ideology of hate, anti-government sentiment, false narratives propagated on online platforms, even personal grievances. >> greg: you know, dana, i had a -- i was going to talk about the polling. i didn't see that. that is a government official basically taking a crap on 9-11. he basically marginalized the memories of those people by equating it to some kind of political agenda. it's absolutely disgusting.
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>> dana: he did it there at ground zero and it wasn't -- if he was asked about it, he wanted to make that point. he said let me add the concern on -- he went to domestic terrorists. that's what you'll see all of the democrats do. kamala harris did it yesterday on "met the press" as well. you have that happening. meantime, terrorists, actual terrorists, they're not on our timeline. they're super patient. we have done a great job as a country in a bipartisan way supporting the military and our intelligence officials in order to keep al-quaida on its back foot. that is a bipartisan achievement. something that we can all agree on. if i were mayorkas, i would have said even if the white house said we need to make this point, not today. last point is yesterday at the end of the u.s. open in which a norwegian was playing a spaniard, at the end they both get to make comments. what is the first thing that they talked about?
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the solemn day. this important day. this emotional day. thanks for letting me share it with you. i am sorry for what happened to you. that was their instinct. then you have somebody like the homeland security secretary at ground zero saying that. it's beyond disappointing. also not surprising. >> greg: you know, judge, department of homeland security, there's 100,000 people dying from overdoses, drugs coming across the border. one could easily point right back at him and go, you know what you could equate to 9-11? your lack of an ability to prevent this death. how dare he point at january 6 when he's in charge:something that is killing people? >> because they have an agenda and an ideology that is not connected to reality. what they're concerned about is winning and winning at all costs. the fact that yesterday, 9-11 was a significant day in our history when 3,000 americans died, the horror inflicted upon so many families who suffer from
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it and continue to suffer from it every day is of no concern to them. their concern is about winning. the whole idea of we're not really worried about any of that stuff. we're worried about domestic terrorism and domestic terrorism is about the maga republicans, the other people we have to get rid of. i went back and i remember jim jordan talking about whistle-blowers that went to congress and talked about the fact that fbi officials were pressuring agents to categorize domestic violence, extremism as even though these cases didn't meet the criteria of domestic violence extremism. this is a plotted agenda that they have and they will pursue it every day until the election. >> greg: harold, who would you rather be in this situation? not like -- forget that democrats or republicans.
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comparing their situations. if you had to bet which situation would you prefer to be in come november? who really has the momentum here? >> first off, happy birthday. >> greg: thank you. thank you for the card. i didn't expect cash. i can spend it on anything that i want. i don't have to return that shirt that jesse didn't buy me. >> when politicses try to politicize this day -- yesterday was a bad day. i remember where we were all were. we were at met stadium. we happened to be at the baseball game and how great it was to be on that set with so many including the tunnels to tower founder who reminded us all and jesse you read an eight-minute thing saying the million dollars that fox had given on behalf of trying to build homes. so you want to be on the side of america that day, americans. we're in an election season.
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i hope politicians can put that aside. we talked about the polling around whether or not this polling stuff is wrong. look, polling in the past few election cycles is less of a science and more like science fiction in the way that things have come about. it's important for the polling industry to be more transparent how they do these things. you asked me about being on a side. i want to be on the side of americans. politics on that day is bad. happy birthday. >> greg: it's tough when you turn the big 40. thank you. jesse, is it -- should we just admit that maybe this is working on the democrats strategy to use january 6th as a political weapon and might be paying off. >> jesse: it is paying off. they're raiding, stealing people's phones. probably listening to my
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personal conversations. i know they're listening, so i'm trying to throw them off a little bit. it's dangerous. you have the media and the fbi and probably the cia all on the same side. they're using the bush war on terror tactics against not al-quaida or isis, they're using it against maga republicans. do you remember during the bush years, democrats stop politicizing 9-11. if you were a republican and a flag pin, they said you were politicizing 9-11. now they get on 9-11 and call half the country terrorists. how is that not politicizing 9-11? january 6 is their 9-11. it's been what they were waiting for. the only war that they wanted to fight. they didn't want to fight the cold war. remember all the top democrat lawyers wanted to represent al-quaida. remember they flew down to gitmo? they did that pro bono. how about chuck todd? totally in on this war game. the question, we are now facing
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a threat from within. is the threat equal or greater than the threat we faced on 9-11? what kind of question is that, chuck? that's like are the republicans racist pedophiles or are they worse than racist pedophiles? also, i remember the war on terror. remember how the democrats were upset about the muslims? islamophobia is the worst. it's worse than radical islam. they would say the same thing. not all muslims are terrorists. what do they say today? all republicans are terrorists. they give them more of a benefit of the doubt. also, you see now they're saying if you believe the election was unfair, that makes you a threat to democracy. if you look at the polling, more democrats think the 2016 election was rigged than republicans think the 2020 election was rigged. they say oh, if you have a personal grievance that makes you a radical. i don't know about you, i have a lot of personal grievances.
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protection and it's no wonder burglaries are up 50% citywide this year compared with the last year and crime is a major issue in the mayoral race. bass was even asked about it in a debate. >> congress woman, do you feel safe? >> i do feel safe. i'd say a 10. a lot of people don't feel safe. i respect that. >> jesse: something doesn't smell right about this story. who wants this one? janine over here. greg? >> jeanine: let me tell you something. she's got two guns that are registered for which she has no permits. okay? only two guns are stolen but they're safely and securely in a brinks lock box. how did the guy who allegedly is hispanic that they're referring to -- they didn't tell us how they got a description since no one wasn't at home, maybe they had a ring thing or i don't
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know. but how does a criminal not take cash? there's no identification number, no fingerprints? not take jewelry, anything other than a box that you hope two gunses are in? there isn't a glass cover on a brinks locks box. she has issues, okay? as it relates to the gun. she only has it registered. she's had it 40 years and never bothered to get a permitted. i don't know what's going on, but i'll tell you what, all my antennas are up here. something totally off. no criminal doesn't take cash. >> jesse: two unlicensed firearms are missing from the democratic candidate mayoral race and they blame a hispanic. >> dana: they say they have a photograph. covid times. he has a mask on. >> jesse: there he is. >> dana: there he is. as of this morning on america's newsroom, only her campaign had made a comment.
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i would not want anyone to violate my home and take my guns and my lock box. it does seem a little strange. i'm not saying it didn't happen. but we need a lot more on this. rick caruso is the gop candidate out there. i think he would be a good mayor. this race is going to be very tough. there's so many democrats that live in los angeles. they're upset about crime. nationwide, people are up sets about crime. i think when the voting actually happens in november in the exit polls, when you look back, more democrats will lose than they're thinking. crime and the border will be the two big issues. >> jesse: you think that they'll discover these two firearms mysteriously in the campaign office of rick caruso? >> greg: maybe the campaign takes bit coin. this stinks like kilmeade's gym
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bag. you break into a house and steal a safe with guns in it? that's a lot of effort meaning you knew what you were doing. there was something that you wanted to get specifically and that's what happened. if only there were like journalists that would like care about this kind of story based purely on its hypocrisy. journalists liked the hypocrisy story. if it was a pastor of a church busted for molesting a church member. gun controller loses the gun. so when i'm reincarnated, i hope i come back as a democrat. what was i thinking? like even right now, there's a nevada democrat that is accused of murder. killed a journalist. imagine if that was a republican. he's still getting paid. he's still getting a paycheck. that is awesome. i need that kind of treatment. >> jesse: do you remember when harold said in the green room that bass probably shot two
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people with the firearms and then reported them missing? >> dana: i can't believe you said that, harold. >> greg: you did. >> jesse: i cannot believe -- >> harold: look, i don't know what to make of this. dana had it -- everybody has an opinion but i agree with dana. we need to know the facts here. one -- as i was reading through this and i hope we were talking about ghost guns and democrats and republicans will have their feeling about this. hear me out. >> jesse: what is the -- i'm sorry. >> harold: i hope the guns are not -- the technology -- if we have technology to shut down water, heat and air conditioning, we should have the technology to make sure people can't use the guns but for the person owning the gun. i hope the facts come outs. i take people at their word. i imagine she's not done anything here elicit.
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i don't think anyone is suggesting that. >> greg: i am. >> jeanine: i have issues here. something is not right. >> jesse: smells like smollett to me. >> dana: if you're a criminal that wants guns, isn't the whole point that you can walk out on the street and get a gun? >> jeanine: took the cash. could have gotten a bigger gun. >> greg: somebody knew the guns were there. you're right. >> jeanine: how did they know that? did she take them out? did she talk about them? did she use the guns? if she did, she needed a permitted. >> greg: could have been a handyman. >> jesse: it's easier to buy a vegetable than it is -- >> harold: fresh fruit. >> jesse: yeah, you say that. i agree with harold. i trust were the politicians tell me. >> harold: amen. >> jesse: up next, kamala harris telling another outrageous lie about the border crisis. wait till you hear this one. ♪
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you saved so many lives that day. where were you when the towers came down? i hear this loud noise. i look up and it was the north tower coming down. and i can just remember the huge antenna imploding into the building. i looked up and i said, i'm not going to outrun this. i dove under an apparatus there on the corner of west and vesey. awaited the dust cloud. right here. right here. i was in my house in the south tower, came down, and i received a phone call from a firefighter. he said to me, frank, it's really bad down here. i said, i know. and he goes, no, you don't understand. nobody's come home. and i had to get off the phone, tell my three sisters my brothers, that steven wasn't coming home. he ran through the tunnel to the towers. and that's why we started the tunnel to towers foundation. all these men and women have inspired us. every time i'm here at the american response monument that represents the 12 horsemen that rode into afghanistan,
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they were told, you take this mission, you're not going to come home. true american heroes. they never forgot what happened on september 11th and meeting them when they came home. it just sent chills up my spine because i knew what they went through. we're so proud at the tunnel to towers. for taking care of catastrophically injured service members. gold star families. well, if you're a fallen first responder anywhere in america and you die in the line of duty, . me, we're going to build you a hom e. we got to support our first responders and our military. . and their families. as well. by giving $11 a month. you're joining us on our mission to do good and take care of gold star families. catastrophically injured service members and first responders. go to now.
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♪ >> jeanine: the border czar is add it again. thousands of illegal immigrants pour daily in our country and sanctuary cities cry foul over the bus loads that texas has been sending. kamala harris is acting blissfully unaware of the crisis she's supposed to be solving. >> we have a secure border and that that is a priority for any nation including ours and our administration. but there are still a lot of problems that we are trying to fix. given the deterioration that happened over the last four years. >> jeanine: and the media thinks this is the person who can win
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the presidency? >> some of her supporters argue she's being set up to fail on some of those issues. but she's well-positioned to become president some day. why? 15 vice presidents already have, including our current president who is a former vice president. >> the president has been very clear that he intends to run again. if he does, i will be running with him probably. >> greg: probably. >> jeanine: probably, yes. okay, jesse. so kamala says the border is secure. now, i don't care if you think two middle have come through, one million, 100,000, 1,000, everybody knows that people are coming through the border. at some point kamala harris loses all credibility or do they just not care whether or not anyone really believes them? >> jesse: she's lost credibility. she doesn't care because chuck
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todd doesn't care. i have a beef with chuck. he's supposed to be this big deal. probably getting paid way too much. this is the pristine premier show on sundays. who is the old guy? tim russert. he would go after your throat if he thought you were a liar. his first question is, is the border secure? you know what her answer was? well, we have to pass amnesty. what? every person in central america that sees that clip says pack your bags, let's go north. they're giving out amnesty. his follow up question after she said it was secure, two million people crossed. she hems and hawes and says trump broke the border. we're fixing what trump did. how does chuck todd not have any sort of follow up question? how does chuck todd not ask about the democratic mayors that are complaining about a few dozen busloads of migrants? how does he not ask that question? it's one of the biggest stories in the country.
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yeah, it's secure. aren't republicans terrorists? how can you let her go like that? >> jeanine: i agree. the truth is, harold, when she says the deterioration happened over the last four years, the broken immigration over the last four years needs to be fixed, what is she talking about? >> harold: me? >> jeanine: i said harold. >> greg: we want to congratulate shannon bream. >> jesse: the filibuster. say happy birthday again. >> harold: happy birthday. the border is not secure. it needs to be stronger. >> jeanine: everybody knows that. >> harold: i'm agreeing with you. two, this is a national security issue. we talked around this table many times. you have to give everybody a little something and make it hard for people to say no. build a wall. the fentanyl and drug, you have to flood the border with law enforcement and agents that we
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need to address it here and interdict before it gets here. three, reform the asylum system. we have i think too liberal of an asylum system here. we need more judges there and exp expedite. this is not an indictment on abbott or anybody but we should not allow people to be bussed. we know they won't come back for their hearing unless you move the hearing to where you bus them. finally, we talked about it, you have to begin a smart way of investing in our hemisphere where this instability is at its height. it needs to be smart and bipartisan and it needs to be well-thought out. the border is not secure. >> jeanine: we know that. but she's -- >> harold: happy birthday, greg. >> jeanine: she's blaming donald trump. the truth is, dana, it was more secure when trump was there, certainly more secure than it is now. now what the democrats are doing, all of them are slapping
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abbott and lori lightfoot especially and philadelphia's is inventorying existing resources as they prepare the receive more. do the southern towns get a chance to inventory resources? >> dana: absolutely they did not. this morning bill melugin as we're reporting on "the story," bill melugin reported that 200 migrants crossed on to private property in texas and texas, the state, state resources, had built this fence in this area and they put up a venezuelan flag on it. they were all single adult males. so i agree with you, jesse. what an opportunity you had to press. don't take it from me. here's lori lightfoot, here's mural bowser, the things that they said. i can't imagine that adams, bowser and lightfoot think that the border is secure now they're dealing with it. i maintain the border issue will be the dark horse election issue because there's a collapse of
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the border in terms of confidence from the american people and the administration to handle it and a collapse in the process. they would have to hire so many immigration judges to deal with this. they don't even exist right now. >> jeanine: the texas border towns are now requesting more refrigeration to store migrant bodies after the drownings overwhelm the mortuaries. so now we have more bodies than we know what to deal with. these wusses, the democratic mayors are acting like get them away from us. they shouldn't be among us. shouldn't they experience the same pain? >> greg: you know, if trump had won the election and this was going on, can you imagine? you remember the children in cages. there's people dying. it's like oh, the border is secure. i'm sure out of the millions coming here to get mayorkas interested in this, we should let them know that some of the
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migrants have personal grievances. we don't know that. we saw another brutal murder in california by an illegal alien. i say that not talking about comparing crime rates because that is so murky when you look at crime rates with illegals and migrants. it's hard to do. that is a preventible crime. that person was here illegally. you can say greg, citizens commit more crimes than illegal aliens. yes. but the illegal alien ones, if they weren't here, the crimes wouldn't be committed and this guy decapitated a woman and left her head underneath the car. that could have been prevented if we had a procedure, some policies that were followed through. instead, we have nothing to see here. sad. >> jeanine: same with parole. they let them out early, let them out of jail. had they spent the time they should have, people wouldn't have died. up next, the liberal media having more meltdowns on the death of queen elizabeth, ii.
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yeah... ♪ get kardia mobile card at or amazon. ♪ >> dana: another solemn date for great britain. the coffin of the late queen elizabeth arriving in edinburgh scotland where she will lie in rest for 24 hours giving members of the public a chance to pay their respects. after that, she will be flown to london for four days. some in the media are not feeling great about their legacy. progressive journalists insist that she represents racism. >> the monarchy was built on -- it was built on the backs of black and brown people. the black communities that i'm a part of, they want reparations.
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>> there's the generation of multicultura multicultural britains that want this answers, that want to see their monarch talk about what it means and what potentially the idea of reparations. >> she would have had a lot of legitimacy and credibility. >> are you denying what i said about british colonialism? >> i'm taking issue about your remarks of slavery which we abolished before you did. >> dana: judge jeanine, give us your take on the media melt down. >> jeanine: the media will melt down on anything. to the extent that the queen is representative of tradition, history and culture and handing down whatever tradition from generation to generation, they're going to trash it. i mean, it's like they're not happy. they're constantly in a state of
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attack. for me, i must tell you, i believe that most of the britts and a lot of americans -- i have no way of knowing for sure -- feel tremendous respect for this woman because of the dignity in which she carried herself. there's something to be said for tradition. whatever our background is, i'm an american first but i also reflect a subculture from where my family comes. gives us a sense of who we are and our security. i don't know what to say about the people that want to trash her because they a tribute everything bad to her. >> dana: how do you think king charles will handle it going forward? >> greg: it's an interesting chap. that's what they call a man in england. why is this upsetting? i'll tell you why. this is one area where respect and devotion crosses all lines, right? you can have a cab driver and an investment banker both on the same side of something, which is their reverence for royalty,
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even though i don't care about it. i understand that across the board, people can feel the same way no matter what class they're in. the media thrives on conflict. discord. so that type of unity is of no use to them. how can they work on that? there's nothing that they can do. we talked about it in the a block. for the most part, you know, 95% of everything on 9-11 was apolitical. we're unified except for a few people on cnn and msnbc where they blended 9-11 with january 6 and mayorkas. there's a desire to find discord when people are feeling unity. they mentioned reparations. they never go that deep on it. how do you do it? i'd be interested in it. how do you work backwards? what if you find out your black and your ancestors bought and sold slaves? >> jeanine: our your family wasn't here. they were on another continent? >> greg: i'd love to know the
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logistics. maybe it's a education program we haven't tried yet. that would be interesting. >> dana: what do you think, harold? >> harold: i have a dislike for anybody that trashes people that are dead. people that lived lived that were terrible. let them rest. i'm a child of god. i try not to judge too much. i think peggy newman said it well. she talked about tradition and the decency and integrity and the challenges of the queen based at a young age assuming this huge set of responsibility. nobody said she was perfect. she was brilliant in a way that she went about conducting her life. she had challenges throughout her life. she was a parent that raised kids. she had challenges with her kids like every mom and dad. rest her soul. rest in peace. i do think some of the other questions and issues that have been raised should be addressed but this is not the moment to conflate those issues. >> dana: king charles will have
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to deal with it. that movement won't be stopped. >> jesse: he will probably cave and say what is politically corrected. you know how liberals are saying, women should rule the world. here you have a woman that ruled a lot of the world and they hate her. i can't figure them out. what about the japanese i'm peer, the german empire, the ottoman empire? >> greg: what about the tv show empire? jussie smollett? >> jesse: what about the fox show? and how about self-rule, checks and balances? those institutions and concepts are still here today. a lot of the colonies that adhered to those ideas pros specialed. there was slavery and atrocities committed about the third world countries, but britain freed
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their slaves. germans resisted. the ottoman's resisted. african nations resisted the destruction of the slave trade. so it's probably liberals that hate western civilization. at that point, the british did spread civilization throughout the world. >> dana: sounds like you and peter had tea this afternoon. the fastest is up next. ♪ your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory.
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prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ ♪ true loyalty doesn't come around often. but if you're lucky enough to earn it, it's on you to do everything in your power to hold on to it. to show that loyalty goes both ways. these people have helped build this place from the ground up. so we're doing whatever it takes to help secure their future. ♪ ♪
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i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son, ♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s fillion ♪ i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. time for the fastest. first up, a holt new trend among celebrities has been shaving their eyebrows off. we had to try it out thanks to a filter. i'll go first. here's miss d.p., dana perino. >> dana: i don't have any hardly. they have to make them. >> jeanine: you have eyebrows there. they didn't -- >> dana: i think we need a
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stronger filter. >> harold: here's the judge. since she's so outspoken. >> jeanine: awful. you didn't take dana's eyebrows off and you took mine off. get rid of that picture. >> harold: finally, the king of late night spreading a new look, mr. greg gutfeld. >> dana: makes you look like a space alien? that's fun. >> greg: their revolutionary use is to keep sweat and rain from your eyes. >> jeanine: how did you know that? >> dana: i googled it. i know how to use wikipedia. >> jeanine: it's not right. >> dana: i barely have them anyway, judge. >> jeanine: they didn't do dana. >> harold: maybe they didn't. do it again. let's get dana's. >> dana: one thing you should never do, pull on them.
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>> greg: that should be in your next book. >> dana: never twist your eyebrows. >> harold: finally, all couples have disagreements from time to time. it's the little things that cause the most turmoil. one of the most common is leaving the toilet set up, dishes in the sink and leaving the lights on. greg -- >> greg: you guys have toilet seats? we used to do this story every year. i bet it's put out by a company trying to get p.r. i would love it if the pet peeves were like a little more interesting like, you know, my pet peeve, he snores. he won't do laundry. he slept with my mother. >> dana: that would do it. >> greg: finally, it's interesting, harold. we know about the toilet seat. we know about not doing dishes. >> harold: dana -- >> dana: i have never had the toilet seat problem in our
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house. >> greg: you would fall in any way. >> dana: peter will laugh about this. honestly, he will ask me three times, are you coming home for lunch? i already told you. i should be more kind. and using h.p. sauce is like british heinz 57. i find it in the refrigerator, the cabinet door. now i told america that the h.p. sauce -- wipe it up. >> harold: your honor? >> jeanine: you have to have two bathrooms. seat up, seat down. i don't care. lights on or off. i'm tired of fighting about that. the third thing? that's it. >> greg: that's it. >> jeanine: we made it for 32. >> jesse: we don't use the same bathroom. been very clear from the beginning. she annoys me because she does the dishes, which i love. i love.
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>> dana: thank you, emma. >> jesse: thanks for that. >> jeanine: yes. >> jesse: is the skillet, she won't runs it out enough, so when she puts it in the dishwasher and someone takes the dishwasher, still has stu all over it. >> jeanine: why don't you clean it? >> jesse: i do. i don't want to. >> dana: we're so bad. >> jesse: everything else is perfect. >> dana: let's not do that next year. >> jeanine: not a good idea. >> harold: my wife is fantastic. one more thing -- >> dana: you got away with it. ♪ ♪limu emu & doug♪ it's nice to unwind after a long week of telling people how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. showtime. whoo! i'm on fire tonight. (limu squawks) yes! limu, you're a natural. we're not counting that.
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paper. [laughter] gut gut so much yellow paper. [laughter] >> greg: of course. of course. a picture of me with percy. >> dana: at judge jeanine's. >> greg: at judge jeanine's house. >> judge jeanine: that's a nice picture. >> dana: probably celebrate more birthdays together. >> greg: like the longest grade school ever. thank you. >> dana: podcast with jim tuohy to love and be loved about mother teresa about her life. he was her lawyer. you want to listen because even mother teresa needed a lawyer. >> greg: what do you think? >> judge jeanine: do it. [laughter] >> dana: oh boy oh boy. all the way up. >> greg: i hope it doesn't start a fire. >> dana: i hope it comes down during jesse's show.
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>> greg: i'm going to pop it on prime time. i have heard that before. larry elder and kat timpf. super show. one of the best greg sibling death match. a family you have got watch this. the middle kid doesn't like the older kid so going at it. going at it. >> yeah, maverick. get him, get him. knock her out. yes. think it's over? no; bam. [laughter] let's watch it one more time. finish it. finish it. oh. no mercy. there you go. all right. judge, it's you. >> judge jeanine: i like my dogs with a little bit of edge. great pyrenees. this man is walking his dog and he thought the dog picked up a stick. that's not a stick. that's a knife. he picked up a knife and he begged the dog to drop the weapon but the dog, the pyrenees
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theo paid him no mind. i don't blame the dog. the truth is violence is exploding across the nation. he has a right to protect himself. god bless that pyrenees. it's a god-given right. >> greg: harold you are up. >> harold: you want a dog with a knife in his mouth. chicago bears celebrated the san francisco 49ers first game of the nfl season with a team slip and slide into the end zone soldier field 19-10 upset over san francisco. >> jesse: that is my game. >> judge jeanine: like my dogs when they come in. >> greg: should i go to jesse new? >> judge jeanine: yes. >> jesse: sure we have the eagles. they beat the detroit lions in a real football game.
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there is a nice i don't know who that quarterback is. touchdown put up a lot of points. didn't look that great. "primetime," democrats declare war on you and i will ceremoniously pop greg's balloon. >> greg: if you can get it that is going to be great. >> jesse: we will get it appeared wait until we see what we do with it. >> greg: that's it for us. >> bret: happy birthday. big plans tonight? >> greg: yeah, just me, you, and the hot tub. [laughter] >> bret: thanks. good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. remembering queen elizabeth ii a solemn ceremony at thanksgiving takes place in scotland in a filing, former president trump's lawyers say the mar-a-lago raid investigation is out of control and may not include classified documents and it's getting nasty in new hampshire senate republican primary.
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