tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News September 12, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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player for his decisive actions. tomorrow on "special report," the senate judiciary committee hears from twitter's former chief security officer about his allegations that the company repeatedly failed to protect its user's data. thanks for inight us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair balance wanted and unafraid. "jesse watters primetime" starts right now. if you notice i don't give you the same toss that the "the five" gives me. greg's toss today was a little. >> jesse: i promise you will never ever receive a toss like that. >> bret: see you. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: it was a somber weekend as the country reflected on the tragedy of the 9/11 attacks. 21 years ago. we saw displays of prism epatriotismfrom ground zero to l stadiums ♪ o say can you see
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♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ what so proudly we hailed ♪ as the twilight's last gleaming ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ >> jesse: but the biden white house used this day to politicize the worst terrorist attack in american history and declare war on you. chuck todd was the set-up man and compared republicans to terrorists. and kamala harris took the bait. watch. >> we are now as a nation battling a threat from within. it's the threat equal or greater than what we faced after 9/11? >> there is an oath that we always take, which is to defend
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and uphold our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. and, um, we don't compare the two in the oath but we know they both can exist and we must defend against it. >> jesse: nbc news suggested trump voters are a bigger threat than al-qaeda on 9/11. how did the vice president of the united states respond? that she will defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. that was a declaration of war. make no mistake. the democratic party, the media and obviously the fbi have designated the republican party as a terrorist group and believe it's their patriotic duty as americans to extinguish the threat. how exactly? voting for donald trump is a threat? well, how is that more dangerous than the 9/11 hijackers? isis terrorist cells plotting to blow up the brooklyn bridge, the
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are democrats won't call them islamic terrorists but if you voted for donald trump and have a personal grievance, you are a fascist. and homeland security is coming for you. this is how the democrats explain it. >> the stunning thing to me is here we are 20 years later and the attack on the symbol of our democracy was not come from terrorists but it came from literally insurgents attacking the capitol on january 6th. >> how important it is to try to deal with extremism of any kind, especially when it uses violence to try to achieve political and ideological goals. >> when 9/11 occurred in those -- in those years, we were very focused on the foreign terrorist. now we are seeing an emerging threat, of course over the last several years of the domestic violent extremist, an ideology of hate. antigovernment sentiment. false narratives propagated on
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online platforms. even personal grievances. >> jesse: that was the sitting u.s. senator the former secretary of state and the are secretary of homeland security just casually pivoting from 9/11 to january 6th. did you notice how casual that was? they just said khalid sheikh mohammed was stephen miller with a beard. i remember during the bush years when democrats would howl at republicans for quote politicizing 9 9/11 wore a litte flag pin. now democrats declared a war on terror against republicans on the anniversary of 9/11. what makes you a terrorist again? because you have personal grievances? well, i have a personal grievance is that going to put me on a n no fly list. you are a terrorist for believing in false narratives. if i believe hunter's laptop is real am i going to gitmo? the big guy sounds like w. except the enemy is a red hat instead of a box cutter. >> i will not wait on events
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while dangers gather. i will not stand by as peril draws closer and closer. >> i will not stand by and watch. i will not stand by and watch elections in this country stolen by people who simply refuse to except that they lost. >> they embrace tyranny and death as a cause and a creed. we stand for a different choice. >> maga republicans have made their choice, they embrace anger, they thrive on chaos, they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. >> jesse: this is biden's war on terror. he is straight up saying you are either with us or you are against us. when the bush administration was spying on muslims raiding their homes and arresting them? the democrats were up in arms, remember? what about the terrorist' rights? bush has gone too far. now biden is using bush's war on terror language and tactics against republic but now biden's prosecutors are
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reportedly negotiating a plea deal for the 9/11 terrorists held up at gitmo. including mastermind khalid sheikh mohammed. a plea deal for 9/11 terrorists on the anniversary of 9/11. the left is softer on radical islam than they are on republicans. remember, barack obama couldn't even say the words islam terrorist. >> why do you still refuse to use the term racially -- i'm sorry islamic terrorist. >> what i have been careful about when i describe these issues is to make sure that we do not lump these murderer he is into the billion muslims that exist around the world including in this country who are peaceful, who are responsible. >> jesse: i mean they wouldn't call becallbenghazi a terroristf
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you voted for donald trump and have a grievance you are a fascist. and they are going to get you. and these journalists who are all picked last in gym are the first ones to enlist in this war, they finally found an enemy of america that they didn't want to side with. not only are republicans the same thing as a terrorist they are worst than terrorists. >> al-qaeda, or usama bin laden. they got nothing on what this republican party is doing. >> i'm working hard to never say republican party again because they are not a battery. right? they are ira the peel to hamas. they are a dime store front for a terrorist movement. >> they are a destructive force in american politics. they are basically a domestic terrorist cell operating within be america. their goal is to end democracy. >> jesse: democrats went from saying not all muslims are
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terrorists to all republicans are terrorists. the "new york times" likes this new war, too. the "new york times" calls the maga movement anti-american. this is the first time the "new york times" has not defended something anti-american. and they are saying there is proof of it everywhere you look. trump is leading an assault on the institutions of american self-government and that assault implicates much of the republican party. the american left has been leading an assault on our institutions for decades. this party is hell bent on packing the court. scrapping the electoral college defunding the police, blirk ice. banning free speech online ripping away your second amendment. nuking the filibuster. the democratic party burned down cities. the summer of 2020 was much deadlier than january 6th. they tried to assassinate a supreme court justice. they are tearing down statues of thomas jefferson and renaming schools named after abe lincoln.
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what is this really about? it's about questioning the legitimacy of an election. that's what the whole thing is about. if questioning an election makes you a terrorist than the democratic party should be on the fbi's most wanted list because more democrats believe that the 2016 election was stolen than republicans believe 2020 was stolen. i guess it's democratic when democrats make up a giant russian co-luber hoax and still cry rigged to this day. might as well put these people on a watch list. >> many other. >> illegitimate and my biggest fear is that he is going to do it again with the help of vlad his best ball. >> would you be my vice president? [laughter] >> folks, look, i absolutely agree. >> you can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee. and can you have the election
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stolen from you. >> jesse: there was no evidence that the 2016 election was rigged. mueller never found any and he was the democrats' guy. but if you point out that the fbi, the cia, big tech and big media conspired to drag joe over the finish line, that's one of the narratives that make you an enemy of the state. the democrats have no appetite for fighting jihadists the chinese or the drug cartels, this war on republicans is a war of choice. it's a preemptive war. so the republican party never wins another election. and that is the real threat to democracy. let's turn to tulsi gabbard, former presidential candidate and hawaii congresswoman. all right, tulsi. i did not see this coming on the anniversary of 9/11. can you believe that they just casually just sprinkle in january 6th and say that trump voters are worse than al-qaeda? where do we end up at this point from here? >> jesse, it -- it -- i feel
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sick right now. seeing you play these different clips, you know, i, like some of my fellow service members, i enlisted because of those jihadist attacks on 9/11. to support and defend our constitution to protect our fellow americans and to go after and kill those who attacked us on that day. and it is despicable and outrageous to hear these people, to hear these people say the things that they are saying, comparing our fellow americans to terrorists. actually worse. they literally said they are worse than al-qaeda terrorists. this just shows how far they are willing to go. pushing our country to the brink of civil war. demonizing, targeting our fellow americans as worse than al-qaeda terrorists. all to hold on to their power. that's all they care about whether you are talking about the biden administration. thieves talking heads on tv. u.s. senators, the department of
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homeland security. the people who are some of the most powerful people in our country who have the strings of the national security apparatus at their fingerprints targeting our fellow americans. just because they didn't vote for joe biden all because they need -- they want to hold on to power. this -- this is outrageous. and should be concerning to every single american. we have got to see right through what they're doing. the timing of this is not an accident. we are just weeks away from the midterm elections. they are concerned that they will lose the seats that they have and so they are, again, not caring about the consequences and the destruction to the country and the heart of the american people willing to foment this fear to say hey, don't you dare vote for these republicans because they voted for trump and they are traitors and they're greater threat to our country than al-qaeda jihadists. >> jesse: so, tulsi, if your father died at the world trade center on 9/11, and you were inspired to enlist and serve in the u.s. military, you went overseas, and you killed a lot
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of bad guys and kept this country safe, and if you come back to this country and you think the fbi helped joe biden get elected, the democrats are saying, you're worse than the al-qaeda terrorists that you went overseas and defended our country from. is there anyway they can pull back from this? >> i don't see how they can. this is miles past barely tips across the line. you know, there is one thing, jesse, i want to tell you. i do agree with them on. there is a domestic threat to our democracy. it is a very serious one. but it is not in the hands of a few powerless americans who are pissed off and frustrated that our government is failing us. it is the threat coming from some of the most powerful people in our government, some of the people that i have talked about in the biden administration, the national security state, apparatus that's being weaponized against our fellow americans again.
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because they voted against the president or because they disagree with his policies. willing to sacrifice our country and our constitution you, our democracy so they can hold on to power. we need to be clear-eyed about this and not allow it to happen. we can't fall for it. >> jesse: tulsi gabbard, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> jesse: we just caught lori lightfoot doing the old migrant shuffle. right back. ♪ time of the year ♪ get fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms. including nasal congestion. with powerful claritin-d. so you can breathe better. feel the clarity and make today the most wonderful time of the year. claritin - d. what's it going to take for the world to reach net-zero emissions? it's going to take investing in some things you've heard of and some you'd never expect. it's going to take funding innovation in renewable energy, helping reduce carbon footprints, and big bets on environmentally conscious construction.
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about the border. so when she was asked about the border, this is what she came up with wow call the border secure? >> i think that there is no question that we have to do what the president and i asked congress to do -- the first request we made pass a bill to create a pathway to citizenship. >> is the border secure? and kamala's answer is congress needs money to pass amnesty. everybody in guatemala just heard that and just packed their bags and headed north. let's try this again, kamala. is the border secure? >> we have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation including ours and our administration. but there are still a lot of problems that we are trying to fix given the deterioration that happened over the last four years. >> hand area cartel member kamala harris says the border is
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secure they are just, if iing it because the guy who bill of indictment a wall on the border broke the border. you got that chuck todd you think the anchor of meet the press might have a follow-up there. but he didn't. he had a more important don't you think republicans are terrorists? a real anchor would ask why sanction area cities are complaining about governor abbott moving a few dozen while president biden moved 2 million? look at lori lightfoot in chicago she has been bragging about her town being a sanctuary. >> as long as i'm here in this state i'm going to do everything i can to protect everyone in our immigrant community regardless of status because the hateful words that we hear on a regular basis from president trump and other people in his administration do great harm after greg abbott bused a dozen migrants in chicago lori attacked abbott for not being a
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good christian. >> he professes to be a christian. this is not the christianity and the teaching of the bible i know. i think religious leaders all across the country are standing up and denouncing exactly this whether a did lori hift do with the bus full of migrants. according to her didn't let anybody stay in her manger. lori took the migrants and sent the bus to the suburbs so another town could deal with them lori deported the migration migrants is that what jesus would do. the local mayors weren't given a heads up and weren't happy with lightfoot. >> very, very poor communication especially if this originated in the city where the mayor there criticized the governor of texas for not telling her in advance and giving her the courtesy which she fully deserve and i gets what she was saying but she just did it to me i can see why
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lori but chicago is maga country. you can't have these migrants going out for subway sandwiches at 2:00 in the morning. that's when the hate crimes start happening. they will be much safer in the suburbs. greg abbott is the governor of texas and joins me now. how interesting do you find that the mayor called you not christian and then bused the migrants to the bushes. >> jesse, the most astonishing thing i have ever seen. she is the epitome of being a hypocrite. being a hypocrite for doing exactly what she was criticizing me for but also not even acknowledging what president biden has done president biden has been flying migrants darkness of night and never said a worked about what he has done and you pointed out kamala harris who hasn't done anything to secure the border the fact of the matter is this is an
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american problem americans across the country have to goal to grips we have a broken border. by the way, jesse, a border that before president biden took office, we have the lowest number of illegal border crossings in decades. president trump had solved this. and biden disseminated everything that president trump had done to fix the border. this is biden's faulted pure and simple. >> jesse: other cities are bracing for the abbott buses, a couple dozen migrants they are sounding the alarm they are saying they can't handle it even after ordering everyone to stay in sanctuary cities. what other cities are you considering sending migrants to. >> you know, jesse, it is interesting that they all are concerned about a few dozen or a few hundred migrants coming to their town and we get that many per hour in almost every community across the border. so we are dealing with this all the time. and i'm just helping out our
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local communities who are located on the border and moving migrants from those locations up to new york to d.c. to chicago and maybe some other locations coming to places across america some time soon. >> jesse: a little cliffhanger. that's what we call a tease in the business. i'm sure people are bracing for these bus loads and, you know, these are rich cities. these are billion dollars budget cities with lots of resources they say i don't understand what all the complaining is about. governor greg abbott. thank you very much. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: up next, the democrat in congress who is big into gun control can't control her own guns. and prime time put out a call to arms for new fbi whistleblowers to come forward and they just delivered.
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>> jesse: california congresswoman karen bass, a democrat, who is running to become l.a.'s next mayor, announced last night that her $2 million california home was robbed only it seemed to be a very targeted burglary. according to bass' team, cash, laptops and other valuables were left untouched. did you hear that? the robber left cash. the only thing taken from the home two guns. that's it. "primetime" reached out to her team to ask what kind of guns they were. radio silence. her team claims the guns were properly stored in a state approved lockbox not the al gore lockbox, a state approved one. so how did the robber know how to open it? why did didn't he just take anything else? a lot of really fishy questions here. not really sure this whole thing adds up. did karen bass have ars stolen because those are assault witness according to her. was it one of elon musk's flame throwers?
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we don't know. she won't answer. we are speculating since her team isn't being straight. even the details from the police are vague. they don't even give an approximate location of where this all occurred and what's odd is we thought karen bass hated guns. and we didn't assume that because she is a democrat in california. she told us that. >> this happening in this country with gun violence is an embarrassment. well, there are some countries that are warnings about coming to the united states. >> we have to deal with guns in this country. we need national laws. and until we deal with it nationally, you are going to have places like california with strong gun will yous but still have these issues because people can bring them in from other places or you can get them over the internet. >> jesse: they released a picture of the guy they said stole the guns. hispanic man. >> got a mask on so you can't see. but karen bass isn't the only democrat protecting just herself. in new york city's west village, which is basically a mecca for progressives, one neighborhood
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so fed up with being victims of crimes and watching all these dope feigns clog up the sidewalks, they hired armed security guards to patrol their block. private security for liberals in the west village. so we had to send our producers down to the neighborhood to see if they feel safe. >> i don't come here in the night because i know that's when it gets really scary. i'm a small girl so at night i will not be [bleep] around in this area. do you know wh what i mean? there has been shootings. >> sometimes i hear about people getting mugged. >> attempted robbery on west fourth street. attempted robbery on broadway. one murder and one mugging near one of the dorms over there. >> i feel that crime is being committed by the city because they don't really give a [bleep] and it's a shame that the government itself doesn't pay attention or want to clean it up. >> a few residents in this neighborhood hire private security to protect their block. how does that make you feel?
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>> that makes me feel a little bit safer, i think. >> it's not reassuring, i guess. >> it's good for them. do what have you got do to protect your neighborhood. >> i can't run like i did when i was 35 or 40 and it's very important to be self-protected. >> uncomfortable. something like out of spiderman a waste of money. >> it's a silly silly like whatever. >> if you have got the money and you feel safe, do you, you know what i'm saying? >> it's good we have got security going around we need that also everyone should just love each other. >> they're creating a safer environment for their own living space. i would do the same thing if i had the money. >> jesse: dana loesch is a nationally syndicated radio host. private security team for the liberals. does everything with the karen bass ghost gun add up to you? >> no, jesse. none of it adds up. i really do feel as though karen bass owes it to her constituents and to the nation at large since
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when she was in the house of representatives the decision impacted everyone, even those outside of california. she owes it to everyone to explain and tell what guns actually were stolen. were they rifles? and if they were rifles, jesse, you mentioned whether or not she had, you know, just basic semiautomatic rifles. maybe ar 150 platform maybe not. were they california compliant? were they actually in the california department of justice their guidelines in terms of quote, unquote. forced storage because i think safe storage is a misnomer and it's not actually safe if someone is breaking in to kill or rape you and you can't actually access your firearm because it's unloaded and locked. actually as a person in general who accident want to die. i think she owes these explanations to everyone. it's too ve vague. california requires so much information from their lawful gun owners that i think that their elected officials, especially somebody like karen bass running for office there. she absolutely owes this
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explanation. so i would like to heart details about this as i'm sure you will keep up with her on it. >> jesse: dana, maybe she just did a little, what was that operation where they let the guns walk? fast and furious. >> operation -- which one. there is two of them. yes. maybe it's a little fast and furious i guess they didn't have that gun running program under bush and discontinued when they realized they couldn't keep track of it. biden let it go. she owes an explanation for all of this. she absolutely does. one last thing -- one last point on this, jesse. is she going to be charged? because there is severe criminal -- penalties associated with this. i mean, it's california state statute how you are supposed to store your firearms and everything else. if she violated this law, is she going to be charged? because you know any average everyday person in california would be. i have to say my favorite thing about this was the way that the "new york post" wrote about it. they said that karen bass got her understanding of firearms when she went with a group down to cuba and she was with a
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pro-revolutionary group and they said she was actually accusing the press of training with guerrilla warfare. >> jesse: they will do something to her after they do something to hunter biden for his gun problem. it's never going to go that way. >> yeah. never going to be any accountability. anybody else would already be charged. they would probably be charged. you allowed someone to come in and steal your firearms. the fact they didn't take anything else is super sketchy. i have a million questions. i hope do you follow up with this and to see if she does face charges because it wasn't safely stored. >> jesse: she might have accidently shot somebody with the guns and said they got lost and stolen or maybe we will find them planted somewhere probably in a republican's backyard. all right. dana loesch. thank you as always. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: brian stelter just got a new job. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults
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"washington times" high level officials were caught smuggling cell phones into secure facilities where they could easily take picture of classified documents and leak them to legal reporters like maggie haberman from the "new york times." apparently caught by the fbi's own tech team who noticed dozen ofs of cell phone signals coming outs of the secure facility on the seventh floor. it's a big deal. you are not even allowed with that scif with a pacemaker and these guys are smuggling in iphones here is the best part when he was reported to superiors he was told to shut everything down and stop looking. does that sound familiar? they did prime minister miss to investigate themselves though. the corrupt fbi leadership is now investigating itself. monica crowley joins me now. have you been in one of these facilities? they are pretty strict. >> yes, i have in a scif. and not only you cannot bring your personal cell phone or your government cell phone, that's highly restricted into a scif, you actually have to physically
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lock it up down the hall or leave it in your office. you cannot even bring a cell phone even in close proximity to a scif. >> jesse: so they have signals, dozens of them from the scif for fbi agents with their iphones in there and mysteriously hours later "the washington post" gets a scoop about what the fbi found during the trump raid face serious threats in america. to meet most dangerous one of a all is the fact that our own government has been weaponized against us. that includes the most fear some agencies the doj fbi and now irs. you have high level fbi agents going into a top secret facility where they are not even supposed to bring in the most basic things electronics and they are literally texting the same group of reporters over and over again whether it's russia hoax, january 6th impeachment, they are accepting those documents coming straight out of scif and plusing it on the front page of
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the "new york times." meanwhile at the same time they are supposedly investigating president trump for, what, having the nuclear codes? no, that's a basic story dispute over documents, right? while the same group of individuals are out there violating the law a all over the place. >> jesse: trump has classified docs, here they are, click, send to the "new york times." what the hell is that? >> martha: meanwhile you don't know who is going to be intercepting that enemies are watching secure transmissions coming out of facilities. if they're literally pressing send to maggie haberman who is also looking at that? chinese intercepting, the russians, iranians? isis? we have no idea. >> jesse: the chinese know what we are doing before we know. you can say the ccp is running this government therefore of course they know. >> jesse: thank you very much. >> you bet. >> jesse: as always monica.
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>> guy here. >> you go where? >> harvard law school. >> you got into harvard law? >> , what like it's hard? >> jesse: hard is our nation's oldest college. also the most prestigious and often tops the ranking in u.s. news and world reports best universities but harvard doesn't always get it right. no one is perfect. what do joy reid and the unabomber have in common? they both got degrees from harvard. which is why no one should be surprised to hear about newest hire. according to axios, brian stelter who was just fired from cnn for performance issues has just been hired to teach media studies. already telling "primetime" that brian stelter doesn't require the students wear a mask in the classroom but every student is wearing a mask anyway because they are embarrassed to be seen taking brian's class. what's brian's title? brian is a fellow. not a little fellow. just a fellow. and his lectures will focus on
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threats to democracy. does brian have any background in national defense or political science? no. but this is where liberals land when they fail these days. harvard university. a little advice to the students, don't try to. >> brian: stelter with an apple. i would think of other foods, you know, but tucker starts at 8:00 so we don't have time. i'm sorry i sound like gutfeld, i apologize. what is really going on over at harvard? i mean, what is it about harvard that seems to be the highest place you could fail into in the democratic party? you don't believe me? former new york city mayor bill de blasio also just landed a gig teaching at harvard. the most hated mayor in new york history, failed presidential candidate and failed congressional candidate couldn't find anybody who wanted to be in business with him. so to spare him more humiliation harvard gave him a job. he is teaching politics to freshman. the students should listen to everything he says and just do the opposite. and the reviews are already in.
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a bunch of students who are in the class said the class is horrible and the guy is hardly even qualified to teach. see how the system always protects left wing failure? why do i even care you are asking? well, i have been grooming jesse jr. to be accepted into harvard for the class of 20039 and to be honest with you, harvard seems like they are going down hill. jesse jr.'s diploma might not be worth as much. am i going to drop him off at cambridge when he turns 18 and find out o.j. simpson lecturer, anthony weiner photography. jussie smollett fellow in the drama department? i'm reasonable doubt concerned. we are going to apply early admission into dartmouth now. up next a segment i promise you will not be seen anywhere else on cable. ♪
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>> ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the producers at prime-time love 2 things. pizza and professional wrestling. can you imagine their delight when they came across this video on instagram. >> [shouting]. >> [laughing]. >> yeah! >> don't drop the pizza! >> jesse: the man freaks what we can gather he is the first pizza making professional wrestler. he joins me now. how did you get into the
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business? >> that's a good question. i have been making pizza in austin texas and i was training to be a wrestler so i decided to combine my skills. so you slam your opponent down like a dough and a good elbow drop like a pepperoni. >> jesse: toss that thing. >> here we go. under the leg. that's how we go. under the leg every time. everything goes good. you keep making the pizza. it's not a problem. i could do this all day. >> jesse: look out behind you. a guy with a beard in the ring here. >> yeah! >> elbow lock. >> i will still though the
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pizza. >> steals the pie. >> still make a good pizza. >> jesse: [laughing]. >> you can't stop a good pizza. >> jesse: oh! down goes luigi. >> ah. >> jesse: still throws the pizza. >> yep. >> oh! >> jesse: a kick to the mid section. oh! [laughing]. >> 2, 3 -- >> i am the winner. >> jesse: i didn't see that coming. you don't eat the pizza now. that's a prop? you won't have dinner? >> noi will put it in the oven with good sauce. what do you want? >> jesse: pepperoni.
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i want it. >> i make it and send it to you in the mail. >> jesse: thank you very much. the only professional wrestler and the pizza maker and the only time that will ever happen on cable news. i don't know if you watched "the five" but it was greg gutfeld's birthday. he was given a balloon of a unicorn -- i don't know why he likes unicorns. it floated away and almost took greg with him because he is short and made its way into our studio. i told him i would pop it live on the set. i decided to do something else. i will pop it and inhale it. i want to see what my voice sounds like reading text messages. this is the only way to follow-up a pizza wrestler. let's try this. >> [hissing].
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>> jesse: let's do text messages. we have mark. if we are terrorists the democratic party doesn't want our money? i have a great idea. we can change the definition of terrorists completely. exactly. it's just like a recession. michael from new york: [laughing]. will from oakland, california: it was a ghost gun. just magically appeared and disappeared. jim from pennsylvania:
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yes, i will have her on and ask her to come out of the closet. jerry from wisconsin: yes, that's my suggestion for anybody that takes his class. do the opposite. and also don't give him an apple. carol from arizona: i have not heard from them. text me. lou says you address people by their last names like miller. stop it. it's unprofessional. that's not unprofessional. inhaling helium on television is. from wisconsin:
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happy birthday, cheryl. always be on time. that's all for tonight. tucker up next. i am "watters world." happy birthday gut feld! >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ . >> tucker: welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." yesterday was the 21st anniversary of 9-11 the deadliest terrorist attack in all of history. if you are over 30 you remember it vividly. nothing has been the same since. especially the relationship between americans and their
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