tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News September 13, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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helium. hellen from erie, pennsylvania. hi jesse, do your children watch? >> emma does, jesse jr. sometimes, that is all for tonight. dvr the show. tucker up next. this is my world. ♪♪ >> tucker: good evening welcome to "tucker carlson tonight" imagine distopia where the police will not protect you. they refuse. at the same time you are not allowed to protect yourself. who runs a world like that? young men with guns they are in charge. cruellest and most violent.
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people with the least to lose. shortest tame horizons. people like that have all the power. you have no power. everything you have is yours. that is the end of civilizations, mog d-- mog dee shoe. buckdown is a former polish enclave west of lincoln park. real estate websites describe buck town above average rents where your kids might live with your friends as they start their first jobs. people think of buck town. local news accounts suggest different reality. shots fired during buck town
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robbery. man shot in buck town. buck town couple shares account of armed robbery. ryan king wasn't thinking of armed robbery. broad daylight. weekday. car pulled up. three young men stuck a gun in his face. account from local fox station. >> reporter: ryan king turned to get back to his mother's department. dark colored vehicle pulls up. king says one pulled a gun in his face and demanding a wallet. passer by yelled martial arts training kicked in and king hit one of the men with an elbow and ran off. >> tucker: broad daylight middle of the day, nice neighborhood in one of america's biggest cities. what happened next? according to reporting by cwb
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chicago after ryan was threatened with death. chicago police spotted the vehicle. supervisor ordered them not to pursue it. criminals drove off. in the hours after ryan attacked 16 more armed robberies in the area. police believe two organized arm games operating with impunity around buck town means they are in charge. normal in chicago. last year police made arrests in 12% of reported crimes. that is the lowest level recorded in chicago history. that is what it means when politicians hand control of a city to criminals, here, you run it. in chicago tax payors victims of crime than criminals are to be
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punished. question is: why would anyone in chicago pay taxes? you would have to be a masochist to do that and pretty soon only the masochists will be. george sorrows is a big one. he paid for this to happen. he backed kim fox who turned -- the most vicious antisocial people. the ones who truly don't care about others. who want to kill people for their shoes or their car. the worst people. they run things now. this is from our fox station in chicago. >> clutching pictures of loved ones, families come together to share loss. >> my sister name tiara taylor died at 30 by the hands of her husband. >> it has been 336 days since the murder of my young son.
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>> reporter: the killers of their family members walk free. they largely blame cook county state's attorney and kim fox. >> how much longer to our families need to suffer? >> our children's blood on your hands miss fox. i hope you see their faces everyday night. >> tucker: you think kim fox cares? scenes like that penetrate at all? >> of course not. that is why she did it in the first place. someone should take action immediately. she is not the only person that did this. federal government also played a goal. over the eight years of barack obama administration department of force entered into decent decrees. information into chicago police department. they got a decent decree.
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police departments guilty of racism if they interact with african-americans, regardless of whether those interactions were legally justifijustified. in other words the law is entirely irrelevant. here is a line under obama against chicago cpd, chicago police department uses force 10 times more often against blacks than whites. okay that is one data point. it is not the whole story. doesn't begin to tell the whole story. no analysis whatsoever if it was justified. none. this is not science it is a crazed race ideology. equity agenda. intended fact, disaster for the
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people of these cities. even in new orleans whose mayor who has driven that beautiful city right into the sewer. even democratic mayor of new orleans consent decrees handcuff our officers. median response to 911 calls over two hours. imagine armed people in your home you call police two hours. a lot of things can happen. no reason to have a government. buy your own guns establish your own order. that is where we are going to be soon. recent friday night one third year office quit mid shift. he said that night i quit over 40 calls holding when i logged
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into my computer. only 35 patrol officers logged in. some nights literally one person. in a big dangerous city. it is not just new orleans. all over the country police officers quitting and not being replaced. >> departments say lack of officers severely limiting what they can respond to. >> routinely respond to shootings. if the person is going to survive, we are not going to follow up on that. >> in philadelphia department short more than 500 officers before the pandemic. los angeles missing 700 officers from its ranks prompting cancellation of animal cruelty unit and forces officials to shrink size of human trafficking, gun units and more.
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communities noticing uptick in misdemeanors like in philly more than 30 car complaints going unanswered. >> tucker: hear that? people that put coexist on bumper stickers on subarus defunded animal cruelty unit in los angeles. dogs can get tortured and nobody cares, people, too. cops who remain on the forces by enlarge don't want to work there. who would want to work there for any amount of money? terrorizing police threats of prosecution if they do their jobs. that is what the democratic party done. effect what it was intended to be. depopulating police departments. crimes surged. in the end they succeeded in getting rid of the police. now politicians are admitting it
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out loud. they decided to legalize crime. here is the mayor of orland park, illinois. the new safe t act. >> as of january 1st, 2023, following things go into effect: abolishes cash bail for every offense. this includes but isn't limited to kidnapping, armed robbery, second degree murder. drug-induced homicide. aggravated dui. threatening public official and aggravated fleeing and eluding. keep this in mind officers will no longer be able to remove trespass sors from residents or businesses. >> tucker: politicians in illinois legalized violent crime
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against you. a lot of these people are re-elected in november. is there anyone for it over than kamala harris, ron clan? most people are not for it even most democrats. safety act safety, act, fairness and equity today. they didn't like demographic breakdown. period. this can't be happening! therefore they are going to redefine it away. ideologically inconvenient. solution is to legalize murder, kidnapping and trespassing. awful lot of cases appear to be motivated by racial -- so many
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videos. consider horrific attack, attempted murder on a student on west brook high school beaumont, texas. what did he do wrong we can only guess. here is the tape. >> tucker: that can't be allowed in a civilized country. we can't allow that to happen in our country. this is more important than anything else happening. that is someone's child. everyone stands by. in that video everyone filmed it, snickered. attacker is a repeat offender.
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busted, put him back in jail. he is a juvenile attacker. he has a right to go to school. the other kids have no rights. bathroom in beaumont, texas can't go there anymore, that is equity. having trouble eating out, too. restaurants out of control. anyone noticing this? footage of a robbery of a restaurant in los angeles from may. yeah. unbelievable. so. then there is this, this is from providence. this scene at a place called mi swano restaurant. completely out of control. the rich don't have to deal they know exactly what is going on in
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many places, vote who do this. they get people to protect them. armed with guns you are not allowed to have they have high capacity magazines. pays dispatchers $20 a month. g grenach village, they are paying them $18. police have abandoned new york city, too. >> nypd releasing disturbing videos everyday. >> violent video after violent video. who could forget this gunman opening fire bronx street. two children caught between gunman and target. shooter continues shooting. >> one of the suspect pulling a gun on a 32-year-old woman.
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they struck the woman in the face, tied her up, stealing $19,000 from a safe and $12,000 worth a jewelry. >> a woman kicked from behind as she walks down the steps of queens plaza subway station in new york city. hit over the het head with a hammer 13 times shoved to the ground and robbed. >> tucker: these crimes are on civilization and humanity itself. they require an immense and organized non-violent civil disobedience campaign. who is the prosecutor to let that person out? refuse to charge them in the first place. who is the politician decided. why aren't 15 people blocking that person demanding an answer? why isn't there massive
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non-violent civil disobedience. barking on cable news isn't working. we are giving you examples, l.a. chicago, new york. i left. i opted out. i went some where like asheville, north carolina. up in the mountains. famously beautiful place. think you can get away from this once beautiful mountain town? no you can't. it is there, too. 2013 asheville elected esther manhime. she was never interested in running the city of asheville. she didn't talk about asheville. she talked about climate change! equity. m immediately disqualified from your vote.
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you are a lunatic. by the way under her leadership, asheville promised 2.1 million dollars reparations to black residents. how did it all work out? well, from 2016-2020 violent crime in asheville went up by 31%. beautiful place should have no crime! has a lot now. climate change, equity! really? now a lot of the of carjackings. car thefts went up 20% just across the country. they went up in asheville. maybe they are doing it on purpose. here is footage from wisconsin, philadelphia, detroit. >> group of three young men wearing sweatshirts appearing to case the home. minute later trio enters backyard. they stole car keys, cell phone
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and wallet. one of the men holding a gun. someone for the party follows them out. one of the suspects drives off in this black volkswagon suv. another runs down the sidewalk. >> carjacking in progress. they open the car door and force him out at gun point. victim walks away as the carjackers pull off. >> name is michael brown, 15-16. yukon knocking over one of our officers seen there to the ground right of the yukon. then the officer had to roll out of the way as the yukon tilted over top of our scout car nearly crushing our police officer.
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>> tucker: why is this going on? why is this continuing since george floyd died in 2020. dad is gone. no one in charge with a normal testosterone level. sorry, you can't do that. that is against the law. this is a country of laws. nothing personal. we don't care what you look like. if you do we are going to spank you hard. no one showed up with clear and reasonable rules and enforced them consistently. when that happens everyone calms down true in the family and the nation. if you don't have that, you have chaos. armed robbers suddenly have a right to be on your property. murders get out without bail. war on population. this is completely intolerable. ryan king joins us now. man whose story we told you
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about at the beginning. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me, tucker. >> tucker: i was so impressed by your response. you are the only person that has fought back. good for you, you survived. tell us the experience. >> i don't want to encourage everyone to fight back. not everyone had the military training. i had to use that training to escape and survive at gun point. >> tucker: did you, from the tape, and from what we have red. i have been to bucktown. this didn't seem like the place you would be worried about people sticking guns into your face at noon on a friday. >> it was shocking. danger is everywhere in the united states. people have to be prepared. >> tucker: you were. what did they say to you? >> they told me that they would
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kill me unless i gave them my wallet. >> tucker: i -- you are not here to talk politics. i have no idea what they are. what is your reaction as a person, citizen, tax payor, when you learn chicago media reported police were told they couldn't chase the criminals down? >> so, i don't want to comment on that, i don't know what the policies are for the chicago police department. they are doing the best they can with the resources they have. >> tucker: the cops are for sure. i think that is right. ryan king, congratulations on surviving and doing it with nobility. >> thank you. grateful to be here. >> tucker: thank you. candice owens watching all of this. hosted candice owens podcast. happy to have here. this videos more and more extreme. they are not performances.
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they are real. why is no one saying anything about this? >> first and foremost, you mentioned kim fox in chicago. she is both black and a female. also mayor black and female. diversity and equity and inclusion and fluffy words supposed to make you feel good before the bait and switch. inferior ating to watch the monologue. makes me think criminals on the streets. worst criminals in office. they are voting on pieces of legislation harming the american people. they don't care. they have armed guards. they live behind gated communities and sold out the american people. we voted these people into office. these are elected officials stood on a platform and defund
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police. they had armed guards they don't care. we all saw it coming. you spoke about it. i spoke about it. black lives matter. who is being harmed the most when you look at numbers? black americans. the very people they purported to help. we are going to defund the police. i want to say to people watching still living in inner communities, democrat cities: get out. this is not a joke. don't wait for it to be your child you are pushing in a stroller when you get run over. don't let it be you on a jog down the street and grabbed and killed like what part to eliza fletcher. rescue yourself and get out of
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democrat-controlled cities. >> tucker: that is good advice. candice owens, thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: john fedderman has to be the -- ideas certain to destroy the state. always wearing a hoodie, why? because he has been hiding something now revealed. we'll reveal it to you next.
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all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. >> tucker: this is a fox news alert. shocking one we told you last night biden administration politicized law enforcement to where it feels soviet. fbi raided the guy that sells pillows. matt fin is tracking the stories. >> tucker, fbi agents located him, questioned him and asked questions about colorado and dominion voting machines and
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provided a warrant to seize his cell phone. >> he says fbi. show me your badges. how about yours? i don't trust anybody. there are bad people. i said what do you want. we need to talk to ya. i pull over. >> mike told agents he would not surrender his phone and runs his businesses off his phone. he claims what was the warrant for the phone. we don't have his account confirmed. we will be looking into it and keeping you updated, tucker. >> tucker: fbi raiding the pillow guy. this can't continue. matt appreciate it so much. thank you, sir. last week we told you about john fetterman running for u.s.
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senate from pennsylvania. we didn't mention hit running mate. when fetterman first time removed filthy dna-covered hoodie, beneath the foul-smelling hoodie the protrusion it is a lump. what sort of lump? does it have its own instagram? plan to run for statewide office. a party that put biden in the office is planned to build a whole campaign around a lump of flesh. keep your eyes on this lump it could run with kam kamala harris in 2024. markets had worst single day
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>> tucker: this is a fox news alert. so much lying about where the economy actually is. new numbers today. latest inflation report. price of everything has risen. not just bobbles, bracelets, wind surfing rigs. groceries, automobiles. according to those numbers inflation 8.3% year over year in august. terrible news. gets worse.
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dow just dropped 1200 points. single biggest drop since june of 2020. last year december, joe biden told us inflation peaked. today at the white house, joe biden insisted everything is going according to plan! >> >> mr. president: future brighter. nation transformed. historic american rescue plan taken economic crisis resurgence jobs up, people back to work. since we came to office, we created 10 million jobs. 3.7% unemployment nearly a 50-year low. more small business created than any time before in our history. >> tucker: you are happy and i
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did it. flogings will continue until moral improves. can you really scream at people. charlie joins us now. charlie, does that, you didn't cover this for the first time yesterday. can you in your experience believe they are richer than they are? >> charlie: he inherited a waning pandemic. jobs coming back. economy strong. all he really had to do is manage us through that. what did he do? he went on the drunken-sailor spending spree with democratic colleagues and created for a guy that says he doesn't want to tax
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the middle class. doesn't matter if you have a job if you have to work three jobs to afford a hamburger. quite remarkable. i heard donna all the jobs created. by the way jobs being created. jobs being created by donald trump with 2% inflation. now 8.3% inflation. not going away. they are going to have to raise interest rates. biden regulatory apparatus inhibiting supply. too much regulation and too much taxes. businesses don't want to produce stuff. only way to get rid of this is to raise rates and probably force much more severe recession than it would have been otherwise. remember he is spending money as the fed is trying to raise rates. he is counter act what we are
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doing. >> tucker: guess what happens during the 70s. inflation rises even if you work, one of the most destabilizing things. >> charlie: that is for sure. makes people crazy and social fabric fray. i agree with that. >> tucker: charlie great to see you. woke up one morning and relying on china, even the bullets. china controls copper mines around the world. what do you do? can't face off against a country in control. there is a new company, american
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company made here true velocity. decided to create own supply chains and supply u.s. military with new ammunition they make. fascinating story. pat hogan executive hour long conversation with fox nation. here is part of it. >> when you lock at the amount of ammunition troops carrying into battle on foot helicopters, reducing weight of ammunition by 30% operational or tactical implication, frankly helping bring these guys back in one piece. >> that looks different than any cartridge some made out of steel. overwhelming made out of brass. what percentage has brass cases? >> all of it.
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>> okay. so brass is i think qualifies as a precious metal. >> right. >> seems scarcity of all kinds of metals and minerals. you would be dependent on brass suppliers to get military up to speed. >> fantastic point particularly when we are talking about our company on capitol hill. brass is derived from copper. as you start examining copper mines controlled by adversaries. >> such as? >> china. >> significant number of copper mines controlled by the chinese. ultimately that is a metal we
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rely on for the manufacture production we use with our military. >> tucker: so they solve the problem? american innovation story. some guy in california invents a new video game your kids are addicted to. innovation that the nation needs. amazing story. whole thing up 7:00 a.m. on "fox nation." ♪♪ kamala harris looked around borders, two million foreign nationals whose names we can't verify scampering over it. we are more kamala harris tape after the break.
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electricity. supreme court, nerd known as clear and incisive. you can hear spittle hitting the microphone. all of them are false. years ago busted for getting story so wrong. even twitter acknowledged she was making it up. embarrassing. mixed blessing to report she has decided to stop pretending. she is not a reporter, she is a shell for the democratic party. she has a new memoir "dinners
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with ruth." of course ruth would be a recently former supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg. turns out ruth bader ginsburg and nina incredibly close friends. at the end of the one of the calls nina writes she felt like and we are quoting a goose that had just been stuffed? in preparation. goose pick a new one can't, not capable of it. it has the orra they know what flagra is on npr. shopping with ruth humbling experience. petite and beautiful and could
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wear almost anything. whoo! do you feel dirty hearing that? k nina does about feel dirty. that was her intimate relationship with supreme court justice. nbr is not embarrassed. you pay their salaries, national public radio. they still take tax dollars to hate you. kamala harris announced our border is secure. >> border is secure. we have a broken immigration system particularly before we came in. needs to be fixed. we are going to have two million people come in, you are confident it is secure? >> we have a secure border in that that is a priority for any
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nation including ours and minute. >> tucker: you are confident? this border is secure? we are confident, very confident! chuck todd has been to the border full time for years now. he recorded this in arizona. in 45 minutes more than a dozen illegal aliens used a rope to scale the border wall. ran into the united states. how many detained? none? more than a half million have done the same thing thus far. jera running for congress for ohio. you are in ohio. tell us why this is a concern of yours and the people you hope to represent?
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>> well tucker, we have been infested by fentanyl here. toledo, ohio. and ohio, state itself we have become the largest states with respect to overdoses. our children are dying on the streets. democratic party disconnected. they are pretended as if this doesn't exist. my opponent perpetuating year over year and watching this happen. it is terrible. >> tucker: bless you for saying that. i wish we had more time. who is your opponent? >> marcy campter. 40 year incumbent. >> running for united states congress, rooting for you. thanks so much. be right back.
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>> sot fbi went after the pillow guy today. it's the moment we're living in. back tomorrow night 8:00 p.m., lying enemy and going after pillow guys because they voted for the wrong person. have a great evening. here's sh sean hannity. >> sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to hannity. my monologue coming up in a mere moment but first we begin tonight with breaking news from the washington swamp. two major reports from investigative reporter john solomon and a new investigative report according to brand new court filings, we now know that the fbi paid a russian man with ties to moscow's intel agency for three years to be a confidential informant against donald trump and it goes deeper. this individual was the primary source for christopher steele's dirty russian disinformation dossier that hillary clinton paid for and is now on trial for lying to the fbi. in other words the
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