tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News September 13, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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front of this program, esteemed attorney ken starr passed away at the early age of 76. ken was a fearless defender of the rule of law, american patriot, billion attorney. our condolences to all. unfortunately that's all the time we have this evening. never miss an episode on your dvr meantime let not your heart be troubled. are you wearing pink tonight? >> laura: i was going to because i knew you'd be fresh with that salmon colored tight. i knew it. and i'm so mad! i'm wearing this white cutout number. i'm so mad at myself. what can i do? >> hannity: if that's the worst thing in your life, you have a great life. >> laura: your debbie downer. i'm trying to have fun here speaking of fun, ken starr, god
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rest his soul, he was a happy warrior. he had a way of cutting through an issue with a smile on his face. i knew him since i was a young lawyer. i had just started practicing law. i have my own tribute to him but i'm so glad you did that sean because he was wonderful person and a brilliant legal mind. thank you for those words. i'll try to do them justice at the end of the show. great show as always, even with the tide. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. the brutal truth, that's the focus of tonight's angle. all right, kim kardashian has big news. >> kim kardashian is expanding your brand once again. she is starting a private equity firm with jay sammons, a 16 year veteran of the carlyle group and
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prince william and harry, the real drama continues. >> the body language, the pictures said a thousand words. the body language was strained. >> laura: and tom and gisele. trouble in paradise? >> the reportedly hitting a rough patch in their marriage. the eel is trouble started when tom returned to the nfl. >> laura: and lizzo finally gets recognized with the bigamy. >> laura: when i was a little girl, all i wanted to see was me in the media. someone who sat like me. make some noise for my big girl >> secretary psaki: >> laura: god bless. this is what the dominant dumb down, tick-tock culture likes us to focus on. all of it's a distraction. none of it matters to daily life. but you know it does matter?
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our government. our $24 trillion economy? it's being managed by dunderheads. >> with this law the american people one and special interests lost. say it again: the american people one and special interests lost. lower health insurance costs. lower energy costs for millions of families. i want to take the most aggressive action never ever ever to confront the climate crisis and increase our energy security, ever in the whole world. and that's not hyperbole, and its fact. >> laura: in the whole world. dimwits at 1600 pennsylvania avenue were actually out celebrating today. talk about dysfunctional. they scheduled this event in the expectation that they were to get really good news on inflation this morning. but instead they got very
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terrible news about inflation. the market dropped 1200 points, the dow was off almost 4%. >> for a day that is planned for weeks to be a celebration of a cornerstone legislative achievement, the split screen of that cpi report on the market reaction to it was certainly not ideal for president biden. >> the s&p 500 is down 4.2%. we haven't seen this kind of a big drop in more than two years. >> laura: this is catast catastrophic. politicians lie, my friends. use and how those numbers. the media outlets they lie. but the numbers do not lie. let's take a look at recent history. real world household income rose from $66,000 in 2016 to 7,102,020. that's an increase of 6.8% in only four euros. that was stuff despite despite
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the effects of covid. but now? by spending trillions on nonsense programs and printing hundreds of billions of dollars, democrats and joe biden are robbing you blind. a new report came up from the census bureau today saying that real median household income fell from 7,102,020 to 70,000 in 2021. another word the u.s. economy under trump, when we were shot down from covid, generated better results for the average person than the u.s. economy under biden, when we had a vaccine in the country should have totally reopened. and then go b back to 2019. these numbers are important. the last year before covid. medium income was $72,808. so in 2021, the median household income was $2,024 lower than it
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was in 2019. think about that. now these figures show where trump is still popular. it's obvious. and why populist policies work by putting money in the pocket of average people. not to put this on prospective, people saw much bigger gains under trump in four years from 2016 to 2020, even with covid, then they signed 16 years of george w bush and obama. again, facts are stubborn things. and of course under biden, there's also the problem of inflation destroying savings because we all know this, we pay the bills, high prices are causing average american families to spend $460 more per month this year than they did a year ago. and by the way, when these facts collide, with a day of celebration of the white house, out of they end up spinning it?
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>> overall, our prices have essentially been flat in the country these last two months. that's welcome news for american families. this month, we saw some welcome moderation in the price increases for food at the grocery store. it's moderating in real wages are going up again for the second month in a row. >> laura: she is reading the whole thing. it's embarrassing. prices are moderating? is that what she said. move over baghdad bob, you've got competition. >> everything is gotten so much more expensive. >> putting food on the table and gas in the tank have been causing stress on the pocketbook. >> my kids are the one struggling. >> groceries, food, gas, all of it is really hard for them if you're making very little money. all your paycheck goes for those essentials. >> my bills of, 60%.
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>> my have to do that if it continues like this. i went back to work full-time on a one-year contract to supplement her income. >> i'm working more jobs that i want to, but i just plain don't want to work anymore. i want to retire and that's not happening either. >> laura: by the way that was our intern who did better reporting on that topic than anyone at the other networks combined. the only thing by the way that made sense today at the white house, or maybe james taylor's lyrics. >> ♪ ♪ my body is aching. my time is at hand. i won't make it any other way. ♪ ♪ >> i have seen fire and i have seen rain. >> laura: it's all rain at the
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biden white house. to these people not know that this is a song about suicide? if he had sung that on the roof, i might've jumped after hearing this bunch. >> the soul of america is right, and the promise of america is real. it is real. it is real. it is real. >> today were gathered to celebrate another historic step forward for our nation. >> from the bottom of my heart, i want to thank every one of my senate democratic colleagues who made the inflation reduction act happen. >> mr. president, thank you for unifying and inspiring a vision of a stronger, fairer, safer future for all, for our children. your extraordinary leadership has made this glorious day possible. that's an applause line. [applause]
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>> laura: oh, my god. let them only designer ice ice cream. after dinner at the french laundry, nancy. but they know there were a than they were under trump. this is why african american men are starting to turn away from the democrats. it's why hispanics are rejecting biden and his battalion of buffoons. and it's why young people are just disgusted. anyway you see the media is trying to distract us. they call and talk about januarf trying to avoid the obvious. the overwhelming evidence is that populism makes the average american richer well establishment policies made them poor. in the media's going to do everything possible to to avoid reporting on the facts we brought you. because the brutal truth, while it's ugly here, is empowering.
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so stay focused on the truth when you go to vote. and take power away from the people who are destroying pretty much everything you love. and that's the angle. joining me know as larry kudlow, host of kudlow on fox business, former director of the national council under trump. larry, have you ever seen a more discordant and message from a white house on a day that the economic news was so abysmal for the country? >> yeah, you know the inflation report shocked wall street but it shocked the hope country. so for them to put on some kind of celebratory concert with james taylor or whoever is really a slap in the face, and a back of the hand, to typical working folks are getting clobbered by this inflation. inflation is can be the number one issue in this election, as it must be. and laura, you're exactly right.
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typical family income is declined under biden after it was soaring under trump, beating the prior several presidents. but look. food prices in grocery prices are now showing massive inflation. food prices are up 11%, grocery prices up 13%. and it's the 17th consecutive month of declining real wages. folks are working hard, but inflation is rising faster than wages so they're able to buy lots. not only food, you've got electricity, up 16%, natural gas up 33%, new currents of 10%, used cars up 8%, services of all kinds up 7%, including medical services, they are now jumping for the first time in many years. it's an embedded inflation
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laura. it's spreading. and because you have all these woke progressives running their white house, with her taxing and the regulating and they're turning off the fossil fuels, you're not getting help from the supply side of the economy. they're squelching and strangling what should be a massive boom. the inherited the boom, no it's a bust. and the fed is going to be left with the unenviable task of jacking up in stress it's rates much higher than anybody thought possible not long ago. there is no supply-side help here. it can be left of the fed. and this can wind up being very difficult for the economy. >> laura: some of us were warning about in the spring of 2021, but they just waved off all concerns. in other chickens have come home to roost, to quote reverend wright. brandon has been praying about
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one thing of late. watch this. >> for all the criticism i got for gas prices, they're done more than a dollar and $0.30 a gallon. that since the start of the summer. >> laura: what he doesn't mention the larry's that average gas prices are $3.71 today, way higher where i live. but they were only $2.38 when he took office. so how does he have bragging rights when there's no need for these increased energy cost? this is self-inflicted pain on american people >> the green new deal has shut off these figures. oil and gas prices have come down because they're depleting the strategic petroleum reserve. they are ruining our security, national security. by the way the biggest purchases are making out there is somehow coming in the late summer in the
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early fall. i'm sure that has nothing to do with the election. >> laura: right. we'll get to that next segment. >> i'm sure it's just a coincidence know i'm not. there was a joke. this inflation is so deeply embedded that whatever progress you're making in the short run on gas prices, you're giving it back on higher food and grocery prices. you still don't have baby formula on the shelves either. like i said before, electricity is going up, natural gas, cards. were going to suffer a very difficult slump, recession, inflation, because of no tax cuts or deregulation, the inflation will linger and go on longer, the fed is going to have to clamp down. >> laura: larry, they're spending money we don't have! they printed hundreds of billions of dollars.
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you can't get people back to work. okay? this is not rocket science, larry. it's obvious. >> federal government is spending trillions. in fact, the committee for responsible budget just put out this year the bidens have increased federal debt by almost $3 trillion. speed two oh, my god. this is too much. >> the regulating too much, they're texting too much, and their printing too much money. they're taking incentives away to work, and they're taking incentives away to invest. exactly the opposite. but look at this way. this woke progressive economics has failed. it's feeling badly. today was a perfect example. some can argue that common sense american folks around the country see this failure, they're going to put them out of office, the cavalry is coming, and it's good to be a big g.o.p.
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when come november in both houses. >> laura: i agree. >> it's a crime election, fundamental election and its appearance running schools election. four or five key points and the g.o.p. can roll and stop all this bad stuff. stop dead in the water. >> laura: absolutely. and then they actually have to do something with their power and take dramatic bold steps which i know you're in favor of. larry great to see you as always. if you can believe it, today marks the final primaries on the 2022 calendar. fox's chief political anchor, bret baier, is standing by to take us through the graces. brett, ben and the time or peer. tell us what's happening. >> it's amazing, the final primaries before we head into the final stretch in november for the midterms. delaware, new hampshire, and rhode island. let's take you furthest out to new hampshire and the senate race there. new hampshire is seen as a
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possible pickup for republicans because they look at maggie hassan the incumbent democrat it's very vulnerable in new hampshire on a number of different fronts. the republican primary that was close right now. retired army general don bolduc against chuck morris, the state senate presidents, right now, we are about 400 votes separating the two. new hampshire doesn't have a ton of votes collectively as the state, it's not a big place. but you can see is we dig down into some of these counties, this is botox home and he campaigned there a lot, you see picked up the mic separation they are not in vote totals but in rockingham county, just a big dump of votes for chuck moore. overseeing here is a very tight race, 41% in. this will probably go for a while before we get a winner here. one of the interesting things
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about these races this time, as the story line that we've seen all across country, is that democrats have been spending money going for republicans, mega-republicans in some cases, who they think are more vulnerable against their democratic incumbents. new hampshire is one of those places. $53 million democrats have spent in various races. this is one of the men will see how this pans out. let's go to the congressional races. first the second congressional race in new hampshire. run on the update is that it's really close. you can see george cancel there is leading 34% over bob burns. that again is a race where democrats put money to get burns to win the race. it's not over yet but george hensel is in the good position. if we go to the 1st congressional district, this is to forward trumpet needs, matt mayers and carolyn levitt,
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it looks like carolyn levitt has the early lead here. it's not over yet in new hampshire there for this race. they go up against chris pappas, the winner of this, the other one is an custer. republicans feel confident about that. i wanted to get really quickly to a governors race that were watching that's fascinating, that is the incumbent governor of rhode island, daniel mckee, he is facing a challenger and helena fowlkes, who is a cg stomach cbs executive who can pin pretty much solely on education in the wake of corbett and how bad it is. this is a sitting governor, democratic government government governor of rhode island to see if he can pull this out, he's in a real dogfight. a business woman on other side actually is a republican who face the winner of this, because. laura said about po. >> laura: those are tight. i love the upstart coming
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against the incumbent. thanks for staying up for us tonight. the one thing bidens team is bragging about is that the still high gas prices have fallen from what was a historical peak. but what are we paying in terms of our national security? congressman jim banks discuss is the reckless depreciation of our petroleum reserve. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ i'm aline and i live in castle valley, california. my husband, barney, and i have been married for 32 years.
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♪ ♪ >> laura: with all known this, we talked about it. president biden has drained our petroleum reserves to lower gas prices. when come up the midterm elections. but this is been dangerous to our national security. while reserves have tumbled to their lowest level since 1984. you have to ask, who benefits from all this? other than the democrats. while russia of course. because it's using it sale of oil to fund its were in ukraine. all that happy talk about our proxy were is going to make everything worthwhile, right?
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this weekend ukrainian work change things a lot, ukrainians flew the flag all over. >> thief succeeded in taking a broad swath of territory in the northeastern part of the country forcing russian soldiers to retreat. >> i'm euphoric about ukraine advancing. >> laura: i hope all of this is true. we wish ukrainians nothing but the best. but we have to remember that a lot of these same forces were telling us that the withdrawal from afghanistan will go smoothly. or that inflation was transitory. further contact tracing would stop covid. they never think about the geopolitical issues that are colliding with this scenario. chinese president she is leaving to visit vladimir putin.
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would president xi really be betting on a horse that he thinks is colludes. they have a big surveillance system in china that they? when he let that happen? joining us is congressman jim banks. this all been accelerated congressman by bidens handling the russia and middle east over to energy production. we abandon everything we had in our favorite, and russia can now run the table. >> biden is the best thing happening to russia. two people thanked by putin should be greta thunberg and joe biden. because of the disastrous energy paul sees that they've enacted in the name of the green new deal has sold out
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america's foreign policy to china. donald trump was buying oil at $25 of bail stomach barrel for the preserves, now biden will be $80 a barrel that is going to spend to replenish it and the taxpayers are the ones who are on the hook for it. >> laura: at the same time they were complaining and one of the other networks today, the all company executives have to explain whether making so much money. do they not understand the law of supply and demand? when use shrink supply, this can be a lot more people going for that barrel of oil. how is it so complicated for them? >> the democrats don't get it in biden is responsible and russia is emboldened. >> laura: for the first time since covid, president she is meeting for the first time after covid with putin at this point
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in the russia and ukraine conflict. >> were in a critical stage right now. the fill thunder road chart can always stage one. that failed. and then we went into a war of attrition. ukraine is fighting heroically but they're getting very close to the russian border and that raises the question that you have an ailing dictator with 7,000 nuclear weapons, the world's largest arsenal. there are scenarios we don't think about. if you just get to say, i lost a hundred thousand dead wounded or missing people, we lost, and to quit. i don't think so. is he to keep it and bleed out chris mcdonald think so. is he going to say that it's a real war, not a special military operation? i don't think so. he sees that ukrainians are getting close to the border, attacking ships and were back to 1962 when it's good to do something dramatic. we think he wouldn't dare do
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that. but that begs the question, is new to mac ukraine the nato nuclear umbrella? some with the administration and some affiliated or independent act as if it is. they think were obliged to defend ukraine in some scary fashion if russia does something stupid. so i think the chinese and the russians are figuring out what is the next step, and could be very scary along the lines of the 1962 cuban missile crisis. we need to take it deep breath before the midterms because things are accelerating. what are our responsibilities? what are the dangers to the united states people? that's what we have to ask. >> laura: are american people ready to go to nuclear war in defense ukraine? yes or no. i would guess the answer to the question is no. as much they want ukraine to
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win, they're going to say no. he is an issue that was brought up at the white house today. john kirby tried to adjust it but not really. >> given the fact that unknown adversary in the case of china, foreign buyers are buying up u.s. real estate, sometimes firms around the u.s. is us on the reader? >> it's out of my swim lane a little bit. i'm probably not the right person to ask about that. >> laura: congressman i found that answered to be insulting and appalling. that man has no answer for china buying farmland in the united states? >> it should be outlawed. it should be outlawed to stop china from buying farmland and properties. it should be banned. the white house still to this point this day refuses to
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>> laura: it's time for a seen and unseen section, we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. raymond, the president was out promoting his cancer moon shot in boston. what is it? >> is just a rebranding of things the federal government is are you doing. critics say they administration has requested no new funding for the moon shot. but that didn't stop biden from
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selling it harder than anything. >> there's nothing, nothing, nothing beyond our capacity. jack, jake i should say, i will use my 30s as president to break long jams and speed breakthroughs. boston zone monica bertinelli, excuse me. my word is a biden, this cancer moon shot is one of the reasons i ran for president. >> blunders aside, this is curious given the history of the biden cancer initiative. it was founded by jill and joe biden in 2017. the bidens basically hired the obama cancer moon shot staff and paid them hundreds of thousands of dollars annually during the two years it was running.
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the bidens took in her than $5 million in donations and spent more than $3 million in salaries and zeroing grants. >> laura: what? >> zero on cancer research. a moon shot to nowhere. >> laura: as a cancer survivor myself, i find it surprising and typical from a family of grifters. >> would you make of this laura? >> have you talked about it with him? >> not yet. we've been too busy. but i'm sure there will be a discussion. look at all that joe has done. he has kept true to what he said he would do. so i think he just needs to keep going. >> look at all is done? the unity? the inflation? safety and security chris burke i love it when she says he needs
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to keep going. if only he knew where he was going. he's totally confused, doesn't know which way to go. note the handheld mic he uses now laura to compensate for his diminished of voice. when the prompter went down yesterday, so that the speech. >> look, the fact is that there is a lot we can do, a lot we have to do. you know, the fact is that, right now, with this infrastructure law, america's really getting on the move again. >> laura: oh, my god. if it was in our country would be funny. >> he's like the press secretary. if you can't read it or see it he's completely lost. this is heartbreaking. how can he run again? how can he keep going? >> laura: because jill will
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take him to wilmington then do whatever they do there to get them ready for the next week. go ahead ray. what else? your marriott in new orleans, latoya cantrell, she's wonderful and she's facing some backlash over her luxury travel. what is that? >> there's a city ordinance here that requires employees to fly coach and to reimburse new orleans for any upgrade. she went to the south of france this summer and racked up more than $30,000 in upgrades since 2021 and she is refusing to give any of the money back. >> on expenses incurred doing business on behalf of the city of new orleans will not be reimbursed to the city of new orleans. one thing is clear: i do my job. i'll do it with distinction and integrity every step of the way.
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so that's what have to say about that. >> this is why there's a recall effort in new orleans against mayor cantrell. 55% of new orleans citizens support removing the mirror. but you've got to expect a recall. >> laura: how many officers are they down in new orleans? >> only about 900. >> i just glad she got one of those pods. so much better than having to deal with the hoi polloi. great to see raymond. if you want to turn this country into a banana republic he would just sick the justice department on your political enemies just weeks before an election. why are we led to believe that this is a normal thing?e' 'mike davis and julie kelly are herebefo next.
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that 60% of americans said that speech by biden divided the country. that's just out. easy to see why. joe biden and merrick garland promise to just as the department that would be apolitical. but for the last 20 months or so the justice department has been on a vendetta campaign. targeting trump allies just weeks before the midterms? mike lindell says he was confronted by the fbi when they took his phone. joining us now is julie kelly is senior writer and author. and mike. mike it's almost as though they are seizing phones of anybody who has communicated with the president. >> this is scary stuff laura. they were going after trump for
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noncrimes, keeping his residential records at mar-a-lago. another going after his supporters for the noncrime of questioning no relate to my collection. what's the crime they're investigating? were not of third world marxist yet. i'm n stomach understanding how the biden administration can investigate this as a series of crimes? >> laura: they had to keep trolling for information because so far they've got butkus. julie i find it ironic that were spending $50 billion to defeat vladimir putin who puts his political enemy at risk, targets them, harassed, vendetta campaigns, get it seems like that's exactly what's happening here. >> that's what's happening now. it's what's been happening 20
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months. we've talked about this before laura. 900 americans were present on january 6 know if face criminal charges for mostly nonviolent participations. in charging documents, sentencing recommendations, you see texts, social media posts, memes on people's phones, not about what happened on january 6 but questioning what happened in the 2020 election. this is uses evidence against these defendants. so it's nothing really new to those of us who have been covering this prosecution closely. but to see this now used against high-level officials, trump lawyers, this is the whole goal of the subpoena. they're not talking about january 6th and the outlines of the subpoena, they're talking about internal conversations about the 2020 election and plans to contest the outcome in
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certain states. that's not a crime. he never had anything to do the january 6. it was always designed to criminalize political dissent. >> laura: julie and i talked about this on my podcast. i think they want to scare anyone away from working for trump in the future. you get your phone taken because you disagree with them on some big issue. jeffrey berman accuse the trump doj today of corruption. >> bar did the bidding of the president. he politicize the department of justice. bar couldn't have done what he did without the help of others and the department of justice. bill barr should have been standing in front of those magnification doors in the department of justice, stopping interference from entering. but he was a chief architect of that interference. >> laura: this is the guy who trump wanted to be u.s.
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attorney, he pushed for this g guy, and now is bar a good guy or a bad guy now, mike? >> jeffrey berman allowed blm to destroyed new york city in the summer of 2020 until he got fired so it's funny that he's criticizing bar. >> laura: to sell a book. >> now they've quickly turned on them like marxist always do. now the senate judiciary committee democrats are investigating bill barr. >> laura: does this send? it's like an end, right chris mack >> it's gonna get worse. it's not going to end. this doj is out of control and his weaponized and politicized. they will bring a grand jury indictment against trump the only question is when.
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they've ratcheted this up so much among their base you could feel the blood lust at the base of the democratic party. after six years they finally want to see donald trump and handcuffs. if this doj doesn't deliver, the democrats will pay a price in november of that doesn't happen. >> laura: mike and julie, great to see you tonight. when you come back, goodbye to a great man and a really great friend. stay tuned.
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i left headquarters after hearing a plane hit the world trade center. this can't possibly be an accident. look at the sky. it's beautiful. i had in my mind that this was an attack right away. you saved so many lives that day. where were you when the towers came down? i hear this loud noise. i look up and it was the north tower coming down. and i can just remember the huge antenna imploding into the building. i looked up and i said, i'm not going to outrun this. i dove under an apparatus there on the corner of west and vesey. awaited the dust cloud. right here. right here. i was in my house in the south tower, came down, and i received a phone call from a firefighter. he said to me, frank, it's really bad down here. i said, i know. and he goes, no, you don't understand. nobody's come home. and i had to get off the phone, tell my three sisters my brothers, that steven wasn't coming home.
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he ran through the tunnel to the towers. and that's why we started the tunnel to towers foundation. all these men and women have inspired us. every time i'm here at the american response monument that represents the 12 horsemen that rode into afghanistan, they were told, you take this mission, you're not going to come home. true american heroes. they never forgot what happened on september 11th and meeting them when they came home. it just sent chills up my spine because i knew what they went through. we're so proud at the tunnel to towers. for taking care of catastrophically injured service members. gold star families. well, if you're a fallen first responder anywhere in america and you die in the line of duty, we're going to pay off your mortgage. and if you don't have a home, we're going to build you a home. we got to support our first responders and our military. they support us. they protect us. and we have to protect them and their families. as well. by giving $11 a month. you're joining us on our mission to do good and take care of gold star families. catastrophically injured service members and first responders.
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go to now. >> laura: tonight we lost a billion legal mind, ken starr. he believed in the preeminence of the constitution and the principle of equal justice under law. >> this house of representatives with all respect has been turning its back on its own established procedures. these are procedures that are been followed faithfully decade after decade regardless of who's in control. regardless of political party.
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all those procedures have been torn asunder. and all over the vigorous objections from the unanimous and vocal minority. minority rights should be protected. equal justice. >> our prayers are with his wife alice, their children and grandchildren. ♪ ♪ >> gutfeld: yes! all right! where my? here i am. happy tuesday everyone. what a glorious night for news. and yes, you're still a terrorist. i wouldn't be surprised if you're assembling a pipe bomb right now just remove you from
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