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tv   Hannity  FOX News  September 14, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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i'm driving to his car . he says he's driving home. yeah he sa, yeah. given what he's done to the country, i think everyone can agree. >> even mrs.a biden , not a goode. idea for him to drive a motor vehicle. that's it for us tonight. we'll be back tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m., the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink have the best night. >> here' s sean hannity, by thego way. >> tha6 thatt is the corvette 0t there is a waiting list a mileo long. >> and i'm lik the at the bottom. that is a great car . and no, he should not be driving that car now you can get one. i'll pay a premium. c tuckerar. , good luck.. >> all right. thank you, sean.n: w all right.elcoo welcome to "hannity". ity.tonight, dr. fauci confrontd on capitol hill with the truth as he was grilled today by senator rand paul . he will join us with a recap. , also tonight, wisconsin senate candidate mandella bar was tra caught on camera trashing capitalism. thisg after he called form pris
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violent criminals to be released from prison. we're we're going to play that and vet him tonight. but first, our countdowns. continues. y five shortwe aaway days away from these pivotalve midterm elections. and democrats have lost all touch with reality now. >> yesterday, we showed you the new devastating economic numbers.t inflation went up coreup inflation going up, food, rent, energy all the way up. the stock market, meanwhile, plummeted. it tanked. it dropped significantly. itignificathe biggest drop since the height of the pandemic. this but one month after the democrats passed their so-called inflation reduction ac t, or as i call it,reduct the tax, the poor, middle class and people on fixed income act t of twenty , twenty two . it doesn't actually do anything to reduce inflation. it will increase inflation. it. a is just a massive green n, deal spending bill that, wors as predicted, is making inflation far worse, making everythingg evensive more expenn ever. and now, by the way, t to ado add insult to injury, biden's
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incompetent transportation secretary, small town mayor, mayor pete right there, has dea been unable to hammer out a deal with america's railroad unions. the wakso ne of a looming strike, many train lines are getting shut down and our supply chain problems are about to get that much worse. even certain amtrak routes have already been put on pause indefinitely. joe , amtrak. joe , care to comment? so naturally, none of this stope the white house from doing a massive celebration, complete with the smiling and the fist bumps and the laughing and theen patting on the back with nancyoc pelosi. they even had a live performance from james taylor. a serenaded the crowd with fire and rain. it's as it's a great song song about drug addiction and suicide. perhaps maybe appropriate in this sense, given biden's fentanyl and opioid crisis because of his open borders.e sh policies. now a celebration pattingelebra themselves on the backtiy th
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on the day that inflation numbers rose n yet again fromcao the previous month. can you reallyu e that be that oblivious and that out of touch with the american people? s because americans are sufferit now? the president even treated his guest to a rage filledspeech celebratory speech, complete with weirdplet, bizarre anger, yelling about how joe biden himself rescued america's economy and fixed inflation.d what world is he living? y >>at world is he living? y and by the way, this alls netw the news networks featured live. side by side footage. look at that. eveney show in the stock market crashing even fake news. cnn, msnbc, they seemedhe absolutely shocked that n spiking the footballthe mo at the very moment american's retirement funds were being wiped out in real time. joe's bizarre celebration-tim didn'te. t stop stop there toda. he visited the detroit auto show as tucker just showed you, the zero six . that's a great lookingeeks corvette. now, just three weeks after ford announced they were laying off three thousand employees to
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cupat costs and pay for the bidn administration's electric vehiclon's elee transition, of , that didn't stop joe biden from having a little fun as he got behind the wheel of car afterr a car after car . and then bizarrely, he held hands with the michigan governor , gretchen whitmer. or. but later, after a brief si remarks, joe faced a serious challenge. how he couldn't seem to remember how to get down from the podium when he shakes er so often. pretty common problem. >> joe , take a look. thank you. you sorry. has it appears joe biden has some serious issues with short term memory., his vice president , meanwhile, just a simple trouble with something called the truth. you decide every year gas and
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powered cars and trucks and buses contribute millions of tons of carbon dioxidellutio and toxic air pollution.n. but there is a solution to this problem. electric vehicleproblem.s, elecr cars and trucks and buses which produce no tailpipe emissions and they are cheaper to own. >> they are not cheaper to ownl. . that would be called wherecost o i grew up, a flat out lie. the average cost of an electric vehicle is twenty two thousand gas-powered car. two thousand dollars more than a gas cos powered car, not to mentiont tog the additional energy costs to charge the vehicle. earth and of course, you have to pillage mother earth with big, heavy equipment that's run on diesel fuel mining for these ne diesel fuel mining for these them out of the earth. >> never mind the fossil fuelsrs that you'll actually need to plug in the carbon that represents 90% of our currentce electric grid.
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oand even with the high price d gas, it would take at least a decade plus to maybe even break. even so, commerce is just flat out lying or just hasn't f bothered to do simple math . so for two two thirds of americl those of you outiv therein thatn suffering, living paycheck to f paycheck, i've been there. it . it's not fun.r pr's not fun.r electric vehicles are not a solution to any of fe notthon to any of but fear not the biden administration, they have another solution. you are one of the manyther wor reou are one of the manyther wor the real heroes in this country, and you're struggling to put foomad on the tablekew and make ends meet, the administration is now publicly encouragingpeople t and advising our brave military, the people thave ourt preserve our freedoms to applyps for food stamps.. what a repulsive nationalthink embarrassment. think abouthis.t this. sendi >> we're now sending over $50 billion to ukraine, but our soldiers aren't making enough here at home to buy enough food to feed is be
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their family. this is beyond appallingyo a. o biden just spent, what, trillions on inefficient solar panels, wind turbines.. we're decades away from thisaway alternate of energy or renewable energy independence. as pete, peter , pete, buta judge wants, and jennifer granholm wants. and they want to spend trillions more to bail out social justice majors in college who willingly took out massive student loans. anssive student loans. they signed their name tome the loan and meanwhile, american armed service men ando women left to hang out to dry. ? go get food stamps.t yo how about you take the student loan forgiven money, make the people that borrowed to pay it back and pay the people that protect the freedom so these kids can even attend schoolr and make sure they can afford to put food on their table. course, the department of. defense did find room in their budget to hire a chief a diversity, equity and inclusion officer or as she refers to herself, a woke administrator.
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and according to a recent fox news report, the dod's woke administer administratoronline b openly disparaged white people soenly disparaged white people an our social media has been deleted, and fox news digital a did not immediately hear a response from the department of defense. they are waiting breathlessly here now with reaction to all kenn now with reaction to all louisiana senator john kennedye is up for reelection. we are enthusiastically supporting that reelection.he's i think the good people ofa louisiana know that he's doneac. a good job for >> senator , welcome back. great to have you. thank you. sean, you first. you mentioneu d electricme vehicles. if electric vehicles are so swell, why does government have to pay people to drive them food? >> number two, you mentioned. f i wish i thought of that. it's that's a greattr line.about well, it's true.
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if you think about it. number two, you mentioned inflation and inflation was made in washington since president biden was inaugurated five hundred and forty days ago. prices are up thirteen pointre'o two percent. here's another way of looking at that. a dollar. this book is now worth ining purchasing power aboutou eighty seven , maybe eighty eight cents. so what is president bidenou kn, doing about it? peopleabout it? you might be thinking, you know, people make make mistakes.? what's he going to do about what's he doing about it? wellt ha, the president has decd to drink himself sober. first, he passed a seven hundred and fifty billion dollars, so called inflation reduction act, which takes takes three hundred billion dollars and higher taxes out of the pockets of the american people. ecy is slowiwhen the economy is, prices are rising and 401k areha
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crashing. and he gives a three hundred billion dollars of taxpayer money to the green new dealh industrial complex, which cause will probably spend it in a way that causes energy prices tog go up without reducing worldd temperatures. terma scintilla of a degree be e china and india refuse to stop e emitting co2 and then for his second trip, the president decidethe prd to spend $1 trillo forgive student debt. we now, we already have a plan to repay student debt. it's called a job. i''s called a job. on it. >> what are you going.>> if yo i'm not interrupting. if youok at th look at this from thirty five thousand feet, i think this is this is obviousy . and that's why i say that president biden is inflation's best friend. inflation loves president and
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inflation loves president biden like the devil 1%. the done the devil 1%. the done anything whatsoever. except sing folk songs to tryg h to stop it ravagingam the american people. you knowericple., why the celebn on a day when inflation wentain, up, yet again, senator ?ology th and if we use the sameed methodology that they used in the nineteen eighties to calculate inflation numbers, we'd be at sixteen percent. adjusted theixteen percent. they just have twice now adjusted the methodology of how they calculate that. this e so it's that and then we've got this othettlp little problem. t peop we're going to pay off student debt. the people willingly took k on and then we're going to advise our brave men and women in the military how to bestmayb get on food stamps, maybthe the alternative would be to take the the trillion dollars in student debtrillionin studet
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and maybe give it to the military so that they can afford to pay for the food wel themselves. >> what do you think?l,, i well, of course, i think you're right, sean, but not to put toon fine a point on it, butesiden the president, he's not reallytt forgiving student debt. somebody got to pay for it.e pe he's just transferring it from the people who owe it. the college, at least tohas amer the people who don't owe it to working class americans.wa but the way the president has handled handle has handled the economy as social pos have kinds faceal of put your aunt's faceboobok of put your aunt's faceboobok with the american people thaamen president biden does when it comes to the economy. and i think i think voters are going to go medieval on him. >> i mean, i'm up i'm up foranto reelection. if you want to hear more aboutoo me, go to john kennedy .com. john kennedy, .com. i'm not i'm not going to minutes mention any words.
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this inflation was made in washington in large part by president biden, socioeconomic policies and i'm not i don't mean to speak ill of the president, but if the shoe fits where it's cinderella, i mean, he he he has these calls. sean: >> i this i think this is probably your best appearance. senator kennedy. i support your reelection. >>support your reelection. on the program. thank you for being with us. nowright now, we get to some breaking news from martha's vineyard this wher is amazing. e this is checkmate, wheretw two o planes full of illegalment immigrants landed compliments of florida f governor ronda santos and he now joins now the governors of texas and arizona. and relocating illegal immigrants t o sanctuary cities and states, by the way, a genius idea, the best political jujitsu move i've heeitical jujitsu move i've with reaction, joey jones and former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows.
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seief of staff mark meadows. sending d.c. and then new york and ronda santos jumped i n and he's sending them all over the now to martha's vineyard. the bestvineyard political jujin i've ever seen. mark meadows.doin and i've been doing a long a time. >> well, it's not only a good at political move, it's actually making those democrat governors and mayorss an actually start to be border states and cities. you knowu know, you mentioned d. when buses started to arrive ino washington, d.c. all of a sudden, the mayor of d.c. had is declaring an emergency because she hasn't had to deal with it in arizona and texas. now she's dealing with holding up ug the national guard and demanding things without without a doubt, but but with governor de santos actually delivering them to tohs mark vinyard, we're going to see a whole new awarenessl of a
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on the sanctuary state where all of a sudden this opes opnalo border kind of mentality that tl is not serving our country well. is coming home to roost now on martha martha's vineyard,oin where you're going to seeof peo a whole lot of people startingp. to say, wait, governor , you'reg not doing the right thing. well, he's doing preciselyt the right thing and showing the hypocrisy of it all. well, mark, le. me dot to do a follow be befo up with you. how long will it be before these governors, mayors, etd no cetera, become racist? and not want to have these c illegal immigrants in their towns, cities or. >> well, here's the thing is ,th as soon as the money doesn't arrive, whether it's emergency relief or anything else,ervative they all of a sudden they're going to be more conservative than some of my conservativecoll former colleagues.eaand so and so they're they're going goa for money first, plead for relief second, and then all of sudden they're going to change their tune. you know, joe , yo >> raised joe , yo
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in dalton, georgia. >> you enlisted in the marine corps after high school. you serve your country for eight years. scho and , you know, during your deployment in afghanistan, you were responsible for disarming and destroying 80 ieds, thousands of pounds ofk other unknown bulk explosives. n and you stepped on and initiated an ied resulting in a loss of both of your legs. >> you definyou dee tofi me her. and i know to this audience you are the very definition of it all. and i liker your viewpoint. ind i liker your viewpoint. >> now we're telling service members we're giving them instructions they ca because tht put food on the table becauseouh we're not paying them enough money. y. e the people that protect to go the freedom of these kids to go to school, we're goin g takeschool, we're goin their money to pay for they their education, but they can't put food on their table. biden' and the government, joe biden's government is telling them to go on food stamps. that's what that's what their plan is for our militaryt . that's their way t y thanktheir way t
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you. you know, it's embarrassing, sean. >> it breaks my heart, really. we have an all volunteer service that every single day gets harder and harder toe peop recruit, not just because people don't qualify anymore, anymore, but bece they don't wa. we just spent 20 years fighting the war that our own government can't properly explain as to20 t why it took 20 years to fight it or why we were there toent' begin with in some cases. sos the government's got itsd back against the wall. they should really be rolling out the red carpet ttalent to rv talent into our military, troont into our military, a problem getting troops, we've got a problem. we've got a void in leadership . we're hurting on true leadership. the pentagon leadership. should be strife with people pushing back on the partisan politics coming into it from all five sides. pot but that's not what's happening there. they'rembracing it because belie they believe as leaders that are politically appointeeaders d generals, that that's their way to the top, their personal co the top, their personal protecting our country because this entire country from coastsg
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to coast has gotten veryr comfortable watching other people's kids fight wars. and generals have gotten very comfortable watching wars on skype from the pentagon rather than on the ground a with our troops. and that's a problem. thd that's a problem. hardship what ukraine has gonef, through or other places in the world could fix. and that'st what we want. we don't want the war to come to our shores. that happened in two thousandn 0 one . we just marched twenty 20e th more than 20 years since then. we don't ever want that again.i but the way we prevent it is bye having a military is not only ready and well-fed and happy, but also tough.d rea to ghappy, but also tough.d rea and ready, ready to go to war and intimidating across the world. ss the w. we're not focusing on things and that's the problem.ha listen, i don't care what if yo your what your orientation is . ra . a woman. y i want you to want to lay your life down for this country and be ready to rise be up toy a standard, not be brought down to one . i don't want the military to look at you and say, oh, well, you know, if you want purpleit. here, i guess we'll let purple hair. if you want jewelry, i guessof e
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we'll let jewelry. you don't have s to keep your hair out of the way so that gear doesn't snag on it. that's fine. wear a ponytail. that's okay. you need an exemption for this. an exemption for that. this doesn't make you a bad person, but it can make youtimet a bad soldier. it can't make yohau someone that sticks out in the time that you're in the military.nd you should want to blend in and be another cog in that machine. and that's all.'s that's how you h becomow youe ae something bigger than yourself. and we're going to ask our citizens to join this military and then say, and you might not even be able to buy dn food't. army't. so, mark, with the u.s. army is released as guidance for soldiers as they fightth inflatioey fign and they make pr the suggestion about the snap program, the food stampse program. >> and they say while service members in their family mayintig be eligible, the guidance said, pointing soldier ss s to the sni website and phone number, quote, with inflation affecting everythingngng fro t from gas pa groceries to rent, some soldiers and their familiesto are finding it hardr to get by on their budgets thatb
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they've set and used before. that's the guidance they give, the guidance we're giving themnd is we're going to tax.g to pay you want to take your money and we're going to pay off a loan that somebody willingly took on . and you castn go get food stamp. and we're not going to we're not going to pay you enougho pu money to put food on your table and you're risking your life for your country. >> i can't handle that. well, we're better than that, sean. seaand listen to whoever is gig that advice. you had senator kennedy on and a he's got some of the best one linersth. y is t -- advisor i. y is t that adviser is the reason why there's directions on a shampoo bottle . it's just idiotic. hen wei can tell you when we sto look at all of this, we have got to do better than this.lo and right now, they're so slowyg rolling. everything in in the senate. chuck schumer, slow rolling the defense authorization. defe and when we start to see this,,y they got a raise underr pres president trump. they're getting excuses under president biden.
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sadly. nt biden. >> well, i could tell you, joey jones, i know you're in touch with a lot people in the military. i know i speak for probabl snoy% of this audience. there's a few liberals that watch, but i in saying, our soldiers deserve betterbefoe before we give money to ukraine. i mean, we pay off student debt before we go with green programs and solar panels.d solar panel and wind t and wind turbines. how about we pay our militar first? es, mirst? es, eighty seven thousand irs agents. i get that. we invest in that. yeah, we could have hired border patrol agents and then we could get probably. more illegal immigrants to martha's vineyard. >> that would be a good idea. all right. thanright. k both.>> we gothank you both. >> coming up, we've got anew update on last night's breaking news about the durham probe.nizn also, biden's weaponization of the doj continues. you wait until you see what happened this time. we'll check in with steven miller and ari fleischer there next as we continue, j.p.
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morgan ceo warns of an economic hurricane is coming. goldman sachs warns of unprecedented economic shocks. and billionaire jim rogers says worst crash in our lifetime is coming since the start of the year. the s&p is down 22%, nasdaq down 32%. bitcoin down 50 80%. >> and now the housing market has hit a wall. are we on the verge of a historic recession? find out. paul lear capital for your wealth protection survival guide and precious metals ira rollover to see how easy it is to hold physical gold and silver in your ira. don't play. the experts warn time is running out to save your retirement. so, paul , now get your wealth protection package and up to fifteen thousand dollars in bonus medals on your first purchase, 897 eighty three hundred 897 300.
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win seven grand a week for life . >> come on now. enter at pch .com. >> right. this is a fox news alert, an absolutely massive major development drop by john durha mevelopment drop by john durha . now, as wewe can now report, the source of the discrediteddoe steel dossier paid for by hillary was actually a paid fbi informant tied to russian intel, meaning your fbi actually paid for the russian disinformation and usedl inte clinton's bought and paid for lies to push the phony russia collusion hoax. and of course, the media fell for all of it and propagated it day in and day out. lie to lie after lie. >> for years, they als knew directly from the source himself that the dossier was completely false, just bar talk. he had said what people like jim comey continue to sign off on one fisa warrant after t another.s is poother.s is
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without question, the biggest abuse of power, corruption sca scandal in american history. we have been proven right over and over again. the fbi paying for russian disinformation, using unverified materials, presenting it to the fisa courth ,claiming it's verifieddi helaiming it's verifieddi the media they just laundered their lies here with reaction. former trump former senior adviser steven miller, along with fox news contributor ari fleischer, ari, let's first get your take on this. >> he was the primary source for steele. hillary clinton paid forn thips in august of 2016. even bruiser warned everybody t at the fbi, isthis is political. this is unverified. car efulbe careful. . don't use this. andrew mccabe, he had said without the dirty dossier, you don't get the fisa application approved. they used an unverifieddon't and unverifiable dossier to ruin carter page's life and spy
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on candidate trump. and later, president trump, yourlater, president trump, poison the united states of the america and put a terrible divide between democratsted and republican s is one thing to, no fight over ideology. now, they were fighting over is a they were fighting over is a russian asset. the incoming president of the united states look to major american institutions, let downl their guard and allow this happily allow this to happen. alloily allow this to happen. the media? or i the media just fell for it all. they called it unverified and unsubstantiated, yetd they still put it on the fronttt page. if it's unverified and unsubstantiated, maybe you shouldn't cover it until it's verified. it'sand substantiated. down itsd the other institution that lets down its guard happi happily alb this to happen was the fbi. the fbi could have gone public and said there was nothing tor. the steele dossier. they bit of knowledge inside the fbi, but instead, james comey briefed incoming president donald trump, one onot one about the dossier, knowing it would immediately leak in. s
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of course, cnn ran with it. this is the damage they did to america through false reporting. l and you're right, sean, you just said laundered their liesar . >> that's really what it was do, the doj, steven miller has issued more than 30 subpoenas. . i sued more than 30 subpoenas. . they've taken many people's phonesecently,. i know.t kn wiknow.t kn a subpoena. i don't know to what extenr wila will or will not talk abouryt i. that's not necessary. bud mot i'm worried more aboutw a dual justice system. we know from jim comey himself that hillary clinton hadtion o top secret classified information on her emailr servers.a fact we know for a fact she used bleach bit to delete thirty three thousand emails that might be called obstruction. be calledif it was donald trums we know that devices were destroyed with hammers, hammers, and we know sim cards bimmers, and we know sim cards we know in the case of hunter biden that there are actuall crimes on that laptop thatto everybody told us is likely. russian disinformation turns out to be true and probably
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more importantly, steven miller. it implicates over and overen and over again joe biden liede e and over again joe biden liede e repeatedlysa said he had no bidn knowledge of hunter biden's foreign business. foreigndealings because there pictures of hunter and his foreign business partnersand we and joe biden. and we verifie'vd 14 meetinge v with such partners at different occasions. so my question is , why haven't they raised it? why didn't they read hillary's home? how did she get away? we dwith everything?home why didn't they raid getti the biden's home? why are they getting away withy with everything? >> and why are they goinpeg aftr a only trump? peoplell the? out those are all the right questions. you've laid it out brilliantly. the department of justice,al the fbi, federal lawment enforcement has become anf th instrument of the democrat partcrat pary. , an it has become a tool, an extension of partisan democrat politics. to put innocent republicans in jail, to raid their homes, too steal their property, to target
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them and their families. while democrats are immunized, shielded, protected. r again, as you mentioned, hunte where's the raid on hunter and joe? where's the raid on hillaryl and all of her aides?of who destroyed all of that property, who smashed up the phones, who erased the emails, as well as the law firm that was involved in the destruction of her records so they not be handed over to federal investigators? right. where is the rai d on the homeswhere is taid on h of the fbi agents who weree russ involved in the russian collusion hoax? n hoaxrom thfrom the very begino knew it was false?s false?t was false?s . and if all information heatedly they lied heatedly. >> this is what we have int co america. and for the love ol off god , if acd for the love ol off god , if congress, there mustt the be accountability within the department of r the drugrtment of r that goes after the murderers,an the drug cartels, the criminals
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that are laying waste to our cities instead of going after republicans, conservatives and donald trump. you know, ari, i say thisnow, ari, i say with a with a degree of sober sadness here. equal if we don't have in thisl country equal justice and equalt application of our laws and all our laws are based on thatd th document called the u.s. we mment called the u.s. have a country we might as welle shred and it seems that's where we are in this country.dia,e in your best selling y.dia,e in and the media, as you wrote in your best selling book, ever best selling book, of the way. and they perpetrate everalf of e on behalf of the democrats. they push the phony dossier in2' 2016 and they push the lie that biden's laptop was russian i disinformation in 2020. ee you know, and i think there's another analogy we all need to21 remember in 2011, take over the capitol in the state of wisconsin when they took over, protesters took over the stateig capitol building to stop law,tol building to stop into law to interfere with a legislative act. g
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did the fbi give penalties? did they go after and prosecute the people who physically took over that capitol building? did the fbtabuilding?i demand ts of anybody who helped organizedi those protests? did theyena thd they subpoena t no, it's that disparate treatment done exactly as you point out, for similar eventse h and that is where the fbi is ata such great risk under merrick garland right now. t riof having reasonable americs come to the conclusion we have to stay here if you stay c and work, that you can get away- with it. >> if you're a republican, youe? can't. is the fbi the been politicized as the doj weaponizes? r i'm very worried.k ga under merrick garland, there's an element inside the fbi thatah has and they haveow the the acquiescence of the press. one acquiescence of the press. normally, the press would blow i the whistle on this type of behavior, but it'sblowing only conservative media that's blowing the whistle. the mainstreamtle. media seems o be content with going after people who likely engaged speech. conten you can say the 2000 election was stolen. 2020 election was stolenthis i
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and it's not a crime. this is what i'm so worried about with how far-reaching their subpoena power is now>> sa gone. >> we have we havee have litera every major democratne they questioned passed the elections. they said george w. bush was illegitimate. esthey're the ones that said stacey abrams one and that hillary one .a but if you're a conservative, >>t if you're a conservative, without it. one other thing. 574 we got five hundred and seventy four riots in the summer os in thef 2020, andn thousands of injured cops. we d had dozens of dead americas and billions in property damage caused that committee takingama over and they're testing homes. and george bush had the lastuste word real quick are still protesting outside the homes of our supreme court justices intimidating and doj does the nothing. and that is against the law by the way. and we've cited that statute many times. thank you both. al nothingl right. straight ahead, our vetting ofef the democrats, they're far left
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candidates continues. we'll do the media mob's job and we will examine wisconsin senate candidate mandella ediabarnes and a radical recorda can't believe. and we'll talkto to senator ron johnson straight ahead. >>straig and left headquarters r hearing a plane hit the worldu d trade center is can't possibly be an action. be an action. look at this guy. where were you when the towers came down? ahead of my mind that this was an attack right away. you saved so many lives that day. where were you when the towers came down? he this loud noise, i look up and it was the north towerdove u coming down. i can justndap remembeparar thed imploding into the building. i looked up, i said, i'm nott h. going out. in the south i don't want that apparatus there on the corner of westme dw and vesen,y when the dust cloud right here, right here i was in right here, right here i was in my house in the south tower n and i received a phone call from a firefighter. he said to me, frank, it'sand i reallyha bad down here.
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i said, i know. understand. steven nobody's come home. and i had to get off the phone ,tell my three sisters,starte my brothers, that steven wasd coming home. he ran through the tunnel to the towers. and that's why we started and that's why we started the tunnel to towers foundation. inspirethathanistan us every tie inspirethathanistan us every tie at american response monument that represents the twelve horsemen that rode into afghanistaes . you take this mission, you're js not going to come homet se to american heroes. they never forgot what happened on september 11th and meetinthg them when they came home. care it just sentof chills up my spie b because i knew whaert they we're so proud at the tunnel tot resp towerson taking care of catastrophically u.s. service members, gold star familie we'rt well t, if you're a fallen first responder anywhere in america and you die in the line duty, ah we're going to pay off your mortgage. and if you don't have a home, and if you don't have a home, we're going to build you . we gotni ton oo supporur mt ourt responders and our military. they support us . they protect and we have to
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own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep relaxium sleep doesn't have any harmful chemicals. like many prescriptions, sleeping pills with relaxium sleep, you can expect to start sleeping better the very first night. >> the very first night after being a relaxium customer for at least three years now because i'm getting a better night's sleep, it's making everything else about my life more enjoyable. when i take relaxium sleep, i sleep better than i have in years. >> i wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night's sleep. if you're like i was and you've got trouble sleeping at night, give relaxium sleep a call. get your very own risk free bottle , take control of your health. >> stop struggling with restless nights, sleep like you were meant to with relaxium relaxium is giving away a thousand bottles of clinically proven relaxium sleep today. >> fall asleep, stay asleep, wake refreshed, call today for your thirty day risk free trial at 100% moneybag guarantee
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relaxium sleep doesn't need a prescription is 100% drug free and is not habit forming. >> call 800 for one 730 773 800 for one 730 773 trust. you got to relaxium sleep when you can't watch. >> listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time, anywhere . >> fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening all right. >> now, with onlyl fifty five days until the crucial midtermiracem races and that election happens with early voting about to begin in many states , we will do the job the media mob will never do.t is and that is actually vet thisacl crop of extreme, far leftly inop of extreme, far leftly democratic candidates, including in the great state of wisconsin, whereing the st a nel from marquette university hasepi republican senatorca ron johnson in a tight race with the lieutenant governor mandella. barnes with senator johnsonthis i holding a one point lead this
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is an important hould seat for the republicans. tens and tens s of millions of dollars for the people of wisconsin, you need to know, has been dumped on senator johnson. a lot ofns thaidt money noe t cg from inside wisconsin. e sa and by the way, that is thmee same socialist democrats m.o.evr and pretty much every senate race smears, lietes, slander,lis besmirching of the character ofn the senatoder and democrats. it can't run on biden's failed agenda. and borinski age has made his radicalism no secret, includingt on the issue ohe issf green newr deal socialism, where he has said that the world needs to stymie capitalism to save the planet. and here h save being asked aboi as far left climate agenda. this is backma i n 2019 not that long ago. >> listen to the reason why we're in this. this is pursuit of greed, run i guess. is capitalism run amuck. that's why we're in thisviolen predicament now. it's the same reason why gun a the unitedme states of america is the same reason why we i deal with all these other issues. sosse simple the simple answer t
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money out politics as second answer is stymie capitalism capi our intymie capitalism america. in the third is to organize stymie capitalism. >> the single system that has ct created more wealth than any other system that any government ever created. >>alth. d to add to that all of barnes'i other extreme positionons, funding the police and releasing half of wisconsin's prison population, ending cash bail, glorifying violent rioting. here's barnes making excuses . for the violence throughout the summer of 2020. >>vi take a look at this. this and it's about accountability. isd it's about accountability. people are marching is becauses they want things to be better. and now that cities are the literally burning across the country, folks can see how this impacts their lives because it's only so long. people can peoplcae can feelmove a suppression and move forward without reacting witho. always
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so, as always, you know, i think that in times like these, in times of crisis,at pre their protest is necessary. this is a culmination is thesep things can't keep happening ening,like, you know, what do yu expect? how do you expect people toreac react t when when when you know they're going about their lives? g abouand they feel threatened e supporting in correction. he also wants free in-statetate tuition. you want driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. he suggested that he wantsprisor prisoners to be able to vote . also called small businesses selfish for wanting to stay open amid draconian covid lockdown's and wants to abolish the filibuster. soe for vote for mandela. barnes is a vote to destroy the livelihood and success of the state of wisconsin. r here with reaction, wisconsin senator ron johnson. wow.etterman i thought fetterman was bad.he the guy in a hoodie that neverne worked a real job in his life, that was a trust fund brad.t up this guy is right up there. how much money has been spent
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in negative ads on you? >> because this is happeningng a all over the country. it's well over sixty five million dollars out . so p it'ans pretty ricelh when e gets on that panel. he said, you got to get money out of politics.democr i mean, democrats hate darkunti money until it's being spent to lie about their opponent. but, you know, seau n, you said he's made his his views well known. yes. he's nknow. >> he's not, you know, embracing those right now. he's in hiding. ng you know what's interesting hal about the release of halfhat wa the prison population? there was a goal.s th he's on cameraei saying thatmera they're releasing prisoners now is . but let me tell yo u how ite tell yo is . they've released 15% od f wisconsin prisoners. os eight hundred eighty four people, only 11 percent of those were non violent. which brown ? one hundred people. that means seven hundredple.eans eighty four violent prisoners have been released. forty four child. two hundred and seventy criminals either committed,
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mainly committed or attempted murder. and they ares on the streets of wisconsin or maybe in a city near you.. this is a democrat plan., i this is a radical plan. i guess, to reduce crime.hat it is insane. the but that, of course, is whatstai the left left wing politicse is . it's insane, destructiveto >>'s insane, destructiveto our country. a pattern has emerged. the they dump tens of millions ofn dollars on republican senate candidates in negative ads ads. to debat nobody wants to be seen with biden and nobody wants to debate the republicais than oppt . >>e is thatsame the sam case c. with you? know, >> i mean, he's taken a page out of biden's playbook, hide out, maybe not in the basement, out, maybe not in the basement, from the press. th they haven't agreed to any debates whatsoever. he can't afford to letunatel wisconsin know who he is .y but fortunately, because people in your audience have been generous, other people have. but resource. people have. but we'll need more ron johnson at .com. but we've been able to get thehe truth out about him. slowly but surely, we're getting no help from
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n wiing no help from wh media in wisconsin who are advocates fore the left. but eventually the truth, nd i think, will prevail here p. d. let's hope and pray it does. s a wellrl, this is an important race. when does early voting start in wisconsin? iwe have two weeks early votint so it's not till later in tru october. so wthe have time to get the truth out. that's why i neeportd your supp. ron johnson, centcom. i don't think that anybody should be able to cast a votele in any raccae until there hasa a been every debate becauscee people need to see the candidates together so makedandidates together so decision, an educated decision v before they go intotino the vot. booth. and this is going to be a verys going to important race. of mone i'm pretty confident you will do well, but the amount of money that they're spending to try and knock you out is staggering. anyway, senator johnson, thank you. >> all right. y se when we comenator back , we'll be joined by senator rand paul . he and dr. fauci , int they got he and dr. fauci , int they got on the hill today.towe're we're going to shogoinw yog tout
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approximately 80% of childrenyee have had covid. and yet there arese no guidelins coming from you or anybody in the government to take into account their naturally acquired immunity.te cer you seem quite certain of yourself in two thousandtainf , but in two thousand and twenty two, there's a lot less certainty. a a vaccination following f infection gives an added extra boost. and that film that you showed context. i believe that was when someone called in who had had a reaction to a vaccine. no >> now, remember, it is not a coincidence that fauci announced his departure from fede at faiis departure from the exact same time that failede cdc director walenskcty announcd a massive agency shakeup. they hav e literally lost the confidence of you, the american people. and remember, it was f faucismin who said that vaccinescong will stop transmissionress and d congress that the u.s. never funded gain of function research at the woodlawn lab.o
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now, despite government documents showing otherwis thie this man hasaf made one failing decision after another and has o taken zero responsibility for all of here to explain more , kentucky senator rand paul . senator , first, thank you for holding this guy accountable. i mean, the cd c. onn, the cd on the vaccines. that's the big announcement this week. thhe annand he's and we haveevin the evidence that he's not being honestcet , the americanve people, don't we? >> well, you know, we did have a little fun reintroducing dr. falchi to his two thousand four self when he seemed to quiteiten understand basic immunology thatde when you have a disease, you develop immunity. so being his arrogant self, hiss two thousanday twenty two arrogant cell, he decidewelld to say, well, you km i wrote the book. i wrote the chapter on immunology. and i' makm maybe you should red the chapter. but the thing is ,id he'sthe thing is ,id did get him to admit to things., he's not denying immunity, butoo he never would quite tellng
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us why it no longer countsel. . and my point is this. parents have to make a tough decision and so do elderly, people in our country. should you takthe one toe know three vaccines or takes is ten vaccines? but the only way we know thisway is if you did studies on eithero va if you did studies on eithero burit you have to include im you've had the natural infection because that also provides immunitmu yy. e can' if you leave that variable outgc of the equation, people can't make i actt intelligent decisio. we actually they're not lettingw us know the information. t it could help you decide. do i need to take a third f vaccine, a fourth vaccine, fifth vaccine, and the current testing that they're doing for the new covid variant vaccine was done on eight mice, no humans, no safety trials, no efficacy. effictrials. eight mice were given, want to eight mice were given. the new vaccine and they want you to give it to your kid. your medical doctor , just not to remind people that may nott remember, you got an infection c
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early. did you ever get anycine vaccin if you don't have to answer if you don't want, obviously. no, i didn't. but i want people to be clear. i'm not against takingt agains the vaccine for my in-laws or ninety one and eighty six . we recommended we got them first in line. my wife ended up gettingit. vaccinated even though she has no health problems. ife enthen and about the same ae as i am. but i didn't i because i'd already been infected. but that's what i've been asking batia desire and your need for a vaccine on your risk. factor s. and since kids 80% of them have had the infection. and i keep asking dr. fauci how many kids who have already i had covid are getting it againhi and going to the hospitangl don and dying? thatdying? he says we don't have enough ans data. that's because the answer is zero. if you have had covid your kid ,is that covered the chance that your kid will get it again? o the hogo to the hospital and e unless your child has some extraordinary immunocompromised disease is probably zero.
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comp would we want tos wh give our children three vaccines when we may not knowenow all of the long termatm ramifications? now, listen, wha s t i'm saying i'm not saying the elderly i'm not saying the elderly i think yothu face the risk. the elderly should probably take a vaccine. senator , because of issues like this, i'm pretty confident. you will be reelected. i'm barely paying attention tor, your race in kentucky. i think other races are going to be a lot closer. but wed appreciate a good work here. here. thank sean>>. i will have more "hannity" right after the break. stay with us. from the grocery store to the gas station, working families are getting hammered by rising prices. but instead of focusing on inflation, congress is pushing anti innovation legislation that will impose more financial burdens on working people and seniors. there. misguided agenda could cost public pension plans. one hundred and nine billion dollars, teachers, firefighters and nurses would pay
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12:00 am
hitting the post. >> not tonight. let's go to law early. let not your heart beat throat . >> laura ingraham an extra twenty seconds. it's all you can do to deserve this now i have twenty more seconds to tease you. that's sure best. this is the best night ever. so did sister.. >> oh sisters.things what littl de one of those litts wegurines on or even no matter what. >> yeah thatarin would be calle? the american flag. americall right. i'm shaking my twenty seconds0 back . okay, no stripped away. i'm getting to this. that is the american flag. okay, look like that's a that'sg a no no.. >> that's a chinese made flag. yeah. we're out down there. >> ity seconds on . i'm just kidding. all right. i'm going to say good night. >> all right. >> lau good go .t that's it. oh, wow.tom wow.jone look out, tom .s jones. i'm laura ingraham. this is ingram angle from washington tonight. now in moments, house minority leader kevin mccarthy, he's going to join me right here on set to explain the republican's new commitment