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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  September 15, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> dana: no jack hammering today, peter? >> not yet. wait until we start talking. >> dana: he is wearing the same jacket the last time i talked to him there was no jack hammer. the wonderful staff at the white house does not intend for that to happen. >> bill: you have to keep the place beautiful. >> dana: it is very beautiful indeed. harris faulkner is up next on "the faulkner focus". here she is. >> harris: breaking news this hour. republican governor ron desantis bringing his tough game to the table. he just put illegal immigrants on planes landing them in the luxury hob knob island loved by the left martha's vineyard. democrat-led cities getting the bitter taste of biden's border crisis now. i'm harris faulkner and are you in "the faulkner focus". the governors of texas and arizona welcome the florida contribution waging a battle against the white house and its policies allowing now more than 2 million illegal immigrants to flow across our nation's
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sovereign border to the south under biden's watch. desantis is now sending illegal immigrants to the blue state of massachusetts where the vineyard is, as you know. two planes filled with those illegal immigrants arrived at martha's vineyard yesterday. a state representative for that area with this angry tweet. republicans who call themselves christians have been plotting for some time to use human lives as political pawns. here is former ice director tom hoe man. >> they say it is imhumane and cruel and invoking religion. the open border is inhumane and cruel. they incentivize immigration. >> harris: it's showing up at the doorstep of the vice president's resident. greg abbott sent two more illegal immigrant buses to d.c. the drop-off point outside the
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naval observatory where the vice president, kamala harris lives. remember how she keeps saying our border is secure. let's go to griff jenkins who was outside the v.p.'s residence now. griff. >> governor abbott has sent over 190 buses since spring up here with some nearly 8,000 migrants. this was the first drop-off outside of vice president harris's home at the naval observatory you see behind me. all the migrants have left this area but it was quite a different scene earlier this morning. take a look at this video that we shot shortly around 6:45 a.m. the two buses showing up from the del rio border sector. there were 101 total migrants, 53 on one bus, 48 on another. most of them came from venezuela, although we spoke to other individuals from nicaragua as well as columbia. and i asked almost all of them how they felt about vice
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president harris's recent statement that the border was secure and the administration's policies that the border is closed. one migrant from venezuela had a very different impression. here is what he had to say. take a listen. >> everybody is welcome. it is open because we enter, we come in. >> it is open for you to come illegally, right? >> yes, illegally, that's true. we see on the news that everybody coming illegally so we do the same. >> now when these migrants arrived there was no one here to meet them. no one ever came from mayor bowser's office but several ngos turned out and helped coordinate getting them to a local church so that they could get some food and rest a bit and the local ngos will try to help them get to their next destination. maybe saying it was new york.
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it is a bit of situation here, harris, the local ngos wish the federal government or the local d.c. government would do more to help them. they say they are stepping in. one woman with the local ngo thought it was bad this is all about politics and wish they would do more to help the migrants. governor abbott says the buses will keep rolling. he says he will do everything he can to bring some relief to his overrun border cities. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. will cain co-host of "fox & friends" weekend. will, this kind of hardball obviously not something that the white house and democrats are used to or like. is it necessary? >> yeah, it's necessary and i think it's genius, harris. i think everybody should have to live under the policies they advocate. for example, last week "the new york times" employees said they don't want to return to the office. that's a policy "the new york
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times" has advocated. staying home during the pandemic and deferring to the union. there should be crime on the 15th floor of the "new york times." homelessness in the lobby. in this case what we should do and governors across the nation including greg abbott of texas and ron desantis of florida are doing is making sanctuary cities live under the policies they advocate. they are just accepting an invitation. these cities have invited illegal immigrants to come and take advantage of their sanctuary. why are they then upset that somebody has accepted their invitation? >> harris: that's such an excellent point. that furthers the question, too, how do they think they were going to get away with calling themselves sanctuaries if they didn't actually offer sanctuary? >> yeah, it was an empty promise, empty rhetoric like so many of these policies. i find it so rich that they are complaining about a few thousand illegal immigrants in their cities when texas and
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arizona and california are experiencing that on an hourly basis, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants every month. millions of encounters on the year. i was thinking harris what's the perfect an all gee. i don't know but i'll offer you this. your neighbor has a water main leak and has invited the water main leak and all the water is pouring onto your property. and you had the gal to pump just a small bit of it back on his property after he would do nothing to fix the leak. and then he is all self-righteous about you pumping a few buckets of water on his lawn as he floods your property. they have created the problem and they have flooded southern states with this problem. >> harris: look, when you start to take the problem to the door steps of the people who push those policies, this is what it can look like. illinois mayor prytzger and
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chicago's mayor lori lightfoot both called out texas governor abbott and then called on the national guard for help. mayor lightfoot said this. >> it is a manufactured crisis by ambush. any dollar that goes to the state of texas, every single one of those dollars needs to be recommitted to cities like chicago, new york, and washington, d.c. >> harris: mayor eric adams said that new york city is nearing its breaking point with the arrival of thousands of illegal immigrants in the city. this from a man who wants to flow them into the city so that they can vote. remember, he said that as a candidate. so that illegal -- i would think that he would be really glad to see more of his so-called voters. >> that's why this is so ingenious. make them sound out. go ahead and put into your big boy words why this is a problem. you want money from texas to go to illinois.
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you are at your breaking point in new york. you describe that as a manufactured problem in illinois. now sound out that and apply it to the federal government and see how it is affecting texas. you might see that your small scratch is a gaping wound down south if you just sound out your rhetoric. i also think, by the way, their self-righteousness it is an inhumane and christian policy. these people are all going north at the invitation of sanctuary cities and at the voluntary nature of these buses from texas and florida. so i'm curious was it also inhumane when the biden administration flew underage migrants to new york in the middle of the night? this was done before. now it's a higher rate and the purpose of showing our broken borders. now all of a sudden it is
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inhumane? >> harris: the flights where minors were dropped off. i had a conversation with senator blackburn in tennessee. flights were landing and people were like you can't leave the children on the tarmac. the left is trying with this to flex its right virtue, if you will. the righteous virtue. it is difficult because all of these people with an open border situation are in danger from the cartels, from any number of things, from rape, from sex trafficking, from all of it. we all have that on our conscience. i don't know why the democrats think they can brush their conscience clean. more americans are struggling as inflation spirals out of control. new fox polling finds 78% of voters say they've experienced financial hardship over the last six months. that is smack in the middle of when biden has been spending a lot. more than half say the
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inflation is not under control at all. 80% of people say they think the economy is in fair or poor condition. in other words, it is not good. some democrats are boasting about the inflation reduction act. at least they were. and now straight up ignoring any questions about what is happening. watch. >> when is the inflation reduction act going to reduce inflation? >> well, i think if you look at -- thanks so much for being here. appreciate it. >> harris: you know what's worse? i wonder if they bothered to read all about. the part where the cbo says days before they rushed the that's the beast of spending you know it doesn't do anything to touch inflation. did they even listen? inflation earlier this week sent the markets to the lowest point in more than two years, the dow jones you are looking at it plummeted. the white house doesn't seem too alarmed and even downplayed
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it. >> stock market is one measure of how the economy is doing and we're watching it closely. it is important to look at what is happening on main street. we have one of the strongest job markets on record. >> harris: will, your reaction first of all to the white house press secretary. we know she is not an economist but she gave it a try. >> well, yeah. i wish her luck with that message. i don't think people on main street feel better on the economy than those with retirement funds and see what's happening on wall street. you can feel the economic insecurity driven largely by inflation and the offshoots of inflation. you can feel any small business owner who dealt with the difficulty of finding someone to work and the concept of quiet quitting which people on network have talked about. we're losing productivity and the will to create and to be productive in our economy. that's by design. a lot of this entitlement-based
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spending is by design. this is a gift. if you want to talk about for a moment partisan electoral politics. republicans, this is your path to victory in the mid-terms. we can and should talk about illegal immigration and insane educational systems that put trans and crt theory and crime. this is number one. this is number one. inflation and the effect not just on wall street but main street is number one. on the inflation reduction act. i don't know if they read it. it doesn't matter. the day after they didn't pretend it was an inflation reduction act. they called it a green new deal or climate change bill. >> harris: healthcare. >> honest after they sold it to us what it was after the fact. then they started calling it what it is. >> harris: two things. you bring up a beautiful point about where we are right now. it really does speak to the
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disconnect from not just the white house but lawmakers on the left side in general. can republicans now take that message about -- stay focused on the message about the thing americans care most about? if they can't pay for eggs, milk, bacon. breakfast is the most expensive meal of the day now. eggs up 38%. then they won't be thinking about all those other things as much. they have to eat. the last thing the quiet quitting, that means there is a cultural impact on these biden policies. that means that it is weighing heavily on the next generation to sit down rather than to rise. that hurts. will cain, thank you. >> that is so dangerous, you're right. a cultural problem that could last generations, not just a momentary dip in the economy but a generational collapse in productivity. you are absolutely right. >> harris: good to see you. thanks for being in "focus." senator rand paul threatening
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to bring nor oversight after dr. fauci refused to answer questions about alleged big pharma payoffs with covid vaccines. the president set to host a summit on unity. oh, so warm and fuzzy, after appearing to rip half the country. did he think we wouldn't notice? >> president biden: this is not your father's republican party. maga republicans don't just threaten our personal rights. they represent an extremism that threatens our republic. >> harris: can you rey hold a united we stand summit while demonizing millionss of americans just because they think about politics than you do, mr. president? complete fox coverage. peter doocy at the white house and senator tom cotton in "focus" next. (jeni) we switched, too. (kari) unlimited premium data. unlimited hotspot data.
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>> harris: president biden is set to host a united we stand summit at the white house today. and where will he begin to preach unity, you might ask? betting he won't start with the divisive words he has been using in recent weeks. biden saying former president trump and his make america great again supporters are a threat to democracy. peter doocy reporting on the north lawn. >> one of the first speakers was the vice president kamala harris with a full portfolio. she is in charge of voting rights, in charge of migration and today she is in charge of kicking off this event that they say is about hate. >> in 2020, hate crimes in the united states surged to the highest rate in over a decade. as you have heard, as a former
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prosecutor, as a former united states senator and now as vice president of the united states, i know the horror and the pain that these attacks cause. >> explaining today's event the white house says the summit will put forward a shared vision for a more united america demonstrating that the vast majority of americans agree there is no place for hate-fueled violence in the country. when they talk about that, there has been a focus recently on politically-charged violence. president biden has clarified he doesn't think that all trump supporters are bad. >> president biden: people voted for donald trump, they weren't voting for attacking the capitol. they weren't voting for overthrowing an election. they were voting for a philosophy he put forward. so i am not talking about anything other than it was
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inappropriate and it is not only happening here but other parts of the world with the failure to recognize that violence, whenever it is used for political purposes. >> latter this afternoon we're told the president will announce steps the federal government will take, resources and taxpayer funding to help communities they think are most at risk of this violence. harris. >> harris: peter doocy, thank you for setting us up with what's happening there. republican senator tom cotton. member of the senate judiciary, armed services and intelligence committees also from the great state of arkansas. good to see you today. how surprising is it, or not, that president biden is going to speak on dialing down hate? >> i think other he pretty surprising, harris, joe biden wants to find one of the main sources of division and potential threats of political violence in our country look at the mirror and the crowd of liberals at the white house today. the deranged speech he gave a couple of weeks ago in his remarks in recent weeks of
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declaring 74 million people who voted republican the last election semi fascists are beneath the dignity of any president. but especially one who promised the try to deliver unity in his inaugural address. remember, joe biden has a long history of such comments. he said in 2012 that mitt romney, of all people, would put african-american citizens back in chains. and his department of justice has not taken steps necessary to try to prevent political violence. you had left wing agitators outside the homes of supreme court justices this summer in clear violation of federal law and they refused to arrest a single one of them. that whole episode culminated in a democratic hit man trying to assassinate brett kavanaugh. not a single person who organized those unlawful gatherings outside of justice's homes have been arrested and brought to justice. i think joe biden needs to look in the mirror and look at
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fellow liberals when he talks about sources of division in the country. >> harris: you came with some examples that we haven't forgotten them. when you talk about them that way it is quite a stack. and so much offensiveness in there. so many points where he could start with i wish i hadn't said this, let's do it differently. i do want to get to this real quickly. he is decrying that hate after attacking the g.o.p. he is saying we have to do better. a "new york post" op-ed biden drafts hate to get out the vote. the event will be the largest episode of the biden salvation show. every sane person opposes mass murder and vicious attacks on innocent people. there will be nothing to learn from the white house summit. americans can condemn hatred without putting biden or any other politician on a pedestal. your reaction. >> well, i think the "new york post" actually didn't take the democrats at their words. democrats don't condemn violence and murder in some
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cases because they are actively working to try to put murderers back on the streets. look at the lieutenant governor of wisconsin mandela barns wants to eliminate the bail system in wisconsin to release criminals the moment after they get arrested and arraigned. joe biden supports him. look at the lieutenant governor of pennsylvania john fetterman. if he could have one wish it would be eliminate long sentences for murderers. joe biden supports him as well. the crime wave you see in this country is a result of failed democratic policies and it starts at the top in the white house. >> harris: you look at the recidivism of criminals in general. those who commit violent crimes in particular. when you hear words like that from fetterman you start to wonder what world are they living in? his world would include philadelphia, all of pennsylvania and areas where crime is rampant. i don't understand why they can't see what's in front of their faces. the president of the united
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states right now has just wrapped up his talk about labor and avoiding that rail strike. i want to get your idea on where we are in terms of all of the crises that the president is dealing with right now. when we started to read about a rail strike and how it would impact potentially supply chains, i mean, it literally is one thing after another. >> it is, harris. i think it's one reason you see this event today at the white house, or you saw that deranged speech in philadelphia a couple of weeks ago which the president wants to try to foment these divisions to distract away from the failures of his administration. inflation is running as high as it has in 40 years. people struggling to pay the bills at the grocery store or utility bills at home. you have crime surging across america. sadly it seems like we see another horrific murder in the news every night in one of america's big cities. the border is totally chaotic and out of control.
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president's failures abroad have helped create the condition to bring china and russia closer together. the failures of this president are all everywhere you turn. i think the american people are going to hold the democrats accountable for it in a couple of months. >> harris: what's interesting, i had the republican national committee ronna mcdaniel on yesterday and said if republicans can focus on some of the things you just mentioned, will cain says make it all about the economy as well, she said that, too. democrats are going to pull in some cultural things and they'll get nasty with the name calling, we can see that from the very white house from the president of the united states. how hard is that focus and that unity within your own party right now? >> it's not really all that hard. that's what most normal americans are thinking about. when you talk to people in arkansas they aren't following joe biden's events. they're worried about how to buy eggs this weekend at the grocery store? they're worried with winter
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coming and natural gas prices at very high levels, they will be able to pay the electricity bill and worried about their kids being safe at a park or walking down the street to and fro home and school. or what they're learning at school. that's what's on the minds of most normal americans even if it's not on the minds of joe biden and democratic politicians in washington >> harris: you know, i mentioned that the president had just been speaking at the white house. we know he has a big speech planned later today on the unity summit that you and i started with, senator. but at the white house he spoke after railroads and unions reach a deal to avert a struck. it threatened to shut down rail lines across the country. a little bit of what he just said. >> president biden: i am very pleased to announce a tentative labor agreement between the railroad workers and the railway companies. this agreement is a big win for
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america and for both in my view. >> harris: a quick reaction to that. we were just talking about all the things that are stacking up against this president. >> well, i welcome any agreement that will keep america's railroads working. this is primarily a private negotiation between the railroads and the railroad workers. i haven't seen the terms of their agreement. it is largely between them as any labor management negotiation is. but the consequences of a strike could have been devastating for america up to $2 billion a day. i wish it hadn't gotten to this point. there has been some disruption of some "argo" pulled off the lines. i wish we had reached this agreement a couple weeks ago. it has been going on for several years but a good thing for americans. >> harris: senator cotton, great to have you in "focus." we can run the gamut on a lot of things and we did today. thank you. a debate between dr. oz and
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john fetterman is on but hum, some critics, voters doubtful if it will actually happen with less than two months to go to the mid-term elections because absentee voting. some early voting begins on monday, september 19th, this coming monday. and no one will have heard about his health so on and so forth. a lot of the things there are questions about the democrat in the race on the left of your screen. plus president biden losing confidence from voters across the board including members of his own political party. power panel next. >> if the election is a referendum on joe biden the democrats are in trouble. this is an opportunity for people to send a message you better do better. no upfront costs at all. let us get your family security of cash in the bank.
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>> harris: more americans are saying woke liberal policies are making life dangerous for people all over the country.
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the latest to come under fire liberal philadelphia district attorney larry krasner. pennsylvania republicans voted to hold the embattled prosecutor in contempt for defying a subpoena related to an impeachment effort. there is a lot more to that story. nate foye is on the mez with me today and you have brought startling numbers. >> it's certainly a way to describe it. in the past year more people have been shot in philadelphia than in new york city and los angeles, two cities with millions more residents, also progressive d.a.s in both of those cities. krasner says the investigation into his office is politically motivated and subpoena issued to him is unconstitutional. >> when and where have you ever heard anyone say that i or the d.a.s office has committed a crime? they know we haven't. >> krasner is often blamed for the murder of philadelphia
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police officer james o'connor in 2020. the man who pulled the trigger, elliott, who you see here, a known gang member was free after accepting a plea deal on gun charges from krasner's office even after an arrest for cocaine. krasner's office let him walk free without bail. elliott has been accused of murdering another person before gunning down officer o'connor whose widow blames krasner. >> it is pretty clear these criminals were out on the street because of our district attorney, larry krasner. his slap on the wrist penalties have caused me a lifetime of sorrow. >> not just that one case. krasner's soft on crime policies blamed for a lot more than that. since 2019 homicides are up 58% in philadelphia and robberies with guns up 46%. the amount of cases thrown out since 2016 overall has more than doubled. isn't that a crazy statistics?
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>> harris: i know you have more to say. that's the thing that really strikes me the most. that you have all of those cases being thrown out yet things are getting more dangerous and more criminals are committing more crimes, more revit vice -- recidivism. >> the number of drug cases is four times the amount it was in 2016. he was elected in 2017 those numbers compared to 2016. a startling increase. no wonder what republicans are pushing to impeach them. the state need a simple majority in the house and 2/3 vote in the senate requiring five democrats to vote with republicans if all republicans vote together. >> harris: i know it is a capitol hill race you see in the state between dr. oz and the incumbent lieutenant governor fetterman. but i am wondering, too, how that does than get into the conversation. that is why they need to debate
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before people start voting on monday. this is happening in philadelphia but it affects everybody. it affects the standard of living if you have to bring cops in to philly to deal with the situation with more criminals on the ground. >> safety is the first thing you need, right? we know that here in new york city. >> harris: that's the only job government has. >> we know in new york city how unsafe it is walking here. new york city has a lot more people than philadelphia and former u.s. attorney william mcswain was very critical of krasner for promoting a culture of disrespecting police officers at his d.a. victory parties. his supporters were chanting f police and no good cops in a racist system. >> harris: nate foye, good to see you. voters are losing faith in the
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the biden administration they are telling it to the pollsters. just 38% now feel the white house is competent. a 13% drop from a year ago when 51% said the same. the decline is seen from voters across the board including a steep slide among independents and the left. florida senator rick scott says there is a good reason to be confident about a red wave in 54 days. >> the democrats, they don't want to be seen with biden. he is toxic to democrats. so we stay on our message about inflation, about the border crisis, about crime. this is not where the country wants to go. the country he says is heading in the right direction. the democrats control the white house, house and senate. we are going to win in november. >> harris: cassie smedly and kevin walling, great to see you both. cassie, when someone says i don't like where you are driving me to, can we go to a
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different mall and you continue to go where they don't want to go do you think they will be happy? >> makes more not a very happy camper, that's just about to say. that is where the american people are as you point out in the polling, all-important independents running away from president biden because of his policies. policies which so many of these democrats who are on the ballot in eight short weeks have supported. and no matter how many parties joe biden throws on the south lawn of the white house we know the reality because we're feeling it in our pocket books and seeing it when we can't find what we need at the grocery store and feeling it when we fill up our gas tanks despite democrats saying gas prices are going down. they are a lot higher than we need and like them to be and not hearing any substantive solutions from the president and democrat party and where the rubber will meet the road in november when people will vote for a change. >> harris: republicans will have to come with it, too. because what the polling is
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showing, i had lee carter with me election night pollster with me. we'll work all election season. the number one complaint from people is they talked about the problems. the problems aren't being talked about solving and looking to republicans particularly independents are looking to republicans to come up with the answers. kevin, can we talk a little bit about how bad this white house is at getting it right when showcasing things for the american people? on a day when we learned those inflation numbers joe biden goes out and throws a party complete with fire and rain star james taylor, appropriate. that's exactly what was happening on wall street about the inflation reduction act that doesn't reduce inflation. how does that happen? >> the most reflective thing where the country is headed the fact that the president is now up to 46% approval. a 10-digit switch from just this summer.
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we can look at all the different polls. >> harris: he went up one point. >> the job approval number. we have seen it tick up 10 points. >> harris: he went up one point last month and he is down on every major topic. under water on every major topic including inflation. >> the president is in a better state. >> harris: i will reask the question. i will reask the question. reask it. the president had an opportunity to talk about inflation. instead he threw a party that was tone deaf and yes, you can talk about numbers being a tick up. he is not at 50%, okay? but he is under water everyplace else. >> he has never been at 50%. >> harris: how can he be so tone deaf about the one thing people say they care about? one last time? >> he is not tone deaf. he is crisscrossing the country talking about the benefits of what the democrats are doing. he was in detroit yesterday talking about energy tax
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credits that will put more money in the pockets of americans and talking about bringing down inflation at that event at the white house. >> harris: he needs to talk about -- >> he was in ohio last week. >> you have to have thousands of dollars already in your pocket to get those tax credits to buy the solar panels, to be able to get the tax credit. it is unrealistic and tone deaf to the reality that people are facing. people don't need a poll to tell them how they feel about the president. they feel it every day. they know it every day and there are fewer pennies in their pockets. who is in charge of every facet of their life at the federal level? democrats. >> harris: kevin, i hear you and the excitement on the left that the president is no longer in a freefall in his popularity about the approval rating for his job. he has been touting a lot of things, the least of which name calling 75 million people in this country that he should respect because they are americans and now he is going
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to preach about unity. we'll cover that when it happens. kevin, cassie, thank you. >> thanks, harris. >> harris: president biden billing taxpayers for his fix figure flight to delaware on air force one just to vote in the primary. he could have done that absentee as often as he goes home, but he didn't. the backlash has been intense. >> 1777,000 dollars because they forgot to absentee vote? that's not a very good example for anybody. >> harris: that's not only climate hypocrisy. the president has been accused of this week. he was spotted playing salsman for a gas guzzling sports car after pushing americans to buy electric vehicles. jimmy failla in "focus" next.
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>> president biden: we're choosing to build a better america, an america that is confronting the climate crisis, with america's workers leading
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the way. the great american road trip will be fully electric when you drive coast to coast. >> harris: he said i don't want to do any of them. do as i say, not as i do. congressional republicans went off biden using taxpayer funds to fly home and vote in delaware's primary. how often does he go to delaware? every weekend and then weekdays he could have absentee vote. white house press secretary jon pierre on defense. >> the president has a very heavy schedule. this worked out best for him to vote yesterday, to vote on tuesday. he thought it was important to exercise his constitutional right to vote and also had the opportunity to say hello to poll workers and thank them for
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their work. we know how under attack poll workers have been these past several years. >> harris: hum. republicans not buying that. they point out that biden's kwik trip is at odds with his clean energy agenda. >> terrible for the environment to fly a short distance to go vote. >> who pays for that? does he pay for it? >> it is a massive waste of taxpayer money. >> harris: jimmy failla host of fox across america and fox news radio. the hypocrisy is something that i guess people should be used to by now. >> it's baked in. >> harris: but he is spending our cash. >> it is infuriating when you consider he didn't mail in vote because he mails it in the entire presidency. you don't show up to work. the whole thing is stupid and why nobody takes any of it seriously. you just spent the day hiring james taylor to front this big climate change conference and then you spent the night
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running errands in a jumbo jet. imagine having a clean water conference and beginning it with a celebratory oil spill. people do think it's stupid. obama had the aweds tee of hope. biden's should called the audacity of dope. a contradict of what he asked you to do. everything. >> harris: like you needed another example. president biden is also getting called out for this. yesterday he got behind the wheel of pricey luxury vehicles at the detroit auto show. just after a worse than expected inflation report that showed u.s. wages are not keeping up with the prices of everything. he also threw that inflation reduction party, all of that. but at one point he got behind a fossil fuel car. i don't understand -- none of them are moving, that's the one thing. we've seen him drive and almost hit a reporter once. >> you remember the time he was
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testing the vehicle. anybody want to get in? no body's hand went up. biden would show up to a vegan restaurant and order a t-bone. again and again and again. 65% of americans living paycheck to paycheck, who wants a vet? i don't know, crazy. can't afford gas for the vet let alone the vet. >> harris: social media confused by president as he was holding hands with michigan governor gretchen whitmer at the auto show. she has a mask on, that's debbie dingle, okay? representative debbie dingle. and the look she shoots as they are holding hands. you don't miss that. did my team isolate it with the
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lights? i mean, wow. >> listen, we're quietly relieved he didn't sniff her hair. the point is we're not being republican and pointing out these weird lapses. we're being human. it looks weird to people who have had relatives in that condition. >> harris: glad you were here to help our condition. "outnumbered" is next. now that's quite the duo. get two pairs of sofia vergara frames plus a free exam for $89.95 for a limited time at america's best.
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