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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  September 16, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. >> is the border closed? speak >> the biden administration ready to take legal action against republican governors presenting illegal immigrants. >> better to be able to go to sanctuary jurisdiction. wwe will help facilitate. >> martha's vineyard? >> inflation. the biden administration says they've done the work to lower costs. >> the high costs are hurting families. >> i feel safer the average family. groceries are up almost 14%. >> officially tapped as special master federal judge used till
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at the justice department to continue its review of documents. >> a step in the right direction, pushback from the doj. what are they trying to hide? >> chuck schumer reportedly has a big warning for nancy pelosi. >> 60% chance they would hold the senate, 40% to hold the house. >> we have a plan to restore america. >> black tap is channeling willy wonka, giving away golden tickets. they are picture-perfect burgers. what do you think? >> that's a big ol' burger. >> that's a good burger. ♪ ♪ ♪ monday, you can follow part ♪ ♪ tuesday, wednesday, break my heart ♪ ♪ thursday doesn't even start ♪ ♪ it's friday, i'm in love cl ♪>> steve: you are looking at georgia right now. >> brian: who took the boats?
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>> steve: how pretty is that? >> ainsley: they removed them already. >> steve: 82 is the daytime high. it should eventually, the cloud cover will move away and it'll be sunday. september 16th, 2022. it's friday. >> brian: i worry about bands like this. they were so good and then they disappear. the speech you i hope they saved their money. did they invest well? >> brian: did they move on? >> steve: its great lyrics. >> ainsley: you we are in love with that cheeseburger. lots of fast food restaurants are separate national cheeseburger day. if you want your own cheeseburger, get his new cookbook, "simply happy." he and his wife have a great cheeseburger sp. >> steve: every cookbook leaping out a bunch of the stuff. we are bringing it today. peter doocy is here in the studio because one of the recipes, he worked with me on. it's called the iowa caucus casserole. because he spent so much time in
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iowa for the caucuses, when we were writing the recipe, i talked to senator joni ernst about casseroles in iowa. she's here, peter is here, peter's wife is here, and we'll see the entire crew. let's recreate this moment. joni ernst is in the fight of her life as senator. no, i just need casserole news. we were talking casseroles in the middle of her big race. this is about a year ago, during a commercial break. i was just talking to her, i always put tater tops on top, and she agreed. >> ainsley: we will also tell you what chuck schumer was caught saying allegedly at a restaurant in d.c. about ila, about nancy pelosi , about the upcoming election. >> brian: we should stop eating as a country. >> ainsley: if you're out, keep your voice down about what you're voting on end about your colleagues. >> steve: meanwhile, this is big news.
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mainstream media is catching up to this. the biden administration is set to meet this morning to discuss possible litigation over the transfer of migrants a democrat-led cities. they are furious that desantis and abbott shipped them to the vice president's house, as we continued in this next voice-over, brian. >> brian: we'll see if they can get a friendly judge to do or stay or something but nobody thinks there is anything there legally. after migrants arrived at vice president harris' doorstep, and a plane full of migrants was sent to martha's vineyard. >> ainsley: griff jenkins joins us live from washington. you broke that story, you are alive in front of that house when the bus was rolling in. >> it was quite a scene, and what follow-up we've had, ainsley. brian, steve, good morning. it's all hands on deck now. axios reporting that cabinet heads are meeting today to discuss the range of options including litigation as
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california's governor, gavin newsom, says charge them with kidnapping, writing in a letter to attorney general garland, this. "i urged the doj whether or not the fraudulent inducement with support charges of kidnapping under relevant state laws." this after 101 migrants aboard to cope buses out of del rio, texas, were dropped off at vice president harris some days after he claimed the border is secure, and 50 migrants land on martha's vineyard where the vineyard gazette reports the average price of a house is $1.35 million. yet apparently is causing a housing >> at some point in time they have to move somewhere else. we don't have the services to take care of 50 immigrants, and we certainly don't have housing. we are in the housing crisis. >> to put the numbers in perspective, the del rio population is under 35,000,
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nearly 50 50,000 and counties in july alone. martha's vineyard's population, they've got 15 migrants, and it brought the tiny air that island paradise to its knees. governor desantis had this to say. >> the minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day is brought to their front door, all of the sudden they go berserk, and they are so upset. it just shows you the virtue signaling is a fraud. >> meanwhile at the white house, where we still know few details about this big meeting today, biden is blasting the g.o.p. governors accusing them of the political stunt. >> we are committed to fixing the immigration system. instead of working with us on solutions, republicans are playing politics with human beings, using them as props. but they are doing is simply wrong. it's un-american. it's reckless. >> as for the buses, abbott says they will keep rolling while the democrat led city of el paso approved a $2 million contract to bus more migrants to
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new york city, which they have been doing, although no one is criticizing el paso for their efforts. brian, ainsley, and steve? >> brian: heard the democrat mayors. el paso was overrun. unbelievable. thanks, griff. amazing what has taken place. i do flip around channels to see if they'll finally cover the story. they are covering the story. but they're not doing it the right way. they are not saying 8,500 are torturing arizona and texas. >> they're saying it's a political stunt. >> those 60 people in martha's vineyard, where will they stay? what if they get sunburned? >> ainsley: what about the 85,000 coming in every day at the board he? are they worried about them? >> steve: no, they are worried about the 50 in martha's vineyard and the busloads in front of vice president harris' house. meanwhile, ken paxson and pam bondi, one from texas and one from florida, talking about how the politics stuff is cutting both ways. >> with the president is doing
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by letting people come here illegally, that is illegal. the political stones are being pulled by the biden administration. they are refusing to protect our states. it's not as border states. as we can see, people are moved around by the biden administration every day secretly. >> people are sick and tired of this. floridians want to be safe. we don't want these drugs come across our borders. we don't know who these people are, and we are going to send them to people who claim to welcome them. >> steve: obviously it's a big story. as you can see, those planes landed in martha's vineyard, the two buses outside the vice president's house. yesterday the white house was finally asked about it. do they have a good answer? you be the judge. >> this is the work the president is going to continue to do to make sure we are lowering costs, and it's part of his economic plan to make sure that we don't leave anybody behind, that we are building an economy from the bottom up in the middle out. as you've heard him say, as well. but look, we also understand
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that high costs are really hurting families, which is why we have done the work that we have done these past several months, and will continue to make sure we find ways to lower cost for families. >> yesterday the white house didn't have a good answer regarding migrants, and that sound bite, i threw to it incorrectly. that was about inflation, which is a gigantic problem. >> ainsley: when you look at the polls or the surveys, that's the number one issue for americans. we are not making enough money to cover the inflation. some have gone pay raises and some have got new jobs where they making more money, but there's a new survey that says 55% of those people who have gotten raises, it's not enough to cover the inflation. when you go to the grocery store you're paying 8% or sometimes 4% more for all the groceries you bought last year. >> geraldo rivera, you can't relate to that because your butler goes to the grocery store
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for you. >> steve: in your bentley. >> actually, i do have a bentley! >> brian: do you believe from the poll in ohio that that's the number one issue, inflation? >> i think that immigration is the issue that tugs most emotionally right now, particularly the stones with martha's vineyard and so forth. but it's very frustrating to working people to be able to go to a store with the same paycheck or even a bit of a bump and discover to their dismay, with the exception of gasoline, that everything is more expensive. so what do you do? i believe it causes a great disruption in the middle class. whether or not that is the issue that most emotionally groups people going forward to the midterms, obviously we'll find out in november. but as of right now, i would say that it is something that people are very concerned about, and they are talking about. and it really almost doesn't
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matter how much money you have, because nobody likes overspending. nobody likes spending twice as much for a quart of milk. if you like you being gypped. people on the margins who struggled to put a single main entree on the table every single day, it matters a lot. pennies here and there. it has to be a tremendous reshuffling and reorganization, things have to come down. i wish people could work together. >> brian: stop spending. >> i am delighted having my own college loan during the day. i am delighted that people -- >> brian: aren't you proud you paid it off? >> i am proud of it. my problem is although similar programs are helping to fuel the same inflation we are complaining about. you can't spend free money and expect no blowback. and i do believe that americans now are experiencing the
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downside of a very generous government. it's one thing when, terrific, everything costs less, prescription drugs, this, that, and the other thing. the fact of the matter is, when the thing boils down, you're out more money and you spend your savings and it's very disruptive. >> steve: we've been talking about inflation. a brand-new fox news poll shows about 90% say they are extremely or very concerned about inflation, and you can see the rest of the list. but, geraldo, for the white house to say, "we've done the work on it," stuff like that, so much of the higher prices, even gas has come down substantially from the height, but it was a gigantic number. i think it is still a dollar more than it was when joe biden took office. had they simply opened up production, to seed oil drillers and stuff like that, "we're not going to shut you down, you can make money --" >> brian: they said they drill our reserves.
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>> steve: we wouldn't be in this hole. >> i think americans are very practical people. when you propose to people that ollie have to do is increase supply, how do you increase supply in the nation's richest oil and gas deposits? you drill more. it's maybe unsightly where the drill goes and the rest of it, but we have two fuel society. we have to get moving. >> brian: but then you can't say you are doing every thing possible. you can read that in a little binder and have your press secretary go out and read it and we still don't believe it. >> that's what we need, clear communications. i call on the president right now to speak with one message. if inflation is difficult, then it's difficult. but you don't claim success as he did a day or two ago at the same moment you are -- the market is hitting with 8.3%, and you lose a lot of money. i lost a lot of money in the last couple of days. >> ainsley: geraldo, the number one issue is inflation or higher prices. they are also worried about the
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future of the democracy, of our democracy. you have children, you have a lot of children. are you worried about this country? >> brian: so many children. >> ainsley: so many children! [laughter] >> not as many as major pete. i am dismayed, really, by the situation that we face with the kids and so forth. where we go from here depends on us. can we dig in? can we live with one message? can we at least get together long enough to get the country on a road toward recovery? >> brian: we just got to make sure those semifascists and ultra-maga people, bring them in. >> it's unhelpful. and it's also lazy. it's a lazy -- >> steve: but it goes back to what you're talking about earlier, you wish we could work together in congress and
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everywhere else, and that's a great dream. it's great to have you on this friday. >> brian: we are working together and we are working with carley. there is carley. you don't think carley should be here in the morning. he said that. [laughter] >> carley: i love geraldo! >> ainsley: did you know she's having a baby? >> i heard. >> carley: ed got to get some parenting advice from you! >> ainsley: he has a lot of children! >> carley: i was unaware. starting with this, king charles iii and the queen consort are in wales visiting the welsh parliament in cardiff bay where the king is accepting a motion of condolences for the queen. >> i know we all share the deepest commitment to the welfare of the people of this land, and that we will all continue to work together to that end. >> carley: and in london, mourners lining up for hours to
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pay their respects at westminster hall where the clean will lie in state until her funeral on monday. be sure to tune in to fox nation on saturday for a new special on the king, and we will also have live coverage from london of the queen's funeral as we honor the longest reigning british monarch. of course, ainsley, we'll be covering it all. >> ainsley: leaving this weekend. i'm going to join martha. she's done a fabulous job, she's been there all week. >> brian: and now it's time to coordinate a king. let me tell you what's coming up straight ahead. i'll get specific. it looks like china support for vladimir putin's wars are on shaky ground after a summit between the leaders. no joke. and iowa's senator joni's will assess the threat that russia and china has no-limit friendship has. ough. amusement parks are like whooping cough. even ice cream is like whooping cough, it's not just for kids.
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♪ ♪ 's pt we are celebrating hispanic heritage month by highlighting the history and the achievements of hispanic and latino americans, and assignings morning we learn more about of alberto gonzales. alicia has more. >> alberto gonzaleew up in a family that went to church every sunday. his mother made sure of it. he says she also helped make him the man he is today. >> so help me god. [applause] >> alberto gonzales began his journey to become the 80th u.s. attorney general in humble, texas. >> he grew up pretty poor. again, you don't realize as a child how poor you are. >> 1 of 8 kids, gonzales remembers a great childhood come up with his mother's eggs and tortillas for breakfast, baseball with his brothers, and falling asleep in a two-bedroom
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house without hot water. >> aiken november taking a pail of water, boiling it on the stove, and taking it to the bathroom in order to take a bath. >> growing up he didn't take thk much about college. he joined the air force, landing at fort uconn alaska. he met air force academy graduates who suggested he give it a go. >> that's where i thought, they are seeing something in me. why not me? >> "why not me," he thought, when he left to attend rice university, and again when he was accepted at six different law schools before choosing harvard. in 1988, he declined a job offer and president george w. bush's admissions and he could say the partner track at his law firm. in 1994, governor-elect george w. bush hired gonzales as general counsel. when he asked bush, "why me?" the future president responded, "because you turn down my old man." >> for whatever reason, i was
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given many opportunities, many given by george w. bush. >> he brought his fellow texan to washington, first as white house counsel and later as the nation's first hispanic attorney general. >> he's the son of a president, i'm the son of a construction worker, and here we are working together. >> one day he took his mother to see the oval office. he called that a miracle. >> to take her from the cotton fields where she worked as a young girl to the oval office, that's a sign of god's grace and a perfect example of the american story. >> and when america was attacked on 9/11, gonzales was on bush's team. >> we would use all levers of american power to deal with it. my job was to make sure the legal issues were properly addressed. >> the job for them and i have many political storms, and in 2007, he resigned. >> please know i leave today with the highest regard and
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admiration for the employees of the departments. i don't have any sadness. it's just the way life turns out sometimes. >> and who you are in nashville. >> here i am in nashville. >> he and his wife moved to tennessee in 2012, we he's the dean of belmont university law school. he motivates future generations to ask, "why not me?" >> what it means my family, it's really inspiring. it makes us feel like my decision to go to law school was, it is, possible. >> i was 80th attorney general. >> gonzalez is also trying to bring a major league baseball team to town, all while remaining active as a community member and friend. >> he's a great listener, and he told me many times, that's what we need more in politics. >> gonzales is working in politics was rough, but his faith in god carried him through. >> i never doubted it for a second, despite all the many hard times and experiences i've
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had. >> i would be remiss if i didn't mention gonzales recently traveled to texas to help celebrate his mother's 90th birthday. ainsley? >> ainsley: that's beautiful. thank you, alicia. we are counting down to be catholic to kyles biggest matchups on fox. the super bowl winning coach in the new analyst for fox nfl kickoff, sean payton shares his predictions live. ♪ ♪ time. it's life's most precious commodity, especially when you have metastatic breast cancer. when your time is threatened, it's hard to invest in your future. until now. kisqali is helping women live longer than ever before when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant... in hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's proven
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>> carley: we are back with headlines, starting with this. a sea of blue paying tribute nypd officer killed in a car, car crash on sunday on his way to a 9/11 memorial service. he played professional baseball before trading in his big-league uniform in 2016 for a port authority uniform. he is survived by his wife and their four children. eight people are injured, including a 5-year-old, after a driver plows into a trader joe's in the san francisco bay area
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yesterday. look at these images, the toyota ended up in the checkout area. highway patrol believed the 88-year-old behind the wheel accidentally hit the gas instead of the breaks. yikes. thankfully none of the injuries or life-threatening. and our nation's capital is america's work from home capital, according to new reports from the u.s. census bureau. almost 49% of washington, d.c.,'s labor force was working from home in 2021, and following closely behind was seattle, san francisco, and austin, texas. meanwhile, only 10% of workers in heavily blue-collar cities work remotely. makes sense. janice come over to you. >> hello, good morning. it's a beautiful day here in new york city, and one of the greatest topics in conversation right now is how beautiful it is here in the new york area. let's look at the map and i'll show you at the temperatures are. in the 60s, it is low relative humidity. i think you're getting to 77 today.
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64 in chicago, 61 in kansas city. a cold front will bring the potential of showers and thunderstorms for the central u.s. as well as florida, and look at what's happening in the atlantic. we have fiona, we have to watch this the next couple of days. the next three days, we have an idea what's going on, moving south toward puerto rico and hispaniola. that will bring heavy rainfall to this island that's very vulnerable right now, of course. then over his manual and dominican republic and it has to survive to move into the bahamas, then we'll have to watch the east coast over the next couple of days. has your latest details and we can forecast. i highly recommend it. steve, ainsley, brian come over to you. >> brian: i'll take it alone. thank you very much, janice. we've got a lot of matchups. i'd like to break it up down billy chosen two games. the bucs against the saints, then the giants and pathways. during his now, former super bowl winning coach and now fox news analyst on "nfl
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kickoff" on sundays. it's a lot earlier here for you. welcome to the fox family. has everybody treating you? >> i would say the experience has been really good. for me, i have been in the nfc as a coach with new orleans for 16 years, dallas before that, new york and philly. fox has the nfc package, so the relationships i've already existed, but it's nice to get the first weekend underway. last week it went well. like you mentioned, we've got some good match up this upcoming. >> brian: let's break down these teams you know well. the saints have been there for 16 years. jameis winston playing so well against tom brady. what did you learn from week one that will play into this?
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>> the one thing we know at this game, both defenses are very good. i would say even the last two games, that these teams have played in -- they are in the same division -- have been defensive-driven games. so the scoring hasn't been as high maybe as others, but certainly the winning -- the winner of this division will come out either new orleans or tampa bay. they are that much further ahead than atlanta or carolina. >> brian: did you see any drop-off from tom brady? he barely went to training camp, walks out there, some new offensive lineman. did you see anything that made you think he had lost anything in the off-season? >> i thought he looked sharp. of course, he's got some new players he's working with, particularly in the offensive line, just as new orleans does, as well. but i thought he played well,
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certainly well enough to win. >> brian: baker mayfield, the giants looked so anemic in the first half and play great in the second. studying their tapes, what would you expect on sunday? >> i think that's going to be a real competitive game. actually see new york having a good chance to get to 2-0, the first time in a while for them. both teams played in very close games last weekend. i think carolina played maybe a little bit better than we expected, and new york obviously had that win late in the game. so it'll be exciting to see. that is one i really want to pay attention to. like i mentioned before, it has been a while since new york has gotten off to a 2-0 start. you can see by their locker room last weekend, it was exciting, and i know that the coach and his staff have done a good job
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implementing their program. >> brian: shawn, i'm going to bring you back to the sideline. daniel jones, the quarterback playing out his rookie year, there is a key entry interception in the end zone when they needed to scoring win the game. the head coach yells at him. knowing he still got to go play. is that the right move, or do you have to pick your moment with the right guy? because you want his head in the game, maybe screaming at him is not the best thing, but it turned out to be the right th thing. >> yeah, i think it specifically each player is a little different, and obviously at that moment brian felt like, this will give him a jolt that he needs. so i think it can depend on the player. some guys, maybe not so much. other guys, a lot more. i think a lot of it is your instincts relative to your player you are working with.
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>> brian: right. great job with adam sandler in the movie about your one season suspended from football. i thought it was great. i hope we can do this again. congratulations and welcome to the fox team. good luck on sunday. >> thank you. >> brian: you got it. you have a chance to win $100,000 of terry bradshaw's money. he's almost busted. download the free app today, and what do you have to lose? meanwhile, coming up straight ahead, serious stuff. retired lieutenant colonel and iowa senator joni ernst is here to join us on the couch about the challenges, and international. ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here,
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xi jinping, met face-to-face with russian president vladimir putin for the first time since his invasion of ukraine. >> ainsley: to make >> brian: the two reportedly discuss an alternative to the western world, that would be us, as they forge a strong relationship. >> ainsley: let's bring in senator joni ernst, an army combat veteran. good morning. they pledged yesterday at this meeting to inject stability into a turbulent war. putin is saying that. >> steve: hilarious! >> ainsley: putin is the one who took this unprecedented step of moving in to a country totally unprovoked. he moved into ukraine. so here we have two horrible dictators, authoritarian regimes. >> steve: axis of evil. >> they are collaborating against the western world. >> brian: vladimir putin acknowledged yesterday that beijing may have questions and
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concerns about the war. >> for heaven sakes. we all have concerns about the war. >> brian: but for him to say that the president of china has got concerns, i thought that was significant. what do you think you? >> it is significant, and china didn't necessarily want to be part and parcel of this is what i believe. again, it was an unprovoked war. it draws attention to china and their nefarious actions and intentions as they look at taiwan, as well. all of this is comingled, but not only do you have them collaborating, you've got the russians collaborating with the iranians, as well, with the americans come on the iran nuclear deal. so we have russia, china, we have iran, and throw a little united states leader joe biden into that mix when it comes to the nuclear agreement. >> steve: we are 53 days away from the midterms. the end of that you are not up for reelection, but chuck grassley is, and iowa.
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and apparently at pretoria alberto, chuck schumer in a very loud voice was blabbing to other democrats editors, and essentially he said the democrats are going to lose the house, among other things. what do you make of that? >> i think we all knew that. the leadership we have seen across the democratic party in the house, in the white house, in the senate, has failed the american people. so we know they will lose the house. i believe they will lose the senate, as well. i'm working on an effort, if you can go to red wave, you can help raise money for these candidates. >> brian: are being o out- d out-raised. >> if you want to be part of the effort, we can do this. >> ainsley: schumer was overheard and more than one
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source has confirmed this conversation. he said that he won't be able to beat chuck grassley. he could use this in his campaign ads. >> absolutely, he can. we know this in iowa, chuck grassley is an institution. he works so hard. literally his campaign slogan is "chuck grassley works," and he has for a number of years. he's widely respected in the senate, and that's why chuck schumer admitted to all those folks openly and that restaurant that his opponent in iowa, chuck grassley's opponent, will not win. >> brian: u.n. susan collins, too close to call, and you won easily. so did susan collins. do you sense the same here? i think we are caught up in believing all the polls again. >> i don't believe the polls and i don't believe those liberal pundits out there. i think this is intentional, to suppress the vote as well as suppress the donors. again, i think we have a great opportunity to take the senate back this fall, take the house
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back most certainly, and again, trying to be part of that effort to help win. >> ainsley: did you feel my heater? >> my shins are sweating. >> it's great to be with you. >> steve: look who else is in the studio. it's hillary vaughn, peter doocy's wife, along with peter doocy, helping us share some family recipes. >> ainsley: the couple that's taking down washington one question at a time! >> brian: the first -- we should stand, too. hillary, let's go to bill hemmer and find out what's going to be on that show. >> bill: good morning on a friday.
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♪ ♪ >> steve: a favorite recipe in our brand-new "simply happy" cookbook is a combination of tastes i grew up with in iowa, and things peter, our white house guy, who grew up in this kitchen, has sampled during the election here. we came up with this, the iowa caucus casserole. so simple to make. and, yes, those are tater tots on top. first, let's get out and ovenproof skillet and start browning the beef. now let's add an onion. and a can of corn. and a can of cream of mushroom and cream of chicken. stir and then smoothed out the top. now, add your cheese. time to grab those tatars.
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start circling the skillet. ♪ ♪ now, bake until those tots are crispy. ♪ ♪ time to add a little more cheddar. back in the oven to melt the cheese. minutes later, boom, it's done. top with your favorite garnishes. that's it, time to scoop and serve. >> steve: that is so good. this is the day we always wait for. come in and take a look. this is the iowa caucus casserole, the finished product. who's hungry? >> we have to eat it, right? >> i've been eating for about half an hour. >> ainsley: who is here with us? >> steve: thank you very much. they helped with the recipe, peter doocy and his wife, hillary vaughn.
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>> hello! >> steve: hillary has a great family recipe in the cookbook. >> which one is yours? >> chicken ole. it's like an enchilada lasagna combo. >> ainsley: which one did you grow up eating the most? >> i would say closer to the grilled cheese. the iowa caucus casserole, the best part about the campaign trail is the food. this kind of brings it home. it brings it back. >> steve: it does indeed. let me describe some of the food. come on over here. right here we've got something all of our kids loved, red velvet cake. mary had a red velvet wedding cake. so we've got red velvet cake waffles. this is something, my mom grew up -- she would make meat loaf at our house and she would always put a piece of bacon on the top to tell when it was done. we wrapped a whole meat loaf with bacon. >> ainsley: it's like a basket
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weave. >> steve: these are from -- >> my daughter, hayden, this is her nickname, haystacks. this is what my mom made when we were little. >> steve: we are making this tonight. who wants to try? these are the lasagna grilled cheese sandwiches. >> brian: has this ever been done? >> steve: it is something we invented one day. >> cheers! >> i've been eating this peanut butter pie. >> steve: we are getting down there. >> this is so good! >> steve: lasagna grilled cheese sandwich. the first book we had, lasagna soup. >> you are supposed to need a fork for lasagna. >> this is lasagna on the go. >> brian: do you put butter on top when you smash it down in the pan come on the lasagna? >> steve: just like you would make a regular grilled cheese sandwich. this recipe right here, it's all about simple recipes. this is called pancetta,
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lettuce, and tomato. this takes literally 30 seconds to prepare, and he put it in for half an hour. ainsley has been asking about that at the end, that's the pretzel crusted chocolate peanut butter pie, which we think is the best -- >> is it ice cream? what's inside? it taste like ice cream. >> steve: it's cool whip. >> brian: with your schedules do you get to make anything, or is it reheating, delivery? >> it's quick and fast, which is why this cookbook is amazing. >> we do make this stuff. we have a free copy. [laughter] >> you got the galley! >> we learned so much about your relationship, and what your background is, and what it's like to be in the doocy home
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come in your kitchen! >> we've only got her a doocy for a year and she's already plugging books! >> ainsley: how did you meet? >> steve: they met at work! you will understand in a moment, and this food is particularly good if you are really hungry. >> hillary's hungry all the time. >> that's because i'm eating for two. [cheers and applause] >> i knew it! >> congratulations! >> thank you! >> steve: is a photo, you can look! >> it's a girl? >> it is a girl. >> yay! >> hillary! when are you due? >> the end of january. >> we are almost the same! february 5th!
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>> they could get married! >> you kept it from us! >> steve: i know, it's been killing me! anyway, we had a big festivity with food today. >> yay! >> steve: go to fox nation tonight and watch us make the lasagna grilled cheese sandwich. in the meantime, it's the number one cookbook in the world. go to and you won't be unhappy. congratulations, hillary! >> thank you! ♪ ♪ whenever heartburn strikes get fast relief with tums. it's time to love food back. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums ♪
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>> congratulations, grandpa. >> grandpa. >> they're having a baby. [cheering and applause] >> have a good weekend. >> bill: everything is going on. good morning, everybody. it is friday and the border crisis has hit another boiling point. the white house now going after the governors for trying to take matters into their own hands. dana has the day off. welcome back to our colleague and office mate sandra. >> sandra: congratulations to the doocys, fantastic news. we have some recipes to cook up tonight. thanks for being here. it is "america's newsroom," president biden and democratic


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