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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  September 16, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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unfamiliar islands full of rich white people? that's something. food for thought heading into this weekend. that it for us tonight. thank 43 you for watching. fly your flag. spend time with family and friends. gratitude. we should all be grateful we still live in this country. let's keep it that way. it's america now and 47. greg gutfeld takes it all from here. [applause] [applause] >> happy friday,. everybody. you look fantastic. there i go talking to myself again. so they're making another one of those scream movies and get this, they're moving the setting
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to new york city. we ent to brian killmead for comment. something clearly is wrong with him. i mean other than his personality, looks, and career choice. according to one cast member, setting the movie in this city will make it 20 times more mortifying,. yeah, no [bleep]. all you gotta do is tush the damn camera on and point it down any street. if there isn't abashing fox news christmas tree en your way, just hope that someone doesn't beat you senseless and steal your camera before you're done. so how is new york lately? you got machete attacks, you got gangs on dirt bikes robbing people in daylight, you got strung out homeless, and that's just in kat's apartment. you got sick sos shoving people in front of trains, transients clobbering the elderly, jesse
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waters hanging t on sixth avenue hoping you'll recognize him. don't give him money or he'll give you a copy of his book. disgusting. do you reloaned to set a horror movie in few york city, ex pesce scream? it's already here. check out this tip. a robbery that took place in new york city yesterday. while the robber's there, they're wearing scream masks as they rob the place. so i guess the good news is the production team won't need a costume department. you know this has to be a problem for the filmmakers. how can they top reality? how do you make a movie set en new york that scarier than the setting itself? you know it's like opening a domino's in rome. pretty good. all right, all right. it's like trying to make a heart
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attack scarier by saying boo. it's like trying to make a horror flick about joy bayhear's sex life. my point is it's scarier in real life. a horror movie shouldn't have horror at the start. you have to build p to that; right? new york city is horrible from start to finish, which is also the review from the emmy awards. so they're saying that this installation will follow four survivors as they start a new chapter in the grim apple. they're calling it the bloodiest scream yet. it was either that or do the thing san francisco where it would be the poopiest scream yet. i would have said [bleep] but i was trying to edit myself. i live new york city, i don't need a horror movie, i have the subway station. i don't ride it, but i sometimes pee there. and it's getting dangerous.
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at times i have real life zombies on my street manic agitated angry and those are just all the employees cnn just let go. citizens are at the mercy f humans who exist independent of laws and civility. remember those classic photos of the great depression we saw? we never thought that would happen gibb, except it's here and we have the visual, and it's worse because like kat's hair extensions, it's self-inflicted. i guess the streets became so state that we forgot why. progressive politicians decided that way things work was no longer necessary so they threw the laws away and now we're free falling into an ambivalent abyss that's deeper and darker than michael moore's belly button. think about that. we got a full finger in there. >> literally. >> and he'll pay for it. those people on the streets, of
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the depression, they were dad and brothers, war veterans, today maybe it's a tyne a portion of that, bat no. these aren't poock people look for a job. employee aren't looking for people who spit on a stairwell. people like horror movies. it's escapest entertainment. you want a really scare y movie? how about this one smith. scarier than anything hollywood puss out. doorbell video of a woman being attacked by three men on the chicago street and it was turned into a campaign ad made bay a conservative superpac. here's just a tiny bit of it. now that a horror movie. the only difference is there was nobody there to yell cut to end the scene. it's upsetting all the people you'd expect. the media and democrats for example don't leak it when you show them the result of their disastrous ideas.
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in pack they're more upset about the video than the crime itselfism. maybe they'll tay to sensor it and call the makers terrorists and why? because every time you point out crime, you're pointing out how these [bleep] have failed you. and they, that they have no solutions other than hiring their own private security. they'll make a federal case over pronouns while dropping attempted murder cases to misdemeanors. the governor called the ad disgusting, and why? because it's real and politicians like him, aren't. they prefer rhetoric, symbolism and empty phrases like the soul of america, the big lie, threat to democracy, and my favorite, dog-faced pony soldier. but that video is reality and it's time reality took the wheel from the fant sses who think the real dangers are moms at school board meetings oar truckers in red hats. of course left wing groups claim the ad uses victims as political pawns because it's not like they
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did that with jorge floyd oar meekal brown. democrats exploit more 6ems than personal injury lawyers. sorry, emily. remember the line never let a crisis go to waste? it was said by rahm emanuel, and later nancy pelosi's plastic surgeon. only liberals can exploit a crisis since they're the ones creating them. so yeah, that ad, which was played during a bears game, it shocked viewers, but that's the point. maybe you'll pay attention to crime if it shows up in your living room. [applause] welcome, tonight's guests. she makes more great points than outnumbered cohost emily compagno. her guns are registered as emotional support companions, dot com editor and host of
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luxury hunting lodges of america, katie pavlich. she's like a hay stack, blond, dry, 161 knows there's a needle in there somewhere. fox news contributor, kat timpf. and his children need a ladder to sit on his lap. my massive sidekick in the champion, tyrus. emily, are you in the mood for a horror movie set in new york city? >> i'm always in the mood for a fictional horror story. and i've never benn en the mood for what happens on a daily basis here. it is frightening. you know that just i want to say yesterday that same bodega where the bodega ober had to murder someone in self defense and then it took leak the global lobbying to get da brad to drop the
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murder charges, it was. >> really. >> violently. there is no end en sight. the irony is that we have to blur half the real videos we put on our network. i'm sure every bet of scream could be on every bellboard and everything because es. all fictional and fake. here what the four victims are four young white kids living in upper suburbia, whatever, hear the victims are disproportionately elderly and asian, and african american, and that's not seen being in any way amplified. just quick final point, i love on this instagram accounts that say why new york is so awesome, this week they had the poor fedex driver dropped all of his boxes and all of these new yorkers were surrounding and helping, where the [bleep] is everyone when people are getting stabbed to death? instead they're just whipping out their phones and running away. this city is an absolute
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sesspool. >> there you goem. i. i hope you parked very close to the studio. >> that's right. >> tyrus: leave in groups. >> it's always the reaction when you show reality. that ad comes out, we're going to talk about it later what's happening in what's the island? >> martha's vineyard. >> they send the migrants there 50 migrant they freak out they show an ad of authentic violence and they freak out. >> i'm still climbing out of michael moore's belly button. you thought that was scary, that was really scary. it really is. you survive that, you survive everything. no, the crime issue, they just
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did a reality show. film what's going on every sengal day in new york city as you mentioned. my question is where does it end? because the further and further they allow this to get out of control, the more harsh the reaction has to be. >> yeah. >> when they are not even welling to accept videos of real victims screaming women in the street are getting attacked outside of their home, it's more clear than erb they're on the side offuls criminals. the woman getting attacked by three men, he thinks that the criminals are the victims. i mean, where does that end? and they let all of these criminals out of prison which means even more victims. >> you gave me the best idea for a reality show. imagine it's like the bachelor or bachelorette, right? and the bachelor bachelorette is actually the criminal and you have to audition to be the victim. >> i don't think that's the best
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idea. >> oh, should it be reversed where the victim get to choose the victimizer? >> i think there's a lot of legal issues here. >> well, you are a lawyer. i if gar outshone, everyone always forgets that. >> so, you feel like a subway ride is probably more frightening, kat, than any scream movie? >> well, i, because it could happen and no washington d.c. care. one of the first. and no one would wear care. if you don't want anyone to see you cry, do it openly on the subway. people push past you, nobody would care if that happened here nobody would notice because we're used to seeing crazy stuff every day. if anyone did notice they'dby like look t this cool art installation. can i get a cool picture with this? or like you said just film it with their phone. i think this could happen out on the streets and people would just be like i'm late to work. which i am concerned about.
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is this going to make traffic were worse? >> it might. >> i hate to make it about me, but -- >> you gave me another idea which is when i get stopped for public urination performance art the installation. >> yes. >> it's a statement on the filth of new york city. >> you could probably pee inside the moma. >> meekal moore. >> yeah. i think there's a name for that. do you have a hard time watching violent movies now? >> no. i'm usually a foot and a half taller than the criminal. when i'm in them, i'm usually killed first. they're going to drop the ball on it. this is going to be a woke movie, the killer is going to be an ole white man, you guys know, and the heros are going to be whoever's the flavor of the month. so, um, i think we talked about
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this in a group one of your weird movie group texts you got involve en it too, where we you are right in the plot of who's going to go anden the way to work gutfeld's the bad guy. >> yeah. >> but the scream franchise, when's the last, i think we all stopped at twoem, right? what is this, lingering 47? >> i think this is six. i think nev campbell is 70 now., right? >> i mean, this is how tone deaf they are. it's going to be so much scarier because it's in new york. the follow-up question should have been and why is that? >> exactly. >> so again, it won't fix problems, but they'll make a movie about it. >> i'm so happy that our suffering is going to help them make a scary movie. >> because everyone in new york is going to say that actually a better way to go. >> quicker. >> it's quick. >> i'm sure they're juster doing it for the tax break. >> yeah. and it's a big deal. they're getting something out of this.
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but, uh, it's just maybe it's also safer than l.a., i don't know. >> they can't film in georgia because the laws are so restrictive there. they have to film in new york where everyone gets slaughtered on a daily basis because that's some how better. >> i still like the reality show idea. >> maybe you should combine it with your peeing thing. >> yeah, leak -- >> it will be the proprietors of businesses that get to audition where you're going to pee. get your lemonade here. >> i know it's probably obvious but it would be called urine luck. i didn't even think that was that funny but thank you. up next; woke nutritionists try to debunk reasons why you shouldn't eat junk.
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>> welcome back. children can blame the woke for the reason their chair broke. as food neutral is the latest phrase to make sure fat kids get their praise. and once again, the left now makes excuses, though time for dietary abuses. the la school district put out a nutrition video that actually defends junk food. it condemns the negative attitude around unhealthy snacks preferring a concept called food neutrality insteadem. apparently they aren't even trying to follow the science because it's moving faster than they can waddle. the video even claims our entire diet culture is based on oppression. watch. >> i got us donuts. >> those are so bad for you. >> oh, no, are they moldy? i mean, are they poisoned? are you allergic? >> no, i'm just saying. >> you're junging my food choices base on a false standard of health genyk aren't you in.
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>> diet culture, fat phobia, and systems of oppression have created false hierarchies of food and shows up everywhere on good and bad choices, try -- >> hm. you know, they're going to end up killing kids before their puberty blockers kick in. a brillion joke. by the way, that last lady is allegedly a nutritionist at a junk food company so they couldn't get someone less bias? you know like ronal mcdonald or chuck e. cheese? that's like hiring paul pelosi as a driving vector. i'll say this, when it comes to eating junk, i can tell she's done her research. what she's leaving out is that marginalized communities have higher rates of hart disease, high blood pressure, and almost every other lifestyle ailment that comes with obesity. we won't see her back pedaling, that would be fat phobic,
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oppressive, and you might drop a donut. so y in the ole days obesity was a sign of wealth and status init's a sign of victimhood and it's something to be proud of. you have to resist, you have to resist people telling you that you need to lose weight because that that your identity. >> yeah. i just feel leak whenner i hear oppression, i feel like dr. king malcolm x and harriet tubman rolling over en their graves just rolling over. obesity kills. eating sugar is terrible. it's not good for you. and instead of helping children, you're going to make their lives as adults worse. because having snickers for love with a coke and another snickers and a donut chaser is bad. is bad. it's horrible for 84 teeth. it's horrible, it's a fast pace to type 2 diabetes. there's nothing good about it.
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this is what they do. they're going to get a lot of money for this. they're going to get money from sprite and cocoa coca cola and mountain dew commercials. they don't care what it does to everybody else. the easy way out is you go to the actual food addicts and you're telling them it's okay. it's like saying crack is cool because when you're on crack you're fun to be around. so we're just going to say everyone leak as happy fat kid. >> that's par part of the cons tlings of identities and these conser cons stlings tlings. constellation. constellation. >> also kale is bad. it's bad for your digestive system. if she would spend more time actually teaching people about how they can eat better food and make better choices at the grocery store, up for a life of health than doing this she would
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actually help lot of kids that she was claiming to be helping right now. the number one killer in this country is bad food choices. that is the reason why we have all of our healthcare problems, it's the number one killer during covid, obesity,. this is the bottom layer of the reason we have a health crisis crisis in america, and doctors refusing to talk about it are really letting people done on what their job is which is to be honest with them and keep them healthy and making good food choices is one of those things. >> cat, as somebody who doesn't eat, -- >> i do sometimes. >> she's an eating machine. >> i've never seen her put food close to her face. >> she's a mar minute. >> what are 84 thoughts on this be careful? >> i'm always careful. i just keep thinking, like what does miguel obama think about this? the less move and eat healthy thing, this is undoing all of her hard work because now it's the school districts putting
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this out and saying hey, kids, junk food is actually good. and if your mom says you can't have that third snickers you call her a racist. of course people are upset about this because y. not true, and of course the person who's saying that has a financial motive behind it. >> that the problem with all nutrition research all tied to some company and that how you get your funding to do your studies. i love donut. i love donuts probably her than life itself. it hurts me not to eat them bought but i don't eat them because they go right to my hips. >> i had a cuppal f donut holes the other night and they were amazing. the cinnamon pumpkin ones. i'll say this. the whole irony about this school district is that that a verifiable confirmed food desert. >> what do you mean by food desert? >> those kids don't have access, those people don't have access to the kind of grocery stores and food and choices that other
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around the country they do. the notion that these people are coming in and putting woke above health when los angeles' own county health department has said they have among the highest rate of childhood obesity in the whole country and those people are saying it's okay to eat junk food. to your point, they're ignoring the high rates again for their own county health department among the hayest in the country of stroke and hypertension and diabetes. those are the people that live there. they don't have access to even make that choice to begin with and yet that school district is focusing on but es. okay to do this. ignoring instead the lack of choice, ignoring instead the country doesn't care at all. they turn their heads because these are the certain kind of people that live there while their governor -- they're turning a blind eye to everyone in los angeles. >> they turned a blind eye to solutions while turning their seeing eye to people coming up with solutions. so they're more critical of the things that are going on without having the solution and are
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removing standards across the bedder whether you want to be in sports, or you aunt to be in the military, the police department. you don't have to be in shape anymore. it's kind of -- >> you don't matter that the point. y. the worst form of racism saying you cannot compete until we have to lower the bar. if you turn that camera off and told them to eat that donut or gave that woman a snickers and a coke she'd be like [bleep] no i'm not eating that. >> true. >> a hundred%. >> as you know, all of the obesity he caused all the stress eating. up next is the definition of homosexual unknown or is the left eating its own.
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two l lgbt carries en the uk are warring with each other over the definition of homosexualityem. a group known as lgb alliance use homosexuals as people attracted to the same sex, makes sense. another charity group called mermaid thinks homosexual need means attracted to the same gender. to boil it down, mermaids thinks if a man transitions to a woman and then sleeps with women, she's a lesbian. and lesbians are like no no, that idiotic and get your penis out of here. i haven't seen lesbians this angry outside of soft ball season. so mermaids, so the mermaids want to overturn the other group's charity status saying quote, the lgb alliance's real purpose is the den grecian trans people. to which den graze to which one might say don't get your panties
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in a twist, they might strangle your nuts the alliance is one of the few groups pushing back against radical gendered theory gender identity theory says males who identify as women can call themselves lesbians. this is a kind of theft stealing our word for ourselves and we will not do not accept it. anyway, i find this whole thick extremely confusing. i long for the good old days when lgb meant lets go brandon. so, okay all right, kat, let's get this straight. >> yes. >> i'm kind, i think i'm on team lesbian here. >> okay. >> if a man becomes a woman and has girlfriend you either are a lesbian or aren't a lesbian and the lesbians say you aren't a lesbian, es pegs a if you keep your junk because then it's like
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you're going to start dating a lesbian and have straight with sex with her and she's like i'm a lesbian. >> i really don't think any of us should have to care. >> then don't care. i don't care. this is a great one-story. >> i feel like however you want to daker define your own sexuality is up to you. but apparently that makes me really conservative on the issue as opposed to the much more progressive viewpoint of there's only one way that you can define your sexuality or else you're a biggot. it's crazy how it's kind of flipped. i think both groups deexist and have whatever opinion it is that they have, but i would have to break it to the mermaids that a lot f people when they say i'm a lesbian, what they do mean is i don't want to have sec with a penis. >> exactly. there you go. all right, emily. what if a man becomes a woman, and keeps the junk, and takes a girlfriend that would make her a
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lesbian but her girlfriend a heterosexual. >> i feel like these are sat questions where, likes try to think of my longic questions leak i don't know what the right answer is, but i got confused halfway through. the take away for me was just the ineptality of the lgb alliance where they're our word and therefore we're going to try to take away their tax exemption status. they sunned like governor newsome. i told you i was confused. >> it's reverse though. >> whoever the one is saying they're stealing our words. >> kay. lesbians are saying they're stealing our word. i'm on their side though because they're saying you can't be a lesbian if you have a penis; right? >> i mean, i don't -- whatever. >> all right. >> i feel like, anyone can call themselves whatever they want, but it's just whether or not i laugh at you for it. and i don't care. i don't care about your -- title. >> it's all about getting funding charity status.
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>> oh, man. >> tyrus, what if a woman identifies as a man and start dating men -- >> gay. >> gay or -- >> can i get her pregnant? >> yes. >> not gay. >> that a segment everem. >> i just want to say one thing to team lesbian, uh, this whole, this doesn't represent trans people, this -- >> yeah. >> the political trans groups. >> it's true. >> who are attacking anything with fallopian tubes. they go after women on every stage and now they're trying to take the, now they're tieing to, quote, eat their own because -- [laughter] i'm just going to quit while i'm
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ahead. >> you make a really, really good point. that is what we're really talking about is a tiny percentage of a group. the trans communey, from what i've understood, are way more conservative than anybody -- >> they're libertarian. >> because they don't want any, they are apolitical. they just want to be left alone and do their thing and not be bothered. the problem is every group of people is representativeed by the most extreme element of their contingency and that problem. so you get these interscene or intermural fights. >> intersectionality. >> intersectionality. >> an academicward. >> so, katie, could you follow this and sum it up? >> i could. >> okay. >> bat i'm very glad that you said everything that would get any of us fired in your intro introduction. really grateful for that. i think i'm just going to take a step back and have a non-binary opinion about everybody's sexual choices. >> okay. >> i like the team lesbian
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thing. but i think if you are a non-binary opinion, yes. >> coming up, newsome's latest is a knee slapper, calling de san tis a kidnapper. so i go triple... with trelegy. with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler,... it's the only once-daily treatment for adults that takes triple action against asthma symptoms. trelegy helps make breathing easier,... improves lung function,... and lasts for 24 hours. go triple... go trelegy. because asthma has taken enough. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler... for sudden breathing problems. trelegy contains a medicine that increases risk of hospitalizations and death from asthma problems when used alone. when this medicine is used with an inhaled corticosteroid,... like in trelegy,... there is not a significant increased risk of these events. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase risk of thrush and infections.
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the best part? the prequel is pretty sweet too. ♪ ♪ >> a story in 5 words newsome says immigrants are kidnapped. katie, so awesome, governor newsome asked the doj to look into whether sending migrant to other parts of the country can be considered kidnapping. what do you care? a, is he [bleep] b, is he really [bleep]? and c, a and b? >> i think this is hilarious. he wan them to investigate
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kidnapping? are you kidding me? also, if you're going to investigation de santis for kidnapping you also have to investigate joe biden because they've been flying illegal immigrants to cities across the country in the middle of the night and busing them where b they want to go. if that's de santis is ingaininged in kidnapping, so are these other people just like they're bringing this out ebb the light for everybody to see and it's amaze tag watch the way this works. the left does something so they fly illegal immigrants to all these places around the country that are not martha's vineyard because that a very fancy sacky vacation spot. they want you to into their backyard not your front yard. then the right does the same thing that the moral, very kind thing to do, so we're going to just hold you to your own standard and send people to martha's vineyard. and then today they deported them all, 50 illegal immigrants, they deported them of a f
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martha's vineyard after claiming it was inhumane to ship them en the first place. how did this happen it was a horrible idea, where did you get it from? >> you guys. >> you're the one whose did this. >> it is so -- kat, i love this story more and her every day because they get angrier and more hi erical about this. hysterical about this. now they're caught blackfooted and it's like great. i enjoy it. that not even a question. >> i'm glad you're having a good time. >> yeah, i mean, i feel like we're then going touchable immigration because whenner immigration is in the news it's some variation of you suck, no you suck, and it's like you never hear from congress at how you're actually going to solve it. it's a federal issue that has to be solved the federal gov 789 and i haven't heard them say
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anything. it's just the way they did this was bad. you did this that was bad. we're just never going to solve it and it needs to be addressed. >> i think this made progress because it made it clear to everybody two things, one, that it's not being solved and two, the only reason you didn't know about it before is because the media had the thumb on the scale they never reported the late night stuff except to the new york post. and then on cnn, they compared the 50 migrants escaping venezuela and being placed in a wonderful place, martha's vineyard, to the holocaust. i thought cnn was moving to the middle but i guess it's the middle of hell. >> yes, and i love your argument by the way because taking it a step further the fact that biden and everyone did it with minors on board makes it an enhanced felony. more on the hoof than gavin newsome is advocating. he is the worst to erb do it. he wan them to use rico, that what you use for the mafia, that's for organized crime.
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he called it a fraudulent scheme. what do you call the southern border? this guy mean while in his own side, his attorney general released these stats homicides massively spiked yet homicide arrests decreased. he should focus criminal charges on his own citizens wrather than the 50 that were dropped off on some luxury island somewhere. >> they're so stupid. the response to this. i can't even express the joy that i feel watching these meltdowns. >> i am, i was offended. i'm upset. >> yes? >> the idea of sending 50 to martha's vineyard? how dare you. that like shame on all of you. 250's the number. 250 is the number. listen, i know you like reality shows, i have a phenomenal one. a trip on a bus with tyrus. i will pick you up in el paso and take you to any blue city you
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want to go. you can film the whole thing. we will stop at every marek governor, house, anything with a donkey, we will stop and take pictures. it will be phenomenal and i'll drop you off and just the kinap thing, are you out of your mind? it's filmed when they get on and they're getting on like this? and they're getting off like this. >> yeah. >> i have never been kidnapped for obvious reasons, but i don't think anyone coming back from kidnapping is like how was it? >> it's so true. >> i've never been kidnapped either. >> is there anyone en the audience available for a kidnapping. >> don't egg on the kidnapping of kat eben though that great nymph a show. the kidnapping of kat timpf,
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hosted by nancy grace. last time we saw kat timpf. >> i would love that. >> i would hate it because they would 1,000 percent blame me. >> i would defense me. >> imagine the attention i would get. >> i think there'd be no way. up next you think you'll get treated to the jokes we've o reheatedr . botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache.
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want a permanent solution to homelessness? you won't get it with prop 27. it was written and funded by out-of-state corporations to permanently maximize profits, not homeless funding. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations permanently. only pennies on the dollar for the homeless permanently. and with loopholes, the homeless get even less permanently. prop 27. they didn't write it for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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>> time once again for leftovers the segment time magazine calls completely unnecessary if it weren for the hot host. i kid, of course, it's where we read the jokes we didn't use this week. as with any leftovers you don't know if there are any good until you dig in. as always it's my first time reading these so here we go. all right. this week nancy pelosi had tenoning people to clap during a white house event telling the audience that's an applause line. but in fairness to them, they probably couldn't read her facial cues. on thursday, few buses of migrants sent by greg abbott arrive outside dc. just like the old days, com.
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ka mala. innativa experts warn that could back fire with a peaceful protest where they burn the library down. court documents reveal hunter biden is trying to her his child support payments although he says he's not concerned about his kids future because strippers make a lot of money. that was good. that was really good. tuesday, james taylor sang at the white house inflation reduction act celebrations but the party got off to a bad start when taylor said here's a new song i've been working on. the social security administration is looking to boost payments over 17 hundred
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bucks next year for millions of older americans. my aunt tore us a already says she can't wait to send that money to her friend the nigerian prince. some critics are saying that brendan fraziers new movie the whale shouldn't be seen by fat people. so far text sales are strong since many movie goers had to purchase more seats. i saw that coming and where still went for it. terrible. >> that's amazing. >> while vacations in wales a woman checked into an air b & b to find a sheep in her bedroom or as the taliban call it, the honeymoon suite. why weren't these in my monologue? hiring an exotic dancer to get lap dances. erotic lap dances, where do you think they are, a children's
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library? these are so good. although the answered later one guy tried to play for a lap dabs with a coupon. form cnm host brad has been hired by harvard disbecauses on threats to democracy. he says he passed on cornell and columbia because harvard had the best meal plan. >> never over. >> never over. for students it will be the first time since the irish famine that someone has to pay this much attention to potato. although shelter his new good is the most surprising ivy league hire since harvey winestein became yale's gynecologist. wow. geez luise. and finally, health officials in north dakota issued a rabies alert this week after a woman walked into a bar carrying
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raccoon but after further investigation, it turns out it was just jimmy. don't go away. we'll be right back.
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>> we're out of time, thanks to our guests. our studio audience sponsors goodnight. >> hello and welcome to fox news at night, i'm kevin in washington. breaking tonight rhetoric between california governor gavin newsome and florida governor ron de santis, two potential 2024 presidential candidate sparring over the transport of nationals fro


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