tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News September 16, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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different things from a community. so i turned to a place for mom for senior living advice. her advisor really listened and got what was important to us . she recommended a wide range of different types of communities for us to tour and compare so we can make the best decision. now they've settled in and they both feel right at home. >> our service comes at no cost to your family. >> connect with us today. >> good evening and welcome. vea tucker carlson said happyrne pe friday. if there's one thing wople who o learned about the people who make the rules is that they have no intention o tfhef h followinemg them, any of them, ever, ever. they command you to wear a mask as you jog alone in the parkr while they head to dinner barefaced at the french laundr y . th happened. they harangue you of the carbon footprint of your lawn mower and as they fly to aspen on their private jets.
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you see that every day. how ow many members of congress who voted to expand the police powers od tof the irs don't payn their own taxes? more than a few. w >> how many politicians sup who fervently support gun control have armed bodyguardst o that you pay for? well, let's see.r? every single one we could go on and on and on. whatever they're demanding thato you do this week, you can be dead certain they are notbe doing it themselves. >> everyone notices us . it enrages people, but it's often misinterpreted people say. this is hypocrisy, but it'sit'sp not. >> it's privilegrivileged.e. when nancy pelosi walks into her hair a point without a mask at the height of the covid, no lockdown's, it's not because she forgot to bring a mask. noe fo, she knows exactly whate she's doing. nancy pelosi is affirming her position iorder.n social order. nancy pelosi is in charge. you are not. nancy pelosi can do whatever she cares to you can'res to dt. that's the messages is she's sending another word for. this is a cast caste system, whs is increasingly what we have inm the united states . caste systems are common in immg
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poor countries, the countries from which most of our immigrants come. burat the opposite ofe of the traditional american tystem, which was imperfec egalitarianism in the old america. every citizen, citizen t is considered equal under the law as well as in the eyes s of god . everybody had to follow u the same rules because nobody underneath it alhl wasal more important than anyone else. >> we were all. citizens. >> citizens is a term youimplie rarely hear anymore. citizenship implies inherentrigs rights, rights that politicians cannot under any circumstances take from you. can't tabecause they did not bew them in the first place. you were bor cn with them, buto. the people running our country are acknowledge this. >> they do not believe ino they inherent right bs, nor do they believe in equality. you may remember how hysterical they became a couple of yearsda ago when a few old fashionedtole souls dared to say that alle pe lives matter, which they certainly dge ho. the people in charge hateder. that. they don't think that al l livesmore e matter. in their view, some animals arho more equal than others. it's hard to think of a newsn as story in recent memory thatrly illustrateas ws this phenomenon
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as clearly as what is happening on martha's vineyard. mart two nights ago, governor rhonda santos of florida generously sent a planeload of 50 illegal aliens from venezuela tod of the vineyard, which is a small, famously affluent island off the coast of massachusetts. >> martha's has everything you could ever want in the world except racial diversity. in theorldthe island is whiter n a swedish bluegrass festival, and de santos was trying to help. >> under normal circumstances, the residents of martha's vineyard have no choice but to smile and say thank you, governor de santosthan. when government officials sendns you the blessed gift of diversed immigrants or refugees, you must acceptit that's the rule. le are it doesn't matterevant how disruptive these new people are, it's irrelevantho drow much they cost to support ory of how dramatically your quality of life may decline.ecline aftey arrive, if the crime rat after they arrive. it doesn't matter if the crimedg rate spikes. if your daughterhters afraid to go outside, if the schools become unusable, the hospitals fall. part doesn't matter. you never complain. you take it like a man. man you don't even mention.yo it's happening even in privateuo text messages.
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n' your friends, if you do, you're a dangerous racist. yoa dangu could wind up on a government list. >> that's how america works. everybodorksody knowy knows it t been going on for a very long time. >> that's the rule bu. but it turns out the people of martha's vineyard aren't just any one . >> they're the people who make the rules. and in thi s case, they had noe ru intention of following them, not even forinte a dayntio. >> the venezuelans who arrive there two nights ago blessday. their hearts, didn't know any of this. they know perspective. they never heard of martha's vineyard. they was thrilled to be there. >> watch. i can tellbe you they are not angry. rhonda santos, they're actually thanking him foror hav having brought them to martha'sg vineyard. brou well, yeah, they're notl, angry at mark ron desantis. they're thanking him fore than bringing them to martha's vineyard. >> why wouldn't they get a fully free flight to the vineyard? tho th and at first, it seemed like they had every reason to be grateful because the people c of the town appeared to welcome them as they walked in
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from the airport three and a half miles. they saw signs lik, on me thisae martha's vineyard. the sign reads, we stand with immigrants, with refugees. all are welcome here. hate has no business here. workg >> in other words, no one workto for donald trump can go tomartha martha's vineyard. >> but they didn't know that there was a caveat to that. thenome . >> hate is not welcome here.ay, okay, then on thursday, an reas elected official on the island gave the migrants even more reason for hope. and we're quoting, this is a and community rallying to supporte h immigrant children and families, said state representative dillon fernandezpresenta, dyla,t of america.s and then to prove his point that martha's vineyard will doants whatever it can for immigrants, fernandez uploadeddez uplo thiso onto social media because, ocif course, everything is a social media opportunity. rtunity.the pictthe picture shoh venezuelans gathered on a porch,ern one them is wearing a shirt celebrating. ruth bader ginsburg, notorious, are being it says clearly he got that from a local. >> but the u look closelyelcome and you ask yourself, are these
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people really welcome on martha's vineyard? >> what are they eatin are theg? >> there's no kale or brie for the venezuelans. no. instead,r th they got corn pops, fruit loops, rice krispies,ops,r with a side ofic paper plates, and napkins. >> you've got to wondewithr, the venezuelans thought of that. this seems like a nice place side. seems the food is garbage. it's less healthy than that weoa eat in caracas, way worse. >> e whyat are they feeding this stuff? >> corn pops. really? froot loops. what message are message you sending? and of course, the message is really clear . the surface of garbage, i think . what do they eat? r averagwhate venezuelan eat of our freedoms?? froot loops? venezuelans love lips. so the venezuelans may have gotten a hint that they weren'ty really welcome . they're but it was hard to know. the community seemed toem be rallying behind, if the themo but then in,f there was any dout in the morning, it was gone. by afternoon.
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thbecause the message changedut very quickly. and the new message was, o get the out here, brown people . >> the difficult challenges are we have at some point in time and we have to move somewhere else. right? wet have cannot we don't have the services to take care ofhou. the immigrants. and we certainly don't have c housing. s we're in a housing crisis as we are on this island. and so we don't we can't please everyone here that lives here and works here. >> we don't have housing for fifty more people. we don't have housing forr 50 fifty more people. msays the lady on an island tht literally has more than one hundred thousand empty beds at that exact moment because it's a seasonal place and more than one hundred thousand seasonal residents are gonsideno effectively. >> martha's vineyard was the las just dormitory in the unitedg
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states , but now there'spoint th minuusing crisis. >> at some point they're going to have to leave, meaning inas lead eight minutes max. so there was a guy who was the leader of a nonprofit groupe who stepped up ts.o help take. the refugees. and he had a different e he said the problem wasn't the housing at all. it was the migrant. and we're quoting now, it'sme tk like me taking my trash out and just driving to different areas where i live and throwing my trash. >> there. >> this man told nbc news, oh, they're trash. >> they're human garbage. they're not even the >> they have no souls. do they have souls?do venezuelans? s do refugees have souls? i don't know. there's like trashey're someond dumped them on the front lawn. gives give them fruit loops and get out of here. yeah, call the truck. have them hauled away. >> nbc news actually tweeted out that, quote, callingg our beloved sacred immigrant imt community, these non documented immigrants, trash. >> and then oncehe they realizet
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,they revealed how they reallynv feel, they deleted a fewe moments later. >> nleft, o, not everyone on the left, we should tell you, was so intent on sendinge r these migrants away. >>ants away. novelist jane chitu example, offered this alternative quote, i would lov e to see the obamas open up their huge property and tents and look after all these people while they're being processed, she said. well, actually , you know, we're always in search of the one decent liberal left in america. maybe jane chittick is the's a i one , because that's a pretty fair point. baand barack obama has a longryo documented history of havingact, people on his front lawn. in fact, ht upe set up a tent cy to house hundreds of peoplelet' for, let's see, oh, himself. him his birthday party. again so could? he do that again?uld. of course, and he should,an because to do anything less, baa than that, barack obama himselcl told us , would essentially punish the people of martha's o vineyard. mistreating immigrants wouldwhac rob them of what makes america a worthy country. >> watch this. rica ia nationamerica is a natir immigrants.
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that's our strength.we and the notion that somehow we would stop now, what has been a tradition of attracting talent and strivers and dreamers from all arounds the worlfrnd thed that would rof the thing that is most special about america? right. l so if people don'tawn, cam pp ot on your lawn, people have no right to be here in the first place. >> you're only hurting yoursel.f . >> but obama, even on martha's vineyard, where approximately, v 100% of people voteden for himrc and love him even at martha's gt vineyard, he could not makeple o the sale. he could not get people who actually live there to agree with that. they did do one thing. >> they set up a go fund me, which they called an urgentthey plea tol. help the >> and they told us this was a way to help the migrants. and we're quoting from go fund
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me. martha's vineyard is a community of ope ntn hearted individuals that view thesepawn migrants as people, nots. political pawns. >>or trash or trash. >> however, continuing the quote, the island is ad resort community with only twenty thousand year round residents, and it already faces a shortage of affordable housing and off season jobs. >> oh, it's just not richth enough. they don't have enough it's one oest in tf the richest placesd in the united states and it has more available beds in any other place. probably in north america righth now. but it's just now, bt they can'g it. but you can do your part by donating to the fund and by donating the fund. they'll help they' the migrants >> well, a lot of people believed it. the fund raised forty thousandeh . but here's the best part. you're going to love thiw s par. how much that money is going to the migrants? oh, none. none. eals the an update on the fundraising page reveals that the funds will instead go toward requoting building up a reserve to assisnst situations like thig in the future rather than directly helping this group of
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migrants in their situation. in other words, martha's vineyard words, s buil is buildn endowment just like harvard. >> us amazing. an endowment for martha's vineyard. not to help anyone, but becausph why wouly wouldn't martha's vind want an endowment like? well, yesterday, at the request of martha's vineyard representatives,hey brok they bt up. the governor of massachusetts, the thoroughly loathsome charlie charlie baker, called up the national guard. charlie baker, impassion literally brought in the army pl to remove brown people from the whitest island inic the atlantic ocean. so once the army brought theminr d off martha's vineyard, they were sent to a military base on a military base. how welcoming cape cod, by the way, is a lot more republican than martha's vineyard. so let's send him to them. so here's the scene of the migrants being escorted out after less than 48 hours
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and that jewel in the sea, martha's vineyard. thank you so much for beinge lo here.ok everyone is we're going to show you as far as we're leaving you today, a live look in massachusetts. we're showing the very carrying migrants who have been dropped in mass in martha's vineyard have arrived you sn cap. that bus you see there, thatto is heading to joint base cape cod. y don' well, yot u got to say they dona pick around the liberalsre are joking. ick so the rest of the country juste pick a city, pick a city in the country and ask the person after a few drinks who runs itno like, how many refugees do you have living here? how many migrants, many of them undocumented. how many illegal aliens are living in your city? undocumehow manyand what does to the services in your town? >> not one of themrvices is as h as martha's vineyard, and they basically will tell you we justj have to live with it. >>o nliveo one wants to use the schools anymore. the hospitals are a complete mess. our crime rate is upime .rate the city looks like, but there's nothing we can do. >> the government sent them here. oh, but martha's h vineyard, well, they don't play. >> they bring in the army intake
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a day and take him out likegarbg the garbage. >> so there's a lot of irony here. and we're going to try to impact it as quickly and crisply as we can. but it was just a day ago thatgw we were told that rhonda tol sensor's was a humand trafficker. that ron desant, comparable to adolf hitler, said ken burns,o l america's filmmaker, because he had organized the transportation of migrants from his state to martha's vineyard. >> watch. this is sod so cruel and so unnecessary, so uncalled for and so brazen. itit shocks the conscience of ay fair minded human being. >> this tactic by supposedly christian right politicians like the santurcg. e, arizona's doug deucy and greg abbott of texas is about as unchristian sh as it >> stephanie, ther, the is not a political stunt that is anit i act of evil and it is an act of evil being done by evil men .non >>ly some politicians would rather not only have an issue, but exacerbate it tohu the extet of literally human traffickingas ,as you said, and sending them
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to destinations, because youunt, want to own in a country where a woman with a fetus inside ofsd her with no brain has to traveln a thousand miles to get an abortion. look, here is rhonda santurce and frankly, greg abbott and doug ducey. we hate immigrants.we h get the eff out and wef ou will help you get the eff out this morning. joe , literally, the chipmunk ao got to talk about our tubac, travelgate, and that is lady has to get the borders done enough abortion, by the way, who mentioned abortion? i don't know. mika wants more abortion. okay, maketh us settle down. now, these exact same people are applauding massachusettsth for using the military to remove undesirable immigrants, trash, trash they promise to safeguard to a military base. ,t mean what? s that
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anyone noticing this? well, what's interesting several is that this has been going. on in other forms for quite a while, for several months now. >> the governor ofs sent texas sent busloads of migrants from the border to places like d.c. we echicago. got some attention. it. we kind of enjoyed it, but mostt people didn't noticeic. >> but the sequined brown people arrive in martha'so vineyard. f descended whoa. swarms of reporters descended on the scene because they've been there before. oncausbeen therand they know martha'son't vineyard. they don't know a ton abounow t? the south side of chicago. viney >> brownsville, what. but martha's vineyard. are you joking? cnshe didn't report it.pandem there was pandemonium. e on this is the location. s this is thheltere one homeless. shelter that they have on the entire island. they're five different towns. here's st. andrew's parish. ve difcan usually handle ten .h they've had to increase the number of fifty of immigrants who will be here after they were sort to pped unceremoniously dropped off on planes. two different planes two ind. martha's vineyard. ge the glasses>> tucke on that e the glasses on tv. people getting more complex by the day oexr is just somethii
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old? >> the oldt in among us .before imagine, in any case, just w pu. in some perspective before we proceed. this is fifty people. fifty people. people heree had two million people come here illegally. where did they go? pro well, they wenbablt to probably every state in the country. t divided instruction flew them there to change the demographics of america forever. that's just true story sorry.. >> and no one said a word. but fifty people. it's chaos in martha's vineyard. so why is only ron de santurce a human trafficker? >> for doing this? t >> why is ron why is only doi ron desantis a human trafficker for doing this? >> it's interesting, according to gavin newsom is a kidnaper. e why did no one say that aboutr. greg abbott or charlie baker ore joe biden, for that matter? admin , thas we've said, for mon a year, the bush administration has flown illegal migrants throughout the countryimmigr. g. often, though, the night weu fot showed you footage of these flights, they'reag happening in secret, secretly flying people
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bidend the country. isn't that what the cartels do?t buhet biden is doing it.said h and by the way, to his credit, he said he would do it during a presidential campaign. he promised to relocate migrants throughout the u.s.. in fact, announced that americad has room for millions has and millions of illegal migrants. >> watch this. we could afford tomillions takei a heartbeat another two million people. the idea in a country ofa coun three hundred thirty million people cannot absorb peopleate d who are in desperate need and who are justifiably fleeing oppression. oppresis absolutely bizarre, bie absolutely bizarre. yeah, it's bizarre. you're a bigot if you're not into it. by the way, again, just forhing perspective, the one thing that should never be partisan is immigration policy. n isbecause immigration policy is the one policy that's irreparable. it changes your countrytr forever. so you should have a broade consensus about what you want br
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your country to become beforeh h you tamper with the formula. but someone like joe biden,isan who is only partisan, that's it. doesn't care. by the way, what happened after biden transported all these people around the countraroundyu hundreds and hundreds of thousands. well, in one community in florida, florida, a communitn fy migr quote, afford more legal migrants. a twenty four year old honduran man ended up murdering a fathers in his own home. >> that was in jacksonville. attehat didn't get a ton of attention. but apparently peoplntion, bean on martha's vineyard were watching. they don't want thatt that. dea >> and that's why the minute biden's voters have tozuel deal with venezuelans a seeking the american dream, they call in the national guard to ship them to military installations. >> as florida's governor saids a yesterday, this really does have to envelld. >> and all those people in d.c., in new york were beatingys their chests when trump was president , saying they were so proud tod to be sanctuary t jurisdictions, saying how bad it was to have a secure border the minute even a small fraction wha of what those bord
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towns deal with every dayfr is brought to their front door.a they all of a suddenthis i go berserk. and they're so upsets that this is happening. if you have folks that area is a inclined to think florida is aoa good place, our message to them is we are not a sanctuary state tod it's better to be able to go to a sanctuary jurisdictionta . and yes, wrt fore will hel ypout facilitate that transport for you too go be able to go to gre. pastures. >> yeah, greener pasture aspes. aspen, next. and by the way, every ivyn of league college, all seven of them and maybe you hit wesleyan and boden and stanford, the places that support a ball above all other institutions in this country that support illegal immigration, that havege more funding per capita than any other institution in t the united states . >>ha the richest places in america are college campuses, liberal arts, college elite,liba liberal arts colleges. how many migrants and refugees are they taking?
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zero. let's hope the next stop in this process is there. and let's also hope that governors of sane states are wat watching how democrats handled n this. within twenty four hours of d having immigrants dumped milit on their shores, the people ofto martha's vineyard hadwh the militaryy is n move them ou. why is nobody else doing that? true? there's no longer any reason that republicans shouldn't do ts that. this is the template in texas,,r arizona, florida, et cetera. they should do the exact same thing. tepic moore is the editor inspon chief of outspoken, a contributing editor at the spectator. he joins us tonighs us.t. e way, thanks so much for coming on this. in some way, it's easy to mock . these people are just they're literally beyond parody.beyo pal self-awareness, but they're and they lack all self-awareness, but they're also very effective, like noey don't wantht illegals in martha's vineyard and they're just not going to have them. and the military tooa milik out. >> what's the lesson there? oh, absolutely. thi and as someone who knows thisan type of liberal quite well
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and spent virtually my wholen th twenties in the cayman islands area as a minimum wage seasonal worker, out as a rich person, i know these people very well.oi there's not a question in my mind that this has been 50 white ukrainians. >> they would have thrown together a parade.p to they probably ought to haveem the flags. they would have been lining up to adopt, hostir them, host thet their guest bedrooms, parade them around socialheial medi me. look at my little pet ukrainian. me and dmitri are going apple picking. yoi aru. pickin >> they're fundamentally racist. they are extremely racist to me because now this is going to very upset them a lot becausestw unlike when they callgh us racists, we just laugho cl because it's so clearly not true and it doesn't affect us . but they don't like being called racists. hithesthey don't like these this being pointed out to them because it really hits atie the bone and the core of who they are and how they view the world. . race is very, very important to them. they think about it. they obsess over it. yes, frankly, they don't wantd n waople who don't look likekl thm and their little vacation homes . well, that's such a smart point. i don't think the average tucke person is broodingr: i
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about race all day. that's a really ugly thing to do. race is unchanging. that's an ugly tso, like, why wd about it all the time?s to they are obsessed with it. they're obsessed m with race. >> and that suggests to megine there's something really ugly inside them. and can you imagine the optics if they put fifty ukrainians over to a military base, but they don't care if they're doing it to the brown people from venezuela because as you'd mentioned earlier, one of themf has said they're like trash,f, r it's dark stuff and itev reveale exactly who they are.ey and we've always known thiss ex is who they are. they reveal themselves liky e ta exactly who they are. >> and boy, is that true.rue. so true. >> moore, thank you very much. thank you. my pleasure. so america is a strategic so am patrol reserve. it's called that for a reason,s, because it's one of the most valuable things this country owns. and joe bide.n is draining it, draining it at a rate never before seen. margieie taylo taylor greene ofa has a plan to stop that. she joins us next to explain.
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>> there's a growing movement designed to confuse children about who they are. this is transgenderism. all your problems can be solved by changing your body. ways can be girls and girls can be boys. i went down the same path, so i'm being hijacked. my brain criticism of the transgender movement will get you canceled. kicked off social media. what in the world is going on ? the schools have actually recommended to kids, to activist resources, initiation, recruitment. lovebug. people are uncomfortable. it preys on and creates broken families. i had my son completely taken away from me. it is everywhere. the culture is out to get your child. tucker carlson, originals transgressive streaming that one fox nation sign up at fox
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the american people, own our most valuable things that we d do is now at its lowestin n recorded level in many decades. y decanow, the white house clai, were using that reserve to lower domestic gas prices.y we'r but as reuters reported, actually , we're sending millions of barrels to other ch,ntries, including china washington free beacon foundt that the white house sent a million barrels to a chineserl firm that biden was heavily invested in. heav a crime and no one isit saying anything about it. mergenthalemar green , however, she's a member of congress in georgia and we're happy to have her join us tonight. congressmaisshn, thanks so muchr coming on , selling off one of america's most valuable assets to china, a company to add insult to injury that his son was invested son why is no one saying anything w about thisas? a >> well, i'm not sure, tucker. i think it is absolutely absol outrageous and so dout the american people. the onageous.e role that is thet important for the president ofur the united states is to protectr arr country's nationalol
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security, our strategic petroleue m reserves are just o that. our national security, when it comes to oil, the very important resource that we have that fuels our economy, helpsr us drive our cars and petroleumg also feeds over 6000 products,s things americansrely rely on evy single day. but joe biden has been sellings off a million barrels of oilwe'o every single day. and we're down to four hundred and thirty four million barrels of oil. america consumes just around 19 million barrels of oil per day. we cannot we cannoa dat sustain this. it is putting us i n danger.g he and by our tracking, he has sold over seven million barrels of oil to china. china, our number one threat that wants to conquer us , wants to become the number supeo one superpower in the world. and because of that,he tucker, t is imperative that when republicans take back congressg, that we have to hold hold joe biden accountable for this, because he's planning on selling more oil out of our strategic petroleum
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petroleum reserves, again, starting in october.e so i'm introducing articles of impeachment against joe biden on monday. because of this outrageous moven that he has continued to make and putting our entire country in dange r. the mo >> so he's doing it now or in september. next month is octobethat, ifr, h after that, if i'm ife nove i'm following it correctly, would be november, the first tuesdarst tuesy, which is a pivn midterm election. so he's doing this for. political reasons. gas prices low before people vote ? absolutely. our strategic petroleum reserves are not meanttegic pe gas prices for november elections. they're meant tothey're meant tl security emergency supply for all americans. but joe biden is abusing itcounr and he's putting our entiree an country in danger. hed because of that, we're not going to have any more oil left. he's selling it to our enemies and foreign countries all over the world. joe biden has to be impeachede and we must do it.
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it is not his i know this guy pi has lived at public expense for it bentire adult life, but he doesn't own it belongs to the public and he can't just sell it to china. so it's just too it's just too crazy to continue. >> well, i appreciate that, congressman. as partners. well t, that's business partners for sure. >> yes. margaretvillree green of georgia joining us tonight. >> thank you. k thank so a few days ago, a pro-life call, chris copeland robbed copn a convenience store in tupelo, mississippi. ed a cthe clerk was a man calles versinisg. now, he cooperated with capone. he was clearly afraid. but within seconds, copeland inr for reasons that are not at all clear . thn interpret them ordered sing to his knees and then executed him. this is a horrible video, buthi. it's what we've come to in this country, and it's not the only video like it. so we're going to show it now. businesses.
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okay, so you take it on the road some some of you maybe this one beautiful da thd we apologize for showing that it's awful. it'll wreck your sleep was no reason to do that. the clerk is complyingl murd is equally as he possibly can. and that animal murdered himld just because he could and because he's been coddled for his entire life. reright. obviously. and in fact, literally,s ou copeland, it turns out hislent l previous convictions for multiple violent felonies. e there's no reason he shouldou have been out of prison. but a judge.e let him outmous on parole. wh?y is that judge not famousd e that should be famous.
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>> and anybody who participates in a system allows people like that to roam free and murderrd-i hardworking citizens, conveniencens,e store clerks shd be punished for it. it's happening all over the country. jason rance is hercountre with . another example of it. >> jason , good to see you. good to see you. so back in two thousand five in vancouver, washington, whenshint chelsea harrison was 14 yearson old, she was strangled to death by roy russell after he tried to her. now, arangt the time, hele was convicted of second degree murder. and since he had two previous felonies, including for second he w robbery, he was sentenced to life under the state's three strikes law. but washington democrats haven h been trying to weaken that lawea two yearw.s ago, they passeded a bill removing second degree robbery as a three strikesnd-deg felony, all inre the name of equity.e robb some argue that too many blacker peopley are going to jail for this crime, so it has toe screen be racist. then last year, the la rightw ms on the screen right now who knew about russellt russel e their robbery legislation retroactive. and so that meann retrs roy rusg
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and dozens more are getting resentenced. so with time served and good i behavior, he could be out in four years or sooner, depending on how a judge rules next month. now, this guy is only 61- sixty one years old. he has plenty of years left in him to murder more innocent girls. and democrats aren't done with their reforms. and then, of course, we've got the state supreme court here int washington. they recently ruled that courts have to resentenced young criminals with sentences and take age into consideration . >> sople.o we're releasing a lof these people. yeah, but you can't have a gun and we're going to get vigilante justice soon because that's what happens when justice isn't dispensede ju by the government, which it no longer is . diwe appreciate so much,m jason rantes, your reports from the pacific northwest. >> thankrthwest.>>. thanks, tucker. well, on a far happier note, wei still can't get over. >> it's like a song that playsrn in your head over and over. npr reporter nina totenberg falling in love with the woman she covers. >> ruth bader ginsburg.
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>> so we got nina totenberg, the new book, and we read it just because it's our civic b duty. >> and it was soecause amazing g up t next, you'll hear a dramata reading of selected excerpts from the steamiest book ever written by npr supreme court reporter. reporter. >> nexext. d. >> on a day without my green, >> on a day without my green, my whole body feels free because my eyes don't shy from the light. my head doesn't pound and myroun stomach isn't nauseous. it's time for migraine prevention delivered differently through an i.v. differently through an i.v. infusion it's time for my empty. a preventive treatment for migraine adults. vyepti is designed to start working fast and to last with a vy times a year, delivering 100% ma of the medication directly inton of the medication directly inton your bloodstream. the power of a viable infusionp. can help to reduce monthly and scratc
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wrote that after a few minutes with ruth ginsburg, she felt, quote, like a goose that hade just been stuffed in preparation for foie gras. is that dirty? then she compared ginsburg to the queen of england. >> then you have to ask yourself, is nina totenbergof actually capable of writing more titillating prose? and the one true governor of en. georgia? we had to find out. so to make that comparison as fair as possible, we oncee? again enlisted our voiceover master, the man of dulcet tones, our our senior producer, alex macaskill. so pour yourself a glass ofose. rosé chow gummy, whatever it takes to get you in the mood and prepare for some selection from dinners with ruth. buy nit nina totenberg, there ii way to transition to this nexte, sentence. >> dea greta. but every time i took my seatssi in a supreme court chamber before a big argument, i wouldi look around and think, there'sa not one man in this entirea date chamber.
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>> i would go on a dater: she with much less kiss. so wbe nina totenberg was suppo. to be working, but actually she was having naughty thoughts and she decided that no man, the supreme court could possiblysupreme satisfy her de. and that's when when ruth bader ginsburg enters the picture, ruth bader ginsburg noticed a certain article of clothing nina totenberg was wearing. >> watch the one item of clothing. i remember her complimenting mes on was a scarf that i mistakenly spent a huge i bought imoney on . i bought it in a rush, wore it, and then it bill for six hundred dollars arrived. and i wa arrivs shocked. i thought, nina , are youa scar crazy? you don't buy a scarf forr six hundred dollars. but i couldn't take it itack and it's beautiful. >> and rute h loved it every tie i wore it. nin so the answer. totenberg is almost 80 years old and she's still talking about clothes. tell us how feminism is real. butet real or not, ruth bader
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ginsburg love that scarf. so naturally, before long, the two went on an intimaten in shopping trip together. watctima h. who the woman who adored opera alsoa understood that life is in itsws own way performance. and she was prepared to commandi a stage that saithd shopping with ruth was a humbling experience. >> she was bea petite and beautl and could wear almost anythingni and everything she put on fit. n her sizes were talo an occasion0 before mine hovered around 10 or 12 , the first sizes to sell out. i also could never have wornos what she did on me. most o mf her clothes would have looked ridiculous. >> cesard rii nina totenberg fantasizing about working with getting ginsburg's clothes. >> this is getting well. oh, nina totenberg. my heart was pounding likena's a a gavel during heated appellatee arguments. but it wasn't just ruth baderits ginsburg tight fitting clothesg that seemed just right. it was als seeo hemer hair.
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nina would give anything for that hair. a ma once at a dinner party, i sat next to a man who had been in exr law school class. she was not just beautiful but o exotic. looking, he said, adding thatcl, on the first day of their torts class, when the professor addressed her as mrs. ginsburg e ,there was an audible groan from her male classmates. that response may have been one of the reasons ruth or her hair pulled back in a scrunchie for most of her life. she had glorious, luxurianthe hair, but she pulled it back to keep it out of her, face. and so thabut pu it people woule her seriously only occasionally when she dressed up would she wear it down. >> when sht doe dressed up, do u follow that? >> there were audible groans. there was luxuriant hair there, exotic looking, beautiful people. >> nina totenberg,, doesn't neeo to go to court to tell youur about all of this appeal. of course, this is movingving towards something, a grand
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conclusion, a climax, if you will . here's totenberg once more and t then, of course, there is a lost young.wa people may thinkne it wanes latr in life. wrong >> they are wrong. . >> oh, lust doesn't weigh inge with age. uth. that's the message of dinnersa g with ruth and for the first time in a long time, we believe nina totenberg on that. >> well, the house hearing wenta off the rails when con republican member of congress exposed the so-called climate lawyer. climat made sandyea d cortez of westchester very angry. that's next. you wake up in the morning and one day this hurts. one day another hurts. everything hurts. what have i tried in the past? what have i not tried it? nothing works. the pain is still there. you know, the thing about this cream i started putting it on and things started changing from my elbows to my shoulders.
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legal. >> now to see if you're eligible to add five seven five five three five one, the biden administration plans to outlaw fossil fuels. they say it ofte n, butt th they never explain how society hey,t them. ?un withou hey, geniuses, how's that goingt to work? no idea. yesterday at a house hearing,f congressman clay higgins ofd th louisiana had the chance toe to question a so-called climate lawyer on the topic in case youw
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were watching c-span, here's how . >> eurn everything you your clothes, your glasses, the car you got here on your phone, the table, you're sitting at the chair, the carpet under your feet, everything you've got is petrochemical products. >> what would you do with that?t woutell the world if i had that power in the world, what? >> actually , i don't need that power because what i would do is ask you, sir, from louisiana, i'm giving you the power. >> your present, sir. thank you, sir. from louisiana. to search your heart. you've got no answer, do you, young lady? about what to do with petrochemical products? i'll movthe on .on what are you going to do it?u oceangoing vessels. ocea do yoh u doan with the maritime industry? >>el well, we could again,k yo i would ask you to search your heart for what is happening on , you know,rt fr and louisiana. >> of course we do. you know what you got, young goa lady? lyou got a lot of noise, but yu got no answers. >> answe so the woman, she's lie
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a flat out. she has no idea. >> but sandy cortez rode to the rescue whining, as always. >> and she accused congressman higgins of being abusive to women. >> in the four years that i've sat on this committee, i have never seen members of congressee ,republican or democrat,er disrespect a witnesss of in thet that i have seen them disrespect you today.frankl >>y frankly, men who treat woma like that in public, i fear how they treat them in private.h you're a wife beater. if you want a simple answer tobh a simple question. >> bute the congressman tot is totally unintimidated, whichw is why we are grateful. he's joining us now play.he higgins represents the state ofm louisianuch a. i me >> congressman, thanks so much for coming. did yo u i'm just wondering what is going through your mind? you asked the basic question, how is society going to function without petrochemicals?
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did you expect her to give you some answer? well, i knew that her positions were insane. i mean her, mistletoes, a radice climate attorney , likely. a friend of aosis.ical cli this was in the midst of a week where we had to endureendure committee hearing after committee hearing where the democratngs smashing the american energy industry and promotin ag the absurdities of the furthest reaches of dayseen new deal and their their star witness. after two days of hearingshe sen on the the second panel and the second day was, was this ladyhao miss salt or so i hadimony. possession of her written testimony. i'd read it. i was prepared it. and i knowene how crazy it read . d but then when she delivered it in our opening statement, she was she was quite vitriolic. she was practically spitting ata us . and her anger was justble.t he unbelievable.
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>> so i knewr do whewnn i had the chance to i was going to i was shut her down with ourob. own craziness. >> boy, you dithank d such a god job. thank you for doing that.eciate congressman higgins of louisiana, appreciate it. we'll be right back . iwe new delonge athletics, explore, discover hot and cold creative recipes. thanks to the innovative cold foam technology, hot, cold set, the longest espresso made right. you be the judge. nutrisystem answered the bell with many items that are new for 2020 two, including premium meals with up to thirty grams of protein. i jumped right in and one hundred and twenty five pounds. the new skillet meals are amazing. and we're bringing the taste of your favorite restaurant meals right to your home. i lost forty pounds. >> sixty seven pounds. fifty five pounds. nutrisystem pack. now go on line or call to get fifty percent and start losing weight today. >> you know it says out of work
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the throne. >> praised by the staff tasked with protecting the monarchy. but who is the man behind the crown going to every moment and scandal from the past seven decades? as we to the question, who is king charles ? >> the third? k ha >> oh, we have so much more to say, but the clock has run out.b we'll see you monday.t week i have the best weekend with the ones you love. can.younplug if you we're going to see that. repub and welcome to rac and breaking tonight, momentumes for republicans in key races all across the country. ls're going to break down the latest polls that'straig. sa that's coming up straight ahead. also, pennsylvania senate candidate doctore ca. russela will be here with a special message forcal si the radical socialist trustn fund brad in a hoodie. john fetterman, that is not fit for office, never ha bd a job ia his life. but first, wga ie begin once agr in beautiful martha's vineyard, wher
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