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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  September 17, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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jacqui: brand-new video of migrants being unloaded by the bus load at major bus depo in the heart of manhattan and outside of vice president's kamala harris' residence in our nation's capitol as republicans ramp up efforts to keep the bored crisis under the national spotlight. welcome to fox news live, i'm jacqui heinrich. griff: let's start with lucas tomlinson at the white house with fresh reaction from the biden administration, hey, lucas.
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lucas: good afternoon, griff, for years the estimated number of illegal immigrants inside the united states was 11 million, now texas lieutenant governor says that could soon be approaching a number 3 times higher. we are approaches 10 to 15% of the total population of the united states will be here illegal by the time joe biden's first term is over. you have to understand this has been an invasion for a long time. this is a plan from the left. they want to bring people in, one day make sure they have citizenship so they can vote. lucas: as you mentioned, griff, this morning a chartered bus from texas showing up at the vice president's home after she called the border secure despite millions arriving this year. the white house thinks republicans are playing dirty tricks. here is jacqui. >> ending remain in mexico or title 42 had nothing to do with the surge we are seeing?
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>> let me step out for a second and lay out what we have done under this administration. 23,000 agents and more than 1200 additional support personnel to help secure the nation's border, that's more than what was happening in the last administration. lucas: florida governor ron desantis challenging california counterpart. jacqui: sorry about that lucas, we need to move on because we are watching the princesses enter vigil. let's take a listen.
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jacqui: we are watching william and harry arriving for the queen's vigil now and around the queen's coffin we are going to be seeing the children of princess anne, prince andrew and prince edward. greg palkot i believe is watching this live with us, greg, if you're there, just want to hear your perspective on what we are watching and any other details you might want to add? greg: yes, jacqui, a very solemn
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moment, very mournful moment but one of great symbolism and great merit. it's the vigil of the grandchildren basically. last night we saw the vigil of the children. that was king charles, princess anne, that was prince andrew and prince edward and tonight we are seeing the vigil basically of the grandchildren of the queen at either end of the casket. of course, we are seeing prince -- prince harry and prince william and on either sides of the casket, the coffin, we are seeing the children of andrew, princess beatrice.
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jacqui: prince harry and the queen's grandchildren are going to be in their military uniforms, what are we watching. >> yes, harry and william are in the military uniforms and the children of the other children of the queen in their mourning dress, that's beatrice and eugene and peter and zara of princess anne, they will be standing approximately 15 minutes. jacqui, the most memorable aspect of this is that the public, remember, they have been streaming past the casket for -- for many, many hours, in fact, days now are not halted, are in the paused, are not waited for this to occur, they are in close contact, they are just standing right by these family members.
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remember we have the heir to the throne william and heir to the throne harry and the public is able to see this and they've been waiting in line for 5, 7, 9, 11 hours and i think there were some discussion of how to time your wait so you could see either the royals, either the children or the grandchildren very grateful and respectful people. the public are getting a chance to not only pay respects to queen elizabeth the second in a casket draped by a flag with a crown on top as well as -- as well as seeing the grandchildren of the queen. behind them along the side we are seeing the children of the queen. i can see prince edward and his wife there and -- and i believe we could see others as well but this is -- this is a moment of
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solemnity and i think it's probably important to note here that prince harry by permission of king charles the third is, in fact, wearing his full uniform. he spent some time with the military, of course. he's very dedicated veteran and current officer in the military but for the procession that we saw from buckingham palace to westminster hall, he was in mourning dress. he was not in uniform. he has been allowed at this time to be in uniform and i think that's jacqui, tip of the hand to his service, his duty and his closeness to the queen, jacqui. jacqui: harry served two tours in afghanistan and as you mentioned he did not wear military uniform during the procession earlier this week and will not be wearing uniform during the state funeral on monday, but today as we are
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seeing at the request of king charles the third both william and harry will be wearing uniforms. prince andrew, the king's younger bear whose image is quite tarnished by his association with late epstein also did not appear in uniform in the procession. he was stripped of royal patronage and during the vigil william is at the head of the coffin, harry is at the foot of the coffin and as you mentioned greg this is going to last about 15 minutes. when we were speaking with amy kellogg earlier in the hour, she had been saying some folks had been waiting in line 14 to 19 hours, is that right? >> it's remarkable, remarkable experience here, jacqui. i've lived in london for 15 years and frankly i've never seen anything like it.
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we've been with the crowds every day, briefly, not for as long as they were standing out there but incredible feeling of good will and incredible feeling of unity among the men, women, girls and boys. they come from all over the uk. they come from abroad to pay their respects to stand on line and, yes, they've been standing six hours, nine hours, 12 hours, 15. i think the max went up to about 20 hours or so and that's when they just capped it. it's about 5 miles long. it start at -- it ends at westminster hall what we are looking at right now, extends out beyond the houses of parliament over a bridge crossing the tems and back along and zig zags back and forth a few times like disneyland, much more serious than that. this is the time when the nation is paying their respect to this queen, the late queen having
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served 70 years and having won over so many hearts of royalists and what they call republicans here. people who don't believe there should be a royal family even those folks for the most part are putting their political differences aside. again we saw a bid of an incident last night with somebody who got into the hall making a bit of a run for the casket but frankly that was put down very quickly and that is very, very minor incident in an otherwise amazing experience. this will go on through monday morning, jacqui, until 6:30 in the morning and then it will be closed to the public and we will get ready for the state funeral and it would be epic and it would be grand, we will see 200 heads of state, president, president biden, first lady, royals as well as close members of the family, all told about 2200 here at westminster abbey
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where i'm standing 50 yards away, the procession will take place brief one from westminster hall which is at the houses of parliament across westminster abbey and corner of hide park before long drive out on monday to windsor castle and the queen's final resting place. it is being described today as the biggest security event in the history of the uk. 20,000 police officers, troops, various security officials out but all for a good reason and all for a good cause remembering a sovereign who has served this country and frankly in her own way served the world for a good-long time, jackqui. >> both in military uniform,
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greg palkot, senior correspondent affairs, greg, it's interesting among the grandchildren, princess beatrice and princess eugene, the daughters of prince andrew among standing vigil just prior to the video they released a statement the two princesses of their grandmother, you are our matriac, you taught us so much and we will cherish memories forever. yet another touching tribute to their grandmother really throughout these past days, several days you're seeing an outpouring that really reflects behind the curtain how this family feels about the queen and the personal relationships she clearly fostered and created with this family.
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greg: absolutely, griff. a great warmth among the children. a great warmth mopping the grandchildren. harry put out his own statement earlier, prior to today and he referred to his -- to the queen as a granny and he thank youd her after the fact for all the guidance, for all the wisdom, for all the help and for that infectious smile, that's what he called, of course, william very close as well, all these grandchildren very close to the sovereign. again, it's a very public time. the queen was the sovereign of this whole county, of the whole common wealth and known all around the world and but you also have the close family members feeling a great sense of loss, a great sense of grief for the head of their family having -- having past away.
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so they are juggling two things. give, we saw earlier in the day william and charles out with the crowds for about half an hour speaking with the people that have been waiting for hours and hours in that what we call here a cue to go into -- into the westminster hall to see them and there was just such warmth on both sides as we watch now the end of this vigil, as we watch now william and harry stepping away, again one more time they have served their time or serving their time in the uk military as well as the other children princess beatrice eugne, andrew's children and louis and james, prince edward's children, peter and zara, that's anne's children as they make their way out in westminster hall as we are looking at yet another solemn moment in this
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long, long good-bye to the beloved sovereign queen elizabeth the second, guys. jacqui: greg, if i'm not mistaken this is the tradition revived in 1936 when king george the fifth son renewed vigil when his father died. the whole week-long mourning process or ten days we have been watching is really steeped in so much tradition. greg: so much tradition. modern tradition in the past 100 years or so. this is being held in westminster hall and that dates 800, 900 years. the oldest bit of the whole complex. big bend sits right next to it and the houses of parliament and you're looking at the casket, you're looking at the crown embedded with untold number of diamonds and jewels and you're looking at the guard, the
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queen's guards standing around and i think most important, guys, you're seeing the children also pass beside the children and then the public pass beside the casket. this is a time for everyone to get together at this time at this very solemn moment in this country, guys. griff: greg, you just were talking about the -- so many moments of -- of respect and andsolemnity and we see the reverence that the crowd is giving through and the attention to detail, king charles clearly having a hand in much of that as we saw the two princes william and harry in uniform request of their father.
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how many days of pomp and circumstance like no other country in the world revered by the entire world. how much of this is really tradition as jacqui was talking about and how much is the modern application from the house of windsor? greg: well, griff, i'm sure that king charles had a hand in the planning but also to be honest with you, the late queen elizabeth the second had a hand in the planning right down to some modern touches. she, believe it or not, had a word to say, a word or two to say about the hearse, we will see the hearse on monday bringing her casket and coffin from the high park corner to windsor. yes, it is part age of old
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tradition from hundreds and hundreds of years but also modified even making due and making way allowing us to media from the world and the world media is here to take part in this. we are at -- we are at westminster abbey but there are number with large groupings. it's the past, present and the future. king charles and prince william next in line. griff: great insight, greg. you have been watching this very important moment as the queen's grandchildren stand at vigil, greg, thank you. greg: thank you. griff: moving on gop governors are continuing to send buses and planes of migrants to blue cities. former ice director tom homan to tell us his take on the tactics,
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southern border. joining us from texas, former acting ice director tom homan, tom, thank you for taking time. i want to play for you a short interview i did with a venezuelan migrant named khan that was on the bus that texas governor greg abbott sent specifically to vice president harry's home in response to her comments on last sunday's meet the press where she said the border was secure. here is what the migrant from venezuela told me, take a listen. >> it's open, not close. the border is open. it's open because we enter, we come in free. no problem. yeah, we came illegally, not legal. griff: tom, your reaction? tom: i saw the interview live and i said at the time that kamala harris, the supposed tsar, 150 yards away in her residence and she's looking for the root causes of this massive
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illegal immigration, she can walk where you were, griff, and ask the same question and she would come out because the border is open, they cross easily and they've been invited, so there you go. of course, she's ignoring it. i thought it was a great question and i thought the person that you talked was honest. governor abbott is a genius. but what he's done is getting these democratic mayors and vice president up in arms, more people, more networks are talking about so he created a national conversation that will keep this issue on the front pages. griff: who knew and you're right i've been talking about this for years, i've traveled to the panamanian jungle, most dangerous on the planet, i traveled 7,000 miles with multiple caravans from honduras, to guatemala through the entirety of mexico to places like eagle pass, who knew it only took a couple of buses to vice president's harris house
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and a plane to martha's vineyard to get the country to start talking about it. now let me just share our viewers a little comparison because i want you to show this. if you compare martha's vineyard to del rio and this is actually the number of encounters, nearly 50,000 in del rio who has a population of just under 35,000. that's just in the month of july and yet martha's vineyard, population of 17,000 had 50 people and people many martha's vineyard is freaking out and here is a woman who was trying to help. here is what she said. >> at some point in time they will have to move somewhere else. we cannot -- we do not have the services to take care of 50 immigrants and we certainly don't have housing, we are in a housing crisis. griff: a crisis, tom. tom: she doesn't know what the crisis is. if she wants to see a crisis,
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she needs to go to the southern border. the mayor of chicago said it was racist, other people say human trafficking. several said this is hate, it is inhumane, if they want to see inhumane conditions, go down to the southern border. over 1300 dead migrants died on u.s. soil since joe biden became president. well over a hundred americans dying of fentanyl overdoses since joe biden became president. if you want to see 31% of women making the journey get sexual assaulted and children are drowning in the river, if you want to talk about inhumanity go to the border. those members i say welcome to the crisis, every state is a border state now and we are not talking about the fentanyl that's making every, town, city and state because of the open border. finally they are speaking up and maybe they will care. if they don't care about illegal immigration, care about the fentanyl overdoses and open border that will attract known and suspected terrorists.
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maybe you will start caring if you see it on your front door. griff: california's governor gavin newsom wants governors abbott and desantis charged with kidnapping. tom: let's open the can of worms governor newsom. you have a sanctuary state. you can seal and harbor illegal immigrants. that's a felony. let's talk about the inducement and encouragement of illegal immigration. when you promise free health care and driver's license you promise you don't work with ice and you ice don't have access to jails and criminal aliens be released back into the street, is that not inducing and encouraging illegal immigration. i think you will find yourself in trouble yourself so if you want to open the can of worms, let's go. griff: former acting ice director and fox news contributor tom homan, thank you for taking time.
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have a great weekend. jacqui: 51 days till med term elections across the country and we will talk with the political panel including pennsylvania, that's next. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. when tired, achy feet make your whole body want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort and energy. find your relief in store or online.
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jacqui: you're watching live pictures of mourners walking past the coffin, prince harry and prince william just left the hall. prince williams was the head of the coffin and prince harry by the foot of the coffin about 15 minutes. they arrived earlier than expected. both of them were in uniform at the request of the king. griff: early voting begins in pennsylvania on monday but nominees have yet to agree in terms on debate set two weeks
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before the election, this as questions over democrat john fetterman's health continue to dominate the race. nick foye has the latest. hey, nate. >> dr. mehmet oz says fetterman is trying to run out the clock and suffered a stroke back in may and still dealing with effects from it. fetterman is considerate the favorite but dr. oz appears to be closing the gap and in a new pretaped interview from last night, fetterman appears to still be struggling with his speech, take a look. >> the message is that it really matters abortion on the ballot and the way of life, it was such an honor to walk with the teachers of this grand district and was so proud to work with them and -- excuse me, i'm elated that they got the kind of fair contract that they deserved. >> the lone debate between candidates is expected
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october 25th, two weeks before election day. the conditions are still being worked out. dr. oz is allowing fetterman to used close capping because of lingering auditory processing issues but fetterman refuses to extend debate by 30 minutes. >> dr. oz argues it's necessary because medical accommodations will make each answer take longer. >> but when voters in pennsylvania in my case actually see who he really is that he does want to release one-third of criminals saying it won't make us less safe, promurderrer candidate and support the criminal as opposed to the innocent. >> philadelphia specifically dealing with a big crime problem but take a look right now. these are the top issues. according to new monmouth university poll pennsylvanias care economy and fetterman focuses on abortion which comes at 13% for the most important issues. we are expecting to see
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fetterman later today at a rally in scraton. griff: all eyes on the keystone state, nate, thank you. jacqui: former white house official for george w. bush and ashley davis and hillary clinton campaign team member al mater. it's a mouthful. thanks guys for joining us. let's jump right into it. you know, picking up on the fetterman-oz race i was almost surprised that fetterman had agreed to a debate. ashley, i will start with you, do you think that was a mistake? >> i definitely think that fetterman has a huge problem when he's going to have to face dr. oz in the debate. obviously it's a very sad situation that happened to him but voters need to see what
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shape he's in. i do think that when you have someone like the washington post call you out, editorial page call you out and say that you should be debating, you probably should be debating. jacqui: al, your response? >> that's fair. look, health is on the ballot to a certain extent and he has the prove that he can be functioning senator. senators have had strokes and been successful. i was with lujan in the spring and is doing phenomenal. so the fact that he's struggling a bit with his speech, that happens after strokes. it doesn't mean his mind isn't sharp, so, yes, he has to prove that he can do it. it's a slight hurdle and i think he will be able to overcome it. jacqui: i want to play sound from fetterman talking about his health, take a listen to that. we don't have the sound, all right, we will skip over that. i will tell you what he said, you know, i hope that you never
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have a doctor in your life making fun of you sort of shooting back at dr. oz for bringing his health into the picture. is that -- is that fair, though? shouldn't be voters concerned with someone's health to a degree that they are about to vote into? it's a huge position to be a senator in pennsylvania. >> look, 100%. it's fair f for the question toe on the table. i think that's reasonable. he's also been great of social media and making fun of dr. oz that he's been from new jersey or i think it's more in that vein than undermining the issue. >> it was not a great moment. >> i'm from pennsylvania, outs of pittsburgh and i actually think the real issue with fetterman is the fact that he's a bernie sanders liberal. i mean, pennsylvania besides maybe the five counties outside of philadelphia are not going to
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look this type of candidate and no one is paying attention to that. i thought it was very risky at the beginning for dr. oz to take on the health issue but i do agree that the voters need to see if we have a united states senator potential that is sound of mind. >> ashley makes a great point. candidates matter but oz has such negatives that i think fetterman is still in the lead for those reasons. jacqui: i want to switch gears to inflation because this is stiptop of voters' minds heading into the midterms. the president this week celebrating the inflation reduction action on the same day that a pretty worrisome cpi report comes out, maybe not great, fox news polling 59% of people still saying that inflation and higher prices are their biggest concern compared to 45% saying it's abortion policy but we are watching democrats really try to make this midterm -- midterm elections about abortion. is that, ashley, is that going to work when you've got, you
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know, prices still where they are? >> i think it's yet to be seen for sure and i do going back to certain parts of the country, i think that abortion is going to be a major issue, the suburbs outside of philadelphia, again, that's somewhere where the voters will be concerned about abortion. but we have 3 -- not even open, 3 congressional seats in pennsylvania that will probably flip to be republican and in that area abortion is number 4 or 5 as you showed earlier. i think it's going to be more in that situation an issue probably for oz but we could still up 3 congressional seats. jacqui: al, your answer to that? >> i think it's all fair. normally in midterm elections the incumbents fail. we have two black swans, the dobbs case and women prewomenreproductive act.
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every liberal state, every red state. but the second big issue is donald trump and democracy. you showed the poll where democracy is on the ballot. democrats like to say that in elections but it often doesn't rise to the level of being the top 4, 5 issues in polls. it's hard to analyze the electorate. jacqui: we have run out of time, we can continue in the break. >> i do respect that he brings up lindsey graham. jacqui: thank you for your time, ashley davis and al matter. president biden has a new warning for vladimir putin. that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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jacqui: ukrainian president -- excuse me, ukrainian president zelenskyy is accusing russia of committing more war crimes and atrocities after hundreds of bodies were discovered in a mass
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grave in iziam following the retreat of russian forces from the area. fox news correspondent jeff paul is live in kyiv with the latest for us, hi, jeff. jeff: yeah, jacqui, investigators are going to be out there for a long time. they say it's going to take quite some time to determine cause of death in each case because the crime scene is so large. a mass burial site with around 440 bodies and investigators say in many of the cases they show signs of torture. so much like the horrors of what happened in bucha investigators saying some are found with hands tied behind their back and some around their necks reportedly. the majority are innocent civilians from young children to the elderly and in some cases
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families being found buried together. investigators continue their work in iziam strikes continue throughout the kharkiv region and not moving quite as fast. ukrainian forces are pushing on with counteroffensive as frustrated russian military attempts to dig in. that frustration now spreading to moscow where some within the russian government are now criticizing president vladimir putin. president biden meanwhile who is set to appear in 60 minutes was asked about the future of this war and how it could possibly escalate further. >> as ukraine succeed on the battlefield, vladimir putin is becoming embarrassed and pushed into a corner and i wonder, mr. president, what you would say to him if he is considering using chemical or tactical nuclear weapons? >> don't. don't. don't. it will change the face of war unlike anything since world war
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ii. >> now during a summit president putin acknowledged that china does have concerns and questions regarding t the war. griff: for inside look for war in ukraine, we will talk to an adviser to ukrainian defense minister coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ (ste
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>> they'll become more of a pariah in the world than they have been and the extent of what they do would depend on the response we use. griff: we are joined now by uri, adviser to ukrainian defense minister. uri thank you for taking time. your reaction to president biden's comments there? >> good evening and thank you for inviting me. of course, what president biden has said makes total sense. we as ukrainians have been living with the threat of the use of tactical nuclear weapons or chemical weapons pretty much
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throughout this war. consider that the russian propaganda machine is openly very often calling on the kremlin to use these types of weapons. so while this risk is, of course, very real we still hope that regardless of h deranged te russian army understand consequences and have seen response already has been done by the international community with respect to the conventional war aggression, so the response of international community to russia's possible use of tactical nuclear use of chemical weapons will be more severe and frankly this will be the end of russia as we know it. griff: the world admires ukrainian forces fighting against a very large russian
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army and the successes you've had two counteroffensives remarkable in the northeast taking back the town of iziam and the counter offensive in the south in harson, talk to me about where the battle stands now. >> the ukrainian armed forces have been spectacular in the last ten days beginning of september, liberated 800 kilometers and the troubling thing and something which is very tragic is that what we are discovering on those territories is more atrocities anuar crimes. we are determined to continue our counteroffensive and, of course, this counteroffensive was made possible in particular thanks to the military support that we received from our partners and in particular from
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the united states of america. so i would like to take this opportunity to thank the american people and the american government for standing with ukraine in these difficult times and providing ukraine with the military support, the bipartisan support. griff: yuriy sak, thank you, we have run out of time this hour, thank you for the update. please stay safe, my friend. >> thank you, thank you. griff: that's us for jacqui now and ukrainian forces starting to have successes in the dual counteroffensive. jacqui: great to see it and hope they continue and continue getting support including from the u.s. i'm jackie heinrich. griff: i'm griff jenkins.
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arthel: another solemn day good morning in london. queen elizabeth eight grounds on including princes wiliam and harry and westminster hall last hour. standing guard over her coffin in a symbolic and emotional vigil at her lying and stay. hello everyone welcome to fox news live. i am arthel neville. cracks lower one thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. what a sight it was. there is a similar attribute last night's queen elizabeth children came together for a


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