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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 21, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> could you let ashley know where you got your start in new york to try to learn the ropes so to speak? >> as i started here on this show as an intern. had to come back, neil. >> that said rico -- >> great story. we'll see what happens. we go where you don't have to put up with the grief. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: hello i'm speed harold ford jr., jesse watters and she answers her office through a doggy door. just dana perino. "the five." that cracked you up, judge. the biden white house is a brand-new enemy when it comes to exposing the border crisis, and yet he's got better hair than jesse. it's our very own bill melugin, politico got the scoop that has
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reporting it is getting under the skin of white house officials are leaving them. because he's actually doing his job and report muscular. >> witnessing up in every single day. del rio sector extremely hot, averaging more than 700 apprehensions of it in the last week. this the ' but i've ever seen come up to the border bid they were opening this gate little by little and people would try to cram through and come into the united states. >> border patrol does not have enough agents to process these. the situation is completely deteriorating. it's a free-for-all. if people can get across the river they can walk in. this is a single massive group of about a hundred and 60 people who crossed almost all of them are single adults hundreds upon hundreds of these smart migraines. the city of el paso is being inundated by illegal crossings right now.
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no one in america would've seen these images. biden team what are other everybody in the dark about the record chattering 2 million by migrant encounters. but the white house thinks this is all a very new crisis. >> dhs put out a report laying out what kind of a migration situation we are thinking about. i mentioned venezuela, i mentioned cuba. we have seen an increase of about a hundred and 21% from last year of what's going on with these countries that are fleeing communism. as you look at the north central america in the last three months we could see a decrease of 43%. we are in a different kind of migration component right now. >> lloyd, jessica might want to talk about bill melugin. not only does he have better hair than you but it's his own hair. >> greg that his slander and i
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will be speaking to my lawyer. the "politico" article said that there is a ducey at the border. i love how that is like lingo for a reporter that annoys democrats. see that guy at the back, reuters, he's a real ducey. we have our very own special at the border now which the white house says there is an alarmist quality to his reporting. so biden lets in a record amount of illegals, record amount of fentanyl and a record amount of people on the terror watch list but there like don't be alarmed by this, the border is secure. they are not alarmed by any of that, they are alarmed that somebody else is alarmed. and they said they are upset because our border ducey uses drones and they would prefer that he uses a tripod because the drone takes too much of a dramatic kind of footage. this is the same political party that hired a hollywood producer to produce a miniseries about
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january 6th was crying, sound effects, and about a thousand different camera angles. then they said they are mad at the border ducey because ron desantis leaked to them. they told him it is -- at least to santos tells him that he's doing this. biden justifies them anywhere doesn't tell anybody what is doing pretty does it in secret. then they complained about the lack of nuance. they are saying that he focuses too much on the number of the migrants and instead of exploiting the root causes of the situation. he says the root causes are coming from the white house. they decimated all of the trump order policies. to stop building the border wall and they've encouraged him to come over and they're giving him free bus passes and free plane tickets. the bottom line is this, there's only one reporter on the border. they don't even want -- that's what they don't want. >> border ducey just sounds like
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something you would find when there is no bath him around. you know it's interesting? they are calling him irritating but we used to fill that jim acosta was irritating but is irritating was obnoxiously ideological but this is just a guy reporting on things. >> all of a sudden the facts and the truth or not what they are concerned about. kareem john pierre says i don't know why we would reach out to them. they don't want a solution. they are putting people's lives at risk. now she's talking about bill melugin committees let not looking for a solution is just reporting the facts. is that what he supposed to do? what's amazing is when karine jean-pierre, she starts talking about the fact that this is all new, how is this new that we got this 18 months we been watching these individuals and you know it's amazing? today i think it was midprice it was on a channel and they are
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talking but all the successful efforts they made to try to resolve a crisis. he talks about the summit that they had. this past summer to deal with these issues. guess who wasn't invited. they don't even talk to them. let alone try to figure out how to resolve the issue. they want to put the burden on bill melugin to decide what are the root causes. isn't that supposed to be kamala's job? >> is doing a better job then, love. at least he shows up every day. >> that's true. if he does an annoying laugh. it seems to me that whatever problem is illustrated is either called a stunt or an irritation, what do you think? >> -- dana is a much more informed perspective on this. politician to criticize the press -- they're not telling the
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whole story. there is no additional information here. we have a natural ohmic national security crisis on the border. instead of directing anger at reporters and every president has a reporter or a couple of reporters they don't like because often times they are asking questions that are irritating. if you just answer the question may be the question would indeed go away. we don't have a policy in our border and we need one. it's a national security thr threat -- in that hemisphere. i believe we should have a streamlined asylum process to make you where everyone coming here doesn't believe they come in just because they have a store that's horrifying and gut wrenching. we need to have a transparent immigration system that spells out for every migrant immigrant becomes here how you achieve legal citizenship. if the people that have waited five come a ten, 17 people in
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the country watching this. it's an affront to them and it's an affront door our values bid is no policy no one can articulate. don't criticize bill movies and get us a policy at the border. >> we love immigrants come here because immigrants generally love the country more in times but we also -- we don't like line crossing. you've got a wait in line. really caroline's due appa apparently. we were talking about this at the break yesterday. i've been a sailor was on being there prisons. isn't this something that our government should be looking into? >> don't do you think they want to check this out? this is my favorite story. here's a little thing that happens. last night when the story broke in "politico" playbook i sent it to bill melissa right away and i said well you got under their skin. he said what's playbook?
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that's the best answer he could've ever given because he's not a d.c. guy. he's a reporter doing his job. along with griff jenkins creasy siegel, alexis mcnair adams and others, all they are doing is making their way does look like baghdad bob. their board is secure and that the meantime were just showing you -- every single morning him where he left when you go to the reporter at the border though say well, 200 migrants just walked across the border, 20 are lined up over here, it's unbelievable. the white house has downplayed everything. gas prices? inflation, remember they got mad at reporters for singh inflation might not be transitory? crime, afghanistan, baby formula -- and now you have the border. i think it's also pretty funny that the only reason the media is covering the border story today is because the white house is mad at a fox reporter and they let it out. it's my favorite story.
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>> greg: all right. coming up vladimir putin makes a serious nuclear threat. it is biden up for the task? ♪ ♪ i may be close to retirement but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future.
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>> he's not bluffing. vladimir putin making a chilling threat of nuclear war trying to upstage president biden's big speech to the united nation. the russian leader calling up hundreds of thousands of reservists to fight in ukraine following frontline setbacks in the war while claiming he's not bluffing when it comes to his nuclear threats. here is biden, hours later. >> pollutant is made overt nuclear threats against europe. in a reckless disregard for the responsibilities of a nonproliferation regime. this war is about extinguishing ukraine's right to exist as
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stated, plain and simple. and you create its to exist as a people. whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you believe, that should not -- that should make your blood run cold. >> jeanine: biden did get to speak about his favorite topic. >> i have hit side to historic piece of legislation here in the united states that include the biggest most important climate commitment we've ever made in the history of our country. this is a global game changer. and none too soon. we don't have much time. we all know we are already living in a climate crisis. nobody seems to doubt it after this past year. >> you know, greg, right now what you've got his months and months of a war that should have been ended supposedly within a few weeks. now vladimir putin's back is against the wall and he's got a finger he is alleging
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unthreatening on the nuclear button and he's threatening to all of us. he does have a nuclear arsenal. >> i find it interesting you saw biden -- i wonder is 57, $60 billion in arms sent to ukraine, does not help or hurt the climate crisis? just putting it out there. i mean it kind of seems like you can't say both things. you can't are in a crisis and keep a war going on with billions and billions of our dollars with missiles and bombs. i don't think putin planned on this. it's a credit to the ukrainian fighting force in our billions of dollars, but i think it's a good sign for ukraine because i don't like millions of russians are going to be happy that their fathers and their brothers and their sons who were reservists who may have retired to being called back again to fight in the ukraine. that's the other thing. i don't think it's comforting to know that your russian soldiers may not be coming back anytime
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soon. they are not even -- i mean this from amaral perspective. this is an information war at this point. it's a war of persuasion between two sides. this is a blow to russia to how to they explain this. the morale is going to go downhill. >> jeanine: you know, dana, the truth is 300,000 is the estimate of reservists they are calling out. then you have people moving out of russia had a record number. this was supposed to be easy. now what we've got is he seems like a madman. >> dana: i think either he had bad intelligence or he just assumed it would be easy or you thought the military was going to be his military was going to be a lot of more effective than they were and that the ukrainians were going to fold. none of that up and peered in the past few weeks putting this out a hard time of it because both the chinese leader in the indian leader had meetings where they said we are not for this. you need to figure out a way to
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wind this down. then he has pressure from inside his own government, the people that are saying how could you let this happen. he might say something like using a tactical nuclear weapon or at worst could be something the high mars, which are the weapons that we've been providing, they are extremely effective. they can't deal with that, especially if they're trying to bio weapons from north korea to fight back. however i maintain that boudin strongest weapon that he will use against the west he is already deploying, shutting off energy. the ukrainians can do very well. because the west continues to hamstring itself and its energy production they are going to be in a world of hurt this winter. we have to have a better policy so we never get into this position. >> with this administration i don't know the work and i have a better policy as it relates to energy. the truth is this guy thinks he can threaten us and that we are afraid of him in the high mars
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weapons that dana refers to. he talks about you threaten our territorial integrity you are going to get it. >> so energy security is something we are learning a lot more about, and europeans are learning a lot more about. i don't blame them fully for their challenges. the europeans are going to have to adopt a different energy posture going forward. putin is losing. seven or eight months ago this conversation there was a lot of consternation in our conversation about what the administration should or should not be doing. i gave him the benefit of the doubt. it turns out they were far more right than wrong. 70-80000 russians have been killed. they cannot call, they cannot impose a draft to bring more soldiers into this because as greg so aptly said people don't want to do this. i think would his head is probably the most important as we confront this question right here which is how india and china are perceiving putin at
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this point. they have been allies of his. china's leader and russell's leader got together seven months ago and said that there was a limitless nature to the relationship. china's leaders that i need to back that up a little bit, this is not going as we thought. the question now becomes what happens? what is negotiated out of this? it's hard to stomach to greg's point how does putin look at people on the face and the russian say we lost all of these troops, we were exposed to not have the military people that we have to work in a back up now. we're in a hard point now. it will take the lincoln's others of the world to help figure out how we get out of this. >> jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: i would not rely in the blankets to get out of this.
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shalomyah bowers these are secretary of state. >> jesse: years but is not really. if they have to mobilize more russians are they given a handle and him a 20 -- went to the winner comes around they're going to be cannon fodder. this is the worst military performance i have ever seen. i have been a student of military history. but is not so much all the weapons we looted up to the ukrainians which obviously made a crucial difference. nobody expected the military tactics to be this terrible from the russians. the training is awful, their equipment is old and has cobwebs and i to, they cannot even communicate. so it has been a disaster. it is hard to fight insurgency. look at the american column look at the afghans. when you're fighting for your own survival in your own backyard and you do have some weapons, you can put a hurting on these invaders. but if i were putin i would say whatever i wanted to say. he could just live. what are they gonna do? impeach you?
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come on, the guys a dictator at all of his guys keep having these accidents. every day you open the paper and another one of putin's guys slip on the battle and an appeal or get pushed awful yet. these guys must be really clumsy or they are being assassinated. >> greg: i feel the say away about the u.n. we are being invaded -- we can't move in our city because the u.n. is here. >> dana: it was great when there is covid and there was no u.n. >> greg: now they are back and they are using all of our escort services. all of our taxis. >> jeanine: we end up paying for it and that's a shame. up next were more companies are hell-bent on cramming their left-wing agenda down your throat whether you like it or not. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: woke ceos to once again thinking they know best when it comes to what's best for societies. the guy that runs personal hygiene brand unilever says anyone who was not on the woke train is destroying the world. >> stating the obvious, that we have a climate emergency, is becoming an unpopular thing to do. this anti-sustainability backlash come of anti-woke backlash is incredibly dangerous for the world. the first thing unilever will do is we will not back down on this agenda. >> does not stop there. just how we found 14 or $17 trillion for cove of the money be there somewhere.
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speak of the money must be there somewhere. >> dana: it grows on trees. >> greg: that's why they are pro-climate. >> dana: e has g forces companies to prioritize political causes over their shareholders but that's what it does. there's a lot of -- i think the s come as a social one is also really interesting. if a company -- the employees of the company might declare it a hostile work environment and then in the esg guidelines you can get docked and that hurts the company. or you are like delta air lines and you take a ridiculous position about the georgia voted well because you don't want to get docked. i think there is lot to be said here about investing in a way
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that protects the environment and is good for the best i guess the shareholders, but the whole idea of the social notion of it and the environmental piece of it is really leading us down a path we have corporations that will be speaking for the left even if they don't want to periods be to did my people at delta do something we don't l like? >> jeanine: dealt is a good company. is the question going to you? >> jesse: is going to you, judge. >> jeanine: here's the bottom line. company should be concerned about their bottom line. they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders, to their bottom line. all this other stuff they may feel good about it, it has nothing to do with the bottom line. so don't interfere with my ability to make money. i'm not going to buy any stock in their company. i'm not even gonna buy your products anymore with this woke nonsense. the perfect example is disney's public approval plummeted from 77% to 33% when they decided to
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get involved in the don't say law in florida. now why? why? that's none of their business and has nothing to do with their company. they let a few employees tried to determine what the company is going to do in the social and environmental way. government is about bottom line and nothing else. i'm gonna vote with my soap. i do not know that one. speak out so what's interesting to me is when republicans don't like something -- you call it woke. when democrats don't like something that's being set are being done they want to cancel it. we all have to take a breath. take a step back. in the context the way we talk about these things both elon musk and steve jobs, who i think are the greatest
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visionaries business visionaries of my lifetime, would've probably been called woke or been attempted to cancel. elon musk wanted to make electric cars -- i have a different point about the environmental and social governance piece i don't think it's all political i think there's something to be said for it. but you would've called elon musk woke because he said working take the combustible engine to make it obsolete. >> jeanine: that was his company. >> harold: we have to take a step back here. jobs, who revolutionized the way we consumed by and consumed groceries, music, other entertainment content, he might have been called woke. somebody might've tried to cancel him because they didn't like how easy you are free it might've been paid on thing is some people deserve to be called woke. some people deserve to be canceled. but before we quickly and just actively do it come i think we have to take a breath, everybody
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and assess things without the political lens and i think we'll seem to conveniently and reflexively do. >> jeanine: if elon musk wants to start a company for electric cars he should be able to do it. he's not taking a company and changing it. >> greg: the important thing here is to define what we are talking about. dana got to it but i want to expand because people at home probably don't know what esg is, right? it stands for environment social governance issues. it's a corporate policy that's being instituted in some companies mainly large companies because they can -- this policy exists in part dependent of its shareholders and its companies. it shifts the intention under social justice and climate issue. putting politics over profits. if i were a shareholder i would be livid. i would sell my stock
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immediately. i would only invest in companies that do not participate in this. there's another uglier part h here, you know liver is a really wealthy person who brags about giving to charity, even though it's a tiny percentage. they never give enough to feel it. so what they are asking and mending of other companies, they cannot do. so all of these big giant companies, they are virtues signaling. they are saying look how good we are. we care about social issues. they're only doing it the cover they are -- that's all it is. that's all woke corporate policy is. you're keeping activision out of their front and backyard. this is a virtue signal is psycho expensive graduate degree is for wealthy dumb person who wants to buy a degree so they look super smart. that's all this is. it makes them look compassionate. it's a six-figure liberal arts degree that a rich kid gets and then they get their debt canceled and we end up paying. that's what esg is.
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esg is simply a corporate policy that hurts the shareholder and the customer. don't forget that, they don't want you to know that beer they want you to remain confused. >> then you get a score. see your company gets a score. they'll put that on their linkedin, right? so for younger employees that want to come work of the company is also our esg scores and 98. >> it's a virtue signal. i'm sure fox isn't doing this right, jesse? >> jesse: i hope not. >> greg: if they are i change my mind this is the greatest thing periods be still my speaker you saying we have to give so much to charity that it hurts? i never heard that before. ahead the ladies of the view out lobbing an ethnic attack at nikki haley. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> the ladies of the viewer back and causing more controversy. sonny hazen taking a cheap shot at former u.n. ambassador nikki haley. accusing her of of trying to hide her in the inheritable heritage. speak with up to see liz cheney -- >> nikki haley the chameleon? >> what is her real name again? there are some of us debate can be chameleons and decide not to embrace our ethnicity so we can pass. >> people go by a different name. name. >> than ambassador haley baird right back. >> they can't stand the fact that a minority female would be a conservative republican. i embrace my indian heritage. i've written two books that describe the struggles that my family had, what it was like growing up. when they go after something like your name or your looks, they don't have anything else. that shows who are winning and i
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will take that when all day long. what i've been on the view is it is democrats that are racist. these liberal extremists are the ones that are racist. they are the ones that think minorities are incapable of going to the dmv to get an i.d. to vote. they are the ones that are racist it's a minority parents are incapable of finding a school for their children. shalomyah bowers >> harold: craig, you had a reaction to that. >> greg: when you live in a bubble you can never see around the corner. i came up with that this morning. whether you are left or right when you are in a bubble he will always be surprised by your own curated ignorance and that's what happened to sonny. you would think somebody with a made up name like sonny would be able to see around the corner when she criticizes nikki for having what she thought was a made up name which is not. when you live outside a bubble you'd be aware that you can actually see the second step. but the problem with the view was that they are an entry-level version of awareness. they can't because they're in a bubble within a bubble so she
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was totally surprised and she's like well your name is sunny and she's like that's different. nobody can pronounce my name. it's like now, you should have seen that coming but you can't because you live in a bubble. you can't see around the corners because you are trapped. it's so funny that her name is sonny. she has sonny is death row. i would advise the viewer to find a smart conservative for their cell because they need to have somebody there that can inform them that there is absolutely no learning curve on the vehicle. have you ever noticed this? for a show that makes so many mistakes it's only getting worse. when we make a mistake the show always gets better because we learn from it, they just get further and further down to the morass of their own incompetence and frankly i am appalled. >> remember when i thought that veale was a different animal?
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i didn't know what animal. but when i learned i instantly became more aware. it's actually a calf. that baby calf. and if you remember the topic we are on? >> i do because this is the other thing. i just like do they read? this attack on nikki haley has been made so many times and been debunked so many times. that if you follow politics at all you know that. niki means little one it's on her birth certificate. it's her middle name. she goes -- her last name is haley because she got married and adopted her husband's name. and the thing is that it's funny to me about the viewer's went out to celebrate the fact that she was an amazing governor. you can disagree with her, whatever. but she's accomplished a lot of things. instead they have to tear her down for something that's not even true. >> there so much hate coming from the left. they have to make it -- the amazing part of it is when she
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says you call yourself sonny and she says that's because americans are too stupid or undereducated to be able to say a -- i mean really? we are stupid? and therefore we can see your name or she should be able to be the name on her birth certificate? it's classic. point the finger at someone and three are pointing back at yourself. >> you talking to me? >> jesse: her name on her certificate that she's going by nikki since she was a baby. i don't think she called herself nikki has a as a baby because she knew 40 years later she might run for office or it or maybe she did, maybe she did. but who cares because jon stewart, his real now own name is jonathan stewart leibowitz. he wanted to emphasize the jewishness. >> jesse: what about whoopi
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goldberg? karen johnson. i'm jewish, it's jesse silverstein. it took that away because maybe i thought i would go my places. b3 i don't believe you. >> jesse: because i'm not telling the truth. liberals say you can't change her gender but you cannot change her name? i can go on the women's name on wednesday in the men's room on tuesday be using you can't use -- >> harold: i thought your name was scooter. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back, time for the fastest. they anticipation is over. it's out of this world. ♪ ♪ >> dana: no word yet on how
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music critics are responding to this "space jam." >> greg: is that real? are we being cranked? i swear that can't be real. was that done by a mute the music teacher from a local heist school? >> it's called always above and apparently reflects the values and traditions of the space force harold. >> harold: it's terrible. it is it really strikes fear or does it inspire you to joy. >> like a newsreel footage from the 1940s. >> is just going to say it's like a 1950s be like where is that from? >> hundred years from now the only thing left of the term presidency will be space force and the wall so show some respect. >> okay, scooter. >> up next what's worse than listing to someone learn an instrument? how about an entire flight of people.
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southwest air light getting mocked after giving out ukuleles to hawaiian bound passengers but what about the people who just want to sleep? i'm sensitive to noise. judge? >> i would've gone insane. i would've hung myself. people go onto an airplane if you go to hawaii you have a long trip. do you want to read a book, you want to sleep. people playing ukuleles -- i have to disagree. this is based on a really important internal truth. nobody on a flight to hawaii is in a bad mood. he should think about that. they are sitting there going how could you get upset when you're going to hawaii, give me a ukulele. >> would you play the ukulele? >> no i get the ukulele after i land in hawaii but they give you the light in the ukulele and then you are sad. not on the plane. what would you do with kids? >> whatever boneless playing. we have a great -- >> jesse: all smashed side ukulele right over your head.
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>> dana: patriot award in november who's flying with who? i'm with the judge. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, let safelite come to you. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: my customer enjoys time with her family. so when her windshield got a crack... she scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to her house... ...replaced the windshield... and installed new wipers. that's service on her time. >> grandkid: here you go! >> tech: wow, thank you! >> customer and grandkids: bye! >> tech: bye! don't wait, schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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do not take quviviq if you have narcolepsy. don't drink alcohol while taking quviviq or drive or operate heavy machinery until you feel fully alert. quviviq may cause temporary inability to move or talk or hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up. quviviq may cause sleepiness during the day. quviviq may lead to doing activities while not fully awake that you don't remember the next day, like walking, driving and making or eating food. worsening depression including suicidal thoughts may occur. the most common side effects are headaches and sleepiness. it's quviviq. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
2:56 pm
>> greg: one more thing, judge. have you ever lost a dog? there is a new way to locate your dog. a family in england found out they had a missing dog hilda. a woman decided that she would send her drone to find and locate the puppy for free. as a bad storm approached are, she made sure she located it and she purely as a love of dogs and facebook group or users can share posts and she can share happy ending.
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>> what? >> dana: what does that mean? >> greg: i don't know. but you know what? it's my turn. so, tonight, we have jared kushner. mike baker, kat timpf, tyrus. going to be a great show. we have been kicking butt all week. live shows saturday october 1st, fox wood casino connect cut with jamie lissow opening and then i will be in sugarland, texas, november 19th. kat timpf will be opening for me and that go to g let's do this. navigation tips. this is much like yours, judge. how did this happen? take a look at this guy. this is a seal. this is a sea lion. that's a sea lion that is now on a dairy farm in australia. how did that big fat cow that is an ocean cow appear with all these other cows. no one really knows. he did find his way back to the sea. >> dana: no one knows? >> greg: no one really knows. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg. >> greg: i do know but i'm not telling you. he was air dropped. oh, excuse me, judge.
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wipe your face. dana? [laughter] >> dana: show you this 10-year-old from england -- i can't say that one. anyway, this is his first time doing a double back flip. she his reaction. he didn't even realize he could do it. super, super cute. it's so cute. see it again. so happy. there he goes. >> dana: isn't that pretty good? don't try it at home, folks. big congratulations to our friend trace gallagher has he just been named the permanent anchor of fox news at night. he will be taking the handoff from you now. >> greg: yes. amazing water skier. you bet you didn't know that. >> jesse: we will be doing it from l.a. so it won't really be that late. >> it will be prime time. he should do it then. is that what you are saying, jesse? >> not congratulating him. >> jesse: not as big of a deal that he has to stay up late. because of the time difference. congrats. >> greg: i know he is right.
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hi, jesse. here is a lesson to all of you criminals out there. i know you watch the show. you love it. always have a getaway route. thief in washington took a wrong turn and wound up in a big concrete, got stuck and just to say it's on the sheet. driver was a woman. this is not to say that all women drivers are bad drivers. this particular woman was a bad driver. tonight on "jesse watters primetime," aoc says we have to open the borders because migrant also have the babies that americans won't. 7:00. >> oh my goodness. >> greg: if only there was a name for that what's up, harold? >> harold: two quick things. i had a great pal who had his cancer screening discovered and helped him. everyone get your cancer screenings whatever age you are defected earlier. much better chance of beating it. aaron judge second all time as a yankee doing it. fastest yankee to get to 60.
3:00 pm
he is one to tie roger marist and two ai record batting in the league as well. triple crown and may be the mvp. congrats to him. >> greg: how far behind barry bonds? >> harol harold those guys they think of them differently. >> dana: there is an asterisk. watch your mouth, dana. "special report" up next. hello, bret. >> bret: hello, greg. good evening, welcome to washington, welcome to bret baier, breaking tonight following major stories, federal reserve is raising key interest rate again to try to combat run away inflation. russian leader vladimir putin calls for massive troop mobile gation weapons in ukraine. we begin with president biden saying russia is trying to extinguish ukraine's right to exist, it was the president's first address to the united nations general assembly since russia's invasion. white house correspondent peter


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