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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  September 21, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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i mean border to see? you know that's actually not israel here shows that squirrel that rents of the guys office that's was on top of it. tucker is up next always a member i'm waters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ran for attorney general by promising to use her office to punish donald trump because that's what law enforcement is for the crusher political enemies. i look forward every day to swing donald trump she says. when she is up for reelection so she decided actually do it. we will tell you what happened what it means summit still exists. first good evening and welcome
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to tucker carlson tonight. for thousands of years clinical trials have been the center of medicine. the idea is very simple before you operate on someone reject people with some new jug trials first. to make certain that what you're doing will help the patient more than it hurts the patient. this is not a new idea they did back in the 18th century with this famous scurvy trials. five medical testing is been going on since at least biblical times is why wouldn't it. comparative vegetarian diet of the one of the royal babylonians over a ten day period to a control group and event observers the whole thing. it's not collocated. it is essential. through history very few have questioned this practice because it makes obvious sense, but now they are. modern medicine seems to be abandoning the conical trial. the fda for example does authorize a covert booster without even bothering to test it on people who just given to a handful of mice and said we are
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radio. i take the time to see if action works. who cares of the drug lords sperm counts or causes miscarriages grotesque blood clots in otherwise healthy people. pharmaceutical companies can't be sued so they're safe they no longer have to care. even about oversight they sponsored the media companies that covered that. big tech sensors does anything over people payment provider swoop in the chart on the businesses of anyone who dares to criticize pfizer that is happening. so the net effect is sad, never has american medicine be more transparently a racket than it is right now. with the most basic ethical guidelines gone completely ignored we should not be surprised to learn that some hospitals have decided to monetize the mental anguish of children. consider the university of california and sam cisco. supposedly it's one of us in the world, ucsf despite the reputation is not even trying to behave responsibly when children
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who have been by tick-tock they should change their. so a new trend comes along propelled by social media that didn't exist before at scale, no it does rather than pausing in action what is this and how can we help the children they blow right past it. you cff hospital currents guidance for treating transgender youth is this. as a youth are transitioning and increasingly younger ages general surgery is being performed on a case-by-case basis more frequently on minors. general surgery on children. this is a very big step it's irreversible. see wonder what a medical basis for this. a few sentences later you see hospital means that there is no medical instead in the absence of solid evidence providers often must rely on the expert opinions of innovators and thought leaders in the field.
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so you cff is conducting general surgeries on minors based on thought leaders in the field? what is that mean? limits human rights campaign is in favor means activists are pushing it. it means that there is no scientific data to justify. this is horrifying weiss is happening? and how widespread is it? don't seem to be interested, virtually alone in our media that walsh for the diebel daily wire decided to find out the answer to this question. in that search he take this video from 2018 the video shows a physician called shane taylor vanderbilt university medical center which is like you cff is a global reputation for excellence. in this video he says that vanderbilt performs gruesome surgeries on children why? because of surgeries make vanderbilt money. >> some of our financial folks
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in august october 2016 sorry a couple years ago how much money each patient to bring in. misses only including top surgeries. it is a lot of money. these researchers pay a lot of money. so test reconstructions to bring in $40,000. just on routine hormone treatment a few times year can bring in several thousand dollars x he makes money. >> tucker: it would makes money so this huge new trend appears again, driven not by medical research, but by social media convincing children they can change their and vanderbilt instead of pausing and asking once again how do we help these children and what is this? they decide all there is money there. were all in. now is to believe that everyone in vanderbilt hospital, possibly
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before this. because it's completely irresponsible and wrong's what would happen if a physician at vanderbilt with a conscientious objector disagreed agreed with me relating children for profit that's a key question. so another doctor explained what would happen. again this view were about to show you is also been around since 2018, but no one in the media cared to look at it until now that walsh founded this this week. >> you have to realize. you're doing something to another person and you're not paying. i think that is a real issue. they want you to take home there saying that you and i can do
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something because you are conscientious of your religious beliefs. it does not have consequences. and should not be without consequences i just want to put that out there. if you don't want to do this, work don't work at vanderbilt. >> tucker: all, so if you object to this, leave. you can't work at vanderbilt. so vanderbilt clearly thought this through not a volunteer before this on us and really, really clear if not fully on board with mutilating children for not medical reasons with no medical evidence and you just leave. but that wasn't enough anticipated that this was so horrifying that some doctors might still step out of line excluding 16-year-old son david psychological disorder this will pass to stop watching so much tick-tock i know, when i can mutilate their or cut your off, at least until you're an adult. if they said that the wood of the courts the business model so
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they recruited activists and trans activists the bully physicians to submission watch. >> advocates for transgender activists. whether you're looking for some and that's really for medical transition including hormone therapy some and completely unrelated and breaking arm are going to an emt we are here to help support any transgender patient succumbed come to our doors. transmitting program is a one of a time in the nation institutions are looking to vanderbilt to replicate and expand programs and ours. >> tucker: oh trans buddies right, enforcers in other words it's like having the mafia standing over your shoulder while you're on the witness stand. dr. should be, in fact have to be allowed to give politically unbiased counsel to the patients without being intubated. the whole point of eight trans buddy system to prevent that.
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in one video the trans but he said doctors don't use the pronoun's because that's unsafe get in line or we will crush y you. so matt walsh brought all this to the surface just the other day in response to it other than defend it or explain it, vanderbilt university medical center took its entire website off-line. and no doubt at some point will be claiming that it's unsafe for them. that the people who are shocked by what they are doing are actually the criminals here. that they are getting threatening phone calls and enough to call t doj. the truth is people who are horrified for this are not the bad actors. vanderbilt is a bad actor. they just admitted on camera to castrating children as young as 13 years old. this from the youtube page. from 2020. >> we do gender affirming
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hormones dipping a what ever kind of blocker they've chosen or we have discussed with them. or they can present to us at a later stage of puberty and that we provide the gender affirming hormones. priestly society recommended to start these at age 16 but we all know to be puberty right? not 16-year-olds don't start puberty somewhere recently they can update that to say as early as 14 for compelling reasons so we have some individuals who started gender affirming hormones at 13-14 to be more. >> has anyone at vanderbilt minimal center? >> tucker: you know what they're like if you were living with before which mark chemically castrate because he or she saw summing up tick-tock that suggest it was a good idea this is lunacy. the same youtube page also confirms that vanderbilt will happily perform a double vasectomy after they drugged them. because he knows for a lucrative actually. physicians assistant shaman
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watch. >> for any kind of surgery we do require one old documented gender dysphoria by a licensed mental health provider. we ensure that the patient's is capable of making fully informed decisions on their own, however for a lot of our younger patients again if they are 16, 17, here at vanderbilt of the been on testosterone, have parental consent, were able to do a lot of the top surgeries for those patients. >> tucker: so again this is a hospital filled with physicians in ephesus other adults want to be stepping in to protect children from their worst impulses, the latest fad, but they are not doing that because it's just too profitable to destroy the lives of kids soon to be the backstop against this? or the people who really should
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be exercising adult wisdom here and restraint. what i would be by definition the vanderbilt university medical board of directors. we're going to name them now in the hopes that these people will do something to stop these crimes before the lives of more children are destroyed. so the board members would include edith carol. john epstein, jeffrey r balzer daniel dear meyer siri jerry finley. samuel e lynch. and makeba williams. let's hope that these people, this of the board that oversees all of this. let's hope that these people act immediately to stop this crime. but to be clear it's not just vanderbilt we called ucla's hospital today and they told us that they be happy to mutilate our children they cede referral for insurance purposes.
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so cornell medicine one of our producers called cornell about getting breast implants for her 15-year-old son who was questioning his gender identity. just questioning. here's what this in response. >> he is regarding response he's questioning his gender identity and he was interested in treatments. >> this would be for plastic surgery. the doctor does perform top surgery if that is what you are referring to. >> can make you up an appointment to come in so it's for my son was a minor swing at his command? or try to go with them customer because it work? >> how old is he? >> 15. >> 15, okay. yeah i would come with them.
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>> tucker: yeah, breast implants for a boy it's whatever. "the washington post" is desperately transcript from the similar call with boston's children's hospital listen. >> i just want to know if you guys do service at age obviously for coming all the way for an in-person counsel going through all the paperwork. she will get depends some departments to cut off at 18 how old is your patient? >> 16. >> okay. >> so they would do it for that age? >> yes. >> okay, great. it is a common procedure that you guys do for that age? >> yes, we've all different
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kinds of age groups that come. >> for the hysterectomy? >> yes, ma'am. >> tucker: it's of boston children's hospital is now playing the victim here and criticize this is a threat and the danger and get the doj involved "new york times" anyone who question this is evil. that of course is the opposite of the truth people doing this know that what they are doing is evil. they know perfectly well on its way vanderbilt took down its website after they reported on it. there's no scientific basis for any of this. it is not help children, it harms children. that is known it's also obvious when you are apparent? they showed transgender surgery over the course of several years they said persons with transsexualism after sex reassignment have considerably higher risks for suicidal behavior than the general population. 30-year study and is not just
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one study. more than a thousand patients in the u.k. they said that they were pressured into life destroying treatments in the clinic is not being shut down. and that will happen in this country. this is a fad because there are no adults left the ones put up a hand as a slow down. but five years from now were to look back at this like a lot of things we've done recently, like destroying public art and statues in the covid vaccine that so many of the things we done without thinking about it and environment will no one is allowed to protest or you look shame and horror. so, amy is the lead author of the guidelines for the professional association for transgender health and they just admitted that recommendations for gentle affirming hormones and surgeries were removed for the internet to eliminate a paper trail eliminate lawsuits with the inevitably
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practitioners follow them watch. >> we were thinking it was scary for me but the potential uses of the chapter for legal and insurance context. again we didn't want to do was create a chapter that would make it more likely that practitioners would be sued because they weren't following exactly what we said. >> tucker: this completely wrong and they won't even defend it. they won't answer simple questions about what it is. and again it is irreversible. hospitals are mutilating children. boston children's hospital, ucsf, cornell, ucla vanderbilt and others. we should all stop immediately the matter how much it hurts your business model no matter how much it cost them. as he told you matt walsh was the guy who broke the story by the abuse of summative william lamberth and jack johnson they said they're working on a bill to show this program down
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vanderbilt can't come soon enough matt walsh joins us. thanks so much and for among other things illustrated how journalism can be a force for good i think yours has been have you spoken to anyone at venable hospital about this directly? >> venable hospital we reached out for a statement we first reported it at first i didn't to give a statement it is took down and deleted they deleted their entire transgender website they wiped from existence and today not to us, but in general they release a statement and the interesting thing about the statement the relief that they do not want to start by claiming this misinformation and so on that and actually factually dispute anything in my report because they can't because everything that i said wasn't me saying it i was just providing video evidence much of which he played there. i know for a fact is an absolute fact that vanderbilt comedy perform double vasectomies on
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minor girls and children they chemically castrate children and to give irreversible hormone drugs that change the bodies permanently, and all of that to kids and everything we should know and i'm glad you mention all the other hospitals around the country is the things i just mentioned that is happening all across the country in every single state and in many hospitals and many other medical clinics maltose things are happening and when the reasons reasons why it's allowed to keep happening is because people don't know about it because they're not talking about it and i think for a lot of average americans, people just walking on the street it sort of unthinkable that they can't imagine that this sort of thing is actually happening, but it is which is why we have to start by raising awareness about it with you that no matter the game at the left plays by saying if you so much as mention what they are doing its incitement and terrorism which is absurd, but we can't bend to that tactic with the keep shining a light on
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it. >> tucker: cutting the off a little girl's question work sterilizing 14-year-old? okay. you were not the criminals here. and by the way i have to believe that not everyone of the board of venable medical center is a bad person, i have to believe that all these people don't even know that this was happening. of that they know now and hope that they do something tonight to end it. i appreciate you coming on for all you've done thank you. >> thank you. >> tucker: we did a whole documentary on the people who are responsible for this abuse it's called transgressive the cultic confusion instrument now on fox nation. ♪ ♪ as we told you at the top the attorney general of the state of new york is suing not just donald trump, but his family. this information on this and one lawyer against the bond of this is dylan she is here to explain what this means exactly. thank you so much for joining us. what is this? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: justice system has been politicized consider leticia four years ago she was running for attorney general and the state of new york, and in her campaign she didn't promise to remove all the from the subway, no [laughs] , she promised to use the legal
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system to hurt her political enemies namely donald trump. >> i will never be afraid to challenge his illegitimate president. with our fundamental rights at stake. he be charged with obstructing justice. i believe that the president of these united states can be indicted for criminal offenses. we will join with law enforcement and other generals across this nation and were moving this from office. >> that should motivate you. >> would you sue him for us? >> oh, we are gonna be a real pain in the. >> tucker: how can some one like that be elected in a state like new york? is not crazy people do some smart people and certainly a lot of rich people in the state of new york, but somehow that person became attorney general the chief of fortune officer and today she started to make good on her. she sued donald trump and everyone around him. she says that donald trump invoked his for them emmett writes which were not allowed to do new york anymore.
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and then bragged about the size of his apartment. that's utterly in the evidence this was any doubt that any of this was insanely and political shield a press conference to announce it, small potatoes for a press conference and that she ended up this way. >> donald trump engaged in years of legal conduct to inflate his net worth to achieve, to deceive banks. the people of the great state of new york. claiming that you have money that you do not have does not amount to the art of the deal. it's the art of the steel. >> tucker: i wonder if she pays her taxes? we don't know that, just a guess it would be interesting to know. galen is the chairwoman of the national lawyers association famously or herself she joins us. thanks much for joining us. i notice i'm not a lawyer but i notice you didn't charge him with a crime if there was a crime was being charged with a crime i'm confused.
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>> well, look letitia james came and bragging about how she was gonna get donald trump she seems to be obsessed with her stomach him. it took her three years to get to this point and some would say that because she is trailing in the polls in a race for attorney general it's time to help boost her ratings. essentially what this is about so you're correct tucker she cannot find any crime that she can indict president donald trump for she has preferred this matter to the southern district of new york case i can find something switch to file on has a six-year statute of limitations so there really focusing on things that have before donald trump became duck president and his family members get involved in the government like ivanka trump. no one bothered about until services of opinion about a
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valuation of assets that were heavily negotiated with banks so letitia james lies a shocking about the reality of business. way that businesses are financed and how businesses operate and it's really like you said very small potatoes stuff and if were done by anybody else it would be the subject of a complaint like this so this is been entirely political talker and it is not how it attorney general of united states should be using their political power. >> tucker: if there was a victim it would be the banks but my understanding that the banks didn't complain about this. so i get that right? >> there are no victims this is a victimless complaint, no one is complaining the banks all got their money back. everybody is happy except for letitia james. >> tucker: think so for coming on. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: the joe biden a administration that anyone who opposes it is an enemy of the
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country. for men in just murder a teenager apparently believing that the teenager was one of those extremists he heard about from joe biden. they have this amazing story for us tonight hey trace. >> the evidence shows that 41-year-old sheena brent was legally drunk when he got into his car and intentionally used his vehicle to strike 18-year-old taylor ellingson he then fled the scene leaving the 18-year-old to die. so a prompt of the attack with mark all for now all we have is the affidavit that is a statement written up by a police officer on scene which says that he st struck the pedestrian bece the pedestrian was threatening him. police say the alleged killer went on to say that he had the pedestrian that the pedestrian was part of a republican extremist group. the suspect was then charged with a legal goal homicide and he was in jail less than 48 hours before being freed on $50,000 bail. now it goes without saying it was country you cannot kill
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somebody because they belong to a certain group, but in this case there is zero evidence the 18-year-old victim belong to any group much less an extremist one. there is a growing pattern that you know longer need evidence to paint certain people as threatening. watch. >> president biden: too much of what is happening today is not normal. donald trump and the maga republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our rep republic. >> you may recall that the president did not exactly support that statement with ample evidence. >> tucker: trace gallagher 'second we never had in the fact that we considered him one of most talented people of all television you probably don't know the seat he does it all without a script try that sometime it figure out how hard it is. we want to put this vintage photograph of trace gallagher darius. [laughs] trace gallagher which is named the new anchor fox news at ni
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night. the first question we had was what trace gallagher still come on the show and i think will still be able to so we are doubly pleased trace gallagher thank you and congrats. >> yes, i will thank you tucker i appreciate that. >> tucker: while for many, many years the phrase el salvador see it for violent crimes is one of those minor places in the world, but then they got a new president and now it's a lot safer than baltimore so now we can maybe learn summing here in the united states the president of el salvador joins us live after the break. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: they picked el salvador. the by president, the vice president recently said that el salvador was undemocratic meaning what?
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that they enact society changing regulations, no that's them. ask the once el salvador not too long ago and found that it seems very popular in fact he's an 86% approval rating why is this question it because is improve the life of the people in their crime is gone down dramatically particularly has plummeted since he took off his office in 2016 numbers on the screen and out. only if someone in our country would do this out of the do it? he built a massive prison complex the house 40,000 gang members. he is not letting them out, he is putting them in so other people get to live and children are murdered. now he is threatening to cut off food for them prison gang members if gangs continue to kill people on the outside. yesterday the president told the u.n. that organized crime has been defeated in his country. the select. >> we have moved from being a country unknown to many and those few who knew us knew us for due to the gangs, deaths,
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violence, war. we move from that to becoming a country known for our beaches, surf, volcanoes, our financial freedom, our good government, and the fact that we brought an crime. >> tucker: some people are getting murdered that's not good question what we think it is and we are honored to join right now by the president of el salvador mr. president thanks much for coming on. it sounds to me like you reduced to myrtle rate to el salvador and a pretty straightforward way i wonder why other heads of state on calling you for advice on how to do it in their countries? >> thank you tucker for having me. i'm glad to be here. i know, every country has her own problems. i would guess that probably our approach is very, very popular with the people has a problem and the problem is that it has common sense. i say it's a problem because usually the new wave of
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governance is taken away common sense and you start to think the other way around. the weight of course you should do them. >> tucker: so, it seems like when you became president in 2019 you focus very specifically on crime, gangs, murder. is that correct? and why did you do that? why that issue? >> you're focusing on other issues, education, health, investment and tourism. infrastructure, et cetera. of course crime is the most important thing. you might enjoy your road or beach, that is if you are alive. of course the most important thing's that's what we focused on crime more. of course we focus on all the other issues as well. >> tucker: c will threaten to cut off food to gang members in prison if they don't stop the killings on the outside, do you think that they are directing
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those killings? they are responsible for them and do you think will work? >> they were ordering the killings from the prisons. if you see most of the prisons in latin america are like headquarters for crime. it will be there, they have phones, access, computers, you can find it everywhere in america find all those examples. el salvador is impossible. you can communicate internet access is blocked. it's impossible. but still, all of these gang members are the bosses of the other gang members outside. so of course gang members outside sent a few we won't like if you do summing to the bosses inside the prison. so one of the things we did was we threatened gang members
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outside will take retaliation with the people inside. they continue the killings. of innocent people. el salvador actually so we will not know this because el salvador was actually the myrtle capital of the word. there were more murders in afghanistan, syria, you need it. el salvador was the worst or the most dangerous place to live it was the murder capital of the world. and now we are on our way to being the safest country in the whole american continent. >> tucker: it's amid an amazing story and i hope that mayors of our cities will call her call you for advice on how to locate your successes. mr. president thank you so much for joining us we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> tucker: we have an update on a story be told you about whistle-blowers exposing political corruption at the fbi will will have y that for you after the break.
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prop 27 sends 90% of profs from online sports betting to out-of-state corporations in places like new york and boston. no wonder it's so popular... out there. yeah! i can't believe those idiots are going to fall for this. 90%! hey mark, did you know california
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is sending us all their money? suckers. -those idiots! [ laughter ] imagine that, a whole state made up of suckers. vote no on 27. it's a terrible deal for california. we win. you lose. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: recently revealed that the joe biden been a administration is manipulate and
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come case files are made. the goal of this is to create the illusion of false sense that there is a title wave of right-wing domestic terrorists all over the country. that is a lie. "the new york post" has identified this fbi whistle-blower and spoken directly to them she joins us tonight thank you for coming on. what you learn? >> thanks tucker i learned that the fbi special agent still serving as an american hero. in the dream job he's been with the fbi for 12 years he is a s.w.a.t. team member. he just cannot live with his conscience after he was dragged very important child exploitation human trafficking investigation that he was working on from his really bogus january 6 cases that just serve so i guess backup the rhetoric that were hearing for the white house that domestic
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terrorism is the worst threat to america success of the war so he could see from on the ground of the fbi, washington field office was many believed in cases to try to expand and pretend that the problem was bigger than it was and he also didn't want to participate in s.w.a.t. rates of people who were doing accused misdemeanors at worse innocent american citizens they were being told to investigate people who hadn't even gone to washington, d.c., that day in one case a man had been at his son's funeral that day. yet he had fbi agents knocking on a store and people were being surveyed. this is just such an abusive. he stood up and said i will not do this. he did everything right away, he complained to his all of his supervisors, he told him what fbi rules were being violated i will policies are being
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followed. and what constitutional of american citizens have the abused? and he was ignored, he was threatened, and he is now this afternoon filed a whistle-blower complaint with the inspector general michael horowitz. he is also talking to some of the republicans about his complaints is there you see his photograph online 37-year-old man and father of two young children it took a lot of courage to do this in a great risk to himself and blowing up a career that he loved. >> tucker: it is baffling that he is the one being punished when he didn't do anything wrong. i hope that there are many more whistle-blowers like him i have to think that a lot of fbi agents very distressed. >> tucker: thank you for your reporting. the joe biden to administration a race a lot of our things at home. we just went to brazil for a
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brand-new episode of tucker carlson a reason originals and did a piece called the china takeover we saw firsthand that the u.s. is allowing affirmatively allowing brazil to fall under the influence of control of the people's republic of china. here's a first ago but we found. >> announced a policy that is been the center of american foreign policy for last 20 years. called the monroe doctrine it is very simple thesis with great powers would not be allowed to control nations in the western hemisphere. that would be a direct threat to the interest of the united states for 20 years we haven't allowed it. under the joe biden demonstration the monroe doctrine is no longer in force. constrained by its ideological concerns and petty political grievances and above all distracted by a faraway war in eastern europe the joe biden administration is advocated its responsibilities and into the void left by the united states moves a new superpower.
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as a dominant power in the northern hemisphere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: the china takeover brazil is available tomorrow on fox nation i think it's pretty good. bill gates has moved on from selling the covid vaccine now he's got a new page you're gonna want some. [laughs] will tell you what it is ♪ ♪ ne. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: which he is he spent more than a year lecturing you about getting the vaccine he doesn't talk much about it anymore it's kind of weird. now he is in the hobby of course corn. he just uploaded this deeply distressing video on social media. ♪ ♪
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>> for me i really like corn. would you like about corn? ♪ ♪ >> it has the. ♪ ♪ >> i can tell you all about it. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: we don't know what that was sorted some glue never done before and it's cold we are replay will be displayed so we can assess it more cruelly here it is again. ♪ ♪ >> for me i really like corn. >> would you like about corn? >> it's corn a big hunk of knob. it has the juice. ♪ ♪ it's corn i can tell you all about it. i mean look at this thing. ♪ ♪
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>> tucker: i guess the take away having produced some of the worst software and the push of vaccine that doesn't work now he owns on the farmland though gates' can have genetically reengineer where the world's most important staple grants corn. we have high hopes for that project. that's it for us tonight will be back at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow and every night in the meantime here is sean. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" broadcasting for mar-a-lago in just a moment the 45th president of the united states donald j. trump who will join us for his very first sitdown interview since roughly 30 federal agents gun drawn storm through the doors right here in the president's own home. now in what was obviously an unprecedented rate historically, we begin with a few serious questions that everyone watching time, do we have america


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