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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  September 23, 2022 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> ainsley: who has weekend vibes? it is friday, you made it appear that is a gorgeous shot. it will be a beautiful we can appear at a high of 78 today with not a cloud in the sky. saturday, tomorrow, high 81 and not a cloud in the sky. sunday if you clouds and 83. >> steve: should be football whether that saturday in fall as ted and dave come up with the steady cam. welcome to the studio. the heartbeat of the selection goes through georgia because you have the governor's race, stacey abrams a rising star trailing eight points to brian kemp. remember the first time she never admitted she lost ten
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herschel walker a slight lead over raphael warnock despite the attack ad spirit a lot is going on in atlanta and the braves are desperately trying to catch the mets but they lost one and a half games out. >> ainsley: george is the number one team in the country, was it when they were playing ufc? >> brian: ted does not talk much but he nods a lot. >> ainsley: you should be the mascot for the georgia team, t ted, because mascots can't talk. >> brian: mascots can't talk, that is true. a lot of times they know you and we will talk about that later. all morning long lorentz is having breakfast in washington, pennsylvania. >> steve: he is at the spring house and joins has now and larence we have big final hour at "fox & friends." the biggest names the republican party will be sent down. >> that is right, good morning, family. we have a house full of republicans today and we have the leadership here. they are going to be talking
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about their commitment to america where the republicans are going to go on the offense in the final days of this midterm here they say they want this to be a message talking about inflation and how it is impacting america. also energy. don't forget about the border pier that has become a hot top. what is the democrats going to focus on? we have been looking at the polling and the democrats will be talking about abortion, abortion, abortion and kevin mccarthy here to break down what the plan is going to be about and what they think the voters want to hear from them. but before we do that, i want to serve some cookies, these pumpkin cookies and this is what they are known for to everyone that is here, yeah, yeah, yeah and i want you to tell me how they taste. all right, let's do that. in if you can pan the camera over our next gas. he's going to be coming up in the final hour of
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"fox & friends." all right, all right. [laughter] all right. and he's going to be talking with folks here as well. he will hear right from the peoples mouth what they want to see from the republican party and the midterm spirit i will send it back to new york and the congressman will be standing by. >> steve: those cookies look great. >> ainsley: there is nothing brian kilmeade would not be on camera. pumpkin related. >> brian: i would throw pumpkin on a little skeptical how much punk and is in pumpkin. >> there is not much. >> ainsley: how much pumpkin is in the cookies? >> steve: i don't know how much time lawrence has but will he look into that? do i have the ability to assign him? >> brian: he is on an energy report. >> steve: i thought it was the same. >> brian: if you are a student of history remember back -- remember a time there were tent cities across america and they refer to them as hooverville? i wonder if this tent city that they will be building here in
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new york city, if they will be referring to it as biden ville being housed with migrants who pulls a thousand people and these are people who are coming into the country given what joe biden's immigration policy is an essentially, you want to come in and you come in. so really dedicate those tents to joe biden who is making this possible. >> ainsley: our mayor say that shelters are overwhelmed so they have to put up these tents. it is estimated 13,600 migrants in new york city. and he says the bulk of those more than 10,000 are in city shelters. the first emergency shelters consist of the five tense as you said, steve, tortured beach in the bronx and have enough beds to house 1,000 adults and officials will assess their health and welfare and replace him in the shelter system. >> brian: i just laughed when
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this mayor says i'm doing these refugee style camps. i'm actually responsibly unlike those governors in florida or arizona and texas. do you have any idea how naive you sound? you are talking with governors that for the most part in florida's case get refugees flown in without giving a heads up. you are worried about who's not to not knowing who's on these buses coming your way? how do you feel 4 million people crossing the border and do you think they call ahead of time to say save this date? this is when i'm arriving with little postcards? no one knows who's arriving there. you talk about having a hard. they are so big and so overwhelmed that they are infringing on the lives of the people of the border cities. he can't handle -- i guess, 12,000 in four months? 10,000 buses? that is two days. these are small towns. you got the biggest city in the
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country. same with chicago. >> steve: it is 8,000 people coming across the southern border every day. that is what we know of. here in new york city, they have 2,000 last week and about 14,000 so far. and so opened up a facility... be one in the bronx. >> steve: forget about the tent city they have opened up hotels in new york city to handle the migrants. here is the thing, you know, you're a sanctuary city in new york city. according to the democrats, so historically if you want to come to new york city, they will ask you about your immigration status and stuff like that. let me ask you this, do you remember seeing anything like this a flow of migrants into new york, new york, when donald trump was president? absolutely not. >> brian: it wouldn't happen. >> steve: because it was hard to get into the country. now it is easy. now it is a problem here they say it is a sanctuary city even though they come here, they are trying to get rid of them
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essentially and shelter them someplace. >> brian: this video, this is why this is detrimental. if you listen to jeh johnson homeland security and the border community henry cuellar, he says if you will send pepco, they send them back, they need to see the video of being sent back and understand that they need to see what remained in mexico looks like. so they go, "honey, this is not a good time to sent them excel the house and give the money to the cartels and cross the river as a risk." they never showed the video but instead we get this, beautiful new york city. who wonderful looking man in a nice suit and we see the families and they get to get the welcome packages, iphones and they care about the six hotels and thousands of hotel rooms. this is the time to flee my country. >> ainsley: you brought up a good point, mine i never thought about. you have all of these liberal mayors complaining because i didn't get a warning.
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but you are right, app it never got a warning. these migrants aren't calling him and saying i'm coming over, 8,000 are coming over this week. >> steve: this morning joe biden opened up our southern border. here is the problem though. a lot of people don't watch the fox news channel. in a position of power on the democratic side. had you seen it, you would have seen vilma lucian showing thousands of people streaming i. just doing the map and connecting the dots, where they can ago, they are coming here. >> ainsley: in washington opening the border not even for an hour, 20, 40 minutes and she flew to california but the president has never been down there as president, vice president and as a senator and so they are sitting in washington complaining about this and blaming it -- you said you we never saw these with the administration but we are blooming what was seen on trunk. listen. >> they are playing games.
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these are political struck down next with politic human beings. do you know what is happening in venezuela right now? human beings, real people who have fled who came to the united states of america seeking refuge, asylum. i think it is the height of your responsibility much less frankly a dereliction of duty when you are an elected leader to play those kinds of games with human life. >> ainsley: dereliction of duty... >> brian: can you believe she use that term when it's her responsibility? >> ainsley: if they are illegal immigrants, why do they care they are shipping them to different states questionnaire that allows him to commence sanctuary states. >> steve: i wonder if the person who interviewed her on fisa news, you are in charge of the root causes of why people come here. have you address the root causes to keep them from coming back?
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and she would say, yes, i've addressed it." >> ainsley: at the reporter did ask did ask kamala harris do you understand the situation at the border? and she blamed donald trump, dereliction of duty. >> steve: her job is to address the root causes and figure out how to stop people from coming here and having them stay there. >> brian: at the same time she's looking at reform, k.g. p was on the view yesterday the press secretary and she is fanning out to take this terrible issue that governor desantis and greg abbott has put in the front page and we can escape this, this is devastating and how do we spend it, let's blame it on donald trump. we want to do reform and are you kidding, she says this, our administration attempted to fix the administration but the former president decimated it. nobody -- here is the problem you criticize the president the former president every step of the way.
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you didn't like remain in mexico, you didn't want to build the wall. a billion dollars to repurpose military funds. you didn't want to put tariffs on mexico. you said that's not what a good neighbor does. you didn't want to take the aide away from for central americans, these tribal stoma countries and you try to stop it in the senate. because jared kushner, just remember recent history. everything he did you hated, but it worked. the numbers don't lie. in 2017, 48,000 crossed my 201,858,000 crossed, and by the time joe biden takes over, 146,000 border crossings year to date. that is just in the area of the rio grande valley. >> steve: and joe -- sean hannity asked the former president donald trump about those people streaming into the country and have this answer from mar-a-lago. watch. >> millions of people are in our
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country now that shouldn't be here. many of them are prisoners. >> did you deport them? criminals. the bad ones i would deport, the bad ones i would deport. venezuela is entering the present population of going through the border like nothing. we are policing our country and it is very hard to come back from that. i want to see great leadership in this country. more important than republican, democrat or conservative, what i want to see great leadership. our country is going to. donation is in decline. >> brian: he said yesterday i want to see joe biden do a good job. i want to see him do a good job. is he? you make the call. we will find out what the american people think in six weeks. >> steve: we have been talking how we are impacting in new york city but can you imagine living on the border? we will show you a sound bite of a guy who took a camera in his backyard because eight migrants broken into grandpa's house. it happens every day. in this video, you will actually
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see he so close to the border you can see the border wall in its right in his backyard. watch this. >> this is my house, okay question worked the house where i live with my children in this house right here, okay? there's the [bleep] wall. [bleep], the security camera footage. eight individuals just [bleep] [bleep] the wall running, okay, running! ran right through here, ran right through here and try to go in my door but my front door was locked. what did they do? they were inside my grandpa's house. a k, four of them barricaded themselves inside my 90-year-old grandpa's house, okay? all males, all caring. >> brian: all males and all caring his 95-year-old grandpa's house. >> ainsley: how great would that lead to live on the property with their grandparents in the whole family. the kids being raised together the cousins and then this
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happens. they work so hard for and how these migrants who are armed, it sounded like he said, breaking in his grandfather's house trying to get into his house with kids. >> steve: this is the content you will see fox news digital come up meanwhile new york city of the porter authority of new york and new jersey, is the second bus loaded with passengers from texas arriving here in new york city. i can see the people. they have the masts on and they will be coming out in just a minute. actually, i think that could be the third ones come i think we had an earlier one, and semi in front of that. more people to be welcome to new york city and soon, some of them may be staying in a big tent in the parking lot. >> brian: i used to see refugees looking desperate. i don't see a lot of desperate people and a lot of them have clothing deals. they are coming year because it is a better country than the one they left. that is not the way it works!
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there is a bunch of people trying to get green cards and work visas the right way, and the prison is allowing them to bust our system. make a mockery of it. and i because the president won't put his hands on the wheel, we have states and cities fighting against each other in this country. for a city that just was told take 3% out of every division because of budget cuts, we are now giving -- we gave a $34 million contract to the bronx family network to build ten cities in the bronx. very close to the zoo, i would imagine into florida. so they can go to college and have recreational activities. >> steve: if i had to guess, i would say they are not allowing the migrants off yet because the welcoming committee the city of new york is not in position. >> brian: right. we want to make sure they have a good first impression so they hopefully stay. >> steve: welcome to new york. >> ainsley: lips headed over to carley. >> we talk about the border and they'll reform in new york city,
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guys, a suspect accused -- yep, a suspect accused of raping a relative and five more people after a sweetheart plea deal from progressive manhattan d.a. alvin bragg. his name is just in washington and he went on the crime spree a week before sentencing. open bragg's office offered him 30 days in jail and five years probation to plead guilty to coercion. now that this shocking crash outside of dallas and a warning in a video you are about to see is graphic. keep your eyes fixed on the left-hand side of your screen. a dashcam captures a semi truck flying off of a highway overpass over turning road below bursting into flames killing for 71-year-old trucker. authorities believe the big rig collided with another vehicle just before that fiery crash. god bless him. and think yankees mvp hopeful aaron judge making history with
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this hit against the boston red sox. >> aaron judge, aaron judge, center field, way back in hernandez is there! >> but the yankees would eventually walk the red socks off posting a spot and the season with last night's win. one home run away from tying roger mirrors and two from breaking american league record. and j.d. vance to give the keys to the new jeep wrangler empire is paying 25% above the price, the list price to get one and it comes out at more than $8,000 $0 extra, sticker shock is due to high demand and supply shortages. and people to pay a lot for that. >> steve: it is hard. >> of course. >> steve: thousand dollars extras, good luck, thank you carley. >> brian: and you talk about what kind of athlete he is?
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the youngest, a great play and baseball game. >> ainsley: i just watch this. >> brian: jim jordan and burgess owens, three great athletes with lawrence jones. >> steve: indeed we will go back to them. >> ainsley: and lawmakers to make a huge difference in this country, right? still ahead we go to pennsylvania where special friends of foxnews.comlawrence.>> steve: a, there is lawrence, steve, lee, kevin, and they are next. ♪ ♪ this is john. he never gives up—no matter what life throws his way. high cholesterol. heart disease. 17 fad diets... 5 kids... 3 grandkids... 1 heart attack. and 18 passwords that seem to change daily.
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♪ ♪ >> steve: well, the meter is
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running. 46 days until the midterms in the republican party is looking to take back the majority in the u.s. congress. >> brian: it is going to be tight. today house g.o.p. leadership will reveal their new commitment to american platforms focusing on the kitchen table issues that impact people the most. >> ainsley: live in washington, kevin mccarthy, house g.o.p. conference chair released upon it. good morning to all of you. >> good morning, family, think you all so much. congressman, i want to go straight to this one, the commitment to america. what is this about? is it true that you base this similar to what newt did when clinton was in office to take back the house again with republicans? >> but is putting out to the american public. think about this we are in washington and not washington, d.c., washington county, pennsylvania, why? this plane is about all these
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people sitting around the table talking about the challenges that they have. could they afford it? can they fill up their tank of gas? how did they survive but now the democrats causing inflation. they lost a whole month salary. are the communities safe again? you want to community that is safe again. where law enforcement it is respected and criminals are prosecuted. we want an education system built on the future where kids come first and are taught to dream big. what we wanted to do a plan for new direction. we want to be upfront with american public. we want an election to have the contrast. if they put their trust in us, this is exactly what we will do. hold our feet to the fire. on the very first day, we will reveal 87,000 irs agent. so we work for you, you don't work for us. >> congressman i want to go to you because i've never seen mom so upset until i saw the baby formula crisis. it is those issues that matter
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to them. you are a new mom. your baby is now one, but talk about what you heard from voters across the country now that you chair the conference. >> people are struggling in my district in upstate new york just like washington county pennsylvania. people are struggling to make ends meet. when they go to the grocery store, they see the prices going up and up here the energy cost whether filling up their tank of gas before preparing for the home heating season which is going to skyrocket. voters know that as a direct result of unified far left they'll democrat government. they will hold them accountable. this commitment is focused on solving those issues on behalf of the american people, reining in inflation and fixing the supply chain crisis. i will tell you, lawrence, when i was shopping for baby formula, though shelves were empty and house republicans stood up on behalf of moms, dads, grandparents and babies across the country. we will fight to make sure we have a secure supply chain right here in the usa. >> congressman, i want to go to
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you because i got in at midnight louisiana. i was in the burg capital of new orleans. crime is a big issue for americans. we see crime up and all the major cities in this country and what are republicans going to do to not only support law enforcement but provide public safety for every single american weather suburb were in a major city? >> lawrence born in new york city it angers me to see the liberal policies. they went out in the front of the police and understaffed on the new orleans police department. you saw people running for d.a. and sheriff saying they would let people out of jail. guess what happens? when you say that, the criminals are listening where the criminals know they can go commit more crimes and they do. most people in any community want to be safe and the commitment to america, we talked about making community safe again and an america that is safe because, frankly, it is out of control and so many big cities because of weather joe biden, speaker pelosi,
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they'll push these polities not only to defund the police, but now cashless bail. they are embracing the policies that make our communities less they've not just at the border but every big city in america. and it weeds out the communities. we have to reverse that trend by telling the american people, we are running not just against what they are doing because i think most americans don't like what joe biden, speaker pelosi in the far left are doing but we tell people what we are for. what we will do with the conservative ideas to turn this country around and rebuild america strong. >> so important. the voters are so happy, obviously, this plan repub republicans. thank you that's the least up on it, mccarthy for joining us today on "fox & friends." [applause] and a quick final note, you see the plan for the republicans, this will be the work that we will be running on. but also, political insider, the former president has about $100 million and they wonder
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what you will do in this race? will he use that money to support candidates like you just saw? i will turn it back to you guys in new york. >> steve: great question, speaking of money, lawrence, we are buying them breakfast if that is legally possible? >> i think the congressman's mind. [laughter] >> steve: all right. >> steve: kevin mccarthy picking up breakfast. >> ainsley: great job, lawrence, thank you. shannon brandt category 4 hurricane fiona with 130 mile-per-hour winds. we are tracking the storm spirit this could be the country of canada's strongest storm ever. plus dan bongino is here live with "unfiltered" take on today stories after the break. you're watching "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ stories of bipolar depression.
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caribbean killing eight people. >> brian: robert. >> guys, good morning from bermuda. just 21 square miles getting backward right now. it has been since overnight. we have seen wind gusts up to 9o trend speed winds just in the past 20 minutes. we have had wind gust 83 miles per hour. the rain comes and goes, the big wind gusts come and go. they were 20,000 power outages here on the island and just under 700 miles from the coast of north carolina, which is also getting hammered by the big surge. out there around bermuda and the atlantic, 50-foot swells. we are totally unprotected from anything. so if you see an island this small, there was really no issue here as far as getting all of the big wind and rain. it is a raising, guys, fiona is
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200 miles to the northwest right now. it is already passed bermuda. and yet, we are still getting these dirty side of the storm. the 20,000 power outages right now and perhaps structural damage to be assessed later today as we get out. out crucial do the same. this has to stop before any of this happens as yet another bus begins into bermuda, guys. >> steve: stand and thereby live in new york might be safe. >> ainsley: the box weather forecast, adam. >> good morning, we'd track fiona as it moves past bermuda still, making a little bit of an impact there but the wins 125 miles an hour, category three hurricane anything about this is far off of the west coast, the folks are feeling it. there is recurrent threat from new england, high threat of waves 5-10 feet and the system tracks to the north.
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it will make landfall over the weekend in canada. nova scotia, newfoundland, and i do want to leave you with this. it is hurricane season. we have a depression in the caribbean lifting towards florida next week. so there is still more tropical weather to pay attention to. of course, you can do so by downloading the box weather app where we will check the storms throughout the hurricane season. those are the weather headlines. >> brian: thank you, adam have a good weekend. president trump revealing the three keys to deal with the taliban during the exclusive sit sean hannity. >> you said to me that in no uncertain terms, you would obliterate him if he dare not to follow every daughter that i come across t, period. >> i know exactly where he was. >> i said i will picture this house but where was that at the time? >> why would you send me a picture of my house and i said
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you would have to figure that out. >> ainsley: trump lemming he would handle the country's chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan much differently than joe biden. >> brian: dan bongino on every saturday, welcome back. your reaction to what the president said. >> first let me tell you, "fox & friends" with steve, i leaned back on the couch and it looks weird on camera. you have to get forward like you, strategic fighting position. so yeah... >> like peter doocy. >> you have to lean forward like you are into it. so i learn things. >> you are coachable. >> today i came and prepared for a double leg takedown. this is a great interview, by the way, both parts. this goes back to madman politics and it is a real thing. you can look it up and i'm not just being silly. the theory is you have to be strategically ambiguous so nobody knows what you will do so they remain frightened. >> how crazy is that? >> exactly and why kim jong un this little slob has managed to stay in power and his family for
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decades now. they have no economy. they have nothing. everybody is afraid he will launch a nuke. no sane person would do that, but the catches, is he same? i think what trump had over biden is people thought this guy could be crazy enough to really take me -- >> he took out baghdadi. and if you do this i will kill you. >> right and nobody thought it would happen, nobody ever thought that they would do that to jerusalem and he just did it. but all this b.s., these terrorists are not afraid to die. that is total bull. you can figure out the rest. where is bin laden questioning >> listen, you may not be afraid of dying but you are afre tell you something, these people who die under this homicide bombing stuff went then control it maybe not as afraid of doing it but when you think there will be one of these reseau missiles coming in slicing up your car, you are scared. so we handled it differently
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than biden and not strategically ambiguous. he stupidly ambiguous. >> ainsley: how did you handle ringing the bell yesterday? gone public. >> the tickers are human, the biggest day, i've been in this free speech and we went public, and the seo maintains control of the company. there it is, times square. i am an investor, a big investor in rumble. and that is me. "fox & friends," me ringing the bell, my wife, paula. that is me hugging one of them investors. >> brian: that is fantastic. you got me on rumble last year and it is incredible. >> it is incredible, free speech alternative to you too. absolutely blown up and we are doing cloud and whole infrastructure. >> brian: they can't cancel your? >> we would have to cancel our souls. you can only censor the other guy for so long. the other guy as a voice too
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appear that happened yesterday. >> steve: his voice "unfiltered" saturday nights, tune in because you have sean hannity and a whistle-blower. last week, your wife actually made a recipe that she has contributed to the cookbook. please, thank you paula for doing that. >> she doesn't like tv. she only did it for the deuce. i want that on the record of "fox & friends," paula she hates tv. if you write a cookbook, i don't know, steve, you have to take her out to dinner. >> steve: if we go out to dinner maybe she will do it for your cookbook. >> ainsley: i'm glad that is your wife, who is the woman you are kissing? >> that would be super creepy. daddy, i miss that yesterday. who was that lady? >> brian: congratulations on rumble, the entrepreneurial effort. it is amazing. >> i'm not screwing around. you have to do something. action changes the world. i love talking for a living but it doesn't change anything. it reminds me to go out and vote 46 days because if you don't
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your country will follow apart. >> brian: if you don't vote, you can't complain. dan bongino tune in tomorrow. in the meantime calls for biden to condone violence after an 18-year-old apparently murdered over his political beliefs. geraldo on that next. ♪ ♪ choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine
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it's nice to unwind after a long week of telling people how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need! (limu squawks) he's a natural. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ♪ ♪ >> brian: we have a tragic story out of north dakota where a man admitted to running over 18-year-old cayler ellingson with this car because he thought the teenager was an extreme republican. republican extremists. herewith reaction is geraldo rivera host of "the five" and fox news correspondent at large. geraldo, i look at "the new york post" that says there is no evidence this 19th from north dakota was a republican extremist according to the police. and yet, this guy ran him over because he thought he was, he says.
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>> it is awful, steve. remember, you know we are operating right now under the climate that president joe biden helped create when he said we have to fight maga extremists. that the left has to be motivated against the right. we have to, you know, fight them bare knuckle if necessary. that was his point metaphorically. here in small town north dakota, a party happening, words exchanged, the older man left kind of person arguing with a young teenager, kaylor ellington, the 18-year-old. the older guy believes the 18-year-old is a maga extremists. he gets in his ford explorer and runs the kid down. then he leaves the scene, comes back and it is a bizarre story. anyway, he's charged with the particular homicide. he makes babel $50,000 worth of
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bail, and he is out after running down that killing, kaler ellington. i want to compare brandt and you had the white extremists, the white supremacist james fields who is charged with murder and gets life in prison. so compared to the right-wing protester murder was treated with how this shannon brandt who is out on bail, the 18-year-old, a maga extremists is dead so the question becomes, will these deaths be equated -- will brandt get similar treatment that the white extremists got five years ago? it is -- where this goes, where political extremist rhetoric goes, steve, is to viole violence, disorder, anarchy and an 18-year-old is dead. the man who ran over and killed him is out on a very low bail.
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>> steve: geraldo, as i said at the beginning, please see there is no evidence this guy is in extremists or republican extremist. and when you look at the coverage, none of the networks cover this because so many republicans now are calling on joe biden to condemn this because it was joe biden who has been using that, you know, we have to stop the maga republicans. this guy is essentially saying, "hey, this guy is a republican extremist." it is not hard to connect from the mic the dots. we should hear from joe biden. >> we should absolutely hear from him. this has to be condemned. before it spins out of control. >> steve: geraldo, have a great weekend. still had on this friday, fox nfl sunday, the packers take on the books with the game of the week it is brady versus rogers. the hall of famer jimmie johnson joins us live with your pregame preview.
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but first, a preview of the next hour with dana perino, good morning, pain appearance >> steve, do you want my take on the game? >> steve: i do. >> i will get back to you very much. commitment to america during our show and pierced the very successful contract from 1994. can it help republicans in 2022? the author of that contract newt gingrich would join us in a few minutes. two g.o.p. candidates try to break away from liberal pundits tracking new mexico governor and north carolina senate. both candidates will be here. is there a drug worse than conventional? it is coming near a town near you. marc siegel, shannon bream, leo terrell will be here and we will see you at 9:00. ...slider sunday? sliiiiiiiiii-der sunday! we've got philly cheesesteak sliders on king's hawaiian slider buns! oh, my. and we got cheeseburger sliders
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5:52 am
♪ ♪ >> brian: all right america's game is a big one here on fox. the best ever tom brady and aaron rodgers face-off for the final time here at the packers, bucks tampa bay sunday night. fox sports analyst. pro football hall of famer jimmie johnson. coach, are you pumped up for this game? who has the advantage coming in, the 2-0 packers, 2-1 bucks?
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>> well, i look at it and it can be played in tampa. i think tom brady, you have always got to give him a little bit of the edge. the other thing is with aaron rodgers, both of them are hall of famer quarterbacks. but aaron rodgers, he has young receivers he has to bring along. i don't think they are there yet. he will have to rely on aaron jones and his running back. if he does that, they will be in the ball game. but you've got to company great quarterbacks. it will be a great watch. >> brian: it is great because brady practiced on wednesday here at something with his ring finger on his throwing hand. he is 45. do you say set out week three, we need you later in the year and why risk it? >> no, brian, you are talking about two teams that could be participants in the super bowl. you know, a championship in philadelphia. you know, i think they need every win they can get. so, he says his finger is fine.
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>> brian: they always say that. they never want to tell us. but you can find out the real information. the other big game is eagles/commanders, formerly the redskins. this is big for carson wentz, the quarterback of the future of the eagles but he's not. the eagle stacked for super bowl run. what do you think here? commanders calm off 1-1 or eagles? >> i was so proud, impressed with philadelphia. jaelyn herz is playing so well. i watch them practice when they worked against the dolphins in training camp here they are very, very physical. and i think some of those defensive players for philadelphia and during practice you couldn't hit your quarterback so they never hit carson wentz and so may be looking forward to hit him a few times in washington. >> brian: that is interesting and the other games, lions/vikings. keep your eyes on the lands.
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raiders, titans, rams, falcon seahawks. watch more fox. good question, is there quarterback in dallas, the former boss jerry says the cooper rush if he continues to play this well, it will be trouble when prescott comes out but remember tony romo was supposed to be the quarterback and no one picked to be that good but what do you think? >> did you say jerry jones or did you say barnum and bailey? he is the greatest salesman in the world. he just stirred them up to get a few more viewers against the giants. and i will be on with peyton and eli for the game with a giants. >> brian: are you really? that will be fantastic. he will be ready for anything. >> i told him, i said, make him put me on early because i don't want to be on late in the game. >> brian: everybody thought there goes the season but he did look good last week and jimmy congratulations, joe pumped up
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for another great year and a great start yourself. you truly are the star of the nfl, the nfl scoreboard, no doubt about it. thank you, coach. >> i appreciate it. all right, have have a great week end. >> brian: the quarterback controversy in dallas and by this a chance of one million-dollar of terry bradshaw's money. download the super six app today and enter nfl sunday challenge. and enter nfl sunday challenge. do it right now. you probably won't. more "fox & friends." ♪ ♪es a1 son tc: mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. song: a1c down with rybelsus® anncr vo: in a clinical study, once-daily rybelsus® significantly lowered a1c better than the leading branded pill. anncr vo: rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. anncr vo: don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. anncr vo: stop rybelsus®
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6:00 am
♪ ♪ >> brian: all right, thank you for watching "fox & friends" one nation at 8:00 and then john crist, john o'day, the next senator from colorado. governor newsom wants four more years. steve wants what? >> steve: buy the book. where did she go? good morning, a big review of house republicans. standby about an ounce sweeping agenda to carry the victory in november and beyond. as we say good morning on a friday, bill hemmer. welcome to the program here. >> what a great note. >> the first day of fall, is that the reason why? >> i think it is good to be here with all of you and i'm dana perino. this is "america newsroom." this is exciting. the midterm elections 46 days away. house republicans, they are going on offense.


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