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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  September 23, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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whether it's gluing yourself your hand to a painting or lighting yourself on fire, thes kids are well. the green movement is not good for them. that's it for as tonight remember flyer be with your family and friends this weekend. have some fun and been a tumultuous times. it's america now and forever. >> guess what, we got a lot to do. we go back a long way. she was 12 i was 30 but anyway. >> i would not brag about that, joe. happy friday my friday friends.
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what a great show we have tonight. i say that every night. even when it. it's a coping trick that i picked up from the host at fox and friends. they don't watch, what did they know? here is a fun survey and by fun i mean it agrees with me who is never wrong. a new poll conducted by politic which is spanish for vomit. chose at that most hispanics actually like the transporting of illegal aliens into left-win sanctuary cities. this action only upsets white liberals and sanctuary cities who are forced to be compassionate instead of simply pretending to be. there also known as late. >> my apology who perform a valuable function. make fun of them all you want, but if he did not have one, i
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would hate to be you. where am i? but if there is one thing white liberals are good at it's been credit. that and telling me the specials . in the survey the question was would you consider sending migrants to us states to be appropriate or inappropriate? for hispanics and set appropriate that sail by a six-point margin with a plurality of 41 percent. a plurality. i think we called them a day. only 35 percent said inappropriate. the remaining 30 percent said i'm a better looking version of pierce brosnan. i'll take it. as john nolte points out the survey shows hispanics opinions are not that different from everyone else's. white americans felt the policy is appropriate for a similar margin that's got a surprise th folks at politico. not you are me, we know that common sense knows no borders o
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pigment. sending illegal immigrants to t sanctuary cities he boasted of their willingness to embrace of them that makes total sense. after all, what could be wrong with giving people what they're asking for? at least that's what i tell larry kudlow. it's a funny, i knew harder was a terrible safe word. which is why it's so weird to see the left-wing cities work with at lightning speed to deport the migrants. if they only use the same speed to give and he fed blm and outsiders the boot during the riots, they even called in the national guard. last time people living on an island island overreacted that much, a shark had eaten the kicker boy. even in jobs, they that the sharking out for a week.
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it's old news to you. at the liver was back the policies as long as they don't to deal with them. again, it's not in my backyard. unless you mowing it. they did this with crime. to get private security and liv in gated communities. why not defend the police? when i emptied the presence? it's easy to squint there are too many people behind bars whe you're screaming it from behind your own. after serving as a magnet for migrants, there want nothing to do with them. they kicked them to the curb that likely had a caprio's girlfriend on the 20th birthday. she she's getting up there. start walking slower. they're like that one person at work who boasts about volunteering at the soup kitche once, five years ago. and then we'll never let you forget it. but when you ask of them for favor, they're totally swamped.
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back to the pole. it tells you something we've also said for years. the migrants from down south ar more like you that they are lik the left. seriously. if you have more in common with? the hispanic eye that out to fi your cable or seth meyers? the woman who cleans your hotel room or sunny holliston oris should i say hostile? the guy who delivers your pisa o'brien stelter? okay. and they are now the same guy, but you get it. love you, brian. i am here for you. it's not because they actually want to be in america but that that's part of it. i think it's time to hear from someone stupid. that's what's so interesting fo
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me that there are so many latinos that vote republican because they vote against their self-interest. if you are really interested in these types of issues and that you're a democrat you are so smart, sunny. you know so much more than them. what an arrogant bigot. i hate to tell you you cannot defined their self interest if you were spot at the self and the interest. what issues are you interested anyway that they could possibly care about? i don't think i've ever met a woke mexican or a woke venezuelan or a woke cuban. many have experienced the consequences of leftism of localism and it like a sanitation truck and a 90-degre day, they can smell that garbag and mile away. and it like our college kids, you'll see carlos junior wearin a chake whether a t-shirt because his parents would have beat has but like a conga drum.
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i doubt any central american with a transact of us tell them what said you know and what's a nina i doubt any guatemalan wil embrace gender affirmation search of a their kids i doubt any emigrant things you can replace fossil fuels with windmills and then burke steals but that's the left sunny. it's no wonder hispanics are running from you like your covi with a cold sore. however, here's one person who gets it. >> immigration has truly never been a tough issue for latinos. the methods if you talk about migrants if you show these stories the latinos will vote for you. that's not true. they care about economy and crime and jobs and education. that that set latinos are sending a message they are drifting away they're walking away from the democratic party. >> this shift should not be the reason why you should embrace immigration. you should embrace it because immigrants are us and it not in the old-fashioned in the believ
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much of same things. that content is in the characte and character is found in hard work and that there should be n line cutting coming in. we love process, like the process talk to any émigré to build out the forms awaited and lines and waited years today they sound like reagan republicans at minus the khakis. but dems don't see them. they just see boats. and it like biden after human set of metamucil, they really couldn't give a bleep. that always gets the applause. to our friends who value family respect and hard work, welcome and when sts they might not our that's been your but we have a place in america somewhere for you. let's welcome tonight's guest.
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she gave dc a case of ptsd. kaylee megan any he's had it more high-profile gas and jeffrey epstein's island . dave ruben. like a highway in the winter, she's got to cold shoulders and was likely wreck car. he so large people assume his pronouns are fee by boat and foul. congratulations are in order,
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mr. rubin. you were ringing the bell yesterday and it was in some club. >> that was later in the day bu i think the belgian talking about. ring the bell for rumble which is it now totally public and free speech is public and we ar going to beat be youtube and google and facebook and twitter. and all of that stuff. and, greg, you had a good you'r number one in the night. people are talking about you bu it's important i mentioned you did not invest when i asked you. yeah, you could be pretty rich right now. >> i also would not have a job. and would not be allowed to wor at another media company. >> you wouldn't need a job. there's a great little gig you've got here. it's good it's keeping up.
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>> i don't even know if i want to talk to you anymore. we you surprised by the pole? >> no. of course not. it's time for the latinos to lead the democrats it's time fo the gays to lead them it's time for everyone to leave the democrats period. there is nothing they are. had there is nothing left. the democrats have that one sho that is to bring jfk back from the dead. that would pretty much it be at and until they do that you're either in a crazy party or i would call it to sanity party because it has something to do with desantis and that's what's going on with republicans right now. >> there you go. a reanimated jfk. in this case stacy would be happy because he doesn't need a heartbeat. >> that jake joe company must i makes no sense. >> it may made nonsense at at
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oscar mike and i reiterate how rich you would be? you what have to make sense. >> i'll tell you the number later does that number begin with a b. >> you would be doing alright. i'm going to ignore your for th rest of the show. kaylee, how far along? >> seven months. >> i will give you extra time because you'll be commenting fo acute ischemic heart beating fo two dna for two. it. >> what do you make of this pole ? >> it's not surprising. at the left makes a caricature of latinos. if you are latino, you must car about the border. when i had the unfortunate distinction of being college with brian stelter, they used t say to me when trump was runnin for the nominating and 2020 thi is politics of addition and subtraction and the sky subtracting all the latinos out.
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as it turns out, he increased a the party's margin and 2016. in 2020 and miami-dade county, he got the highest about total of any republican candidate in 16 years. why? he was up there chatting bell that wall. but it's because he didn't trea latinos like a caricature. they want breakfast tacos. they want as one texas blogger hired by the congressman he called her ms. free holdings miss beads alike would democrat have a chance, they immediately go to the race is placed where they characterize and marginalize latinos and they ar noticing that and they say the republican party makes more sense. build that wall. >> the only woke next year to t people who are born here. do you sense that? >> you have to be born and spoiled. it's a caveat.
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>> you have to have first world problems like my phone is at 30 percent. >> that does. i get pretty upset. >> i hate when that little red thing comes on. >> i never get two that point a that's dangerous. >> you can actually feel it physically in your pocket. not a first world problem. the pole it at the argument itself is racist. it's stupid. the only people who have to car about going to a sanctuary city as the people on the bus and that we don't see them writing spanish too help notes on the window. they are not on the bus going no . they're fine where they are going. that's like telling me hey just so you know watermelon is fine this year in the summer.
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assuming that i'm worried about it because i'm black. that's what they are doing. it latinos are with that. why the only one that has to be okay with it is the immigrant. period. >> cat, what you make of this? >> i am not commenting for two. i think at one right here nothing in my womb. i think what sonny said was extremely insulting actually. your self-interest the best person who knows what it is is it your self and that you might have different values than she does but what she is saying whe she says that is i know better than you do. that is the most disrespectful thing you can say to another person that they are too stupid to know what's good for them. i've never met you but i'm so smart and your saddam and that this compassionate take i don't
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understand how you've ever reac the fact that anything other than making decisions for yourself is compassionate. it's mean and arrogant. >> it really is excellent point and on that note we shall take break fund start except for dav rubin. at max de congresswoman lives a two stupid questions about fuel and that.
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>> a congresswoman goes to grea pains proving she's got noodles for brains. as you see a congressional bull kitten rejecting rejected fully. on wednesday also known as the down one. >> it's a tough competition but the squad. challenge bank ceos too stop
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financing fossil fuels. here she is trying to explain her point. >> you have all committed as yo all know to transition the admissions and investment activities to line with pathway to net zero in 2050. do you know what the international energy agency has said is required to meet our goal zero targets a limiting temperature rise to 2.7 degrees fahrenheit or 1.5 degrees celsius. no new fossil fuel production starting today so that's like zero. >> that was harder to follow than a dwarf through a corn maze . yet, i've been there. >> that's the kettle calling th pot black.
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i figured you'd be right behind him. and yet he wants execs to answe six sink lead after that. watch house a sink jc j.p. morgan ceo can be. >> please answer with a simple yes or no, does your bank have policy against funding new oil and gas products? >> absolutely nigh and that would be the road to hell for america. how's that? how is that for a yes or no answer? then she came unglued faster than a band-aid in the ocean. that's fine. every body that got really from students has a bake account wit your bank should probably take out their account and close their account the fact that you're not even there to help i
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really that many other folks in that debt because of student loan and your other criticizing. >> what? that wasn't even the question. in this for a conversation on a subway, would be slowly backing away from her. finally, the last and final swing. >> i'm not going to ask you mr. diamond because you obviously don't care about working-class people like ours i'm not can even ask if you're committing to financing a new oil and gas products. >> you're not can ask? that was your first question. we are all dumber now them when i started this segment and i'm sorry for bringing you into this . cat, what do you make? do you have any advice for her, because that clearly was a failure. >> yeah. if you don't know a word you should look it up. the cell assists like because
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even if her argument would have made since in other ways, she was lost a lot of lost a lot of points for saying degrees celsius. it goes to show you don't reall think about these things becaus if you want to have the technology to move away from fossil fuels, which we don't have yet, you need an environment where innovation is possible and that is capitalism. it's the only way it would be possible. diamonds response reeking of white privilege and racism? doesn't realize you should not be speaking that bluntly in tha truth by late two members of squad? they are the oppressed. >> at that's white supremacy, sign me up. i met him. >> what it is, what we have her today my southern white, is wok
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say in trouble because the big companies aren't scared no more. i think that thing woke a lot o people up because what the woke do is when they ask a question, they're too scared to answer. and what usually they do is ask older white people feel bad and won't challenge them. but don messed around and asked an old english white women and she did not play that. then other white people so that so when she asked him, he looke around the room know that stupid . everyone sees it but the woke now. who attack was, i'm going to tell people that they got their student loans paper to cancel their bank accounts will than they won't get their money,.
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it does not make any sense. she's probably just to an interview situations like yes o course the salus is a problem. >> her hand was on her heart. she's are you a racist? >> cailee, any pointers? >> at there many. for the new press secretary. >> to be pure, that wasn't hale talking that was the baby. >> not be before you attacked this young lady it was all him. it's interesting they left to talk about how bad our candidates are on the right. you guys have the sheet out to leave and aoc and the horrible people like rashida she uses th
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words of meet with holocaust do you remember she made that anti somatic statement? and then she said she was to empty the federal prisons in te years and my favorite is her advocacy for a nationwide rent moratorium as she is collecting 32, $100,000 in rent. these people could not live up to their own hypocrisy and it t your point need dictionaries wa she waiting that of a teleprompter because how do you mispronounce a word unless you not reading it, i don't know. >> i have never gotten that. the funny thing is i think that she knew that diamond was it right. she wants it to fail. she wants it to all go down the tubes. >> let me speak broadly. she is a vile, disgusting, horrible, anti-american, communist, awful the genera. and i could go on but i was
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thinking this is the number whe showing late-night and deaf i said what i really believe abou her, you would probably be canceled. when i was in the great room i actually write down what i thin about her on a napkin and i thought it would just hand it t you and if you read that allowe be back if you read aloud i wil never be on fox again. >> he doesn't have to worry about it because he so rich. >> i can't do it. put in your pocket i don't thin she invested either. >> up next, at disney is not in your budget, sneaking in kids il one wao y to budget.
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>> does it cost too much to see goofy? here's the proof.
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it's a true inflation has disne guests struggling so they resorted to human smuggling. here is a video and tik tok showing a metal sticking her child into disney while using a baby stroller used to avoid admission fees. what's the big deal? much like the debate surroundin the mustache people wonder whether the move as genius or trashy. it really is no debate under geraldo's mustache. at disney brought the price of admission for anyone over the age of three is $100 minimum. one hundred dollars. i could sign to a book deal for that. but that's the devil but across to see me at foxwoods casino october 1st. and at that ticket includes a one fountain drink and a lap dance. at the same time. now the kid seems a little olde
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than three but it's my personal belief that if he can fit in a stroller gift to get for free. ticket price the ticket price i paled in comparison to the dinner at disney albert's restaurant at person can expect to pay up to $625 for a four hour ten course meal. attend courses. do you really need ten courses it. do you see what i did there? a courses and courses. that's really good. that's late-night comedy. have you ever considered sneaking your kids into disney? sneak your kid under your dress burtnjoe pregnant. >> that could totally work firs of all they have these things you strapped your chest you jus put a big short overwritten the
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get so excited and they opened and there's a ticket there and many massive mickey mouse costume. if you told the kid you get to go to disney world but the cost was eight years old is to shove yourself into an infant car sea smother your blankets and hundred degree weather, i think the child may have very different decision-making process as if they want to go t disney world. >> that is true. >> i look at this in a differen way. is that what what you will call a disney anchor baby? >> actually. >> not really. >> i'm not quite understanding the story. the other saying disney is too expensive to go into but it's literally the only one we can bring your child and as your so and they will take them out as your daughter. >> that cost money. yes it cost money that is true.
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we talked about disney world a lot. you don't take your kids there? >> had rather burn it down by look at it. >> burn it down with humor not with matches. we just want to clarify. the mecca okay. i've got a punch at the parents for this one. it live within means it. if you have to sneak a child into disney, don't go. don't waste your money. if you can't afford it, wait. put your money away. invest in something. we too you get your money back. these it disney parents have to go to see the magic kingdom. it's not even about the kids. they'll stop the kids in the carriage. i couldn't do that to my child. her congratulations on euros. my room wasn't and won. the dr. was like.
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>> i can't do these things. but i whatnot take my kid somewhere i had to sneak. afterwords when the light is of by the phone is out because he went to disney, that's a problem . live within your means. >> that's a very good point. >> tells me you've snuck into a number of places. right? what was your most cleverest disguise? >> i'm still thinking about rashida. >> of you this person who hates america and all other countries are better, you should definitely know how to pronounc celsius. >> that is true because celsius as a metric. >> i own so present the fact that you like this idea that genius and trashy are diametrically opposed. >> i didn't write that line up a . >> who wrote that? look at my career and prove it' not true. >> it was jean.
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>> if you want to sneak your ki and, that's fine. the thing about sneaking if you're going to sneak in important thing is to not bill him yourself at doing it impose on the internet. >> don't tell on yourself. are we done? >> i think self. >> it's getting kinda bored wit this after a while. coming up the subtle art of thee elpart.
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a story in five words. comfortable parting after six states. tyrus, a new poll shows it take on average six states for peopl to feel comfortable passing gas in front of their partner. >> it's like jeopardy. >> i hate these stupid polls.
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>> i don't know. every relationship i've ever been in, it never happens. it doesn't happen even when it does happen at something else. be mic even when it does happen. >> it's always something else every man knows what i'm talkin about. >> that's the must a vague yet specific thing i've talked about . >> and then again in their defense when i don't listen whe they talk either it's like the same thing. i believe you're the expert in this whole area. >> the office. >> i parted before whatever. in front of your boss. it not in front of you i didn't know if you heard it because yo were there all of a sudden. >> if you want someone that enters your office, break wendy.
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>> all of a sudden your brother and added here is an got the ge set because i was like did you hear that do i need a new job? >> thankfully you're forgotten all about it. i don't have to be embarrassed anymore. >> is probably gonna roll the tape. >> here is a completely politically incorrect question to ask. you are married and that's not mince words into another man. >> yes you shocked he's are you guys clueless or what? >> i'm not my husband is. is there a higher or lower amon same-sex parents partners versu heterosexuals? personally can you speak for al gays. >> i cannot speak it's not very
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braska to speak for both sides. personally i have always preferred the silent but deadly so that if you were on the number one cable show in americ and the microphone was close, you might just adjust it slightly in your seat and i apologize to you. >> you are parting for two now. >> that's how it works. >> what you make of this? so it's america, you can't be. >> first i thought flatulent jokes were banned on this program i was here in july and thought they were banned. i guess not redo segments on it now. nevertheless, probably the reason your impure merit your marriage is now. most interesting take away was most people muted zoom in order
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to pass gas and set jeffrey to ben. >> i think the lesson here is you should be honest start parting on the first date. and she might be into it. people are into different thing it. there really is no fetish for that i'm going to move on because extra jokes. >> that segment stunk. >> jokes coming up
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time again for leftovers a segment that you called better than anything they've ever done. finally they are being honest. it's where we read the jokes we didn't use this week. as with any leftovers, you neve know at their get into you dig in and as always it's my first time reading these so my laugh or die from food poisoning. in an interview at 60 minutes president joe biden one depression present about using nukes and responsive who in one to biden about using bikes.
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new york city shelters are so overwhelmed that mayor eric adams adams at migrants could b housed on cruise ships. said one migrant haven't we suffered enough? photos of a transgender canadia teacher wearing a gigantic prosthetic and class went viral this week. when out of high school says that they stand behind her because it there's no room to stand up front. >> administrators were ultimately glad because she let them know it was too cold insid the school. >> wow. johnny depp is reportedly updating the attorney who represented him. one asked how it compared to hi relationship with amber heard, debit replied same old.
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>> you could see these coming but they are still funny. kind of like michael moore. the inventor of the scrunchy hair accessory passed away at age 78. her family plans a private ceremony followed by losing her behind the couch cushions. you taught republican state senate candidate linda paulson has received a mixed reaction t her bible campaign rap video. for those doubting her credentials, she confesses that she wants cut a pitch for standing still in her potato recipe. >> i hope she wins it. a new york weatherman--aren't they all--and has been fired after secretly appearing nude o an adult website. sound familiar, dave?
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>> 's boss later admitted he wasn't fired for opposing nude but because he lied when he tol viewers to expect 6-8 inches. >> why didn't write that joke earlier when we did that story? oh, you write it now? >> a customer at a pennsylvania restaurant recently left a 3,000-dollar tip on a 13-dollar meal as part of a social media movement called tips for jesus. if i had a tip for jesus i tell him to stop sending all this dinner guests on the same side of the table. who is demented enough to write that? did you write that? it's a good when a 27 -year-old man in india had to be hospitalized after seeing a metal metal to can of up his
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butt. hospital staff became suspiciou when they turned an mri machine and he flew backwards across th room. after her surgery to remove it, they described his condition as a enough for a man. but made for a woman. a british model was forced to change airline seats after flyers and harbrow complained they were getting crushed by he enormous. the airline later gave the mode a voucher and suggested she try different mode of transportatio like motor boating. >> to be hire an eight -year-old ? we did, did we? an eight -year-old boy is writing all these jokes and tha they are funny.
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and finally, multiple women wen public this week accusing adam levine but sending them an appropriate. the most embarrassing one being i seen from a. >> that was pretty good. i think all of them hit. i think all of them hit. when we started out, none of . don't go away, we will be right back.
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>> final thoughts? >> for tyrus live at that will be november 4 in new orleans an october 22 in north carolina. to show support for the men and women and blue i will give away 50 complementary tickets for police officers and families hi up my website. >> no identifying as a police officer to get free tickets.
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>> is because you're just that way, does not mean-- >> i used to wear the uniform but not to a recipe ball. >> harder. >> cailee, thank you and i'm sorry dave ruben congrats. our studio audience kevin gore next i love you, america. welcome to fox new @ night i'm kevin corke in washington. ♪ ♪


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