tv FOX and Friends Saturday FOX News September 24, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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♪ ♪ i'm gonna need some whiskey glasses quds i don't to see the truth ♪ pete: great song. there's some cows out there, and there's some cow cuddling. welcome to "fox & friends" on this fourth hour, saturday morning, september -- cow bells, everything. because we were doing some cow cuddling, will, rachel and i because, apparently, that helps
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with stress. rachel: it's called cow therapy. it's cow therapy. yes, to rower your -- low lower your heart rate. i don't know how we all feel right now, but i will, i will say that, you know, it was really fun. and, by the way, i got to feed two of the cows simultaneously. so i guess that's what it feels like to have twins. will: they say the cow's heart rate is lower than ours, so our heart rate will match theirs or slow down. i think their brain waves are also a little slower -- rachel: do you not love cows? will: i like cows. yeah, i like cows. rachel: and he were rescued from possibly becoming veal. pete: they've lost their biggest upside. if you had twins, you normally don't slaughter them when they're big and fat and juicy -- rachel: babies too. pete: these were saved from veal
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farms, i think, so hair life -- their life is a little bit better, but they will never be as tasty. [laughter] will: just feels weird. pete: for now, we cuddle with them. rachel: we had goat yoga, and now we have cow therapy. i really think our producers are concerned about our mental health -- will: oh, really? after weeks of making us eat whatever they put on the -- now they're worried about us? [laughter] rachel: and those were leftover wings. pete: he were. it's also national hunting and fishing day, everybody. so out there everywhere away from new york, i know what people will be doing today. and rightfully so. will: absolutely. meanwhile, you know that there is an illegal immigration crisis raging at our southern border. the white house continues to deny this crisis. meanwhile, as evidence of exactly what berriesinging, how about this? -- berriesinging, wa deputy was killed as new york
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city mayor eric adams is set as we speak to ask the federal government not for relief at the border, not for help in shoring up and closing our border, but for $500 million to help the worer -- border crisis in new york city that will come in the form of, hey, help me get some tens preponderance popped up here -- tents popped up here. rachel: we just had joe borelli on talking about this. this tent is going to go up, i think, in the right district, alexandria ocasio-cortez's district. i asked joe, what are you going to do -- he's from staten island, but in new york city they know this is going to spread, so what are they going to do about the bath rams -- bathrooms? we don't know. he actually said they're contemplating cruise ships, and he, frankly, thinks that might be a better solution. but this is what they're doing here in new york city. and as you said, will, not asking for the border to be closed, not asking for more curt down there, but asking for money
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to put more tents up. will: adams asks feds for $500 million over border crisis in new york city but won't tell biden to end the surge. earlier we were talking about this taking place in new york city, and you made the point, rachel, i'm glad this is happening in the district can of alexandria ocasio-cortez because she's asked for it. that is true and i agree with that. i will say one other thing, this is somewhat reminiscent of the martha's vineyard crisis as well many that they're always happy to push illegal ingrants into the poorer areas of the community, you know? this will be a poor portion of new york that is forced to deal this crisis, not martha's vineyard. rachel: not the upper east side -- will: it will be right in the one -- one of the poorer areas of new york city. pete: and i'm old must have to remember that tents are horrible, what was that, three years ago?
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rachel: let's see if aoc cries for the -- pete: weeps for the people. that sheriff's deputy, completely preventable death death at the hands of an illegal who never should have been here in the first place. that's michael hartwick, the pinellas, i pronounced that right, i hope, deputy killed by the hug shot of the illegal as well. rachel: can i say something, pete? i asked joe borelli, because he knows that district well, i said do you think that aoc when this tent city goes up -- by the way, fox digital interviewed a lot of people in the area. they're all concerned, they're worried about what's going to happen now. i said is she going to pay a political price for this, and he said, not really. it's a solidly democrat city, and i ended the interview saying i don't feel sorry for them. they voted for aoc who was a
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massive proopponent of not just opening up the border, she wanted to abolish i.c.e., she wants to defund the police, she wants to open up our border so, i mean, it should go to their district can. will: meanwhile, droves of russians are trying to flee their country fearing a potential draft into the russian military. rah. rachel: the move coming after putin announces he's doubling down on military might in the outgoing -- in the ongoing invasion in ukraine. pete: trey yingst joins us live from kyiv. trey. >> reporter: will, pete, rachel, good morning. there are so many russian men trying to leave the country right now that neighboring finland plans to close its borders to russian tourists in the coming days. lines of cars were seen not only at the finnish border crossings, but also those of kazahkstan and georgia after russian president vladimir putin ordered the partial mobilization of 300,000 reservists.
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russian media believes the true number could be at high as 1 million. the matter is not that we are afraid, the matter is our dislike of this situation, one russian are man at the border says. i do not like what they are doing in ukraine. the decision has been met with significant pushback as middle-aged men are loaded onto buses and shipped to train facilities where reports indicate they may only receive two weeks of instruction before heading to ukraine. the unpopular mobilization is creating new pressure for russian president putin who threatened last week to use nuclear weapons as this war continues. trying to secure small victories in the territory currently occupied by russian forces across ukraine. it's why referendum voting is underway in eastern and southern ukraine that would formallallize the annexation of this territory from the perspective of the russians though western allies call this process a, quote, sham and illegitimate. the ukrainians are continuing to recapture territory in the eastern part of their country,
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and it does raise new questions about this referendum vote that's taking place as we speak. the big question, whether or not vladimir putin will use the results of the annexation polling to, ultimately, make an excuse to escalate this war saying that ukraine is attacking the russian state. will, pete, rachel? pete: trey, thank you. all right. let's bring in joey jones, retired marine bomb tech and fox news contributor and our friend. good morning, joey. your reaction to that. it appears ukraine's making gains, russia's drafting people, but trey ended with it, this reference tunnel that, if it passes, they will claim that ukraine is invading sovereign russian soil. >> the she. plantics, i guess, are for the ages. i i believe this is the type of thing that that americans have to sit here and watch and go, what an amazing thing to live on a continent where we have -- this is not something we have to worry about or endure. the closest we've come are nukes
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in cuba, right? that's ooh been a while. but as americans, we can look at this and go people are protesting in iran, ukraine is being invailedded -- invaded by russia. what is our military ready for? if i don't mean to diminish what ukraine is going through, but i'm an american first, and i care about our country. i was just on an hour ago talking to ray which chel about our military, about our air force creating -- whatever gender means, white, straight men aren't eligible for. so in our country right now because we have this convenience that we fought for and obtained a country coast to coast and our neighbors, canada and mexico, aren't necessarily adversarial, because of that we don't -- we can't even fathom what it's like to fight the war ukraine is fighting. and instead, we're focused on things like, i don't know, social politics rather than how to make our military stronger. rachel: you know what i think
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about, joey? i think about why we're funding and in this war to begin with. i don't think -- i think this war, it was preventabling. the more i look at it, the more i think things could have been negotiated. i remember joe biden say saying, oh, well, if it's a little incursion -- this thing could have been prevented, in my mind, and i still don't understand where all our money is going. [laughter] and as i see americans suffer and i see just piles of money pour out to yiep -- ukraine, it makes my blood boil. >> when you end the 20-year war, you better have another one on the bone for it. that's how it feels. and if that's not taking a position on the righteousness of supporting ukraine. that's being an american and seeing how that lobbying works and knowing i went to school to learn how to work on radios, and before i got out, we had a new set of radios. every time the ndaa got passed, they had enough money to slide in something new. we can't see what's in front of
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us which is that the people are what matter, and we're not taking care of those 18 to 20-year-olds that are enlisting and not giving them the challenge they deserve. rachel: there was a lot of cheerleading for the war with on both sides. will: we've got a new series we're pretty excited about. it focuses on, i think, optimistic messages. >> absolutely. will: you had a really cool way to kick this off in california. >> i tell you what, i got to go out and spend a full day with jacques coe will nick, the navy seal that many people know from his podcast or the book called extreme ownership. but we got to do things outside of what you already know about jocko. we've got a package here, let's take a look. rachel: awesome. [background sounds] >> hey, guys, it's 5:340 a.m. here on the west coast, we're in san diego, california, at the world famous victory mma. jacques coe will nick is going to show us how to get a workout. good morning. this is the kind of gym i'm used
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to. this is what i'm used to working out in. >> yeah. this is kind of the core where we facility built this gym around. i've got a bunch of different businesses now, but the first thing i ever did was this gym. >> yeah. >> it's because i love jiu-jitsu, i love lifting weights, boxing, kickboxing, and we were going to all these different gyms -- >> going to all these places, trying to do all these different things, you can bring it all in one place. i've been here, i've got the t-shirt. can you give me a workout? get real with it? ♪ ♪ >> thanks, man. >> boom. mission complete. >> was it always navy? you wanted to be a seal? >> even when i was a young, rebellious kid, ever since i can remember wanting to have any job
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in my life, i wanted to be some kind of commando. i collect these little plastic soldiers when i was a kid, and i had the british commandos. if i can do that job, whatever those guys are, i want to do that job. i figured out the closest thing we had to that here in america was the seal teams. how lucky do you get to end end up doing a job that really just fits your personality and fits what you've always wanted to do? >> do you actively seek things that humble you? >> jewish e -- jiu-jitsu. i quit every day. every day someone makes me tap out. >> you still learn every day? >> it'slyly dick house. there's stuff to learn. >> so i saw you with the by the tar. >> i've been playing for a long time, but i never worked -- first of all, never had a lesson from anybody, and i kind of figure when i'm old, i'll have time and i can do it then. i'll get good at it, when i'm not doing jiu-jitsu all the
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time, not surf all the time, maybe 20 years from now i'm going to put the time in. >> yeah. i can see 70-year-old jocko going, when i'm old, i'm going to do that. ♪ ♪ >> that's's what you're getting out of me. >> i love it, man. what does music mean to you? does it play a role in your life outside of an activity? >> yeah, absolutely. i love music. i mean, i'm listening to music all the a time. >> what are some genres that you might listen to that would surprise us? >> probably nothing. oh, except for adele. ♪ finish hello from the outside ♪ >> my daughters are wicked into adele, so there's my guilty pleasure, adele. >> all right. >> yeah. >> so this is the broom closet that became one of the most innine bl podcast studios in the country. >> this is podcast number 350.
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>> it's crazy to be just two people in a room, and you're talking to millions of people it's been an amazing ability or opportunity for me to learn about history and about human nature. and, you know, ultimately that's kind of what i settled on when people ask me what the podcast is about. >> as a guy with no legs, you showed me i could rock some kettle bells this morning. so i think there's some more activities maybe you could enlighten me on? >> i'm sure there's some things we could come up with. you ready to rock and roll? >> i am, man. let's go do it. i talk about the things i do, i love to hunt, i love to shoot a bow, but it's not every day somebody makes me prove if it. [laughter] >> it's going to be a challenge -- >> yeah. >> but it'll still be fun. john duffy, who's an incredible archer and hunter, he saw me on joe rogan. he built me a bow, taught me how to shoot it. [background sounds]
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now, that is extremely impressive. for you to come out here cold bore on that thing, ask you're cracking that plate at 60 yards, man. that's awesome. you can see i've got some adjustments i need to make. i'll be ready. >> i appreciate it, man. i've had a lot of funned to. awesome. fun today. will: that is extremely impressive, joey. >> yeah. when jacques coe will link looks at you, he doesn't know the cameras were on, he's, like, that's impressive. really? i'll take it. [laughter] so much fun. and, you know, if i could pick one word for him -- rachel: adele. >> well, that was the most surprising thing. one word, it's consistency. he is who he is who he is. and in a lot of ways, that was really cool. you know, he's a navy seal, and he's got this larger than life persona. you know, ceos that make billion dollar decisions realize his book, extreme ownership, and the two or three follow-on books, and used that as a guiding light
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in their decision making. that's a huge impact. but he's way more humble than you think. somebody had painted this painting of him. he didn't feel right putting it on camera because he doesn't want his face everywhere, but at the same time, he wants to honor the work that person put into it. he put it up in his personal gym. he understands you've got to brand yourself to create a business, but he takes a picture every morning that tells you the time he worked out. not a video of him doing kettle bell presses. he's much more humble than his resumé and, more importantly, his impact. he's inviting other people on to tell their story, what they learned. and when you read extreme ownership, the very first chapter is the biggest mistake he ever made as a leader. extreme ownership is accountability. he holds himself accountable every single day. rachel: 4:30 a.m., he gets up to
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workout. >> yeah, we did the late shift, 5:30. one last thing, he has a fully american-produced, american-made product line called origin, the camo he was wearing is one of those. go to to learn more about im. he's got a podcast -- pete: energy drink. >> yeah. he is a entrepreneur and american guide through and through. he's from maine, lives in california, coast to coast, corner to corner, and just a great person. if you read his book, extreme ownership, it'll change your life. will: awesome story, joey. thank you very much. joey tomorrow, tunnel to towers 5k, you're going to be there for us. >> i'm not going to do the 5k, i'm going to interview people doing it. [laughter] pete: joey, thank you very much. we'll do one more plug too before we go, because we really want you there. i'm going to be hosting the fox nation if patriot awards coming up in just over two months, november 17th, at the hard rock casino in hollywood, florida.
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tickets are on sale now,, and they're going quick. awarding real heroes, not those that play it on tv, and you're going to get to meet a lot of your favorite fox news personaltieses. so when you get a ticket at, make sure you scroll and look for the special parties. you can watch will and rachel do their podcasts, meet all of us. we'd love to meet you at all, and selfishly as the "fox & friends" weekend crew, we would love "fox & friends" weekend viewers to be there for us. so sign up now before they're gone, and i'll tell you, i've seen the data, they're going quick. get a good seat while they're still available. rachel: it's one of my favorite things to do. pete: it's awesome. and i've seen a couple of the packages for awardees, again, you're going to cry, it's so good. rachel: thanks, pete. we're all going to be there. still ahead, this video is hard to watch. a driver slams into a mom and
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because once you experience thinkorswim® by td ameritrade ♪♪♪ there's no going back. pete: a california judge wants more information before granting a teen hit and run driver's request for early release. you remember video, it's hard to watch. this teen, who plowed a stolen car into a mother and baby, was serving a 5 to 7-month sentence in probation camp. and during that time so far has been involved in at least 4 fight -- 14 fights since being there. one deputy district attorney saying, quote, the reports from his time in proprobation show he is not rehabilitated, and he shouldn't with release -- be released early. here to react, district attorney jonathan khatami. the crux of this story is this juvenile is being considered
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potentially for early release even though the sentence is 5 to 7 months. could it be possible that he would be releasedded even though he's getting into fights? >> the facts here are crystal clear. george gascon's policies continue to endanger children, families and all the residents of los angeles county. and this specific case the wrongdoer in this case stole a vehicle, he was driving under the influence. he purposely ran over a mother and her eight-month-old baby boy causing both of them to be injured, tire marks on the baby's head and fore head. not only that, the individual then fled. he had an open case in juvenile court to add insult to injury, and then george gascon did not allow us to charge the dui, he did not allow us to charge unlawful taking of a vehicle, he didn't even allow us to charge assault with a deadly weapon which would have allowed us to have an additional punishment,
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an additional public safety. instead he only allowed the charges of two counts of felony assault. and this individual got 5-7 months in camp. what makes matters worse is now this individual looks like he may be i -- released earlier than 5 months. thank goodst for the, goodness for the judge. and i hope the viewers of fox realize that this isn't a sole incident. there are many incidents in los angeles where george gascon could care less about children. we've had eight teenagers overdose on fentanyl in hollywood in the last week, one a little girl who died. george gascon cares more about drug dealers than he does about children. we've had a 44% increase in street takeovers. we've had six young people die in the last eight months in street takeovers, and he doesn't even care about that. so he really does not care about the safety of any children here
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in los angeles county. pete: map -- man, you lay out a devastating case of no consequences inside a justice system that is, because of george gascon, completely weighted on behalf of criminals. by the way, that that woman who was hit, never motefied about hearing and, therefore, not able to track what happened or the lack of justice coming for her perpetrator. jonathan hatami, thanks for what you try to do for the justice system there and for highlighting it for our viewers. we appreciate it. >> thank you so much. pete: you got it. coming up, the socialist from the bronx, alexandria ocasio-cortez, finds a new reason to reject capitalism. >> because young people under the burdens of capitalism and under, living under a society that's increasingly concentrated wealth among the rich, we're not having kids. must be -- ♪ pete: i -- clay travis next. ♪ ♪
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will: we're back with a fox weather alert are, fiona hammers halifax as a post-tropical cyclone. and another storm brewing in the caribbean as florida keeps an eye on tropical storm ian, preps for a possible hurricane by midweek. rick reichmuth joins us. rick: yeah with. we've had a relatively mild hurricane season so far, and this is ian, going to strengthen, we think, over the next 24 hours pretty quickly because it's going to get into conditions that are much more favorable. really warm water, the upper-level winds won't be breaking apart the thunderstorms that are going to happen, so the official forecast gets it to a major hurricane before it gets to parts of florida. want to show you something. earlier in the show the center of our track was a little farther towards the east, the latest round of computer models are toward the west. this will make a difference.
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we're far enough out that we're boeing to be seeing differences happening, so exactly where the storm makes landfall, we're not going to know. what you should know is if you're across areas of alabama, georgia, south carolina, you need to be aware that you're also going to be impacts, and you need to be making your plans across parts of florida. now is the time. you can always track this storm if you download the fox weather app. you can get a live weather field, we'll be covering it on fox towet all the time. download that app, it's a great resource. will thanks so much. ing congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez says capitalism is to blame for low birthrates and can that more immigration, well, that's the answer. >> there are quite a few countries that are really struggling because young people, under the burdens of capitalism and living under a society that's increasingly concentrating wealth among the rich, we're not having kids. or we're not having kids at the same rate.
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and we actually need immigrant populations to help balance things out. we can't continue to fund social security, medicare, all of this stuff without immigrants. it's always been that way. will: so i'm really interested to hear now how clay travis responds to that. good morning, clay. >> morning, will. well, first of all, i'm about to cash my tennessee versus texas gambling win -- can. will: little early. >> i think you ought to go ahead and pay out. [laughter] aoc, aoc is an instagram influencer who happened to get elected to congress. she's an imbecile, all right? her logic doesn't even add up. if capitalism is causing less children to be born, then why are immigrants coming here to a much more capitalistic society and having more children? here's what's going on in the grand scheme of things, all right? capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any
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created system by mankind in our history. it is true that overall, as people are becoming far wealthier in many different industrialized countries, they are having far fewer children, right? japan is a perfect example of this. but it's not about wealth, and it's not because capitalism is wrong. we need to have more capitalism to encourage people to have more wealth so that they feel as if they can raise as many kids as possible. we can't all rely, will, on elon musk to have 100 kids -- will: so, clay, i have a slight disagreement. we won't have time to go into this completely. she's wrong with, you're right. people have been having babies since forever, and they were poor. right? poor people have been having babies forever. however, i do think there's been this increased focus on wealth accumulation in the midst of capitalism that people have gotten a little selfish about, you know, i want to get this and
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i want to own this before they have kids. i don't think it's because of why she said. i think -- there might be some misplaced priorities going on in some of these -- >> that's certainly true. here's the other thing. i think we end up giving so much more to our kids now in terms of the effort and intensity and amount of time that we spend raising them and the events that we're taking them to all the time, will -- will: yes. yes. >> i feel like all i'm doing is driving from one event to another, aye got three of them, so i think that factors in. we're giving so many resources to our kids. immigrants are poorer and having more kids which would run against the counterargument to her here in general. will: yeah. i'm in new york, my wife has to shuttle four soccer games today back in texas. texas is sitting at 2-1, tennessee, 3-0. you have number 20-ranks florida, i actually think tennessee's going to be okay, number 11th-ranked tennessee,
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here. what do you think happens? >> i think tennessee's going to blow florida out, will. and knoxville is starting to wake up a little bit, we've got the vol navy, we're on the tennessee river here, and these people have all come in for one heck of a celebration. tennessee is 1-16 against florida over the last 17 years, biggest favorite they have ever been in the history of this rivalryly, and i think tennessee come 3:30 eastern is really going to take it to florida. and if i think at the edge of of the game they're going to be singing rocky top, and people are going to be feeling bad -- will: we are three, going on four games into this season, buddy. i'll see you at the end of november at the patriots award -- awards for that steak dibber. -- dinner. michigan v. maryland, what do you see? >> maryland's undefeated, michigan is as well. michigan has not been challenged at all.
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quarterback issues, meaning health wise, for michigan as they try to find out who's going to be their signal caller as they a prepare for an epic end of the season game on the road against ohio state. but i don't think maryland is very good. i don't think they have the horses to keep up with michigan which has been one of the most impressive teams right up there with georgia in terms of victory margin so far this year. they have not played a good schedule, it's not going to change here, i think that michigan continues to roll. maryland doesn't have the horses. will: top five helmet in college football. also texas, top five helmet. tennessee, love 'em, i actually like tennessee, not a top five helmet in college football. >> top five helmet, clearly. also top five, rocky top song, and it's going to be playing a lot. will: we'll be watching. thank you so much. don't forget to check out outkick. we're tailgating on fox square, plus latino support slipping for democrats. how the left is now flipping
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their messaging to try to bring them back. ♪ oh, i just want to feel this moment ♪ so how many vaccines have you given to people? me? about 1000. walgreens...millions. ♪ i cannot miss her big debut. with your booster, i think you'll be there. for every twirl. i got a shot so my sister won't get sick. way to go, big bro! so while we're here...
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but is it too little too late? >> it's awful hard as well to get latinx vaccinated as well. why? they're worried they'll be vaccinated and deported. >> the diversity of this community, as distinct of the bodegas of the bronx and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in san antonio. rachel: here to discuss,s former border patrol agent mark garcia and brass can roots director for the libra rah initiative, tina avenue less. welcome to you both. tina, i guess they think now that they've gotten the sad feedback on latinx, they've gotten rid of latinx, is that enough? and what do they immediate to do to win back so many of the hispanics that are now looking at the gop? >> well, biden's team may have shifted their messaging, but they've shifted it to things that i don't care about.
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really. what matters to me is result ares, and results resonate with me. and right now the economy is in the toilet. rachel: that's right. mark? your thoughts on that, what else could they be doing, you know? tina's right, i mean, so far nothing to restore the american dream. >> she's absolutely correct. the economy's in the tank. border security is nonexistent. crime is rising. people are frustrated and and tiredded. whatever president biden puts out now -- [inaudible] rachel: tina, you're coming to us out of texas. the border is a big issue there. talk to us about what you think the biden administrations should be doing and how hispanics feel especially in places like texas and arizona about the open border situation. >> sure. that's a critical issue for
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those on the border. it's flipping entire counties from one party to the next. and that is a key issue. listen, i am not a breakfast taco. i am a hard working texan, and i am completely capable of choosing whether or not to vaccinate. i have no fear of deportation. and this is where where i am, and it seems like the biden administration is in completely a different world. they're not living in the same world that i am. and that is making their decisions really are crushing my children's american dream. so now, mr. president, you have my attention. rachel: yeah. mark, let's get a last word from you. >> well -- [inaudible] what's going on on the border,
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there is no -- all the towns have been overrun. i've been living in el el paso for over 20 years -- [inaudible] we've never seen anything like this. you've got people in the streets, you can't even go buy groceries without being talked to somebody asking for money. it's ridiculous. rachel: yeah, well, when i talk to his fannics -- hispanic, and i am one, as you know, it's faith, the economy, education and opportunity for our kids. not a lot coming out of the biden administration besides more relate ridge rick -- rhetoric about diversity. and you're right, tina, they are crushing the american dream. and we're not breakfast tacos. so thank you, both, for being here today, and we'll see if the biden administration is listening to you. at least they listenedded on latinx, right in they've switched that out. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> thank you. rachel: you're invited, so come join us for our "fox &
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friends" tailgate after the break. plus, a jam-packed show ahead tomorrow. sharon osborn, maria bartiromo, sean duffy. plus, we're learning how to play badminton lightening the pros. nothing's tougher than a mahindra tractor. except a bigger mahindra tractor. pound for pound, this one's still tougher... tough. tougher.
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will: today in college football the gator thes leave the swamp, a head up to rocky top. rachel: that's right. now the only thing left to do is tailgate. pete: adam is worst master, whatever you like. he joins us now, which means he's the one that's created all the proprietary hot dogs you see right here. will: these are beautiful looking hot dogs. >> yeah. we specialize in kind of, like, commently made hot dogs, sausages as well as burgers and chicken sandwiches. in honor of this titanic match, we've created some special bills just for today, never been done before, and it's very exciting. in honor of tennessee, have you heard of nashville hot chicken? will: yes. >> very popular, right? we did a chicken fried hot dog, and that is a tennessee hot dog. like a chicken-frieded dog can. pete: chicken-fried dog. >> it's batter, our all-beef
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dog, it's coated just like you would fried chicken, then treated with hot oil and spice -- >> i like the crust. president really good. >> see, necessary the city is the mother of invention, because we might end up doing this at doghouse. rachel: i like that. will: and for florida? >> for the sunshine state, right, we have the florida, sunshine hangover. so this is a bacon-wrapped hot dog with american cheese, chili, spicy mayo, pickled jalapenos and, of course, that beautiful, sunny if egg on top. who's going to get in there? [laughter] hey, i've got -- if somebody wants to mash that yolk in there. you can push it off to the side. i would love to see you actually get egg on your face. >> that is awesome. will: on your nose. pete: every day. >> this is the florida? >> so you're supposed to --
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>> i was wondering why you were not wearing -- >> i'm a georgia bulldogs fan. you've got to get us a d-a-w-g. >> of course, the dawg, of course. we'll do that next time. this one is called the jersey shore. this is available at all doghouses starting october 17th, and that is a broccoli rabe with a quarrellic aioli. and you go to our instagram, you can vote for your favorite dogs. vote for tennessee or vote for florida. and then we'll announce the most popular dog on tuesday. and then, you know, who knows? maybe it'll show up at dog haus. rachel: what's your favorite? >> of these two? rachel: there's three. >> oh, of the three, i mean, i'm very partial to this broccoli
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rabe, mozzarella -- when you put cheese inside of of the sausage -- pete: hot off the grill, it's really good. rick: next time you come back -- >> thank you, i'll consider that an invitation. >> we don't use with 'em down south. we just wipe it on our pants. >> wipe it on your jorts. [laughter] that's right. rachel: still ahead -- pete: more fox and friends. will: i see what you did this. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, sorry i missed your game. it's okay. you see that? that's when i realized it's time to finally do the thing we've been talking about for years. so we're making plans for right now. ♪ careful. ♪
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[laughter] that's what it says. rah. rachel: and it says we have 30 seconds to down as many dogs as possible. will: and then i it says, so who will be the wiener. [laughter] i'm going to tell you something, les been a mutiny during the commercial. pete: i'm going to call it more collective bargaining. the "fox & friends" weekend union reps got together and sai- [inaudible conversations] >> they're too good for that, right? they're to be savoredded. pete: you can put 30 seconds on clock if you want, but we're going to enjoy it. rick: if you wanted to compete, how many could you do? >> you don't do one in 30 seconds -- >> sounds like a challenge to me. >> who can stretch it out the longest and enjoy it the longest, right? there's so much going on. rachel: don't forget to listen to the will cain podcast and also to from the kitchen table podcast. we want to thank you for joining us today. it was fantastic. i'm with you, i think the jersey
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one was best, the jersey shore. enter you like that? awesome. >> yeah, this hot one's good. >> rick: you need to put this on your menu. >> the chicken. again, go to dog l -- has us -- haus dogs and vote. rachel: bye, everybody. ♪ ♪ neil: fox on top of crises growing, but a president who has a funny way of responding. take a look at the upper left of the screen, that is the president yesterday talking about climate change, the same day stocks were collapsing. anden on the right, that's him hanging out with elton john last night celebrating a rock star from britain but saying not a word about markets and the economy hitting the rocks here. very similar to what you're looking at on the lower left. that's whe
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