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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  September 26, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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and dreams at city. it takes a financial commitment to companies to empower people to lift themselves up. it takes funding and building it takes funding and building on our know how to help communities. s helpingeach z create a better futureer by committing $1 trillion in sustainable finance by 2030. tuckuse it takes everything to reach zero poverty. o "tucke >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. " monday.tonight. pay happy monday night.tention a lot ofto americans pay e attention to european politics unless they're very bored or's work at some think tank. and that's understandable. but it's a shame, really, because if you look closely what's happening in europe, you can learn a lot abouu cat what's happening here.despit >> despite the castles and theeh funny accents, the smelly cheese, europe is not not actually that different from the united states . at least in this way. counpean leaders run their countries pretty much
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the same way our leaders run our country. they yammer on endlessly g abour itmocracy, but then at the same time, they do their best to a avoid democracy's most basic requirements, like free speechel and representative government. e a few years ago, the prime minister of italy at the time, paolo gentiloni, bragged tow ye the world economic forum about his plans to, quote, bring more social justice to the country by what she meant, importing many more thousands of poorly educated economic migrants from the third world into italy. we are very open on migration, he said. >> we are saving lives at sea, a saving lives.oo congratulations. you're such a good person. but the question is , and it's a relevant question in a democracy, what are the people who live in italy that would be your constituents? think of that idea. well, as the prime ministert? explained, he didn't care, quot: quote, a demand for more democracy not only is wrong, it's even dangerous.llows you following this, you run a country in the name of
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the people. you're not a king. you're a democraticallkingy eled leader. you rue ann it in the name of the people who live there. but at the same time, it's, quote, dangerous to letn the opinions of those people to influence your decisions. >> is that sound familiar? oh, it does, because it'se exactly the kind of democracy that we live in, which in, is tn say a fake one .jority i in fact, there is no majority in any country on planet earth o that thinks open borders are a good idea or the considers global warming the single biggest problem, or that thinkss it's wise to quarantine the entire population because of a flu virus.pulati noon large group of people o anywhere wants these things, but in the west, everybody gets them anyway because politicians don't care what you think. don your opinion is dangerous. shut up. racist. so it goes without saying thissu can't last. a system like this cannotdure b endure forever because it's inherently unstable. ecit'syou can't tell people thee in charge of their own government. it's a democracy we promise and then ignore. >> over decades, they're most
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strongly held opinions on things that matter. that doesn't work long term. mar they will rebel guaranteed and the best you can hope forl. is that they will do itu hope peacefully. >> in italy, they seem to be doing just that. >> this summer, a conservative populist called georgia malony started showing up with strong support in the polls. >> maloney was no radical or views would have seemed perfectly ordinary just a decade ago. >> but because she resolutely refused to bow to the twin godsf of climate and mass migration, people panicked.t of the the president of the european commission, in fact, on camera commanded italians not to vote for her. >> watch. >> so we'll see if things go in a difficult direction. i've spoken abouo int hungary ai poland. we have tools. hunga if things go in the right direction, and people as a body that is always we're always governments have to be accountable to play an important role.
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>> oh, things go in the wrong g direction. in other words, if votersg disobey, quote, we have tools or you do, do you? well, that sounds like a threat because of course, it is a italat, but it turns out italians are so desperate they no longer care. they're not afraiddesperat and e not afraid because neoliberalism, which that lady bug, hasespousin destroyed their country. energy prices in some places in italy are noenergy prices w morr hundred percent over last year. >> whywhy?? and >> well, a pointless war in ukraine and self-destructive climate policy. it's not self-d an accident's not and everyone knows it. meanwhile, parts ontf italy are becoming flat out dangerous. that hasn't happened before outside of sicily, but it's happening now why everyone knows why. ever.overnment statistics show it's mig it's migrants who are driving much of the crime. a huge amounrat ofnts the cri so these aren't mysteries, but you're not allowed to acknowledge them in public, period. in some places it's illegal. blc >> but maloni is one ofni the very few politicians is
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who doesn't care and is willing to say the obvious. the truth out loud. loud. and as a result of that, because she's been willing to say what everybody actually knows. >> last night her party called brothers of italy, won an overah whelming victory in italy. they took both major majority in the houses of parliament. so by italian standards in fact. ,by american standards, this is a revolution. but unlike mos most revolutionse the person at the front of itona can actually explain whatn expli she's about. she can articulate it in a way people understand. smart >> she's smart. this i this is part of the speech she gave earlier this year that led to last night's results. to. atch everything we stand for is on droughty. every our individual freedom is unde attack. r freedoour rights are rounded o the sovereignty of our nation. is under attack. the prosperity and well-being of our families are under attack. tack -dedication of our children is under attack in front of these people understand that in
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this age, the only way of being rebels is to preserve what we are. the only way of being rebels is to be conservative. they will try to take everything away from us , but they can take away who we are. w and you know what? cherrie's we are knowing what we stand for is all we need to c face this challenge. she's not kidding. she's a serious as the moment we are currently living through our rights are under attack. she said the sovereignty ofis our nation is under attack. r atand critically, quote, the prosperity and well-being of our familie as is under attack. and that's true. that's why it's resonant, because it's real and not justac in italy. it's true here. fam american families are facinge the very same onslaught from the very same poisonous sameideology. s the difference is that in this
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country, it's rarely acknowledged except on the fringes. moeny is notackn on the fringesw she's the new prime minister oe. meloni is the ne she will be. of and she's saying it out loud. contrast that to what's happening in the united states . house republicans just spelled out what they're running on . it's a document called united commitment to america. it's fine. probably not much in it. you disagree with it? have you heard of it? no, you probably haven't. you probably haven't read it. ra nobody really cares. why? because there's nothing real in it. >> there's not a single word in that document. isabout the attacks on the american family that you see every daocumeny that's at the center of most people's concerns. how are my kide s? ople y will they haveou a life that resembles mine? that was the american dream. does it still exist? will they be able to afford to live the way they grew up? >> will they have t the opportunities that we had? why woople are upset about that. why wouldn't they beuldn't? but nobody says it. and that's odd because we know and now it's been proven that when politicians are brave p t
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enough to tell the truth about what's actually happening, they tend to be rewarded forhere it. once again, here's's the incomi. prime minister of italy.u woul and as you watch this, ask yourself if you would vote for a candidate like this, if you had the chance in our country. >> i'm not sureeign l the terminology, butan zipora jondi supposed to when you said amanda, because your of achelen australian. but get to the willagee treaty finishing questo temple namiko, but keep simple puny enty dich if i mean the scoby benefit chesterton or my usual section five , but also below rollerball froggie, whether or not it's debate demonstrating it, do if you do have quiet spy david randle's going up demonstrably false on over venus started quinten trivago seniority selmo bronte grazia.
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so that's the person is being described all over american television, including on channels who should know better as quote far righ americ that's far right really.e because she acknowledges that american families are undere une attack. of course they are. you think it's accidental? no. , and she explains why. and it's simple. t to establish toover a tell totalitarian control overo a country, of course, you haveyh to destroy the family first because nobody with deep family loyalty, the one thing every person should have, no one whowl has that will ever pledge absolute obedience to a politician. why would you so a if you want absolute obedience, you have to sever family ties and that's why state schools brainwash your children with values that you despise. and then instruct your childrenr to turn you in as a thought criminal. if you object. that's happening.tu it's notrn your imagination. y ouand it's happening for a reason. woke this is not jus bethet a political ideology. >> it's not just something. annoying that emerged on college campuses that we can ignore.
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it's a state religion thatit's a supplants actual religion, which is also being destroyed.g there's a reason the strip barsi and the liquor stores and the weed dispensaries stayed open under covid, but the churches didn't. >> if yo cu can'ovidt draw the connection between those dots, you're missing it. but boloney didn't miss it. >> she understands it perfectly. watch. u mi only a few months ago, european union bureaucrats wrote anderst document hundreds of pagesan lol telling us that in order to be inclusive, we have tohave exclude all references to christmas , mary and all christian names were to be removed from all official communiqué. ende will we surrender in from the base? >> no, will not. we will fight.
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we will find it standing tall. >> >> so they hate your family. t w they hate your religion. and you don't actually have to put up with it because it's a democracy and you're supposed to be in charge. you being the population. charge that's a radical message.adical god , family, country. m that's not radical. it's hard to imagine more wholesome message and more that fascist. form >> don't believe in god because god is a rival to their power. of course, the person publicly professing faith in god . that's so scary, but it is so scary. thatit's so scary to the people running and benefiting from our current system. ?she d why is that she's not the first person to say this. >> people have said it bef befo thatshe's just been rewarded for saying it. that's the point. the population likes it. >> this is what they actuallyed glnt. they're not that worried about global warming. they don't want open borders.. they think awoke stuff is absurd. they want to see thi whankt they think. because
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and now it's obvious because she just won. and so even in this country, the people running and benefiting from a deeplystem are corrupt and doomed system are hysterical. watch the reaction to that. >> i want to start today by talking about a politiciann h on the right who we should all be worried about, who'sri on the rise today. gha politician who was brushed off, accusations of fascism.poln what separates us from, let'saca say, italy, who elected a fascist. she is from fascist brutes, p a far right political party whose roots go back to post-world war who neo fascist y party that has its roots in italian fascism, its roots in italian fascism. >> define that for us , if you would, joe scarborough, oser. >> you're an idiot. you can't. faugt the poinh.t is fascist mes unacceptable. whatever this chick is saying, you're not allowed t o agree with . >> they're very worried that that many italiansey are w do ae
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with it. so she has to be completely unacceptable. italians agree with it don't read further.. she's a fascist. and in case you missed the theme, a recents" "new york times" piece on lowney mentioned fascism or fascist. times twenty nine times, not a subtle newspaper. . apapparently she's on the verge of invading poland. we should be worried. i >> watch this.r they said it could never happen again. one hundred years ago, mussolini marching on rome, plunging a country into two decades of dictatorship, alliance with hitler and a second world war. today, the fascist party is gone, but many say these are their political heirs. the brothersii. of italy. they once on the fringes, they've ballooned into the biggest party in the country. now their leader, georgia maloni, is poised to headd th the most hard right government since eldership. the forty five year old firebrand insists she's no fascist, just a proud conservative and nationalist, comfortable. nevertheless, with some ofwith the hallmarks of italian
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fascism. >> like this motto of god , fatherland, and family, god ,>>c family, country. >> well,kesc that'ary!s pretty e >> not a word about climate or equity. r but again, it's their hysteri and their total unwillingness to ask obvious questions that lets you in on a secret, whichbs is the panicked because they know the current systemst t is doomed. and in fact, what happened laste night in italy is the best case scenario for them because it was a peaceful transfer ofth power. that's a good thing. that's what you want in a democracy, people shouldd to v be allowed to have some influencevernment on the priorities of the government that claims to that cresent the m. whand when they speak in an hav election, the people who have been repute did have a moral obligation to pause just for one second and ask why didn't they like what i was offering them? they have a right to opinion. >> in fact, their opinion is at the center of our system. this democracy.
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but they never ask themselves that. they never take ane what iy blae whatsoever. they didn't. in 2016 when trump got elected, they immediately blamed putin or macedonian black farms. got they never blame themselves. ele and so they never learnectedd a single thing from what happened. that's exactly what's happening. no at simply in american television, but also in italyn l and also in the european union. the bureaucrats who drove italians to seek a change peacefully at the ballot box are completely unwilling to learn from that vote . they'lotl just kee boxp ramming their unpopular garbage down the throats of a deeply ungrateful nation. hauntil there's an actual rebellion. let's hope that doesn't happen.e all of this got us thinking about politicians in this country.actual rebellion who dare to tell the truths in and are attacked for ford. and kerry was at the very top that list. she's running for governor in the state of arizona and shes co joins us tonight. carol, thankars so much for truh coming on . so youthanks were one of the vey first american politicians to weigh in on this election.
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you were paying attention, which i appreciated. >> what do you make of this? i'm so excited you know, it'si funny. >> i looked i looked thiedsen i italian mieze malony up whent i heard about her about a week ago. and i couldn't find an ago.y jut straight up information on her. everything was she's a fascist ,she's a racist. she's this, she's that. and i thought, wowist., thisey e is somebody who i can relate to because they're doing the same thing about me. it makes me realize that if they're not calling you all of these slurs, they're notrepr attacking you, then you're probably not truly representing the people of your country. cou >> but it's just so interesting . this is a change. if you're elected in arizona, it will be a change. will be a mp is a change. >> the people who are rejected by voters in this representative democracy that rejiave nevee votersr for one sd learn anything from that rejection. --t is ? that?nk tha i don't know. i can't get into their minds. but i meands, think of the marjorie taylor greens of the world. the congressman paul gosar is the donald trumps of
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the world. what's happening in italy myself? d the people who are truly understanding what's happening in this country, which is we'rer losing this country, are the ones who are being attacked, and i'm on the campaign trail.eo we're workinsig six to ten evens a day. we're working really hard. and i had somebody reach out to me the other day and say, kerry, you are fearless. you are so fearless. you're not afraid of anything. and i stopped him and i said, actually , i have great fear. i'm not afraid of the fake news. i'm not afraid of the globalists. i'm not afraid of anything that i'm facing on the campaign trail. i'm not afraid ot f the cartels. what i am scared to death of i a is what happens if we don'to de step in right at this moment and do something. i'm afraid of the world that wil our children will live in.n. >> that's what scares me t o death. so you spent your career working in news, so you know how totally fraudulent it is . >> it's a burden some of us bear in this business. maybe that's why you're not up. >> thank god for you. thank god for you. you as you know, it'.s fake. really. like godspeed.ining us thanks for joining us tonight. thank you so much.
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>> so to las vegas last week tog meet with a really interesting person.erso if you follow sports , you've heard of him. hen. runs the ufc. w his name is dana white, and he is in a lot of ways an inspiration in that he didn't care what they said about him. r he persisted and he turnedt the ufc into one of the fastesth growing sports in the world, even the middle of a pandemic. we thought it'd be interesting o to learn how did he do that and why? w an >> our interview just it's really striking the amount of control that china already has. we're going to wake up one day and we're going ask, how did this happen? and the answer is we let it happen. china knew very clearly what they wanted from brazil. they know brazil can play a role in their rise under the biden administration. china is replacing the united
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states as the dominant power in our hemisphere. china will build ports. they'll build roads, complex infrastructure. they basically say just billions of dollars. and here's a few million for your family. we want to control your country . the chinese government has spent billions of dollars buying brazil's natural resources. are you worried about the level of chinese investment in brazil? if another country controls your natural resources, it's not really our country anymore. and there won't be anything we can do about tucker carlson, originals, the china take over brazil streaming now on fox nation. sign up at fox station .com for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are positive for acetylcholine positive for acetylcholine receptor feel like the world is moving without yoanu, but the picture is changing with picart in achieve improved dailycl abilities with pidcock added to their current treatment and bigart helped clinical trial participants achieve trial participants achieve reduce
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you and your loved ones from a natural disaster, protecting your family is the best plan you can make. so that's las vegas last week to meet and interview pr the president of the u.s. see ufc dana white. we wwe're not exactly sure what to expect. you were highly impressed. ite highly turns out that his experiences of the past several years are very similar experiences of millions ofhi business owners in this country. the differences he foundcountr y to keep going. he told us that duringing. the covid lockdown's the governmentring to shut him n completely. >> and of course, the media were intengovernt on helping the government do that. >> cbs, for example, reported that quote, dana white is an epidemic on his hands. washington post reported the quote, epidemiologist, blash ufc president dana whiteh
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,where she was never any evidence that dana white had in anwas no ey way contributed tort the pandemic. it was all a lie. >> so the point of the story, however, is that dana white kept ufc alive during the lockdown's. he did not bow to pressure. he persisted, didn't lay off a single person. it's an inspiring story. >> here's part of it.kdowns diffthank you for having us . thanks for having never done ana interview with human blood on bd the floor, and i like it.oor >> so the first thing i notice, f ufc, watched a lot o small small this is . the octagon in real life, there. is no place to run. >> yeah, shis o this is a small. version of it that we use here w at the apex. but when we go into arenas, we use a bigger one . this would look like a likeld a map in some of the arenas that we go to, the one thate they fight in on pay per view in arenas is much bigger. >> what are the fighters thinkh of being locked in a space the g the smaller? it's funny because we used tothb talk about fights, probably more exciting and more. there's more engagement and a smaller octagon, but it's not
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true. we actually did studies on it and there are just as manye smae finishes in the big one as there are in the small one .on >>es interesting but. >> tucker: so this is your arena where a lot of your fights take place in your building in the world. you completely control 100%. so this ironically was built. we were literally put inil the last nails and screws in this place, right when kobad w. so it couldn't have been more perfect if we were actually allowed to use the arena because they shut nevada dowe righn and , you knoe couldn't even do it in our own facility. that we controlled and that we could have created a bubble here. bue created a t the government t us see. >> you're in the sports business. and i should say you're reallyes the only figure left in american sports who controlsbuse the sport. thatan, you're in charge of the sport, right? so that's not a model that exists anywhere else. but you're responsible for the sport and now you can't have in person events.ha what where does that leave you? the beginning of covid? it was tough.
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you know, i said it all the time. covitoughestd is the was the tot thing i've ever had to navigatei in the history. n ththis company. and if you look at where wee came from, that's actually saying something. some. but my attitude and my thought process was, was, is america. we don't quit. we don't give up.ely do and we definiteln'y don't runf. and hide in our houses. so i figured therefi hadgure toe be way. r: so covid companies staries stt laying ofd percentage of the workforce. they don't know how longg the quarantines are going to quarantineremain affected. they're indefinite and they'veo got these payrolls. they have to meeett. ff? >> n you did not lay people off. know my people m a lot.e been of my people around here have been with me for a long time. ten to twenty years. eve and we do events every weekend.w thesore people work hard.o this they've been dedicated to this company, to me, and , you know, if you look at covid, it's probably the scariest thing hist i've ever happened in the history of my life. and to all of a sudden justt dup dump my employees the minute
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something bad happens. it's just not the way that i'm built. it wasn' happet going to happene matter what. i'd rather have seen the whole company burn and go down in flames before i would hurt my employees. would hurtyou paid everybody, pd everybody. so that introduces a math problem, though, into your life, because you've got a lot of money going out. no, money coming in.y goin >> right.g what do you do to figure outou how to put on events? you figure out how to how tolive keep the show alive. eekeep it going at the time. you know, i'm close toroya the royal family in abu dhabi and they were doing testing over thereg testin. well, they were doing testing. we could do testing here.e coulo it was just a matter of figuring out how to do ita plac and figuring out a place where we could go , where we could build a true bubble and make sure that people wer people safd and put on events. put on so you went to abu dhabi? yeah. so originally we were looking for an island. islands made sense. mike tyson called me and had some guys i don't remember what- island it wadas that said you ck come to our island and do
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the fights. n there was literallcoy nome like a private eye. there was no infrastructure there, no nothing. inf so that was out and then we ended up talking to abu dhabi. and they suggested yas island in abu dhabi. and it was really the only true. bubble that existed ine sports because they brought people in, the workers. , al the workers in the hotel, the workers in the restaurant, all the people that were peopl d were tested before they went there and they were there for weeks. being tested regularly before we even got there. then the people we were bringing over, we tested, flew over our own private plane that only we were on , got to the island. we were tested again and tested multiple times up until the event happened. and then everybody wouldppened go home. so was the only true bubble that really existed. so that allowed you to keepr spr your sport on the air when dow everything else was shut down. r right. why didn't everyone else dights. >>o ?hat? >> i don't know. i don't know. you know what?
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totook a lot of heat, took >>lot of bullets, took a lot of i'm looking around criticism. well, that's what the mediaa dos does. media does nothing. they never built anything. a body depends on them for a paycheck. but all they do sit back and criticize. i'm going to kill people.critic. i am going t i care more about money thany tn i do human life. i heard and thes" was "new york times", as you can imagine, was blasting me dailyku because you were trying to keep your employees paid and fed and keep your business going. >> right. rig. because you're trying to figur e out solutions to problems. you're trying to you know,ems. everybody felt like it was this narrative during covid that if you didn't runun and hide, you were reckless. you were a monster. you didn't care about other people. and the list goes on and on .ona so how did you take that? >> they were with susan that >> t were working good fun. they're right. these guys do worry about their writing horror stories every day. and they were all working.
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but how did you keep that out of your head? i mean, it's easy to stori saye i don't care about criticism, but when you are criticized like that in the new york times, the biggest newspaper>> n the world, it's hard to keep ity out of that. t really>> wasn't. nl >> you know, i live in, like my own little world over here in our own little bubble . and i knew that if i went and i figured out a way to do it, that my team would go with me. and i knew that the fighters would fight. so as longfi as we were all saigned and everybody felt the same way and , you know, we weren't 100% aligned, theree no were some fighters that were scared and a little nervous and they didn't have to fight if they didn't want to. nobody was being forced to fight. if you wanted to fight, you could, because that's how these guys feed their families, too, and how, you know, so i kept everybody working. was there any covid deathdeath around you? >> i mean, the new york times, d you're killing people. did you there was no covidre wer death. you know, there were people noeo who covid and i was sending out weekly videos to my employees. enjoy this t listen, enjoy this time that
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you have with your families. relax. if you get covid or anybody you care about gets covid, make me your first call and we'll get you taken care. o will get you looked at if you need toilet paper. toilet paper was a big deal at that time. we'll get your toilet paper if you need food and you can't and get groceries or you need anything, call us ande we'll take care of you. be youthrough covid me and my tm became stronger than we've ever been. and then once it was time to get back to work, i mean, get there's still companies today that people are back to work yet. toworkmy team has been back to k my like maybe like three or fourwek weeks into the beginning of the pandemic. we've been working through this whole time. did you lose anyone? we lose anyone nowro.ugh. you loswe didn't lose anyone. >> so you were loyal to your employees and you never >> thaucked staff problems?es ad 100% i was n loyal tof my employer. my employees werproblems?e loyae for the last twenty years. then whe then when they hit then ,i was very loyal to my people. peopleand they were loyal back .
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and we've gotten through this thing. we threw one of a christmas party last year and we had a blast and we partied and hadyt fun and we brought kid rock n kid rock came and played. but kid rock , we played for everybody. l >> and it's almost like itever p never even happened here. so you're basically showing the the rest of the country how to stare down adversity and achieve to thrive despite it is pretty impressive story. did any politicians call you to say, i'm really impressed by what you're doing? >>mpressed b you know, the prest the time did you know? obviously, he was very into it. florida was massive for us .us you know, florida, i would i would equate florida to abu dhabi during these times. >> it's what did florida do? you know, the governor, governor santurce, and the mayor of jacksonville, florida, told us , come on in, will host
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you here. h you can do your events here.youo i have fighters from all over the world. so the fighters that were from e the countries we all brought in to abu dhabi, all the americans we fought down in jacksonville, florida. so we were still able to run our business like nothing was flor going on other than we we ran oave fans. we didn't have a live gate because of them. then tillmann fertitta down in houston was saying, i need youno here in my arena in houston. how quick can you get here? so i'll be there as soon as you're your mayor. letsr you know. f so we figured out a date and then then it became houston ,texas. jacksonville, florida.orid and aba,u, you just heard dana white say that one of the only people who called him was donald trump. most people run. big businesses would not admit that dana white is happy toy to talk about his decades longk abu relationship with donald trump. it's interesting.
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eighty eight . call right now. it's interesting to find out what famous people are actually like. re not a lot of prominent people are not that great, honestly, and you know that because they're not loya l to the people who work for them. loyalty is a prerequisite for an honorable life. and dana, what is demonstrated it to the people around me is also loyal to his friends,naw even if his friends turned out to be the most controversial people in the world. and dana white is friendse th with donald trump. they've been friends for decades and as a result of and that, he spoke when trump asked him at the republican national convention in 2016, took a lot of heat for that. but he didn't care. whe he's not afraid. ran that maybe is the most obviouse. point about dana. he is he's just not afraid because his work at some dumb nonprofit or "the washington post", he's in a very violent sport and he's not afraid to tell us about his relationship with trump. >> and it was worth hearing. here's part of it. talso i talked to trump yesterf about you and he described you
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as the only essential person in all american sports . he said you could take key. people out of an y sport and the coort would continue if dana white left ufc there couldn't be ufc. now, i don't know what yout be think of that assessment, but it did make me. wonder how long you're the same age as i am. fifty three .s how long are you going ti amo d. this?how lo i love them and i appreciatem an that. and hopefully i've built the business over the last twenty two years. that no matter who comes, no i knowes, will last and continue to grow. i also know for a fact that when i do leave the right person needs to be in place to take over because there t is there is a formula to this business. many other people have tried, many people are trying it right now as we speak and have not been successful. ow exact i know why they haven't been successful. i know exactly why they haven't been successfuhy.l and when i watch them, you know, running their businesses, i just i justo shake my head and go, yeah, yeah. .so hopefully when i do decideoo
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to leave, which isn't going to be anytime soon, because i still love what i'm doing, i'm still as passionate about it still as i was day one . i have the right people inn place. plus i built a phenomenal team here, phenomenal team. . you know, no one guy just does anything. ed a you need a really great team to theround yourself with . and i've done that.o wa and that's why, you know, there's no way that i was going to let any of these people leave when it hit. >> i knew that you knew trump and i knew you were a trump supporter. broadly speaking, i didn't realize you were like a legitid old friend of trump's because of worrere ak. >> can you explain that? he's a very, very good friend of mine. donald trump has been suchu ex a good friend to me sinceump ha bethe day i met him.y we originally when we bought this company, this company had such a bad stigma attached to it in the sport that we s couldn't even get into venues. venues didn't want us . and donald trump saw that thisus thing could possibly be big.
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plus, he's a sports guy. c he loves sports , and he offered to come do the event at the trump taj mahal in atlantic city. cut us a very fair deal . we went down there and we did atlaevents with him. he showed up for the firstd up fight, stayed the last fight. and you can imagine back then trump brand here, ufc brand down here.p up h yeah, buert he took us in and hg was great. everythingn that ever happened to me in my career after that day, the first guy to reach out and say congratulations was donald trump. guy towhether it was amazing ore were on the cover of the new work times one time and he said, i always knew you were going to do it.a an dana, congratulations. and sent me the paper, sent mest a pen one time congratulatinge me, you know, always sendingalws something and saying congratulations. o wa it's like a guy who is genuinely happy for a your success. there aren't a ton o tonf thosew and then. came the day he was running for president and he reached out tod
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me. he called d me one day and he " said he started the conversation like thisn't w if you don't want to do this, i completely understand there are no hard feelings. h but i would be honored if you would speak for me at the at a national republican convention. >> i said i'll be donald was the first guy that recognized the potential that w republie sh the ufc and encouraged us to build our business. he hosted our first two eventsgs at his venue. he dealt with us personally. he got in the trenches with us and he made a deal that workeduw for everyone. >> so you're the best man. a you've always been a great guy to me. you've been a good friend of m me.d a and i spoke that day. and let me tell you what, after that day when i spoke for him,i the convention, our friendship went to a whole nother level. thisheee guy's been so good to . >> it's unexplainable. >>at's fascinating. and in a window into something s that we don't get to see. f ab did you take a lot of abuse for that or do people just acceptep that this is a real friendship?a >> oh, yeah.l i you know, i'm i'm in
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the abuse business. busiy so i don'ter i don't know. you'd have to have to explainwhe would what a the abuse the trump side would be .i get you know, i get it. there's people, you know, this is this is what's sad. you know, obviously, i did notr vote for president . he's my president .of the he's the president of the united states right now. and i'm americaned states a. whdon't dislike or hate anybody who voted for biden. the fact that you're the type of person that wouldpe actually hate somebody because voteho they voted for shows me exactly who you are. to know i don't want to know you anyway. you anywa, you're not my kind f person. >> and i don't waneit to be friends with you either. l. so the feeling is very mutual. and it's not because of who yous voted for. it's because of how you carryy yourself, who you vote for, what you decide to do with your life means nothing to me. that's that' s your own personaly. choice in america. can yo this is a free country and youoe can choose to vote or doyour per whatever you want to dolife with your personal life. >> tuc this is a free country. well, it's nice to be reminded
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that it's also nice to see a man who's loyal to his friends. you've got to be loyal to your friends. more than to some greaseball politician is promising to save your soul. friends.he's lying. >> your friends are not workingn on a documentary for tucker carlson. originaldocumentars about the uc and dana white. we goter a lot of access tos abou facilities and a bunch of the fighters. we think it's interesting. it'll be out thi ts winter on fx nation. so if the animal part of you is starting to tell the higher i reasoning part of you that this is turning into a police state, don't ignore your instincts. joe biden is targeted.opponents. his major political opponents, of course, now the war againstwe dissent has reached a new level. the fbi targeting christians for their religious beliefs that just happen not making it up. details straight ahead. hi, i'm attorney dollmaker, proud veteran who's been helping reason their families for decades. but now i'm sure you've heard
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♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ their future to help or get help. go to a safe place to sleep, dog. yourself so you tell yourself it isn'tt happening because you don't want to believe it's happening arn merican're i and you believe in our institutions, which for the course of your entirine lift have not really been corrupt. but now they are the justice department, especially under
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joe biden. the doj spent the year tryingdo to crush joe biden's political opponents and now they're moving to the tier beneat h. on friday, dozens of fbi agentsb arrested a catholic pro-life activist in front of his wife and children. n fron the man's name is mark. how now? to give you some idea of who he is . here he was in december of decem 2020. see if you can spober oft the criminal behavior. i was an abortion last week. i turned the corner to go home and there's the abortionist at the end of the block. o goi've been praying. of th wow. and there he was. i've been praying for twenty years that i would meet him. so i went up to him and i said to keep his name off whe the airways. but i said to what is this bab going to stop?in when is the baby killing going to stop? and he says, keep movestop?. on . and i said, can't we dialog. and i had this wonderfuldialogue dialog. we talked about women, w.e talked about healing. we talked abouoment babies and e talked about thanksgiving. and at the end of that exchange, i shared the love of
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with him. >> i told him we were praying for him. that' so that guy's is a dangerous extremist. you may not agree with them, budangerous t he's not a dangers extremist. a m he's totally nonviolent. he's a man of faith. but biden's justice department fas accused him of the crime o obstructing access to abortion.t a guy came up to him and his 12 year old son and gotten the the son's face. so he pushed back . the man's name was bruce love. love was harassing his boy. >> that was it. but for pushing the guy back . and by the way, the matter was also be thrown out corporatetiot for pushing the guy back .ri the bush administration is trying to send that man to pn prison for eleven years. it's out of control.control. judge pirro is the host of co-host of the five, some people's favorite co-host, and she joins us tonight. >> judgeive" and, thanks so mucr coming on . so it's hard to believe thisstad is one of the stories you needy to read it a are they really trying to send a guy to prison for 11 years for pushing a guy back with a gets in his 12 year old's face?
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not only gets in his 12 year old's face, but tells him things that i can't repeatthe fb on the air. look, i mean, when you think about it, the fbi conductsn early morning raid at the home of an individual. individual. they is 30 they have 30 fbi agents with long guns. they hav agee 15 vehicles thatto surround the house. they're pounding on the doordina they've gom.t a swat teamt brea and they're pounding on the door. they almost break the door down. so wheare n they open the door, there are five gun aimeds aimedt the head of mark houk. so let's go back for a second sa and say, why do you need a swate team to arrestst this father? i mean, is a drug dealer or is he a violent criminal? because swat is specifically designed for specialized training and tactics for those individuals who are a danger or. a threat to public safety.e abst the absurdity of using swat in f doing all this is simply evidence of what the bident on administration i is intending to do to intimidate people on the right. so what they end up doing fathe
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is with a married father of 7 five children, seven children all being homeschooled, he is aomeone who goes and preys as on the sidewalk with his son , e which is a constitutionally protected righcted.t. and he's charged with a federal. offense. this is an example of the fbi and the doj weaponizes the department of justice. wee. saw it with the leap betwei the leak, the supreme courtin te decision and the final release. eand in the end, what we've got is a government that is a police state a, those fbi agentt who never attack law enforcement. >> they should be ashameucd and they should resign ins protest. it's shocking that they haven't. i appreciate your describing ould resinthat horrifying storyo us tonight. >> judge jeanine pirro, thank you.ju we'll be right back . hello, i'm mike lindell. and due to your incredible support, the original my slippers are almost completely sold out as a special thank you. i am launching my brand new all season slippers, slides and sandals for as low
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is to make it even more dystopian. one man walked up to the staffs mid robbery and asked themrobbek you can make my sandwich meal. they's the country they're creating. >> want more of it? the vote for them in november. sean hannity right now. all right.days forty three days, tucker, and thank you. welcome to "hannity". e to "hannitian isall right. hurricane dean is now strengthening in the caribbean flw nears the floridat. coast. >> we'll have the very latest update straight ahead. tonight, and crime ines democratic cities and towns is going fros is goingm bad to . look at your screen. you just heard, tucker , the philadelphia walwaladelphi ransacked. what? one hundred people will show you the fulla stked. tape in the aftermath. and four pennsylvania senate candidate john fetterman, his struggles are now getting downright disturbing. here's just a small sample from over the weekend. >> take a look. ca eagles are


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