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tv   America Reports  FOX News  September 27, 2022 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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because safety has a feeling all its own. >> john: new at 2:00, with education looming large in the midterms, republicans say democrats have not done their homework when it comes to keeping parents involved in their kids' education. >> parents matter. this is not a republican versus democrat issue, this is a parent issue.
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>> john: welcome back as "america reports" rolls into a second hour for this tuesday. i'm john roberts. good to spend another hour with you. >> aishah: got it right. aishah hasnie in for sandra smith. betsy devos says democrats have simply not learned their lesson since governor youngkin pulled off an upset in virginia. ask her about that. also, the huge price tag on president biden's student loan handout. >> john: begin with breaking news of the major hurricane taking aim at the sunshine state. >> by and large, we are looking at really, really major storm surge up and down the west coast of florida. inland flooding, interruptions in things like power, we cannot unring the bell if you stay and you end up getting washed away with the historic storm surge.
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>> john: florida governor ron desantis warning folks do not overlook ian as the tampa area braces for a storm not seen in a century. the category 3 hurricane moving north, 115 mile an hour winds after blasting cuba this morning. >> aishah: ian will likely become a cat 4 hurricane as it heads toward the gulf coast and powerful winds, flooding and storm surge up to ten feet expected tomorrow. and they say parts of the state could end up with as much as 24 inches of rain, john. >> john: families making last-minute preparation, boarding up homes and picking up sandbags to try to keep the water out of their homes. >> aishah: we have team coverage across florida. crews from fox business, news and weather ready to go. >> john: live with phil keating near st. petersburg, seeing the early stages of the storm? >> not at all, south florida for
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certain, broward, miami-dade and the keys, the keys are under a tornado warning to 5:00 tonight. soon enough the first outer bands will get here. now, about 3 million floridians live in what is now a mandatory evacuation zone in ten different counties up and down the state. and what you see here is exactly what state and local leaders want to see. a nearly empty ghost town. everybody being smart, getting inland, higher ground and potentially saving their lives. the storm surge from the gulf as well as in tampa bay is the biggest threat. 10 to 15 feet of surge, that would put it up all the way to the second floor here of world famous brass monkey bar and grill. those are some of the few people that are still in town. last-minute shuttering went up this morning to protect these businesses in that quaint beach
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town, well aware today is the last chance before the deluge of rain and winds intensify all day wednesday. >> we are trying to do what we can do, you know what i'm saying, protect our building and go there there. only god is in control. >> and clearwater, robert franks repurposed his plywood protection, changing the name from 2017 irma to ian. preparation is his only option. >> you are crazy not to. it can be devastating or it could be controlled to some degree. >> police checkpoints are up and unless you have official business to do or are a resident doing last-minute prep, access to the barrier islands is denied. sandbagging underway this weekend up and down the state. much of it, bring your own shovel with long lines and flooding concerns. ian slammed into western cuba early this morning with 115 mile
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an hour winds and category 3 hurricane status. lot of rain, a lot of wind damage down there, and now it is marching north heading towards likely florida's west coast. it could be anywhere in the tampa bay area, sarasota county, the landfall probably about 28 hours away from now, so there still is time. we do expect the rains to begin here really soon, though, and it really is going to be a miserable day for pretty much the entire region all day long, tomorrow and into thursday. pt -- all right, back to you guys. >> john: that means your time is up, phil. thank you very much, time to go. >> exactly what it means. >> john: phil keating what it means, thank you. >> aishah: tallahassee, emergency officials are getting ready as we speak. fox weather is live for us there. the what are officials doing to get ready there? >> hey, good afternoon, aishah.
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even though we are 200 miles north of where we are anticipating hurricane ian to make the biggest impact, the message from state and local officials here is to not let your guard down. so, currently we are at the emergency operations center where there are a ton of federal and state agencies really watching the situation unfold here across the state. we see the u.s. coast guard, we see the national guard, we see the american red cross. i can tell you that tallahassee is the place where folks are evacuating to. this is a critical city for staging. take a listen. >> we have been actively monitoring the storm since sunday and there have been communications even prior to that. we have a partial activation in our emergency operation center. again, we are in close communication with all of our hotels. our finger to the pulse on what they are seeing as far as transient traffic. right now we are a staging area for a lot of the state. the red cross is here, there is a lot of utility trucks, there's
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insurance adjusters, so we are, as they are kind of waiting to see as they move further south and to the peninsula. >> as far as what we are expecting here in tallahassee, even though we are not near tampa, we are still well within the tropical storm threat so we are expecting a serious amount of rainfall. we are also expecting damaging wind gusts. so the message for people, not let your guard down and make sure you have the hurricane kits ready to go. live in tallahassee, back to you. >> aishah: reach out to your loved ones in florida. thank you so much for us in tallahassee. >> john: many floridians don't need to be told to stock up ahead of ian's arrival, food and water quickly disappearing in the fort myers area and some gas stations are running out of fuel. ashley webster is live in
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hernando beach, florida. >> they were not listening yesterday or first thing this morning but they are now, better late than never. this particular county 50 miles north of tampa, there is a mandatory evacuation in place right now for this area. as you can see, a lot of homes here on the canal that connects of course straight to the ocean. if you can picture this, a storm surge expected from 5 to 8 feet, possibly ten, depending where the hurricane comes ashore. but that water level will be over the seawall and many of these places are going to be flooded. all day we have been watching boats being taken out of the water, and as the storm surge more than the winds than anything else is the biggest concern in a community like this. governor ron desantis earlier said make no mistake, storm surge is life-threatening. >> still uncertainty where the exact landfall will be, but just understand the impacts are going to be far, far broader than just
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where the eye of the storm happens to make landfall. the in some areas there will be catastrophic flooding and life-threatening storm surge. >> people are still saying they will stay, they have stocked up, they have their flashlights, batteries, generators and what have you, and they say they are going to ride it out. interesting to see how that works out for them. we hope for the best, of course. one thing we do know, we spoke to the hernando executives who said make no mistake, by thursday all the power will be out and will take quite a while, many days before they can get it restored. >> we think on thursday, hernando county will lose a significant amount of power based on the high winds and the rainfall. rainfall saturation levels, trees will fall down and take down a lot of the power lines. we expect power to be out 3 to 5
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days. >> that's a long time. local shelters have been open since 9:00 this morning. as i say, this is a mandatory evacuation order and the sheriff told them once the storm kicks in, nothing we can do to help you. >> john: not a lot of free board there between the bay and the land, that place will flood quick. >> aishah: the big question where is ian headed? steve bender joins us to help us figure this out and john was saying earlier this could turn into a hurricane charlie like 2004, made the right turn and surprised the folks inland. what are you seeing, what are the latest models showing you right now? >> yeah, we are looking at the movement, aishah, towards somewhere areas south of tampa and sarasota, but this is a completely different storm than
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charlie. more power and more rain and something we have emphasized is the slow movement opening up the opportunity for heavy rainfall. that's going to lead to the power outages, flooding ahead of the storm surge. this impressive visual, left cuba and the warm water of the gulf, the eye is clearing and gaining in intensity. it is strengthening yet again. millibar pressure is dropping, an indication of that. and look at the eye wall clearing, something you can do at home, take a cup of water, stagnant and swirl it around, the faster you swirl it around, the more the eye becomes defined. that's what we are seeing with this. it's tightening up, winds are now sustained at 120 miles per hour. as it makes the eastward turn toward the gulf side of florida, there will be adjustments in the coming days here because just a few miles difference and the track changes the impacts
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completely. we are looking at that devastating storm surge, though, really from tampa bay all the way down towards looking at port charlotte, fort myers, naples taking the brunt of this. when the storm surge goes in, 15 to 20 feet can reach up to where we saw phil keating, the second story of those homes. what's new as of today. hurricane warnings stretch down toward fort myers because of the wobble to the east, and so this is going to impact. but notice the entire peninsula of florida has some type of warning or watch that's in place. you'll notice the tropical storm warning does encompass orlando and stretches toward jacksonville. this becomes a cat 4 storm, it rushes the water inland and does not allow it to release back. it will linger for days along
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with the rain that continues to come down. >> aishah: steve bender, make sure you update us if you notice big changes. for continueous coverage, download the fox weather app and stream live 24? seven. >> john: a government watchdog, the student loan handout may be the most costly executive action in history. dive into the numbers for you. >> aishah: and parents rights and the midterms six weeks away now. betsy devos sounds off on both next. ut loan from newday usa. it's called the newday 100 because it lets veterans borrow up to 100% of their home's value. not just 80% like some typical loans. that extra cash can make a huge difference in these times of skyrocketing prices. here's more good news: home values have skyrocketed too. that means even more cash! take out an average of $60,000
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to pay down your high-rate credit card debt, consolidate your second mortgage, personal loans, and car loans, and lower your payments by $600 every month. best of all, there are absolutely no upfront out-of-pocket costs with this loan. and even if you have credit concerns, give us a call. the va has granted newday automatic authority to make our own approval decisions. when lenders say no to a veteran, newday can say yes.
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>> aishah: president biden's move to cancel billions in student debt comes with a pretty hefty price tag.
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congress's official budget score keeper revealing the plan will cost the federal government a whopping $400 billion. >> john: fueling outrage among republicans who say the administration will bury americans under unsustainable debt. former education secretary betsy devos here in moments to react to all of this. >> aishah: but first, begin with chad pergram, live on capitol hill. hi, chad. >> good afternoon. white house challenges the figure, it says the cbo even calls its own analysis "highly uncertain," and it does not account for potential economic benefits of cancelling the loans. >> this is going to help tens of millions of americans, americans who now are going to be able to put money down to maybe buy a house or to start a family, and that matters. >> democrats say cancelling debt fuels economic activity, this is always the debate in washington between static scoring and what is called dynamic scoring.
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that takes into account realtime events. but others contend forgiving debt often means more debt. >> new students are willing to borrow a lot more, they think they will have future debts canceled. more borrowing and likely means colleges and graduate schools are going to increase their tuition. the irony of all of this, some of the response may be it drives up the cost of higher education. >> again, says the move eliminates any deficit reduction the administration achieved from the inflation reduction act over the summer. liberals implore the president to cancel up to $20,000 in student loans with the flick of his pen. fiscal hawks are not pleased. >> i just thought there was other ways we could do it. i cannot answer when people call me and say you are giving x amount of dollars, 10,000, 20,000, to this, this, this class. how by paid mine off. why am i penalized? >> manchin voted for the inflation reduction act because it reduced the deficit.
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those cuts are now zeroed out. aishah. >> aishah: all right, chad pergram on capitol hill, thank you, chad. >> john: let's bring in betsy devos, former secretary of education under president trump. great to see how you feel about the cbo, often depends on what they have to say. the first estimate $420 billion, way above what the white house said it was going to cost and $100 million more than, or $100 billion more, rather, than the savings from the inflation reduction act which means contrary to what president biden insists,s this thing ain't paid for. >> well, that's right, john. and what we have here is a continued effort for political pay-off at the expense of americans who have not gone to college, who haven't taken out student debt, and it's -- it's a huge transfer from the wealthier among us to those less wealthy and it is an outrageous
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approach, scheme, and as has been noted if it goes through, it will be the most expensive executive order in american history. there is nothing about this that is right, there is nothing about this that is fair for the vast majority of americans, and as others have commented, it's only going to serve to drive up the cost of education. there is no incentive today and less incentive tomorrow for higher ed institutions to keep their costs inline and what about all the students that have been faithfully paying on their student loans. what incentive to continue that. there is everything about this that is wrong, and nothing that is good. >> john: let me move on to education at the lower level in a grade school, high school, education department completed a survey of 900 principals and
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found the vast majority of them were still experiencing staffing shortages, short school workers, 53% could not fill positions, 60% said they were unable to fill nonteaching positions, 48% unable to fill teaching positions. this is leftover, this is continuing hangover from the pandemic and if we can't fill, particularly the teaching positions, what does it mean for getting students back up at grade level who suffered so badly during the pandemic? >> we know the lockdowns and shutdowns and mandates and revealing what was actually happening in schools and the alarm to american families has been overall a tragedy for american's k-12 students. what, you know, the blame is lying squarely at the foot of the teacher's unions that continue to demand schools be closed, that continue to demand more and more of their teachers in environments that were
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stretching them at both ends, whether it be distance teaching part-time and then in-person. understandably teaching staff is frustrated, has been burned out in many cases, but for many teachers, many great teachers, they also found alternative settings and venues that they have found to be a better fit for them, and the answer for teachers and for education long-term is to give families and educators far more choices and far more options and that's what we call education freedom, that is on the march across the country. >> john: you mentioned a couple of things here that tie together. unions and educational freedom. in arizona, the gubernatorial candidate there on the democratic say, katie hobbs, appears to be siding with the unions over parents and children to a large degree, a promise to roll back arizona's school choice expansion. education savings accounts that you can use to go to the school of your choice have been in place in arizona for a decade.
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is this the case of katie hobbs capitulating to the unions? >> well, absolutely. it's clear that she is in the pocket of the status quo and all of those who will defend and protect the status quo, and not standing with parents and families and students that really do want to have other choices and options if their assigned school is not working for them. arizona is really on the forefront of education freedom having just passed universal education savings accounts so that any student in the state of arizona that wants to do something different can do so by accessing 90% of what the state spends on that child. it's a huge step in the right direction for families, and my prediction is going to be that this momentum started in arizona around this type of program is going to continue to grow across the country. we are seeing everywhere families demanding more options and more choices and better
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options returning to actually focusing on learning and learning the basics. there's been so many things revealed in these last few, you know, couple of years that families have been upset about, and rightfully so. the they want to take matters back into their own hands on behalf of their kids and those running for office had best pay attention and support families. >> john: and how that plays out politically was brought to a head last year in the virginia gubernatorial election. you had them saying i don't think parents should have a say in the kids' education and youngkin said i beg to disagree. and he believes it will be a big issue in november. >> as everyone is now back in school, taking its rightful place as a top issue, we saw it in virginia and let's just be clear, parents matter this. is not a republican versus r democrat, this is a parent issue and i think we will see education play a huge role in the outcome of the election.
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>> john: it's not a democrat or republican issue, but the polling says, who do you trust more on education in school, 47% said democrats, 41% said republicans. this is a very close fight. betsy, how can republicans own this issue? >> well, absolutely. republican candidates should be with parents across the board, no matter what. they should stand with parents giving them the options that they need for their children. what we have seen in state after state and primary after primary is this is an issue that is a winner for those who stand with families, with parents, with giving families options and choices and freedom to make those decisions themselves, and this is an issue that republicans had best coalesce around because the numbers are there no matter how you cut it demographically. >> john: that historic advantage that the democrats have always enjoyed in education has been whittled down to a very narrow
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margin. betsy devos, great to get your thoughts on things. appreciate it. >> thanks so much, john. great to be with you. >> aishah: a story we have been following for you all day, mark houck, the pro life advocate at the center of a dispute with the fbi, pleading not guilty with an incident outside an abortion clinic in 2021. how can the wife say the fbi used a heavily armed swat team to bust into their house with the kids inside, arresting him with guns pointed as his kids looked on. the fbi denies that. houck's arrest and the charges against him stem back to claims he assaulted a volunteer outside an abortion clinic breaking federal law. he says he was protecting his son from a volunteer. and a private lawsuit against
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him was dropped. and they say it's an abuse of power and weaponizing the doj. he pled not guilty to two charges in the 2021 incident. a big deal here. >> john: russians taking to the streets over vladimir putin's plan to send hundreds of thousands more of his own people to fight. >> aishah: plus a humanitarian crisis at the southern border. a massive jump of children coming here alone. it's heartbreaking, inhumane, and it's a sign of the broken policy at the border. she's next. no, he's seizing the moment with merrill. moving his money into his investment account in real time and that's... how you collect coins. your money never stops working for you with merrill, a bank of america company. it's the greatest sandwich roster ever assembled. next is the new great garlic. the tender rotisserie
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style chicken is sublime and the roasted garlic aioli adds a lovely pecan flavor. man, the second retirement really changed you. the new subway series. what's your pick?
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counter offensive to take back a russian supply hub and now concerns that putin will take more desperate measures as he loses ground on the battlefield. how will the biden administration respond? former spokeswoman morgan ortegaz joins us, but first trey yingst, and updates on the nord stream pipelines. >> concerning developments out of the baltic see where the nord stream 1 and 2 pipelines are leaking. ukrainians are blaming the russians, russians have not taken responsibility. officials in moscow dealing with major internal issues as thousands of middle age men flee the country. >> lines of cars wait to exit russia through the country's border with georgia. reports indicate more than a quarter million men have fled in recent days to avoid getting sent to fight. >> we like many others fear
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against our will they could draft us to go and kill peaceful people in another country, in ukraine, this russian national says. we are completely against the war. anti-mobilization protests are continuing as recruitment officers round up middle age men. many are receiving no training before being sent into ukraine. in one of the poorest russian regions, demonstrators have clashed with police, refusing to have their community mobilized. some chanted no to war as others were arrested. new images show the gruesome reality of this war with injured ukrainian soldiers trying to defend their country. ukraine continues to take territory in the donbas region, specifically focusing on the city of leman, used as a many russian supply hub. there are no place not important to us. our people are everywhere.
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russian president vladimir putin is expected to announce later this week the results of referendums that are taking place right now in occupied areas of ukraine. this country bracing to see what the russian leader will do next. >> aishah: thank you, trey. >> john: let's bring in morgan, she's here in the studio with us, great to see you. how is nashville? >> it's the best. >> how is the twang? >> i have to have a bourbon or two. >> john: we can arrange that. 2500 people are arrested, don't want to go in ukraine, not convinced it's the right thing do, is this raising any significant pressure on putin? >> i think so. initially his propaganda machine was working quite well. we talked about it earlier this year, when i sort of saw a failure in our intelligence community we were not able to counter his propaganda at home. so definitely for the first 4 or
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5 months of this war the russian people were on his side, they believed it. now you are seeing a turn as people come home in body bags. seeing the protest as you mentioned and over 37 cities, calling up hundreds of thousands of people, and if you are a parent, you know in russia you know you are probably sending their child to death. you could look online and twitter they are showing videos of rusted machine guns and terrible equipment they are assigned. so it's hard to win the propaganda war when people are coming home in body bags. how does that affect his calculation? putin's back is against the wall. and as the cia director noted, aging can be as great perilous as ones arising. we cannot take anything he says lightly, we have to take it seriously. the same i am too, the united states and the west cannot allow ourselves to be blackmailed from a nuclear weapons perspective by russia, by putin.
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we cannot let him blackmail us into telling the ukrainians that they have to stop or that we have to ease up pressure. because if we allow putin to do that, if we blink in the nuclear threats, everybody will see it as a tactic against the west. >> aishah: the president has not made clear what the consequences would be, say russia uses nuclear weapons. i believe jake sullivan said the u.s. would act decisively. do you think that's enough? >> we have to define it more in the public domain. i assume and hope there are clear red lines communicated behind the scenes to the russians. i don't know, i'm not currently communicating to them, but i know sitting in many meetings in mike pompeo, you can leave no wiggle room, you have to establish the clear red lines and the administration may not know what it is yet but hearing a lot of talk and chatter of people saying we need to give
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putin the off ramp, maybe give the ukrainians to concede. that is the wrong approach because xi jinping will use that and use the tactic with iran. and the ayatollah in iran will use it as it relates to getting a nuclear weapon. we cannot be blackmailed by rogue states. >> not the border between russia and ukraine, but mexico and the united states. since biden took office, 267,000 unaccompanied minors have come across that border and we know how perilous it is because i mean, we have 800 people i think at last count this year who have died trying to make that perilous journey across the border. we are talking about kids being sent. >> that's right, about five times as many unaccompanied migrant children of the last year of the trump administration. these people are coming across the border and a lot of times
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parents send their children across the border with the drug cartels. maybe they think they are sending the children to a better life but they are not. as many times, they are sending them to the death. and young teenage women, you are seeing rapes, seeing human trafficking. i think we need to start thinking about the drug cartels more like terrorist organizations. they are set to make $13 billion in human trafficking and smuggling the fentanyl drugs and whatever else they are smuggling across the border. similar to isis or al-qaeda, the way they treat women and children, the rapings, the murders, even some reports of beheadings, these are the act of terrorist organizations and they are acting this way because there is an open border policy that allows them to get away with it. i was there a few weeks ago, i saw the open border myself, i saw the smugglers have people climb over the fence and ran into america.
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i saw it myself. >> aishah: i wonder what it's going to take for people to talk about it and do something about it. we show the numbers and the visuals all the time but it's not getting anywhere in washington. >> we need to talk about what is a humane border policy and they are taking advantage and rape and human traffic young people and hurt children, that is not a humane policy, anything but. >> john: and as we saw on the screen, the last two years, nearly 5 million people. >> incredible. >> aishah: thank you, morgan. a 33-year-old woman was just on her way to work and now she may end up blind after a man already convicted of murder turned his rampage on her. horrifying crimes like this one at the top of voter's minds just before the midterms. >> john: including in battleground pennsylvania, one police union made a big endorsement. we'll talk to the republican trying to flip biden's hometown of scranton red.
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today, everything costs more: gas, groceries, cars. we all need cash in the bank to stay ahead. well here's great news for veterans who own a home. home values have climbed to near all-time highs, too. that means the cash you need is right there in your home. newday can unlock it with the newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. not just part of it like some other loans. pay down high-rate credit card debt, consolidate your second mortgage and car loans, and have the security of cash in the bank. the va has granted newday automatic authority. when banks so “no” to a veteran, newday can say “yes.”
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>> john: new information coming in on a horrifying attack in new york. a homeless man viciously beating
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a woman inside the a subway station, she was on her way to work. turns out he's got a long c criminal record stabbing someone and beating his grandmother to death. brian how crime is playing out, but first jacqui heinrich at the white house, saying anything about crime today, jacqui? >> they are not, and not for lack of trying. the white house knew we wanted to ask about this issue of crime, and karine jean-pierre skipped over fox in the briefing room, make of that what you will. but after the president, or she yesterday refused to say whether or not the president believes that big cities are safe and said this answer to my colleague peter about americans should be instead thinking about what the president has done to make cities safer, we wanted to ask her if that's the case. why aren't we hearing more from
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the president about what he's doing, bearing down on the senate to pass the police funding bill that passed in the house. these are issues they should be taking our questions on, especially because recent polling shows 69% of voters think crime is an issue, and 14% more voters trust them to handle the crime. but the white house is not talking about that today, the president gave remarks on healthcare and congressional plans if they regain control of congress, even using props in his remarks. >> you think i'm exaggerating that, but a pamphlet, pamphlet, a 12-point plan to rescue america by senator scott of florida, ok. i won't read through all of it, but it says all federal legislation sunsets in five years. >> it's the second time recently the president has held up the pamphlet to make his point, referring to the republican's
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plans. first time at a dnc event, this time in the rose garden, john. >> john: and one thing i learned after covering the white house so long, if they don't want to take your questions because they probably don't have a good answer to it. >> aishah: america's crime crisis looming large in a battleground state, pennsylvania. drive voters to the polls and the republican candidate knows it. >> no doubt about it. dr. mehmet oz is concentrating on the issue of crime, particularly trying to tie his opponent, democrat john fetterman, to philadelphia's progressive district attorney larry krasner. now, krasner is under a state impeachment investigation over criticism over soft on crime policies. it appears it's working. yesterday philadelphia's police union backed oz. >> dr. oz will make sure our police officers have the resources they need to protect
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themselves and to keep the community safe. he will stand with the men and women in law enforcement against these daily threats that they face from criminals and progressive prosecutors. >> today fetterman released an ad of his own, featuring montgomery county sheriff defending his record on crime. >> i'm a county sheriff, veteran and pennsylvania, sick of oz talking about fetterman. john gave a second chance, nonviolent offenders, marijuana users, voted with law enforcement experts nearly 90% of the time. >> a new poll shows voters who will be voting in november, fetterman is ahead of dr. oz seven points. >> aishah: everyone wants to talk about crime now, would you believe it. >> john: the senate, a race in
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pennsylvania through biden's hometown of scranton, 30 seats of toss-ups in the house, including the eighth congressional district in the northeast corner of the state. the swing district is split, two blue, two red, voters famously switched from obama to trump, part of the rust belt realignment. the race, by the way, 2020 rematch pitting the incumbent against a democrat. with inflation high and biden's approval rating low, do republicans have a shot at flipping the seat? we have asked congressman cartwright to join us but he is unavailable. this is a race you lost by three and a half points two years ago, how do you turn it around 2022? >> we are well on the way of
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winning, leading in the polls, and biden and cartwright lied to us and said they would be moderates, they have governed as out of control progressives. you guys have been talking about crime all day. crime has gotten worse in pennsylvania. we see the philly news every day, seems like the carjacking and murder capital of pennsylvania. hard on crime, we really are excited to have the endorsement of the fop36 and 46 in northeast pennsylvania. >> john: that happened in the last few days. you say you have internal polls to show you will win the race. cartwright has polls to show him internally winning the race. find out what the american people are thinking, 80% are concerned about the economy, 77% inflation, 65% crime, 64% election issues, 61% guns and 56% abortion. economy, inflation, crime the most important issues and
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traditionally those have been advantage republican. you couldn't pull it off two years ago. can you turn those issues to your advantage this year? >> well, we are turning them to our advantage because people are angry, people are hurting. we are hearing from senior citizens that joe biden and matt cartwright's inflation is destroying their social security. i spoke with a voter in wayne county and said to me i don't know how i'm going to pay for home heating oil. looks like double the cost two years ago when president trump was in office. home heating oil, groceries, this cost of living increases pushed by matt cartwright and joe biden spending $6 trillion of deficit spending. joe biden has to own inflation. and cartwright has voted with biden 100% of the time. he's a wholly owned subsidiary of joe biden and the voters are sick and tired of the inflation that's resulted from it. >> john: we saw 56%, but abortion is one of the top issues for voters and cartwright is making that an issue, pointed
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to your answers to a pro life alliance with the following headline on his website, jim bognet follows a national abortion ban with 0 exceptions. where do you stand on abortion? >> we are used to matt cartwright lying. >> health of the mother, rape, abortion and insist, and matt cartwright voted against the born alive protection act, which says people should not give medical care to babies that survive an abortion. matt cartwright think we, the taxpayer should be paying for abortion. he has flip flopped his position a few times in ten years while in offers. here in northeast pennsylvania we value a culture of life and we are strong, strong pro life people up here. >> john: we hope to get cartwright on to talk about the issues, in the meantime, we'll watch the race in the 8th
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congressional district. jim bognet, great to catch up with you, thanks. >> aishah: italy set to get its first female prime minister but headlines are glossing over the history and going to mousilini and fascism. steve, good to see you, good to have you with us. so you know, maloney talks about free speech, she talks about god, country first, does that sound like fascism to you? >> well, it's amazing how they reach for that word almost instinctively, and last night on msnbc, the election result title was global erosion of democracy. now a free election that is won by someone they don't like is called an erosion of democracy. and just goes to show how actually extreme the left and the media supporters here in
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america have become. where anything that challenges their group think, their world view is condemned as semi fascism, this lady in italy is now a fascist if you don't get the result. they would think they are moving in the authoritarian direction. >> the white house is paying close attention to this, according to politico, anxiously watching maloney's rise to power and where she stands on support for ukraine. is that concern valid or something else going on? >> i think as with most things these days the real concern is a political one, which is that they are seeing the support for this party in italy and the coalition partners, also in sweden, and saying well, what's going on here, perhaps actually we need to fear the voters verdict on some of these policies and of course they are responsible for here as well.
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notably on immigration and the border. immigration was a huge issue, italy is equivalent of a border state like texas or arizona in the e.u. they have had a large proportion of the migrants trying to get into the e.u. and the voters are sick of the fact that their federal government has not done anything about it. and so that kind of uprising against this open borders agenda, the pro crime agenda you are seeing, and some of the erosion of national sovereignty that has happened in italy, i think that's what they are worried about and looking to the midterms, which i guess is their prime preoccupation right now, wondering if that kind of sentiment might hit them. >> aishah: would you say we are on the so would you say we're on the cusp of something? i talked to people that voted for hillary clinton back in the day and now voting republican. the lockdowns really turned people's politics and we're watching as john said from
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sweden to france to italy, we're seeing a rejection of liberal values. are we on the cusp of something where we see more malonis >> i don't know. i think the general sentiment among the electorates across the world, it started in 2016 with the brexit vote followed by president trump here. people said they were hoping that it wasn't just a populous thing gone quickly. it's not. people mean it. they do want control of their borders, they want to see more emphasis on job creation in their own countries. that's why people are voting that way. >> it's always surprising when the left sees this and is shocked by it. so interesting to follow what is happening in europe and what is happening here at home.
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steve hilton, thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> thanks, steve. >> john: a real change underway in europe. i remember traveling bill clinton the 90s. everybody was skewing to the left. not so much anymore. >> the pendulum is swinging the other way. i'm aishah hasnie. >> john: thanks nor being here. i'm john roberts. "the story" with martha starts right now. >> martha: good an. i'm martha maccallum. dana perino will be here to talk about new tough polling that we're seeing from president biden's own party. we'll break that down with both of them. first, obviously the big story this afternoon, a fox news weather alert. hurricane ian is now picking up speed. you can see it churning away as it heads in to the gulf of mexico this hour. millions are bracing for wha


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