tv Hannity FOX News September 29, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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and so we went into our filesa and there it wasph, a photograp, kamala harris, an intimates dinner with kim jong un at the french laundry. there's the alliance. ladies and gentlemen. i neve r thought she admitted in public. but, you know, this is aported new show we got to report. we find we are out of time, but we'll be back. havebe back ha a best night wits you love. n hannitfolly follows. >> welcome to "hannity". we begin tonight with this fox news alert.n and breaking tonight, we'rethis going to continue to trackere ae the very latest developmentse all across the state of florida after hurricane ian carved out t a path of destruction allhe across the state's southwest coast right into the central paf part of florida and then up the east coast. look aret your screen.enmmun you have entiritiee communities wiped out and destroyed. fort myers beach absolutely devastated. we're continuing to receive mor more and more updates on the extene updat this damage
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and of course, the search and rescue operations are underway. first responders, they have been mobilized. emergency crewd ems doinge tr everything they can to rescuent those that are trappedinue as residents. now continue to suffer under the devastating storm surgesurg from naples to sarasota, forts o myers, beyond the storm is now barreling towards the coast of b south carolina. dsit looks to be headed straight towards charleston, will have full coverage throughout the night tonight. but first, as we have shown you on this program night after night, your presiden aftert, its the president of the united states of america, joe biden,tae is not weln is il. he is weak, is frail, frankly decrepit. is deteriorating cognitively p at a pretty rapired pacetty . and he's not fit to be the commander in chief yesterday. whankly,mmander- may have been joe biden's lowest moment yet,ic which is kind of saying a lot during a white house event on combating hunger, which honored the late indiana congresswoman jackie walorski.n
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well, joe biden called out the deceased congresswoman at one guest. jackie , where's jackie ? and wondered where she was,diene where she seated in, the audience. take look, i want to thank all of you here for includingfor in bipartisancl and electedisans. officials like representative government senator braun, repres senator booker, representative jackie herene. where's jackie ? i think sh be should be here.lpk e to help make this a reality. >> cook her book. where's jackie ? not funny. sadly, this may have been one of joe's most disturbing momentf s, and that's againrememb saying a lot. remember, ater the time of her death, biden ordered flags tof-t be lowered at half mast. h he released a heartfelt tribute to the long serving lawmaker. and then joe biden apparentlyarl forgoty ruining what would hav been a moving and heart heartfelt tribute, which is what it was supposed to be .o play defense and the white house state triedf
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to play defense for biden. that ended up just making it much worse. >> and here's biden's press secretary rambling on and on and on . >> and it's pretty bad. take a look what happened in thp hungary today. the president appeared to lookre around the roont was loom for ae member, a member of congress, who passed away last month seemed to indicate she might be in the room. so to the president, was as youe all know, yontu guys were watching today's event a very important event on food and security. the president was naming the congressional champions on this issue. >> he said, jackie , are you way here? where'ins jackie ?t be here. >> imust not be here. i totally understand.wa and i justs on i just explainede was on top o mf mind trying to get my head around as much if the congresswoman was top of mind for the president and her family was expected to be here.e and that's what i was thinking about. what was he looking for?n foi'm not trying to be snarky here. no, i mean, and i'm not saying i would sit there. and again, again, i think peopn understand that one more time. back to the question about. congressman hemanshu.
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>> why, why? why? one more time. hy if the confusing part is why if she and the family is top of mine, does the president thinks that she's living and in d the room? i don'on't ftht find that confus >> eveinr wonder why the mediane mob never r would speak outg ou against me pointing out the obvious? obvious saw what we saw. we were the only ones brave enough to say it and ask yourself, why couldn't the biden white house just admit to error? why can't they for once kind ofs be honest little transparent with you, the american people, you already know iw it is t is d they know the president is a cognitive wreck and they are the enablers that are coveringk. for him. they know he's not fit to, serve. that's why they hide him. on less thaneach all one event on average per day. that's why he's at the beach all the time. nows howgod only knows how manys he's really seeing doctors. and they know with each passing day, joe biden is going from bad to worse in every way imaginable for his home policy, worse on stamina or worse
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on energy or worse on every front. but of course, biden's unquestioned allies in the mobbf and the media, they didn't think it was tha g a deal. but maybe we need to ask her a question or two. here's how the ladies at thathe hard hitting news show , the view, greeted his remarks. , specifically to joyless behar. >> you can go after him fort soe forgetting that someone haons passed. i mean, and she passed last month, not like one hundred years ago. yeah, okay. think you know, i thinwhat rk what it really shows is that this country is so ageist. this country has a problem g with age. you know, you go to o otheto otr countries and our elders arese e revered. they're revered because of knowledge e they have man w acquired. and this is a maho n who has worked in government. his entire life ages. >> oh, we miss troilus anyway. today, it didn't get all thatped much better for joey, where he t appeared . i forget the name of his veryto once again wandereator and then
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aimless. he once again wandered off,r int shaking, er doing thathe usual eming that he does that is very awkward and embarrassing. ba but unfortunately his vice not i president , she's not doing a whole lot betterer becauseotho again today.rd no s, the word salad, she found a way to, let's say, embarrass the entire us on the world stage. she was visiting the dmz,at ame proclaiming that america hadri e alliance with north korea, a little rocket man, kim jonjong un . >> take a look. so the united states sharesery a very important relationship, which is an alliance that the republic of north korea and it is an alliance that is strong and enduring. re sev and today therere were several demonstrations of just that point. >> all right. tht the blunders forers the wh house didn't stop there.s the vice president had thi s awkward moment while observing the dmz again to know anything about world events, history,g? where she is , whatwh she's doing, where she's going,
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who she'o s talking to. >> take a look at something nice. and it's so it's it's 50 meters away. >> that's that's right. that's all right. there you have it, america.ft thes e are the far left failures that are running your country. and it's why democrats are thata desperate to distract fromct biden's disaster as aonize president and of course, desperate to demonize republicans at all costs. just a small here is just a small sample.blin obama saying, well, republicansc don't like joe's bordey r policl because they don't want people of a different color coming into the country. clinton comparing trump supporters t o, then the bigd mega bad biden maga r republican speech. >> take a look. the biggest fuel behind the republican agenda r is related telo immigration
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and the fear that somehow america's character is going to be changed if people of darker shades there are too many of the them here. >> you saw the rally i raln ohi the other night. trumohp there ranting and raving for more than an hour. >> and you have these rows of young men with their arms raised. i thought, what is going. on ?>n >> donald trump and the majorld republicans represent an extremis trumpcansm that threats the very foundations of our republic. democ democrats, we know they can't r run on their record . they can't run on the economy. . what a forty one year high of inflation. they can't run border security., we now set a record two million. and we have one quarter left in the year. this will be the biggest yea wbr for illegal immigration inhe the country's history. they can't run on foreignm policypo. they can't run on theircrim record , on crime, you know,e. defund, dismantle, no bail
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laws. they can't run on their studentt loan free handou t record . they can't run on their record on anything. the price of gase can't ru can'n on that either anyway. so i will asouk yo au agaigainne tonight, because in forty , 40, what, two days now, are you? better off now than before joe biden took office as your president ? office as yo urare you better off under the surging inflation, the sinking four one ?es are you better off with these ae higher gas prices? are you better paying higher prices for everything you buy yg at every store you go to? are you better off with open borders? are you better off with opioideo and fentanyl pouring into this country? human traffickers, vuelings co, crime and chaos all across this this great land of ours. reat o are you betterf off under the growing threat of nuclear war? are you better off under? biden's weak diplomacy? can you name a singl u namee thing that joe biden has done to maked your life better? has he done anythingonhing to ie to improve the country? just one thing. thi joe biden, kamala harris, nancy?
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pelosi, chuck schumer, you go o know, they can't go one day without baffling blunders and bizarre word saladsy. and embarrassing the entire country. they can't go a day without baselessly slandering, smearing republicans, conservatives can and demonizing conservatives. they can't go one day without surrendering their agenda to the far left. climate alarmistlefts, religious cult base. they run the party. they're bent on destroyingg our way of life and destroying capitalism. and 40 shortshor days, 40 days,t forty two . you get the finayol sau get y, u get to send the message. this is your opportunity toft get this country back on track. these far left socialistsrectio disasters are nont the direction that we need for this country. instead, we should want an agenda centered around law and order and safety and security so you can pursue happiness, border laws, national sovereignty, all of
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these things we talk about every day. we have to control our bordersod . we neeckd background checks.s, we need healths checks during a pandemic, make sure peoplere f won't be will be able to take care of themselves financially. ciallyl be a bwon't be a burden on the american people. >> how about fixing t the disaster of our educationalf system? offer choice tfer a ceo parentst and educatioo n? how about less government taxation, less governmentnlegal bureaucracy? not only go back to the trum bpe policies of american t energyw u independence, how about american energy dominance? t energyand so much more with ri he's the host of unfiltered. there's no such thing as a filter. dan bongino anyway. dan bongino is wit fis.h us and the co-hosts of the hit showve the five geraldo we alla. know there's no filter for all those. well, rather, i'll just throw the question out. you tell me what joe biden and the democratic socialistd tell me what they've done, what policies are working for the american people. >> i'd love to hear it. o well, first of all, i waselders brought up to respect my elders
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and joe biden and i arane the same age, so i'm veryim defensive of him. s perhapmores more . let me let me step in. in your defense here, geraldo,hg we'rere friends. dan bongino will back me up.omis i promise you, you are sharp, you are bright, you are articulate. you are engaged. you are no joe biden. dan , i'm sure you agree. >> yeah, no, no doubt about it.. i let geraldo take it fromg the here, but that's a bit you'reyoe not making the point. geu think you're making geraldo but go right. >> exactly it anyway. i submit then that there are times when you seem dazed] and confused, but don't hold home and you get half my age. >> that's i .feel b i feel badlyad. i feel badly forn. president biden. it's obvious this is a staff failure all around. >> i mean, someone should haveel reminded that. wait a minute. minutthis is the way to do thi. but i'm going to add one. i feel bad for the country.el bd i feel bad f for the poor,
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the middle class people on fixed incomes that areput th suffering because of his failed policies. i put them aboveem one person.e >> oh, sure we do. sean. ould've but this is the case with the white house could very easily said he misspoke. he apologizes. he's called a familyor tal and regret. i mean, when i write about or talk about anybody, i check on wikipedia, whether they're alive or dead. e i mean, my staffers should have done that. his should have done that.. they should be clearedleared on the on the teleprompter o and so forth. judging by the policy, it's nice that he had this program to end world hunger.ould b >> that should be what we're talking about, particularl abou. with this horrible mess in florida. so many people suffering. siona. we need a president who is compassionate. we have a governor down there who's compassionate and effective, the santurce. so they're doing they're working in a bipartisan way. i'm not sure this is the day where we single out a guy's flub. >> you g know, when he could hae
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very easily been corrected by a staffer then, okay, no one on the dazed and confused thing, my brother, you were like youa a studio. studioguy backfifty four guy ba. so i'm going to take a hard pass on days. gerald you probably geraldo. y decadedes ofbablo, your life you don't even remember. so that's another story we canll talk about that day. adio we can another time maybe on aun radio show or so. but having said no, you're reading this thing entirely wrong. okay, respect for your elders and respect for the power of the office of the presidency are two different things. i respect my elders. i'm no. not mat mad for joe biden because he's clearly suffering some kind ofd of frontal lobe deficit that a lot of seniore ta americans at that age. it may be me too at that age will suffer. it's a serious thing. you know, i went to graduate school for neuropsychology. i'm very serious about this stuff. it's notf.ot a joke, it's not aa it's not funny. having said that, the man's
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a commander in chief ofmachin the most powerful military machine in the history of planete history earth. i mean, he could literally, notr figuratively annihilate the planetow tomorrow morning. it's not too much to ask to you to have the guy know who's alive and dead in a room, especially when you're a rather prominent congresswoman who was involved in an accident. just about everybodyngresswo ind in politics knows about. here's point number two that you're missing, too.too.e bit on you know, i've got a little bit of experience in this space . the president, united states,gle every single footstep he takes is marked out. everything he's going to do is put down and he's briefed on it. you will do this. u will work a rope line rightteg to left. you will exit stags ede left . you will take six pictures,, to six police to fire photost. afterwards. everything he does is lying down. how the hell is this guy always confused about what to do after an event? l yoi'l you you, you don't see this with any other president , not to the degree with this guy. wh ofy is i've done one hundred of these events, ifmo not more ? because they brief him on whatc
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to do. he's clearly cognitively impaired and he forgets it's soo over, although it's no more complicated than what i had to me was. what about the emmys?ys what about the emmys? the academy awards?ards the person wins the statue. >> then they don't know where to go . they don't know where to go because it's a it's a new setting. >> although a new nuclearions a scientist at the academy awards, they're outfitted with a futuristit c putting thee two people on par. come on , man. this you're not being seriousllm right now.t an you're telling me, like brad pitt and joe biden havevelf the same level of importance.e brad pitt was the was the guy in that christian slater movie't who was dazed and confused on the couch, wasn't i it's not the same job, man. i mean, come on . the guy is the commander inande chief of the united states military. if you're telling him exitinunii stage. an right. forge shake hands with this gutsy and leave and he forgetste five minutess late later.mono yopou know, all the one more thing, i don't want toonlyo monopolize the segment, bunets we're not the only ones watching this. xi jinping, kim jong un and
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vladimir putin are watching this, too. they clearly know the man has if some acid vladimir putin ask dan , my brother, ask vladimir putin whether or not joe bidenfm is formidable or ask him about how us intelligence i work.w th they blow the whistle on putin's invasion of ukraine and have backed. let me get back in a barrel.rack i want to ask a question and stunned the russians. geraldo, do you believear everybody around joe biden sees what we we're talking about? do they see what's happening to? this guy? are th no? were they aware of it? probably more . i don't know. probably in on what would be happening to this guy show on some people that the cognitive that is real, they don't have the same. because let me giraldo, ifu on i saw you on tv now and you and this was you on a regular basis, i would fly to where youh
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are. i would siadint downcredib withe and i'd say you've had an incredible fifty year career. please, please. it's time to retire. >> but you're not that way. fifty two and i like the sentiment. >> i do get a point because you> would be kind to me. >> he yes.lect - then neglect. wh-y are they here. it's the same kind of kaidan>> should i got to get a word in here. i'm sorry. one can'tget get adoes t freaking dog bro.he this is thee president of the united states .my dog yo iu want a dog to, like, get n your feet.s my dog is great.grea she when i come in the house she's a submissive. >> she she is what i come in not she gets so excited.he i want the president doing that too. i mean, be kind and your pointn before about vladimir putin thinks biden is a tough gun's ao hena waited for trump to leave office before he invaded ukraine. what are you talkinge he invaded about? >> i mean, i don't even know how that makes any sense. he invadedraine an ukraine and s a result, russia is going down the primrose path, much to the chagrin of many people on the right and on the killing
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. see you. biden did the right thing and he has done the right thing. >> i want go ahead.>> sea n:now. >> all right. let's give dan the last word tonight. we started with you, geraldo. .okay? y yeah.outalk i just don'tin know what you're talking about. he clearlyclis not is not respected by world leaders. when trump was in office, there was no serious threat to cross y the strait to taiwan by china. that's happening d every day. now to kim jong un threatening his seventh nuclear test his. io and vladimir putin is annexing portions of ukraine. i have n o idea what you're talking about by they respect this guy. they weren't on a u.s. citu're i wish they weren't. t's no i'm a us citizent . i'm proud of my country.e. bu t let's not let's not be silly here. nobody respects this guy. dan gt dan , good to see you and thank you. and by the way, i only hade na one other name, geraldo berney. rnie sansanders is sharp as a t. he's older than than biden. try. a beat he's not he doesn't skip a beat. this guy just go. t three question. where's jackie ? or shaking thiean: wheren air. kind of embarrassing.
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all right.f thank you both. coming up,, thank ming u on ste, brian norcross, they'll bringdet us the latest, the devastatingae that is hurricane ian .ar by the waye in, if you're in soh carolina, pay attention. also, explosive allegations of political bias at the fbi. wirse than ever. jim jordan, break it down as we continue ahead of the investigation tonight. >> this bakery needs new equipment fast to keep up with demand. so they're going to on deck the online lender that makes it easy to choose your loan and if approved, get funds as soon as the same day your loan is on deck. >> you deserve that feeling. >> here. relief you put in the work, whether you're training for a marathon or just giving one the power boost move from sharper image. it's time to power your potential. the power boost move from sharper image, super bad across state as the number one selling
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and help us save other orangutans in desperate need. before it's too late. >> right. >> this is a fox news alert today in southwest florida. rescuers, they got their first look at the unimaginable devastation left in the wake of hurricane ian , for example. look at your screen.l this is the commercial center. i this is fort myers. beach, known as times square,ts which along with its iconich isn pier, which is no longer existing, complete destroyedga by this storm . our very own steve harrigan is live inn is florida tonight with the very latest on the damage they discovered all day. steve , i have friends inin naples, friends in fort myers, friends in sarasota, sar friends all throughout the state. and i'vee begi beennn getting v pictures all day. >> iert is a disaster. tion it is showing the destruction is simply catastrophic. it's sad. it's sad to see i'm standing h among houses here iner
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a neighborhood here which is completely destroyed in some of the parts of southwesthe florida, now hit so hard by those 150 mile per hour winds. r windthat there are real questu about whether or not to rebuild . it's notbe jusent houses tha wtd been wiped out, but the infrastructure as well. infraid has been flowing in froe across the country to florida. people eag eager to help first responders coming for more than thirty five states. some poc it doesn't get everywhere, though, in some pockets likeealt where i am now. it's really at this point,elping still neighbor helping neighbor. the gover, florida has soid this is a 500 year flood. some areasme got more than two feet of rain. and those search and rescuetions operationsta started immediatel one o'clock in the morning, wereoon as the windsbelow dippd below 40 miles per hour, they were out there risking their lives to try to save people by boat, by helicopter and by land. they've carrie.d out more than 700 rescue missions. but still, at this point, more than three million people without power. and it's bee pown complicated tu
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get around without communication. many roads, and many bridges down. and this is to an agingpopula population. more than 40 nursing homesto across the state have had to be evacuated. as far as the storm itself, it's not over yet. it's been reenergized as it's moving north. so's expected to hitd the coast of south carolinuta friday, midday as a category hur one hurricane. seanrica , back to >> all right, steve harrigan,wih thank you for that report.le ofl our prayers are with the people in florida.arolina look and if you're in souths like carolina, it looks like it'sto r on a direct path to your coast ,the entire coast, and then aimed right at charleston. and we'll have more on that in a second at this hour. re-ss our restrengthening into another category, a category one hurricane. and for the very latest on where the storm is headed,wee south carolina, we bring in fox weather hurricane specialist brian norcross. brian , frome wha t i'm seeing and observing, this is going to hit the entire coast of south carolina. it looks like it's aimed right
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at it at charleston. orm su >>rg and from my understanding, there could be a storm surge of, what, nine feet? >> well, they're forecasting four to seven feet on and it's going to be close toston w charleston. we can crossith th our fingers e and hope it goes just to the north because charlotte hiarleston is very, very low country. i mean, it's called the low country and the historic cityooe of charleston floods even inve high high tides, which we have this time of year called the king tide season. we think o f the southwest coastphase of florida and that destructionn is being phase one .in centr the record flooding in central florida as being phase two. e ps and now we're on to phase three of ian .re take a look at the satellitenow. picture here where it is now. it looks like this very disheveled storm , but very eve strong winds, maybe evenst stronger than the 75 miles perth hour of the hurricane center was estimating back at eight o'clock from the hurricane hurrice as i just. at their observations. but evenith this with this dishd look, the winds are still
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strong. and look at the directiohe direr they are pointing. they're pointing at the coastini of south carolinng anda and geo. so there is storm surge there. that is expected.tide now, it's got a lot to do with the tides and so let's time this out. so here's the idea. maybe up to storm strengthens a little ,w b maybe up to 80 miles an hour ori now based on the observationsstg i've seen, maybe a little biter stronger, but not a crazy strong storm . the atmospheric conditions are just not conducive for that. and thenr arriving at the south carolina coast tomorrow, it says p.m. but i think middayrigi is about the right time frame to think about that and then mov moving north. now we're talkininh our talkg at the wind part of the storm first. >> and loo k this here. this red area is where tropicalo storm forcpie winds are expecte. in the purple area is whereforc hurricanwie force winds are possible. a herein tblis are as well, tornadoes tomorrow. >> so this is going to be ae terrible day across the low
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country of the carolinas there. >> n it moves up into the mountains and of course, tropical moisture and the mountains. >> a terribl are e combination. >> here's what the rainorecas forecast is . so whet n his first rain to second and this corridor of rain going up to at leastof the winston-salem area, if not up ints ofo the mountains of noh carolina, is going to be a significant flash flood threat.h the national weather serviceer has identified this region as very likely to have flash flooding identified, identified central florida yesterday. and that's what we had, tremendous flooding, record flooding there today. his area of raleigh up to the so it's this area of raleigh up into the mountains and back downand back to around columbiaa charleston. that's a high threat a forfor flooding. strong winds and tornadoes tomorrow. >> and now let's talk about storm surge. so storm surge storm is the watr being pushed by the wind? >> so it's all about the direction of the wind. he so
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>>ra so this orange area is whee the hurricane force gusts aresot forecast to be . so watchchin as we go forward in time. now, we're at midnight tonight. so th tide is aroundight so midnight. so a little before midnight, high tide make s a tremendous that on difference there. and low tide, they wouldn't thm surge there e a stor at high tide.igher >> it's seven feet higher and over the shoreline, over the islands and so forth. >> so this tonight at midnighteo is the first time.t and then wsix ine get to a low a at 6:00 in the morning as the winds start to pick up. >> but look at the timing here . >> we get up to noon tomorrow around high tide. strong and this is when the strongestoh winds are forecast to be on the south carolina coast, up to just north of myrtle beach, shshinwater ing water into the shoreline. the hig >> this is the high threath tim e . we're hopeful for the tropics, chslestoncharleston that thi comes ashore just north of charleston because the winds go this way. this way. that is not pushing water in the then it's not pushing water
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into charleston. bu t it's just too close toe my call. and , of course, high concercern for the folks that are up the coast with that onshore winds aln onshorl the way into n carolina. >> sean, if it does hit there, that low country, as you call a it, in the charleston areaan and you have a storm surge, t let's say, seven feet on top of the rain that you're talking about, wha meant would that mear charleston? >> well, the problem is that the old city of charleston, down by the battery, is very low. the have these king tides that are higher than ever, it actually floodsds thern regular high tide. so this is a stunning threatg e to the old paratt of the city of charleston and that low country. like i said, i hope it misses there. but there is a lot of otherna ca south carolina coastts and sullivan's island and i love palms all up the coastificn there. t and the the threat is significant for those people. t ho people and localand the local ae have been talking about this all day and i hope thatn: do
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everybody gets to a safe place. >> you'd recommend evacuatioyon >> well, i hesitate to preemptre what local officials say, but >>atever the local officials are saying, they're not goingdoi to get the chance. you uat would you do if yo were in the middle of charleston in that area?i was in >> what would you do if i was in a place that i knew was subject to the ocean coming up to my place? >> i would be out of there. i would have been out of there already a long time. >> guess the litmus test high threat situation. rolina tonight great report. our prayers with the people in south carolina tonight. thank you. u. to monithat we'll continue to r the storm. we hfirst tonight, we have breaking news. >> whistleblowers are now coming forward to ohio congressman jim jordan, just like they have been ton. charles grassley and ron johnso alleginn and they are alg that your fbi, as we have been talking about a lot, has noww bc been completely politicized poli purgeying to even any conservative employees. jordan writes in a letter to a senior fbi human resourcesurce official tha offt whistleblowers
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have alleged that the agency now is revoking the security clearances of conservative employees and even outright suspending them. the fbi is telling foxthe fb nen a statement that the fbi does not target or take adversehe fit action against any employees for exercising their first amendment rightswrites. or for their political views., okay, if that's true , then why did the attorney general thatgu i am arguing is weaponizesis the department of justice, merrick garland? why is he trying tsto stopop the whistleblowers in the fbi from talking to members of congress? tag to m of congyou might rememr that little memo after charles grassley said we have over 20 whistleblowers. last month, he-blowers sent it j employees, reminding them that no departingg them t employee my communicate with members of congress owith memr congressionu without advance approval fromfio the officef of legislative affairs.e tryi is he trying tngo intimidate toi thesmidatee whistleblowers into
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silence? here with more, ohio congressman jim jordan. sounds to me i thought we had whistleblower laws. them i thought we like whistleblowers. i thought we put hearsay whistleblowerswhistle-bl up on a pedestal. so fbi whistleblowers are being told tfbi whistl to shut up. they're not allowed to talk to'w the likes of you or grassley or johnson. that's how i interpret it.>> nou now, you're exactly right. that's the that's the law, sean. and it's supposed to fol be followelowed.d. but i think it's interesting and you pointed this out a few weeks ago when i wasn on your show, we talked about the 14 agt whistleblowers, fbi agents who've come to our offic te the very next day, the verymerrc next day. merrick garland, since thatch memo out saying here are the rules. if you're going to speak to congress, it. is a memo designedwhistl to chill the speech of bravee- whistleblowers who want to comea forward and tell us the truth.e we also know that some of thosee whistleblowers havare hadwhich their security clearance revoked, which is always the first step. internmentisstep termi hitting t the fbi. tha and now we think there's beet tn specific retaliation against a whistleblower who's been
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suspended. been sis and thi is one of the y first whistleblowers we had who's been suspended. he came toe to us back last fall with the school boards issue aten we learned that memorandum that came from attorney general garland designed tdesignedo sayt going to useer the counterterrorism measures against moms and dads and 20ads2 some parents were investigated by the fbi for simply showing up at a school board meeting.o so it continues to escalate.n and when you vie w it in context of everything we're doing, this is frightening stuff. stufall right. let me talk about during the course of your investigation , and i'my hearing there may be as many as 30 whistleblowers. you actually said in the letterl that youe- received the protectd whistleblower disclosure that the fbi is engaging in this purge of conservatives. o th now, there are two thingsing on seemingly going on simultaneously. simultaneously purging conservatives, silencing them. , now, merrick garland is intimidating them, basically saying they're not allowed to talk to elected officials.als that would contradict, ithatn iy my view, o whistleblowerg
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protection laws. but they're saying not only is been politicized now, it's goi a purging. so what is going on with our department of justice? what's happening here and when e do we get to the bottom of it? because if that's the case, that would explain why we don'tc have equal justicee or equaly wc heplication of laws in our country, which would scarell the hell out of every american. >> well, i think it's designedis i think the plan is all designed to fien it thiss la nae that joe biden laid out there, that half the country are fascists and extremists. this crazy claim that he's made. and now they have to, as i'vjuie said, just the numbers. we've ha thad some whistleblowes talk about that, how they'res getting pressured to label allas cases as domestic violente the extremism cases to juicenuok the the numbers and to cook the books, because the way tha they're cataloging these cases to make it appear that there ale domestice extrem violence extremists all over the country, all to fit thisratm narrative. and you now see it manifest in what happened just a week ago in outside of philadelphia with this pastor and hiss family. so thato bt seems to be what they're what they're up to.
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and , of course, if you haveu ha conservative, if you haveg the fbi agents who are following the laand w and doinga things the way they're supposed to, they're not goinlo tg tohatg go along with that. that's to they are why they'ro us and they're trying to stop them to come forward and give us the truth. >> i want to understand something. th we're now 40 days out of an election. we're going to havee more january six hearings inlean the lead up to the election. >> we know that everybody on that committee has a political bias. that's fine. they're allowed to have their opinions, but they ignored the five hundred and seventy four riots that injured thousands of cops, ro with bricks, rocks, bottles, molotov cocktails, bot they igne the fact that thoset th five hundred and seventy four riots tha t a lot of democrats said were mostly b peaceful, encouraged by the likes ofy the the way sheila ho way, tweeting out support for bi a bail fund, praising defunding the lapd. we had billions in property dead damage and dozens of dead americans. where's that committee investigatincommitg those riots by left wing groups? >> or on the dozens and dozens
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of pro-life crisis pregnancycen centers that were attacked in the aftermath of leaking the draft opinion and the churches that were vandalized and the aftermath ofheking leak? that draft opinion. where's those investigations? why don't we hea'tr abou hear t? are they are they arets are they raiding with 20 fbi agents? t e peoplethose kind of places, the people who did that harm like they did to this pastor and outside of philadelphia? tha so that is the thing thatt bothers so many american bo families. and i think they're going to remember that when they go to s: vote i in 40 days. i hope they do a lot at stake. jim jordan, congressman, ohio, thank you for being with us. wien we come back . okay, senate candidate from wisconsin, guy by the name ammend mandella, barnes, where do you hear what he said after the steve scalise shootinghi back in 2017 that nearly killed him? we'll show you that. ll plus, crime surging all over the country, especially in new york . york citcity. the governor of new york ,ere kathy hochul, where's her priority? where are the liberal compassionate democrats in
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new york ? talk a thawe'll talk about thats all things election 40 days elll the all important midterms. your best election coverage is right heron covere on "hanni the fed is printing money like crazy. >> debt is rising by the trillions. is there a way to profit from this madness? what do these experts say? >> the more money you print, the less your dollars are worth. and that's why you want to own gold in your portfolio. >> even bank of america says three thousand dollars gold is entirely possible. >> silver russell has the biggest run. >> coming up, gold will outperform stocks and silver will outperform gold. experts agree massive money printing and rising debt could send gold and silver prices much higher. how high? find out. call for the experts money printing report and gold and silver decision guy. see, just how high gold and silver prices could go . i think gold silver will , when big a report and guide are free, also ask how you can
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these all important midterm elections. on the left. t they have selectedhe the most radical group of candidates ever, includinerg wisconsin senate candidate mandella barnes. look at this guy here. called f he has repeatedly called for the prison population to be cut in hal bf, which is just slightm more prisoners let out thaorn a trust fund brad inylvania pennsylvania that's running the guy in the hoodie that never worked a real job in his. life that wants a moratoriume aa on fracking, no restrictionsng l on abortion. all these candidates are s of te over the top now in wisconsin, barnes also trash the founding of our country, but his worstayv moment may have comee in 2017 when he actually mocked congressman steve scalise. remember, he almost died on that battlefield when he was shot by a bernie berni supporter anyway, taking one for the team. i questionr th how peopleest bu vote against self-interest, but this is the next levelt . he literally almost died on this hill after he was shot
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of a deranged bernie sanders supporter. all right. here with reaction, former speake the hr of the house fox s contributor newt gingrich. >> mr. speaker, if you look at all these candidates, we gotn a phenomenon there. they're taking a page out of to joe biden. they all seem toidin be hidingg they're not having to answer all any questions from the press. they're they all seem to have tens of millions of dollars that dumping on republicanve adi candidates with negative ads, if they debate, they'll agree to a debate a week before the election after voting is , t you know, after half the state. has already voted and then youoa look at their positions, no, no exceptions on abortion. no restrictions at all.cut th cue t the prison population and half defund the police. do opebe energy independent. wide open borders, no law and order. it's defund, dismantle nobel. no, no. correcting our disastrous school system. are they going to be able to win with that with that gamean plan?
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well, i think you see both with fetterman in pennsylvaniaen and with mandella barnes in wisconsin,that the that the weif their radical ideas is gradually killing our campaigns. the lead that fetterman had originally when he was unknown and people didn't realize how pro murderer he was, how pro drug legalization hewas, was, how muc howh he was, in fa, a threat to the very safety ofar the community. remember, philadelphia yesterday had their onear. thousand carjacking of the year, setting an all time record for the number of carjackings in philadelphia. so over 70% of the voters inn philadelphia say that crime is our gre is their greatest concern and safety is their greatest concern. >>t conc that is a huge burden m fetterman. and you begin to see ibegin totn the polls in wisconsin once the --ot through the primary. and ron johnson began to pointil out how really radical, how proi
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criminal, how anti victimct amandola barnes was. barnes' fellow fell behind. sus and i suspect that race may endn up as a blow away by the timees it's done, because barne s positions are so radical. he is in a sense, so full of himself. that's the whole point of the way he made fun of steve police. i mean, these people verge on being sick. and in the case of fetterman, of course, he apparently had a tattoo that was either a reference to a song in favor of heroin use or was a tribute s to the crips, which is a los angeles based, very violent gang. gangwhich actually was in friedman's hometown and which worked with ferrymen in his election. so you look at tha lookt and you think, how much doesvanian the average pennsylvanian want to have a prograwant tm old pro murderer candidate who's also for much higher taxesn is against oil and gas as an industry in generally wouldhat x represent virtually no value that exists in pennsylvania. isand in wisconsin.e the
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i u have the same problem with mandela, barnes and i think that outside of maybe, you know, the madisonun baiversityiver of wisconsin cro, barnes is going to find thatwisn wisconsin is a very tough state this year. >> let me ask you, you really have a gift in terms of beinge e able to see wave electionsally and all the years i've been interviewing you, you usually turn out right. and i know a lot of people are optimistic. opthey believe this will beuld o a wave election year. where dou you the house going? senate races and when you look at, you know, all these senate races, florida ,georgia, north south carolina, new hampshire, pennsylvania, wisconsin, ohio, missouri, colorado, washington state, arizona, nevada, where do you see the senate coming down in terms of at the end of the day, what who will be the winners in this election? >> well, you know, sean, i do three free newsletters a week, e
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gingrich 360. stdid one onrm the long term structural analysis of the election. the two most successful models that use historic data predict both of them came in about the same number. they predict forty four to forty six seat gain by the6 republicans in the house. i also jus t did one like this this last week. la analyzing the polling numbers. remember, the democrats infornib places like california get such huge margins that if you seewida a generic ballot nationwide, that's, let's say the mostat mes recent one was three or four points republican . that means when you get out ofun california, the republican generic advantagc advante is ens and in fact, in the swing states , even "the washington post" last week reported that republicans have had something likeng fifty seven to thirty five in pre swing districts, said the following. >> what's your prediction?ons, e predictions? >> plus th plus three plus three plus seven on the senate plus 20 to plus 50 in the house. hope you'e >> wow. i hope you're right, mr.
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speaker. thank you.ntion to the all right. we turn our attention now torger the surging crime all acrossstug america's liberal cities with a new disturbing report out of new york where an emt workerto was stabbed to death in just the latest brutal attack. here with more, house republican conference chair congresswoman elise stefanik. lw this is what no bail laws thi get you. thiss woul is what defund, dism, get you and a governor and a mayor in new york that have no desire to fix it. >> what a tragedy, sean, to have yet another headline of an innocent public servant. alison russo is a lieutenant in the as she's an emt officer, for has served for over 20 years. she was just going to a bodega in broad daylight and at 220andl p.m. was stabbed violently and ultimately passed away. these are tragedies.d the the governor of new york state and the mayor ofnd new york city have blood on their hands. als e democrats and radicals have been the pushing this defund the police movement and the failed bill reform policies
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that prioritizes the criminals over law abiding citizens. tizensi would tell you, there'ss a crime crisis across rew york state, which is why new yorkers, whether they're republican , independents or democrats, they're going to vote forr help new direction. we need everyone to step up torn help save our streets, savean our communities. and it's why house republicans are committed in our commitmenta to america, toy. a nation that's safe to support our law enforcement, to make sure that our municipalities and states haver the resources to hireonal additional police officers. but this is impactincers.g every community on how we have we've a crime problem. >> crime all across the countryb because of no bail to funde appc dismantle. e appreciatebein you being with us. quick break. we'll come back more hannity right after this. when it's go time. i don't like constipation. stop startling new great tasting dog x. juicy fruit bites work naturally with the water in your body in as little as 30 minutes so you can go fast, go gently and go on with life. new dog likes chewing fruit bites. put you comfortably in control.
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wie time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for beingto with us. thank you. r maki posfor making the show p. we hope you'll set your dvr soso you never, ever miss an episode of hannity for news. "han news, hannity, .com, again, our thoughts, our prayers, a lot of work,for a lot of disruption foour our friends in florida. here, our prayers tonight. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. stay tuned. we've trouble got a great show, the ingraham angle. laura is here." a >>we are g sean. we are going to pick it up where you left off with the florida reports. and a lort and at more . so we'll try to keep people's spirits up in a very difficult oume for our friends in florida, i am laura ingraham. this is ingram angle from is "t washington tonight. now, after dumping rain acr record amounts of rain acrossor inland florida and is nowida, , strength.atcanes now, at this moment, itff is directly off the coast ofthe jacksonvilleco, where residents have been warned to stay t offaf the roads as coastal flooding is now basically assured. now what they'll
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