tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 4, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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evenssibing in possible by tunin every night. please set your dvr sodv you never, ever miss an episode of, hannity. don't forget for news any time fofoxnews.x is .com, hannity, .e in the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. ten seconds early.y an here's laura .ng she's ready and rarin to go . >> i , i have a question for you. have you ever had a mustache like a like a magnum p.i. stylee . like tom selleck.did. no one .had yeah. you've never had a mustache our because i'm just told by one of our great technical crew here that mustaches are back .e and i've now talked to twoo tw people on our staff who i o didn't know had mustaches, have mustaches, and i didn't know that this was a hat and never had a desire to have one . one, i'm like a creature of habit. i wear jeans , sweatpants, sweatshirts and a tie forf habi one hour a day that i can't wait to rip off in about ten seconds. >> okay, well, don't tel
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lds. us any more after that. us all right. but you've never you've never had a desire to haven: a mustache, ever. oh, never. you want to try it and make a bet? oh, yeah. >> laui actually think you shou grow a mustache for charitable when we make a bet . >> laura: okay >> you can make that my payment. to you. okay, that's a reall y yes. okay, that's perfect.e we and we'll be able to showd our crews mustaches and compare. all right, sean, great. comparshow tonight.later. i enjoyed watching you watchingn it.grah all, this we'll see you later. i'm laura ingram .s inm t we hthisav is ingram angle frm washington. tonight, we have some breaking news from journalists chris ru. that we're going to bring yout s in moments. and once again, the leftt thos is seeking to use the department of justice to target thoseout. who speak out,l this time against those who oppose radical gender surgeries. those details are just moments away. awbut first, unnatural disaster. noat's the focus of tonight's angle. now, just when you think the regime media couldn't do
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more to shatte r its own credibility, that's precisely what they do. >> the cleanupanup e wil effort will continue and so will those questions aboue t the response. >> was it adequate enough?houldo we heard what governor desantis said. but we should note that, as yout emphasized, nadya, that residents there are questioning why they weren't told tote evacuate sooner. now, governor , the sense is michael has been quite handsr on when it comes tano moving t migrants across the country. to prove a political point. should he be showing the same a dedication towards saving lives ahead of a hurricane? what is yourt is youe sense ofo the evacuation orders went outiy ? di od thatne go out early enoug? obviously, about one time and 10. when they warn you it happens.ld well, this is that one timenow,y and people did not reallouy evacuate as they should have. >> now you can, sense they're crght that acosta was dead set on squeezing out any criticism, no matter how tepid of dissent from that guest. well, none of it landed.
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the fact is , florida was hita l by a natural disaster, but florida will recover becauseent its people have a competent governor and thus they'rer hopeful about the future. now, 1% and the likes of maggie haberman over at the new york times are working overtimee to cast dispersions. and so distrust hurricanehurric and was horrid and deadlany. but hurricane andrew , as inhurn cuomo and then hurricane kathy as in hochul and that wide storm surge from hurricane gretchen in michigan and and chicago's cat five hurricane lauri ce and ofdh course, the ever expanding hurricane jabe , as intastroph pritzker, the catastrophic ruin they've all the left in o their wakes will require years, not months, of cleanup. poe results of their terrible policiesli, pro criminal and ani business, they can't be removed with a crane. feats fo it's going to take multipleir defeats for them and their at the ballot box. r
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but real reporters would be pounding these pathetic governors on their records and pressing them relentpressinn on why, for instance, illinois, california, new york are losingd so much of their population to states like floridathos and tennessee and texas. how are thosing recoe winning rs if you're losing your own people? of course, mos tt the reporters who play defense for these failed politicians live themselvesns liv and well-to-don neighborhoods. they're cocooned in by their own bubbles of comfort.rt so they insulate themselves from the fallout, fallout of their heroes, policies that obviously regular working folks can't escape. s govern yet they're rooting now against florida's governor in a time of crisis. d but just so lame and it's so sleazy. in but a lot of these folks are used to lying with impunity. for weeks, they've been pushing the false claim that biden justtaging some 11th hour comeback just in time for
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the midterms. midbut since august, the angli told you that this was >> but there is still trying to put lipstick on a donkey here. the new york times nate cohnrk s did his best makeup job today, writing the idea that democratsa can hold the house is notis as ridiculous, implausible or far fetched as it seemed befored the dobbs ruling overturn roe vs. wade. it is s ita real possible city,t some abstraction in the sense that anything can happenit's a. >> well, others other pretend reporters, politico, are trying a new line, floating the idea that rural voters are and demoralized and won't show up u top vote .s wish now they hang this wishful thinking in politico on the slightly lower rural turnout in a few recent special elections.cial elections. then they attribut then they attribute this too th the dobbs decision and then they extrapolate to indicate that this could presage voting n patterns in november.ovember. i mean, this is just ludicrous.
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even political neophytes know that midterm elections are historically referenda on the white house and the white house's performance. goo so it might be a good time toaso ask how is the white house doing right now? while biden approvals at 38% n and the gop is winning numerous generic ballots in a row now, monmouth polling has the president getting trounced on issues that matter most tovos the voters. only three ily 3 in 10 american approve of the job biden hasati, done on the nation's top concern, inflation, 30%, as well as the other concerns that republicans are focused on , i.e., crime. he gets a thirty two percent approval and immigration a pathetic 31% approval. these e so these are among the the unnatural disasters that biden and the democratves have dropped on the american people, causing immeasurable tragedy and damage along the way. and you bet the voters ared noticing.
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so given the cyclone a bad news, the regime mediaa is trying desperately to find a rainbow, which means blame shifting away from biden you and toward the fed. , i po and i really don't know what i don't i don't know what powell is doing with raising interest rates. >> people thininterest r k jay powell wasleep at asleep at the wheel.wheel. >> i mean, the guy is just mr.ln powell is driving the economy into a brick wall an d hasaura: become a liability at thiswh w point. >> what exactlouldy would any o' them have powell do?t biden i'm not a big fan of polls, buts biden was the one who wasmonths downplaying the red lights flashing 18 months on inflation and just completely dismissing larry summers. issing and meanwhile, they were pumping out billions of more covid recovery cash larry which, of course,arge only supercharged inflation. it was alsino predictablflatioe and now, well, inflation is devouring up the five workers percent wage increases that workers have on average seen as food prices for the yearus that ended in august.
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increased by a staggering thirteen point five percent. that is , gas prices aree kn climbing again. we know that opec is shrinking its output by a million barrels a day.a day. and becaus and because biden is kneecapped, our own oil and gas industry our own, we'ret opec's mercy. how wonderful.wond how sick i? six bucks soon we're all going to be at six bucks a gallon for gas that they're already paying now inhe california. now,r than that,, other than ths the play, mrs. lincoln? sow, once in a while, though, truth does slip in some media outlets are now finallyoing reporting on what we told you going back to what was it, may 2020 when it was clear that? democrat were determined to keep their cities and states and covid lockdown's their power hungry. governors and radical mayorscov are endangering their states futures and will eventualling t. their states left behind. now, iokt took the economist7 mt magazine twenty seven months to catch upo ca writing by june 20e
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two on average. trump county's had notrpassed only bounced back , but had surpassed their pre pandemicione employment and labor force participation rates. biden county's are not yet close to a full recovery. >> the crucial, costly, unnatural disasters we are nowee forced to endure courtesyous to the democrats there really tooto numerous to count tonighnit. ag, the cleanup is going to takeof wisdom, courage and lots of hard work. senat it's going to take a newe, senate, a new house and new itadership at all levels of government. it's time to choose pragmatism over pettiness, country over corruption, freedom over fear, in sound solutions, over silly. socialism. wewe're always going to have to deal with natural disasters. but no longer should we u tolerate politicians who create onesl ones.w is
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and that's the angle. joining us now is mollie hemingway, editor in chief ofs the federalist and fox news contributor. >> and charlie hurtor ant, opinn editor at the washington times and a fox news contributor. tid molly, it's it's almost as if the media didn't live throughe the trump years. they didn'p t see the economicdh delight that most of us were able to live in because ofes. sound policies. forget the personalityforget, b the policies that work, it's almost like they weren't there . i think they do rememberty of th the prosperity of those years. but the problet m is thatsed to our media are you know, we used to say that the media were the propaganda arm of the democrat party. ity more fair now to say that the democrat party is the political arm of corporate media. they understand very well thatnr there was stagnatione in during the obama era, that the trump presidency did have great economic heights, peace breaking out across the world, a border that was on its way to.
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becoming secure. all these issues . now we're back with that's sort of like the obama term, third term.job, t and so they know these things, but their job, they don'tning doink, is to report accurately about what's happening either domestically or r internationaly . they think their job is to for preserve political power for them, for them and their allies. well, and charlie, nbcch is reportingar tonight that bidn told al sharpton, of all peopleh during a private convo at the white house last month thas4 he will , in fact, run ino twenty , twenty four . i'm going to do it again biden said. charlie, shoulidd we. expect a swift correction and walk a back from the white house on this one ? or is thisnow, a way to, you kn, leak out that, look, i'm notk a lame duck at. >> yeah, i think he's doing allo he can to sort of keep the rats on the ship and so i would note expect that to be coming r anytime soon. but it realleally is interestinn sort of listen to thesea democrats running acrosss the countrtheyy.
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obviuple of things they don't talk about the number one thing, obviously, they don'tk t talk about all t things, as you point out t trumpringoints out tha did very well, whether it was securing the border in the immediate problem, obviously didn't fix the long term problem, but at least stoap the flow. d they don't talk abouton't the economy. they don't talk abou talk abouto t these joe biden. and it's really interesting if you listen to all of theses candidates running, democrats running across the country, r twyeo even in power fo years. ut they don't ever talk about anysm accomplishments from the past two years. even this crazy student loanthed thing that joe biden is trying to pull off, they don't even thg talk about that.oing foat do they talk about? the best thing they have goingsr for them is abortion. democrats are almost as populara as abortion. what a terrible, terribly toe wy to try to run a campaign. but that's why they talk about things like global warming and they talk about racism because they're desperate e to o
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come up with any kind ofm talkin distraction, to keep from talking about their record and their accomplishments because there aren't any. elphia and their record is places like philadelphia and chicago, which are nothing but pure misery. now, the party of fdr and jfk now has abortion.that's that's w that's what they'reck i offering the country abortion. molly, back to their efforts, though, to swamp the santurcelio political rights. de santo w desantis has been a d critic of president joe biden. towanearly every policy front as he moves toward a likely potential 2020 four presidential bid. but the floridablican republican likes one thing about the president. his wallet l t . g molly is talking abouticane re the hurricane relief and pointing out that the santurce wasn't for at himrricane sandy funding. and so they were kind oftaxpayer throwing that at him. but taxpayer n funds are now biden's wallet. it's just that's a politico says, yeah, they're referringefi to your monengy and our money in federal taxpayer dollars. and they're saying they're redefining i it as president
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biden's wallet. un theseiqother one of unique propaganda tricks thatoci they use only during democratic presidential terms. o you never saw them say when when andrew cuomo or gavin newsom were overseeing horrific devastation during a covid pandemic. and they're really bad responses to sponsea , you never saw themse actually being honest about how bad their responses were. but yowere butu also never heare anybody say, oh, these peopleed want federal fundseral while they're criticizing trump. they want the money, even though it's trum tp wallet.ey no, this is just a term they use as part of their propaganda efforts to try to katrina. ron de santos and in the sametha way that thamet was unfair durig the bush administration, whendet they blamed president bush for local and state policy bi failures. they're trying to do this herels their big problem is floridalor doesn't have these policy failures. floridians are generally very happy y with the leadership thats goin they have in their state. and so it' vers going to be verm difficult for them to do what>>u
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they're clearly trying to do here. yeah, likera , i this just isn't landing. you get the feeling, charley,t p that they they keep trying toe do this, but they just keeanp stumbling along the way. and meanwhile, they're tryingail to clean up on aisle six . what kamala harris said aboute doling out hurricane money according to equitg toy, did tht work their cleanup effort? charle y? tely t >> well, youra know, i think it completely transparent whentl disasee right through i . and when youst hav e democrats t trying to politicize a natural disasterhi, like this, whether it's by trying to justify their crazy power scam that they that they that they want global warming to provide them or in their effort to try tosing trash their political opponents usina tragg a tragedy like thisg it's pretty disgusting. and everybody sees through it. democrats see through it,ndentss aldependent see through itee and so i don't think it works. and all they're doingo is further doing further damage to themselves and demonstrating
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just how fundamentally unserious they are aboutey are anything, either big, bigvery s issues or something very simple. kelike, you know, trying to respond in a human way tothey'r a natural disaster. >> they're not even capable of that. now,e that. meanwhile, they're getting killed in the gallup poll on the issues that people care about most n th, which is inflation and the economy. they're getting absolutely walloped. democratt thch is ths by the ree molly, charlie, great to see both. thank you. now, first, the do j targeted conservative parents. jourthey could be coming forte any journalists who actually bupose the twisted supporto actt we're seeing now building for mutilating children. well, tonight, the american medical association and two other groups senassocit a lettea ag merrick garland demanding that the justicend department open an investigation intoigatio the threats to hospitalsn , providing this so-called gender affirming care to minors . now, the letter says in part, the attacks are rooted in anf intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few
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high profile users on sociale us media share false also and misleading information. ceey also called on big tech tco censor those users, spreading so-called disinformation. wellat they , what they leave oi is the tiny little detaital that the hospitals, they say are under threat are publicly. posting these for any kind of top surgery.e we do requirlette one letterer f persistent, well-documented gender dysphoria by licensed mental health provideria. we ensure that the patient patit is capable of making fully informed decisions on their own dinner vrooming gastrectomy ver is very similar to mostlar to hysterectomies that occur. so >> some gender from hysterectomy will also include the removal of the ovaries. a phalloplasty is a procedure o to basically create a . joining me now is christopher rufo, senior fellow at the manhattan institute. itute. chris , they're threateningri and defaming people like you, then use your name.
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but this is really now soviet style operation here with whatgj they're doing with just >>debate about a very controversial subject. cts. that's right. and i mean, here are the basic facts we know from the medical literature that doctors in the united states are performing double mastectomy or removing the of young women. they're also performing panicked ectom y vaginoplasty, which are removing the and creating an artificial for minors. these are children under the age of 18 .nting and simply by pointing thiths out, there's been this furious reaction. bilize what they're trying to do is mobilize the fbi mobilized the department of justic oe, mobilized, mobilize the entire federal law enforcement apparatus to censor journalists, platform journalists, and they say very specifically, investjournali tof prosecute journalists.ic a this is a reckless movnd frome mov designed to criminalize dissent and protect these really awful and horrific radical gender surgeries and experiments.
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>> they're performing on minors. i believe the individuale frontal lobotomies surgeryra: im didn't. that individual will winy that the nobel prize for medicine't a was at nineteen forty seven . i think that's right. so, you know, you get the feeling that this is going tomya be the new frontal lobotomy at some point. oint waythe way this is going.ty >> but the idea that they should be able to proceed without any criticism, without any examination of their tactics and their conclusions is is just ludicrous. on every level. journ and it's ualp to every journalist. i don't care what your perspective is to stand up for inquiry and frankly, aggressive inquiry when itaggres comes to children'sis permanente surgery that will change their lives forever. changechildren. that's right.d like and i'd like to delivere a message directly to attorney attorney general merrick garland. you can intimidate us . u you can threaten us .mobi you can mobilize the fbile. fbi
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against us . you could even drag us out of our homes in a predawn raid. stp we are not going to stop reporting on radical gender theory in schools. we are not going to stop minor reporting on radical gender surgeries on minors. we are not goingwe areot goi to we've taken this rotten ideology out of our institutions. e takethis radthere's nothing yo stop us . the people of this country areon't coming and they won't stopil until you're finished. and i think a loe t of the new immigrants coming into the country, legal immigrants, they don't wan t they don't want this. this is not whatth they came to. the united states for. chris , thank yothank you. dr. mehmet oz has allmentum the momentum now in the pennsylvania senate race nnh as polling that once had him down double digits is now within two. d wnhe's here to explain what's really going on there. and why are starbucks and the seattle seahawks coming after washington senate candidate tiffany smiley? >> she's going to tell us in moments the talk, which is now taking a hiatus. >> and co-host sharon osborne defended piers morgan over
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meghan markle. sharon osborne was fired from the talk. >> her exit from the talk made headlines around the world. growing up, my father's family web absolutely penniless. it was a new format for television. >> she takes her stuff off the stage. she collapses. no one should have ever gone through what she went through. why are you doing this to me? >> thank you for asking questions. you stabbing me in the back. it was so unfair. that she was labeled something that she wasn't. >> the punishment doesn't fit the crime because there was no crime. we don't know anything about me. i say not. then from the grocery store to the gas station working families are getting hammered by rising prices. but instead of focusing
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on inflation, congress is pushing anti innovation legislation that will impose more financial burdens on working people and seniors. >> their misguided agenda could cost public pension plans. one hundred and nine billion dollars, teachers, firefighters and nurses would pay the heaviest price. congress needs to focus on inflation and leave american workers alone. >> selling a home is expensive and stressful, so we set out to create a better home selling experience with a network of the most successful real estate agents in america. it'll sell your home for as little as a two percent commission. the icing on the cake with the ideal agent was that we say twelve thousand dollars in commission. we would definitely use ideal agent again. the whole process was so positive for us . the excellent, excellent service getting right to the point. hiring ideal agent . i wish we would have done that sooner and we would have saved six months of, you know, of time and mortgage payments that would have probably never
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learn about lyme disease. go to project lemvig. new polling out today from pennsylvania shows senat democratic senate candidate john fetterman with a whoppingea thirteen point lead over his opponent, tv doctor andt crudités enthusiast mehmet oz. john fetterman polling well ahead of mehmew tat oz. >> mehmet oz beatman po mehmet oz. man in pennsylvania.l >> can mehmet oz beats john i don't think so.nsylva traiutni now, well, once trailig mepposedly by as much as 13, dr. mehmet oz has cut his
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opponent, john fetterman, lead to two points. and it isn't just vitamins, his health driving this surge. ca his campaign is pretty muchmpai abougn is t nothing. latest here's a dispatch from hishe t latest rallyal. he talked about sandwiches, salads, french fries on salads. morsel l he said that ause wanted to ban abortion with no exceptions. and that he reduced crime while mayor of the borough of braddock. then he left the stage one allegheny county democrat frustratedleghany with the lacy meat on the bones of that campaign, said he wouldn'tt vote for oz. but i also won't vote for that fetterman. i'll just leave thatfetter blan okay, thos >> there's no there there. those are those are settlements. pportersreporters saying that. joining us now is dr. mehmetet oz. dr. oz, good to see tonight in your mind. and obviously you're out thereiy every day campaigning all over the state. what is most respons se? a bull for this turnaround in the support for you and people fleeing his campaign?leeing his campaign? >> i'm showing
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i'm showing up. voters want to know that you lii care. and the way you express thatsayg is by listening to what they'rel saying, which is what you do as a doctor as well, and then addressing their kitchen tablet' concerns while fetterman is talking about the topic you just mentionedg abtopics y to lr issues that have nothing to do a with the crisis happening herei' in pennsylvania. talk i'm talking about crime, the highest homicidein ever ind, the city's history. in philadelphia, i'm talking t about drugs, fentanyl inal particular, and the open border that's causing it to kill folksn joe biden more than evertr before. wienn the countrytanyl talking u with fentanyl deathst the 40. i'm talking about that forty year high of inflation and tax rates that are through x the roof advocated by not just fetterman as a candidate fornor the senate, but also as a governor . he was pushingr almost for almo percent tax increase while notim paying his own. sixty seven timees. s. but i'll tell you what's'r happening. republicans are coming home. they're realizin thee realizingl the garbage you're being feds ur by legacy media is untrue. and viewers of your show, a good example is they're
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supporting me at dr. oz .com more aggressively, more than ever before. and that's keeping uanp with wht fed chairman has been getting all along from liberals in california and new york everywhere. bu allt pennsylvania, who just t a fifty four senate seat . won a they don't know how dangerous is . and so thank you for everybody e supporting me at dr. oz that it actually allowed to get our allows me . >> tell the truth about fetterman more than he lies about me. abou. oz, i know you were justuy recently with black pastors in philadelphia. i understand , which is sore important because republicans, they've been the intimidated fr. urban areas. they don't campaign in urban't areas. campaigit's a huge mistake. >> what did you discover when yu you campaign there? campfolks in the city of philadelphia are furious that, as they put it, they're part of a social experiment. can conducted by white people, don't stick around for the consequences. >>conseq these pastors pointed . a few realities that were shocking to me. one , iff yoze dru to legalize , which is what my opponent fetterman has advocated for, you will drive you up homicided
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rates and drug overdose death rates. and that's fact th what happened with the oregon 2020 law. they decriminalize drugs and not only drug overdose deaths, but homicide rates wente up because you have lawlessnesrs .ssness. they also pointed out something that stunned me that i didn't , but they said you can go around the corner from our church and buy fentanyl. it's easy to get an affordable you can't find baby formula anywhere. we havaffordablee abandoned oure these people have real we can address them.epublica we have solutions. republicans are the party ofpart ideas. that's uses ideas to addressno these these these folks, not just the inner city blacer ck population, but many otherroup ethnic groups and groups that are underserved in america. d grou underserved want to be republico they share our family valuesy va and we should as sure engagek, them to reflect back , engagem. and works. dr. oz >> dr. oz, thank you for comingh on tonight's great to see you. now to washington state, where a republican tiffany smilng t is trying to unseat democrat incumbent dinosaur patty murray. incut dinosaurwho's been there t three decades. democrats must be getting
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nervous must bnervous because n seattle institutions, starbucks, the seahawks and the seattle times are cominge seahae tiffiny. seaha let's start with the seahawks and smiley's game at hers bl husband, who was blinded by a suicide bombing while serving our country in iraq, makes a two second long cameo wearing a seahawks jersey.the se >> apparently, that's a crime.ah the seahawksawkspset so upset, they told the smiley campaign it mus immt immediately cease is unauthorized use of the logo. i kid you not. the campaign compiled and put up the exact same ad, but tookok out complied with that and took out the logo. >> joining me now is tiffany smiley. tiffany, the most galling part of all of this is that sea thatseahawks i understand, gave your husband that jersey, is that correct? that is true. he was the 12th man flag raiser
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and whole stadium full of fans cheered for him and weref that honored. . yes. yo have him be a part ofit's tha it's reallu y unfortunate. coic yoidu know, laura , i . i don't think it's any, timecidence that the seahawks, starbucks and seattle times had this coordinated attack against me, because i'm i'm talking about issues that areetin actually affecting washington families, skyrocketing inflatioinfl n, crime through a the roof. i spent last week at a homelessp i campmentme in seattle. i cleaned up dirty needles.e ren i talked with the residents. you know what they told me?aid v they said everything changed. thesthe are people who are add addicted to drugs every singleen day that we just allow to to live on the street. they said evd everything changey when fentanyl came on our can street and they asked me what can you do about it?n do tiffany and i was clear , therei is something we can do abouty mu it. you know, laura , i wouldn'trrak even be surprised if pattyed b murray worked with thesey corporations to try to bring my ads down because they tell >> ltruth about her failed policies following this in this fight.
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yes,trified. smiley from washington.n th we can win this race. we will win this race. patty murray, a thirty year yea incumbent. i was 11 years old when she was first elected. she is not addressing any of she every es that are facing washington families every single day. twe and wo i want towks ti point out that the seahawks timing is pretty interesting.mi pretty interesting considering this past considering that this pastingtoa saturday, democrat, washington state rep candidate tarar simmons posted this on her official campaign facebookpaig page. yeah, tiphanie, thisah pos.t los a lot more like an endorsement h than your husband watching the game in jersey.t you >> wouldn't you say that? >> well, look, we need to we t need to elect leaders who wille. solve the issues and just stickl to football, stick tl o footbalt and let that entertaint the great people in washington state. and let'e s start electing peopn who actually get work you know, the homeless camp that i was at wastually v actually very, very close to the seahawks stadium. laura
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it's it broke my heart, laura ,s to see the paieen, to seew the heartbreak, to see what wetu allow in our beautiful state.l . and i will help them these people need help. and i will help them. also th i will make also that senator murray, we stop her in her tracks by winning this november and we stop the eighty seven thousand day stadium fullg of irs agents from coming after hard working washington families. there is so much at stake on this election. we are winning the messaginge war. , we have a vision. >> l havave hope. >> we have solutions to the problems that washington families, the threat to them ,o many tiffany is a threat to them in e so many ways. we can't even count themn tonight. the on the but suffice it to say, when the three big ones come afterr o you and like a five day span, you're doing something right. i am vert.y excited about this race. i think we had you on firstg to on fox and we're going to we're going to keep following this very closely. tiffany smiley, thank you so much. tiffany sm a studio rom com dies at the box office and its big staro blames homophobia. meanwhile, more robots are
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coming into our lives.homo should wphe be worried? raymond arroyo brings it seen and unseen is next. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee. former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system. helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system, thankfully, relaxium sleeps formula is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed. relaxium triple action formula was developed by renowned neurologist and sleep expert dr eric ciliberti. >> it'll regulate your natural sleep cycle. relax your body and calm the mind for better. sleep through the whole night. call a day and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep relaxium sleep doesn't have any harmful chemicals.
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for one 737. >> seventy trust you got to relaxium say hey i just got a text from my sister. >> you remember rick , her mean- neighbor? neighbor? sure. -mhm. he's the seventy six year old he's the seventy six year old guy who still runs marathons. >> right. sud >> right. sud sadly,den. not anymore. >> what you mean just like >> what you mean just like that. >> wow. >> wow. so have the we need life insurance conversation again, are we know we are getting we are getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it. you're calling about the nine ninety five a month plan from colonial penn? >> i am. we put it off long enough.somete we are getting that nine ninety we are getting that nine ninety five plan today. is it time for you to call about the 995 plan? >> i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometime or a health scs we jf a reminder not to take today for granted. it could penn's plan. be the def
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six four one three two three two one eight hundred six four one three, two, three , two. >> call now. hello colonial penn. yeah, the first family of country music. we built a dynasty and we do what has to be done to protect the family. >> it's about more than contracts and cash. most people should tell the truth. but when most people or the romans people like a little game of thrones with the country music, bonnar all new tomorrow on fox. you know, it says out of workshop for a reason. >> i'm so sorry to bother you, boss, but they moved the world cup to the holidays with what the actual world come to my holiday season. >> are you kidding?
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yeah, there's messi and renaldo. yeah, but that's my time. to shine. i mean, i'm not supposed to compete with that. you know what? get blitzen on the phone. i got to get back there right now. >> i gotta go . >> l i got to call. e re it's timvee for seen and unseene what we reveal the story behindw the headlines. cont for that, weri turn to fox news contributor and author of the wise man who found christma fous, raymond arroyo. abl right, raymond, tell us about this movioue called brose, which was billed as theea first major studio rom com., thislopped, i guess, at the box office. >> how could that oh, did it flop? look, this movie brose costf upward of sixty million dollars to makto make and promote. it came in at a distant number four in the weekend box office.y making barely making four point eight dollars million opening weekend. the writer and lead actor billy eichner has been selling iter hard for months. >> it opens september 30th. a it's a great new comedy produced by judd apatow. he made bridesmaids and knocked up in trainwreck. it's hilarious. e bridesmawhere can i see it? se
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in theaters. movie theater for with .t. yeah , my movie. >> my new movie is really funny. through the obama years, it felt lik>> yes. e we were evolvg and we >> butng a underneatndh the sur things were not evolving. there was so much homophobia. case in point, brose is the first rom com ever made a major studio and it could well be the last. today i tried to explain awayo x the brose mageddon hple tweeted this law straight people, especially in certain parts of t the country, just didn't show up for brose. everyone who isn't a homophobe should go see burrowes tonight. now, just a quick question. see how do homophobes control moviegoing? i didn't realize they had that kind of control over gay people viewing a movie. f ga that's like saying atheists kept christians away from gos not deadod i movie. i mean, maybe people jusvite. didn't like the movie. brossette explicit sex scenes and orating got so so reviews. >> and billy eichner is not exactly a likable personality.
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laura . it's interesting. an interesting tack to take to insults. h probably half the country in your push, aggressive push to sell your film.take o it'sn a that's kind of an interesting take on it, but that's what he does.took the >> i just think perhaps l they tooesk the wrong lesson frm the success of top gun only . fh that was the movie gay people showed up for. my favorite was the netiw yorkmu times attempt to clean up thisme burleigh's bomb.s ad the times admitted, quote, eichnemir can be polarizing as s comic personality. of course, homophobe, you cannot be ruled out. but romantic comedies of allrule kinds have struggled in the box office in recent i don't know whain rect the tim' talking about t or sandra bullok just released a big rom com in the summer. the lost citreleasedy made thirty million dollars its opening weekend. $30 k starting to understand why billy eichner is so mean, though. >> laura , earlier today your asked me what was it?
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it's october 3rd. it's mean girls, checkn the movie reference. oh, stop. but bucheck t as long as you're invoking mean girls, new orleans mayor latoya cantrell, she's again causing controversy. raymond, afterlatoya splurging on luxury travel to france,lurgn a community group is nowging h charging her with staying rente free of course, in a city ownedt apartment. she has squatter. what? squatter. yeah, well, she's kind of an official squatter. apartmen and it's not just any apartment. it's in the exclusive pontecorvo apartments. an exclurtmentright on jackson h the community group found thatat she paido no rent from septemb of 2020 one through july of this year. she's been there for nine months. according to this group,isemploy the problem is there's a city employee policy that states clearlyees the use of cy property is for work related purposes and not personal benefit. now, the fox the fox affiliate n new orleans, we did anion an investigation. they found the mayor occupyingd
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this city owned apartment for nearly twenty six days. this is set aside for like visiting dignitaries or to host tra,ies. it's not supposed to be an you , extra bachelorette pad for the mayor. to i mean, all politicians can can kind of movewa toward. a freeloader status after beingo there for long enough. everyonead becomes a freeloader eventually. this is the ultimate freeloader ,latoya cantrell.oman this woman is whininess. when i the murder capital of the country. u justca blewst thirty thousand dollars on a t trip to france. and you.anu oh, noowe now three thousand dos a month rent. and there's a recall underway. it's besnot tot not to squat in the cities, by the way. they've already collectey d ten thousand signatures. 20% of the signatures they need for that recall effort.>> laura >> so things are not looking l good for the new year. fineau tesla. unveil tesla just unveiled a new new humanoid robot. why am i getting age of ultron
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vibes about this thing? vibes o thisn't liken the look of this at all, but what most people don't know is these robots may b already be in use as public announcers and talk showta guests. i'm not going to say>> i'm i tou so, but so i'm not going to say.- [l i toldau so. but. >> but if only we could reprogram those robots, laura . >> but what can you do? i you do your best. i thought i wish we could havest seen that robot. yeah, we didn't see him, but we saw that clip of it earlierer and it was creepy.e looks like and there iitt is . . there you really see it looks like an inside out. elon musk said he said, i'll bet this will fundamentally: loe transform civilization. >> scares the daylights out of me. lyhis scarlove and care is some robot can we need to teach people to doote things and serve each other. the >> forget the robots for now. hey, robot , get over here and get me a cup of coffee.than all right, raymond, thank you.
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the possibility of a nuclear,nst biological or chemical weapons. but particular emphasisph on the nuclearasis o weapons. >> people are uneasy about hisie past. the possibility he might e escalatescalat a chemical or nur use. >> it's dangerously normalizing. adil >>e around the possible usey ofn of nuclear weapons.uc and that in and of itself, it'ss just an unthinkable thing in this in the post-cold war era, now, given how quickly things: e are spiraling out of controln cotween russia and ukraine, you would think that the elite class would call for calm. but as elon musk found out today, they don't seem to want him on twitter. today, the tesla ceo put out a poll asking his followers to weigh in on a series of proposals to obtain ukraine proo russia peace. for one was redo elections the next regions under un supervision and russia leaves if that is the will of the people, crimea remains part of russia or water supply to crimea
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is assured and ukraine remains neutral. >> president zelenskyy responded by calling him a russian apologist and ukrainian diplomat. r andrei melniesponded by callk ro mass by tweeting f off is my very diplomatic reply to you. it is here where we must remind you that moscow has been a huge supporter of ukraine, sending thousands of starling's satellite service as a way for ukraine to increase its sey. net connectivit what he's learned is what so many others have learned alonge. the way. ukraine feels entitled to endless support from the west,nt mostly the united states . >> of course, we're the ones deo pay the bills and any time you challenge their demand, even if it it is in the interests of staving off nuclear war, you are labeled a putin stooge. s hanson here now is victor davis hanson, senior fellow at the hoover institution. who wrote a fabulous piece ins about this conflict today for american greatness. whe victor, this is now gettingi really serious.
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to we are getting closerou and closer to an outrightrigt wr between the united states and russia. >> are we wee not? >> yeah, i mean, this is we'relt coming up at this late october lord of the sixtieth anniversary of the cuban missile crisis. we ssile haven't heard talk like going on today. >> for 60 years. i mean, we've got a nuclear. y were putin every week talks about it. and we have a general, general petraeus on national tv wasar publicly wargaming. what would happen if set off n a tactical nuclear weapon? we would destroy all russiann fs forces inside ukraine. we'd sintatek the black fleetfle with what would be theiden and expectation, what he would do.e then we have joe biden and the l president's linsky saying we're going to humiliate him. he's got to leave office. okay, i don't like. h none of us like him maybe. to but he says he's not going to do that. and he's got nuclear weapons. >> he's got maybe sixty five hundred so n. thousand so nobody is talking about how to step back . they're loweringey'r the bar. ou
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meanwhile, iran is talking about maybe it's got a bomb. saw and we saw five million japanese going intoo the shelters as this globalr nuclear bar goes loweres lower and lower. >> and there's all these agendas, the european agenda,d a the nato agenda, the american agenda, the ukrainian agenda, t the russian agenda. and they're all mutually exclusive. if your position is there's nothing going to happen except we're going to get every single russian out of the borderlands ,we're going to humiliate t putin and he won't dare retaliate. >> maybehe bor vladimir not that would be good, but i don't think that's going to happen. i think your opinions are going to be pretty civilizational in february. they're going to be cold. they're nocivilit going to have energy. joe biden council will be he jawbone down the east med pipeline. he doesn't produce energyden enoughdoes toward liquefied natl gas to export. i don't know what they're goingh to deyo. he's tapping our strategic petroleum reserve. we don't talk, laura . eve he's tapping our strategic weapons reserve afte'sr the afghanistan debacle and the
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seventy five billion to ukrainef . and what things are heating up in taiwan and south korea? so. well, it's a very tense time and it's not a time to talk like we're talking. >> well, jeffrey sachs wasand he on msnbc and he found out what s happened. i guess we're not going to play it. we don't have time. but victor, justqu, just very qk at some point, we have to ask the american people, do we not? do you want war with russia? wereon a scale of one to ten , what do you think the americanar people we're going to say to that answer when they ultimately have to vote on vo>> one and they've got to decide, i don't want ukraine emy for all our empathy. it's not a member of nato and it's not under the nuclear umbrella of the united states . we haven't voted for that yet.a. we be the answer, but they act as if we've already done that. >> lau rayou're right, victor, thank yu so much. >> biden in puerto rico. the last bite explains one of my favorite supplements is qnol
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today, a when he wasn't claiming to have grown up in little puerto rico, he was making no >> i think jill needed to buy a voweevenl even at that point. i'm totally lost. no idea what he was saying p that's it for us tonight. 's beauty we begin with a fox news alert. gas prices rising through a second straight week heading to $3.80 per gallon this morning. prices along the west coast are the highest in the country with california averaging and whopping $6.41 per gallon. the price of los angeles county surging to a record-breaking $6.49. neighboring nevada, oregon, washington all averaging over five bucks for regular. you are watching fox and
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