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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  October 4, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ >> hello, everyone i am emily with here with kayleigh mcenany. and also joining us today. newly released video and heartbreaking stories emerging today highlighting america's crime crisis and why some victims are blaming progressive policies for it. new video from new york city shows a gang of allegedly women
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wearing neon green leotards terrorizing victimize on the subway. they beat teens at random. the video shows that gang tossing around one of the girls and punching the other repeatedly in the face. the new york post reports the mother of one of those victims has suggested that the state lacks bill reform laws are to blame for a text like this and they and she accused the states democrats of making these ridiculous laws and letting savages watch the walk the streets with nothing but a slap on the wrist. another victim is also pushing back on another democratic lawmaker. you may also remember this video elizabeth gomez a mother of two, brutally beaten in the subway as she was on her way to work. she was dragged across the platform and repeatedly kicked and punched and then just days later, the democratic council woman who represents her district we did this, subway violence is a one in a million
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event. as a believer in a violence free new york city, i still think that is one too many. let's not let fear mongering politicians and corporate media outlets scare us into thinking we have a dangerous scary public transit system. watch how she reacted to the councilwoman's tweet street earlier today on fox. >> how could she even say that when 99 percent of these violence are coming from the subways. there is no help there, there's hardly any kind of cameras there are so how could she even say that? we are just kind of making these things up? the subway is dangerous place. people are throwing each other onto the tracks in their getting sliced in the middle of the ride. how could they even say something like that? subways are one of the most dangerous places in new york city and we need lots of cameras
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even inside the drains we need the cameras. >> harris, this attack was nauseating and frightening to watch. i can't imagine what it was like to endure for that poor mother of two. we know because we report facts here on this network that the violent subway felonies are almost 50 percent, arrests are down 12 percent yet the cops have been defended here and that seven out of ten new yorkers want more police on the subways. this mother was crying on air, and begging essentially for politicians to do something. the councilwoman representing her said it's a once in a million event that is unacceptable. >> for the councilwoman, the subway is the new four democrats, they won't go there. the white house won't go to the southern border to assess what the problem is, and they won't go to the subway. remember in the first early days of the then just a few months
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ago the new city mayor, eric adams, he also said something very similar. don't disparage the reputation of the subway system and its safety and then we had some situations that go along and they were talking about putting up cameras and everything else. that all goes away because as you said, the money went away for the protection down there. the police in general specifically i should say. so for the councilwoman to say one in a million, it probably feels like that to her. what she thinks as that her constituents are stupid and she can preach to them and change their reality what is the word they'd like to use? she can reimagine she can reimagine life for travelers, but you know when it's going to get worse? it's in the 40s and raining. give us another ten or 15 days and that rain will turn colder, maybe even just know, we don't know what we know it's not going in the 90-degree direction. so you will have more people
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subterranean taking the subway. it want be one in a million even in her fragile. >> i can't imagine what it is like to be discarded, being told that you don't matter, that your wife life is not worth representing. i was in his cabin he was saying he had been held up once again point in his really long career in driving. he said he's never felt more in danger than he does now. i know you drove a cab for over ten years here in the city. what if you see change? >> probably life around you on the ground has definitely deteriorated. when i drive at cap 12 hours a day, maybe i'm not the best guy to come to on violence. but what we watched as a whole self go because we have a lot of progressive polities and demonstrated more empathy for the criminal than the law-abiding citizen. when we were kids, we played a game called cops and robbers. the cops where the good guys and the robbers were always the bad
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guys. in the modern version of that, we are showing more empathy in the past to years for the robbers. we are leading them out of jail in doing so in the name of protecting minority communities. when you look at the high rates, who are they harming, specifically the minority communities. many of these are women. how many women do we need to watch kids stabbed or thrown on as subway tracks? every day we get on tv and it's almost like people are and it's every day, it's discussing. >> you are not safe at seven in the morning running in central park you're not safe taking the subway at 3:30 a.m. to your graveyard shift. we mention policies and what disturbs me so much and what is so frightening is the notion that because of these regressive policies that have been put into place, it will take likely years to restore order to restore police ranks, to restore support for law-enforcement and law and
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order in and out of the system and yet all it takes is one instant for a gunshot to take a mother bird for a fist to shatter your or somebody to be slashed within 18 inches scar. how many instants do we have we don't have that many. >> jimmy just talked about women potentially being stabbed there was a woman he was stabbed to death with a pair of scissors by a man, guess who was the lone boat to get this man and can meet commute his sentence? a guy named john federman who happens to be the democrat nominee for senate in pennsylvania. this same man wants to and open carry fort law-abiding men and women who just want a gun to protect themselves in high crime jurisdictions which happen to be with democrat.
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not just victims, but voters will hold you accountable. 70 to percent, crime. crime is the reason men mandela bottoms is trailing this. john federman is within a single digit of losing who wants to add 1500 cops to the beach. crime is the new education. i things education is important, but crime is the reason that democrats are going to lose in a ballot, and 35 days. >> perfect segue to end your internet aggregate company as you have discovered these results first hand. >> for the first time in five years and evaluate how people
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feel. yes, it is the first time we see crime at the top of the list with the economy. since when we do that scraping of the voices of americans, almost 5 million data points just in the last 30 days. overwhelmingly, crime is at the very top, so it's no longer something for local politics it's part of national politics, and i know that president biden and the democrats have been saying in kind of sounding the alarm. crime is at the ballot, yes it is, but may be a little too late after receiving all the cases and horrific videos. i had never felt unsafe in new york until the last to years. >> when you are in are any of them. >> when you look at the party of law and order as to be. and that messaging aligns with that.
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that's where we see the tight senate races, but here is the thing with minorities. that woman, missus gomez, she was going to work, she is a mother, and the fact that i can no longer take public transportation has affected the economics of the family we want to be inclusive and welcoming of. this has a backwards effect for all around and those that are most vulnerable which are those voters that are going to be very important in 35 days. to get you mentions the administration having a response two late. coming up, and he reports about the president's plan for 2024 just as he makes another totally off-the-wall comment after a series of brief recent gaffes. that is next. for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein.
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[school bells] when pain says, “i'm here,” i say, “so are they.” ♪ aleve - who do you take it for?
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♪ >> that is country music icon loretta lynn who has passed away at the age of 90. her incredible career started in the 1960s and spanned some six decades. her hits like coal miner's daughter resonated beyond the country audience and spoke to her roots growing up in kentucky. she was the first woman to be named entertainer of the year at the cma awards. she also won multiple grammys and was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by president obama in 2013. according to her family, she died peacefully today at her home outside nashville. turning to politics now. president biden in 2024. 42 al sharpton, biden is all in.
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during a private conversation at the white house the resident told him i am going to do it again and americans cheered. the new york court test says, that the president is getting renewed attention for his gaffes like the one he made yesterday plus hurricane damage in puerto rico. >> we have a relative term and between minorities we have 20 percent of our state as minority. i was sort of raised in the puerto rican community. >> okay. well, that was just the latest in a week full of bizarre moments and strange statements from the commander-in-chief.
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>> thank you. thank you. >> i probably went more than you did. >> and want to thank all of you here for including bipartisan likes having her braun, senator booker, representative jackie are you here? where is jackie. >> i mean where to begin? delaware 2000 of the puerto ricans when he.389 percent of the population so indeed he was. >> he cemented many first if you he got his start in that historical black college he said that when he was running. last week he said this man as a
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pioneer. i don't doubt the point i'm trying to make that he told al sharpton he is running in 2024. he claimed he was going to beat president truman. joe biden is a mess, it's a hard thing to watch. he's the only president in the history that takes more time to exit the speech and he does to give and which is kind of crazy. i hope the band is getting overtime for all of the they have to win their outs of the audience. i'm just saying, it's hard to watch and there is no serious person that thinks he's winning in 2024. as i said, no serious person. he won't run a 5k in 2020. >> i think he is running. it would be an admission of failure if he didn't run. harris, this is a reminder, september 16 he says, but september 18th, here is what he told the american public after he told al sharpton i'm going to run. maybe he's confused, take a listen.
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is it a firm decision (-left-parenthesis again? that remains to be seen. >> itself, we don't know really what happened it was a private meeting. do i need to remind everybody that honesty of checking that al sharpton should maybe talk to a couple of prosecutors about that one. the remarks happened in a private conversation at the white house last month. they also were at the tail end of the meeting with meetings of several representing a stronger assertion that he will be on the ballot again. he was feeling all political. all in his feelings i would imagine. if that even occurred. it's just say for a safe safe sake, that it did. notice how he did it.
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he doesn't have to capitulate to reform laws, the campaign, they can't do that. he also doesn't want to do that because he's just trying to figure out what people's reactions are going to be. he didn't go out and hold a press conference which you know he wants to do on most issues, this was quietly said because he is floating a flight out there to see if anybody would get excited about it. the only people excited were sane like you do, it will never happen. you have the choice of believing al sharpton or you have the choice of leaving joe biden he's known for some tall tales, but let's watch the president. >> and got two. >> i've been impressed. i've been on a a lot of university campuses. for four years i was a full
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professor at the university of pennsylvania. it seems like yesterday the first time i got arrested. i was appointed to the academy in 1965. the senator who was a run against in 1972. >> as my colleagues until you, you get a kick out of this, sharon. the secret service doesn't like me taking a train because it stops too many places and i guy the senior conductor walked up and said joey baby, and grab my cheek i thought they were going to shoot him. i said and, he's okay, he's a friend. true story. he says what's all this i read in the paper. >> none of that is true. >> about the conductor, that is chronologically impossible, he's told over eight times most recently last month to a group of union workers and by the way,
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anybody that is over a hundred when they are, when they say true story, i am so tired of this. i'm tired of our commander-in-chief engaging in these lies and these appropriation. he told told us in a god that he had gone there multiple times, they say we have no record of you being here. then the white house played killeen up i said oh, he must have meant the phone call that he made. and we're supposed to accept that from our president? he is supposed to be the best of us? i see him as the worst. it is mortifying. i'm a good day it's laughable but on a bad day it is totally unacceptable. >> i assume voters notice the spread. >> absolutely. that's why we see that constant decline, but who is like successor when vice president harris has more unfavorable ratings than we have seen in any past vice president's as well. i think that's part of a
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concern. i am business gal. i get concerned. when we evaluate the performances, you look at it based on your capable commit you're delivering results and it's very hurtful because he is the pilots of all of our claims. he is our commander-in-chief and that is concerning. it's not coming out is funny. it needs attention. we have to wait and see. >> where is our plane going? >> if he is the pilots pilot, i am parachuting out now. >> mark my words, a mysterious person. they are in danger of losing even more ground with latinos ahead of the midterms. why latinos are leaving.
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800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. >> i believe that we will win the whole house and we will hold the house. by winning more seats. >> house speaker nancy pelosi making a bold prediction with both her hands at her party will sweep the midterm elections now just 35 days from now with the democrats have their work cut out especially with one key voting bloc block, hispanics for the democratic party lost ground with them in 2020 and they have not gained it back. in fact, it is still shrinking. a new op-ed in the new york post says this could be dire for the party on the left. the headline, hispanic voters are calling it a huge problem for them, going on to say that this is one of the most
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significant events in american politics is that hispanics are in effect deciding that they are working-class voters rather than ethnic voters for this is so momentous. enduring ally for majority. in their shift to republicans may be just the beginning. hispanics are not monolithic. blacks are not monolithic. >> at the numbers tell a very clear story, don't we see it? there is a 21 percent margin of victory for biden versus trump, but that was a tip from the 38 percent margin and betting on hispanics, turning texas blue has flipped after seeing turned like a district that was 150 years democrat run into now a republican run district faith,
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family, freedom and opportunity anything that goes against that we are just not going to like. >> can i ask a quick follow-up? willie, do you have all of your from the research online with voters and in person, an idea of how many of those hispanic voters have become new supporters of former president trump or the republican party? the reason i ask that is maybe they are starting to lose some because they are using using words like deplorable's and stuff like that and hispanics all into some of those categories that they are insulting. >> what's really interesting during the last administration is we saw a lot of hispanics were in the closets because closet because of that fear of repercussion of supporting our previous president. so, now, because there is just
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the freedom to support the policies and not a personality, our hispanic community is shoving over and over again that right now, almost 60 percent of them are negative or neutral towards president president biden in favor of more conservative candidates then there is curial clearly switch because they've seen what happens in to years of locking down businesses and which affects everyone so we run on american issues. get a new nbc news poll shows 5s disapproved of president biden's handling of the border and immigration. those who prove 50 to percent and disapproval 51 percent. >> when we went and asked more about the border and the immigration and buy a great number here, 60 percent ^-caret about the border. so when you asked why are latinos. it's the border and the unsecure border that is intimating that. we look at trends in polling.
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now it's 21. to lily's point, that is having it. meanwhile, democrats are considering the deb, nevada being the first in that niche and primary. what's interesting here is you asked a question, does that mean they're moving to the republican party? not necessarily. we don't want either party, we're just not voting. get you she said the border she was so hot because people want to come here illegally and when you cut the line and it takes you already ten or 15 years, somebody just cut in front of you and they didn't have to do it the right way. >> we talked about how that line as to and a half years long or longer. it so agonizing and so woefully under stopped. it makes it all the more stark.
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it really illustrates exactly how rooted in 2016 that party is. they won't let it go. she also says there are two issues that were most important were january 6 and the residual issues and roe v wade. it shows how disconnected she is. he pushed back and it says like you're standing about the past i said exactly that party is in they are failing to keep up with the issues that are so important two every american. >> if nancy pelosi really thinks they're going to win the house she's been harassed, there is no way. every time the democrats try to highlight the connection with the minority community. whether it's breakfast tacos or the point is they don't treat them like human beings. we all have the same priorities
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right now. inflation at a 40 year high. if you're walking to the bodega you're not thinking about climate change and late-term abortion or anything in between. >> it does disproportionately affect certain groups to scoop up with their policies, they are literally harming. >> it is just a lack of intelligence, the voter block, entrepreneurial segments, the numbers don't work any other way. >> we have breaking news now. sources are telling the new york post that tom brady and have hired divorce attorneys. next. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein.
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paper says the couple have been living apart for months. they are now apparently trying to divvy up their multimillion dollar empire with representatives for the two have not commented yet on the report. harris, you feel a certain type of way about being in their lives? >> i am in my feelings about their children because this has been a very public journey. the first tip to me that may be tom brady was making a shift was when he came out of private therapy session with do you even have the capacity to understand that your children, i think if it oldest as 15. your children our part of the conversation. you don't need to air your laundry out and then he used the kids this summer saying well, i'm not going to play a certain number of games preseason whatever, i'm going to be all with with my family and then we
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learned it's their business, but it gets put out there because he manipulates the conversation. it's all about his kids. he wasn't even living at home. those two haven't been together for months. for the sake of the children, i am absolutely okay if they close the window, the shades, solve their business and go forward. i look forward to when he might be with us here at fox is an announcer. we didn't know he was going to jump back into the game, but now it's time to go private. if he has the capacity to do that. we haven't heard from her and we know she can yell if you don't throw the football when she is a great defender of his coming she has been silent. >> an argument, we have an adolescent that can't give up the game which people are saying that sexist, it somehow puts that onus on her that she can't accept that. what do you make of this? >> i think if we were having an honest conversation.
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>> we are. >> they are trying to cap this is you can't bring it up as him coming out of retirement because it appears that he has because all these problems started to become public when he retired. i don't think redoing the conversation just is just by striking that from the record. this was a guy who played 22 seasons in the nfl and agreed to retire. now it seems like he walked it back, the one thing i can't wrap my brain around is just the insanity. this is a big divorce if you wanted to get super official for a second commit meet my wife, if she bails, it's like xbox and a bottle of whiskey. >> something tells me she is taking everything. it wont take much of u-haul. >> jimmy has gotten on my bad side today. i'm also a tampa bay buccaneers fan and you talk about brady
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coming out of retirement. >> look at, i didn't even bring up the chiefs last night. he was not himself. he did not play it like himself ricky gilligan at sunday night's game it appeared that he is on her side. there was no protection. >> i am rooting for them. that's very sweet. gait to jimmy's points, resurrecting a zombie over and over again, it's hard to be in that position, but she is probably going to come up on top because he is the ninth highest played athletes, but her worth is far greater. >> i think right now, right now she is taking the high road because she is staying low. you don't make this a pr stunt in the big moments.
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i feel like what's in the water this summer or fall because we just add same thing, like a big high-profile divorce and now here we go with this one. people we love and admire, but there were signals there were many signals all along. he should've retired when he said he was going to retired. that was a marital promise, what was more important after 22 seasons? >> they have to support each other. she sidelined her career and he is violating his, he is a competitor, a fighter, and he loves the game. >> can she take some he kate take some of her money since she is the big earner? >> the final question, does jay will winning ticket no, no chance. tom brady a lot more than ben affleck, and that's why i don't. why do you say it like the aflac duck? >> because he is the aflac duck.
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he's right there with tom and gisele. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work helping them achieve financial freedom. we're proud to serve people everywhere, in investing for the retirement they envision. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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north korea fires a missile over japan as putin plays fast and
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loose with nukes. what does the nuclear threat mean for the united states. what is the future for the ukraine were. we will see you at the top of the hour for america report. >> at the goat. that's for you, kayleigh. in case you missed it, a reminder that it is a bad idea to run onto the field during an nfl game. you know you don't belong there and it can even be seen as illegal if something goes awry and it is your fault. emily is nodding. during last night game between the rams and the 49ers linebacker finally stops the guy.
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first of all you don't know what he's doing. you don't know, you've got to get them out of there quickly. i wish the rams could have tackled him the rest of the night. it let up 24 points to the 49ers. it wasn't even a game. i love how afterward they say we thank everyone for their outpouring of love and support. what outpouring of love and support? peyton manning didn't say that. i was watching it over there. he was like good for the guys to get them down. maybe i missed something. get that walk on is impressive, look how long it takes him to catch them. >> and they keep running, keep running. you're lucky, bobby wegner, you don't know what this guy is going to do. >> i wouldn't have known.
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>> he could go on naked bike ride for a great. >> somebody needs to clear his foot to the counter. five times a week while nearly 60 percent will resort to eating there at least favorite to satisfy their cravings for 828 percent shockingly admit they have eaten food that has been thrown in the garbage can because they are so hungry. that is a family hour, jimmy. >> sort of.
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>> i can empathize with angry and women that are expecting because i have to eat all the time. >> is the only things that belong in the garbage our raccoons and chris, the funny thing to me about this poll is that apparently the northeast people who live in the northeast are the most angry in the whole country. i'm sure i did this at one point, eat out the trash can? >> i know i ate off tray and one of the of the hotel. i wouldn't do it now. but in all girl school, you do all kinds of wild things.
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>> who are you, kayleigh mcenany? >> i would never do that again. get a love that story. okay. time is worth money and now it seems that some women want men to pay up for canceling on dates at the last minute or not showing up at all. he keeps sometimes for up to $3,000, they want their dating person to reimburse them because they had a bad time and got left demanding deposits upfront even for a day can happen to you. maybe that's what happened. lily? >> i guess opportunity because from getting guest, getting the right look, the commit time as money. i am at capitalist. good for you girl. >> $3,000, where were you going?
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apparently, it is refundable if the person takes them out and then makes up for it, that was a part of the image so you will give your $50 back. >> that sounds desperate. if you're going to do this, then really do this. say pay me, but if you're going to say here, we can call it even if you come and take me out, i'm like what is the point? >> do you know how annoying a woman has to be for somebody to venlo you $3,000 just to go away. if you got this money, congratulations, but take a good look inside because you didn't get it for the reason you thought. >> i would know i'm out of the game. get they get the money, they get the money. >> i've been married 19 years so i guess i won't have any cash coming. more outnumbered in just a moment.
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♪♪ >> last but not least, taco tuesday is upon us, but guess what, it's also national taco day and you all know who i will be celebrating taco bell, of course. which is bringing back its taco lovers pass, everyone needs one, you got the cheesy godita crunch, how are you celebrating lily? >> taco bell is my guilty pleasure. >> it's good. >> really is, i try not to admit it, its on the record. taco tuesday, almost like every day i'm happy with it. >> i could do taco tuesday every day of the week. >> 100%, and my friend in high school worked there, we spent all the time in the taco bell
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drive-thru, our spot, so enough for a lifetime, but i'll never give it up. >> now breakfast, only 6% of the sales, go to taco bell for sales. >> kim kardashian's ex-boyfriend is in the commercials. >> taco bell for breakfast, for those already stoned before 10:00 a.m. >> excuse me? >> wow. >> jimmy looked at the segment, and how can i make kayleigh upset. >> no, i love taco bell, just against the taco pass. last thing we need under joe biden is everyone making a run for the border. good night, everybody. >> i was thinking of the taco lovers pass to bring giselle and tom brady back together. i would just say to tom brady, i hope you heal for the things that shouldn't be talked about publicly. take your healing in silence. go to taco bell. >> jamie, you have a show coming
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up. >> saturday night, at the chisholm trail expo center, in enid, oklahoma, taco pass, wear the tom brady jersey, it's going to be rowdy. you can get whatever you are, you are harris falkner. >> do not forget to dvr the show. here is "america reports," have a great day. >> sandra: north korea launching a ballistic missile over japan. triggering rare warnings from the japanese government for residents in northern areas to take cover. >> john: the fifth missile test by the rogue regime in the past ten days. what message is kim jong-un trying to send to the world. just ahead. >> sandra: and we look forward to that, begin with gas prices on the rise nationwide as americans once again are seeing more pain at the pump. hello, welcome everyone, i'm sand


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