tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 4, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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even if someone lives in a nonmonogamous relationship communication is always key. that's what helps us at the end of the day. >> a lot of men are admiring your position right now. but a lot of men are also thinking this is too much. way to go, alex, i guess, if that is what you are into. tucker is up next. always remember i am waters and this is my world. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. two years ago this month before the last presidential election in 2020 we interviewed a former business partner of the biden family. his name was tony bobulinski. he told us a remarkable story. joe biden's son and brother had entered into highly lucrative deals with foreign governments including a communist government of china in which they sold access to the united states
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government in exchange for millions of dollars for themselves. now on many levels, that was a crime. joe biden was aware of it when it happened and joe biden profited from it directly. it was a strong charge to make but tony bob belinsky had the documents, e-mails and text messages to proved it happen. we considered it a huge story and we spent an hour on it in october 2020. two years later we still consider it a huge story. in all of that time no other major news organization in this country has bothered to follow up. the new york times never interviewed tony as part of the investigation into the biden family business deals, which is strange because he was a partner with the biden family. but neither has the washington post. neither have the other television networks. they have ignored it. the fbi, whose job it is to enforce federal law, did take a lengthy statement from tony bobulinski back in 2020 and during that conversation he outlined several felonies the biden girl s had committed.
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he saw it. he provided extensive documentation to prove that it happened. the agency spoke to seemed shocked and they promised to get back to tony for a follow-up interview. but they never did. the fbi never called tony bobulinski again. no one was ever indicted for these crimes. the investigation into them was squelched. to this date the fbi continues to suppress evidence, proof that the most powerful family in the country has committed crimes against the united states. that is the definition of corruption. it is unacceptable. if the united states is going to continue as a democratic republic we cannot have this. it cannot go on. next month voters will have a chance to change course. they have the chance to repudiate the forces that it dangerously politicized and corrupted our law enforcement agencies. before voters make that decision we thought it was important to hear once again from tony bobulinski. over the last two years he has earned quite a bit more about
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the business dealings, the criminal business dealings, of the biden family. for the next hour we will bring you the recent conversation with toby bob belinsky and begin with his first-hand experience with the fbi's cover up of what the biden family was doing. here it is. >> tony bobulinski, thank you for coming. it's been two years since we sat across from each other. i didn't expect to have a second interview with you. i am grateful that we are able to. thank you. when we spoke before, you described what you believe were hunter biden and the biden family's effectively offenses against the united states. the ways that their business practices had undermined u.s. national security. but there was also an offense against you. it seemed like fraud. now two years later i think we have a pretty hard example of what that looked like. if you wouldn't mind explaining
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to us, this is going back to the spring and summer of 2017. what was that? >> sino hawk holdings was a delaware llc that was effectively a partnership between the biden family, myself, rob walker and james killier and a chinese large company called cfc, which turned out to be effectively a capitalistic arm of the president one road. this entity that chairman of cfc and an entity called hudson owned 50% of sino hawk holdings and an entity that represented the biden family, myself, james gilliard called unite oh holdings on the other 50% of that entity. >> at the beginning of this deal at the chinese were supposed to send sino hawk money. how much?
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>> i am glad you asked that question. a lot of discussion has been about the $10 million the chinese were supposed to fund into sino hawk holdings. $5 million of that was representing their 50% and the $50 million they would call it alone to the biden family but effectively it was a lone to represent the original operating capitol. that was just operating capitol. the sino hawk holdings was set up to defectively deploy billions of dollars that cfc was claiming and rightfully believable because they were doing it around the world to invest via sinohawk in infrastructure projects, technology companies, investment banks, financial institutions, both here, the u.s. and around the world. >> this is the limited liability company agreement of sinohawk holdings. it says here may 2017.
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what is this? >> that is actually a very intense legal document that is drafted and details how sinohawk holdings will operate, who are the partners involved in the entity. it basically dictates how the business and who sits on the board of it, who will run it day today. i was the ceo of sinohawk holdings and was vested with certain rights and authorities and stuff like that. and how you would distribute profits to the partners and stuff. a very detailed document and fully executed. it's important because win i came out in october 2020, a lot of people argued that deal never happens. that deal 100% happen. the sinohawk document you are holding was fully executed both by jim biden, hunter biden, myself, james gilliard, rob walker. on the chinese side hudson executed the documents. it was a fully operating business. >> here's a very strange document. i hope you can explain it. this is a limited liability
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company agreement of the yz holdings llc. this is from august 2nd, 2017, three months later. the reason this is strange is this document is identical down to the serial numbers on the bottom of the page to this document, the sinohawk holdings agreement, except it has a different company name. what is this? >> interesting. that document is exactly the same document that sinohawk holdings llc and it appears that hunter biden, jim biden and the biden family literally copied the same document down to typos and the serial number and they removed oneida holdings, which was the delaware llc that represented jim biden, hunter biden, myself, rob walker and james gilliard. hunter and his lawyer replaced it with hunter biden's law firm
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or business that he operated. he effectively swapped out an entity that he owned 20% of to a business that he owned 100% of, which is fraud. >> why would he do that? >> a lot of detail that we don't have. >> i understand. >> at a high level in july 2017 the chinese cfc had not funded the $10 million. i was extremely frustrated. the bidens claimed or presented to be frustrated. i got calls from jim biden who was ready to call the chinese directly and say the biden family is pulling out of the deal. all well documented in text messages, what's app and e-mails. i didn't know this at the time but apparently around that same time hunter biden and his lawyers basically removed oneida , put a wasko his law firm in there, and replace that in
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that document getting prepared to basically divert that money into the yz holdings. >> so they were shafting you without your knowledge, it sounds like? >> it is called fraud. >> i don't see any other explanation for this, do you? >> i am sure you can reach out to the biden family and get comments from them. >> this is just this alone of seems to me enough to spur a criminal investigation by the fbi into what apparently is fraud? the fbi had the contents of the laptop. they had it for for years now. has there been an fbi investigation and what's the outcome? >> i am not aware of them focusing on those specific facts. everything that i have been privy or briefed on is they are focusing on more legacy tax stuff. they should be looking into that. >> but hunter biden has not been indicted for this? >> i am not aware of that.
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if you actually want to get into more detail, they ultimately evolved from using be yz holdings to then just going directly into an entity called hudson west three and that is where he received i think over $5 million across 2017 and 2018, of which he took a portion and paid on a monthly basis to his uncle jim biden. i think jim's wife sarah was involved. >> how much did hunter expect to make from his business dealings with the chinese? >> not only hunter, i wasn't interested. they had to work on me for years to come off the bench and get involved. in the spring of 2017 i expected cfc was going to deploy billions of dollars through sinohawk and i was focused on taking those billions of dollars and making a return on it. i expected to make hundreds of millions of dollars. i think the bidens thought they would make billions of dollars.
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>> how much do you think hunter in the end got from diverting this money? do you think he received the money? >> he definitely received the money. the bank statements have been made public. he received over $5 million. i think in incremental $1 million in a legal consulting fee to represent patrick cho which is a story in itself. >> these seems very cut and dry. >> black and white. >> what tony bobulinski just described is a felony. it is fraud. it is a crime. he has the documents to prove it. we showed them to you. the fbi has those documents. what has the fbi done about this? we will tell you after the break.
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government officials are not allowed to sell access to the united states government, evening sitting vice presidents like joe biden are not allowed to do that. it's a crime. it's also a crime for anyone in the united states to commit fraud, to defraud their business partners. in the portion of the interview that you just saw tony bobulinski presented evidence, which we examined, that hunter biden did this. he committed fraud against tony
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bobulinski and his other business partners. the biden family did that. bobulinski gave that evidence to the fbi. what happened next? we asked tony bobulinski. >> since you are at the very center of the story since you were the ceo of sinohawk holdings. >> i wish i wasn't. >> i know. i will ask you about that in a minute because it's a sad story. since you are as a factual matter at the very center of this story, tell us about your personal interactions with the fbi. >> well documented. i went to the second debate in nashville between president trump and joe biden. >> my son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about in china? i have not had-the only guy that made money from china is this guy. he's the only one. nobody else has made money from china. >> that night i flew to dc and
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there was a big debate. what i voluntarily walk into the fbi or do i sit down with senators johnson and senator grassley? my lawyers decided it was better that i voluntarily go in to sit and provide these facts. on the morning of october 23rd, the morning after the debate, i spent five plus hours sitting in a room with as much as six federal agents walking through all the facts of my knowledge of the biden family, how i got involved in this, the trips around the world, cfc, chairman yi and stuff like that. at the end of that meeting, and remember i voluntarily went there, so they were happy to take any information i provided to them. i wish i had pictures of the faces of the two main agents that were interviewing me. i would say something and you could just see the shock in their face and they would say let's take a minute. they would get up and walk out of the room.
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the agents would convene and then come back and restart the interview. these facts for the sake of our country and national security. at that point he was candidate joe biden and now he's the sitting president of the united states, the most powerful person in the free world. daunting. at the end of that five plus hour interview the head of station told my lawyers, listen, an individual named tim tebow will run points on all of this. we definitely will have tony come in for a follow-up interview. it could be as early as next week. some of the people in the room weren't well versed on these facts. you might want to have people come in from baltimore or delaware. i was ready to sit down with anybody that needed me to or travel wherever i wanted to. they had to give my lawyers tim tebow's cell phone number. tim was not there that day. he was out of washington, d.c. my lawyers had an our call with
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him that friday night on october 23rd. subsequent calls through the weekend and the following week when i was then coming on your show to provide the facts to the american people. they were supposed to be working of follow-up interview. tim tebow with my legal counsel said we know tony is cooperating. we appreciate the information he has provided. we will follow-up with you. we will have him come up for a follow-up interview and spend more time on this. i haven't heard from them since. >> is that all? >> no. nor have my lawyers. >> no communication whatsoever since before the 2020 election? >> correct. >> that is shocking. >> shocking, yeah, that is one adjective. >> tell us about tim tebow. >> i didn't interact with him. my lawyers did. we had extensive discussions. all of this information is very sensitive and how it's being handled.
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the images off my cell phones, detailed chat discussions with the chinese, wires. the amount of information here is staggering. >> the fbi took possession of that information? >> they did. i don't know where it went. to your point earlier of one of the reasons why i am sitting here, during the summer there has been discussion about whistleblowers coming forward. coming forward to senator grassley, senator johnson, congressman jordan, congressman. they are coming out of the woodwork. i think it will continue to accelerate. apparently a variety of whistleblowers claim that tim tebow was suppressing facts. imagine i am in europe traveling and i'm starting to see-i call my lawyers monthly. by evan i've been called in front of a grand jury? this makes no sense to me. they said they would follow-up within a week and do follow-up interviews. my lawyers are letting the
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process work through. we have respect for the country. i was trying to respect the department department of justice. but then when you hear the person that you are told was assigned to run points on thousands of documents and text messages and calendars and travel arrangements and all that, that that individual just walked out of the fbi headquarters in dc. he's got to start asking questions. >> the allegations that he is a partisan actor acting on behalf of the democratic party? that's the allegation? >> multiple whistleblowers have come forward and claimed that. correct. >> would you speak to the fbi again? >> i would be happy to. at any time. not just the fbi, the u.s. attorney attorney. these facts are extensive, well documented, easily verified metadata. multiple sources say the same thing. zero chance that this has
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anything to do with russia or disinformation. >> we have reaped purred repeatedly accounts that there is or was a grand jury impaneled in delaware. what do you know about that? >> i know one thing. i haven't been called in front of them. that is surprising, disappointing. >> you are the business partner. >> some people say aren't you happy you didn't have to sit in front of people for 20 hours and being asked a thousand questions? i say our country deserves the facts. they need to know the facts. when you have a media and some of the biggest tech companies like facebook, twitter publicly acknowledging that they did suppress the story. jack dorsey of twitter publicly acknowledging it was a mistake. >> we made a total mistake with the new york times post. we corrected that within 20 for hours. it didn't have to do with the content. it was a hack to materials policy. we change that based on not
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wanting to delete that. i completely agree with it. i see it. it is something we learned. >> it wasn't a do over. we didn't get to go back and fix the history that was altered. this is history altering facts. debate with anybody. put me in a room with anybody that claims anything i've said, any document i have produced is altered or fabricated. i would love that challenge. >> fbi director chris ray dispatched his agents on the largest manhunt in american history to apprehend and incarcerate hundreds of middle-age people with no criminal records for trespassing in the united states congress when the capitol police lifted the guards and let them in. that's what they have been spending their time doing. but not one fbi agent could call tony bobulinski back who presented them hard documentary evidence of felonies the biden family committed. how is that not corruption? who is behind it?
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the one thing you can never have in an democracy is powerful law enforcement agencies working secretly to affect election outcomes. because if that happens you are no longer a democracy. you or something much less than that. you are the single possible threat to our system. far greater than any foreign interference is interference from our own law enforcement agencies. and yet that happened in the last election. the fbi told social media companies, the most powerful media companies in the world, to censor the tony bobulinski company. that his election interference at the highest level and that happens. we asked bobulinski about that. >> i have to ask. after our first our long interview we did right before the presidential election of 2020, your story was effectively suppressed. it was literally suppressed by other news organizations. we know a lot more now about how
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and why that was suppressed. it was pretty obvious. how would you feel as a veteran in a demonstrative patriotic american seeing censorship in your own country for political reasons. what was your reaction to that? >> that time was a crazy time as you can imagine just for my family and myself, wanting to do the right thing for the sake of our country. very patriotic. i was disappointed, angry, because as you said the time i serve this country, my family and my credibility as a businessman. i cannot find another story that has been actually so suppressed. it's a complete blackout. you can go to today and search my last name and it still shows you zero results. there has not been one credible interview, debate on refuting
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anything i have said or any piece of evidence. i was angry when i watched this play out, especially when five weeks later the doj announces that they are formally investigating hunter biden and the biden family and they make that public. i was five weeks too late and the american people deserve those facts before the election. >> a lot of people couldn't get the facts, because facebook which is the single largest disseminators of information in the country suppressed those facts. now we know why. >> imagine that. it was in the last month that mark zuckerberg was being interviewed by joe rogan who is a straight shooter. i think it is a three hour format. he asked a lot of questions and he's a smart guy. >> there is a lot of attention on twitter during the election because of the hunter biden laptop story. you guys censored that as well? >> we took a different path than twitter. basically the background here is the fbi i think basically came
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to us, some folks to our team, just so you know that you should be on high alert. we thought there was a lot of russian propaganda in the 2016 election. we have noticed that basically there is about to be some kind of dump that is similar to that. just be vigilant. >> he used the word dump. he said the fbi briefed us that a dump might be coming. he didn't say there might be a story. the fbi was well aware there was a laptop and well aware there were hundreds of thousands of e-mails and text messages and stuff like that. they had to have been where of the chatter that ultimately the new york times post published a couple of e-mails trying to make the american public aware of it. mark zuckerberg casually said the fbi came to us and warned us of a dump. when the new york times post ran the article an individual named
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andy stone stepped in. i think he runs the compliance or fact checking department. he throttled down the fact pattern. the interesting thing with that, tucker, is andy stone never reached out to me. he never called my lawyers. my e-mail address was there. i am easy to get a hold of. facebook never reached out to me and said we see this e-mail that the new york times post just published to you, is it real? can you produce the e-mail to us? within five minutes of twitter, facebook and anybody else that had reached out i would have produced the e-mail with the metadata. the e-mails that are being produced don't have any metadata. i would have given them the metadata that is pages long on that e-mail at the new york times post published. so you originally started this chain by how did it make you feel? angry, disappointment and it felt like i had to go out and educate the americans. >> take three steps back. this was an extraordinarily
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close election, which is to say it was determined in real life by a small number of votes. >> 21500 votes. i don't think your audience, which is a large one, probably understands or is thinking about it today. when you go back to october 2020 and into the november 3rd election, the election was decided by 21500 votes. what does that mean? three states, wisconsin, georgia and arizona. the difference between president trump and joe biden was 43000 votes. if half of those people, 21500, had voted for president trump instead of biden, president trump would still be in the white house. i am not arguing for that or supporting that. that is fact based on what was recorded in actual votes. the election was decided by 21500 votes in the backdrop of a story that is the most suppressed story in the history of the u.s. presidential
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election. >> if we now know the story was suppressed by a federal agency, the fbi the biggest law enforcement agency, how did the fb night not affect the election outcome? it sounds like the election, i will just say it, rigged in part by the fbi. >> it was. it was. you can call it rigged. you can call it stolen. you can call it suppressed. the american people can call it whatever they want. the fact pattern is the fbi alone altered history in that election. >> that anyone at the new york times or washington post call you? >> a variety of people reached out to me but nobody actually willing to go through a detailed interview of the facts. jake tapper is well respected by many people at cnn. i appealed to him. i will come for an interview and spend an hour. you can be as aggressive as you want to be. you can call me a liar. you can attack the facts. the good news is it's not my
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word against the bidens. i have thousands of documents, text messages, whatsapp conversations and recordings of the sitting president of the united states in his own voice. i would love to have that debate. >> you offer that? >> i am available. i've had people reach out to me and i said they just want something. they want something for the new cycle. i have not done that. i have been laying low. but i am offering that now. >> you would go on cnn and speak at whatever length? >> i would go on jake tapper tonight if he wants me to. >> how has no one followed up on this story? if you follow journalism they say you are a whistleblower and they all want something. this guy doesn't want or need anything. this doesn't help him at all. but he's got something real to say. by the way, it wasn't just joe biden's ne'er-do-well drug addicted son doing lakey stuff in other countries. biden's brother was helping joe
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what's amazing in retrospect is that two years ago when this story first broke, the usual liars and power worshipers in the media, those of whom the rare few even acknowledge that tony bobulinski existed, dismissed the story by saying, yeah, but it's biden's son and had nothing to do with biden. as if hunter biden would be able to make millions of dollars in say ukraine or china on the basis of his own expertise which amounted to precisely nothing. he never had a real job. he had no skills. how did he get so rich? because his dad was the vice president. they were selling access to the government. the money was in part going to joe biden. that was clear because hunter biden said it repeatedly on texts that any news organization could have red. tony bobulinski knew that because he saw that. he had already met with joe biden directly.
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we asked him again about this. put some flesh on those bones, and he did. watch. >> your business partners with hunter and jim biden. joe biden's son and brother. >> correct. >> hunter biden has received some coverage for his arts. >> i call it the biden family. as you know, i say it's been well documented. yu well documented it. i met with joe multiple times. now subsequent to the election he is now the sitting president of the united states. but there are hundreds of data points that joe biden was acting in a capitalistic term, i would say the chairman. the chairman of jpmorgan doesn't take eight meetings down with people analyzing companies. the chairman serves a purpose. he's a figurehead. he shows up as meetings and shakes hands and advises. he has faith and his team. effectively, that was joe
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biden's role in the biden family business ventures around the world. not just my venture. i met with him multiple times. i think it was the daily mail that made a recording public where joe biden reaches out to hunter biden in december 2018 after the new york times had published an extensive article on cfc chairman e and how they were deploying billions of dollars around the world would different governments basically acting as the arm. >> i'd like to play that voicemail from the sitting president of the united states from joe biden to his son hunter. >> hey pal, it's dad. it's 8:15 on wednesday night. give me a call. nothing urgent. i just want to talk to. i saw the article online that's going to be printed tomorrow. i think it's clear. anyway, if you get a chance,
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give me a call. i love you. >> that's it. >> it's staggering. the sitting president of the united states. that is joe biden in his own voice telling the american people i was always well aware of the business ventures my family was involved in. so much so i could tell my son i read a detailed article that has 50 facts in it. imagine just sitting in a room with national security and that intel agencies with that article talking about corruption, talking about china, talking about the chinese communist party, the liberation party of china. joe biden is saying i read that article and you are in the clear, hunter. he leaves that voicemail for his son. >> do you think that the bidens were aware of the effects on the united states of doing business with china? >> it's funny. i think in their mind they few russia as a bigger threat than
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china. they sort of talk and operate like that. that was always surprising to me. but i think they are well aware of it. the magnitude of hunter and his own words talks about being in business with the spy chief of china. >> did you ever talk to hunter biden directly about this? >> obviously i was aware of what was being done in 2015 and 2016 by james gilliar and rob walker and the chinese company cfc while joe biden was the sitting president of the united states. there was a text message where early on i had discussions with hunter about what is cfc focused on and chairman ye. are they doing any deal? what kind of deals? hunter in a long text message says we are willing to do any deals except i think he excluded military tech that would give the chinese military an advantage over the united states military. but outside of that they were ready and willing to do any
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other deal. >> you said they viewed russia and it's clearly true that they do that it's a bigger threat than china. that is ludicrous. but they were also willing to do business with russia, correct? >> they were. there is a very well documented senator johnson and senator grassley. sadly enough it came out after the election. they initially published a report in september 2022 weeks after the election in november 2028 they published a 70 page document that is publicly available to anybody watching this that wants to review it. it goes through in detail the involvement of hunter biden and the biden family with knowledge of a deal that was being struck between cfc buying a $9 billion stake in the u.s. sanction russia controlled by prudent energy company and riding a $9 billion check.
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they weren't a silent partner and putting $9 million or $90 million or $900 million. they were buying a $9 billion stake approximately 14%. once again, u.s. sanction to. boudin -controlled russian energy company. hunter biden and the biden family were in the middle of all of that. >> have you had any contact with hunter or jim biden correct? >> the last contact i had with the biden family was in my interview with the fbi on october 23 for the five plus hours. on my blackberry jim biden called me via what's app. i was there voluntarily, so my phone starts ringing in the middle of the interview. i looked down and i said is he really calling me write now? i show the phone to my lawyer and then i show it to the agents. the agents got up and left the room. they said you can take the call if you want.
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i answered it. there was nobody on the other side. i don't know if it was a mistake or they were trying to send me a message or what it was. that's the last interaction or communication i had with the biden family. >> you are the key to this story. there is a lot at stake. >> i wish i wasn't. >> of course. you didn't choose it, obviously, but you are. there is an awful lot at stake. are you concerned about what the consequences might be for you and your family? >> yeah, of course. my immediate family, my extended family. the good news is they are all patriots. we we bleed red, white and blue. we believe in this greatest country in the entire world hands down. these facts matter. i don't matter. the facts matter. the american people deserve to know them. and verify them. as for senators and congressmen
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to verify them. ultimately hold the biden family in the current administration accountable for them. to this day, two years joe biden has yet to be asked did he ever meet with me? >> not one time? >> not one time. >> we have had two years to look into you. we looked into you before our first interview. our viewers should know we've had a lot of whistleblowers. i have over 30 years. a lot of them are telling the truth. probably most. almost all of them want something. we can say because we verify that you are not looking for anything. you don't need the money, that's for sure. the only downside for you is one of the reasons we were confident enough to do a second interview. why are you coming out now again? >> i am coming out now because the american people are still being lied to about the facts. nothing has been done. they are still thinking that deal never happened her hunter biden was a troubled child. they are not aware of the tens
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of millions of dollars and thousands of pages of documentation and the facts. the doj is claiming they had to couch this and they cannot do anything during the election. i don't want to sit here in december and they indict hunter biden and then the american people are saying why weren't we made aware of the facts? this is crazy. i would have changed my vote for that congressman or senator or governor or attorney general. that is why i am coming out now. as i referenced earlier i came back from summer travel to find out that the person that was running point on the trove of documents and text messages that were provided to the fbi just suddenly retired and walked out of the building. >> you have got the most powerful agencies in the world, the fbi and cia, working against you. that's not an overstatement. we have seen it happen. >> you just made my heart skipped. >> that is true. that's quite an array of opponents.
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>> red, white and blue. greatest country on the face of the earth. i believe facts matter and the truth ultimately will come out. >> did you hear that? he said that joe biden's brother called him while he was talking to the fbi. how would joe biden's brother know he was talking to the fbi? who is running the fbi? his name is chris wray. we know that the fbi suppress the story. they never called bobulinski back and never did a second interview. then they called the social media companies to censor it to influence the outcome of a presidential election. does that ever happen? why is this man still running the fbi? why has no one asked him about it? bewildering. brandon knows more about this subject more than any person. she joins us after the break. we have a full documentary on this on the biden family business dealings. tony bobulinski is a big part of that. you will see it later on fox.
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back that was about our an our long conversation with tony bobulinski. the person we know who knows more about the business dealings of the biden family than any other living person other than the bidens is the new york times post person who wrote a terrific book. she joins us tonight. maranda, thanks so much. there so much to discuss. the fact that the vice president's brother jim biden called tony bobulinski in the middle of an fbi interview, that just stuck out to me. what do you think that means? >> me too. how did he know to call him then? did someone tipoff jim biden that tony bobulinski was in their spilling the beans on the family's chinese deal and the millions of dollars that they made from it? you can only wonder. when tony bobulinski showed the fbi agents that phone, they scurried out of the room as fast as they could and said take it. he took the call and there was
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just a are on the other end. so he never heard from the bidens again. that is one of the many sinister and peculiar aspects of this. that interview that you had with tony bobulinski was fantastic. just the courage of the man i think came out when you asked him about the facts. the fbi and the cia has the full mosh of incredibly powerful institutions against him. he said, yes, you just made my heart skip. this is a guy that is a decorated former naval officer. he has top-secret security clearances from the nsa and the department of energy. he is a tough guy. and yet he is being put in such an the enormous amount of stress and it all comes down to the fbi and the cover up. i think we are stay and with the story that the story of the cover-up is now bigger than the story of the original
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corruption. the fbi knew when tony bobulinski came to them 11 days before the 2020 election that you could not get a witness more credible than he is. they knew that what he was saying was correct about the influence peddling scheme. >> thank you for saying that about his bravery. his courage gives the rest of us heart. i am grateful for that and for you. miranda divine, thank you. we are out of time. here is sean. i agree with both of you. very courageous on tony's part. great interview. tonight the biden administration is obsessed with racial inequality. , kamala harris remains locked into her belief that people of cover should receive florida hurricane relief funding first. kanye west meanwhile is calling black lives matter a scam. one prominent democrat is now re-upping her calls to defund and dismantle the police. but first tonight, we only have
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