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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 5, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> all right.eehe time just flies when you're having fun. by the way, aaron, judgeaaro hit sixty two , breaking roger maris record . good news tonight. >> all right.ou congratulations to him and theng yankees, as always. thank you fo r joining us .ble. and thank you for making this show possible. please set your dv r so you never, ever miss an episode of a hannity.e, l and in the meantime, let notet your be troubled. the be troubled. i'm going to get . the ingraham anglein . whatever laura is standing by . all right. hit me with whatever it is . well, we have some e last night you claimed you never had>> a mustache. no. so. n well, weo. did some sleuthing. >> so later on in the week, we will reveal our evidentiary basis for claiming otherwise. so we will tell everyone as the days go on and i'll reveal, you> know, let me just say this. i'm friends with laura ingram , comes at a very high you've got to be able to take aa
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the ridicule now. >> iblt was it was adorable it. either way. >> hannity awesome show r tonight. we loved it.ig >> a great show.le from all right.onight. i'm laura ingram . i didn't this is ingram angle from washington tonight. thanks so much for joining us .f truth and consequences. that'soc the focus of tonight's anglf e. truth. now, even democrats know the truth. joe biden is unsteady and unsure of himself. know wh he often doesn't knoerw where he is or where he's going. >> mr. president , when he gets lost mid thought, he falls back on verbal crutches like detouring to vignettes either real or imagined about his childhood. >> none of it seems to add up. we have a very in relative terms, large puerto rican population in relative to our population. and so i was sort of raised in
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>>d so i was sort of raised in home politically. >> okay,y. and as thingss to deteriorate for him, dr. jillst role seems to be more like that of a visiting angel rather thana a first lady. n dy. or now the democrats thou, i think, that they were being clever by nominating biden in 2020, whom they sold to us in a lot of uneasy voters. as kind of a familiar grandfatherly figure, a mainstayigure, a, a democrat, extreme liberal, but all alongdd ,the democrats knew that he was going to be too weak told resist the hard left, and thus ovsist the hard left, and thus figurehead to preside overical their radical agenda. but they don't seem so clever now. ddo they ?as the midterm it's all unraveling. and ass the midterms are closig in, they're reduced now tosp spouting unsubstantial
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allegations and lame personal attacks to try desperately tot h hold on to power. firs on to power. but of course, this is not the first time democrats have lied and smeared to get ahead. r remember, they told us that president trump would hurt sease the ones who are destrhurt sease our alliances overseas, but they're the ones who are destroying the economiese of western europe. r p wouldthey'r undermine our democracy, buto they are the ones who never miss a chance to trashory.>> our history. thathat is a metaphor for amer. wehathat is a metaphor for amer. >> we had been cleaning up after violent white supremacist mobs for generations.t >> they told people, but they'rthe the ones who destroyed education during covid. >> i'm missing a a day of work and my children are not in school. there's nor them reason for theo be at home. my kids are bein hostageare bein at home. e they told us thatht trume p wouh destabilize the world, but they're the ones who have us
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on the verge of war with russia. president biden himself says het has no idea when or how it's b nos no idea when or how it's b going to end. eads. but we know where thisoser and escalation leads. it leads us closer, closer to, y the brink of a nuclear war with russia. >>d that you and they told us t was going to hurt working people. but they'r actuallye the ones a actually digging them into a hole. >> you're inflatio n scourge inflatio have given average workinga folks a three point fourt percent wage cut over the pastld year. >> they told us that trump wasen buddy buddy with big oil, but they're the ones causing oile prices to spike. if wpricese take t a look at cra prices this morning, you'll see that oil is coming off a nearlye four percent gain for yesterday. now again, they now told us that trump would b weaken the norms that uphold , but they're s the ones now pounding a false narrative to sowo doubt about the supreme court. >> apreme t the encod of the dal the supreme court is right now i is a republican wish fulfillment machine. cait is just the enforcement arm
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of the republican party agenda with people wearing fancy robes popu people wearing fancy robes . and now they tell us that populists threaten democracyloul but they are the ones who helpp communist china become really, o really powerful, supporting china's entry into the wto, however, is about more than our economic interest. >> iic -- moret is clearly in or national interest. >> they tellin senate republicans want to control women, but they can't even explain what a woman is . >> can you provide a definitiond for the word woman? i can' yo'tu can'. t not contact biolo. >> they tell us that populist conservate promote violence,urah but they are the ones who encourage the smeary of law enforcement, which then led to violence and looting. >>ooting. do you believe there l is systemic racism in law? >> enforcement? >> absolutely. but it's not just law
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enforcement across the boardform and the consequences of thisen reckless slander. well, police departments across the united states can't find willing recruits. they're down three hundred, four hundred sometimes sometim 60ur hundred sometimes sometim six hundred officers in one department, huge shortfalls mean more communities are vulnerable to the rising crime that we're seein g all overameful the country. >> that is the shameful truth. biden and the rest , i'm sorry, the frauds, they're hucksterse l and they're cruel to the bone. while pretending to be the mosth compassionateie, it is their policies that are dashing the dreams of countless americans amers, especially those who are most disadvantaged. they must never be trusted with power again untilbeike they reform their party and rediscover its roots in red rediscover its roots in a return to sanity, frankly, would be nice at this point.s wh now, who knowsen when that will happen? f thatif that will happen. e on
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but in the meantime, we'rer effo going to have tort redouble our efforts to restore our economy, restore our schools, our foreignr patrii policy, and , yes,spir our patriotic spirit. anand that's the angle. joining me now is hogan gidley, former white house deputy pressi secretary and director of election integrity at the america firsonf t policye fh institute. also with me is ben domenech, editor at large fod for the spectator and fox news y contributor. ben, it's great to seeou you gus tonight. s we just learned that bidend hi is now in his administration is begging opec not to continue with its plan to dramatically cut oi l production. - so now biden has a two step going on .od he's crushing our energy pr's crushing our energy prostrating america before despot's. r >> how is this good?laur well, it's super ., it'sev super easy, laura ., that i mean, every time thatou can the prices go down, that's something that t you can think it's president biden for. and every time they go up, it's someonmeone ele else's fault.
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look, everything that you laid out there in the angle is is completely correct. this is an effort inthat gaslighting. we'n overthat we've seen over t several years. hinge everars. seen politically, where every single time that they arealle confronted with being called on the typ thee of ramificationt for the policy that they'rine advocating for, they point to the other side and say, oh, no, this is their fault.e the on esthey're the ones doing thisth thing. they're the ones tearing down our institutions. ththey're the ones who are engaging in dangerous, anti-democratic activity. when when president biden goes out there and squares up allly s sorts of people aboute othe the ramifications of the elections in italy, justat the other day, he's engaging in something that is clearlyctions anti-democratic, anti elections. i'ti elections. he turns around and says, oh, y well, i'm just trying toou ou defend democracy against these dangerous populist authoritarians. or something like that.
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>> it's absolutely laughable. and once you see it, you see it over and over and over again.h and this is the entire approach that we've seen under the obama biden era. n erof the democratic party.gant >> yeah,he it's a smear machineo and hugging the lincolgen project . stooges are out in ful l force again and again. they have really no successes. so it's only talking pointsin te against republicans who , by the way, are not in the midl majority. watch. now, the republican partpay haha become p a party of misogyny, a party of racism, bigotry of hypocrisy, of rewarding liars. and people who are completelyy unqualified to represent anyones . they're not qualified to be dogcatcher. ou dangerousr. for our democracy. o >> hogan, it'sea so easy to defeat her on points.t wo it's almost not wortrth evenbo botherinthg. down buint who kept disadvantaged kis locked down in urban areas who prevented vouchers from being given to parentsch to
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switch schools if they wanted to? who did all of this?t think so. the republicans. i don't think. ogue yeah, absolutely. ech in your monologue to echo ben was right on point. i mean, the hypocrisy, obviously, but the irrational illogic, whole thought process of the left is so problematic. but the policies they've put in place in the last two yearsans. have hurt real americans. now, the left in the media now, the left in the media together to tell you all of these things are happeningthing him. all the problems we face ,ll the problems we face they're happening to joe biden. no. , they're happening becausel of joe biden t and all the issus that are actually going to drive people out to the polls., crime, for example, as you pointed out, spiking all over the country. the , the burglaries, the murders. i mean, we could see r a republican governor inus oregon, of all places, because of their defund the police policies and their refusal to prosecute those who commit crimes. the southern bordeorder is wr, n drugs pouring into our communities, human traffickintraffickg, child smuge
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all times at all time highs. and you pointed out the energy crisis. we're paying more for gad s h and for groceries than we everav have. and surprise, surprise, joe biden goes to opeco . untryn >> you mean we can't run this country on skittles and gummy bears and unicorn here? g is a we actually need oil out there.r i mean, the wholice thing is ae joke. the american people feelgo blam the brunt of these policies and they're goinbeg to blameic the democrats because, yes, they are in control. they'll pau y the pricknowe this november. >> and then i was thinking about their decision makingo th when they really pushed biden to the forefront ionn the nomination process. and a lot of the left didn'tbide want biden, bun, b -t he was kif he was the reassuring choice for middle america. america. but they needed someonerica. but they needed someone strongi in there who could kind give a stiff arm to the left. they made a big mistak e calculation with biden. >> huge miscalculation i mn the end, it was a huge i miscalculation. >> you and i were there, laura , in south carolina, where we saw biden kind of cement this clearly backedo
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by barack obama. i have tdio disagree slightly with your definition ofi th the success of the lincoln project . succ ak they were very successful at covering up the attempts by one of their co-founders to solicit younger men as weht. learned during my years. whe but i do think that when in t came to when it came to the situation that we saw with biden , he was someone that they thought would be able toki be this kindnd o of moderate, we normalcy based candidate. sn wh but what we've seeen in when it comes to his presidency is anything but. he has cas cast aside any of the kind of norms that we've talked about accepted over the years about the presidency. he's made our relationships with our allies worswithe. hast as tulsi gabbard said inin your open, he has led us inus through his horrible foreignfor policy decisions up to the brink of potentially nuclear warfare with russia. it's a complete disaster.actual and i think democratswhen y actually , when you get themou h a few beers in, they will admit
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this truth about his presidency. out hibut it's a horrible situan for the country. it's the worst kind of kind of s a biden presidency. and he's really led us into, e i think, one of the worsta coun scenarios that we are facingtr as a country at homee in and abroad. it's unexpectedly terrible iate a lot of different ways. >> yeah.d appa i mean, thermonuclear war,re a possibility. ha but covid apparently was a muchr worse possibility for people who had very little risk for serious illness. i mean, you cannot make this>>gr up. hogan van , greaeat to seet to a >> thank you. and now a tribute to t joe bide ,a real tribute to been president biden. >> he has been a great president , has accomplished. we've working together to -- w accomplish se haveen workio muct is beginning to haven the pu some appreciation in the publibs in terms of his leadership rescue package. bipartisan infrastructurege package, this most recentio acckage, this most recentio the president has donet has doa remarkable job for. witc >> once, we agree with nancy
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pelosi will not about the remarkable job, but the midterms will be a tribute a to joe , tteo his repeatedthings failures on things that matterre most inflation, crime, the border prices,border all ofo the voters know the truth. new polling shows the gop is gaining in the best showing for republicans. and real clear politic rs data for generic ballots since julyet twenty eight . even the new york timehe york ts is admitting it. nate cohn today.towards writing is the race has shifted toward republicans and important ways the democrats position is startin g to look gulp quite quite vulnerable. >> joining me now is indiana congressman jim banks, chair o the republican study committee, and tom bevan, president , co-founder of real clear politics. congressman, right now, republicans and i don't want tot bapublicans and i don't want tot but have the wind atck their backs. comes, but the next question becomes what a republic is going to dos when they get into power. will this be squandered
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opportunities or is this going to be hit the ground running? >> yeah, laura , we can't squander the opportunity that we have a couple o f weeks ago, republicans made a commitment to america. we unveiled our agendar to th o the american people, a framework. we hamework. ,everything we can to keepso w that commitment to america. >> so fio we have to we have to fight hard to pass legislation to bring dow n gas prices, tocrt address inflation. the democrats are so divorced from the reality today of ame everyday working americans, they don't know what they'relo going through. and when they've all los mt the equivalent of one month of their salary on average. seventy two hundred dollar thas. a year that americans have loste because of inflation. gas prices averagingraging over, dollars a gallon. today, they were two t dollars and thirty nine cents and joee o biden became president .f s tha so the fact of r reality. of is that the american people are hurting and democrats are divorced from that reality. >>vorced from that reality. back , we have to address those concerns. >> now, tom ntom, i think n, ij
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joe and carmela underscoreoe and the only thing they have left is really one topic. but it's important for everyone to know what is at stake to stop and reverse these attacks.o on women. h we need to pass such a national law. congressiona >>l republicans are doubling down on their extremenn a naling down on their extremenn a national ban not going to sit by and let republicans throughout the country enact extreme policiesm ac to threate access to basic health care.>> >> t tom , does it sound like he believes this or knows what he's reading? now a recent poll now showing that abortion was the seventh most important issue of voters right now. so what does this tells te us la about this? i don't want to call it a hailal mary because you shouldn't call abortion. oes th >>is but what does this tell us? this is all they have. the >> well, look, the day's beenete prettyar clear for for a longabi time. i mean, there waons a bump in an
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abortion overall after the dobs decision, but it receded pretty quickly, at least among republicans. so thiand independents. so this is not shocking news. democrats are all in on this every ad you're seeing runningid in swing districts and senateobe races across the country arem ou all about abortion. and the problem is , as you point out, it only energizes democrats. it doesn't do anything for independents. they are concerned, as are con republicans, with inflation, ce economy, jobs, gas prices, cost f those things ,even crime and immigration, are higher than abortion for most independent voters.y're and so i think democrats arely while they're there, they're trying to obviously energize their base, which they need their base. they can't win without it, c bu they can't win, particularly in some of these battleground states without winning ove rtates without winning ove independent voters. those ndent voters. an on abortion, makes them look out of touch. and all thosd ares thae other i. >> and those are the issueseady that independents are caring about. and they're already leapfrogging leap froggi ahead,2 congressman, to 2020 four.t likp it's almost like people are hadt through the midterms. they haven't had the midtermshe yet, but almost passed it. newsa
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and so a day after nbc brokes go that news thatin biden was going to run again in 2020 for another crack for him to watch4. this. 2020 fou r is biden the bestr pres candidate to represent democrats? he's our president right now. he h he's he has qualifications.commit i won't say if t he's busy or if he's not. presiden will you commit to supporting him if he runs? if if the president is the tha nominee, is the nominee, then so >>minee, is the nominee, then so support. okay, that's a non answer. she's obviously a far leftg fa congresswoman, but they'rebi going to be running fast fromde, bidee n, are they not, it. congressman? >> no question about it. they know was what's about topee happen on november eight . ao rt the american people are goinganh to reject joe biden, nancyei pelosi, chuck schumer and their policies m and give republicans the majority because of it. s see the writingitol hil on the wall. they all talked privately aboulc it on capitooml hill. thei they know what's comingsights and they've got their sights 20y, twenty four becauseghts
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they've already moved on fro tme this election. so when we get a majority-- back , we have to fight hard tor do again, do what we say we're going to do and make sure we keep the majority. and if we if we do what weo, sa, we're going to do. winning laura , i really do believe bac the reward for that would be winning back the white housen in twenty , twenty four to get our country back on >> nowck. , that means we need real legislation, not justus bullet point policies, though, right. nicet. i mean, the commitment to america is nice, but it's not a lot of specifics. was themes and themes are good. but to put meat on the bone. so that's what's going to have to happen. but tom , stacey abrams is back on television. she's complaining this time about polls. areto a snapshot.are plaining and the question is who are youe taking a picture of?do and when you take a picture that is predominantly republican and has a disproportionately white population or that undercountsnn the participation of women, ofco course, it's going to leann ion the direction of the incumbent .t but whenwhen those pollsk actually look at in cotnecky look at in the composition of georgia, we are in a neck and neck race p
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that time.ol isn't rcp polling average showing with a seven point lead right now, right? yes, right yes. and look, the other thing is ,s i mean, there can be sometimes when you have a race where it's close, you'll have some polls saying the democrats have hadaha some polls that are saying the republicans, that's not the case here. d.ase every singleevery single s the board shows kemp leading. and by the way, some of those same polls show raphael warnock ahead of herschel walker by a i' point or two. so it't ths it's not the case tt in it't ths it's not the case tt against that, stacey abrams ine particular, that the truth particular, that the truth effort right now. and part os f thatbeca is becaue brian kemp is a popular incumbent governor and things are good in georgia.s do and for that reason, hn'eange is voters don't seem to want to change horses there. the other. the other problem for him is ,gn quite frankly, joe biden'sw highe frankly, joe biden'sw is in the low 40s or high 30s. that is a problem for forntry.
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democrats, not just in georgia e ,but all around the country. biden is a drag on the democratic party. k congressman and tom, thank youu. so much. and genze claiming another victory and we have a new name for them. plus, the horrifying story plus, about what one of biden's unvetted refugees was justees charged with . the details you need to hear ahead. do not move 1% the now. >> did you know that she pulled over in front of the church? now, maybe you'll break me out of jail. don't you see what you did to my door? i don't like what you're going to do with what am i doing? >> why am i going to go look for it?
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. call liberty legal. now to see if you're eligible with five seven five five three five one. >> all right. you heard of gen x or gen y and z? >> well, the angle has a new name for a new era. let's call them gen c for the coddled generation. i'm talking about the spoiled, entitled, poorly read , poorly spoken and always ready to play the victim generation. now they've been schooled in social media that america's racist and privilege is everywhere. their praise for any protest activity they engage in, except if it's pro life or pro police can't do that. because they've been told that police, of course, are racist to they demand to be catered to their anxieties, their pr. their feelings in general are always on the verge of being hurt. normal adults are always one innocent slip up, slip from offending our sensitive whining, gen syas.
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and now, after destroying their learning with lockdown's and virtual nonsense, the failed education establishment is busy coddling nc at every turn, catering to their every whim and complaint essay are unfair. acte tests are unfair to grades are racist. math is sexist. science says anti , trans and only standards. that really makes sense, that are acceptable to the jency activists are no standards at all. >> case in point, a group of students just got nyu professor fired because he made his organic chemistry course too hard. >> the new york times reports that eighty two of dr. maitland jones's three hundred and fifty students signed a petition to get rid of him, writing, we're very concerned about our scores and find that they are not an accurate reflection of the time and effort put into this class. they accuse him of reducing the number of midterms from
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three to two, not offering extra credit and removing zum access to his lectures. oh, he also had a condescending and demanding tone. he also happens to be one of the most storied organic chemistry professors of all time. writing what many consider to be the seminal textbook on organic chemistry, and that it should be noted that many who take organic chemistry and i was one of them because they want to become doctors, then kind of drop out because it's too hard. >> but these people are actually wanting to be doctors. this is a frightening prospect . joining us now is gordon klein, former ucla professor. he, too, was the target of a student petition to be fired when he didn't cave in to requests to grade black students more leniently after the death of george floyd. also with me is charlie cook, the author of the college scam. professor, great to see you tonight. dr. jones noted that students have been less engaged since
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covid. does that surprise you, given your experience that we chronicled? >> what was that a couple of years ago? was it it does surprise me at all for you. i think you summarize it magnificently. we have a coddled generation. we have a group of people who have learned to get by, whether it was due to covid, whether it's due to civil unrest, whether they want to believe that a solar eclipse, who knows what they're going to blame it on . they believe they have an entitlement to good grades and the lack of studying. we can track that because the extent you teach remotely, you get a printout if you desire. and how many minutes some students spent with your class. one of my colleagues yesterday said he marked it, observed a student who was complaining about the grade that they had attended precisely nine minutes for the entire academic period. >> oh, my . on the level. well, charlie, i know you're not surprised about all this, but in a statement to the angry man, nyu spokesperson
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john beckman, you can't say spokesman anymore, defended the termination and saying that dr. jones was hired to teach and wasn't successful. nyu has a lot of hard courses and lots of tough graders among the faculty that don't end up with outcomes, that raise questions about the quality and effectiveness of the teaching, as this class did. charlie, you notice that he focused on outcomes so the university wants their kids to get into med school, whether the the test scores and the work that goes into the subject isn't up to, doesn't matter at all. unbelievable. somewhat of a it's a high stakes game if you want to become a doctor. let me just say, as a millennial, i'm loving the fact that we can finally bash on another generation. i mean, laura , for like five years it was millennials are the worst. now, finally, there's a generation that's worse than finally. and it's totally true. by the way, those gen xers can't stop staring at their phone. tiktok. they're the worst. i mean, that non sarcastically . but look, honestly, do you think china is looking at us and making an excuse for the fact that our kid that
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eighty two students or whatever it was, complain about organic chemistry? does that make us more likely to be able to defeat the chinese communist party the next 30 or 40 or 50 years? look, grade inflation, like all inflation, our society right now is wrong. lowers standards. >> it coddles kids. and let's just remember, this is nyu. this is one of the top schools on the planet. where if you sign a petition against your professor, you can have the leaders that university capitulate to your demands. this sets an awful precedent. and look at organic chemistry that's above my head. that's a lot of people i know, very, very smart people. but guess what? you want to be in the best medical system, the world. you have to you have to forsake equity and feelings and prioritize hierarchy and excellence over those things. and i guess genze gets their way, which is complain all the time. yeah. my brother jimmy aist, organic chemistry. i had to drop it. okay, confession, professor. i just couldn't get it. okay, that was my that was a warning to me. med school is not for you. now here are the types of complaints about dr. jones
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on the rate. my professor .com student said taking jones's organic chemistry class put them in therapy. one student said the class gave them anxiety and nightmares. another was self diagnosed with origo ptsa professor. i thought college was supposed to build on a work ethic, character, mental toughness. but apparently the course has to change for the kid here. >> you know, i never noticed that i created mental disorders of a unique nature, ergo ptsd. no, we get criticized. i've been criticized as a white male who believes in the culture of rigor. >> i thought that ucla is renowned nationwide and gets the accolade as the number one public university in america. we're supposed to get there and stay there due to a culture of rigor which was built up over one hundred years. and we are disintegrating before your very charlie,
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remember, george w. bush used to always refer to the soft bigotry of low expectations. and that was really one of the most accurate ways of describing what we're doing to young people, what the way they speak, the way they write ,what they don't read and what they do read in schools. it's not making them better. it's making them less able to understand the world around them and in a clear way. and yet this is what we're doing. it also makes them really depressed. it's the most depressed, suicidal, anxious, alcohol addicted, drug addicted, and psychiatric drug taking generation in history. why? because they're thinking about themselves all the time. narcissism doesn't lead to a happy life. worry about service, rigor, hard work, commitment, duty, honor, patriotism, that actually is a really good way to live your life. do something hard and believe in delayed gratification, not just whether or not you have enough instagram likes or ticktock like that single moment. i think a lot of the negative
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side effects we see in our society is an outgrowth of overfocusing the feelings of a generation and not trying to push them to higher standards or excellence. let's not forget, adults are responsible for the way the kids are brought up, and that's that. it's really not their fault. this is the way they were raised by the culture and by their parents. professor charlie, this is a subject we're going to address again. thank you. now, the bush administration officials swore that thousands of afghans who were brought here after the botched evacuation from the airport in afghanistan, they were all fully vetted. right. well, now, we have a horrifying case of child abuse at a new mexico revealing what we knew at the time. it wasn't true. there was no vetting. the shocking details coming up. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see getting a good night's
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struggled to track thousands of afghan refugees when they independently departed us military bases and then they couldn't even document when the refugees left those bases. so they're being marked present when in reality they arenow, whe god knows where, doingn god knows what. now,dh when dhs would finally notice someone was missing the report states that the agency didn't even bother trying to find thetherm. of th >> and that's on top of the a the other lies tdmo administration was pedaling like this. >> i can absolutel>> i cy assura no i can absolutel>> i cy assura the united states of america who has not been through a thorough screening and background checks. process. >> we conducted comprehensive security and vetting, screening of the individuals who arrived here under operationalperation welcome , were extraordinarily proud of that program.d thatbut as we learned last montg and yet another dhs watchdog
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report, refugees were noty screened or vetted properly. either. and that includes this nextf shocking story out of new mexico. coafghan refugee shah mahmood salem has just beenns accused of committing sex crimes against a 12 year sax crimes against a 12 year old boy.xt according to court documents, scilab sat next too th the victm anilab sat next too th the victm and started touching him when the victim tried to get away. he says sellar punched purge hie the face twice. the victim ran and tried to hide in the bathroom, buthroom, scilab followed him, lockede the door and started kissing him and tried to force the 12 1e year old boy to touch. g me >> joining me now is new mexicoo congresswoman yvette harrell. congresswoman, this came almosta a year to the day that a female soldier at fort bliss in new mexico was attacked by a group of afghan men . now, how did that not set offhoi alarm bells? having >> right. and thank you so much forere on having me. and you're exactlyr show right.o
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and we were on your show a yearh ago saying, look, we t think there's a problem with the vetting process. we do not believe that the american people are safe . we feel like there was real problems because we knew theg to taliban were the ones helpingta to evacuate the people out of afghanistan. and yoshow tu on your show, we r the american people there was a problem. we sen to tht a letter to the president asking for confirmation of that. of course, we di that maded not get an answer that made sense. we ask for mayorkas to be put in front of the oversight committee so we could ask the questions the american people needed to know in regards to allies. welcome home. we still gotestions.we still ani and now the report that camermed out in september confirmed everything we already knew there were gaps in the process. the vetting was not adequate. noand now we're seeing what's happening. >> well, we can't. wed keptht being told that weel promised them like one hundred and twenty thousand people were promised. i don't know who they were promised by , but the american people's safety and security is a paramount importance. and the fact is there is no real possibility of vetting
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ninety nine point nine percent of the people who are handed up to the soldiers at that militarythat mil out of military airport in kabul. wel >> how do you ever vet them?cauo well, you can't because you cant only vet against the paperwork you have available to you. and wecessof tha did not have ao any of that. so w e knew that they were coming into the country withoutk properly being vetted. and then we saw, lik e you a mentioned earlier, the attackfot on the service member on fort after thbliss after the afghanse here and living on the base and wew righ knew right then if they're willing to do that to a service member on a militarydh installation, then what could happen to people aroundand the nationno? isn't and now we're seeing just that. a child in fact, this isn't the first case of an attack on a minor. we didn't do our jobs. the now we've with the american people in peril. and what happens if it's something more sinister, ifrger it's a larger catastrophic issue that happens, who is
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going to take the blame? i hope the president will . and secretary mayorkas, because this square on lies on their hands while republicans get back power. congresswoman, they got tothin o bengresswoman, they got tothin o something about homething about to be either returned to their homeland if possible. if it's not there, there hasre a be adequate safeguards in place. this cannot happen again. i mean, this jusi meant simply t happen again. this is just preposterous. congresswoman, thank you forcone staying on this. and when you guys get the majority back , we expect action on this. now, according to internal communications officials, infaiv fairfax county, virginia, public schools have takeoolsn ss to implement what's beingth called equitable gradingis is . this is kind of a follow on to our jency segment in a bid to a fight institutional bias.e fath now, one father in thatat d district says that these daughte programs are going to drag hisbk daughter backward. >> he's here next to respond.
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♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ more at saved by the scan dog. >> we have put racial equity atr the forefront of our agenda at treasury and across the biden administration. >> economy is collapsing.that was >> and that was treasury secretary janet yellen. today advancing what we know to be the central goal of the bush
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administration. the amorphous idea of equityorpu above all else. and now we heard it from kamala harris with regard to hurricane distribution last week. and we've also heard it from education secretary miguel cardona throughout his wholer ai tenure. so it really shouldn' comese how as any surprise how prevalent this is now in our schools. p saccording tocoun the washington examiner, fairfax county, virginia, has taken steps to implement equitable grading in order to fight institutional bias. now,. some of the practicesnalt include grade penalty removarel note that is unlimited ability to redo assignments and eliminating zeros. so even if you don't submit assignments, you'll get a 50% wd regardless, because that's the real world is right. >> joining me now, harry jackson of fairfax county.g me karen, harry, thank you for joining us tonight. i've talked to a few fairfax county public school parents.r they are enraged at this.
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i know your daughter goes to langley high school.ey claim they claim this is this is going to help everyone,daughr including your daughter, as a student there. but whaty is itgo going to reaf mean for her and other students to do their work? et's >> well, thank you, laura , for having me on . so let's let's talk aboulutiont y and the solution thatproble they're trying to implement, what problem they're trying to doin problem they're trying to . every racial demographic group is doing quite well. even those even socioeconomig ic then those even socioeconomig ic well. they're well above state scorees . so the solution that they'res trying to imposeto is a is to et a problem that doesn't. exist. in the case of my daughter, she's a straight-a student. stu thers a straight-a student. stu i mean, yes, there's anstuden achievement gap, but not butts the other direction, the black g students at langley are doing quite well. there is absolutely no problem. and whatwoy abou parents need t worry about at langley, even though that's in a bubble, it's a very wealthy school, is thatey this type of system, equity grading has there's no science to support it. in fact, it has disastrous
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results elsewhere. elsewhere throughout the country, such as california and maryland, for example, the n maryland , patterson high school and the 2020 twenty one twenty 488 twenty two academic year out ofn four hundred four hundred12 eighty eight seniors were , only twelve were at grade reading level. that's only two percent. 72seventy one students were atse a kindergarten grade level reading level eighty eight . >> firstrea grade forty five second grade. >> this is a typ e of system whof system is known to fail.w when a student doesn't show up,, they skip class, it just gets socially promoted. this will certainly increase graduation rates, buy t student will graduate, will note be prepared for the outside world. they'll be veroutside world. y children's lives. yeah, well, it's not the realwol world. right.d, results do matter., results do and the real world results doch matter. imagine if you're like a coach of a basketball team. and he said, well, i know that team didn't score any points in the first quarter, but would like hal if of what the other team scored.t we would l team scored.t we would l ofthe court. the coach would be fired immediately. but they want to treat students ort they want to treat students smart enough. ompeti
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regut enough. ompeti actually competing at just a regular level. but again, it just i t just endsit just i up hurting students who have to go out in the real world and compete. absolutely. and parents at langley, they're bed parents at langley, they're furious because they're bringing in the system to reduce the quality of education for their children at a schoolh that, by all objective measures, doing quite well. what what problem does exist? the only reason why they would ever reduce the quality of education or piloted at the school, which they first told parents that they weren't doing. we foundd were that they weree r deceiving us , is if they're trying to bring down the performance of students at langley. >> so it's more comparable to surrounding areay so high schoos and might be doing. he >> ding , ding , ding , ding ,rn ding .hulz. because you guys at langley high school are privilegeds , harry, that so we have to even l out the playing field.y and so if you did really well, then something must be wrongout. with you. so we've got to kind of level it all pul it's this is going to backfire. i'm talking more people are going to pulchool.l their kids f
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the public schools. >> harry, thank you.w mont now, monty python predicted our current gender insanity. what is this, the last explains you think the kids are having this much fun? >> i think they're having a blast with . >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas.
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>> now, monty python was not only brilliant but was way ahead of the curve. well, they saw the breakdown over four years ago. >> it's every man's right to have a baby if he wants them. >> but you can't have babies. >> don't you on presumably me. >> i'm not oppressing you. where's the fetus going to be? >> okay. hilarious and, yes, a bit frightening. all right. that's it for us tonight. we're going to get a lot of reaction to our segment on generation c, the coddle generation and their approach to school and work and everybody is a victim and call me by the right pronoun and getting professors -- stored professors
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fired from nyu because the which has is too hard. my friend, something has to give. and that's where it's going to start with parents and adults who actually really care about this next generation. they all need to succeed as best they can and we're going to have to try to help them. all right. set your dvr so you always stay connected with us. >> carley: a fox news alert. the cost of gas shooting up with the national average hitting $3.83 per gallon. opec announcing major cuts to its crude output today. you are watching fox and friends first today. i'm charlie shook us. >> todd: that would drive our prices higher but there is no indication president biden plans to tap our resources here at home to help out. the white house says it will not release more oil from its


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