tv Fox News at Night FOX News October 5, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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>> what a great show, we're out of time. good job. our studio audience, dreamy trace gallagher is next. i love you, america. >> trace: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night," i'm trace gallagher in washington. >> no one -- >> trace: you heard it there, president biden caught on hot mic saying no one messes, so many words, with a biden. that is what a group of influential oil-producing nations led by saudi arabia have
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done, cutting barrel production per day, what thatten moos for already surging gas prices and biden administration seeks for the green agenda, live with reaction and new numbers released by the fbi revealing the u.s. murder rate is continuing a grim climb. there are holes in the numbers that could paint a darker picture. stay tuned for expert analysis. and a famous duel saw -- kill a alexander hamilton? our chad pergram has the answer. first 60 cent spike in gas prices just this week and big cut in oil production could send costs higher. team coverage with jeff in los angeles, where gas prices are
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over $6 a gallon. we begin with white house corres correspondent kevin corke. good evening. >> kevin: got their hands full. good evening. sometimes headlines sound meaningful, but upon closer inspection, they mean little. administration pledge to release more in november in the wake of opec's decision to reduce production. 10 million more barrels, according to the white house. for a country that know coassumes on average close to 20 million of petroleum everyday, 10 million barrels seems less like a major move than underwhelming response to a potential crisis. the white house calling the move by opec short-sided. mr. biden said this. >> what about opec?
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>> opec. [indiscernible] -- >> trace: i am concerned and it is unnecessary, unnecessary, perhaps, but critics point blame at the administration, they say they are inviting crisis like this in effort to defeat the policyings. >> dependencies on foreign countries for american oil and gas is a choice, a choice this administration has made repeatedly. >> kevin: a choice, said a critic, after 100 days of declining prices, the administration is facing a dilemma, they can shift energy policy at home or face the wrath of voters a few weeks from nowad the midterms loom. >> trace: they can't pivot on a dime, prices will go up and take a while to come back down.
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running out of time. kevin corke, thank you. prices started coming back down, now as you know issue gas prices again rising rapidly rise nothing some places and that pain at the pump could mean pain at the polls for democrats, a hot-button issue back with a vengeance out west with average price in california soaring $.40 to $6.43, well above $7 at some stations. jeff paul on the gas beat live in the west coast news hub, good evening. >> to say gas prices are high in california is a serious understatement, i pulled into a gas station today and it cost $120 to fill up my truck. prices soared in june, highest
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average $6.43, today's average 1 cent shy of the record, checking in at $6.42, $2.59 higher than the national average. >> i just buy enough to go to work and home and so i don't really want to plan anything because price of gas is so high. >> how fast can i switch to an electric car, that is what i think about sglchl california refineries are offline due to maintenance, causing inventory to drop to lowest point in a decade. california governor gavin newsom is trying to get prices down to lower prices by $.45. some experts say this could be the peak, saying the worst may not be over. >> ericaing gasoline products, heading to the west coast in the coming weeks and the blend
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entering the marketplace in california, we're hopeful that we're going to see pump prices start to move lower. >> prices could drive consumers to switch to electric cars. california is phasing out the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2025. during a heat wave in california, the governor asked folks to limit charging electric cars. >> trace: if you can't power the ones you have, how will you power the 30 million you want? thank you. let's get insight into the back story of why gas is going north with this congressman. i want to play this sound bite, extended version of the president caught on the hot mic and i'll get your response on the other side. [indiscernible] --
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>> president biden: no one [bleep] -- >> trace: looks like opec decided to mess with the president, with the bidens by cutting short the supply. this is embarrassing because the president went to ask saudi arabia to increase and they did the opposite. your thoughts? >> sure seems that the president has this wrong, entire world is messing with us. don't mess with texas, they are messing with the united states. it is predictable, he and his left-wing cronies have abandoned national security strength. two years ago, we were leading the world, oil and gas and national security led in texas. this administration has been at war with fossil fuel, with american people, a, adopting policies that undermine our national security. he was over there begging the
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saudis. national policy is to beg the saudis to open up oil and gas, when we sit on a mountain of oil and gas in the united states, it's a choice, trace, it is a purposeful choice. you have transportation secretary buttigieg saying we need magic battery-powered cars to save everything. if you plug your car in, you will use as much electricity as you do with your air conditioning unit and destroying our grid with unicorn energy policy and we are seeing it play out in real time and it is bad for national security. >> trace: the concept is hypocrisy runs deep, the president deliberately restricted oil production in the united states and wants to crease supply. "wall street journal" writes, no american president has done more to make the u.s. more dependent
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on foreign energy than mr. biden in twoer yoos, trying every gimmick to lower gas prices other than the one that would matter, call up political and regulatory campaign against oil and gas production, a statement from biden would stir new investment. would it encourage new investment? oil executives say we will not fall for this where he says turn it back on and a year later turn on back off after you spent to get back online. >> i have good friends in the industry in texas and this administration doesn't understand you have to develop assets to create the investment and this administration has been at war with that and things like esg, policies clamping down on free flow of capital to allow our system to work. it is purposeful, that is what
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the american people need to understand, they are doing this for a reason. you say, gas prices have been going down for 100 days, well, when you dump your petroleum reserve and abandon national security to save face in an election because you know your policies are destroying our ability to have abundant oil and gas, it's on you. it is hurting our grid as we move to complete reliance on unreliable energy with wind and solar. >> trace: i wonder what you think, congressman, about the u.s. easing sanctions on venezuela so chevron can go pump more oil? >> this is the problem, we're relying on opec, which is an outdated organization, now you are going to venezuela to save our bacon. we are sitting on a mountain of oil and gas and venezuela has
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dirtier oil, unbelievably bad record when it comes to environmentalism and bablt to produce oil and gas. we have a clean record. to solve the problem, immediately end methane tax they passed with the stupid inflation adjustment act in august, stop the war onesg, stop regulation shutting down anlt to produce oil and gas and open up federal land, which are at levels lower than world war ii, we could do that in a minute and they refuse to. >> trace: things studies show would potentially work and nobody is trying them, congressman, thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. numbers from a new fbi report show violent crime is on the rise nationwise, it gets worse, the report does not include data from new york and los angeles, which are both seeing increases in crime. lukas tomlinson is live in dc tonight, good evening.
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>> good evening, crime stats that don't include new york or l.a. is like post season baseball without yankees or dodgers, the numbers still paint a grim picture according to the fbi crime stats released wednesday. murder continues to climb up over 4% from a year ago, 22,900 murders up from 22,000 in 2020. last year's fbi murder stats saw 29.4% spike from 2019 to 2000 twenty, biggest jump in decades since start of national recordkeeping began in 1960. so last year was worse than the worst year in recorded u.s. history, looming mid-term election next month, both senate candidates made their pitch. >> we stopped killing and gun v violence and that has never been
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accomplished before. >> we continue to see high levels of violence, violent crime increased when he was there and dropped after he left. >> voters think republicans will handle crime better than democrats by 13-point margin and 79% of voters say higher crime rate is concerning issue, police are locking up criminals and fbi director weighed in. >> more and more we see and i hear this from chiefs and sheriffs all the time across our country, more and more some of the worst offenders continue to find themselves back out on the street. >> police officers i've spoken to blame the courts for turning criminals loose so quickly. >> trace: lucas, thank you. breaking news in the hunter biden laptop drama, bring in the author of "how to spot a terrorist before it is too
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late," john. the numbers are important to look at. it is not a complete report, you are talking about 1 million 313, thousand 200. murder up with 22,900 murders, 73 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty as result of felonies, does not include numbers from new york and los angeles and other major cities and those cities are all seeing a spike in crime. it could be worse than even this portrays. >> absolutely, trace, only 52% of the law enforcement agencies reported full information so statistically speaking numbers could be twice as high. the information was not provided to the fbi and communities may not want to report information so they don't get bad reputation
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of having a crime problem, that is what you are seeing with new york and l.a. >> trace: listen to sound from the fbi director and get your opinion on the other side. >> i feel like everyday i'm getting briefed on somebody throwing a molotov cocktail at someone for some issue. our duty is to make sure americans feel safe and secure in their communities. >> trace: they don't feel safe and secure and there is a reason, in a lot of instances, they're not. >> you're right, they are not safe and secure and it is because they are not being prosecuted, you have seep liberal prosecutors in communitiess in places like new york, they are not putting people in jail and not prosecuting them, putting them away and getting them off the street. that i toos the police's hands, why arrest somebody if you are not going to prosecute them,
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that is the problem. >> trace: new york and l.a.'s numbers were not in there, this is new york city crime spikes and it is telling, total crime up 33%, robbery up 37%, burglar up 32%, transit crime up 42%, this is not just a bump, john, these are spikes. these are legitimate spikes because of what you are saying, you have too few police and too many criminals on the streets. >> the defund the police movement, rhetoric we heard have caused officers to leave their job, those staying behind are having their hands tied. it is not getting better by itself. >> trace: you have great insight into the fbi, tony possible possible said this to tucker carlson and i'll get your
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response. >> i spent five plus hours sitting in a room with as much as six federal agents, walking through the facts of my knowledge of the biden family and haven't heard from them since. >> trace: he hasn't heard from them since, john, what is going on here? >> this is mind-boggling, i work computer crimes and worked on more complicated matterss in a fraction of the time. wray is speaking about what is happening with crime, question to director christopher wray, what is happening with the hunter biden case? the public needs to know what is happening. >> trace: should they not recontact mr. bobulinski and say we're still working on this, thank you for your cooperation and for getting in know cotact with us or do you ghost him all together? >> no reason to ghost him, he is an integral part of thissis ca, you usually do initial interview and follow-up as you develop
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more information. he's cooperating, the fbi should be embracing this person. thank you. >> trace: in tonight's crime crisis round up three teens stole a maz ratty. the 15-year-old driver lost control of the car, hit a curb and flipped over, killing a 15 year old in the passenger seat and leaving the other two with critical injuries. mayor of public safety and justice that oversees the city's police charged with assault and battery. chris geldart is accused of grabbing a man by the throat that began when geldart hit the victim's girlfriend's car, our afilliate confronted geldart's boss about it, here is what dc ma mayor bowers said about it.
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>> i will review in my office. >> you can see it now, you will speak to us later at a different time? >> actually i probably won't. >> trace: the mayor's office did say the deputy officer is on leave and they take any accusation seriously. seriously? in philadelphia, a very disturbing shooting caught on camera, three masked men ran from their car carrying handguns and attacked a 19-year-old man, the three suspects shot him about 36 times, killing him before dashing back to their get away car, police asking for help identifying the shooters. probably biggest crime story in the country still developing in central california tonight. authorities in stockton, near sacramento, are searching for a suspected serial killer. laura engle is being traing the latest developments.
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>> investigators are hoping circulation of video surveillance will help track down the person or people responsible for the string of random murders after carefully reviewing the person's stride. >> we play, rewind, play, rewind, it is someone comfortable with what they are doing, very confident walk. >> this video shows the image of a person of interest in a series of murders tied together through ballistic evidence and footage from other scenes. police are asking the public to take a look at this clip see if anyone recognizes the gate and posture, a characteristic. >> not the usual walk pattern most people have, we don't know if it is an ankle injury or just how the person strides. >> in addition to release of the video, the task force announced
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significant reward of $125,000 for information leading to arrest in this case. six people in stockton ranging from 21 to 54, mostly hispanic men were shot, five victims shot and another person shot in oakland last year and died, the only surviving victim, a woman, was able to give a sdripgsz of the suspect. >> a male, around 6-feet tall, wearing dark clothing and a jacket zipped to the chin and had covid-style mask over his face. >> the victims were all out alone at night or early morning hours in the dark >> brother of the latest victim says his brother wrote a song about how dangerous the streets of stockton are at night. >> really a person against guns and that is weird that is how he
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passed. >> stockton police say their detectives are going back to look at cold cases and reaching out to other nearby cities to see if there are other similar cases. >> trace: we'll get back to you. coming up issue president biden complaining about the media shouting out their questions. and dr. fauci blaming the media for misrepresenting his messaging during the early stages of the pandemic. jason is here to put perspective on that and later an update in this n.f.l. protester smackdown we brought last night, the day's best viral videos just ahead.
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>> trace: president biden got a first-hand look of the devastation left behind from hurricane ian. he and governor desantis set aside political differences today. the image of the two leaders together stirred up talk of a 2024 match up. nate is in fort myers beach, flo florida. >> a seemingly cordial visit between president biden and governor desantis today. this is absolute devastation on that side of the bridge and the two political rivals for today seemed to put their differences aside to help the people of southwest florida. watch this. >> president joe biden assessed damage from hurricane ian, in a
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helicopter ride over southwest florida. >> i'm sure it is much worse on the ground, you can see a hell of a lot of damage from the air. >> at least 109 lives lost in the united states. helicopter rescue missions continue on barrier islands as president biden promises floridians they will not be forgotten. >> florida governor ron desantis met president biden in person with rick scott and marco rubio. >> i think we've worked as well across state, local and federal of any disaster that i've seen. >> the governor and president put their political rivalry on hold, only weeks after sparring and weeks before the midterm election. >> the administration approved 60 days of reimbursement for
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debris removal >> president biden: this ended discussion about whether there is climate change and whether we should do something about it. >> president biden says governor desantis has done pretty remarkable job of handling hurricane ian and thanked the governor and first lady for their hospitality. >> trace: federal appeals court ruling the administration of former president obama did not have the authority to create deferred action for childhood arrivals, daca. the remaining daca kids get to stay. revisions to the program prevent deportation of migrants brought into the u.s. as children. the government will be prohibited from processing new first-time dacrashing a
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recipients. new inspector general report confirms under biden administration one migrant shelter was ill eshg kwiped and unable to accommodate children who were neglected and faced heroing conditions. democrats who condemned the trump administration are suddenly silent about the new findings. more now from william. >> this is about democrats in congress denouncing migrant care under president trump and ignoring the issue when president biden encountered the same problems in a new ig report. >> we saw today was unconscionable. >> el paso in 2019. >> brought to my knees in tears. >> our country is in a dark place. >> democrats condemned
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cond conditions. >> twoer yoos later president biden faced the same challenge without criticism. >> you haven't heard from him, they want to bury this story. >> that story involves what child advocates call deplorable and horrific conditions inside a child detention center at fort bliss, texas, confirming what whistleblowers alleged, suicide attempt, spoiled food, extreme heat and untrained, inexperienced staff with some teens going months without seeing a case manager. >> fair comparison that reflects more poorly upon president biden. >> president biden promised humane approach to immigration. >> president biden: we should not be locking people up. >> he incarcerates migrants in atrocious conditions at a center
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in new mexico and made border fatalities a political issue in 2000 twenty, yet the number dying crossing the border tripled on his watch. >> we reached out to democrats who denounce conditions under president trump as inhumane and two replied. both blame biden's problems on trump. both lawmakers say they care regardless of the party in power. >> trace: thank you. breaking tonight tragic news out of california, family of four shown on surveillance video being kidnapped from their central california business on monday have been found dead. an eight month old, her parents and uncle. the sheriff believes the crime was financially motivated although the kidnapper made no
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ransom demands. >> coming up, best viral videos are next and we here at fox news at night would like to offer you a night cap, compliments on chad pergram, most famous duel in history, about an american in the room where it happened, might not get you to sleep, but it will go down smooth. the lows of bipolar depression can leave you down and in the dark. but what if you could begin to see the signs of hope all around you? what if you could let in the lyte? discover caplyta. caplyta is a once-daily pill, proven to deliver significant relief from bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and bipolar ii depression. and, in clinical trials, feelings of inner restlessness and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away.
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it's not just a donation. it's a warm blanket. it's a bottle of clean water. it's a roof and a bed. please donate now to help people affected by hurricane ian. your support is urgently needed. scout is protected by simparica trio, and he's in it to win it. simparica trio is the first and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks ♪ intestinal worms... wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio. i'll remember that chapter of my life forever. we laughed. we cried. we protected that progressive home & auto bundle
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day and night. we left our blood, sweat, and tears on that yard. well...jamie did anyway. >> first up in tonight a viral videos, space x launch from kennedy space station wednesday sending five astronauts to the international space station and first time in 20 years a russian cosmonaut onboard in a launch from u.s. oil, the four-person crew will reach the iss on thursday to begin their five-month mission. >> special welcome to a special guest on today's flight, we have
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a passenger headed to hawaii to celebrate her victory over late stage breast cancer. >> much needed applause issue the touching moment going viral, congratulating her on beating breast cancer, the woman's husband helped arrange the announcement, the couple making it to hawaii for much needed and deserved rest and relaxation. next up, this video shows first responders rescuing a girl in a river in italy. the girl was found clinging to a rock to avoid being swept away by a current. she was taken to the hospital for observation. mets may be disappointed, but one furry fan went home happy after a brief scramble, this mets homer scooped up by golden retriever named renegade, the lucky dog was in attendance for
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bark at the park. and now to an update to a story we brought you last night, an animal rights activist levelled by los angeles rams player bobby wagner after running on to the field has filed a police report claiming blatant assault by the linebacker. wagner said wednesday he is aware of the police report, adding, there is consequences for your actions. hit us up at trace gallagher or fox news on social media. >> no love lost between president biden and florida governor ron desantis. turns out the president and governor have something else in common, a beef with the mainstream media and that gets us to the lightning round with radio host jason rantz.
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washington state representative jesse johnson doesn't like this bipartisan push to change police reform bill, so tweeted the following. the legislature did what needed to be done and police got angry because their culture must shift and they can't go around killing people, why does the second largest union support the policy then? >> this is hateful anti-police rhetoric that is incredibly dangerous and tells people to be scared of cops. when you tell people to be scared of cops, every interaction is needlessly tense and i think this is counter productive, but can't say i'm shocked by this. jesse johnson is a state senator who is anti-police, he has been demonizing cops and has blood on his hands.
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huge surge of crime across the state of washington, most especially in satellite, spokane and tacoma. large cities under siege because of his bill. he's telling you police are killing people, no, they are saving people, including dean adkinson. >> they are saving people and seattle is in desperate need of more police officers. this was the dumbest article of the week that politico wrote, against ron desantis. governor ron desantis has been critic on joe biden on every policy front as he moves toward a 2024 bid. he likes his wallet, over two years desantis administration received billions in emergency federal and during the height of covid-19 pandemic money the governor used to fund top
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prioritiess as if the money belongs to joe biden. >> exactly. it is not biden's money, it is our money, floridians money, they pay taxes and are entitled to help. they are struggling right now. i thought this was supposed to unite everybody, but a lot of folks in media fear ron desantis, they know if he's the candidate for president, he will win. the silly attacks will not stop and i think it will help him. people look at desantis and see an actual leader and realize a lot of jobs are so cheap and will see right through it. >> trace: here is the president dissing the press for asking him questions. watch. [video playing] >> president biden: the only person in the world that does this, seriously. >> trace: it makes me laugh, i
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think back to he told the president in the philippines, i will answer it, it is fine. your thoughts. >> not everyone is scared to answer questions, funny thing, if this aed min stragz is not lying to us, they are ignoring us and i remember complaintss about how trump mistreated them and he was mean. say this about trump, he spoke to the media, he spoke to them often, he spoke to them in long form and he answered questions from folks who were asking them in bad faith. yet he still talked to them. this administration runs from the media. >> trace: he would stop at maen radio one and speak for 20 minutes before he got on the helicopter. dr. fauci blames media for mixed up covid messaging. it is unfortunate there is a world we live and a bunch of sound bites that sometimes get cut in half and misinterpreted, someone account make mischief,
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yeah, we selectively edit what dr. fauci says to us. your final thoughts? >> he was never misrepresented, he was just wrong. the beginning of the pandemic, everyone listened to everything he said, we listened in long form, hours of press conferences, he got things wrong and never decided to apologize or walk some statements back and he lied and acknowledges some lies and being held to account. sorry issue those are not sound bites, those are dishonesty. >> if you get caught red-handed, say i was taken out of context. thank you. coming up, chad pergram's night chap is next, don't throw this shot away. plus tomorrow i'm getting bill bennet's take on shocking report out of illinois schools and this
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family of hutchens. part of the graechlt, hutchens husband will executive produce the film. four other lawsuits brought by crew members remain as new mexico district attorney investigates possible criminal charges. time for a night cap, congressional leaders dedicated a new statue in the capitol rotunda of harry s. truman, there is controversy on who they removed to make room for give them hell harry, chad pergram has that story from capitol hill. >> everybody knows that erin burr killed hamilton in a duel. very few people know that harry trum an also did it alexander hamilton. the heart of american democracy and replaced hamilton with
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likeness of president truman. >> may this statue which will stand at the heart of the capitol serve as symbol of our commitment to democracy. >> statues of presidents populate the rotundra. monument to women who foughts for the right to vote. >> don't want to remove martin luther king or the women, he has been relegated. >> it is like real estate, all that matters is location, location, location. >> hamilton is exiled to the hall of columns, one floor below the capitol rotunda, and not the room where it happens. >> the place he's been moved to is on the lower floor and probably the least prestigious of the places. >> hamilton stock saw rise in
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the last years. the hall of columns is congressional steerage compared to the rotunda, standing alongside have the's jacob colimmer, and john gory who invented the ice machine, talk about giving hamilton the cold shoulder. >> that is what history does to you, never can tell how you will be depicted. >> when roosevelt died vice president truman was at the capitol, when summoned to get to the white house, truman ran past the spot where hamilton's statue now stands. >> do your duty, and history will do you justice. >> when it comes to place in the capitol rotuna, you can bet that hamilton is not throwing away his shot. trace. >> trace: nobody whips up a
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night cap like chad pergram. some illinois school districts, 1% of third graders read at grade level and 3% are reading at grade level. dr. bill bennet will join us tomorrow with causes and cures, i'm trace gallagher, that is "fox news @ night." good night. than double for teeth straightening with invisalign? with smiledirectclub, you get a doctor-directed smile you love for sixty percent less. that's a lot less. like a lot. choose smile. choose direct. love for 60%, that's a lot less like a true smile, choose direct. >> i never had so many compliments about the way i skin looks. the secret is bio-fuels patented shoujo as a formula that generates and protects your own collagen for glowing skin, thicker, strong, smooth nails and healthy joints. try biofuel's advanced collagen generator today. >> if your business has five or more employees, you may be eligible to receive
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it was clearly taking a toll on dad. so we call a place for mom. our advisor really understood our needs guiding through the process to find the best memory care community close to home. mom is now in the perfect place and dad and i can now go back to being her loving husband and daughter again. instead of her caregivers. >> our service comes at no cost. to your family. >> connect with us today. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. e artonight, there are few thins more infuriating than being lied to by your own government.i the government you pay for, the one your ancestors risked their lives to protect. >> does that happen to you? of course it has enrages you, ia if course it has enrages you, ia of enough, if your government makes a habit of lying t theo y' then over time it becomesreally something else. over time, you realize you're
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