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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 6, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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prior to that -- he leaves behind his wife and two children. all in our thoughts and prayers tonight. that's all the time we have left this evening and as always please set your dvr. a,, let not your heart be troubled, here is laura with the "the ingraham angle." >> laura: sean, bernie was one of my close friends. i don't know if i would -- i'm not sure i'd be doing what i'm doing now in the relationship with bernie, all of them. that was my first real tv that i did was on his show and the simulcast on the other cable network. but you know how there are certain people who can make you laugh and certain people who can make you cry laughing? well, having a few beers with
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bernie mcgurk and -- i mean, he's like a brother. >> sean: i knew he struggling with cancer and i'd been in touch with him. last time he started talking, hannity, it's o'connell. >> laura: we lost a lot of wonderful people lately. incredible americans. he was one of them and i just concur with everything you said. >> laura: he's amazing man, great show, yeah. they are all messed to messed. >> sean: that's why i did radio because of that show. otherwise, 17 years, that's why went into radio, being a guest on the show. thank you. >> laura: we've got a lot to get to, i'm lauren ingram and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. they dei and the bullies, the
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focus of tonight's "angle." every time you hear some educator or corporate flack reference the important efforts to promote diversity, equity, inclusion. scam. the grouping of innocuous terms has become its own excellence across the landscape. the acronym is dei but it's more like bureaucracy, victim i'll let of, incompetence. corporations spend as much as a billion dollars per year for dei compliance being paid a hefty sums to oversee the woke training and compliance. but they dei is its own cottage industry with its own side hustles. even the reigning industry has all the bureaucratic diversity lingo down pat. >> we are int integrating der io
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every program. they are being implemented and deployed globally. >> laura: globally. for the efforts to adopt quasi-quota programs and hiring, they get a gold star from another dei front group. >> diversity inc. named us as a top 50 companies for diversity and ranked us as a top three lgbtq company. >> laura: of course, if it's a stupid idea you can bet the nea has been promoting it for years. >> it's important to understand that not all of our -- are as innocuous as peanut butter and jelly. they shape the language we use in the way we interact with others based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other cultural identities. >> laura: translation, you may not think so, but you're a rotten racist especially if
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you're not a minority. >> this cycle of socialization can lead to micro-aggressions, stereotypes, discrimination, and even violence. these unintended sentiments that are embedded within the cycle of socialization are built around a culture of white supremacy that we must continually acknowledge. >> laura: the nea. remember, these are the people who are organizing the teachers who teach our kids. these type of creepy propaganda style videos, they're all over the internet it's painful to watch but i had to do it. it's wrapped up with the antiracism and the allyship movements. it's a bunch of corrosive trap and is not just found in the education institutions but it embedded itself into all aspects of corporate life. training videos, seminars. i like this one, it builds itself as an unconscious bias workshop via zoom.
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are you looking to start or continue the dei learning journey? it's only a matter of time before it seeped into the practice of medicine too. grown men and women real medical professionals prostrate themselves before the dei mafia. >> can you help us understand this implicit bias he saw? i'm a doctor, patient comes in. white, african american, what happens in a way conscious or unconscious in the interaction that becomes a generation of the inequity. >> they find that over 70% of all americans have an anti-black bias. >> laura: medical schools and hospitals are on board as well. it's all based on the fake signs you reference on implicit bias. as they manipulated the science on covid, groupthink on vaccines and masks, they are doing the
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same here. so, dei becomes a religion like climate change. you must believe no questions asked, no doubt been tolerated. it should be obvious why biden and his cabinet have repeated the mantra so often that america is systemically racist. they are laying the groundwork for complete dei transformation of every aspect of the u.s. government and american life. from day one, i remembered the biden administration has emphasized they are own hiring is based not on merit or talent, but on first. >> build a government that looks like america, including the most diverse cabinet ever assembled. to speak of the most diverse administration in the history of our country. if i should no, we have appointed the most latino leaders ever to the cabinet level positions. >> laura: you got pete buttigieg, transportation,
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alejandra mallorca, javier masaru, lloyd austin. it's a leftist box checking and it's been a unmitigated disaster for you and i. the mayor of south bend, pete buttigieg, some how has the expertise to the department with 55,000 employees. biden set the stage with a big executive order that planted these poisonous seeds. highest mitigation trainings at the energy department. they pushed and oppression narrative at the state department. and of course, mayor pete on d.o.t. even called dei critical in advancing the departments mission. my friends, so much as breaking down around us and it's not just because of the supply chain.
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but it's the biden team we know doesn't care. in the end, they hope to train a new generation to believe that this is the acceptable way of organizing society. we know it's not. the entire point of the civil rights movement was to promote equal opportunity without regard to race or ethnicity come up the democrats instead are returning to old ideas of racial and gender determination but calling it by different name. speak of the immediate feeling you get or the thoughts you have about a person and the assumption -- anything you feel really extend somewhere from an experience you had or your upbringing. >> depends on the region you're from, the country you're from, the background you grew up in. that shapes the person's unconscious bias. it's because there's a lot of opportunities to promote people within the workplace. people assume a woman is of a certain age where they are married and she's going to have don't want to have kids.
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>> laura: here's my predi prediction. companies that employ these methods are going to lose market share, they are going to lose sales, they're going to lose customers to companies that promote people and they hire people on the basis of merit. state and local governments with dei will lose businesses and they'll flee to states that resist the discrimination. hospitals that implements the racist higher reprograms will end up delivering care that is subpar. let's put it this way. do you want to take your sick child to a doctor who landed her position through a dei program? or you want to take your sick child to the best doctor you can find regardless of dei status? the midterms are around the corner. in a time where our countries in such dire shape, we need the best available people in all critical jobs.
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it's time to reject candidates who believe in governance through woke discrimination, the same people who stoke animosity and acrimony among americans. it's time to defeat the dei industrial complex and all the bias bullies. that's "the angle." joining me now is laura morgan a registered nurse who says that she was fired for refusing to do the implicit bias training that she was being told to do. she's also the program manager and do no harm, an organization dedicated to protect health care from the radical ideology of antiracism. now, laura, you went from having a six-figure job to having nothing at all. you're an rn. you could have done the implicit bias training and kept collecting your salary. why didn't you? >> year rights. good evening, laura, i'm happy to be here.
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i definitely could have gone in and checked all the boxes that my employer wanted to check which was to say that i acknowledge that, yes, i have unconscious biases toward my patients and that i must confront those at the point of decision-making in confronting any patient or any of my peers so that i do not intentionally treat someone unfairly or perhaps even harm them. so as you mentioned these are faulty sciences, faulty ways to approach patients when there are much more clinical decisions to be made. >> laura: the founder of an organization called advancing health equity which provides equity training and consulting to companies thinks differently, laura. watch. >> it can be a key driving force of the social determinants on health. we ask our colleagues and our nonblack colleagues to think
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about their privilege and their respective roles something happens at work are you silenced because silence is complicity especially in a base of racism. >> laura: laura, silence is complicity. if you do not declare yourself guilty of implicit bias and declare yourself an ally in antiracism, i guess you cannot be a very good rn anymore a very good surgeon any longer. i guess that is it. >> that's apparently what they want us to believe. the idea of implicit bias and the close cousin antiracism declares that the entire health care system is systemically racist. it's hopelessly so-and-so the biases must be rooted out and in order to do that they must beat us over the head with a constant drumbeat of if you do not feel this way, then you must be a
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racist and nobody wants to be called a racist. these kinds of ideas to be placed in front of health care providers really erodes the dynamic of trust that is essential when caring for patients. >> laura: being woke in the field of medicine means you can actually arrive at very bad medical outcomes, correct? being woke and can kill you in the medical context. >> well, you mentioned wanting to be able to take your child to the best position possible. if that's really what you want to be on your health care providers that the front of their mind is why is this person coming to see me? what is this person's clinical problem? what are the critical thinking skills i need to use to address that problem and implicit bias wants you to think nope, you need to confront those biases
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that you are just really not even aware of but you need to have right at the tip of your tongue and be able to address those before you do anything else. >> laura: propaganda in the field of medicine. we saw it in covid and we are seeing it here. it laura, thank you. i want to describe the left's midterm agenda very simply. if this is what they are going to give you more if you'll elect them here to abortion, pots, more january 6th hearings. and they've got nothing else. to help with that, 33 days before the midterms, joe biden is caving to the radical left requests. >> no one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana. it's already illegal in many states. if criminal records from around the possession i'm announcing a pardon for all prior federal offenses in the civil possession of marijuana. >> laura: it starts with
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marijuana but where does it go from there? oregon was the first day to decriminalize and then they legalized it for recreational use, then a few years later they decriminalized hard drugs. cocaine, heroin, lsd, even meth. how things looking in oregon? we know how they are looking and not good. matt schlapp, cpac chairman and dr. russell kmart the medical director of partners and safety. if john fetterman is in a tight race for the senate seat. he's been urging the administration to do something like what biden did today. i guess that's who's calling the shots. >> to me, laura, this was the posters from the dnc who seemed to run the doj by the way who went to the white house and they are looking for every niche thing that the president can do to kind of rally the troops for the midterm and it's so cynical because the question of the
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impact of drugs on the kids and societies is immense. i've spent a fair amount of time in colorado and they were kind of at the beginning of this ten years ago. now colorado lead statistics and all kinds of violent crimes and overdoses. this isn't just about marijuana, it's about a whole embrace of a drug culture and if we care about people, that should guide what we do and the democrats show it's not about people, it's about winning races. >> laura: bloomberg recorded some facts about marijuana legalization. it's almost addictive as opioids in teens. rates of cannabis disuse rose in states that recognized legalized rec -- recreational marijuana. doctor, this is only going to get worse. and you can kind of see the
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train coming down the track. your reaction tonight? >> well, it definitely is getting worse with the lack attitude toward drugs in general. but i want to say that president biden and his pardoning of the drug users in the marijuana users, i agree with them. no one should go to jail simply for smoking a joint and that's ridiculous. the fact is that president biden has been very anti-legalization. in those ways, he's been very good on the topic carried on the other hand, new york state we have a different situation. not only do we have the cannabis criminals been pardoned, but they are also getting a $200 million fund to start up the addiction for profit marijuana industry in the state of new york. >> laura: addiction for profit. here's what van jones did to try
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to explain what his biggest problem with marijuana is. >> black people are still far more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession then white people. what happens is if you're ever in american you will have more contact with the police anyway because the police over police black communities. if you wind up getting picked up on the charges. reducing the number of charges that come against an african american kid is overall really good. >> laura: so, over policing is the problem we have in the inner-city? what? >> this war on the police which caught fire during the violence of black lives matter riots a few years ago is unending. the fact is, drugs feed violence and a lot of the communities and cops are there on the front line. not every cop makes every perfect decision and nobody of us would in the stressful situations. what i see in polling is that people of color are embracing
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the police because they have chaos and violence in their communities. the idea that continues to somehow cops are a maligned influence in society and feeding racism is wrong. one question on the marijuana thing, what i disagree with his joe biden pardon these people and didn't take people who were imprisoned and take them out of prison because they're not violent felons. these people weren't in prison. it's almost like it's okay with what they did and that's a big mistake in society. if these drugs are causing people great harm and it's okay for politicians to speak the medical truth. >> laura: doctor, will this or will not lead to more deaths, psychosis, schizophrenia in some segments of the young population who ends up doing pot because it's more permissible? >> welcome it's a very dangerous for the young community. people who are young have grown
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up only hearing that marijuana is medicine. if you are on family feud and it was said medical blank, they'd answer marijuana because this is what they've been told time and time again. what we do need is for the youth to be educated that this is not just a beneficial natural substance, but it is an intoxicating addictive drug causing a lot of problems. >> laura: thank you. have you heard this, a tech company ceo arrested on suspicion of stealing data from hundreds of l.a. poll workers and storing it in servers china. we've got word the fbi could be moving on the hunter biden. harmeet dhillon has all the latest on that in moments. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> laura: the founder and ceo of an of michigan software company was arrested for stealing data from hundreds of l.a. county poll workers and then storing it on servers in china. foxes lucas tomlinson standing by with all the details. arrested on suspicion of
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stealing data and prosecutors said they found information stored on servers. five year up $9 million bounty, monday, "the new york times" are part of the company had been the target of the so-called election diners reporting using threadbare evidence were not at all, the group suggested a small american election software company had secret ties to the chinese communist party. given the chinese government back door access to a personal data of 2 million poll workers in the united states. linda died the accusations and reported that the company claimed all the data for the american customers were stored on secure servers. no ties to the chinese government. however, one day later, the ceo of the company as you see he was arrested by the l.a. county officials in connection with
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possible theft of personal information about the poll workers. "new york times" updated the story since then saying the arrest was "prosecutors in los angeles who brought the charge against him said they found company data stored on servers in china." he's been the subject of "wrongful attention" in the data was not stolen suggested. >> laura: wild story, thank you. >> he's a grown man come of smartest man i know. pure intellectual capacity. as long as he's good, we're good. >> laura: we might not be good anymore. federal agents believe they have enough evidence to charge hunter biden with tax crimes and making a false statement regarding a gun purchase. if source is telling fox news the decisions now in the hands of the u.s. attorney in delaware. it's a holdover named david weiss. when asked for a statement, hunter biden's team didn't address the potential charges
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but instead focused on the leaks. it's a federal felony for the federal agents to leak information about investigation such as this one. any agent that you cite as a sourcing article apparently has committed such felonies. joining me now, harmeet dhillon chairwoman of the republican national lawyers association. i guess leaks from the fbi are now bad again and they've been doing it for how many years against donald trump? mueller investigation on down. how might this all tie back in the end to joe biden? >> laura: i think you hit the nel on the head. the whole issue is not about hunter biden and if there is a plea deal with hunter biden it's to draw the sting away from the allegations. dating back to the obama years, the biden family has been engaged in a serious influence peddling with foreign countries.
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indisputable ties to china, ukraine, kazakhstan, romania, the former wife of the mayor of moscow transferred $3.5 million to hunter biden that appear some sort of money laundering. for all those allegations, drug abuse, video from the laptop you talk about a couple small charges. if this is all to lead the attention from joe biden who tony bob linsky has been saying for the last couple years and you would know as a former business partner. intimately involved in the influence peddling and money laundering and other activities that are criminal in nature by the biden family. i don't think the leaks are coming out for the purposes of furthering integrity and law enforcement, their political reasons. >> laura: the author of "the washington post" offered details earlier. watch. >> the avesta mission was opened
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in 2018 and going on in a long time. agents believe for a number of months they had a chargeable case against hunter biden. but it's important to remember charging decisions are not made by agents. charging decisions are made by prosecutors at the justice department. >> laura: when they clarify if it's about trump or one of his children or for context. they were upset about what some old licensing deal that they had in china. they thought it was a big deal. he goes over to make all the money and get a ride over with his dad when he's vice president. comes back and all of a sudden we see email traffic about the big guy regarding some amount of money that was made there. >> i'm old enough to remember when charging decisions when james comey did that with the respective emails on hillary clinton server. there is absolutely double standards at the doj and the fbi
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depending on who is aboard. what the biden family -- not hunter biden come up on hunter biden, jim biden, joe biden are accused of doing incredibly is very big and international in scope. i think that nothing's going to end up happening. it would be a gift to the biden family if hunter biden was offered the ability to plead to. it needs to be pursued by the house, republicans taking back control. if we need to see justice done in this case because the ukrainian money flowing into the billions right now. i think you have to look at the ties of the biden family with correct activities in that part of the world. you'd be a fool to ignore those facts. >> laura: trying to remove certain prosecutors and suddenly spending $60 billion in ukraine and i don't know if we are able to track wherever the money or the munitions end up in the end.
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thank you. what biden doing in delaware that he may not want us to know about? raymond arroyo has some ideas in a special thursday "follies." that is next. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: i know it's thursday but it means it's time for "thursday follies." we are joined by the author of the "wise men who found christmas" fox contributor raymond arroyo. i can't believe i'm saying this, but there's another reboot coming back to tv. >> well, it sort of a reboot. one eric adams and the migrants arriving from texas will just love. ♪ ♪ >> laura: this is actually just a brand switch and bates and that was ted laying the original isaac the bartender and
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they cameo. it's actually a dating show hosted by jerry o'connell and his wife rebecca romain. it sat on the princess boat. i think i will take an excursion if you do not mind. we've got love violence, temptation islands, do we need another dating show? >> laura: maybe we should given the comments about the cuddled coddled generation. >> don't give them ideas! >> laura: just bratty kids, that would be funny. >> don't give them ideas. they've got to do this because they cannot recast and recreate those shows because you need real stars and big celebrity names. where will you find those? the only reboot i'm willing to watch is fraser coming this y year. we are seeing a lot of the reboots clumsy ones like this
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odd couple revival i stumbled across. >> what scares you and the most? >> 1,000 kids coming to my door breathing on me. >> what can be more compelling than getting a shot with a pair of kitten years on? >> let's see those guns. let's see the famous fauci guns. >> laura, when did routine medical procedures become entertainment? they don't do this for ear wax removal, worts removal, why is this a focal point of entertainment? >> laura: wait a second, samantha, aren't you reminding me that raymond narrates his colonoscopy? >> yes, but that's a major medical procedure you want people. but people do this every other wednesday to get a booster. >> laura: i thought when fauci -- i thought when fauci
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when they are talking about the booster like he looked cute on a booster seat with his legs dangling. >> a big stack of boosters. >> laura: that's the only booster he needs. tell us about the sequel that will not end. biden's visits to delaware, the freedom of info act to see who's coming and going from joe's home and beach house. >> they've been denied. after checking again and again some of the secret service is now saying there are no visitor logs for those residents, not at all. this is why it's important. remember back in 2010, the obama administration got around those visitor logs by needing lobbyists at caribou coffee across the street at the white house. the question is who is meeting joe at his home's? is he joyriding with business partners with hunter or other family members or jay leno? is he sniffing out new opportunities laura?
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are doctors giving him a regular tuneup? whatever it is, taxpayers need to know when he's spending more than 150 days and only nine months into the new year. >> laura: okay, it's a very odd situation. remember when he went for two and a half minutes? a bathroom break, he went in and out carried he went the whole way there, went for 2 minutes and outs. very strange. >> whatever biden is doing at home, when he does on the road like today and new york, touting semiconductor investment, that's a cause for concern. >> it's great to be here with the hudson valley congressman. sean pa patrick. when they make the factories and ships shut down. computer chip businesses in the
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world and the united states. our economy has created 10 million jobs. 668 manufacturing jobs. >> laura, he celebrating that ibm is investing in plans for semiconductors which is great and they are investing several millions of dollars. we gave out $50 billion in the semiconductor build so they are going to be the beneficiaries of that. they are not doing it on their own, they're doing it because of the federal largess. >> laura: semilucid on semiconductors. raymond. yeah, he he's actually not as bad as he normally is, but it's hard to say chip cell. like it's sally sells seashells. i think i would have plundered that. raymond can migrate to see you a group of americans who are now only emerging from their
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hermetically sealed bubbles. i'm talking for the first time in two and a half years. what we call the condition? the medicine cabinet tells us in moments. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage... ends december 7th. so talk to unitedhealthcare... and take advantage of a broad range of plans... including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage... with prescription drug coverage, and more, all for a low monthly premium or in some areas, no plan premium at all. take advantage of $0 copays on primary care visits,
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and lab tests. plus more dental coverage than ever before, you'll also get free yearly eye exams... and $0 copays and deductibles on hundreds of prescriptions. so call unitedhealthcare about the variety of plans we offer, including ppo plans that let you see any doctor who accepts medicare, without a referral. enrollment ends december 7th. take advantage now. call or go online today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: i really had an
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exhausting weekend emotionally, physically. the first time in two years, i ventured out of the house. now you might think all of that came from someone who's may be recovering from a terrible accident and might be a leper or someone who is newly released from an extended house arrest. but you'd be wrong. that was so called shock jock howard stern after having dinner with friends. what kept him living the life of a hermit? he so paralyzed by the fear of covid he isolated himself from the world. but he could be forgiven when seeing headlines like this, covid-19 boosters could prevent about 90,000 u.s. deaths this winter but only if more people got them. of course the message isn't enough on its own, you need to be reinforced by dr. doom. >> if we can -- >> yeah.
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that's it. that's the moment. >> laura: analysis of new cdc data revealed 5.9% of people who are eligible have gotten their updated boosters and it seems like howard's audience isn't the only one tuning him out. joining me now is dr. marty makary professor at johns hopkins school of med medicine. doctor, long covid would be a more apt description for what this has done sadly to so many members of society who are still triple masked and afraid of crowds. what have we done to people? >> it's really shocking. i call it institutionalized hypochondria. what we have done is we created a group of people who are now afraid of interacting with other people. public health has taught us to treat other people as bio
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hazards. i have a hard time laughing about how it turns and i feel sorry and it's not even his fault. its public health's fault for creating the messaging that we are dangerous to each other. i think public health should work to scale it back as rapidly as it can. >> laura: doctor, i want to hear what's keeping him up at night. >> covid's around, that's clear. it boggles my mind that we have not seen more protective measures taken place in the forms of the boosters and tens of thousands of lives potentially saved if we increase the uptake. >> laura: doctor, covid deaths and hospitalizations, all of it is down and natural immunities out there. what's going on? >> we can't eradicate all from planet earth and they circulate and it's an endemic. i just do not understand what
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he's talking about because almost everybody and america has on micron and there's nothing more intellectually dishonest then for to recommend immunizing somebody already immune. the fda never wanted the vaccine to be out there. they bypassed of the experts and they didn't have them both, they relied on data, they didn't disclose the public data. the public stopped buying it and they are saying no after the white house pushed it hard for a month. >> laura: doctor, and msnbc doctor dusted off 2 2020 playbok and watch this. >> all the more reason to get a booster and something that could be arguably largely preventable through masks or ventilation and combination of a vaccine and getting people vaccinated. >> laura: doctor, we are one step away from the unknowing stickers on the floor at the grocery store again. these are medical professionals,
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right? >> i don't think the public is buying it, laura. i think large parts of the public are basically done with the fearmongering. the problem is when you see medical professionals like this trying to pretend like it's 2020, trying to pretend that so many people haven't had covid that it doesn't provide protection. so many people have the vaccine as well. they p a try to pretend it's 200 and they lose credibility. it's a problem for professionals and public health. a public health has to apologize to what it's done to the people in the last two years and it really botched covid and it's unimaginable. and harm to people across the country and we can only recover once public health acknowledges -- >> laura: there's accountability. like so much in politics, there has to be accountability. doctor, now you're called anti-vax by a lot of the same characters on television if you
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don't want to get the special updated super-duper booster. how is that fair? >> this is a modern day mccarthyism, california just passed a law you can't disagree with a public health authority or you can lose your license. the fda's own experts said they should not go through and be treated as a new medication and that's why the fda didn't have them vote. >> laura: so, again, we are told one thing in the truth ends up being something else. doctors, great to see you both. if when we come back, another said goodbye tonight and attribute. i explained next. ♪ ♪
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use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio.
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>> laura: at age 21 while a senior at dartmouth college ice first met lawrence , an alum of the nixon administration and dartmouth. two days before the his daughter's wedding but he flew
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up to hanover, new hampshire, to help our student newspaper in a free-speech battle royale with the college. long story short because of his staunch support and legal acumen they backed down. he went on to become one of the most consequential jurists in the past 50 years in this country he was nominated to the bench by president reagan and served as a fierce defender of the principle of judicial restraint. he was widely respected for his intellect and his passion for the rule of law. his opinions on the separation of powers in the second amendment and press freedom i think were among his most significant and today in a testament to how beloved he was, everyone from clarence thomas to elena kagan were at his memorial service. attorney general merrick garland with whom he served on the court and then became a family friend spoke at today's service along with vice president dick cheney. silverman was a giant and a mentor.
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had never met him i probably would not have gone to law school i wouldn't have clerked on the supreme court and i wouldn't be here tonight. the country and the federal judiciary was so blessed by his service -- godspeed, judge. service is a choice and we had very few giants like him and we are lucky. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: delicious. [cheers and applause] happy thursday everybody, you look fantastic. there i go talking to myself again. did you ever notice how lefty


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