tv Gutfeld FOX News October 6, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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school i wouldn't have clerked on the supreme court and i wouldn't be here tonight. the country and the federal judiciary was so blessed by his service -- godspeed, judge. service is a choice and we had very few giants like him and we are lucky. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: delicious. [cheers and applause] happy thursday everybody, you look fantastic. there i go talking to myself again. did you ever notice how lefty politicians never concern
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themselves with threats until they are the targets? i refer to new york city councilwoman -- her dad was an elevator mechanic so it's not clear why hers doesn't go all the way to the top. last week and she urged businesses not to dial 911 when faced with criminal activity. that's great advice, who should they call? dominoes and hope the delivery guy is packing heat? maybe you can scald the mugger with hot cheese. days before a ghoul stabbed a veteran emt worker to death, she released a public safety guide urging merchants to call 311, not 911 to seek mental health services and engage in community mediation rather than call the cops. that will work. 311, what's your emergency? my store is being bum-rushed by 100 juvenile delinquents and they are destroying the place. could you get a psychologist out
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there to talk to them? they advise merchants to give the person causing harm the chance to correct their beh behavior. say no, stop, or that is not okay. you're supposed to say the same thing to a guy robbing you at gunpoint as a girl says to a guy trying to get to second base on her first date two you would be better off offering him a cinnabon and a hand job. [laughter] [cheers and applause] oddly, they do go together. the guide also suggested asking the attacker if you guys went to high school together. please stop stabbing for a second so i can get my high school yearbook i think you sat behind me in history.
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you think someone this nuts would know you can't reason with crazy people. that is her suggestion rather than calling the cops. guess who called the cops yesterday? she claims she didn't call 911, probably because she forgot the number. but after receiving threatening phone calls likely over her bad ideas, she or her staff contacted the authorities. if this is an irony defined. i wonder how that call went. 5543 think, sergeant jones speaking. you'll never guess guess who this is, it's councilwoman tiffany -- hello? it appears the only justice that she is a part of his poetic. i'm willing to bet she didn't reference that guide when these
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threats came through which is a shame, how would they know threatening people is bad if she didn't tell them it's not okay? i bet she didn't seek out a mental health professional or even give the callers a chance to correct their behavior or just hang up. at that she didn't call 311 either because they would tell her to call the cops. she tells victims who unlike her are face-to-face with actual physical threats not to call the cops, but that is what she or her staff did with voice mails? who dresses this dumb broad in the morning and packs her wonder woman lunch box? make no mistake, the threats to her are bad. as my mother often said an eye for an eye doesn't work especially when you're dealing with a person who is already blind as [bleep]. my mother had a mouth on her. she was right!
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people getting murdered and robbed and she is offering brochures. she gets a threat and now she is the victim? so she calls the cops? something she doesn't want for you because if you call them it's proof the cops are 100% necessary in this world that people like her had created in the first place -- she has no from the other d funders like cori bush who wants cops off the streets as vulnerable citizens pay thousands for private security just as democrats deny her ideology, she is woke. >> defunding the police has to happen, we need to defund the police and put that money in a social safety nets because we are trying to save lives. >> lets demilitarized the police come it's not use money for s.w.a.t. gear, let's not use money to buy -- the thing about defund the police as we to tell the entire narrative, people here defund the police but you know what they will say? table say reallocate, divest,
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move but it's the same thing. >> if you could do it again, would you still double down or use that slogan? >> absolutely. >> greg: it's like he's interviewing his replacement. why are so many women in power ignoring women in peril? it seems murder victims only matter if they use the wrong pronoun but when you look at the crime stats, far outweighing the reverse and it's getting worse. where is aoc or her progressive ilk? they will gladly tell you about the threats against their lives, the online hit, the voice mails and who could forget aoc narrowly escaping death when a bunch of white people with an average age of 55 came within a half-mile of her office. on one day. they want to sick the feds feds on the people when their
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feelings are hurt but when it comes to protecting other women from physical harm, they don't give a damn. when one woman got beat by a psychopath, she tweeted "subway violence is a one in a million event. she literally turned a victim into a statistic and an incorrect one by far, here is a real stat. serious crimes rose 35.4% over last summer's recent highs, that is incredible. that stat doesn't matter because it's probably racist. violence against women can't matter if the perpetrator cannot also claim some form of victimhood unless it happens to her on email, social media or by phone. now there are more minority victims thanks to democrats in his left wing women who champion it like their lives didn't depend on it. the next time you're attacked by a knife wielding thug it just ask who they had for gym class.
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[cheers and applause] welcome! tonight's guests, she's so sharp you can carve a pumpkin with her. morgan ortega! he is more than an actor who plays tough guys and if you disagree he will kick your ass. robert dobbie! the skeletons in her closet keep her high in calcium, fox news contributor kat timpf! and david will be a man has an nightmare about him, n.w.a. will champion tyrus! morgan, you look fantastic! >> thank you.
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it's like a disco easter. >> totally the vibe i was going for. >> greg: it's like travolta and an easter bunny and then threw up. anyway. i digress. you know what kills me about these politicians they expect us to adopt their belief system even when we reject theirs. why can't we call the police if you can call the police? >> it makes no sense to most people in the country. my favorite thing about this whole segment is congresswoman cori bush said on the interview essentially let's not get caught up in words. that's kind of the whole point of being in congress, the whole point is to write legislation and to get caught up in the words. part of it is funny because it's so ridiculous but when you start to think about the number of people as you said who are infected by crime in major cities around the country, people are making decisions and
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moving based on the statistics that have real-world impacts. >> greg: where are they going to move? new york is the place to be. you got theater, who cares if you get violently assaulted. you got to see pippin! that's my only musical reference, pippin. because i've never seen a musical in my life except in high school and i hated every minute of it. congrats on the movie, my son hunter is doing great. you directed it, we'll talk about it later. i brought this up a couple of days ago on this show it feels like life in new york and a lot of cities are beginning to mimic movies that were dystopian crime dramas or things like batman where the villains are crazy. how do you make anything worse than what reality is than the person who starred in maniac cop
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two. >> and a three. >> greg: is he still a maniac? >> he's a maniac but less than one. >> greg: does he become a good guy? >> kind of, he gets married periods like the bride of frankenstein. what do you think is going on? >> i think we are in a difficult time, and the kid of the 50s, i was born in queens where she has her precinct. i left new york in the late 70s because i was coming out of a macrobiotic restaurant on third avenue and i made a left and i heard a gunshot and the guy coming out after me was lying on the floor. that made me say i'm going to go to los angeles. 45 years in l.a., i just moved to tampa bay, florida. i got the hurricane. the one thing about this for me, when i grew up there was a code
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of honor in the cities. the mafia, good, bad, or indifferent was interesting because they didn't want drugs. if the mafia was still around there would be no fentanyl, there would be less crime in the neighborhoods. >> greg: except their crime. >> accept their crime but they kept it to themselves. >> greg: i don't think you would have any mob violence in a macrobiotic restaurant. that's good to stick with me i don't care what you say. that is the crime. forget everything, we are -- who goes to a macrobiotic restaurant? you deserve to be shot. >> i'm not sure what that is. my favorite part of this what to do instead of call the cops guide was the part that said try to use eye and we statements, what does that look like?
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i feel sad when i am getting stabbed. we feel uncomfortable when we have a gun in our face. i don't think you should be calling the cops for every little thing but the section about what to do if you are on an escalating situation conflict doesn't even mention the possibility that you might ever need to call the cops at all. there was this part that said repeat the same statement until the person causing harms corrects their behavior or stops. for example, have a good day. [laughter] that's what it said! you don't need a gun, you have all of those have a good day in your arsenal. it's crazy and what is crazier is -- it assumes if you do this your they're going to be like never mind and go away, that's not going to be the case i would say most of the time. >> greg: it would be great if they would have a good day.
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>> it's always nice to yell have a good day while they are stabbing you. >> it used to be make my day. i think we need more of that. >> in another life when i was a schoolteacher and i worked with developmentally challenged children, this is the same handbook. they would say use statements to get the child's attention, repeat yourself in case they don't listen and even then, they didn't listen. so you think your head start in blue they throughout -- the only thing you didn't see was having to use basket restraints -- when all else fails when they don't restrain the child until help comes along -- that's the only part they left off. you mentioned it -- the entire revolution is about words. people lose their livelihoods
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because they use the wrong word, you can't say that -- anything you say hurt me, words matter. but when you come at them >> president biden: is not about words. >> i thought words were the violence. >> my pronoun is what the [bleep] >> greg: that's a t-shirt! i would definitely wear that to disco easter. and he would be my date -- disco easter. >> i'm jewish. >> are you jewish, does that matter? >> the whole thing is about killing. >> one of bill o'reilly's great books. we have to move on, stop pumping up his books. up next, will a gender gap change the political map.
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new research, my favorite kind finds young women are identifying is more liberal now than any time in over two decades while young men are not. although more young men are identifying as women. [laughter] and in that dim rest stop light i have to take their word for it. don't knock it. women ages 18 to 29 or as leo dicaprio calls them senior citizens -- they count themselves as liberal which is easy when they have never had to pay for their dinner, and my right? >> for dudes in that same age bracket only 25% are liberals, you can find them buying cat food on the way home from yoga -- losers. that number has been the same going back to the late 90s
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when kat was just 20. what's happening here? gender studies experts might cite abortion policy, me too movement, the rise of trump liberalized more women or it could be they are delaying motherhood so that conservative influence is being put off or maybe young men's brains are larger. >> a sexist would say! >> greg: put that in there. liberal or more liberal than ever and men aren't, how does that work in the dating scene? >> it's nice to finally meet you in person. i'm curious because your profile was a bit vague, how do you feel about feel about trump. >> trump 20204! >> he's the worst, i hate him. >> that is great to hear, it's hard to find an impressive man these days. >> she's serious. >> and joe biden is so cool and
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a strong. >> exactly. i just want someone who cares about transracial climate vaccine equality, what are some of your priorities? >> don't say sex. sex education for kindergartners. >> so important! >> i can't believe she's buying this. >> do you want to get out of here? >> let me grab my hat. wrong hat again. >> i can't even look at you. [cheers and applause] >> greg: isn't that the truth? guys really don't care about the politics in a relationship, they will put up with that unless it goes too far, if you are in antifa but there is good looking people in antifa so that would never be a problem. >> i think they just don't want to get yelled at. if you're somebody who's going
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to yell at them about politics and be scolding, i don't think anybody wants to deal with that. personally i didn't have this luxury because i want smaller government -- anyone who agrees with me politically lives in a bunker in the woods. i never get to meet those pe people. >> greg: that you ever let politics interfere with the relationship? >> no, not even a little bit. if that is the first date and that's what she brought up i would've yelled check faster -- men are under attack. you can't be a man anymore if you hold the door open your chauvinistic and possibly racist. everything a man does is under attack. alpha males bad -- everything that defines a man, running into a building and saving somebody from a fire, bad. more men are going to start going towards a place where they are recognized. everybody wants to be liberal especially women, there seems to
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be more opportunities for growth for women. they bring the men, they are all individualists. they don't bring other women up, they bring them around and tear them down so by the time they are in their late 20s they become conservatives but it goes back the same thing. everyone wants to crash men down in the same people who are super liberals when somebody breaks into the house no matter how liberal they are they will still go are you going to -- and that's when i would be as far as equality goes, i feel it would be better if you took at this time. because i respect your right. >> greg: or hand her the guide. >> use a lot of letter i statements. because i'm not going. >> greg: isn't it a natural split in a way that women generally tend to be more liberal and men tend to be more conservative because we take
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more risks, we are out there hunting, they are gathering? >> with the hand gestures. >> hunting and gathering and what do liberals do? all they do is take, take. >> if you think of the garden of eden. >> greg: i do a lot, that is a strip club in chelsea. >> did they move it down? if you think of the ga garden of eden, he's listening to what god said don't take this route, don't touch this tree and eve is going come on, just have a fight with me. it started there, liberalism started right there. and now it has continued, it's out of control and like you say with all the violence that's happening in society -- i did a film called roe vs. wade, i played the justice who came up with the argument of the woman's right to privacy.
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that phrase bothered me, a woman right to privacy. what isn't a woman's right to abort? what does it have to do with a woman's right to privacy? the left is able to linguistically capture all of these women and all of these rights and all this other stuff so it becomes a very -- the state we're in today. >> greg: who captures the language captures the bill in the blank for me. >> the culture. >> greg: thank you very much. tyrus makes this point, there is an alienating atmosphere with men and if women become more and more left wing, men are going to be less likely to be around them, they are going to retreat into whatever, virtual reality, sex dolls i never see them but i hear they are getting more realistic every day.
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>> a friend told you that. >> or women from the midwest and the south, it's nice also mu muscle. >> greg: i forgot about that! >> wow. >> greg: i'm going to go with the dolls. what do you think? >> we are talking about women in the segment but i think conservative women this is your moment, if you are in your 20s, all these other lefty women don't want to get married anyway, so finally when i was in my 20s which was just a few years ago -- kidding, thanks for laughing. when i was in my 20s its competitive. if you are a conservative woman in your 20s now there's probably five republican guys for every conservative woman, enjoy the moment, i think it's great. [applause] >> greg: are the walls closing >> greg: are the walls closing in on joe's perpetually naked can?
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>> greg: welcome back, the smartest guy joe knows could be wearing prison close. the sun with coke on his face just caught a federal case. "the washington post" reports federal agents have gathered enough evidence to charge hunter biden with tax crimes in a false statement related to a gun purchase made in 2018. they could've done this in 2020 but there was an election to sway. the ball is now in the delaware u.s. attorney's court two david weiss who happens to be a trump appointee -- fortunately no one will ever bring that up. it remains to be seen whether he will charge hunter, the investigation which centered on his international business dealings but it's shifted to whether he lied on paperwork to buy a gun. it's hard to clean crack and hookers is a tax deduction. it's similar to how they got al
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capone, but he probably had less syphilis. we got his father for comment. >> look, maybe hunter should come to the lying on the gum form thing. i knew they were going to get him for something. i thought it would've been the best criminal enterprise he was running with me -- you can't choose your battles, right? remember, no one is above the law. but i'm pretty close. >> greg: it's true. everybody says no one is above the law but hunter has proved that wrong even if he goes away for a little bit your movie is out my son hunter, didn't hunter biden infiltrate your set with somebody? >> we shot the film in belgrade,
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serbia. we needed exotic locations. i'm at the hotel and the staff told me guess who was here a month ago? hunter biden. i said did he have an art opening? why was he in belgrade? now we are filming and the producers this irish guy says he's coming for the shoot, they are doing a documentary, the south park guys. we signed a nondisclosure and i said i don't want anybody on the set come i don't feel comfortable that way. he said it's okay -- they question the actors, i did speak to them much. they wanted to come on the set and film. cut to finish editing the film it's march, april. you know those guys who came to the set? you won't believe it. hunter biden's lawyers. they are his lawyers, yes, that's the guy who gave $2 million that she paid his tax bill. i go how interesting, his lawyers came to the set.
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this whole thing, it drives me nuts what's happening in our country. how does the fbi -- rudy giuliani told me this. he had two laptops in his office when they came and confiscated his stuff and found nothing. he said what about these laptops? the fbi says what are they? hunter biden's laptops. >> we don't want those. >> greg: he touch them, i can understand. >> they weren't dishwasher safe. >> they did spray them with some stuff. >> greg: so did he. >> what is crazy is imagine a bank robbery, guys just -- millions of dollars in the back of the truck, the cops pull up and go you know you got a broken headlight. that's how absurd this is. >> greg: what do you make of this, morgan?
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>> i wrote an op-ed as many people have done detailing the business he has done with the chinese communist party. hunter biden i look at him, he's a. >> greg: i disagree. >> he's the ultimate [bleep]. >> greg: the ultimate what? >> women keep having children with him, he looks like a [bleep]. >> what is that? [laughter] >> greg: whatever it is we are probably going to be editing it down a little bit. >> you've never heard of that? >> greg: just because you get to wear an easter dress doesn't mean you get to -- >> this is what we always talk about at my house at easter. >> greg: you know what bunnies do. >> you've heard of toy boy. >> you've really never heard of? i will explain that. >> is there an eject button?
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>> greg: you have one more chance to say something i cannot edit out. >> the guy has been doing business with communists, i'm surprised he hasn't done business with the ayatollah i'm sure we will find that out. my favorite is my colleagues in the intelligence community in the 2020 election all signed a letter it was russian disinformation would love to see all of my former colleagues sign on after he gets indicted, he better get indicted. >> greg: i hope republicans start questioning those people in hearings. >> he's to be held accountable for something. it's funny to me that only hunter biden can get an illegal gun and no one is asking what was the gun for? why does a guy who knows every connection, knows every secret
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service guy, why does he need to carry concealed everyone in the country, why does he need a gun that was traced back to him? >> greg: that it belong to the widow and she thought he was going to kill himself? it was his gun! she was the one who threw it away in the trash can. >> stop him from what? >> greg: claiming he's going to commit suicide, he's not -- he loves life too much. >> probably the mouthy woman of the night you know how he is about fatherhood. >> greg: he blames it on an illegal alien too. >> this is a moment that could help heal the country because a lot of people feel duped by the fbi, by mainstream media and a lot of people faith in our system was smashed because of this. we need to get some form of results and it should be unilateral because everyone
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should want people to feel good about their country and their voting systems and getting all the information. [cheers and applause] >> greg: last word to you, anything to add to? >> at first i saw this i was like this is in "the washington post" and the source saying according to people familiar with the investigation and i thought at first if this were a similar story being hung on a republican source we would be like that's not reliable -- stay with me. i realized this is totally different because we have so many videos and so much audio of him doing crimes and corruption and talking about doing crimes and corruption that i actually feel like i'm a person familiar with the case. >> greg: we are all familiar with the case. >> we've all seen his penis! >> greg: it's always blurry
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too, get that checked out! we've got to move on, coming up theyasth didn't think his son ws cute and now an activist is filing suit. with trelegy. with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler,... it's the only once-daily treatment for adults that takes triple action against asthma symptoms. trelegy helps make breathing easier,... improves lung function,... and lasts for 24 hours. go triple... go trelegy. because asthma has taken enough. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler... for sudden breathing problems. trelegy contains a medicine that increases risk of hospitalizations and death from asthma problems when used alone. when this medicine is used with an inhaled corticosteroid,... like in trelegy,... there is not a significant increased risk of these events. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase risk of thrush and infections. get emergency care for serious allergic reactions. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. don't let asthma take another breath.
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>> greg: was this assault or just his own fault? he's suing because he got slammed. animal rights activist has filed a police complaint against the l.a. rams player who tackled him after he ran onto the field with a smoke bomb on monday nights. since the game was in california spectators were initially worried the fumes were coming from eric swalwell. two players were linebacker -- r security tried and failed to take him down. just like the fed with inflation, am i right? and activists try to run on the field but was apprehended by security first proven not only can women not play football but they also can't protest it. >> another sexist would say.
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>> working overtime, unlike my writers. after the game wagoner told reporters he didn't know if taylor had been carrying something dangerous and was trying to keep people safe adding one of the guys you look like you got hurt. get out on him. if the activist didn't want to get hurt don't protest a football game where everyone wears pads and weighs 290 pounds. protest at a different sporting events like one where the players are chicks! but then no one would be watching. >> another sexist who is worse would say. you can't sue pick a wimpy or sports to protest. >> i hope he does and the nfl, do not settle. drag him through court. i was happy to see their professional athletes and their
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citizens also -- the security guy couldn't catch them he's running around with a smoke bomb, you don't know what's in there. he complained when hit the ground that his smoke bomb burned him and it was wagner's fault. basically [bleep]. [laughter] >> greg: may be a smoke bomb was a gender reveal. did you ever date an activist? >> no. it all runs together in my head, i don't know. i'm on the football player's side not just because i think they are hot. if you don't want to go out -- don't go out there if you don't want to get tackled. if you do i get it because they are hot. >> greg: that's not much of an answer. >> they are also within their legal rights to do that and i
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know that because i saw a lawyer say it on twitter. lawyers being on twitter has made it so i don't need to go to law school. >> greg: you can pass the bar after reading twitter. are you a lawyer? >> i have an mba. >> greg: you should see a doctor. [laughter] >> i think they should protest shuffleboard next time, curling. but you get hit with a stick. >> i always wanted to be a curler because i thought it was the easiest way into the lamp asked for someone who's not very sporty. >> greg: that is true, it's a great story. last word to you. >> they didn't stop will smith at the academy awards, maybe it's the trend. >> greg: it got publicity for the optimism, there you go. we got to move on. up next, velma's history is no longer a scooby-doo mystery.
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jinkies. >> that was from the new halloween movie, when i told you she was going to be a lesbian in the green room, you said over my dead body. are you that upset about this? >> when you look at her picture it makes sense i think. >> greg: that's the thing is not surprising that the stereotype they are indulging, she looks like a librarian, they should meet someone else a lesbian like scooby-doo. that would've been surprising. what's up with this? i bet you know the people. >> kids watch this stuff they love it, you watch it with your family -- create something else. lizzie the lesbian. fernando the raccoon -- don't take classics and reengineer them. >> greg: i would watch the hell out of a gay raccoon.
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they are always out at night. going through your trash, listening to some high-energy dance. what do you think? who cares? >> i don't care, i have the privilege of being in a scooby-doo movie and i forgot the part where i declared my status. it's for kids commits for family, there's no place for this, you don't need to overdo it like that. you have to come out about scooby and shaggy's eating disorder, because that's the reaction when they see food, obviously they have an addiction. get hanna-barbera together and have a big everyone to come together and bring out their stuff. it's a cartoon. >> she's not even real. >> i used to think who -- but for a while i've lived pretty close to where comic-con happens and i realize a lot of people.
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speak of the creators of that thing, joe ruby and ken sparks, they were both navy veterans for the korean war and they died in 2020 but what are they thinking? >> does anybody watch scooby-doo anymore? >> this is one person doing it for themselves, they just want to say look what i did. >> kids are going to watch it. >> they won't buy it. >> greg: i'm going to go on a limb and say i don't care. we got to go. i was waiting for you -- don't go away, we'll be right back.
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the carolina performing. >> greg: you are on tomorrow! [applause] i thought you were on tomorrow. >> that's what i told you right before we went on. >> greg: i thought he was on. i swear to god you are on our board. thanks to our studio audience! good night! [applause] >> hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i'm trace gallagher in washington. breaking tonight, federal investigators deciding whether to charge hunter biden with various tax violations and making false statements. the question now, could this lead back to the laptop and other issues of the biden family would rather not go public. john yoo joins us live to offer hi
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