tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News October 7, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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might be worth hearing his side of the story. just liste. >> so we came out to l.a.,a ando booked a thirty minuteok interview with w, which quicklye morphed into a two hour intervied inw. >> and we're so grateful that it did because one of the most interesting deep and provocative conversations we've ever watched, everybody thought that guys operate the cameras thought that it really was fascinating. whether you agree or not, soamoy obam us his assessment of barack obama, whom he knows wells and has known well for many years. for nybefore he became presidene >> here's what he saidnt.. do you talk to obama?o obama still, i wasst obama's favorite artist. he actually met with me.e obama met with me and my mamaofe to say that he was running for n office back in 2008. and that he wanted the support.o and everybody was sort into this idea of the black president . and we were always you're
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always cool. >> and it's also like, you know, how many how many of us are there? you know, obama, that yay level, you know, virgile level ,just black, you know, so brilliant that we cut throughcim all of the lines of racism. like, you just can't get rid ofe as nat king cole level, dave chappelle level. so in some place we'd have to be friends and get along because like, yo, you're at that level, you're like, youforl know, formula one . lewis hamilton, racea milton rcar driver, we're still drivig a white car , but we're the best race car drivers thate. ever existed. and that was that was me and obama's connection. but soon as i wasn't sayingbu
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the thingst i was supposed to our connection faded.onnection >> so you don't talk to him anymore. >> i'll talk to 1%. you know, but i guarantee you he see me. >> i don't even know. what i mean is that i sound cool. one idea that was in my heado ti about three minutes ago that i really want to say that's really interesting about the when companies get the blmhn companies get th managers, what's a blm manager? black lives matter. black lives matter. office manager, it's basically get a semi influential black a e person to become the face of a white company. yeah. the design so that means like in the design world, in the artlly world, they actually pickst
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artists that were less talented than other artists based on their influence, not based on their actual work, because everyone one is vying for influence and an opinion. everyone is afraid of losing their opinion. so with nike right. nike is as famous as you say, nike's more famous than people, right? yeah.paypal, right? right. >>be what what no company think people thi ys i don't know. >> number four overall. . overall, you got well, you know, the number one as welle is as apple. no, forget forgetting number two. but number three is mcdonald's . then spacex is maybe six or seven . it's really interesting. seven.that as little as elon iss previous company is actuallythan sp still worth more than than
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spacex. acso what number company do youo thin yk nike is ? the nike number? three hundred twenty one . it their to be as big financial company as it can be . it's there as influencere black because black people love nike. so nike is like a company that is red lining. and jerrngy man during black people. so the reason why gap wanted me to go that gap, it wasn't basedk on , oh, ws upe need to get our stocks up. s yowhu know, it's like these companies when they've been around for a long timega, gap's not like they're like we're inp the rag trade. we're trade.e never going to bee and everyone, all of these a american companies somehow tookw this this deal where they start putting in thesehe really
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awkward, weird, no kind of ceo was like nike's got one ,d the gap had one . it didn't work out. and there's all of these weird operators inside a companies, even in balenciaga, you know, the and they they're just they're for control. steve jobs talked abou.t it. it's the most important thing you can have is control.l. look at me. i alnfl the money, all the influence. and i have to act complete to have any say s o of anything that my children are doing because that group of people have control and say so overthes all the children inside of the clan. idso that's what these companiep are set up for.e ceo
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that's the type of ceos are high, especially when the founders are out of there. they kind of just give thecompan companies up to a bunch of people and they're all in cahoots like any one that everts work with me. they just look at, oh, say who's your farming for talent that wee can hire to be our new blm o office manager. manager?like kind of like obama >> what do you think of obama'sm a blm office manager best>> that' whenever yous best, whenever. s and you know w, i think obama, just like virgil, these people were truly black to their core and truly brilliant to their core. but they went into situations thinking that they could do it the white way as a black man. and we saw what color obama's
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hair was when he went in and we saw what color it was when when he went out, you know, virgilvig lost all his haiilr and eventually passed away. so when i have techniques that are revolutionary, if i raise my voice, if i express myself on instagram, it's a and people can say, oh, that to is toxic. if what i'm sayingxic. is toxic i got to do everything tobody get it out of my bodyhere will beand there'll be times where i see a level of likef oppr oppressiones, parisian proper, like next level. france owns 80% of african banks level colonization, level, oppression. and i'll be like, i'm not going to let you guys kill me. but one thing that has to
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really happen, say if trump ran right, we're not just going to be black influence, we're going we've got to rethink who we arek as a species. right now. we practice killing ourselves every day like murder is legal in america. you know, an abortion. >> yes. oh, so whoever gets the position needs to listen tot the vision. >> i don't kno know is going around. when i first started rhym. >> they need to have ellen. they need to have me. you should start with those twoe and then we'll get to the rest of them. they could pulpull andl out of e eyes. we'll pull pulling all of of our living. super brillianhet people.
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and we need to analyze and not just sell out for the cash like these fortune 500 companies is just selling oufoe 50t for the cash and put god first and the best represented to god as the children, the children extension of the family. nsion of put the families first is so many things. suburbs, the train tracks being ripped up by gm just fauci capitalism. all th all these ideas that wese have, we're now living in a place where we're the orphans off capitalism and we just have to take pause and rethink how we can have the most beautifull existenc existence possible for our children, for the kids. and we're al l kids. >> we're all god's kids. >> a >> ss o as we said, this interview went almost two hours and not a moment of it was w boring, at least from our perspective. l we can see if you agree. >> coming up next, it started
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in 1970 to an avid young angler with a passion for fishing opened his first tackle shop in his father's liquor store. his goal sort of fellow anglers and provide great value for over 50 years. johnnie morris's dream has grown to serve conservation and all who love the great outdoors. it's woven in the roots of bass pro shops, friendly, passionate outsiders helping you build lasting memories, bass pro shops and put footed america's best outdoor retailer . >> as a man, we're designed to do hard things. testosterone levels are declining 10% per decade. chemical and pharmaceutical companies are poisoning us . but you're not allowed to notice this is happening. this is a chemical warfare
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on our country. you have to have strong men . if you don't, it's not going to go well. what's wrong with our food is that it's not food and reliant on industrial processes for many of these compounds, there's clear evidence that some of these chemicals cause problems with reproduction. picking something hard to do every day will increase your testosterone. we need a renaissance getting into a healthier state, being a healthier person. that's when you really start to see improvement. no one in washington seems interested at all. it's a joke to them. if men can't reproduce in the world over, we're headed for a calamity. >> we get to see the super bowl champs in week five . don't miss l.a. team gets star after star after star touchdown. and now the stars come in to l.a. and they're going to have to play. cedi lam is now the guy. he is as competitive as it gets . we know that jalen ramsey is a guy who's so much fun to watch
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,who's winning that match up. the brighter the stage, the better he is . that's jalen ramsey, the nfl sunday on fox photobooks super bowl. fifty seven fox wednesday is all new . first, it's andrew lloyd webber and a three new costumes. take the stage the megastar, but an outrageous elimination could split the panel. she can't sing. he's at someone's got to do it, you know, new mask singer. then it's the lego master's treehouse of terror. so pressure is real and the stress is real. very harsh. i can't do this anymore. i can't, you know, new masksia s here, followed by an all new lego masters i'm keeping this wednesday on fox for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are positive for acetylcholine positive for acetylcholine feel like the world is moving feel like the world is moving without you, but the picture is changing with flipkart in achieve improved daily abilities with pidcock added to their current treatment
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from. together we can end hunger. >> learn more at feeding america dog show. if you google kanye west or yay! one of the first words tonoe ofw appear. in fact,ords t a word that appeo virtually every story is crazy stru struggling with mental illness, et cetera, et cetera. the themllnesse is always the s the guy's a nut. don't listen to him. and of course, we're suspiciousr of that because through history in the soviet union, fors were example, claims of mental way y to make dissident voices be quiet. don't listen. he's a lunatic. . and so we asked directly about this, about his very publics ve struggles with manic behavioryrn but his hospitalization foron exhaustion. and he gave a remarkable. answer
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and a believable one . and he said the life i was being forced to live was driving me crazy. >> i had achieved famean and fortune, and yet i was still not allowei wad to expresn what i really believe that diminished me and it drove me nuts by my father. >> my marriage was fallingart in apart and those two facts were interconnected. listen to him describeed. the effect on him as a man, not couldn't say what heco really o >> it >> it drove me crazy to not to a be able to sayy that i like trump. it drove because think about bei it's me. imagine me notng being able e ts say what i want. itwhat i w. famo what is thuse point of being famous? what was the point of having mu your music? what was the point o f havingwhat was a a voice if you can't even used o your own voice and connect itnnw to your own opinions? n opinionsyes, that's wherennect the disconnect happened. happen the quote, i think wrongly, wrongly diagnosed.
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that's where the bipolarityolar is , becauseity you got sometha you're thinking, but you're toldyo you're not allowed to say it in public. well, i never actually toldi lie people that i like trumpd tr whn he was running because i was bullied by hollywood, because i stayed in hollywood.ut you and people like, think about so i hold onto the marriage. so i'm just biting my tongueg like there's smyo many fathers and mothers that go to work every day. and they're in a situation whereir their tongue because they think it will be better.tter f yes.or fo tr their children. that's right. so eve ch evn me in my position, political opinion because i thought it would be better for my childre n and now you look up and my kids are going
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to a school that teaches blacked kids a complicated kwanzaa. kwanzaa doesn't, you know, so th itself christmas. canyon. and what they do is take allwhhf the basketball players, and they throw them inbalayers,d one school and they indoctrinate the kidocs. liant. so my son saw him as brilliant. so right now they're looking to figure out how to indoctrinate him, to make him be another part of the system.hoir i have a choir a at my school. so right now we've come to a compromise, but i'm not finished because i don't compromise. but we come to a compromis e. wer kids c school and they learn choir.with i sat there with my son and hede came and he said, why do i need to sing?o to i don't even you go to your sch. so imagine 16 year old version
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of that guy, the twenty six year old version of thatesnt guy where the father doesn't have say so of what the kidswatg are watching, what the kids are eating, who the kids are hanging out with , ray kurzweil said, we have the information needed to have a humanth utopia, but we're led by the least noble, most greedy people there. ere is a sthe solution that cans happiness to so manyen that cans more people. i even had this idea aboutg the connection of big pharmaph y farms by having localized farms with more localized farms. you can use less pesticides ifd, you have less pesticides, then you have less diseases. and have big pharma invest in the local farms and they'll ill
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actually make more money. i'm not one of the people thatha go up and say, hey, i want to mn stop anybody from making money.o ney.the people that make money and the powers that be . i am your true nikola tesla and i'm not even a scientist. do you know him very well?no what's your take on him? your te >> you said that because i said tesla did. yeah. is the first thing tha t i and that everyone's alwayssaid o like, oh, elonn scott, these answers, i think he's a greai ti i think he's a great team player. you know, like that guy said that about s about ray kurzweil and utopia in rome, they wouldeb bring all the most brilliantriad people and have them sit down to the point where their seats had a toilet. and i'm like, people would not even get up to use the bathroomi and they would ideatdee about what society needed and they'd
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invent new things and he'd put it all up on the wall and donda ,before it was a school, is a what i wou and whatld i would do is pull together all my favorite thinkers and we'd invent. tha that's why i was happy that you saw two of the inventions rights there, you know, becauseai now it's like if i had said that before you drank the coffee. and some oe f my joke is thatjod you're drinking the kool-aid, but before you drank the coffeee and before you saw the 3 3dffeee printed boon, zero waste 3dd nio printed bhoot. if i said nikolala d probably you could you couldha smoke that off. i you know, i think it's i think it's insane. for an administration to not use a talent like elon musk more like if i was in a or once
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i am, i will eventually e in my lifetime. but if i was in an office righta now, i wouldll be meeting i woud call an elon every day. i'd have him sleeping indo we u the white house. pl useat our platform as the most influential company? that's forty and slip, the most influential country in the world. >> to show the rest of of the world how to live a simplified life. but our country is under attack and media and industries outside of our country are doing anything to keep it as it was. and everyone's just afraid. af. god is love. and i don't understand. i i come off scary sometimes because i'm like, i'm going to protect my kids. i'm going to protectt my kid my reputation. i'm going to protect my brandpud
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and there's times. so you have to t pulhel the gunt out. you had to pull the swords out. yeah. to hav e righteous indignation as a christian for everyas u one that evenchristir said, i ct get mad because i'm a christian . as a christian , it's likeuse i yeah, i don't understand how you can work and byee sontia successful and influential in the music business, in the fashion industry, the two most liberal businessess probably in the worl d as professing christian with a pro-life badge on how does that wora pro-lik? >> i always think whenever i think whenever god allowsneve a brilliant idea to channel through me and allows me to somh somehow, you know, take creditow for it, i always snicker at the fact that with the liberals, their main you know, their main tool is , you know, that they use our artists and influence influencers. right. s.but then god has the numbere
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one artist and number one influencer as a conservative. so number i always chuckle at m every time i come up with some brilliant like, could youe if te imagine if they could have justo indoctrinated you? yoctriby eu the world could havt totally been, uh, ran into] who. the hole. and there's timee are tis as bas that the devil had won.d one. but the devil is a defeated foe likeha for me to have gone from walks to you're such. it. oh, i love it. you know, that that deviation from the path. so i mean, i love that questiono it t i just it just it just tickles me, you know, like that the very thing that liberals used the most, they don't have the best person at it. i mean, do you talk to other people in your business, you know, who are successful iny the music industry, the fashion
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business, who secretly agreecrer with you? >>eeith you? yeah, there's a lo. i mean, fathere is a lot of fashion people. i mean, tommy hilfiger love. trump. let me see. who are i got to think of all the other trump.i' i'm not even going to use the term trump supporter because that's the why don't people say hillary supporter or a biden supporter? this is just, you know, yeah, there's a lot you know what you know, people in my business who love trump, businessmen, people who love money, yeah. you know, people love money. people actually like being successful. and , you know, and that ran into the ground like those are some of the people speak for a moment with w and he is very likely, in fact, almost certain to tell you about his faith,d bi his belief in god.n god .he
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season eight is already unmasked. a bunch of celebrities in fox wednesday, andrew lloyd webber and i, and outrageous elimination could split the panel. she can't say he's editor. >> the mask singer. all new wednesday on fox. welcome to fox news. live in strohmeyer in new york . the white house saying president biden's comments on nuclear war were meant to show russia should not be taken lightly. the president hinted at nuclear armageddon at a fundraiser earlier in the week, but us security officials continue to say they have no evidence. russian president vladimir putin has immediate plans for a nuclear strike. biden's national security team has warned for months russia could use weapons of mass destruction in ukraine after a series of devastating losses. new york city mayor eric adams declared a state of emergency in response to the city's growing migrant crisis. he says over 17 thousand people have been bused to the sanctuary city from
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the southern border since april of this year. adams says the city's resources are strained and expects to spend over a billion dollars this fiscal year to account for the influx of people. i'm actually strohmeyer now back to you, tucker carlson. night. virtually anything in the conversation moves back to his faith in god ,s drin which is clearly foundational and is driving his transformationg from a pop stao to what he hopes to become, b which is the spiritualecom lead >> w .> w what's your prayer lifhae likeir to pray a lot. this is a prayer. we're in constant prayer. i thought hail mar i hail mary came to me not in co a catholic way, bulit more intoi a tupac way, like come with me, hail mary . i'm going to run quixey. why do we have here now? n do you want to ride or die? not on and on and have you everr
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heard that? yeah, it's like a itua it it's's a a chant. it is . you know, it puts you in that mode. i got a song that i made. hybr it wasof like a mix was a hybrid of that. and led zeppelin. and it went it goes just like my best song. la la la la. wait till i get my money right. la la la. ell me n then you can't tell meot nothin right. and people i mean, i can open up this stuff. i can open up this, i can openpo up tours with this song. i wanted to point out this hybrid. you know, it's like if you see zombi one , zombieland one is zombieland two or terminator's t anything. they always make the theto characters a little bit badderre in the next generation, next generation, next generation. so that's you know, tim is like.
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hybrid. ot just she's not just marilyn she's also she's also a fashion person. she's also a mom. she's alshe's also an activist.. she's also an activists. she's a lawyer.ctivists. she's a multibillionaire. she's hot. she's one of the most beautiful people of all time. you know, this is a different level of video game character. now, and when you see a headline that says kim says, oh, i'm goin, g to stay single forever, that's indoctrinates. like because they want this person to tell all the little girls out there that they needyd to t be single forever. you know, all moms i know there's definitely people. what do you think that. d so you don't think that's anon organic natural thing? >> i mean, that is a messagesagi that she is being used to send.
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absolutely. ?think about the song.t don't talkth about bruno. don't no, no, no, no. which already sounds weird, like it's, you know, talkingg about like an uncle or something. it did somethingab uncle wrong.a if they say don'bot talk about bruno. right. but in the song, listen ton of a the lyrics, it says, the man of my dreams will be slightly out my reach. and i just see my kids running d around and i see these things. but, you know, the thing about, you know, hey, got for the execs at disney studying i everything i'm doing and saying trying to figure out how to co connect with 15 year olds. and that's why binet, i know, you know, by supreme and instead of putting a true a true skater designer, they put like a blm manager as the head of supreme becauseit supreme has an impact with the 15 year olds. uh, for the disney guys, you you know, you might not believe in god , but god believes you. belo
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it's not a battle you.u can win it's i don't jump.n, and can i have the higher i h ground kinavd situation so you could put all of the indoctrinations and , you know, move have the biggest media company. but why am i alive? why my protect it?? why did i become the richest black man of all time? mike , how did that happen? and the more and more i lean mor into god and work for god , the more wins god is going tos n bestow on our team, on gang and for me to go out and just state an obvious and empathetic statement in the middle of the most liberal central light to go that is like tiananmen square. so like with qantas owns and we both wore the shirt at the same
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time, you know, we got some soldiers out here and people say they're willing to die for it, but we live for it. we're living for the battle. and what's the battle for life itself? forour children, they're killig us through the food. content. they're killing us through the content. they're killing us through the programing. but god is alive and is alive and all of us . and we will overcome it. r the u sounds like you're hopeful fortu the future of the country. absolutely, because i have the vision for it. i , i understand the ecosystemrd . i understand how to even liberate a big pharma. i have solutions for the future. you know, i don't have the entire vision. you know, certain things are just in front of me and they happen when they're supposed to happen. appen.but there's so many open s
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like we have this concept wastha this is put on my heart the idea of a monastery.f a mon. i call it the industry, which td takes the different disciplineis and blends them together. and then the don history. we have proper baby health care like and i'm sure hired actually , when i met with gabby, she had a really,d m really goo fd term for this. and so many people bring their babies to the hospital, not just black people. and the doctors mess up and they're like, oh, there's been some complications. so t e has beo be able to have, like, incredible nurses, i was very specific about saying nursesnsto instead of saying doctor to i don't believe you need
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a doctor and i'm not a doctor, but a nurse. is possible to have and so that's the first thing we provide shelter. we won't turn anyone food, clothing, high end curriculum, and vocational v curriculum, farming, carpentry,o automotive, computer software,ta and hardware. so ire.t becomes a new place foa you. their step someone cas n lay the baby on their steps and say, hey, in, in the situation i'm in, i don't have enough money for another kid. i e. e. i don't have the room in my house. i just don't have the resources . and every day for the past twoee months i've beenen walking by this planned parenthood. i'm thinking about stopping in.
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because i just can't have thisiy baby . and what i'm doing is saying, in hey, well, let's put a place tha just across the street fronnm the planned parenthood and say this is a place that if you when you decide to have your your childch, this child can hae the best opportunity at life. >> do you think this society >> do you think society disc invo involvement, parental influence over the children? >>lv i mean, society is like a big term. iety is like you mean it is we you said thats your father was discourage d from you being inehold an your household and you have been discouragedd from being in your children's lives. ch is thing that happens to a lot of peoplet in america, to a lot of men ? >> absolutely. and a lot of men deal with a mother and the the theam baby mama and the mother in law
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ganging up to take the childd a. away and not wanting tothe da give the dad the dad, his his say so like there was even a moment where we were arguing about ncaa basketball coach and i had to say, like, i went from eigh eighth grade to winin and championships in ninth grade. but i practiceg cham every day and nor flags good i'm going to. come and practices with her every day.o i'm also going to pick the other coaches that works bak with her. and now that she's back playingi basketball, this is the mostng confident person in the league . she's like the dennis rodman. and when north snatchestche the ball out of a of a girlo th twice the size and she comes over to the side, i tell her,
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use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. vote no on prop 27. >> if we come together, we can help every mom and baby be healthy and strong. you are not alone. >> an amazing conversation with the man who by any measurea has led an amazing life ate. the very center of american culture. at thefor decades, covid had an effect on hihas life and hisre t >> here's that part of the conversation. ing covi
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>> did watching covid in the medical establishment's response to covid over two years change your view? >>w? i mean, that was a piece oi it.ean, that was a piece of it that was a piece of it. what did you think of it? i mean, what specifically i'm going to lean into the theio black condition, just, you we hav know, we've been getting killed in hospitalshospital for years. grandma, don't come out. ng you know, we've been getting tor killed with our food sort fit. we've been getting killed by police officers. you know, every day we've been killing each other in the streets every day. you know, i felt likeooting the people at the gap knew about the school shooting that matthew mcconaughey wasen e talking about before it even happened. it was so instinct, was the information and i heard about it on the radio drive and i was like, am i on the truman show right now?
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and tell candace she's got to watch the truman show. you got to you have to watchac.e what dopo yoleu mean? he people at the gap knew about the school shooting, i think in uvalde, texas. yeah shooting., i'm not saying t they did, but it felt so in-sync. this idea of like this media rush over the seventylets eight specific outlets that influence. meanwhile, so there'sage is a coordinated message. >> i think that's what you saw w it. yeah. meanwhile, yeah. the uh, there's the same amount of kids getting killed in chicago every week, but there's no coordinated message about that. have i reachthat alex jonesrongs territory yet? no, i thiny yek they'rt?e tellig the truth. okay, and that's's oka if you do what i'm saying is like, guess they keep on using the . oh, he's crazy is crazy thing and it hurts my feelings whenpee people say that it hurts
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my feelings. that people can ask me, hey, are you okay? like a especially like just i got an ego, someone that'svine less successful than me having the right to ask me about me.rea like their doctor. what you [ b wanlet me to put t some ice on it and put some iced on my brain is going to fix it. you know, if ever got the solution of ice on it, doit you know if that work wee wouldn't need hospitals. didn't ne ins for everything.ns for like grandma's got for cancer, t some ice on the cancer. but you you know, i'm not tha funnier than comedians. right. >> b get you get that a lot. and people with the kind of faux sympathy, are you okay? >> yeah. it's like, you know, don't butyt you get that even as a famous person. go bef you know, go before me. this hey, what do you want?you. and like, it's hard for people to even listen to you. you they just so like, ohy god,i
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my god, this is jay.s you hear what he said?hear wha and there's a lot of people tha that have been put inn put in my organization. list to me? >>o me in your own organization? >> absolutely.ur o wn organd that kind of thing can drive you crazy. yeahat?, i had my resolution ths year. was to only talk to people to me who listen to me. . i know crazy comes up right atad how radically do that shrinkt sk the nu to? nu that that's how they do. they the bottom line, there's people working here, you know, pr to constantly fire people. y i got to constantly fire people. it's just all kind of people pe sitting aroundople. doing nothi, charging. i had five hundred and thirty consultants last year. ss >> for my businesses.
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i didn't i didn't know. you just hire some guys in hire and this is the issue when you hire atheist. >> i think that's illegal to say in california.fornia >> but, you know, sue me, this is the issue, you know, because god fearing people perform for an audience of one at the endy, of the day, we all know we have to answer to god . >> more for that interviewom thn coming up. you think the kids are having and ke yeahep, i think they're having kept
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notice this is happening. this is a chemical warfare on our country. you have to have strong men . if you don't, it's not going to go well. what's wrong with our food? is that not food and reliant on industrial processes? and for many of these compounds ,there's clear evidence that some of these chemicals causes problems with reproduction. picking something hard to do every day will increase your testosterone. we need a renaissance getting into a healthier state, being a healthier person. that's when you really start to see improvement. no one in washington seems interested at all. it's a joke to them. if men can't reproduce, then the world is over. we're headed for a calamity. kanye west., yi, yay, notno crazy. worth listening, even >> even if you disagreea and chances are you're going tot have a chance to listen to him in future years becausm ine if anything, he's getting older. >> that'thats it's for i us ton. tune in every weeknight show. eo
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that's the sworn sm enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group . think of the best weekends, you mond the ones you love, and we'll see you monday. ayand welcome back to "hannity" this friday. night. tonight, full midterm coverageae with only thirty two days till the midterms straight ahead. s and texas senator ted cruzxas so will be with also, arizona, they have a senate candidate debate last night. blake masters performedicul particularly welarlyl against mk kelly and destroyed hislights democratic opponent. we're going to bring yout de the highlights of that debate. and we beginbate tonight with president j
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