tv Hannity FOX News October 7, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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that's the sworn sm enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and group . think of the best weekends, you mond the ones you love, and we'll see you monday. ayand welcome back to "hannity" this friday. night. tonight, full midterm coverageae with only thirty two days till the midterms straight ahead. s and texas senator ted cruzxas so will be with also, arizona, they have a senate candidate debate last night. blake masters performedicul particularly welarlyl against mk kelly and destroyed hislights democratic opponent. we're going to bring yout de the highlights of that debate. and we beginbate tonight with president joe biden, his
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casual warning about a looming a nuclear holocaust. >> now, last night during a closed door fundraiserr top with other top democrats, biden claimed that this is the firstdi time we have, quote, faced since kennedy and the cuban missile crisis. and thenow, because, accordingo joe , vladimir putin is notvladm irjoking when he talks about the use of nuclear weapons orwen biological weapons or chemical weapons. now, apparently, there is nothing joe going to dot it about it, but he did do this. the administration, they are buying three hundred million dollars worth of anti radiatio$n and drugs. well, that's r not reassuring. that's joe's big plan in the event that putin usesr weap? nuclear weapons. that's it. no one in the white house has articulated a strategy to deter vladimir putin or work on any diplomatic solution. now, the war in ukraine has no end in sight. and now it appears that joe biden is only bracing fort e
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the worst. get ready. i guess it's line up. get your radiation pillsquestion anyway. tonight, we have a serious question. how worried should americans be ? now, remember obama once reportedly warned americans not to underestimate joe biden's ability to bleep things up? and remember former obamaense se defense secretary robert gates. he wrote that bidetabert gatesnr wrong on every single foreign policy decision in the last four decades. well, now here we are facing a dire national security crisis. but today he joe , he was notut interested in answering any questions about armageddon or the forthcoming armageddon, as he called e a looktake. run joey. ke.
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run, run, run, he did a really good job there.y anyway, joe wasn't running to ia an important national security meeting. he wasnt national se in a rush o delaware, as usual for rest ands relaxation. remember, he has less thaneduled one scheduled event a day as president. and this less than twenty four hours after warning about the end of time.joe is and joe is now takingd the weekend off yet again. fand we don't have a list ofhate who it is that he sees in delaware. every weekend. apparently, the secret service loses all of that information. i would assume that the national archives and record administration would probably want that information. but before making it offt inforn qu a quick pit stop in maryland top introduce his self-proclaimed two word plan toro pla save our economy. >> two words. a take a look.k. let me start off two words made ma in america, made in america. that's not hyperbole.erbole >> i'm not joking about that,
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as you know. come on , man. two words made one in two america. three just like that. ike the three letter word jobs. joe biden job, right, joe ? >> take a look. john's last minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class. and it happens tddleo be a s barack says, a three letter word, jobs jay, b.s. jobs. >> jay b.s.. i count to four. i don't know, maybe maybe my my this country is not in good hands. we are now worse off by every single metric. singlesince biden took office. can you name anything thatice. joe has done to make the lives of the american people better? o he promised to buildotto our economy from the bottom up. now the poor, the middle class americans on fixed incomes, they're all getting schafffixede by record inflation, rising gasy
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prices. he promise d to restore unity in the country. and then he goes out to philadelphia, dehumanizing all republicans and calling them a threat to our country. heun promisetry.d to restored to america's standing around joke. the world. that's a joke. and now, according to him,nog tr we're now facing the biggestof threat of nuclear armageddon since the height of the cold war and the cuban missileand crisis. and still, biden is desperately attemptingsttely to salvage a dl with iran that would all butand arm the mullahs with nuclear weapons and give them billions of dollarsf dollar. now, there is a decrepit brain dead president now in the oval office who's now surrounded by other incompetent sur idiots. ours is now on the verge off imploding by every metric, one way or another.ry met rithere is only one way to turni the corner. the administration hasston has o be checked in thirty two days. you have an opportunity to vote in a republican house and senate for the nexa republto
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years. thirty two days. s. it's all in your hands. deputiz i'm deputizing all of you. take it as something that is of. great importance. if youu wanwantt to be safer, . want more stability in your towns and cities, if you don'on't want want to pay five s a gallon for gasoline and you don't want record highto think inflation, you've got to think about all of these issues these before you vote .the very anyway, here l now with the very latest is fox's fox news'socy. white house correspondent. if it's us .t's all right. so if it's nuclear armageddon, you would think thatclea maybehe the president might want to stay back with his national security team and instead ofatio ordering radiation pills, maybe come up with a plan on how toh o the biggest since the cubanil missile crisis. why isn't he staying back , john ? >> that is a good question. u looklook a at t the arc of tho week, just two and a half daysho ago, we were at nobody with a
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biden and now we're at the possibility of nuclear armageddon because he made that comment to donors, not reporters. there weren't a lot of cameras around. weren'w up today ai aboard air force one with karine jean-pierre asking what exactly was he referring to? was he declassifying intelligence? was this basedssifying int on sg that he has seen? and she says no and that the u.s. is not planning to t update their nuclear posture despite what the president said last night, this is also a big change in the way this. president operates because it was all of four months was all t there was some reporting the president had all the spyl chiefs come to the oval office to tell them he did not thinkou. leaks about us help and us if i >> if it turns out that there's anything to this that putin is inching closer to usinginchin a nuclear or a chemical weapon, ,that is the leak of all leaks. and that would be leaa big
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difference in october as compared to earlier in us involvement in this war. >> john .ent in tyou had a great question. you were asking karine jean-pierre if joe biden he claimed that he was responsible for gas prices going down, is he then therefore responsible? goi they're going up again and going up dramatically. did you ever get any satisfactory type of answer from them? sati she said it's because of when and that it's because of the pandemic. so when they're coming down, it's because the president is tapping into the strategic reserve. when they're going back up, it e fall is corvids fault. but today, forday fo the first , pr president biden did point a finger at the saudis. he said that pricet ths are. starting to tick up becauseid wt what the saudis just did with these opec production cuts, what we have not heard yet from this white houseite ho is whaust they can do to alleviate concerns about a massive price hike, becauseasd based on every projection that
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is coming at a terrible time politically, right around the week thalitically t people to be needing to drive their cars to go and vote . they ar >> they they say that they ared going to find relief. >> >> maybe they shouldn't havet he abandoned the energy independence that they inherited from donald herited frtrump and maybe we shd be producing more domestically for some reason thatbe never comes up as an option. i have in the briefing room, i've noticed you the pretty lone ranger out there asking tough questions until joe had that ja? moment. where's jackie ? where's jackie ? did you sense a change in that room based on what happened that day? i think that there are certain stories where it does break through a little bit more in the briefing room. i know there wasthere wa one dao the last three weeks or so thatn just about everybody inro the front row asked aboutw thingsaske happening at the borr
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and that was brand new .. so there are some things like that where it is a people are just going to keep asking untila they have a better sense of goingwhat is going on . >> and i think you haveou have j the best job aobt a fox news channel. i think you have i would think that's the most fun that anyd ev reporter could ever have tryineg to get them to ask. answer a simple question.tion but anyway, peter , great work as always. we appreciate you being with us. all right. now, the crisi s in europe afterurope. becoming dependent on russian energy in the name of climateclt change. well, putin has turnede offchae the spigot. . energy prices all throughout western europe now are shooting through the roofrope are s is nl crisis. the united kingdom is now united kt three hour blackouts this winter. they're talkinckouts thig about three hundred percent increases to heat your home. if you% can. as much as a third of people'sos annual income will be used to
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heat their homes. now we have enough natural gas. right here in the u.s., hundreds and hundreds of years worth of supply. we could help our western european allies out. biden not willing to expand our capacity. now, it doesn' t seem to care that it would create, let's we it would generate a ton of wealth for our country. it'd be good for national security by not being dependente on foreignnden sources of oil. he'd he'd be able to stop kissing the . you know, dictators in iran and saudi arabia and venezuelath . but the cult of climate alarmism apparently trumpsto everything. and to joe , needless to sayoe, his made in america push is a total farce and almost like everything else, biden says a complete lie here with reaction. founder of the committeere is to unleash prosperity, steve moore, and former white house chief of staff reince priebus. actually did an analysis about how if we stuck with the trumpfe
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energy policies, what it would be a hundred billion dollars added to our gdp? i that's right. sure. t and you know, when when i used to talk to donald trump about energy policy back in 2016, when he was first running for president , he always talkedforr about we're going toes make america energy independent. in fact, he said, we're going to be selling the stuff, notan buying it. remember, at that time,body i me the democrats laughed, trump saying that's never going to hae happen while it did happen. and what a differencn ane 20 mos make, because now we've because. of biden's war on american energy, i'm talking about oil, gas and coal, which we havee hae more of than any other country.s it is really pathetic that weprr have a president who has to go prostrate in front of the saudis and ask them to increase their oil production when in fact they did just just the opposite. e from our so we could be the bottom line from our study. we could be producing barre three million more barrels a day. sean, thatls would be one hundrd billion dollars a year.
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and we wouldn't need to worry about the saudis. incidentally, do you remember us talking a lot about opec? r us talwhen trump was presiden? no, because trump made them a toothless tiger. now they have teeth again and they're doing everything they can to ensure the american economy. >> you know, forameric the lifaf me, reince priebus, you know, donald trump, we were paying a little over two dollars a gallon fora li gasoline. we were energy independent forde the first time indenn seventy five years. we were a net exporter ot exporo energy. vladimir putin turns off the spigot in western europe. they'rere going to suffer. de death this winter there. why is it never an option? why is it a better option to up to mbbs or up to maduro, a murdering, dictator innezuelar venezuela, or up to opec orr up to the iranian mullahs? well, we've got more natural resources here than most of o these countries combined. why
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he choose the policy where wete? can do it cheaper, cleaner and faster? >> i don't get it. . >> i don't get it either. and you're right. it eithyou know, the liberal ps of this this democrat party and this incredible fascinationw with shutting down gas, oil,n fossil fuels and instant marriage to environmentalhappen. extremism is what's happened. and you can see it, sean, on day one . on day one , on his executiven c orders, he shut downut the keystone pipeline. democrats say, oh, it doesn't matter because that would have that would have handled something that was eight years down the road. yeah, but part of setting the price on gas and oil is what the supply is going togh ye weeken i went down to houston this week. i met with a lot of big energyoi companies in that space . and you know what they say,yo looku , if you're in our world
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and you're asking us to spendasg tens of billions of dollars e on energy, it's just not goingis to happen.oi it's not going tngo happeno ha because with this administration, there's nor welcoming mat for us too increase production only to. yo and you talk about biden's b speech today and he's hammeringg republicans. and if you loo k what's happened, he's gone back to the 1970s playbook. he's gone back to saying republicans are going to get rid of social security, ridf look a medicare. look what joe biden's done. lookt what jone. what he's donew years. he has he has infuse thisgoverne economy with government handouts and he has madehas americanmades poorer. d reagan it's like what ronald reagan said years ago. he said years ago the government declared war on poverty and poverty won. >> and that's what's happening in america. steve moore, how long would it, take american energy companies to get up and running now?wouldr i would argue if i gave them
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a temporary reprieve, they're going to be very hesitant toliof invest the hundreds of millions of dollars to get get these things up and running because they're going to be like, all right, whaou going tt are you go shut it down again? when will you give in to the the the the radical climate cult in your own party? but if we really wanted to ratchet up production, how long would it take in this country? and by the way, i'll add onedd other thing, steve .nedd if the keystone xl pipeline was finished we finished, we'd be getting daily. nine hundred thousand barrelngs of oil from canada every day. . it ain't going to happen under this president , even if he made a declaration tomorroaw. gd okay, i changed my min, d. i don't think the energybelieve companies will believe him. is i mean, the one promise there is one promise that that joe biden actually kept. do you remember in that veryr in famous debate with with trump, biden said, i want to close down the oil and gas companies . well, hee has donthe thatat.. and folks right.
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we're looking at a gas prices now going up to four fifty and five dollars a gallon. again, i have a friend and los angeles just emailed me todayh t with a little chart. ch showed that they're now paying six ninety nine a gallon again in california. $6.n so the middle class get cd here. and those energy prices arego u. going to continue to go up. california at six fifty on average a gallon. in nevada, it's five fifty. $5 in oregon, it's over's five bucks. it's all coming back . right. so we'll give yo allg u the lasu . >> well, just go back to what. you said in your last segment,ue which is you got t to putcongre at the congress because at the very least, you'reu will goo put a check on biden. you know what our foundingr fout fathers loved faction, i thinkin washington, d.c., not gettingg e something done for a while might be just perfect for our country for a while to stopo the democrats, you know. >> well said.thank yo all right.ri thank you, reincebe a thank you, steve . moore. >> all right. when we come back , only thirty two days until theseal all
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important midterms. mi crisscrossindterg the country in republican candidates. what are his plans fory, a republican majority? not just in the house? can republicans win the senate? he'll break itsena down for us s we continue diamonds. >> the jewelry exchange has thousands of diamonds, have insane prices, one karat white as high quality diamonds are just 29 , 90 plus the latest custom and designer mounts while you watch by factory direct and save the jewelry exchange direct. >> don't let this slow you down. try penny of penetrates different than other products with no greasiness, irritation or unpleasant odors made with unique ingredients. it's 100% satisfaction guaranteed penetrance, the number one online rated joint and muscle cream. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know
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live. i'm ashley strohmeyer in new york . russian suicide drones raining down on kharkiv early friday, hitting industrial sites. there were no immediate reports of casualties. the drones coming as russia concentrated its attack on areas illegally annexed. russian forces are steadily losing ground during ukrainian offensive in the southern and eastern sectors of the country. >> shovels from julia is now the 10th named storm of the season. julius's winds are up to
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forty five miles an hour, but the storm is expected to strengthen as it goes across the south western caribbean. as hurricane conditions are possible along the nicaraguan coast by sunday morning. heavy rains also may create life threatening flash floods and mudslides for central america through the weekend. i'm ashley strohmeyer. now back to haiti for all of your headlines, log on to fox news. upcoming. >> all right. unt only thirty two days until the all important midterm elections. republik is now rallying behindhat theyc the agenda that they will enact if they can flip one or both chambers of congress.or both now, house republicans have released their commitment to america. kevin mccarthy has promised rest that the house resolution, number one , will be a repeaioll of the funding for eighty seven thousand new irs agents to harass you.
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now, other republicans are also promising immediate oversight of the irs, including investigation delays in issuing for example,delays in and the e have ted cruz, lindsey graham, putting they are putting homeland security secretary mayorkas on notice that he could face impeachment if the situation ath the border does not improve soon. sign and while senator cruznator is predictinted crg a red tsunan november, that's only going tono happenin if all of you, everyboy turns out to vote in thirty two days. e is now on a 17 state bus tour barnstorming the country for republican candidates. barnstand texas senator ted cruo joins us senator ted cruo he's in utah have senator , great toyo have you. by the way, i notice one thing that's going on in utah. i want to point this out is a fortune is coming from outside of the state. and these smear attacks, a lot of slander against senator mikel
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lee, who's done a phenomenal job, a true constitutionalist like yourself. onstitutand this guy, we call hg mcmuffin. evan mcmullen is out thereut pretending to be something that. he's not. he is a romney he republican . utah and ari hope the people of utah are smart enough to understand . wello derstand, look, you're ex. right. this race here ithisn utah, mike lee, unfortunately, has a real race on here campaigning for mike . mike iampaignings is phenomenall i believe mike lee is one of the greatest senators ever to have served in the united states senate. hetors evethe united is brillia he's a constitutional scholar. he is brilla fierceia and ferou fighter over and over again for a decade. ovemike and i have been side by side, shoulder to shoulder,to fighting to defend freedom, he defend the constitution and to urge our own party to stand upes and actually do what we promised to do.
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and i'll tell you, here in the utah, the democrats are doing something really deceptive and dishonest. the democrats have not run a , quote, democrat candidate.ey dec >>id they decided not to nominai anyone at all. instead, you've got mcmuffinnat who is theoretically running as an independent, butll he's runningy running as an in. the democrat party in utah has endorsed him. they are raising millions of dollars for him through actblue ,the same entity they used to support bernie sandersit and elizabety they uh warren, a, and to funnel cash intorren a the race. he votednd aoc for joe biden. he supports joe biden's policies. amazin heg enough. mcmuffin also said he would support s-1, which is not schumer's number one priority. the corrupt politicians act.ansc thatt would essentially strike down every voter integrity law across the country. it would strike down photo id requirements. quiremen prohibitions on ballotts would s harvesting. it would automatically register millionsesting. of illegal alieo
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prohib prohibitions on felons voting because apparentlyns voting because apparently the dem the democrats think we need mure more murderers and choosing our leaders. thisrs asing our leaders race, t dangerous is they're counting on deceptions,. objectiv their objective is to win all the democrats and just a handfuthl, maybe five , 10% of the republicans who are not paying muc h attention and say, gosh, isn't he a nice guy? no, he is not.a ni nocet a nice guy. when he is complicit ins the culture, old marxists that n are doing damage to this country, that is massive. so i want to encourageort your viewers. go support mike lee. go to mike lee'smike. website, make a contribution, support him. i'm here campaigning for him because he needs to win.m and if peoplbee hear the truth, mike will win decisively. but thissive is lya close and a. race. >> >> we're also in w plae ary inn i thinvadak taxol. a grea cohen, blaket masters had a great debate. general bolduc now within
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hamp the margin of error in new hampshire. we have. tiffany smiley, who would havee. thought patty murray would be vulnerable inhave tho fact, . then, of course, ron johnson, v jd vance, dr. oz, herschel walker, yes.i'm not i'm not that worried aboutor ran senator kennedy or rand paul . or tim scott in south carolina. burt you know what?grante i don't taked. anything fore granted. where do you see this comingdo down? yat the end of the day? will republicans do you believes they will get control of the senate? >>en so i do. houses. >> i think we're going to wint h both houses. i'd put the chancee chs of our winning the house that north of 90%. is a i think there's a real chance we don't just win the house,rit, but we win with a big majority, something like fifty but 30 , 40 , 50 seats in the senate.0, r >> i'd put the odds ofe our winning the senate at about sixty five . thirty five . i think we'roue about a two tor1 one favorite to win. if you ask me to pick number,t e i'd predict that we come c out t fifty three republicans and you
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mentioned that i'm in the middle of a month long. stat >> seventeen state bus tour. so we started seven days ago. we started in tomball, texasto,x just north of we went down the rio grande valley. we did rallies iidn mccallan and harlingen and laredo. then we went to new mexico, did. a big rally there. thenthen w we went to arizona, l two rallies there in tucsonied and phoenix then we went toy in nevada, did a big rall ly in las vegas. >> now we're in utah from utah. we go on to missouri and kansas and iowa and ohio and pennsylvania. and asand virginia and north caa and tennessee. nnsylvaniaand georgia and flori. and then back up to michigan, we back up to wisconsin.e it o and we close it out back in the great state of texas. a allll in all, we're supporting thirty five candidates in twenty five stops in 17 states. and i got to tell ishaan, we're seeing energy, we're seeing passion. seeing ene are ready to throw te lunatics out who have done sohet
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much damage to the country.i thn i think we're going to see an historic election in november. l ted cruz will be checking in utah. thank you for bein g with . >> all right. and straight ahead tonight, reports say that investigators now have enough to charge zero experience biden. bu actually indict him? and why are they ignoringing the most part othf hunter's laptop from ? judge jeanine, congressman jim jordan. jim jordan. >> they give us their take that. straight ahead. yo rick, herhey, i just got a tm my sister. my sister. you remember rick , her neighbor ? >> sure. he's the seventy six year old guy who still runs marathons. >> sadly, not anymore. >> wow .e we? so sudden we're not about toe c have the we need life insurance conversation. >>ab again, are we know we're
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garland is apparently taking a hands off approach tnds-offo which the charging decision they say ,is entirely up to the u.s. i attorney in delaware. i'm not so sure i buy all this,. but a source close to investigators is telling fox there is a growing frustration that it has takegrowinn so longr charges to be filed. "new york post b" now echoing that sentiment earlier today, leading on the front page. ht te you see the headline right there before you charge him already. re you.with reaction. s cohost co-host of the hit show the five, judge jeanine pirroohs and ohio congressman jim jordan. judge, i'll star jimt with you. tonight. what bothers me abouwhat bt thii is it's not a news story that is a rehash. a rehash. we've all known that for a long time. n that forthey don't mention th. they don't mention the .tion th. they mention the gun application violation and they mention taxes. but the thing that they're missing the most is , are all the times joe biden is implicated by hunter in
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the laptop from how complaining income income, given half of it to hist dad, complaining aboutds hom paying for his dad's home repairs. and , of course, putting aside and we now have evidence that joe lied to the country and met with numerous foreign businessne partners of hunter biden. so we know he lied there. why are they not focusing in on on the larger picture of whatn e joe knew and when he knew it?w t >> gee, sean, you know, i can't imagine what it is .ks for first of all, thanks for having me on . num nober one . this case started in nine in 2018. it's 2020 to the grand jury finished in the summer of 2020,h two of this year. so the question is , did or didt they not get an indictment. did they get a true bill or not. ththe leaked information is they got something on taxest and something on his lying. the permit application. first of all, where is the
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foreign agent registration act. where is the moneyig laundering where is the criminalposses possession of a weapon? he illegally put a sigsin, an application. so he's in illegal possession of a weapon. we seeication ga him in variousf dress and undress with the weapon. paul ma we also see paul manafort goespr to prison for the same thing.isn fg.not that i'm a fan of his, a the bottom line is there are so many other crimes and i haven'tt even hit joe biden. here's the answer toen your question. that merrick garland departmente of justice is not interestedrr n the 10% for the big guy we know. h. knos is hunter biden.s holdin he's holding the 10% forfor the big guy becausthe bie they l not call tony vov wolinsky to the grand jury. jury. jury that the fbi agent spoke to this guy, thibeault tim diebold's, who's not the football playem thibr, endsp leaving the fbi under very questionable circumstances. vingthso merrick garland can say he's not involved and he's
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leaving it up to weiss.e truth s but the truth is , because he is the president's son , thist'o goes all the way up to the deputy attorney general before any decisiodeputy attn in and merrick garlandmerr is absolutely involved in thisic . i don't care what he says.u on and let me tell you one more thing. .they are so determined to find out who leaked, they can't figure out c who leaked it. dobbs decision, but you canrest rest assured they're worriedthis about this. that hunter biden paid back two million dollars t in taxes after he said everything was clean afterw and appropriate. he had to borrow money ty to poy the taxes. that's. defense. i know people have gone to to pn prison who paid their taxes u and end up serving time.serving you know, the question i want to know, jim jordan, is , is the president is the biden family compromised by countries like china and russia and ukraine and others here? it's notit's n just the 10% forh the big guy that's important that would implicate cho, but then the issue of, oh, he's complaining about half his income going to his father,
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complaining about paying for all the home repairs of his father. e hoi want to know if the presit is compromised and why they're ignoring those key issues. which would be central to any real investigation. never mind the gun charges.r mid never mind the tax issue. t yeah, the judges right on farrah. but i want to know whether or not these countries basicallytho have the entire familyun compromised. >> right.ou and you want to know.want i want to an more importantlyd , the american people want to know if their commander in chief, their presiden it is involved is all the things you just described. and it sure looks like he is . but i don't i mean, i guesssee t i'll believe it when i see it.fe if they even charge hunter biden with his tax issue and the false statement on the gun permit, i'll believe thati will b when i see it. because, you know, remember the riders in the summer of twenty , twenty doesn't seem tok happen to them. the folks who attack crisiss pregnancy centers and churchesas and dozens of churchesprd church and centers that were attacked, nothing seems to happen to
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those people. no the people who protested in front ofthine pe supreme court s homes in direct violation of the law. stices hom inbut oh, my goodnesn raid the home of a formernd tak president . take the phoneth of a sitting member of congress, and they can go after a pro-life leader,s arrest him, guns drawn, kick in the door in front of his wife and seven kids. so this this standard, thiof hi double standard that judge was talking abououble stt. true. i think so. true. th and the idea that the attorneynn general is notot involved ins. this. well, he sure wa he wolve the decision to raidd inpresident trump's. p' he had tell us so. so, i mean, that doesn't make sense either. we all know that they are nowthr two standards and that is whath. frustrates the american people so much. if we e get the majorityd ,we had better doajorityd the investigations in an aggressive way, in a way that'es consistent with the constitution to get the facts to getr the americane americ people. the americane americ charles grassley says overan p eo20 fbi whistleblowers, ron johnson says a lot ofron jo whistleblowers you have spoken to whistleblowers and then merrick garlan
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d reminds works everybody that works at the biden doj. you'rebide not allowed to talk o elected officials. don't we have whistleblowerthatw laws that allow people to go to people like yourself or johns senator grassley or johnson and saonany, this is happening, this shouldn't be happening, this is against the law? why would it be intimidating people into silence like that? >> because they don't want the the truth coming out that there's a political narrative that the justice department, they're going after their political opponent the jue outside the justice department kind of makes sense that they're going to do the same thing inside. kie they think there's now retaliation and shelling.w we've talked about this the first time i mentioned abous issue about thosehistle 14 whistleblowers. those agents coming to us wabls s on your show the very next day. the very next day is whenued attorney general garland issued that memorandum saying, oh, no, don't be talkingemorandu tong the congress, trying to chill their speech. so, again, that's how politicalo we kno and again, we know about the double standard here. one set of rules, if your name o
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is clinton or comey or strockff or pagerent e a different set. if you're scott perry,ember of a sitting member of congress,an whatd what are going to do to ym to the former president ? so that's the problem. thatand it's why we've got to get to the bottom of it all.o >> all right, judge, thanksp yo. when we come back , wow,when we the arizona republican senate candidate, blake masters, hee cd gave a master class in debating skills last night. we're going to shog skilwwill jt the highlights as he will join us with reaction. also , get this, new hampshireatoria republican senatorial candidatlg dan bolduc is now surging in his senate race.n is new hampshire now in play for the republicans? straight ahead, hi, mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. is he getting a good night's sleep? help support a healthy immune
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elections. the senate race in arizona, by the way, getting very interesting between mark kelly , blake masters, that i is heating up both candidates. they took to the stage last n night where blake masters, he b deba as the two sparred over bide the biden border crisis, whichnr led to these brutal takedowns by masters. >> take a look. ar >> mark kelly said no toy eighteen thousand more border patrol agents, but yes to di agents. not vot did you or dide to you not voteo reject eighteen thousand more bo more border patrol agents ininfo the inflation reduction act passage? >>n senator , you know, we therethr it is right there.w, we therethr >> i've been focused on the border since day one with no great facts becauseu we have a wide open southern can border. so that's the best you can do. d i respectfully resign. let's get someone in the seat who will actually secure border mark kelly , if he's if this is the result of senator kelly
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being focused on the border, y h he is th ineffective and worst senator of all time.s the borders wide open. people are walking through by the hundreds of thousands. td wow.s. we set a record this year, twoso million. ion. and joining us now from the border, fresh off his dominant performance last night, republican senate candidate blake masters. >>,enate cand i hope everyyour d republican candidate watches your debate becausebe it wasalld perfect. you challenged him. you were factual him. he's been running this fraud saying that he's wants to support border security and heim does just the opposite. i'm glad you called him out on this again and against and again all through the debate last night. >> well, thank you, sean. >> and all i had to do was tell the truth. and that's that's what i did. he h a little bit tougher of a time. he had t.o lie. he had to lie about me. he had to lie about his own record . and he was just sitting there kind s of struggling to defend his record . right. which is just that os ref a rubr
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stamp. 's a he's a rubber stamp for chuckamo schumer and joe biden's agenda. schu i think arizona saw a realy clear contrast.izona saw a realy you have kelly .o he said he was trying hard to th secure the border. well, that's not even true. bu not eve.t if it is true, then in fact, ineffective. and let's get someone in the seat who is going to do the job. >> that's what i'm going to do. come november. okay, there was a report that mitch mcconnell and the leadership in the senate wasad noershipt supporting your campan financially. is there any truth to that? they they have you know, they haven't been spending lately. and i hope that change.s. but, you know, whatever mitchb s mcconnell wants to do, my jobac. is to win this senate race. i'm just quite sure that we're going to have the resources needed. i think everybody hereund in on the ground in arizona, they've felt the vibe shift. they felt the momentumlt the vee we've got thirty two days to sprint. i think we're going to win this race. i thinit's already within the mn of error. and kerry lake, as i understan>e it, is leading in the gubernatorial race out there. it would gubern seem crazy for the republicans not to go all in when you're withit to gneen e
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the margin of error. have you been n given ananyy explanation why not why they're not giving your campaign more money? because itaign more money? whett to admit it or not, money matters in campaigns. or not,it absolutely does. in and i think after last night's's debate, people are probably going to take a second look. ce arizona, this race is close. it is winnable. i am a better candidate than senator kelly. i think we saw that debat on the debate stage last night. bue t i'm also talking about the issues that arizonans care abous caret. i'm talking about inflation. and i think it clearly articulated how joe biden and mark kelly have caused this massive inflatiomark keln that'z hurting arizona families. i'm talking about illegal immigration. mark kelly , he'llaes. hem and l . i know i'vill hie donem an this. at the border. ite knows and everybody knows when i get t in there, i'm going to insist in on border security. sii'm going to deliver for peope in arizona. so i think dc is going to take another look. >> we're going to get the great resources we need to win. great job last night. jmark i will kelly say this, mark kel
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he's basically chuck schumer in arizona. y there's not a dime's worth of difference between them. great job. h ofetween thelast night, blake. thank you. now we turn to yet another crucial senate race. this in the live free or die fre state of new hampshire. where vulnerablele democratic ib democratic incumbent maggie hassaenn is now facing of against republican challenger don bolduc. and a recent poll from trafalgar shows that, in fact, the republican now is within the margin of error. thiserror. is now a three point race and you have a very popular republican governor and governor sununu here hereblican ca republican candidate don bolduc is with us . ndidth're within three pn this race. i don't think a lot of people know a lot about your yourr background. and i think it's importantgrounn they know that you had two purple hearts, five bronze stars, two awards for valor and over, what, 30 years of military service. thank you, numbe.
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r one . and that's pretty impressive. well, thank thank very much, it. john . you knowi , i startestd servingt 19 years old as a privated my sergeant, lieutenant, and worked my way up to generaly officer. up officer.i'm honored to haver opportunity to serve my country. and noy.w i'm looking to servey my country in a much different way. but nonetheless, service, public service, something that senator and is not doing. she can't defend her record . she's killed the economy. she's granite staters. she is a big spender. spen spender. in august, she voted to hurt the economy, to hurt energy, to hurt crime, to hurt, you know, a doing anything about the opioid crisis. i mean, justg about th a series of votes in august. she can't defend that. so she results to ads that ares tt lying about me on on variouss tt social issues, which justt aren't true. this is their playbook. out o
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i'm out on the ground doing doi town halls. 36 hours i have done more in thirty six hours than she's done in thirty six weeksom in terms of campaigning. she wi she's she was supposed to debate me on the 12th ofe on october. she has now dictated terms thatt she'll speak for five minutes. answer three questions whilele i i sit in the green room roo and then we'll swap positions. and she made that a contingent on her showing up.i have i that is s, i have signed up for seven debates. that is so fundamentally unfair. to the people of new hampshire. and i think i think every voter needs to take note of that.e of. a lot of candidates, democrats taking the page out of joe biden hiding in the basement bunker. they dump tens of millions of dollars in negative ads, a lot of which are not true.e an then they hide.d then they don't want a debate. o and she has been like so manyhae otheenr democratic candidates,
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she's been a rubber stamp forstm schumer and biden and wait till new hampshire gets the heating bills this year, they'll have been. bsolutely >> well, you're absolutely right. they're way too high.ople are and people are being forcedd between heating and eating.o kids aren't going to get thelori calories they need in ordeesr ty ne they need for school. and many other things. parents are skipping meals so their kids can have larger o portions or they're reducing their portions. so everybody can eat.s not this is not this does not need to to happen. oks it does because of the way shett looks at it. pre and to get tvio your previousou point, she's got the support of0 over 90% of the democrats inocrs the state of new hampshiren who she's not even willing to stand up for. she's not willing to debate. ths she's not willing to stand up and say, this is why you need to vote for me. so democrats, independents, republicans, libertariansans an and free staters, you needd to take a hard look at what
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senator hassin has done overovee the last five and a half years.g and it's been absolutelyit has h nothing and it has hurt us . and she needs to be heldr it accountable for it. and she's not willing to stand and deliver. >> and that is reallydr. unfortunate for saul. i will debate her anywhere, come to my town halls, meet meto on a street corner, meet me m anywhere. and we can have a discussionwhau on what us granite staters are going through because of, you know, new hampshire, the live free or die state. they are known for beingr be fiercely independent. senator hacen is anything but.r she is a radical climate alarmist cult member leaderalart who's a rubber stamp for schumer and biden. not good for the people in new hampshire. mpshire.general, we'll be watchs race really closely. thank you for your service. thank yoand thanks for being wi. we'll have more "hannity" right after this. by 305 empire to three hundred
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there's no fresh start for us . the cleaning lady mondays on fox and watch any time on hulu, you know, it says out of workshop for a reason. >> i'm so sorry to bother you, boss, but they moved the world cup to the holidays. we, like the actual world, come to my holiday season. >> are you kidding me? yeah, there's messi and ronaldo. yeah, but that's my time to shine. i mean, i'm not supposed to compete with that. you know what? get blitzen on the phone. i got to get back up there right now. i got to go . but i know what all right.
12:00 am
unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this friday night. as always, thank you for beingop with us. thank you for making this show possible. e you haend.i hope you have a gt weekend. when we get backy 29 on monday, only twenty nine days till the midterms. we'll see you have a great weekend. weeke ni'm rachel campos duffy in form laura ingraham. and this is a specialecia edition of the ingram ankle live from new york city tonight. remember whe ingrahamn they told us about joe biden? >> joe biden is probably the most experienced foreign policy expert sincexe george h.. bush. >> biden is doing everything>> that he ca bn toiden reassure the world that american global leadership is coming back . a >> he's thinking about global leadership, about how to keep ever
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