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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 8, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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the time we have left this friday night. as always, thank you for beingop with us. thank you for making this show possible. e you haend.i hope you have a gt weekend. when we get backy 29 on monday, only twenty nine days till the midterms. we'll see you have a great weekend. weeke ni'm rachel campos duffy in form laura ingraham. and this is a specialecia edition of the ingram ankle live from new york city tonight. remember whe ingrahamn they told us about joe biden? >> joe biden is probably the most experienced foreign policy expert sincexe george h.. bush. >> biden is doing everything>> that he ca bn toiden reassure the world that american global leadership is coming back . a >> he's thinking about global leadership, about how to keep everybody safe . the
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not so much. here was the botched afghanistan pullout caving toe china on every whim. and now, of course, war i the dangerous never ending war in ukraine. biden has turned our country into a doormat for china and into ukraine's bottomless piggy bank. and now it's all escalating. biden warning that under his watch we're heading towardsheadn a nuclear armageddon, saying at a fundraiser, we have not faced the prospect of armageddon since kennedy and the cubanon se missile crisis. and that's what we've got.nedy a guy i know fairly well, he said of putin. he's not joking when he talksnua about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons. orso what breaking new intel dd the administration receive thatl would lead us to believe armageddon was imminent? you have new intel that caused the president to ratchet up the level of concern? no, the president was speaking n about concerns about putin'ss of threats to use nuclear weapons, just as he did at the un general assembly. general
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and we have done over the pastoa few weeks, you've heard us say n this over and over again.e you've heard it from the national security adviser, jake sullivan. how seriously we are taking this. >> and that's what>> joini the president was speaking tngo >> joining me now is wisconsin congressman tom tiffeny, who now sits in the seat. my husband once out and then ryan , ceo of american majority nedd, the blank check we've been giving to ukraine have apparently turned zelenskyy eck we havsort of petulant child because now he's demanding this of gnato watch what they need to do to prevent, deter the use of nuclear weapons. >> butf preventive strikes, preventive action so thatt woul russia would knew what would >>s happen t so that. his spokesperson was forced to clean this up, saying thatkyy zelenskywanty actually wanted fm sanctions and not a strike. hard for me to believe he got te those two words confused. but again, he's calling for preemptive strikes on russia.on is is he insane? and where are all the level
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headed sane statesmen saying lee something, pushing back onl- this? >> i don't see them. >> the noy', they're i which is a shames . i mean, that those words of zelenskyy are the words of a madman when he's saying a preemptive strike to prevent nuclear war that would actually trigger a nuclear war, in my estimation. but we've gotten to thisbeca pow ecause even though there is no intel supporting biden's comments about armageddon, his actions of continued on limitedo resources to zelenskyy and talk of regime change in russiath. the further this goes, the more we do advance towards potential serious conflict in europe. poit at some point, you would think statesmen and adults would show up and say, we have to talklatid about de-escalation and find and off ramp. because i would remind people,ot rachel , we're not talking about bombing goat herders in the middle east who , by theo way, we couldn't beat. we're talkinhe wayg escalatingut
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with one of the world's major nuclear powers involving ourselves in a very serious way between two very corrupt nations and a territorial dispute over a celebration of the ukraine. >> it's absolutely insane, insanity and madness. and we have to stop and not really in the u.s. interest, of course. but i want to play this clip wa for you from panetta. leonnt panetta. neda >> take a listen. >> d do you think bideno went toontt far in his comments or notoo?omo >> well, you know, i don'twe think there's any question here that we are in a very dangerouss war. it's also a pivotal war. >> what do you make of that?the i mean, is there really any limit to what they're willing to do? i mean, they're admitting i meanmitting, l, leon's admitts a dangerous war. he knows that this is getting really bad, really fast. and yet i can't understand whath is the limitey, how much furthed are they willing to give and risk to to attain the objectives that they want, whichly d is obviously deposing, gettingp.
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rid of vladimir putin. very achel , you recapped some of the biden administration'sisto k actions very well.ay but i think it's very important to go back to the very first day. hjoe biden was in office.n his very first action was ton ks shut down keystone, the keystone xl. he announced tica's noo the word america is no longer going toep be energy independent. then he said nord stream two sa we're going to drop the sanctions that benefits vladimir putin. the and then wdie had the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. eighty five billion of our wart materiel left behind. thirteen o bf our troops left behind, killed at the gates of the kabul airport. e kaamerican weakness.ho and let's look at just this week how bad our foreign policyi is . the saudis told us to pouns d sand. kim jong un firing missiles over south korea and japan. and now we have zelenskyyor basically dictating or fo attempting to dictate our foreign policy. this is what you have when weyo
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get american weakness. and this is what you have with a biden administration and those so-called smart people you alluded to and don't know what the heck they're doing. >>to yeah, i seem to remember nt long ago everyone telling us how dangerous the world r wogoing to be under donald rump and the regime media is demanding, of course, thatmof we sacrifice more and more foror ukraine. time published a piece saying this, quote, now is not the time for the west to soften its resolve in the fight, puti against putin, but to step itotr up, putin will not stocep until use force to stop the recent six hundred and twenty five billion dollar security assistance package is an important step, but suchsuppor support will need to continue until the job is done that c we've already committed. more than 16 point eight billion since february. >> how much are we expected to give or risk of children's lives? mean, i , i can't believe we're talking about nuclear war right now. iw yeah, no, this is this co is absolute insanity that we're even having this conversationtn as we continue to spend tens of billions of our taxpayer dollars over to ukraine. billionswith absolutely no end n
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sight. and if the goal is to haverussia regime change in russia, we are going to escalate towards something, i believe very violent. again, i have never heard anybody make a compelling argument, rachel , on any level ,what on earth does this havespl to do with us interests, especiallyy the americanng to taxpayer interests? it has nothing twitho do with t all. in fact, this is really h something that europe has helped bring about br with their weakness and their dependance on russian oil. >> so at oil. some point, i hopp satesmen show up and say we're going to have an off ramp here c to figure ouaut how to solve ths peacefully, because right now it feels like we are ing to thee trying to compel us to go to a place that we do not want to go as a country. en i w >>ou but even i would argue, wod as the world. yeah, i mean, congressman, the weaker the poorer we get with these green policies, the less leverage that we obviously are going to have. you brought up, congressman, a great point that on day one , joe biden got rid of the xl pipeline.
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he declared a war on american energy. >> and it's ironic because they did all this supposedly for the environment. what all thi could be worse foro the environment than a nuclear . there's no doubt it's american weakness. but what really concerns >> it l rachel , is that are we takingyh the eye off the ball, offeatest the ball? what are really the greatest concerns? communist china, they wantre taiwan, tehran. they're threatening death to o israel almost on a daily basis . and here you have the israelis t and the taiwanese. they're willing to payai for, their armaments and are supposed to just give them to the ukraine. i think things are upsid theie n in regards to our foreigne policy at this point thadot is n understatement. congressman, so great to have both of you gentlemen here with me tonight. >> thank you. u.s. now to what's happening on us soil. redit when gas the biden administration was happy to take credit when gass prices went down a few pennies,s but is back to using the war in
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ukraine and fear mongering over republicans in congress as an excuse for prices spiking back up. >> republicans take control of congress. that gas these historic victories we just won for the american people. i'm going to be taken away every kitchen table costs is going to go up, not down. and i realize costs are going up on food. and i was able to bring i was a gasoline down well over a dollar 60 . but thiss is inching up becaust of what the russians and the saudis just did. not f >>in i'm not finished with that yet. joining me now is raymond arroyo, fox news contributor and authorbutor and of the wisd who found christmas. and also with me is lisa boothe, fox news contributor and host of the truth with lisa boothe. "raymond, i'm good. nice to have both of youyo tonight. raymond, i'm trying to follow what he just saitonight.d. b i think he was trying to blamens putin, but i don't think het even knows how to do that. right anymore.d th no. well, and , you know, the russians in the saudis should be very worried because he said, i'm not finis finished
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with that yet. o takee's going t heir economy to so stay tuned for look, the reason that we are in this pickle, we're seeing the gas prices go through the roof. it's not the russians. it's note saudisprices w the sa those prices were going up longt before they did anything. >> this is joe biden'se to a policies. i spoke to a oil executive here in louisiana today, and he was telling me the last time they had exploration leases, an auction was under the trump administration when biden came thein, he voided all of those leases, even though thesen thou companieghs paid for them. and remember, donald trump wanted to buy seventy seven million gallons or a million barrels, rather, fo barre ourr our strategic res it was the democratso stoppe who stopped that.a ba that was only at fifteen are dollars a barrel. today, we're in a real pickle because joe biden has decidedr to not once, not twice, three times, but four times. he is sapt that strategica
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reserve. we're down a third of what it was and he wants to go back to the well again. americans should say no and the congress should as well. you know, lisa, raymond brings up such a great point, and thate is that at the heart of alllicis this are these green policies. they're cruel. they'r cruele making people poot on purpose. is it time that we call out as a as conservatives the cruelty of these policies? why are they doing this? sacr why do they want to sacrifice our children, our our them our ability to pass on wealth to them or even just feed them n for so many americans? er oon the altar of these green policies? what's it about? is it about contro l? is it about socialism? what is it? thl, i think it's about control. and i think the pain is thee stp point. that's the most importanortat tg to realize about the left'spoli policies and biden's policies. the paincies. is the point ande point of lefse policies. what they're trying toy're d trt heis gut the middle class and create a larger portion of the population that are dependent on the federal
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government. that's what these policies ultimately do. that's what all these policies ultimately do, is gut cla the middless class and all thest problems and all the issues that we face as a country are ta easily solvable. so much so that even joe bidenel can get it.. you ha you might have to, like, sit im down, give him some ice cream, speak slowly, but he can get it. and the answers and the solutions are so simple. k slowly ityou don't want your cities overrun with illegal immigrants shut down the borderit borderut security. you don't want people getting gunned down in the street, put criminals behindiminals be bars. you don't want people paying so much for gas prices. unleash them. go dow american energy production, production. you go down the list. t the solutions are so simple. but that that takes us back to my point. in s that the pain tteo the point, it's intentional. they don't want to solveth thesy problems. they want these problems., they >> they're creating them. a yeah. i mean, raymond, it was just two years ago,e we were we were just energy independent. we were net exporters of energy. and now here we arnerge begging the saudis getting dirtier oil again. more of the hypocrisy y of them
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pretending like it's all about the embargo getting dirtier oil from venezuelaagain, get fro. s i understand what lisasa lisa is saying here about making us more dependent. i absolutely believe they want us more dependent on governmente because that increasese their power. but i think the control part is also about moving us formsf of energy that they can turn the on and off on us, that they can control, and that weof will eventually be on some sort of chinese social credit systems where unless we agree with what these big globalists want, then we don't get to drive ourto dri car that far . we don't get to get on a plane c or train that's happening in china right now. > well, look, this is about freedom. ch that's what you're really talking about here. our ability to movome, our ability to create i mean,g b we're talking aboutou manufactured the manufacturing s base in the united states . biden today was talking about made in america. he couldn't even say madn e in h america. and the reason fore only that ii he only thing he's making innf america is inflation and nationalecurity. security be of these policies. arg hat indi arabigin
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hand , these regimes in saudia arabia and venezuela top of oie you a cup of oil because you can't and won't drill your own, that'sl t a hugelem. i problem. and it locks your people down somehow. we have to get past this cultn e of of of green new deal thatde biden has decided to imbibe and embrace. it's destroying the countr i ay and making us very insecure. >> absolutely.oust i mean, wery a raymond talked at us begging for oil. i meaner, he went all the way joe biden to saudi arabia. he fist pump h theimm and then they gave him the finger. >> well, wcae could do it here.b and be completely independent. and your point aboutsaying the control, i mean, look atcano california. they're saying, hey, you can'tr go out and buy a gas powered car by twenty, thirty five . yoe going tou when'r tell you when you can charge your electri c vehicle right to a point about the control aspect. and the reality is getting rid of fossil fuels is a death and mission for the country. it's going to lead to death. it's going to lead to human i suffering. it's not about a better way of
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life. itworse wa leads to a worse ways life. and they don't even care about any of this stuff. that'sff thatr. the a kicker he. right. that they've beeno thei able to get so many americans to buy into their climate hoax ,they don't care about this.f look atht how many of them fly k private. to rachel , it's a joke to it's about control tiso theml go because the reality is they'rewu all going to be flying private when you can't pay for your gasp and when gas when they'ree th driving up gas prices by getting rid of things like the keystone to not allowing american energy production to do its thing thi. and they're going to be flyingat private or you can't use electricity because you can't afford it or it's no longer abundant. so that's the reality. they don't even believe the same hoax that they're pushing with their propaganda. , lisa makes a great point. >> that' gs a great point,re rachael. that t lisa is making between the keystone pipeline and our owetweenn exploration. our we could make up for the oil and that the saudis and russia are taking off the map very easily and we're not doing it. why?on that's the question that every
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american and every congressperson should be demanding of this administration. >>iit's within our reach to do this. >> raymond, lisaamon, two offavi my favorite freedom fighters. all right. g americ a. test thirty one days out, one ofing l the fastest growing blocks inocs the country, latino are leaving the democrat party in droves. even msnbcthat can't avoid talking about it. >> the democratic party has changed a lot. and i didn't identify more with the republican party. what things? well, we're fagone country family and hard work also used to vote blue, too. now, he's also a republican and most concerned with immigration con and beefinp your security. >> what are the concerns you have about immigrationborder? the fact of the matter is that we you know, we don't feele safe anymore. >>anymor joining me now is repun congresswoman meitav flores, who is running for reelection in and , yes, the vega, the gopg fo congressional candidate in virginia. congresswoman, welcome . therxas. cone is a new poll thas
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that 40%, of course, there'snt n a new poll that shows that 40% of independent latino voters are still undecided ahead ofundt midterms. is it enough theo keep pounding the pavement on the economy and crime, the border, or is there something t else you ould both of you could be doing to sway them? thour family and cultural value the last component that need to be driven home. my right was thinking about youh because i follow you on twitteor . i saw a tweet that you just you put recently put up and you saidpeoe people take your children up, taking them tog drag shows, tae them to church. and i thought, well, that is a very authentically hispanic thing to say. i think every one of us has spa either said that or havenish he a mom say that.onent? is that the missing component?he is this the big disconnect that democrats are missing, the cultural, religious values t of hispanics?heoc that's right.rat walkthe democrat party walked a from the hispanic community to cater to the far left. and tha
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that is antit' god anti family, and that is just not who we are. texhere in south texas.rd we're all about god and family and hard work. sec and they walked away from thatuu and we care about bordert the ec security. weonomy an care about the econou thcarese about the inflation, the kitchen table issuesat that matter to everyday american. and they need to stop seeingareu us just as hispanics. we're also proud americanserican and we're important here in south texas as well.efor and we just didn't have a voicee beforect my election. but it's enough. nd we finally do have a voice in washington. >> yesvoton. , we are not tacose we're not breakfast tacos. i tell you that the dems are fretting over these polls. but when i hear them talk about wanting to win back hispanics that they're losing in districts like your your districts, i hear them talk about we need to show up or we s need to stop saying latin x, they're never talking about actually changing the policies. aren't the policies.e po what's whalit what is actuallyot repelling hispanic voters from the democrats at this point in time? >> point in time absolutely.y
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>> they wantwa to talk aboutlk a anything other thandon't. their voting records. and i mean, do you blame them?dt i don't i certainly wouldn't want to talk about my failures as an elected member of congress with this current administration. it's been one catastrophic decision after another. and i think that we're winning and we're going to continue tot win across the unitedwe are tal states come november 8th because we're talkinabout the gt the issues that matter to the voters. you know, the democrat party vo. for far too long has thought that we're single issue voters or will not we we care about the inflation. we care about the economy. we care about crime.t happduca tingwe care about what's happeng with the educating of our children. and we've had enoughwe put ourt we've put our foot down.nes, we're not goin we arg to sit on the sidelines. we're in the fight and we're and ready to take our countryn back and get to work on november eight . we're going to win. we'r. we are go e going to win g and we're excited. myra , our last guest talked gut a lot about what's at the heartn of this economy and thed problems that we're facing. and so many of iy oft is the green new deal , which they'vele injected into all these
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ifferent bills, whether it was the transportation bill or the fake inflation reduction bill . lation reductithese policies, t policies depriving us of beingdt o beenergy dependent are is kil americans in so many ways.killin it's killingg this economy. so what is your response toab that? why do you thinkout, democrats % more about, you know, the ocean being 1% coole r than they cares about whether kids eatin, whethi parents put gas in the car to go to work, or whether seniors heat their homes. they only care about themselves and their political party. but the people here in this country, in south texas, especially the people of brownsville, texas, are struggling right now to pay their utility. i get commonness calls everyutie single day because their utility bill has doubled, tripled. people went from paying three py hundred dollars a month foinrg their liability to nine hundred dollars. people areg paying threewell fr thousand dollars as well for t light bill . and this is all because of the bush administration
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and their policies. e sent tha t gonzalez, who supported those same policies? >> well, yes, meira, both ofar you impressive women who aree moms and fighting fomor their communities and real issues. thanks for joining us . as new york city crimeank you h new york's democrat governor , kathy hochul, has the gall toy pretend it's not even happening. her challenger, congressman lee zeldin, reacts toened. the unbelievable sound next. inside your eye, there's an everyday battle against life's daily stressors like smartphones, sunlight and screens. >> just one occupied eye, vitamin a day replenishes key nutrients that help protect the health of your eyes. take occupied. >> take care of your eyes. hi, i'm mike huckabee. former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep deprivation. and that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's
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one . >> again, that's eight hundred three two five four nine nine one . this is alvin charles .charle last year he was charged in a stabbing attack on a he wa new york city subway and then freed without bail on supervised release and due in court later this month.behinb he's behind bars now,k accused in yet another subway stabbing that happened a week ago tonight. thisexcept this time the victi, father of three , tommy bailey, died. new york city is becoming unbearable. york city isfor the good peoplee and work here over the course of eight hours yesterday, there were four separate stabbing liv attacks on the subway. and , of course, there are the unprovoked beatings. but new york governor governor, kathy hochul says not to worry.u >> city is still the safest big city in america. >> loo k at chicago. look at san francisco.
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look at los angeles, atlanta,w washington. people leaving new york . i'm not sureyork wheree they're going to go because we are the safest big city in america. > hey, kathy , cut the b.s. actually , keep it going. because voters are seeing who you truly are. a branu truld new poll shows. my next guest, congressman lee zeldin, is trailing hochul by less than two byles points in the race for governor right here in new york . t >>in the r congressman zeldin je now. >> congressman, so great to have you. >> first, your reaction to what governor hochul said is totally divorced from reality. i mean, you're pointing out fo what happened yesterday with four subway knife attacks over the course of anre eight hour span. you talk aboutd the persoonn t who gets murdered on an l train. and that was while we're all in mourning over an emt who in an unprovoked attack got fatally stabbed just before that. n her lunch break, we saw what happened with someone else in howard beach trying to get off of a subway, gets attacked by a
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guy who had once killed his owne grandmother out on parole, violates the parole in august. but the parole officer, because f kathy hochul, is less is more act is unable to keep that person detained. now the victim is battling forte her eyesight. meanwhile, i just came fromn buffalo yesterday where there was a woman in that area tu who tuesday got attacked by her own husband, karen hudson. they have three kids . he. mes he got charged with all sorts he of crimes on tuesday, but he gets instantly released on kassel's bail. kyra was telling people, listen, he's going to kill me on wednesday while she wasn wearing a bulletproof vest. señoesday, sr, her husband killr in front of her three kids. if we didn't have the cash bail law, he would have stayed detained on tuesday. tuesday. yyou can't be looking a these crimes and just say, no, everything's fine here. >> there's nothing to see here. yeah, i mean, congressman, i was so hit hard by the father who went to parent weekend with marriott courtyard, get shot in the hotel by som cel guy, and he's out on bail, too.e i mean, it just is never ending
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. a reisten, it's been fifteen years since your state has voted foernor. ir republican go i've never seen the polls this tight. i since i remember traveling to new york for my job. i don't know. it's beeit hasinn eight , nine c what is happening? is this really possible? could you win this thing baseden on how bad do we are going to win this? n >> yeah, yeah, absolutely. new york leads the entire nation in population loss. i don't even think kathy hochuln can finish the sentence of new york leads the nation in population loss because now welh all know the reason why we lead the nation of population loss is because new yorkers are g a breaking point. they feel like their safety is under attack, their wallets, heir freedotackm, the quality f their kids education. and they're looking at othern. n g at ostates where they feel lil their money will go further, they'll feel safer, they'll live life freer. go new york leads the entire nation in population law. so even if you'r popu,mocrat a lifelong democrat, but you know, you can't ride a subway. if you do, you're grabbingy be a pole or a guardrail because d fromafraid of being pushe in front of an oncoming subway
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car . you're seeing other people gettiny g attacked on a street where you used to be able toablt walk 15 blocks in manhattan5 on a nice summer night but now you have to call an youv uber just to go two blocks. people's safety, the attacks on their wallets, where now w they want to hit everybody with the new congestion pricin gt charge auci where you can get charged even more every day to come toee the city. you wantople more people ridingn the subway that makecehile the experience safe . , so meanwhile, listen, there'se a whole lot of people who have other members of their family who are gone. havet they realize that this is it. we have to save our state. we need balance restored to albany. kathy hochul is in over her head. she's referred she' to new yorks as her apostles. -- she's referred to herself as the mother ofreferrin new yos sixty two counties. she raises tens of millions of,h dollars on corrupt pay to playsn scandals. we have to remove her from scandal. we have to remove her from office. we get that opportunity one month from tomorrow. i am not in this race to comenge in second. >> well, it's the most exciting race in the country right now. at least one oowf them. good l
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and you truly are, i think, new york's last hope so. good luck. >> the left wants you to thinkr this crime surge is a figment of our imagination. >> people aren't being killed.g and unprovoked attacks daily."tg the washington post'ton s philin bump even pointed to a conversation. my next guest, caldwell, tried to have with congressman jerry nadler about the crimeel crisis bumpe writes, quote, which n crime crisis is that exactlyadls in adler's hometown of new york city, murder and shooting incidents are down elative to last year, though violent crime in generales is last year. the city saw lower crime acrosse the board than two or three decades ago, though, again, it's noo w up relative to 2020. s that what caldwell meant or t did he mean somethinorg broader if so, i'd be interested to know what numbers he's lookingg at. joining me now is general caldwell, fox news political analyst, g.a.. this is obviously a topic thats you know intimately as your gian little brother was tragically murdered this summer in chicago
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. what's your response to what bumpe said that also theses members of congress that ignored you walked away, you considering what you know about wh crime wave in america? >> that's right. hochul, and i think about whatt kathy hochul. oh, it's not there's not a big deal . this is the safest city inn america. i think about lori lightfootligo says, oh, the mcdonald's ceo, he doesn't know what he's talking about. , or philip bump.s crime is not that it fo ax newsll is making it all u. i don't know if these people have been around open cans of paint, but these are very delusional statements. they don't understand the seventy seven percent of americans believe that crime is an issue because it s people are being murdered on a daily basis.a dail if you look at the numbers, just last year in chicago,almos3 almost three hundred kids shot sixteen and under just this ast pas weekend, three year ols shot, seven year olds shot the weekend before three year olds shost another three year old shot.ty >> o this is insanity on steroids. we shouldn't steroi be living in this. a society like this because i this is no society at all. there's nos no sall. rule of laf
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and folks like me, lori ightfoot, kathy hogle and a lot of other democrats thatemoc i've met on capitol hillrats, c they created this systemic epidemic of violence by saying,h hey, we need to defund the police, we need to createcra n environmentte where we have a cashless based society. we need to juse net leedt the pe roam free. and when they were waving me off, not wanting to answerm my questions, that told me one thing, rachel . black lives don't matter to them. black votes matter them. nd i'm a be very clear about that. they don'tre. they c care. >> they care to win electionsra and that is about it. >> so muchrachel , so much is tn they're talking out of both sides of their mouth. >> on the one hand , they'rer h ayingonr hand there's no crime. on the other hand , i just polic heard some of them say, oh, the defund place is actually a republican thing. and i'm like, doo they not theye we have videotape of all of them? you know, whether it's, you o know, the squar yingd or whoever saying defund, defund, how can they think that this is a winnable way to run this country? >> i mean, is gaslightin whatgw is what this is .sothe and it wouldyo be laughable if
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wasn't so dangerous if you jusit look at the numbers in new york and 2020 one murders up four percent , , four percent up robbery, four percent assault, 11% burglary,ia 17%. >> car theft, 50%.safest is that what the safest city in the nation looks like now? it isn't. so now i'm on a mission not just for my little brother to nn get justice for him because i want justice f for christian o > he was murdered on june twenty fourth, but families across the country. so ilies acrosf there's anyone d about solutions to the violence, any viewers, please reach out to me on social media at general caldwell, on instagram, twitter, facebook,l if you have a family member or someone you know who's had a horrific experience with crime and they need help in the media@gia, reae out to mace on social media, get at general caldwell. e want todi hela. we wap famill across the country because they need it, because b who have been elected to help them are nothelp helping folks as they should. >> really quick, you spent the whole day on capitol hill. was there any moment that gave you hope while you were up there talking to our lawmakers? >> i'ma tell you what burgess owens gave me a lot of hope.
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i thought kevin mccarthy had some really good things to say, but i would tellre you, if i we directing or advisingth kevin mccarthy, i would tell him, get ready aftero the election to beef ubepefstaf your staff. f bee yobecause you need to see preservation notices to every softe crime d.a. in the countr. they're getting federal dollars. so chicago , you're on notice. philadelphia, you're on notice. california, los angeles, you're on notice. these folks need to know that there is going to o be aben oversight and there's going to be punishment for the things that they are doing. >> you shouldn't be gettin tgo e federa l dollars to fight crime and you're not fighting crime. this is a majo r problem and people are paying the price for it on a daily basis.>> >> rachel majano, i feel your passion. thank you so thanks forion. ing me. joining. >> thank you for having me. of course. now, when pro-life is protest, the fbi comes knocking. do you think abortion activists receive the same treatment? mike huckabee and jack >> there. i'm jonathan larson. >> there.
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marines and family members who spend time at camp lejeune. if you spent time on base at camp lejeune prior to nineteen eighty eight and developed any of these cancers or suffered any of these injuries, you may be eligible for significant financial compensation. call camp lejeune victims to discuss your case. now leaking underground tanks contaminated the drinking water with benzene and other highly carcinogenic chemicals up to two hundred eighty times acceptable levels in some instances. there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer and other serious health conditions. it is critical to take action and call camp lejeune victims. now, if you wish someone you know spent time at camp lejeune before 1988 and you developed any of these cancers or injuries called to determine your eligibility for financial compensation. now, if you don't win, you pay nothing called 840 zero nine three three one. that's eight hundred boys zero nine three three one five .
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more about pro-life activists being targeted by the fbi. we told you about mark houck, who says he had agents come to his house with guns drawn, scaring his wife and children and now pro-life leaders chet gallagher and paul von reportedly had the same treatment from agents. all in all, eleven pro-life advocates were indicted for a skirmish that happened in a tennessee abortion clinic in 2020 one . this has becoming more of the same for biden's doj. where do we stand on all the attacks on crisis pregnancy centers? there's over 70 of. has the doj ordered any raids of abortion activists? joining me now is mike huckabee, former arkansas governor , and jack ruo, founder of the jack foundation and ceo of the brewer group. governor , why does this only seem to go one way? >> it's real simple, rachel . this is an attempt to intimidate not just the people whose homes are raided with guns drawn and an overkill of any necessary kind of force.
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this is intended to shut down people like you and me and tens of thousands of other pro-life christian people across the country. and tell us that if we dare raise our voice to stop this horrible slaughter of unborn children, it could be our home and that we're going to be singled out as threats to democracy. and there's been no arrests made, no raids, and there have been over a hundred and seven direct attacks on pregnancy crisis centers across the country. and no one is being arrested for these. the department of justice could care less that these places are being firebombed, vandalized, and there people being threatened with assassination. >> i mean, it's worse than that, governor are sitting on videotape that they got from the pregnancy centers and they're refusing to do anything about it is absolutely full out political political persecute, in my opinion. jack, i want to get to you because this week there's a lot
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of news being made with with with the former kanye west interview with tucker carlson and a lot he brought up the issue of life. he's very definitively and outspokenly pro-life. he talked about the racist roots of planned parenthood. he talked about margaret sanger and the kkk involvement in its founding. but what i actually found most interesting were all the things that he had to say about marriage and family. and i wanted to talk to you about those are issues that are really important to take a look at this clip, the media ridiculed me for getting the house next door to come to see my children, and they even said that i was talking her and her new boyfriend because i bought the house next door to see my children. >> what do you think about his overall message about marriage and kids? being a father, being a black father? >> is so important these days? you know, connie, he has a way to deliver that message that
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creates a stir. but then after the dust settles, you realized the spirit that is coming from the biblical context in which he's really standing on . and i think it's beautiful for a black man to be in a situation like that when we have so many fatherless kids throughout our community to actually stand up for his children front and center and be bashful about that. to actually make the investment of time and money and resources to move next door to his children, especially given the fact that his mother had necessarily done very godly things with her daughter, having her own social media and actually doing things that destress what connie's wishes were for that child. and i think right now in the crisis we have in our country, you know, the pro-life message, the christian message, we are all being persecuted right now in the name of . and we all, as christians know that this day was coming. and so i think it's time for us to continue to lock arms and be even stronger and make sure that the people that we're voting for in the folks that we're putting into office are
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folks of god , men and women who are going to stand up for scripture in biblical context. that is the only way that we're going to push for in this nation right now and get this country back on track. >> yeah, governor , he also yaye formerly kanye west, also talked about, you know, being a christian in this moment and in this moment of persecution, but saying, you know, i was born for a time like this. you're a pastor. what is your message? to people maybe less powerful than kanye west, other christians who are feeling that pressure in our culture right now? >> the message is , don't curl up in a fetal position, crawl up under your bed and be afraid . god has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power. love and a sound mind. we need to stand up and lock arms as jack said so brilliantly with other christian believers, there are catholic believers or evangelical believers. there are many kinds of people
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who believe that the bible is truth, that we have a responsibility to god . we need to quit seeing things. horsin to lead. this is not a left right liberal, conservative, democrat, republican , right. this is a fight between good and evil. if you really believe it's okay to shred a baby in the mother's right up until the moment of birth. that's not a political position. that's a position that is sheer evil. and we need to quit pretending that this is all about one person's politics. over another. we're talking about the salvation of our culture and our civilization. >> well, courage beget courage begets courage. you showed that that you too, godly men do that every day. as well. >> thanks for joining us . a terrifying new fashion trend. plus, is hunter biden going to jail? emily, compañero is up next day right there. >> is a man we're designed to do hard things. testosterone levels are declining 10% per decade.
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chemical and pharmaceutical companies are poisoning us . but you're not allowed to notice this is happening. this is a chemical warfare on our country. you have to have strong men . if you don't, it's not going to go well. what's wrong with our food? is that not food and reliant on industrial processes for many of these compounds? there's clear evidence that some of these chemicals causes problems with reproduction. picking something hard to do every day will increase your testosterone. we need a renaissance getting into a healthier state, being a healthier person. that's when you really start to see improvement. no one in washington seems interested at all. it's a joke to them. if men can't reproduce, then the world is over. we're headed for a calamity. diamonds, the timeless gift. you know, the jewelry exchanges. prices are unbeatable with thousands of diamonds, say 15% on all our fine jewelry and an additional 10% on loose
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>> all right. well, now it's time for our culture whip of the week. m > joining me now is emily confiance. oh, no, emi i believe wely com have so much cover tonight. so let's jump right into it. there's a strange new trentoniga happening for fashion week that even has celebrities getting in on the act. and it's bleached eyebrows. and you can see it here. ac and bella hadid calls them
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anna wintour dolls. >> i'm like, can we expect toe n see you rocking these eyebrows next week? what do you think? not if i'm conscious above ground, because that is the most hideous trend i've ever seen. so, rachel , obviously, we >> lived through the 90s. we had that pencil thin brows.on we did know back like a litter or dead. and that's what happens. and i call foul on people magazine, for example, who called it the coveted platinum eyebrow's. no, it's it's bleached def. so huge. no, thank you. so our producers want to seeeath what we would look like if we>> please. >> i , by the way. but don't. eye madonna was the original. brows let's show madonna. i'm aging myself. i remember these days origi with madonna. there she is . there some .na bul. is.t there was still a fie line. is something going on likethat't the . i can't get over what we lookede like. we look like a frightening skeleton. twin. s. >> it's really scary. >> and okay, so let's go where the church is something that's not so scary. , this uplifting. some okay, we're going to turn to h something called the hot girl walk that swept tock.t >> listen, it is what i call thg
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the hot girl. you're only allowed to think about three things on the honkala one things t you're grateful for to, your goals. yourand how you're going to ace them. >> and three, how are you t and three, how hard you are.u all right, so you go on a walk a and you play inspirationalyou th playlist or podcast and youho think about how hot you aregratf and you think about beingdy, grateful. wow, it's true. i mean, people are loving this.o his is why it caught on , because she called it the hot girl off, because the first two things are amazing and pretty basic. righ t, fundamental,ls your expressions of gratitude and then your goals and how you're going tw achieveo fauci them nd then throwing in the hotness. first of all, i love ialt becau i'm all for people feeling goo empowered and good about themselves, especially young women. bu trend t the trend part of it y is calling it the hot girl walk and be like, do your or but yeah, that's me in central park every day, just setting my goals, just expressing gratitude, not number thirty . >> so i used to go on walks every day this summer when i was back in wisconsin. i thinhinkk does a lot for
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your soul. i think it works. i think that'sit why it's a trend. it's actually next one .king everyone is crazy for the charcuterie boards at parties. right? well, you can really do anything with them. and so now there's a new trend. it's called button i mean, i don't think i . >> have you heard of a butterball? this is what one looks like. and i. i want to make them the next charcuterie board. if you're servin oneg a group of people, like, spread a bunch ofa salt and butter on a plate of tons of flaky salt, tons of s lemon zest and herbs ofore brea toppings, you want serve fee with warm bread and it just feels like really camuto. >> i love it. it looks delicious.cious, wwho doesn't love butter? >> salted butter. otally. i mean, you can keep loving it until you gain the freshman m 15 and then the butter thirty and then the butter fifty . so to me that looks like butteritalia in moderation. being italia in, i'm all about this record rewards because that's the antipasto, right? so if itpast doesn'to. if have and it it's got butter. i love butter to my finalpatien thoughts. ts >>tc your next.h >>tc your next.h thank you, emily inin a recent clinical study, 'h
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12:56 am
now, leaking underground tanks contaminated the drinking water with benzene and other highly carcinogenic chemicals up to 280 times acceptable levels in some instances. there have been numerous reported cases of exposed personnel developing cancer and other serious health conditions. it is critical to take action and call camp lejeune victims. now, if you wish someone you know spent time at camp lejeune before in 1988 and you developed any of these cancers or injuries to determine your eligibility for financial compensation. now, if you don't win, you pay nothing called 800 zero nine three three one five . that's eight hundred four zero nine three three one five men over forty five . do you have a frequent urgent need to day and night? i have good news presenting the euro live system and outpatient treatment that simply reopens the channel to increase flow with no cutting. yes, most side effects are mild
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i'm rachel campos duff iy in fom laura ingraham. tune in tomorrow and sunday morning. y regulafor my regular gig, fox and friends weekend at 6:00 a.m. eastern to 10:0g at 6:00 a. and check out the podcast i have with my husband sean from the kitchen table. we talk about border policies, how they're allowing mexico to k turn into a cartel run narco state. yahweh's was punished for tellin tg the truth. we have a special guest on for that. you don't want to miss it. thanks for watching.ks for w atthis is a speciall trai edition of the incremental. >> that bill is next. ofto why, why, why? ha happy friday, america.y oh, mantanfr.iday night is a special night. it's feminin friday where allwh the panelists are wome


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