tv The Big Saturday Show FOX News October 8, 2022 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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went to d.c. to get some answers, and what happened when i spoke to dems on the hill may surprise you. >> and jackie. >> the artist formerly known as kanye west has everyone talking about his interview with tucker. he's not holding back on his faith and the bullying happening in hollywood right now to silence him and conservatives. >> but first, backlash building tonight over president biden's end of the word -- world rhetoric about putin using nuclear weapons after he ran from reporters who asked about it. he made these comments off camera earlier this week. quote: think about it, we have not faced the prospect of armageddon since kennedy and the cuban missile crisis. he went on to say he is not joking when he talks about potential use of tactical and nuclear weapons. then yesterday he went after putin again, this time over high gas prices in an a awkward speech about the economy. >> let me start off with two words, made in america. [cheers and applause]
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made in america. that's not hyperbole, i'm not joking about that, as you know. i was able to bring gasoline down well over $1.60, but it's inching up because of what the russians and the saudis just did. i'm not finished with that yet. >> he just tapped into the strategic oil reserve, again depleting it to a 40-year low after o peck plus -- opec+ decided to cut production. >> the idea that saudi arabia would do this to harm the u.s. is absolutely not correct at all. with due respect, the reason you have high prices in the united states is because you have the refining shortage that has been in existence for more than 20 years. you haven't built refineries in decades. it's as a are result of the shortage of refining capacity that you have a shortage of gasoline and an increase in the price of gasoline. it has nothing to do with the fundamentals of crude or supply and named. >> so, listen, i think that's a
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fascinating comment, and i want to get to joe biden in a second. jackie, you're line our resident energy expert -- [laughter] so here you have the saudis saying the the issue with american gas prices is you had a decline in refining capacity, but over the past couple years our refining hasn't gone down, our oil production has gone down. >> it absolutely has. remember, the oil boom is relatively new. president trump comes into office, he makes us the world's number one oil producer, something we never thought we would see in our lifetime. election is in november of 2016. december of 2016, sean, that's when russia decides we're going to join with saudi arabia, and we're going to be a part of what we call opec+. interesting? not really. putin's sitting back, he's watching the dynamic, he sees president trump, and he says he is going to expand capacity, and they're going to become number one. what would have happened? we would have built more refineries to keep the boom going. then you had president biden
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come in and say i'm going to attack oil and gas. no oil company wants to build a refinery or anything else, and they stop investing. what's really interesting here is the russia/saudi alliance. i agree with the minister, i don't think they're trying to -- i don't think the saudis are trying to harm us, per se, but this is a business, and it's about supply and demand, it's about pricing. russia's in a tough spot right now. it needs these prices to stay u- >> i ask you a question about that -- >> -- and here we are. >> the saudis don't like joe biden, the russians don't like him, putin doesn't like him. so isn't it fair to say we know this is bad in the u.s., let's cut production by 2 million barrels a day? >> absolutely. and they never promised that they wouldn't do that or that they were worried about our gas prices. quite frankly, they run their whole kingdom can on oil revenue. when prices are high, it's a great thing for them. putin needs prices high too. we're the ones suffering. >> gianno, what does this say
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about joe biden he's talking about, two words, made in america -- my count, that's three words, how dumb is that? [laughter] we have all this energy in america, and here he is going to people that actually hate us, and he's begging them to produce more oil when here at home he's doing the same thing the saudis are doing, cutting production by way of policies? >> that's right. and joe biden has become the kid who cried wolf, and instead of wolf, it's putin, putin, putin. he's failing the leadership test especially when it comes to major issue that impacts most americans. not just the price of oil, but dealing with world leaders, they lost respect for us. they don't believe what we say anymore. this statement that joe biden just made tells us all of that when the white house continues to walk back the statements that he makes. we don't have a leader in the white house. we have a guy that's in a suit, an empty suit, is what i would call it. 57% of americans say in the last six months the actions of the federal government have negatively i impacted their
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lives on issues of concern to them, including gas prices, inflation, the border, jobs. we're in a terrible the situation right now. we don't have somebody that's going to lead us to victory, we've got somebody that americans are doubting his mental capacity. so something needs to change right away, and this isn't the guy, so i don't know what we're going to do. >> and what's shameful is that the press in the last election was, like, we need an adult in the room. we want to bring the adult back, and this is what you get with joe biden. it's a clown show. lara, nikki haley, former ambassador to the u.n., sayses biden's rhetoric invokes fear unnecessarily. take a listen. >> every time he speaks it's just unproductive because on one side you're putting fear in americans, which is not helpful, and it really questions his leadership. on other side, if he knows putin so well, he would know he should not be saying this is armageddon because putin is hearing that. what he needs to do is have deterrents. when president trump was in office, you didn't see these dictators doing this because
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there wasn't the weakness that we're seeing today. >> lara, is she right? >> she's exactly right. you did not see any new wars started under my father-in-law's administration. it was peace through strength. people respected donald trump because he exuded strength. they didn't even want to try the it. i actually interview ised my father-in-law if recently on a podcast i have called the right view -- knock on "the view," -- [laughter] and i asked him about this. i said, what would you do if you were in this situation right now with russia and ukraine? how do you get out of this? what do we do at this point? he said, first of all, this would have never happened -- >> that's true. >> -- whether we're talking about green lighting the nord stream nord stream 2 pipeline, cutting off -- jackie, as you just talked about, america's energy leadership around the world and our exportation. but he said at this point you have to make a deal. at this point between russia and ukraine, there should be somebody trying to make a deal. the europeans have to come together and something has to happen because you can't continue down this path. and my question is why haven't
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we heard any movement on that front from joe biden, from the white house? no one is talking about how to end this war many ukraine, how to actually get out of this. and it's headed down a really scary path, i think, right now for a lot of us. >> instead, we keep just sending billions of dollars in aid to keep it going longer and longer. and do you think putin. 's going to help us with oil when we're fighting a proxy war and funding it? >> i think a lot of us saw russia invade another country, ukraine, and we're like, listen, we want to de. fend those who were invaded. and i think a lot of americans were in favor of this. but now we step back and go, we're at the brink of armageddon? nuclear war? how far do you want to go? how far do you want to take it, gianno, to say we could have global destruction if this goes much further. you need someone to say let's cut a deal, let's talk about it. let's not say we need regime change in russia. that's only going to back putin into a casher. >> and that's part of the reason
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why this midterm election coming up is so darn important. we need to have an adult in the room, we need to stop biden's actions because he's leading us into destruction. you continue to pour out billions and billions and billions of dollars into the ukraine when we need the help here. honestly, i'm all for support of ukraine, but we've got to think about our country first and foremost. countries around the world do not respect us anymore. we saw what happened in london as the u.k. as an example when the parliament was saying, hey, we don't -- there's no leader in america anymore. this is a serious issue. and biden is simply not up for the job. we continue to see that time and time again. and the real issue here is right here at home, the press won't hold him accountable. why is that? if trump was doing this kind of stuff, they would be saying we need a third impeachment, honestly. >> 100%. you have joe biden making these offhanded comments that are elevating the temperature, but he could do things that would actually put pressure on russia without actually saying it which
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is american oil and gas. listen to what larry summers had to say about the biden policy on oil. >> look, we made a mistake by canceling the keystone pipeline. we made a mistake by slowing down all kinds of permitting activity. we made a mistake by being hostile as a country to natural gas. >> lara, this is not a right-wing conservative, this is the former economic adviser to barack obama saying these things about joe biden's policies. >> but it's obvious. it's obvious to anyone who is paying attention in any sort of way what is boeing on here. the reason that we have high inflation, the reason that we are in this situation, the reason, quite frankly, that russia had the funding to go in and start this war in ukraine, it all boils down to joe biden and his bad policies from day one in office cab selling the keystone pipeline. -- canceling. >> yeah. >> that's where it starts and
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then it is a snowball effect. you see inflation going up because the democrats are just dumping money out as fast as they possibly can. with the high gas prices, there's no end in sight. larry summers is right, you know? and this is no, you know, right-leaning conspiracy theorist by my measure. >> someone who just believes in good policy and understands that joe biden is hitting the average day, every middle class american family with these policies. >> 57% of americans say the same. >> you are so right. all right. coming up, a democratic -- democrat operatives are punching to push their left-leaning message, their new, sneaky attempts to influence our vote. that's coming up next. how interesting. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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muck you got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em -- ♪ know when to walk away, know when to run ♪ >> welcome back to "the big saturday show." democrat operatives reportedly launching a new machine to sway voters in battleground states like pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin. according to axios, here's the strategy for dozens of these left-leaning media outlets.
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quote, each follows a similar template, aggregated local news content and short write-ups about local sports and teams and attractions interspersed with heavily slanted political news aimed at boosting midterm candidates and attacking republican opponentsful well, sean, it kind of seems, i don't know, i'm going to go out on a limb, like the democrats' ideas and policies are really so bad they're having to go to pretty big lengths here to push their propaganda out, is that what this is? >> you're absolutely right. and first of all, let's admit that politics can be dishonest, it can be dirty, it can be unfair, right? both sides do it. that's what the business is about. but you look at this and you have to recognize that, to your point, if you have policies that you can't run on, if you can't say i'm going to tell you what i've done, i'm going to stand up how great i've done over the last two years with joe biden and the democrat congress, you have to lie like this. i'm going to lie to people, misrepresent to people in these
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swing cities and swing states to say, you know what? this is actually news coverage. we're going to talk about your sports, entertainment and your community, and then we're going to interplay democrat talking points about how great your democrat is and how -- [laughter] what they've done. this is blatantly dishonest. i loved to stand on my policies. you know what? this is what i've done. you can attack me for it, but i'll defeinted it. let's have a conversation about it -- defend. this is just flat out deception. >> yeah, it is. imagine if republicans did this, the. mccrory: -- horror. people would be panicking. gianno, this just says the democrats are really worried about the midterms. >> they are. but when i read story, i laughed out loud. have they not heard of "the new york times"? [laughter] >> exactly. >> they put propaganda out by the hour. i'm so surprised that we haven't heard more about this because i think of things like the end of democracy, election interference. i think about those terms which were used in the 2016 election.
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the media said, hey, there are stories being planted in support of particular candidates. this is a problem. it's a major problem. especially considering the fact that media, big tech -- which is a very large organization, one-third of americans get their news from there -- big tech is controlling the whole entire landscape. and i'm sure for these individuals who are creating these platforms they are not suppressing it, they're allowing it to flourish. and, yeah, democratic policies have failed. that's why you see the enthusiasm for republicans. you see with where crime as an example, republicans, saw -- 15% occupy -- up, 15 points up. enthusiasm for republicans. so things need to change, and they are very scared. they should be. >> yeah. well, they should be. jackie, it seems so sleaze -- sleazy to me. >> yeah. >> to have to go to these lengths. you have a story about the local high school football team9 and the local kid that cashes a big
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fish. oh, here's some propaganda sprinkled in there. people actually think they're getting news and that's part of the problem. >> i'm actually glad we're doing the story because i look at the news as consumption. if you go to the grocery store, a lot of people will look at the nutrition label. you bring up the times and the washington post. i read everything. i want to know what everybody has to say. >> as you should. >> but i also want to know who is giving me that information so i understand it better. this is very deceptive, it's very manipulative, and it's very low level to stoop to, but nothing surprises me anymore. i just think americans need to wake up. and when they take their news in whether it's on social media, in hard copy form, just on the internet, whatever it is, really understand understand what you're reading, where it's coming from because this is manipulation at its best. >> and most people don't. they just read the headlines. hay don't even know. >> but it's powerful, because when it comes from your local community, those sources tend to be -- >> that's right. that's why it's so sleazy. >> when i ran ads, i'm sean
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duffy and i approved this message. i wonder if democrats are putting a disclosure, a disclaimer -- >> no, they're not. [laughter] >> that was a campaign violation, we ought to report to the fcc. wrong -- >> this is why so many people distrust the media. because this sort of thing happens. it used to be, gianno, that you could -- people trusted our news sources. and you have to put news in air quotes these days because they're not so often reporting the facts. there is such a slant to it. and we know which way it usually slants. i mean, do we ever get back to a place where people can call themselves journalists instead the of like political operatives? because that's what it seems is happening. >> i would hope for that in the future, but i'm not necessarily seeing that. less and less people trust the media, and they've earned that reputation. >> absolutely. >> the saddest place to be. coming up next, a mayor lori lightfoot is singing, dancing and doing karaoke. but with crime out of control in
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♪ still like that old time rock and roll. ♪ that kind of music just soothes my soul. ♪ i reminisce about the days of old -- >> welcome back to "the big saturday show." with crime spiking in democrat-run cities like new york and washington, d.c., you'd think fighting crime ahead of the midterms would be a priority. but one member of the squad doubling down on defunding the police. >> if you could do it again, would you still double down or use that slogan -- >> absolutely. >> you would? >> absolutely. >> while democrat-run cities that aren't defunding the police are preventing crime. in wilmington, delaware, murders are down 50% from 2021, shootings down 25%. the democrat mayor there says he
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wouldn't even consider defunding the police. unfortunately, folks in chicago can't say the same thing. as crime spikes there, mayor lori lightfoot is busy singing karaoke. ♪ baby, don't you wanning that go -- wanna go. ♪ come on, come on, baby, don't you wanna go ♪ pressure. >> that's pretty insulting, i think, when i see her doing that considering what is going on in chicago. >> yeah. >> you're the person to talk to about. >> yes. >> your brother christian was murdered, you've been fighting for justice. >> i'm disgusted. i don't know if she's audition decision for the masked singer or what her deal is, but this is not what i expect as the leader of the city of chicago, knowing the violence that is there. that's why when i went to washington, d.c., those who have said defund the police, those who have said police wasn't immediated mt. neighborhoods and you've seen the -- needed in the neighborhoods, i wanted to talk to those people because my
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little brother christian's murder on june 24th has shattered our family. now we need to hold those in leadership to account. so that's what i did on capitol hill. let's watch. we just want to talk about the chi sis of what has been happening in our country with crime -- >> [inaudible] >> congressman nadler, can we set up a meeting with your office and have a discussion? >> maybe. i'm going to be -- >> mayor lori lightfoot doing a good job? >> i think she's doing a good job, and i think she'll be reelected as mayor of the city of chicago. >> senator, any reaction to the crime crisis in america? crime is up, sir. there's a crisis. do you have any reaction? you're a leader, i would think you would have a reaction to what's going on in the country. any reaction to rising crime in america? you supported the defund the police movement. it led to the rise in crime. do you have any reaction? >> [bleep] >> any reactionsome no
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reactionsome you know, i was just extraordinarily disappointed with what i saw and the interaction. they ran away from me faster than a new york city mayor -- marathon winner. you guys are leaders, you should, and this is extremely disacking, and that's why i'm looking forward to the midterms. >> i just want to point out, this is if from the chicago police department. rise many crime there from last year, 37%. lara, you and i were talking about crime during the break right here in new york city. we've seen a huge rise in crime as well. people are scared to walk around on the street, i am all the time. your thoughts on what needs to be done here. people like lori lightfoot are just digging her heels in. >> and this is why for so many people, they almost feel like this has to be on purpose on some level. how can you ignore what is going on? gianno, how can those people -- leaders, as you say, the people who we are supposed to turn to,
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to help americans whenever we are in need, they won't even answer your question. you have here mayor eric adams here in new york city, jackie, who has done absolutely nothing to curb the violent crime, the murders. people are terrified to even get on the subways here in new york. and it seems like i don't know any other explanation other than they're wanting to distract people from, you know, inflation? they want to distract -- i don't know, maybe this is all part of a strategy for them. because i can't imagine how you can let crime get so out of control, not even address it, gianno, and then have no plan to get it reined back in. it's really frustrating, and it's why so many people do not want to live many these big cities anymore. >> that's right. and it's gaslighting, that's what they're doing. 77% of americans see this as an issue. >> yeah. >> in chicago last year almost 300 kids shot. 16 and under. last week, a 3-year-old. when is an emergency for them? if when is it? >> i want to take a listen to a sound bite. this is nbc news on democrat-run
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cities losing police officers. listen to this. >> the controversial approach to combating its shortage of police officers, hiring civilians. good idea? >> no, not really. >> mike glaser, who heads up one of the city's police unions, blames morale for a crushing shortage of about 6000 officers from seattle -- 600 from seattle to st. louis, major cities across the country are also reporting a cop staffing crisis. >> sean, this is how bad it's gotten. >> what gianno did will was basically say this has been a plank of your party's platform almost. i want to ask you about it, and they ran away. they were so uncomfortable because no one ever does that to them. when i was many congress, i had microphones thrown in my face every day like that, so i got used to it. but they're not used to someone asking them a very simple question about a policy they fully supported. i wonder if you're a democrat, defunding the police, crime has
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skyrocketed, police officers have left the force, and to this report's point that we can't get new people in, so the question is, if we waited a year or two years or five years, is crime going to somehow go back down again? what are they thinking? if we just wait a little bit longer, it's going to get better? i think most americans go, absolutely not, this was a dumb policy from the beginning. we know that cops keep it safe. there's bad with congressmen, bad business people and bad cops. get the bad cops out. but most of them are good men and women who serve their communities and don't make a lot of money. they put their lives in harm's way. let's support them. i think it's going to take us, you know, years if not decades to come back from the defund the police movement to get men and women to volunteer to serve again. >> that's right. >> bottom line, we need police to keep us safe. i think many people in this country understand that, and they want to see it come back. but when you've done this kind of destruction and damage, it's hard to fix it x. if then you have people like corey bush also doubling down on her stance. >> that's right. and criminals are loving this, by the way.
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i don't know if the democrats realize that or not, but they love the defund police movement, they love some of the policies lori lightfoot has put in place. the no chase policy, you cannot go and chase them in your car unless you call in your supervisor. meanwhile, the criminal has gotten away. you cannot chase them on foot. this is a destructive era in policy. and that's nationally and locally. when are you going to change course? it's not working. the fbi just came out with crime data, and the washington post is saying, hey, crime isn't a big issue, no, it's not really a big issue. really? are you serious? 40% of the police departments, new york and los angeles, didn't even submit data the, and crime has gone up in those two places, so what are you talking about? >> which is why republicans are running ads on crime, because it works. most voters, this is a problem, and i want to vote on politicianses who are going to keep me safe and to the exact opposite of the defund the
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police democrats. >> and certain politicians are not going to change their stance on it -- >> cori bush is one of them. >> -- that's why t one of the top issues that voters will be voting on. we'll see what happens. meantime, coming up, aer the foying warning from republican senators ahead of halloween about fentanyl in candy. that's coming up next. ♪ -- dancing and singing and moving to the grooving. ♪ and just when it hit me, somebody turned around and shouted -- ♪ play that funky music, white boy. ♪ play that funky music ♪
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rainbow fentanyl pills stashed in a toy lebg -- -- lego box. with halloween coming up, republican lawmakers are issuing a stern warning to parents. >> powerful drug cartels are coming after your kids, your neighbors, your students, your family members and your friends. >> rainbow fentanyl comes in a variety of bright colors, shapes and sizes including pills, powders and blocks that resemble sidewalk chalk. >> this epidemic is exploding which is why this halloween let's join forces and look out for one another. >> i'm really glad they did that. now, i've got to tell you, lara, fentanyl seizures in to 20 was about -- in 2020 was about 4 million n. 2021 it was almost 10. it's a 42% increase. now, as a parent of two young children, how concerned are you with halloween coming up or just in general? >> i mean, it is incredibly concerning. i think you see this rainbow
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fentanyl, and i think a lot of people say, well, the only argument that a kid could get ahold of it is if they have an older sibling and they leave it out. i've got to tell you something, it's really scary to me because the last seizure of fentanyl, sealed skittles packages -- >> i saw that. >> -- a few nerds or panels. halloween is coming up, my kids have been talking about trick or treating for months now. they're very excited about it and we know that 2 milligramses of fentanyl will kill an adult, leapt9 alone a child. as little as the risk might be, as small as it might be that a child could get fentanyl in their halloween candy, the fact that we're even talking about that as a possible risk in the unite of america because our -- in the united states of america because our federal government refuses to enforce how lawyers on the southern border is absolutely disgraceful to maine i've got to tell you, parents
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all over the country i know are terrified about this because how do you protect your kids? they want to go trick or treating. they go door to door. you don't know, ultimately, what is getting put in the bag. you could say, oh, i just won't give them something if it's opened. these were sealed. >> yeah. >> it is absolutely terrifying, and shame on our federal government for allowing it to happen. the only reason we see fentanyl going through the roof and killing meshes at the rate it it is is because they won't enforce laws on the southern border. >> that's absolutely right. sean, in illinois the safety act is going to be enacted in january, this is going to make illinois the first state to go no bail so you can't be detain thed for things like fentanyl. you can bring in enough pills to kill every man, woman and child in america through illinois. do you think the federal government is doing anything to prevent this? are they -- how are they combating it? >> so to your point, dealing drugs is not a victimless crime. it kills people. >> yes.
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>> you let these folks out of jail in illinois and new york, joe biden would never sign a republican bill should they take over control of the congress, but if if the republicans won the presidency, they could withhold money to these crazy states that have these policies. remember when the drinking age was 18? i don't, the federal government held cash to states who didn't raise their age to 21. these are state issues, for sure. if you're a dem can9 accurate, how crazy and insane are their policies? they're making you poor through the green new deal, less safe through defund the police, and they're killing americans by letting this drug flow come in. these are horrible sets of policies that destroy lives and families. >> absolutely, it is. and, jackie, you know, we see the coverage on our network. we see it on our web site. but when i look at the washington post, new york times or any publication, i rarely ever see this reported. why is it that the media isn't really taking this bull by the horns? this is a nonpartisan issue.
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>> it is the, but they don't want to talk about it because it all comes back to the southern border. when it comes to cbp, almost three-quarters of the feint that would they seize is at the u.s./mexico border. that's the problem, right? if they do bring it up, they would have to admit that. do you think joy reid is going to do that? never. you think they're going to talk about that on "the view, "? never. this is not an issue they're going to highlight. and one last quick thing, even touching it can kill them. >> that's right. >> they don't even have to ingest it. >> you look at the police officers, if it touches their fingers, they literally go into shock and almost die from it. some, i think, have died from it. the idea that you could have a kid anywhere in america, if one child dies from this on halloween, i gotta tell you, we have to take action to stop this right now because parents arer if -- terrified, and we have no answers. what are we supposed to do. >> >> so democrats ruin halloween too. >> they really do the.
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>> they ruin everything. >> for the first time in our history, 100,000 americans have died in a one-year period. next, the artist formerly known as kanye west opens up on his faith and how hollywood is trying to silence him. ye has a lot to say now. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®. ask you doctor about tremfya® today.
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "the big saturday show. identities ye, the artist formerly known as kanye west, telling tucker a tell-all, pretty much. in part two of the interview, he spoke out about his faith and the criticism he got from hollywood about supporting former president trump. >> it drove me crazy to not be able to say that i liked trump. i never actually told people that i liked trump when he was running because i was bullied by hollywood. because i stayed in hollywood, and people are, like, think about your kids. and i'm trying to hold on to the marriage, so i'm just biting my tongue. like, there's so many fathers and mothers that go to work every day, ask they're in a
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situation -- and they're in a situation where they're biting their tongue because they think it will be better -- >> yes, that's right. >> -- for their kirp -- children. so even me in my position, i was biting my tongue on my politicallen opinion because i thought it would be better for my children. >> kanye's doing it too, we know so many people who have said this, and they were silent when it came to polling before voting in 2016. but here we are again, and he's finally speaking out about it to show this is going on with everybody. >> yeah. i'm fired up about this, and thank you for coming to me first. i'm sure i'm the only one here who listens to rap music. >> what? [laughter] stop now. >> what's your favorite rap artist in. >> well, we're going back to the early '90s. tupac, biggie, i don't discriminate. [laughter] >> i'll deyou, in hollywood you will get shunned is, but nowadays you can get shunned being in connecticut. it doesn't matter where you are. when it comes to christian values, we've seen a constant trend that if you vocalize that,
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people would say, yeah, maybe you shouldn't be with us, we're not appreciative of that. and especially me being a black conservative who's written a book called taken for granted -- pick that up -- with me in that situation, i got shunned if from my own family members. people who say they love me and support me, this was many years ago. so i know that this is a consistent theme especially when it comes to being a black person who's saying that they're conservative in this country is almost like you've got to be controlled. if you don't say what we think black people should say, then you're shunned. and that's so disappointing, disgusting. and we see it a lot with white liberals. they are the problem especially when this -- >> biden said it, by the way -- >> that's right. >> he told you. >> that's right. >> that's definitely one of the issues. it's about religion, lara, it's also about associating yourself with president trump. >> yeah. i mean, it's so sad and it's so crazy. i've got to say, i really
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enjoyed so much of this interif sue interinterview with kanye west. it was so refreshing to finally have somebody come out. he wasn't worried about his brand, wasn't worried about his social media following. it feels like we don't get enough of that these todays -- >> unfiltered. >> yes! you should be able to say you support whoever you want. this is the united states of america, and the things that kanye west were saying, these were not ground-breaking things. to say he supported donald trump, great, so did 74 million americans. to say, essentially, that all lives matter, something that got people fired from their jobs, canceled in so many different respects two years ago, that's basic. if you believe that god is the creator of all humans and all things, then all lives matter. >> yeah. >> and kanye west said it. i just thought it was so nice to get somebody -- >> and he actually elaborates on living for god in the interview, so i want to just take this sound bite too. >> liberals, their -- with
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liberals, their main, you know, their main tool is, you know, that they use artists and influence, influencers, right? but then god has the number one artist, the number one influencer as a conservative. so i always chuckle at that. candace owens, and we both wore the shirt at the same time, you know? we got some jesus soldiers out here. and people say heir willing to die for it, but we live for it. we're living for the battle. and what's the battle for? if life itself. >> sean? >> i love this because he's a free hiker, he's speak his mind which he's entitled to, to lara's point. you know, half of america won for donald trump. he won one election, lost another, and to think the that's an unacceptable viewpoint in hollywood, but this is really threatening to liberals because he's courageous. he's speaking the truth. and if kanye can speak truth,
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maybe other black, right-leaning conservatives can speak the truth, and all of a sudden the emperor has no clothes, and you have this explosion of conversation. what do democrats do for the african-american community? >> they've a failed us. >> how is my life better? you want to defund the police? look what it does to my neighborhood. you want to open the borders? the crime's not in your neighborhood. you have a gated community. i think that conversation, liberals can't handle. and kanye speaking out with such a large platform is very dangerous to democrats which is why they have to destroy him. >> two quick points. what i've seen is often times more than not democrats, black folks don't matter, black votes do. and we saw what happened to kanye when he met with trump at the white house. that's why they're concerned. >> good point. all right, stick around, "big saturday" flops are next. ♪ ♪ my whole life running around.
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>> welcome back to the big saturday show it is time now for the big saturday flops our picks for biggest fails of the week i'll go first mcdonald's work ergs begging customers to stop ordering adult happy meals, we that's right claiming the new adult happy meals are killing them because people are ordering
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them at a record pace sol might consider this, guys a not a flop to me here's my problem with this. shouldn't we all grow up? do we need a happy meal and need to get a toy that's a toy -- happy meals we've enough going on in america. we've got to get back to work porks we don't have time shawn. >> people want toy in their happy meal i don't know. >> you're into it. i'm up next colorado baker who won the supreme court victory over refuse toll bake a gay wedding take over decision not to bake a gender transition cake so this, this really frustrating me this bakers is continue yiewblly targeted because of religious views he doesn't sell to someone transition or because they're gays that a problem, however, not going to make cake to celebrate a wedding or someone's transition that false under his religious view
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protected by the first amendment of the constitution. so again this poor guy is targeted spending hundred was thousands to defend himself and it is traj that i can liberals won't let him be. >> is that are a saying to get a transition cake -- i didn't know about that? >> my spick plain bad et kick a airline passenger draping long thick hair over back of her seat so interesting when i seen it because it reminds me of soul plane i don't know if you know that -- cultural -- phenomenon by kevin hart but no that tengdz to be what you get when you get that 30 dollar spirit airlines flight. >> there's nothing -- you can't even fly -- look at this. we've always -- >> a person now. >> we've experienced this i don't know how this woman -- >> responsive if you can scissors what do you do -- >> pull her hair? you wouldn't believe i can tell -- >> if she's coming with hair in
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my face. >> someone takes off their shoes and put it in between two seats. feets up like it is a foot rest this is worst hair coming into his coffee. all right this is what i've got. this week president biden normalize drug use by pardoning all prior federal offenses to impact about 6500 people in this country and baskly what he's doing is saying that it is okay for people this is not a crime. but that's what he's saying and we have a person on our show mothers against drug deaths her son is an addict she was explaining that marijuana was actually a gateway drug for him. and for many other people and that it is not right in our culture to stand up say this is okay possess it whatever no crime. you don't think it is to gain votes, do you? >> i mean it is possible. >> i don't know how many votes if he legalized i can see him getting votes. but i'll tell you when it comes to this issue so many states are
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legalize it i don't see a problem with pardoning 6500 people. that's just me. >> not all of the states have legalized it for recreational use most of it is medical use. but we are going to have to leave it there we can go on and on about this guys thank you so much. that does it for us we'll see you back here tomorrow night 5 p.m. pern the "fox report" with jon scott starts now. jon: illegal immigration leaves its mark on three major u.s. cities. analysts warn about the lasting impact of oil production cuts and president biden pays blow back over nuclear remarks good evening i'm jon scott, and this is the fox report. >> here's a look at our three top stories we're learning more about the man accused of stabbing two people to death in attack on the las vegas strip thursday. turns out, he was in the u.s. illegally. gas prices surge with
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