tv Gutfeld FOX News October 8, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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jon scott thanks for joining us this evening. we'll see you again right back here tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [laughter] [cheering] >> happy tuesday everybody. oh we got a great show tonight. nikki haley is here with us. [applause] you know, she has a new book the title is if you want somethingis done ask a woman. ain't that the truth especially when it comes to vacuuming myal
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office, am ily right? >> sexist would say. that's terrible.>> very bad but all fairness a woman did write that joke. which is proof if you wante. something done you have to ask woman. [laughter] and she wrote it probably while watching one of her stupid soap operas. wow. >> get another sexist would say. >> i'll stop niki -- but that just pumped it upsa amazon a few. all right so if you've seen any. good movies lately and i don'tv- mean one that went viral ofs kilmeade and that alpaca but if you said no that is your fault you're racist sexist or even a homophobe.xist that's how actor billy angerly explains his pathetic box office debut of gay comedy bros i getme more view wheres i leave the bathroom door open -- [laughter] although it made gay cinema b history with broke back mountain at the broke amount the box off so sparsely attend nod one gotno
4:02 pm >> a homophobe would say. terrible joke -- [laughter]omop apparently made 4 million over the weekend, that's what larryor kudlow left the waitress at the cheesecakela factory two nightsh ago. by comparison here are other by comparison here are other million. me and my toe fungus life and times of michael moore lower intestine volume five. i on netflix you should check it out finally the good, the bad, and joy behar i think we -- [applause] we have a clipa of our favorite scene. [applause] [laughter] >> i never going to execution for poor performance is straight people didn't want to see his gay movie and in real world that means no people want to see his gay movie.l and why?ople
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because he craps on so manyga people every day he really should be making only german if you get that joke -- you're disgusting. [laughter] true if you don't embrace narros political view you are evil which makes up about three quarters of the planet's population this is the guy who is mad you didn't see his movie >> there are any republican women out there --f so many of your husbands are pretending to be straight right now. but my focus is not on trumpot voters there's no way in thether next 48 hours i'm goingm next 48 hours i'm goingm racist to, you know, be noto, racist y. i'm sick of donald trump. i am sick of everyone that is associates with him. >> i don't see the appeal. [laughter] don but frankly he really is aboutll as observancive as kitten playing with ball of yarn but if promote identity specific you'r
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going exclude as much as you include and telegraph to audiences that this is for others but maybe not you. it is true whether you do a grae flick or documentary on switchblades then after you spend years demeaning and instead of growingng audiences, you blamyee everyone but yourseu when no one shows up.ho that's thews long-term effects f identity politics on your personality. nothing is ever your fault.nt yoitu are a perennial victim onr thing that identity politicshing actually creates. it is not audiences, it's victims. but also billy got tricked by t hollywood'ris phony virtue signaling to actually think thao his audience would be largers than it is.arge so it is no wongder thats theaters were emptier than ae tr room trying surprise kamala on her birthday so -- [laughter] so blames lack of ticket sales on homophobia and straight people in certain parts of the country. but that's even more bs.
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because the real no shows areal his people because he alreadyec drovaue away everyone else. it isn't tray trump supporters who let billy down. it was his supporter which is ah good thing for billy people on the left always stress diversity is so important and your movies rejected by a very diverseur m crowd. people of all stripes said screw that noise so talk about unity, this country came together tose say they. rather get dental wok than see ikeer in's movie. but that's problem with art based on identity even bheem pro identify with you might even if hollywood keeps making movien at alienate the public then that's on them.wo and you would haveod to be a rea lunatic to be surprised by that. look i know you're upset your movie isn't doing very but as your agents i think we need to reassist your brand. >> this is all white people's fault how come hay didn't go see my movie? >> well you are a white
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person -- also black people didn't see it either. i don't think it helped thingsoe that you called the film whitey people really, really, really suck. that's 70.of the country rightg that's 70.of the country rightg >> i didn't make it for them. >> but it didn't help before the premier you tweeted following people should not see my movie, whites, christians, men, women, blue collar workers, gun ownerse republicans libertarians, straight people weight lifters meat eaters and dudes namedte >> representation matters. >> it certainly does and that's why we can no longer represent you. good luck with everything.go >> you're just saying thatthat because you're white, kevin. [applause] >> so hollywood lost the plot>> once they made identity a priority over entertainment. priority over entertainment. didn't give audience more and we have strong political social and cultural messages but aren't
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entertaining. it sounds like my definition of propaganda. so billy if you want people to come to see your movies don't call them losers want to get to know great or audience instead of beating them. of beating them. once said f trump, f his whole once said f trump, f his whole work with him and f every singla trump voter. and guess what i'm still withp her you misogynist american dummies -- so i guess billy you found out the feelings mutual.u fo l >>et's welcome tonights guest sharp she gives balloons nightmares former ambassador to u.n. and author of the new book if you want something done --ht nicky haley. m [applause] the biggest laughs he gets from his dating profile, actor, writer comedian, jamie liso. ♪ ♪ [applause]oaki 90 pounds soaking wet from
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spilled margaritas, fox news contributor kat. contributor kat. everybody else.e everybody else.e my massive side kick world champion tyrus. all right -- and ambassador governor, do i say ambassador governor or governor ambassador or justni ambassador? >> those are moments of time niki. >>ment that's any next bookon congratulations i love the color.s. that's a greatolor tha color.lo color.r of my fridge. [laughter] >> it is the color of every fridge. so i have before i said topic this is kind of along same line identity politics. did sunny ever apologize to you? >> she did not neither didid producers or anyone else.he producers or anyone else.he or remember that she said your name niki was made up and never onon birth certificate whoopi is
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not on her birth the certificat but ladies on the view theyyo attack youu, you know you'reyo winning.e wi so i'm woke -- okay with that. >> interesting that anybody who askiers to world of identityes politics always ends up seeing themselves as a victim. so he -- he l looks at the problem instead of trying to figure outt what problemea is it is everybot else's fault. >> absolutely you know then they go and wine and complain about itu kn. you can't alienate so much of you can't alienate so much of when they don't want to see it and movie didn't look funny that's why they didn't see it because it djt didn't look funny but stay in your lane otherwise don't complain when money doesn't flow. >> speaking of money not flowing. that leads t o my question you claim to be heterosexualclai although a miserable marriage -- [laughter]
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if -- if you were -- asked to do a gay scene in aie movie would you do it? >> absolutely -- 100% if it was funny.f and not ita piece of crap likeh this or if it was something thah move story forward i absolutely would anld. d i saw trailer on y level having nothing to do with people are gay or not it was not funny didn't seem original ity. was hackie but that was first weekend. k they're going to do okay like on rotten tomatoes it is getting -- two tomatoes rubbing against two other tomatoes. which is -- [laughter] score. >> four tomatoes. [laughter] [applause]want can --toma toipght say something that's noj a jock but you know what other movie beat this movie in arizona? this weekend -- >> what? >> my movie called daddy daughter trip that was released in 1ca7 theaters and in arizonae beat this i
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we were -- [applause] thank you guys. we got one of the viewers of the movie are here. >> yeah.view we pulled in.s we were solo budget, though, we were solo budget, though, that you can just have like it is about, the content and it is not about -- and you don't like bore the crowd and daddy daughter trip i wrote i'm also in it and i have a scene with my hero john and during premier i twoangt get a popcorn and i missed my scene so that also tells you how much i'm film.lso tells you how much i'm >> yes. >> you're right that wasn't funny. [laughter] tyrus, calls you friend. >> yes. one of my closest friends you know -- i know you saw this movie because you told me to see this movie i saw a movie in which protagonist elderly female asian. i'm not elderly female asian yet i love this movie -- >> phenomenal. >> phenomenal.
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and subplot is lesbians and and subplot is lesbians and i don't think of that. >> here's the thing -- first of all when -- here's a problem with the woke they always act like first to do anything and never do e research and call in and out song trilogy really good. >> in and out is a great film. okay ever heard of the bird cage? you know son those were phenomel movies. but had, they had whole sub about being gay or whatever but they were greaabout movies that happen to be gay people this was -- like one of the lines from themi commercials was you have a goode rus n heterosexuals so -- [laughter] if i was sitting on the couch -- and it was like you're on your way out negroes i'm not -- [laughter] n that gives me an idea --s just saying, i mean, i don't care who was in.t ca care who was in.t ca >> that's crystallizing this >> that's crystallizing this you and you don't like to ben yo around us anymore.
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that's not making fun of that'sn the point. p who we should be mad at is lbgt r and s because they were ones that supposed to show up and didn't show up. >> nobody showed up cat is that your fault?>> >> i n don't really like going o the movies because whenever i dt movie gets all of the attentione [laughter]e >> that's true and hard for you to keep that chair down. >> it is hard but also like -- liberals wereup set about it tot because the gay guys were white gay guys people upset about that. also people just think he'sst annoying i think a lot of people i don't think it is a political thing to find him extremely aanything. aanything. also it's spooky season.ok >> yeah it is spooky season i nobody wants to watch two fall t in love unless one will meet untimely death in october. >> yes that is so true.o they should have introduced som kind of monster. yeah that monster, of course, would be donald trump.ucedy.
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>> should we be weary of suggestions from harry? i speak of pop star and katsk stepson harry styles. [laughter] who during she's during adu concert inri austin introduced beto o'rourke for texas governor.o' thisro impressed 13-year-old gid in the crowd who prove they being by there already love crap. it was the worst boy band endorsement when new kids on the block in 1988 and don't even get me started when bay city rollers
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endorse for comptroller general. i couldn't sleep for weeks. [laughter]leep although that was probably the meth. anyway, sorry niki. anyway styles blast beto for stx sticker on his guitar that appear in the big screen and then cameras show beto in the crowd clapping perhaps he remembered that unlike rest of the parents there he doesn't have to go to work in the t morning.he morning.he especially when you consider governor greg abbott hottingan lead over beto looks like alamo part 2. speaking of dems helping dems nancy pelosi postpone nightly bath in blood -- to appear on colbert with this hopeful midterm prediction monday night. w [laughter] >> with the will hold the house- [applause] by winning more seats. we won the 40 seats then we lost some when trump was on the ballot. t he's not orun the ballot now diw
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say his name. i didn't mean to. >> we'll have the videotape -- >> perhaps you can delete that out. [laughter] >> because it is a family show. >> sorry they were worried about being offensive they sure blurred out her face.of finally --fed ou [laughter] >> don't clap -- clap what do i care al sharpton claims posing with biden joebide told him, quote, i'm going to do it again.go i'm going --in sharpton assume he was referrin towa running again but any expet will tell you it was abouto yo explosive diarrhea what do you e say joe?>> >> i don't know if i'm going too run but i told sharpton i was going because if i'm going to i'll need him. this guy is the original. t sharptonhe was doing hoaxes befe it was cool.e jo now everybody is doing it. and jesse smollett, me, that girl volleyball player, heyju
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sharpton thisss guy made up a fe sexual assault, pinned it on a a real guy.e you try that in your spare time come on!ur i told sharpton you ought to ru on me. you know what he said? he said why bother you do whatever i say.y [laughter] it's funny because it's true. [laughter] [applause] jamie -- just a background harry styles was in a banding calleds one direction. your marriage had one direction it was down.rect >> oh -- hell. >> so wrong --wr >> if you think this endorse element help beto? hel >> i don't think so. i don't like the mixing of the politics of the music. i think you just play music. i don't like the flashing of the sticker on the guitar. it reminds me of another bad idea i twoangt strip club once they were starting to -- they were going sell advertisin space on the girls. i swear to god like as a
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terrible cross promotion like -- and then i was thinking maybe there's good advertisements to do g aoo girls dancing and then turns around and it says you know, you know new yorknd university - a- you know, send your daughter there so she doesn't end up here. [laughter] but then i was like i don't likt people to feel bad what if a stripper that didn't work out what if she turn around and on her butt she said your ad could be here. >> i love how you shoveled this stripper joke -- into the political segment. >> and by the way -- >> yeah.>> b [laughter] >> biden can't run. yeah. what is -- what is crazy i feel like if hew runs at least he'lhyl run in the wrong direction. >> niki try to ignore everythin he just said. that's what we do. no kidding -- what do you make of pelosi being overly optimistic is that whatoe it is or -- is it --over could she be right? could the republicans blow this?
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>> i think sure the republicans could blow it. r but they're not going to right but they're not going to right like i want to play that overe and over and over again after election day. because she knows these are hers laste days as speaker of thela house you know what we're biting nails on is the senate waiting but she's going to lose the and won't stay speaker or stayeo in the house after and be ambassador to vatican or something like that. >> she wants italy or yeah -- they're going give it to her.oi >>ng back to democrats alwayslw think ifay they say somethingop people willel believe theanl trt people like they're unelgted. >> and really they are let's, th face it niki. going to edit that out later. kat --th you said to me in the green room wow harry styles -- that's if he's behind beto i could get behind beto that'so, what you really -- >> no it's not. [laughter] i don't know.o, wh io cares --i who cares -- >> it is a topic. >> i know.
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i get that but it's about harry styles in general like when is he going fall off i'm sick of hearing about him every three days. >> why is he here? he doesn't live in texas was hee strolling republican moms takina kids to see harry styles that's why he did it? >> i have idea i don't know that mucs h about him but i dont know. i think that - see-ab biden actually is goinoug to ru though. >> really? >> yes. i don't think he's capable ofdo doing the jon'b in a few years. but he's also not capable of doing the job now.of and --th like that doesn't seem to bothe anybody that much.ther >> that's true. what is he actually doing now?ec i don't think it's pretty good. but we can't >>yt yeah.oing i mean -- >> but i'm telling you -- get that febreze. >> as a friend stop going to day shift that's the strip clubft during the day. the women you'e describing are day shiftg ar workers. >> but day shift needs you thee most. >> that's true. t >> i remember i was upset at the day shift. day shift.
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stop -- >> that's it. period. period. they dropped mask mandate on the day shift. >> terrible. tyrus nice work to >> whenever you have a new job lined up -- j i have never known anyone to n ever to have a new job lined up that is staying at the old one. no one has ever done that.on so clearly she's off to ruin -- the italy's life which is fine. >> i think that pelosi says thak dems will keep the house. i would agree with her because she's a woman.gree she's a woman.gree house. house. up next, he was passed turnstils wearing nothing but a smile. l
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confronted by a naked man in a subway?d not the sandwich off the underground train and sandwich will be weird. is there no way to restrain nude from a train transit employees were faced and with this exactad problem at a subway stop in new york city. typically they're only equipped to deal with naked men duringth pride month.ey [laughter] but they did their best toey d subdue them, him whatever -- first using nonvint methods like asking where he went to high school or why white supremacist made him do this. but like jesse watters hair, no one wanted to make actualer contact.e, as of right now we have no idea what happened toas this guy or f it is don lemmon. >> oh -- but -- or that he's not tom lemmon but believe it or not that was not only crazy video coming out of the subway this oneo sunday a sinister group of
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chunky broads dressed in green leotards roughed up and rob two teenage girls, of course, violatorrallist applaudedwh attackers foicr going green. mother demanded knock down onde crime telling animals belong a c behind bars so city will respond by condemning her for callingon criminalde animals now screen g maybe on loose so if you're about to take the subway remember this full proof tip criminals don't touch you if you already took off your >> all right tyrus, this wholety segment is for your expertise.yo what way?rt >>is what do you do with the nad man in the subway i wish we shown the tape gets away andwa shown the tape gets away andwa everybody is freaking out.s >> because what we're seeing that the looks unfortunately the average americans a coward. but nobody wants to touch a naked man. t
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>> i'm telling you right now i know this for a w i would have been miss small m small i would have swung on him. i would have hit him. but if the group, if anyone would have bother to helped the security everybodyth worry aboue themselves trying to film that'l the problem but the bigger problem is hold claps. hold claps because real problem is this is what life is likewhat because who wasn't there? who wasn't there? cops -- >> police officerswh. >> yeah get used to popght where criminals so arrogant they'll wear matching outfits to go out to attack andh outfits to go out to attack andh that you think they rob those two girls and that was it forat the night.'s the night.'s they were -- doing it all over the place i because why? mr. mayor, you've got rid of thl mr. mayor, you've got rid of thl vigilantes but i rather pay a fine than let somebody like that around me i would have swung but condemning protecting yourself. >> that's very good. it is weird --
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that i said this before but it feels like we're living in ait batman era now the villains aren't just criminals. aren't just criminals. signature like they're like joker.igna i'm naked guy. let's dress up in tights. i mean it is weird. we're living in a coppic comic a book >> seeing people dressed up like that you wouldn't think that was weird but anywhere else you>> would be a like maybe something would be a like maybe something but it is horrible.. the subway is ooivel disaster.sw people don't feel safe takingte itr.. but at the same time getting how else do you get around über so expensive. traffic is so out of control. i don't know how you -- just you live here.i i don't know why -- i don't know why -- because of my job but i don'tt understand people choosing tuno stayha in this hell hole. i don't understand. >> if i could choose i wouldch >> if i could choose i wouldch companies deal request this now because if you're expecting your -- your employees to take the subway you're expecting them
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take subway an they're femaleth and something happens. you know, i would be thinking t abouhit that niki is there any y out of this? it feels nothing you can't convince the left of anything-- unless it what is to them. >> they started this. they started this when theyte decided to defund the police and then they decided to glorify criminals and then they wanted cashless bail and then all of a sudden they're shocked theyde can'n t recruit anybody to be in law enforcement when they don't tell you is one of those girls it was herou i 19th birthday. like -- just imagine as parents if that happened, and you know to see these green goblins doing whatgl they're doing like they're notik scared of anybody. they would be great if they met up with thgre naked guy green goblins green goblins could have surrounded the naked guy and who knows what would have happened. >> disperse when naked guy wentj in and disperse but what do you do if something like that whatse and you know wha tt there's aa
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governor's race and kathy needs to go and you have lee in there and if you want to get rid ofan crime you need to get lee zeldon in that seat. >> that we need to actually say this. what would you rather deal withr jamie rather be with a group of -- crazed women who are going to attack you in green tights or a naked man. naked man. in a subway a great question. if you're alone in a subway fiva green goblins, or a naked, a naked derange drug addict male -- >> asking the guy that goes to a strip club -- >> you have a marry one, you have to -- no.ot sorry. r >> this is why he's an expert he goes to the day shift. first i would like to say you didn't have to say alone on the subway but on the subway --d i'ham going to go naked man --go >> why? >> i choose naked man i swear to god i just missed this guy. i was at that subway station guy
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that same day like i think within an hour of that guy.ur and i do o feel bad for people and i do o feel bad for people around whatever. but -- in his defense -- it was the d train. [laughter] which -- which was my nickname in high school you kno ww what'sas fun - >> oh, my god. >> why? [laughter] because i was such a a disappointment.. [laughter] >> is it possible that this naked man was like this is onlye way i can ensure not getting robbed?ot >> yes. what if he was robbed of his clothes what if he was robbed of his clothes trying to tackle hie you see football players you know hardest tackle with ars. football and you know what'sto hard to tack all guy and youh no can't rob him you're like give me that, oh it's attached. [laughter] >> it is -- it is hard to tackle a naked man.
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>> yeah. i have no idea how i know i that -- but i just understand the laws of physics. you know what this documentary comes out about you i'll be seeing chair going i toldry everybody. cyo i told everybody. t >>o yes but i'll be dead by th. [laughter] and then i won't care. so go ahead you crazy people.ea all right comingd, up, coeds brn were lacking so they sent their professor packing. scout is protected by simparica trio, and he's in it to win it. simparica trio is the first
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and only chew with triple protection. oh, fleas and ticks ♪ intestinal worms... wow heartworm disease, no problem with simarica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection. go with simparica trio.
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or class was harder than they desired to shea got their teacher fire>>asd nyu that's she for ned.w york university, kat, professor, mate linn jones jr. yes that matelinn jones jr. taught organic chemistry and written textbooks fired after 28 of 350 students sign petition complaining his class was toont hard. hard. petition but they forgot how to write their names. [laughter] the students blamed him for their garbage test scores
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writing we're concerned about a text scorends and not reflective of this class translation hoping to slide by with minimal effort like we do in lots of other like we do in lots of other weren't coming to class or waving the videos and that's wht they couldn't answer the questions. so nd maybe if they put more time ansod effort into studying and h wining they would have gottente bettern grades anyway number of midterms not offering any extrar credit for zooedm options. for students with covid, and finally teaching with a, quote,e condescending anacd demanding tone. condescending and demanding if i have a nickel for every time any assistant called me that and carry while i laughed until she broke down in tears.e [laughter]th because it's so not true --br [laughter]ea cat! >>te hello. n >> what side are you on organic chemistry is supposed to be hard. so it is good they failedis because notow they'll never be doctors. >> you doctor like oh i was bes
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at trying to be good at being a doctor like that's not the doctor you want and i hate this idea that if you just it is all goes back to if you tell kids like g you just work really hard you castn be whatever you want r bed,. and there'e s an infinite you'ro not good at everything but youar have to tell kids sometimes their dream is a waste of time. >> i wish i would have heard that and i was playing too much youth h soccer. >> that is true. >> on >> i run away from the ball.m th>> everybody knew that was aw whole scamth. >> to sell oranges at halftime. anyway --me niki. that's another story -- [laughter] i think this is i was talking about this on the 5 that like there's two different types of education.t ty there's things with real answers like organic chemistry and mathematics like humanities liberal arts it is like if you can't bs the fans you can't bser
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for x, you bs for y, and that's what and organid c chemistry you have to know what x is does that make sentence >> but you can't have s lazy kids yoenu have to work had like nothing comes easy and the idea that they're coddling kids is not good or for them theyr started whenth they gave everyby a participation trophy and nowoy saying oak you complain enough about the professor and then we're going to get rid of the professor. it's totally wrongwe. if you want to be a doctor you have trongo work hard to be a dr you havea do to prove yourself. we all had tough classes. but this sends the wrong signal you saw this in oregon. they turn around and said they were going to get rid of ap classes because they thought it was unfair to minorities. minorities are perfectly capabls of takin ag ap classes it was just --la so that we'vsse got to stop doig all of got this nonsense. yeah you have to work hard if you want tyeaho pass a class ifu can't pass a a class you don't t to bs e a >> exactlyn' so maybe this was t weeding out ofly it but losing job jamie when courts allows you to see your children -- [laughter]
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do you notice their studying skills hampled by the pandemic as these kids were saying? >> yeah man this is part of thet >> yeah man this is part of thet pandemic they get off with a free ride we knew this was going happen but i don't believe organic chemistry is hardest organic chemistry is hardest and i didn't know you can just say it is too hard and they fire the teacher.ey this like oh, my i had a similat thing happen i had a hot. chemistry teacher and i was asked to leave for the same reason. >> that's pretty good. really good actually.d. it is prchg e.i knew all you had to do was sign a t petition like signl petition and youik can get rid f a teacher that's the other thin about this. is that --'s t it's not just this students t fault there's somebody that gives into the stiewpghts it is someone that when the students say like i don't this personi do speaking at a campus, it's the speaking at a campus, it's the so it's not it is actually the
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administrators who are real bad people because look let's face it if we can petition teachers, we would all de cao that. i would to get you off the set.f >> oh, wow i feel like you have that power.yo >> iu do i have that power. but for real like these are some of the those folks are literally going to be doctors and like kat was saying you want somebody i'g having my heart worked on and guy is like oh it is too hard you're hard toli fix. [laughter] i want somethingoo easier to dot like what?omet this is what we're doing today. >> that would be amazing if you had -- went to the hospital. very sorry mr. murdoch you have kaker what, you mean cancer? oh. yeah.ou now that he' ms fired does he gt to take the book with himit because he wrote the book that because he wrote the book that so last five -- were his books so taking books with him? >> that's true he should be juso jack up thkse price so when students have to buy the books
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he just makes a lot of money off those idiots that's what i would do. >> and chemistry answer willy, always be the same and teach the until he was 90 because he wrote the book on it. catch for that i wrote the book on being cool this guy wrote book on organic chemistry and you fired him because you tried really hard. >> that's a good idea for me i should try to write a book. >> tyrus you shouldn't showed up to work for two weeks what the hell -- w eei tried really hard to get to e airport.etally hard to get to i didn't make it. all right. up next another useless show from the bro they call fraydo.
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>> a story in five words. story in five words chris cuomo got a job. i've been humblinged by whate happenedbe and hungry to do betn in a way i've never been before and this show will be different because i'm different no group think accomplished here in audience that had beenne conditioned tod favor one teamr ideology. >> tyrus, is it possible foreo chrilos cuomo to be humbled? >> yes, he just said that. [laughter] arrogantly said i've been humbled. but i'm hungry to get after it. so ht e got his catch phrase bak
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in, i mean, good for him right?f yooru know everyone should be allowed to seek redemption you t know, i'm assuming his investigation turned out back on network tv. n >>et not network tv i don't know if that's even tv.h. that's the sail place wasn't that --am that --am >> an app a podcast too dining two for -- >> i think it is a karaoke machine.en but 45 minutes spending everybody how he's changed but he's still talks exact same and says the same and still blames everyonet else but you know hel humble goosed for him. >> jamie i won't make fun of him but there for the grace of god go >> wow. >> yeah. thought i was gong say i, i trick yo u had viewers but i like the fact that you can go thereyo if you lose your job. >> whoever watches on selectth
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jetblue flights --in [laughter] hey -- if this is news max i would hate so say news men, do you know what i mean guys? i have a son my little boy we almost - named him max and reasn e we were in thef max and reasn hospital thethy go hey max, you know dosag e of this max whatever and this story right now i would be so angry if my kid was named max and ended up calling him miles but makes him final to find if i'm looking for a i airline ticket -- but who's nation -- but who's nation -- not news max. but anyway, that change youryway joke. >> i think i don't know if change is the right word or derailed i. o but you were saying your kids name is miles and --ng y >> i was going say but it makes it impossible to --as [laughter] m>> to look up -- why did you do that to him?-
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>> i think i would say -- my fault.. >> you could have let him do thh joke. >> cal l it lesser of two cuomos.os [laughter]. [laughter]. one. niki do you have any jokes based on the wrong name of theba network? [laughter] it out of the open. there's a lot of day shift s stripping going on here.tu less time at the day shift jamie crafting your work. >> i'm staring at news nation finally realizing what you'rey alrel talking about. there's a massive sign there. >> news nation was his show on news max that's what you w thought. >> didha i ever tell you i alwas named my kid nation? [laughter] >> there you go. o sorry. you go. niki -- >> proves how nobody knows what
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this is. >> it is. no one has ever heard it have. because you're conscientious you read stuff so you've got -- y >>ou i've thought i never, i do know what this is. >> niki do you have him any thoughts wish him luck you've probably met him before.u pr >> i have and asked him to be on his show but you know look when his show but you know look when into corruption and you do all of that.on a there's a big price to pay. p he's having to payri a price, ad to be credible again, it is going to take a while for peel to trust ti do wish him well but at the same time i hope it is a lessons to a lot of people just like what we'reit seeing over on cnn and otherwise like you go and use that to manipulate things. i mean, you're going to fall.ip you're going tulo >>, john lemmon ended up on day shift. >> that's exactly right. >> that's exactly right. >> that last word -- >> that i believe he's never been this hungry to do better. because i don't think he's ever been anywhere that k sucks that bad. >> oh. >>r no i'm serious.ab
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>>ly yeah.>> yeah jamie i don't know what th. hell it is i didn't either to b honest. honest. >>? we'll be right back. and lost some weight. announcer: ozempic® provides powerful a1c reduction. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may
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>> we're out of time. thanks to nikki haley, jamie, tyrus, brian: welcome to "one nation." i'm brian kilmeade. we have a great line up for tonight. closing the gap in washington in a miraculous way. crime out of control especially in seattle, this republican candidate making a difference, within striking difference. tiffany smile youly will be with us. opec plus shocke
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