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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  October 9, 2022 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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kardia also gives you access to heart health reports and automatic ekg sharing. what next? let's get some fresh air. been cooped up for too long. yeah... ♪ kardia mobile card is available for just $99. get yours at or amazon. ♪. ♪ will: good morning, welcome to "fox & friends." we're celebrating our own ocktoberfest on fox square. a few of us got started a little bit early yesterday with a little bit of ocktoberfest festival in celebration of
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texas-oklahoma. are have you ever been to ocktoberfest, done it in germany? pete: have you? will: yes, i have done that. >> what is it like? it is a ball. it is -- rachel: was there more drinking than last night? will: very similar. it is, you go to a huge tent and, there is just people everywhere you stand. no seats. you stand at a table. you get to know people, strangers, it's a day event. you know, so it is drawn over long period of time. the mugs are gigantic. pete: yep. will: get a bruise, get a bruise underneath the knuckle, all day long you're lifting this. rachel: exercise. will: it is stereotypical of what they call them? maids? pete: as you see it in the movies. will: it really is. she comes out i don't know how many mugs. they are gigantic, she has a way of carrying them. it is so fun. rachel: how is the food? will: germany is not my favorite
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food. >> we're going to have some food out here. will: this is going to be excellent i'm sure. pete: i've been to a beer hall in germany, done that. it is cool. like communal stibble tables. they bring you unlimited amounts of beer. that was basically yesterday. we watched texas-ou. rachel: they drug rick. he is looking rougher. pete: team building exercise. rachel: it was. i missed the team bidding exercise. will: we invited you. rachel: fair enough. next time i will come. i will chaperone. will: needed recovery. a chapter rohn. yapper y west stirred up more controversy on instagram account which has been restricted. >> the social media site said he violated policy with
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anti-semitic posts. pete: alexandria hoff joins us with more. reporter: his account is still visible on instagram, but the parent company meta has restricted it due to violation of policy. the artist is unable to share post or comment. meta has not specified which exact policy that ye violated. presume is was by a exchange between ye and sean "diddy" combs where some users found to be anti-semitic. this coincided with a return to twitter called out instagram chair and facebook mark zuckerberg. look at this mark, how are you going to kick me off instagram? twitter's possible purchaser elon musk chimed in, welcome back to twitter, my friend. the instagram restriction followed ye's appearance on tucker carlson where he expressed feeling punished for his fondness of former president trump. he addressed wearing a white lives matter.
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will: thank you, alexandria. one of the fascinating things in media last couple years, i don't know, i haven't seen these posts by kanye, ye, but. something is branded racist, anti-semitic, know what i mean, you never see the original source material. in media account they don't repeat whatever it is. rachel: right.
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will: real trend last couple years. headline says a certain thing. the article is conclusive meaning it was racist, it was an at the semitic but the supporting evidence was never provided. the reason i say that i don't trust everybody making the calls. i'm not saying it wasn't anti-semitic, i don't know. because i don't see the original source material. it was censored, i think the new journalistic standard says don't repeat it, considered anti-semitic, whatever be. you have to trust the storyteller. you never get to see the story. rachel: no question that kanye or ye was going to have to be taken down after what happened in the tucker carlson interview after wearing that shirt. he just crossed every line that you're not allowed to cross. he exposed blm for its corruption. he talked about pro-live issues. he has to be taken down. my understanding, will, what he said, he claimed that his buddy,
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p. diddy you saw in the instagram post was being controlled jewish, corporate, hollywood types. that was, what i understand, was the statement. which then they said was anti-semitic and you know, ref referenced tropes but they had to cut him down. again we're in this weird era, people can't say what they want to say and take responsibility, you know, for what they said, whether it is with the sale of his shirts or his companies, whatever, but this idea you have to just shut down his account is just, it's totally totalitarian, total at this anti-american and i think and it is wrong. pete: i don't know what he said. maybe it was anti-semitic. i'm no fan of anti-semitism at all. the question you have would he be restricted on instagram if he hadn't given the tucker carlson
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interview. what happens he gives the interview, speaks out. there must be full accounting everything he said recently looking for the opportunity to silence the guy who spoke out. if he hadn't given that interview it is probably not restricted on instagram. rachel: the target is over him, the target is over him. pete: correct. rachel: look what p. diddy said. p. diddy is saying don't care something that says white lives matter. imagine if that was reversed? who is the racist in this? the person who is saying white lives matter as much as black lives matter or p. diddy who is saying white lives don't matter? white lives don't matter. pete: just totally unsurprising. you could sigh it coming from a mile away. this guy will be a target of big tech, too dangerous, too too much of a free thinker. find a reason in this case. it was anti-semitism. they would have found any reason. rachel: find me the man i will
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show you the crime? pete: there you go. that's it. will: to wrap this up again i would love to hear p. diddy lay out his case. instead of give me the conclusion, don't wear that shirt, why is that shirt so offensive, explain it. lay out the case why is that shirt -- nobody lays out the case anymore. nebraska ever tells you why. they don't give you your evidence. they tell you the conclusion and then call you a host of names if you don't, call you a host of names or silence if you don't accept their conclusion. man persuasion has been totally killed. while we're on it -- rachel: debate. pete: keep going. will: to the highest levels. the president of the united states has employed this tactic. he calls his opponents, those who don't see the light, those who live in darkness, semi-fascists, goes back further deplorable as. all you have to do in america now is name-call and jump straight to the conclusion. there is no persuasion anymore whatsoever. rachel: if the name-calling was
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all it was, a lot of people could take it. the problem, what kanye was bringing up in interview with tucker carlson, the name-calling threatens peoples livelihoods. people self-sensor, soviet union style, right? or they risk hurting their families if they speak the truth. we cannot have a country where this exists anymore this is not america. we have to be able to have a debate and a have both sides speaking and i think, what the left is trying to do is create an environment where there is no debate. then they win. meet pete i never like teachers that show my work on the math problem but we should ask of people telling us to be silenced show their work. give me a little bit of your evidence on that. >> yeah. pete: on to another topic which is quite unfortunate, first of all you know the recruiting goals of the military, they can't meet them right now. they're not getting enough
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soldiers, soldiers, marine, airmen to join the military to meet the numbers we need. in the meantime the army is moving forward with a plan which we've known was coming to rename army bases that were named after confederate generals or folks prominent during the confederate era. the new names have been revealed. i served at fort benning. i loved fort benning. i didn't even know who general bening was, right? you could find -- no more. now it is going to be fort moore, i love general eisenhower but, and i don't know who gordon was. fort leigh, picket, fame must fort bragg, 82nd and green berets deploy from, fort liberty. i love liberty but can it get more generic. fort rucker, fort polk, fort hood renamed.
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instead of grappling with our past, realize it is flawed, it must be erased, rename. give it 10 years, give it 20 years. every private going through will recycle through not fort benning, fort moore, fort benning will be forgotten. that is how they do it. they erase our past. our past is not perfect. i don't know, really gets, this one really gets me, not because i'm pro-confederacy, nobody is, we have a history. rachel: you know, there is the history part of it but there is also the priorities. pete: that's a big one. rachel: defense secretary lloyd austin worrying about whether someone's feelings are hurt because it is fort benning. weren't we talking about nuclear war, nuclear war? we're talking about that. we've got recruiting numbers down. this is a, a secretary, a defense secretary who couldn't get us out of afghanistan without our soldiers being needlessly killed and leaving
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behind billions of dollars for the taliban and this is what he cares about? this is, i'm going to say it, i think is one of the worst secretaries of defense -- pete: maybe the worst. a disaster. political. rachel: affirmative action hire. pete: all the way. will: here is what defense secretary lloyd austin had to say on friday. the names of installations and facilities inspire all who call them hopefully reflect on history of united states and commemorate the best of the republic we all are sworn to protect. as to matter of priorities very apropos the world sits out on the brink of at least nuclear, nuclear brinksmanship and at at same time, we're not meeting our military obligations in terms of recruitment as you pointed out. pete, look at this. here is where we are, fiscal year as of now. pete: it -- will: not a completed year. pete: it is both. the army fell 15,000 troops last
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year. the national guard has dropped by 7500 troops. combination of recruiting an covid. if you look at navy, marine corps, air force, next year, normally they're way ahead of goals at the beginning because they already sign people up for the next fiscal year. navy and met 10% of goal goal, ma reason corps met 30%. possible they will continue to fall behind their recruits efforts. rachel: is this go woke go broke? the military going woke not at tracking kind of people they need? what is behind this? pete: kids who want to forego college do that for a living aren't looking to get the same treatment as their friends who go to college to get the woke nonsense. they don't want to go there to be trained to be a bad ass? can i say that? rachel: you did. pete: that is why they go into the military. i want to go serve my country, blow things up and take out bad guys.
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not get woke training. not go to renamed base. not forced to take the covid vaccine. it is a combination of this weakening, softening of our warriors. it is less attractive. rachel: you're off mission. you're just not they having about the mission. will: that is a good way to put it. i also wonder how much is part of a bigger, we talk about this often, delayed onset adulthood. people putting off becoming adults, taking on responsibility? employment at younger ages, general employment down. people living at home longer. we talked about, i wonder how much is that as well? obviously joining the military is an adult step in life and taking on responsibility. so the military like every other aspect of our society having trouble getting people to say come be someone ready to be a big-time adult with responsibilities. pete: go ahead. rachel: i was going to say. it is one thing for this to happen in corporate america.
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maybe this widget doesn't get done, doesn't get made but our national security is so important. you just can't mess around with that mission. pete: yeah. the more differentiated and distinct you are, how difficult it is people are attracted to that. oh, karn i attain that. not, oh, we're just like everybody else except we wear camouflage. that is where it become as less attractive alternative. and leaders like lloyd austin, i mean, my goodness, talk about a textbook case of somebody who couldn't lead his way out after brown paper bag. just not a leader. >> who should been fired after what happened in afghanistan. pete: or fired others instead excused it away. rachel: we're on it. renaming bases. pete: we're renaming bases everything is fine. oh, man. we have a few additional headlines for you. we'll try not to depress you.
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the florida surgeon general is recommending getting covid vaccines for young men. in a statement released friday the health official points to alarming increase in cardiac related deaths for recently vaccinateed males ages 18 to 39. the doctor warning this high-risk likely outweighs any benefits of the jab. pfizer and moderna vaccines both use mrna technology. >> huge story. pete: about time. yes. >> huge story. meet meet immediate changes happening in the nfl. this stemming from pan investigation into the miami dolphins after quarterback. tua tagovailoa suffered a seizure earlier this season. moving forward the league will add balance and stability tests for any player suspected of having a head injury. tua had what the team described as a back injury before the game against cincinnati. the doctor involved in the decision to clear him has been fired. halloween is combing and so
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is the holiday's most controversial tweet, candy corn. more than 35 million-pounds of candy corn is produced annually. surveys taken around halloween people leave it or hate it. did you know the candy was originally called chicken feed. i did not know that. that makes sense. how do you feel about the tiny sweets? email us are you in and out for chicken feed? will: have you guys ever heard it talked about, what is the plant in a lot of mexican dishes, sew lawn troh. rachel: love solantro. if i say it, if i tell you i'm about to tell a bunch of people. this happened to me. i loved it. now i can only taste soap. rachel: some people say it tastes like soap. will: all i ever say is tastes like soap.
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i used to love candy corn. people told me it is chalk. now all i taste is chalk. pete: why do you let people get you in your head? don't let people get in your head. will: i don't think i'm -- i don't know. rachel: here is the deal with candy corn, we could go deep on it, will, keep it to candy corn. candy corn is, like you want it when you see it. then you have about three and you're done. will: that is what i'm talking about. pete: exactly where i'm at. dive in, done. will: right a dive-in is a shall dough dive. there are a couple. pete: are there people who candy corn it all year? will: are there people that love it? rachel: i don't know. pete: july, can i have more candy corn. email us. we need evidence. show pure work. don't say i love candy corn. tell me why you love it so much. give me evidence, maybe a picture of you eating it in august, you know, or february. do you eat it for christmas?
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>> i just love how hard-hitting the show is. will: [laughter] rachel: incredible. pete: emmy-award-winning television, really is. speaking of emmy award wearing winning, whatever, also an important note we're gearing up for the "fox nation" patriot awards, november 17th, hollywood, florida. hosted by yours truly. will and rachel will be there. we warned you. tickets are sold out. if you go to stubhub, secondary tickets. rachel: people are scalping them? pete: if you want to go, you can go to stubhub an scalp a ticket. don't tell me you couldn't make it in. if you have a ticket you can get additional access, exclusive preshow signing, meet and greets, vip cocktail parties. check your email, if you got a ticket you're in, but you have an opportunity to do even more. if you're not in go to stubhub. rachel: i can't wait.
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i'm already thinking about it. it will be awesome. coming up the uk is bracing for winter blackouts if gas demand falls short. the cold weather warning and lessons for us here at home. will: attention all facebook users, it may be time to change your password. a scam, social media apps target, there is a scam targeting more than one million people. you need to know, how do you protect your online privacy? ♪ woman tc: my a1c stayed here, it needed to be here. doctor tc: ruby's a1c is down with rybelsus®. man tc: my a1c wasn't at goal, now i'm down with rybelsus®. son tc: mom's a1c is down with rybelsus®. song: a1c down with rybelsus® anncr vo: in a clinical study, once-daily rybelsus® significantly lowered a1c better than the leading branded pill. anncr vo: rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. anncr vo: don't take rybelsus® if you or your family
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♪. rachel: the uk national power operator warning its citizens to brace for potential three-hour blackouts this winter in case after potential gas shortage. while they stress this is an unlikely scenario, european union nations relied own about 40% of their gas imports from moscow prior to russia's invasion of ukraine. here is what it means for you, fox business contributor, price futures group senior analyst phil flynn. great to have you. no one knows more about energy than you. so you're the perfect guest for this. is this canary -- first will it happen, will they dot blackouts and is this the canary in the
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mine if you will what will happen for the rest of europe and potentially us? >> yes, and yes, you're absolutely right, rachel. yes and yes. when you look at the uk, this isn't the first time they have had rolling blackouts. this has already happened to them. they have become more reliant on wind and solar. 25% of their energy comes from renewables and already last year they had rolling blackouts because the sun didn't shine and the wind didn't blow. so absolutely, i think europe, the uk left themselves vulnerable to the power outages, guess what? this we're following same path. this will potentially happen in the u.s. if we don't get our act together. rachel: if we don't get our act together, implies leader don't want that to happen or maybe they do want that to happen? >> you have to wonder. you have the biden administration saying they're doing everything they can to increase oil production an bring down gasoline prices.
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look at reality? i see killing pipelines. putting more regulations. that is what i'm seeing. that doesn't encourage investment in the united states energy sector and that is what we need right now. the u.s. energy sector right now is so underinvested. we need millions, if not billions of dollars to get our power grid to where it needs to be, to increase oil and gas production to keep the lights on. if we don't do that, we're going to be following that same path. we're going to be wondering whether we can keep the lights on or keep the heat on during winter. rachel: a lot of americans don't understand that in germany people are, middle class, upper class people are going into the woods, they're chopping down wood. they're hiring people to do it for them to bring wood in, because they don't think they will have enough energy to warm their homes over the winter. i'm concerned, phil, about manufacturing in europe. energy prices will affect that. so if the manufacturing sector collapses, for example, in europe because of this, what are
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the repercussions for the world, for america? could we have a global recession? >> we absolutely could. people don't realize energy is economic growth, it is jobs and people have to realize energy brings so much value not only to the economy, but to peoples lives. it keeps them alive. keeps them warm during the winter. to think you have to go out in the woods to chop down woods, might run into a bear, another animal, is this nuts? this is, the 21st century or i don't even know what century we're in. all i know it shouldn't be happening right now. rachel: it is amazing we're actually allowing our leaders to send us down a path i think is really not good for humanity. phil so great having you on today. >> thank you. rachel: appreciate it. got to have you back. >> thank you so much. rachel: okay. still ahead, borders czar kamala harris making her way down to texas but without a trip to the border. our next guest is a latina
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democrat calling out her own party's hypocrisy on the migrant surge. why she believes this will be a key issue in november. ♪. bipolar depression. it made me feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms. and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased
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♪. >> while extremist, so-called leaders trumpet the rhetoric of freedom they attack the very foundations of freedom and one of those people is the governor of this very state. >> i talk very slowly while reading poorly off of a teleprompter. next. vice president harris attacking texas governor abbott yesterday as she made two fund-raising stops in texas while steering clear, very clear of the
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southern border. her visit to texas coming as venezuelan migrants. will: illegals, flown to martha's vineyard last month leave joint base cape cod to find housing elsewhere as the sheltering operation comes to an end. our next guest, a democrat, has been very critical of her own party's handling of the border crisis. former california state senator gloria romero joins us now. gloria, thank you very much for being here. >> good to be with you. pete: great to have you. i know it doesn't surprise you she wouldn't go to the border. is it intentional at this point? i'm going to texas i should go there, but i'm specifically not going there because if i saw it i would have to deal with it? >> absolutely this is a manifestation of incompetence and aerogenes quite frankly. denial is not a strategy, not to protect the american homeland and certainly not a ticket to success in november. this issue of the crisis at the
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border, of international refugees is not going to go away. in fact i would predict that the vice president will go away before the crisis is resolved. she needs to do her job or else quite frankly forget harry and meghan, the border czar should be stripped of her title. let's get somebody in there who actually can handle the truth and do the job. pete: yeah, a border czar who won't go to the border tells you what you need to know. is it always idealogical, gloria to add to your list of things, this idea that no person can be illegal as a result? we should welcome that? that just comes with the territory? are these immigration groups that in control of the modern democrat party or at least this white house that idealogically they believe it should be open? >> i think that's part of it. i also think it's a ploy. i think it's a misguided ploy to rye to reach out to especially
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latino voters who increasingly are not in support ever an open border. clearly we would like to see a comprehensive immigration reform policy set in place on a bipartisan basis. that hasn't happened over several administrations but i think more and more, beyond ideology, even liberals like bill maher, even others like eric adams, the mayor of el paso, are beginning to step up and finally having the courage to speak out. make no doubt about it, even though she and others pretend this is about the right-wing conspiracy in texas and beyond, this is really an american issue. it is one that concerns all groups and latinos, i think we'll see this in the november election, especially in texas, and in arizona, especially are going to say the border matters to us. pete: yes. >> let's get the policy in place.
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do it right. do it fairly. my god, if you can go to, where did she go, it wasn't north korea, it was south korea. if you can visit that border, my god, you can get on a plane and just do your job. this issue is going to hound her until she has the courage to either resign her title or do the job. it is not going away. pete: well-said. she wouldn't even need bin mock lars to -- binoculars to go to e border here in the united states. gloria, thank you for your courage and sharing your perspective. >> you got it. pete: suspected cyberattack delaying cancer surgeries. "kurt the cyberguy" breaks down the ransomware threat around how it could affect hospitals across the country. that is next. alive with delicious mexican flavors delimex
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♪. will: the nation's fourth largest health system hit by a suspected ransomware cyberattack. common spirit health network, which holds records of at least 20 million americans at more than 140 million centers blames an i.t. security issue delaying canner treatments, life-saving surgeries and doctors appointments across the country. how does that happen? joining us curt knut son the cyberguy. this is pretty terrifying for a great american americans. >> great many americans, ambulances diverted, surgeries
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canceled or delayed this is massive system. 140 hospital the, about 1000 different care offices around 21 states at common spirit health. what we know so far is that all they're saying it is an i.t. issue but what it really looks like is ransomware. it has all the classic signs of a ransomware attack. we can't confirm it, but it is likely to be that. you have to ask yourself at this point, why are we in this position? that hospitals of this magnitude, medical organizations of this magnitude, are this vulnerable? why aren't we hunting down these ransomware criminals globally to lock them up, to deter more of this sort of cyber criminal activity? big question for us this morning. we're not safe ourselves at home. that is because we equally could get ransomware but you would hope an organization with such important, critical medical data and operations could be a little
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bit more locked up in terms of -- lock up your i website i cree -- cited where you can look at security options for your family and loved ones, common spirit said the following. we have an i.t. issue. we're investigating the issue and follow system protocals. we our patients very seriously, apologize for any inconvenience. kurt, what happens in our home when you come to cybersecurity you make an interesting point, the it comes to protection. that is great. we need to protect. treat the guys as a criminal, like any other criminal, i know we do but an offensive effort to capture the criminals? >> there is some effort, will. it is just not enough. it has to be, we have to get together with other countries, we have to just go after these people. they're not only, they're here in the u.s., believe me. there is plenty of this activity
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here but largely abroad. guess what? we know how to find them. we need that energy. we needed funding. we need to go after them. we need to tell people, you can't do this on u.s. soil, and let crime run amok even in the digital sphere of the u.s. will: you make a great point. international nature makes it difficult. bring it back home. facebook says a million people potentially had their passwords hacked, kurt? >> they're warning about a million people. here is the thing, if you ever used, downloaded an app, android or iphone, sometimes they make it easier so you say log on with my facebook credentials signing up for it. that is a lot easier. i will do that. this is that group of apps. not all of them but about 400 plus apps so far identified that have malicious intentions inside, using those log-in credentials in a way that is unauthorized, that can essentially allow someone to
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steal access completely to your facebook account. what you want to do this morning, really lock those people out. apparently it is broad enough we have, you know, making headlines here again out of meta, mark zuckerberg surfing on a surfboard we're cleaning up his mess here at home. change your password. go in and see what apps did i give the permission too. who remembers this stuff, right? will: how we do so, kurt, great advice. password thing is totally unwieldy i don't have how many i have, how many accounts. it is terrifying changing your password. it feels like a big deal, kurt. >> it's a pain in the rear end. who wants to do this. launch facebook. click your profile picture on facebook, settings, privacy. click settings again. click security and log-in. edit next to change your password, enter current password
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or new password, update the password or save changes, depending which one you're on. right in the same area where you can also look at who you have given those facebook credentials to for other apps. set up in privacy. see an area called apps, websites, left side of the menu. you scroll down to preferences. you hit apps, websites, games, turn that off, how i do it. i don't want anyone to have that access to me. find more online. will: find more tips at kurt, thanks for the advice as always. all right. rachel. over to you. >> thank you, will. we begin your, with your headlines and this tragic story. father in another carl line dies after his gps leads him off of a bridge. the man was on his way home from celebrating his daughter's birthday according to reports. the bridge, partially washed away 10 years ago but navigation system did not update.
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wow. delaware supreme court siding with republicans ruling universal vote by mail, same day registration laws are unconstitutional. democrats are calling for the state's constitution to be amended. delaware's gop chair says she is very pleased the court upheld the language of the constitution. this one month ahead of the midterms. to the mlb wild card series, mets playoff hopes remain alive as they force game 3 against the padres with a 7-3 win last night. the phillies sending the cardinals packing as they advance to the division series with the 2-0 win. the cleveland guardians advancing to division series with a walk-off home run beating the tampa bay rays 1-0 after 15 innings. >> high flyball. left field. way back! ball game. the guardians are moving on to
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the division series. >> the seattle mariners will take on the houston astros after beating the toronto bluejays 10-9. those are the headlines turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for the fox weather forecast. rick: we're celebrating ocktoberfest out here. this beer looks empty, 7:30 in the morning. rachel: gross. rick: all right. look at the weather picture. so, put the maps up there. temperaturewise it is chilly, 42 degrees in chicago. a little warmer than yesterday. really cold air settled in across parts of central appalachians. 33 in lexington. 38 in nashville. factor in the wind it is below freezing for few people in that area. weatherwise we have a little participation. we'll see showers especially across parts of the southwest. only spot we're seeing significant rain this weekend.
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arizona, new mexico, is an area you want to see it, especially for farming going on there. we've been so dry. any rain we get there would be really good for us. love to show you the next seven days, what kind of precipitation we're going to get. there you go. just went away for you. next seven days, a lot of precipitation across parts of northeast and florida as well. rachel, send it back to you. rachel: thank you, rick. coming up my husband sean duffy, jackie deangelis and giano caldwell join us live. we're kicking off the ocktoberfest on fox square with a ceremonial keg tapping. ♪ sometimes you're so busy taking care of everyone else you don't do enough for yourself, or your mouth.
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♪. rachel: welcome back to "fox & friends" where we're proving it is never too early for beer. we're kicking off fall with our own ocktoberfest celebration on fox square. what better way to do it than beer? pete: that's right. here to help us out with the official tapping of the keg, joe gooden, is that right? >> yes, sir. pete: one of only six breweries
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invited to serve as munich's ocktoberfest. >> we're an official ocktoberfest brewery. we're in the city limits of munich that makes it official. pete: very cool. ocktoberfest, first of all what is it, why? >> today it is the world's largest folks fest for overall. originally a celebration back in the day in 1810 where every one was invited. one of the largest parties there is in munich, germany. rachel: you're the vp of sales. >> vp of sales. rachel: who did you kill. >> i am good at talking. like to drink beer. will: hope you're good at tapping kegs. >> we'll give it a shot. see how it goes. pete: how do you do it? >> a traditional mallet here. a faucet. give it a couple goes. see how it goes. wish me luck. pete: all right. >> here we go.
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pete: look at that. pete: look at all wasted beer. >> we'll figure it out. we say -- which means it is tapped. pete: that's it? >> that's pretty much it. this is polana breweries. pete: fill me up. rachel: is this saying like ole? >> in a way. just tapped. will: a lot of foam there. pete: rachel this one's for you. >> rachel, you can borrow mine. it looks better. >> that is really all you should have. >> always a little foaming but that is good. pete: tacos, right? >> yeah. pete: what are you tapping through when you tap the keg? is it thin wood there? >> this one is actually lined. but the traditional way would be more of a wood keg. straight from munich germany.
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and it is quite delicious when it is not foam my. it takes two or three. let the air settle in a little bit. early germany's best selling in ocktoberfest? pete: germany ace best selling. >> yes. pete: what is the cheer? >> which means it is tapped. you do the old ziggy. oioi. we'll all do it. [singing all together] rachel: where is yours? pete: ocktoberfest on "fox & friends." >> all right. pete: wait for the break. rick: smells great. >> tastes even better. will: big show coming up. sean duffy, giano caldwell, jackie deangelis, maria bartiromo, charissa thompson joins us live. more from the ocktoberfest celebration on fox square.
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♪ ♪ ♪ rachel: good morning, america. it's 8:00 eastern time, and we were just out on fox square enjoying the scene there. beer and food. good morning. will: good morning, yeah. a little


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